南无本师释迦牟尼佛(三称) Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha !(three times)
南无大愿地藏王菩萨(三称) Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! (three times)

Chapter 9: The Names of Buddhas (称佛名号品) English sound recording with captions, online Chinese Earth Store Sutra text; English Earth Store Sutra text; A Commentary by Master Hsuan Hua at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas;
In this chapter, Earth Store Bodhisattva is about to explain what kind of merit and virtue one is going to receive by reciting the various Buddhas’ names.
“World-Honored One, all living beings in the present and future—be they devas or humans, men or women—as long as they remember a Buddha’s name, they will attain measureless virtues. How much more so when they remember many [Buddhas’] names! These beings will gain great benefits at the time of birth and the time of death, and they will never fall into the lower realms.
“If a person is on the verge of death and his family members, even just one of them, recite a Buddha’s name clearly for the sick one’s sake, with the exception of the five great violations that lead to incessant torments, the ripened effects of the dying person’s other karma will be dissolved. The five great violations that lead to incessant torments are so extremely grave that the offender would pass through millions of kalpas without release. Nevertheless, by virtue of other people reciting and meditating on the names of Buddhas for his sake when he is on the verge of death, [even the torments from] such offenses can be gradually dissolved, too. How much more so when living beings themselves recite and meditate on [the names of Buddhas]! They will gain measureless merit and dissolve measureless [torments of] offenses.”
Masters all say that study Earth Store Sutra, we should not just read it, but we should feel it with heart, instill into your mind. They also said we should work on penance before focusing on meditation practice, otherwise it is easy to get into delusion state triggered by the mental obstructions.

净空法师还说我们念经,不要去思维,要去念,然后去感知他。你看《地藏经》中,释迦佛在忉利天,有许多菩萨,天龙鬼神都来,后来文殊菩萨,普贤菩萨,观音菩萨,虚空藏菩萨。你看有这么多菩萨都来了。来证明《地藏经》和地藏菩萨的功德。这个场面中,没有声闻,缘觉,只有菩萨。而且一出场,就是场面宏大,放光动地的,这个是一场很欢快的聚会。佛在这部经中,给主命鬼王授记成佛。《法华经》中,佛才给声闻罗汉,还有其他比丘授记。那《地藏经》中,佛给鬼王授记,说他是未来成佛。所以这里面的法会,是非常殊胜。 念《地藏经》,一般会出现三种情况。
第二层,就是喜欢念《地藏经》,但念了会怕,感觉有鬼神听经,也感觉念经能消除业障。这类人,他一般不怎么用思维,他用心去念,所以他能打开法界的磁场,接触到鬼神道去。这个境界,又比第一类的人要高。有的人很排斥鬼,也很怕他。 只要我们有业障,身边就跟着鬼神。他是我们错误的思维和行动,佛教叫做业力,变现出来的。我们的错误行为,会在法界留下痕迹,这个痕迹变现出来,他就是鬼。错事有错事的磁场,你要去化解掉这个磁场。这个就是超度。这一层,是《地藏经》的意义。应该来说,普遍人念《地藏经》,都会停留在第二层上。因为只有消除了错误的思维,磁场后,你才能达到第三层。

如果没有第二层的修持,无法达到第三层。《地藏经》中讲到阎浮提众生有业障,就是凡夫的生命显现出来,有所缺乏。也就是有业障。你必须去慢慢消除。这个业障,比如悭贪嫉妒,自赞毁他,不肯布施等,这些都是业障。梦参老和尚说:修行前应当先修忏悔 (地藏法门-净土门)。 若是恶业少且薄而轻的,自然容易见功,「若恶业多厚者,不得即学褝定智慧」,如果恶业多而且厚的,不能立即修学褝定智慧法门,「应当先修忏悔之法。」应该在未修学褝定智慧功夫以前,先求消除宿生业障,这消除宿生业障最好的方法就是忏悔。。。惟有修忏悔,才能消业,业障消了,才能透出本性上的智慧光明。
自己没有得度,怎么能度得了众生?佛教给我们「广修供养。 众生就是自己。

净空法师说,净业三福是净宗修学最高的指导原则。净空法师细谈净业三福 (上集), 下集。

To be continued ……
Dedicate Merits:
May the precious bodhicitta That has not yet arisen, arise and grow, And may that which has already arisen not diminish, But increase more and more. 回向偈: 愿以此功德,庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩,下济三涂苦。 若有见闻者,悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。