南无本师释迦牟尼佛(三称) Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha !(three times)
南无大愿地藏王菩萨(三称) Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! (three times)

Chapter 7: Benefiting the Living and the Dead(利益存亡品) English sound recording with captions, online Chinese Earth Store Sutra text; English Earth Store Sutra text; A Commentary by Master Hsuan Hua at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas;
Venerable Master Chin Kung’s du bi duo cremation took placed in September 3rd, 淨空法師荼毗驚現「觀音菩薩舍利花」. 千古奇跡 古有鳩摩羅什舌舍利 今有淨空喉舍利. Venerable Master Chin Kung has left behind many wonderful and astonishing Relics. Among his precious Relics, Tongue Relic and a Relic looks like Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva were found. As early as Jan19 2018, in one of the workshop, Master Jing Kong had revealed to the audiences his passing time. 淨空法師生前 說法時即公開時間, 4年前即預知时至。

Is There Life after Death? Master Thich Nhat Hanh used the water/wave metaphor to explain to a group of young people during a retreat. As usual, he expounded such deep and difficult existential issues with great ease. In Fifty Years of Research at UVA, faculty from the Division of Perceptual Studies highlight the unit’s work since its founding, including studies of purported past lives, near-death experiences, and mind-brain interactions in phenomena such as deep meditation, veridical out-of-body experiences, deathbed visions, apparent communication from deceased persons, altered states of consciousness, and terminal lucidity in persons with irreversible brain damage.
We are all going to die anyway, the more we try to ignore, to stop the fear, of death and dying, it grows. It grows underground, it haunts us. Passing through life, progressing to old age and eventually death, it is not sufficient to just take care of the body. We need to take care of our emotions as well. In Dalai Lama’s Advice for Living & Dying, he gives advice to the terminally ill, medical professionals & general public on issues, including grief & loss and emotional & spiritual support at the end of life.
How do you care the sick & dying? Master Thick Nhat Hanh told the Story of Anathapindika, Buddha spent a few minutes to helped Anathapindika meditate on the good deeds he had performed for Buddha, the Dharma and Sangha. Likewise, sitting next to the dead bed of someone in the final hours, you need to realize the seed of happiness in the dying person, you need to inquire those things before hand, and say something to water the seed of happiness in him/her, create the joy and happiness in him. This program shows shared in detail how to help the elders prepare their final times: 如何護持老人往生淨土丨定弘法師
MasterJingKong 如何帮助临终之人往生净土?(助念须知)临命终往生的需要三个条件:
- 头脑很清楚,一点都不迷惑;这很不容易;临命终能明明白白这是有大福德的,有大福德就能有大因缘;就能有大增上缘;
- 临终遇善知识帮你助念;在病重垂危的时候,但是神智非常清楚;断了气后,这个助念最后能够延续12个小时;至少也要帮助他念8 个小时;助念一定是在家里,或者在医院,不是在宾仪馆; 宾仪馆是超度, 是超荐佛事,不是助念;助念是病人还没有断气;这时是关键的时候;善知识在旁边帮助他,照顾他不失正念;正念就是一心跟大家一起念佛,一心一意求生净土;临终时一生所造的善恶业,统统会现前,弥留之际,阴境现前。是冤亲债主变现成临终人的已故亲属来诱惑他;来带他走,带去之后,就要算账, 要报复;凡有这种现象,这个善友在旁边立刻提醒他,不要理会,不要管他,专心念佛, 求生净土, 阿弥陀佛来了就跟他去, 不是阿弥陀佛, 不管什么佛菩萨都不要理会;这样打断他的妄念,打断冤亲债主的诱惑,他念头一转,这个境界就没有了;临终就开示这么几句话;守着这个病人要守几天,日夜不能间断;时时刻刻提醒他,保持他的正念;他体力衰的时候,仍能够听;这个很重要;所以一般都有很好的瑞相,但凭这个瑞相并不一定断定是往生;只有他自己说,阿弥陀佛来接引我了,或者我看见阿弥陀佛了,那才是真的往生了。即使没有往生,凡是好相,就决定不堕恶道;堕恶道的相不好;
- 基本条件他自己一定要修福;临终神智不清,不认得家属, 就非常非常困难;我们也给他助念,念总比不念好,纵然堕恶道,也会减轻他的痛苦,能不能往生,很不可靠;助念的功德不可思议;
This article talked in detail how to help prepare the dying going through the most difficult period of transition. 如何帮助临终的亲人走完最后一段路?没有哪一种布施会大过于帮助一个人好好地死亡。《地藏菩萨本愿经》告诉我们:“若能更为身死之后七七日内广造众善,能使是诸众生永离恶趣,得生人天,受胜妙乐。”所谓广造众善,或是放生物命、助印经书、供养三宝;或是去寺院打普佛,让出家人在早晚上殿时将功德回向亡者;或是以亡者的名义救济贫苦、参与慈善等。总之要尽快去做,而且是带着纯正的利他心做,然后把功德回向亡者。
to be continued ….
Dedicate Merits:
May the precious bodhicitta That has not yet arisen, arise and grow, And may that which has already arisen not diminish, But increase more and more. 回向偈: 愿以此功德,庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩,下济三涂苦。 若有见闻者,悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。