Our beloved Venerable Chin Kung, (in Chinese 净空法师)1927-2022, passed away in the early morning of July 26. He lives in the hearts of many people. His sixty years of service in disseminating wisdom for world peace is documented in this memoria.

I get to know about Venerable Jing Kung for the first time somewhere around 2014-2015 in the youtube program, listening to him illuminating Buddhist teaching, reminds me of the traditional teachings I got in my hometown’s old days when there were so many Buddhism temples and the unpretentious folks. I pledged in my mind to adhere to the teaching right there. It was also around that time, I started gradually to pick up my study of philosophy, astrology(deep psychology), and Buddhism. I attended many workshops, and group studies of Astrology(deep psychology), and Philosophy to try to understand the many puzzles and conflicts in our society as well as in my personal life. But eventually, it is in Buddhism that I found the solution to answer the dichotomy of duality, the Madhyamaka, and our life’s ultimate meaning.
Venerable Jing Kung taught me about the truth of the cosmos and our lives. He made me understand the essence of Buddhism teaching is to harmonize our relationship with each, the relationship with nature, and the relationship with gods and ghosts in other realms. He talked about the undividable intertwining between spiritual phenomenon and material phenomenon. He summarize the deep teaching of Buddhism in one phrase of “Namo Amitabha” from the Pure Land School perspective. (listen to his recital of Namo Amituofo and transfer the merits to the world). He especially taught me about forbearance and self-restraint. He taught about how karmic credit becomes our protector. He emphasized the study of the Amitayurbhavana-Sutra (Infinite Life Sutra) as our path to eternal liberation along the way of Pure Land School. The English-translated version of the sutra with commentary can be found here: Part 1/6, Part 2/6, Part 3/6, Part 4A/6, Part 4B/6, Part 5/6, Part 6/6.
There are certain stubbornness and bigotry in my makeup that prevent me from deepening my study of Buddhism teaching. To me, his sudden departure at a most sensitive time struck me with his unwavering support. Language can not describe the love he sent to the world. Dear Venerable Jing Kung, I learn to surrender because of your teaching!
To watch some of the ceremonies of Venerable Chin Kung’s memoria, here are some video clips: rituals of supporting chant for the first several hours, the ritual of short clips of covering casket, and the whole recording of covering casket, more mantra chantings, temple activities in tribute to Master Chin Kung in the short clip, as well as the long recording.
Speaking of emotional impacts, someone has just written a song dedicated to his tiredless works to guide many people to the right path of self-salvation – How Can We Do These Without You! 《不能没有您》
没有您 我不知道有阿弥陀佛 没有您 我不知道有西方极乐 没有您 我不知道可了脱生死 没有您 我不知道我堕在娑婆 不能没有您啊 师父 我的老慈父 生生世世 您不忍我受苦 不忍我堕在任何地狱处 生生世世 您悲悯地救拔 愿我出离轮回苦 不能没有您啊 师父 我的老慈父 生生世世 您慈爱地照顾 让我断恶 多修福 生生世世 您苦心地盼望 盼我放下万缘 放下万缘生净土 没有您 我不知道我为什么苦 没有您 我不知道我怎样得乐 没有您 我不知道我迷惑颠倒 没有您 我不知道我本来是佛 不能没有您啊 师父 我的老慈父 今生今世我牢记您的叮嘱 放下万缘 求生净土 今生今世我深信切愿 让佛号声声 佛号声声 心里住 不能没有您啊 师父 我的老慈父 今生今世我跟您的脚步 引领我回家的脚步 今生今世不再分开 跟您永远不再分开 不离寸步 不能没有您啊 师父 不能没有您啊 师父 不能没有您啊 师父 不能没有您啊 师父 我的老慈父 今生今世不再分开 跟您永远不再分开 不离寸步 师父 师父 师父