The eight-fold Path is truly a tool for living in a time of crisis. Buddhists suggest avid jobs that lead you contrary to the Eightfold Path. These could include:
- Meat plant workers
- Arms dealers
- Drug dealers
- Pornography and prostitution
- Con men
- Jobs requiring the misrepresentation of the truth.
- Butcher
- Work in the Army
Although I had written many articles before talking about medical drug abuse, but still I am so shocked by the extent of substance abuse in America. I really go far beyond my imagination. It is said at least 1/3 of people in the U.S use substances. This is truly a manifestation of the crisis of lost faith. Compare with the Chinese Culture Revolution, now I just found out that the Beat Generations in the U.S.A for the same period is an understatement. Drugs: What does America get wrong about addiction and policy? Look at these teenager-affected numbers, to me, these are the best hide secrets.

We heard arguments about the ideology of “left” and “right”. We are bombarded with economic data, but there is no voice to be heard from those that are beaten. Maybe the sickness in the west is a mentality of separateness to all “non-me” as Master Thick Nant Hanh described. How come the Supreme court does not even consider overhauling marijuana’s legal usage and putting an end to substance abuse by taking some measures to help those needed? Has it ever occurred to your mind that we all might be those victims in some incarnation?