南无本师释迦牟尼佛(三称) Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha !(three times)
南无大愿地藏王菩萨(三称) Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! (three times)

Chapter 12: Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing (见闻利益品) English sound recording with captions, Online Chinese Earth Store Sutra text; English Earth Store Sutra text, A commentary by Master Hsuan Hua at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas;
There are benefits from seeing an image of Earth Store Bodhisattva or the Fundamental Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra. Even if we do not see these, but just hear the name Earth Store Bodhisattva or Fundamental Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra, there are benefits. Humanity is actually at the verge of total destruction. Just the last few days, the prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine has escalated with the danger of triggering nuclear war. As Nato expanded several times in the past several years to the border of Russia, The war now has the huge danger of turning into World War Three. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva are the two Bodhisattva we should pray to.

Are we doomed? In this two parts video clip about Hopi and Tibetan prophec, a film by Ken Thornton foretold of three world wars or fights. A Native American Hopi Explains his interpretation of Prophecy rock as passed down through his Clan and also explains the view on the two paths in Life that prophecy rock meanings indicates, the two choices in the context of living in balance with the Earth. The Hopi prophecy, known actually as life plan or paths lay out of two paths that humanity has a choice on, either the materialistic path where people all unified, items that make life easier, people are so used to but that is the description also given, the first three being inventions, advancements and technology. If humanity continue our ways of destruction – taking from the earth, or even the world leader press the buttons for all their atomic missile heads, …..the Earth will be bits of particle dust in the endless space.
Or take another path which certain predictions and provisions tied into, and follow with right manner, even if we do continue to the extent of the end days or judgment days, the leader or Savior that is to come will be leading the exodus of people into the next level or next world. It just depends on how humanity make choices. Teachings are already out there laid out, it’s just that humanity need to pick up those teachings to have a little more thorough understanding. We need to get off the materialism and convert to the right path for the betterment and the good of all humanity. Technology is currently over empowering us. They are the inventions aided by witches or sorcerers who used his magic to help these technology creation.

We are at the reflection point where people are going back to the organic foods, all the traditional ancestral teachings, healing methods, medicinal roots and plants original teachings how to live off the Earth under land, how to respect it give of something back if we are taking , corporations companies are not those changes. Basically individuals want to have a little bit more thorough understanding of American teaching or indigenous teachings, interact with the Earth of how we’ve been doing it for all these for thousands of years. The prophecy describes a purification, where there will be great destruction all over the world. Natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes are said to be warning signs of this coming purification. A Hopi leader, Thomas Banyacya, had the opportunity to speak to the United Nations in 1992.
Part two talked about the prophecies made by Padmasambhava (1136-1204) more than a thousand years ago, when asked by his disciple when is the beginning of Dharma-ending age: “When the iron bird flies and the horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red men”. Guru Rinpoche further prophesied that in that era (or rather now), carriages do not require horses to move, they self-propel . Youngsters in that era step on something that shaped like a bullhorn and there are wheels underneath that allow them to skate everywhere. It is even stranger that people in that era do not need to leave their houses to know things that happen around the world, just by sitting in front of a mirror. Padmasambhava , the precious Guru of Tibetan Buddhism, was Born from a Lotus, also known as Guru Rinpoche (Precious Guru) and the Lotus from Oḍḍiyāna, was from India who have taught Vajrayana in Tibet (circa 8th – 9th centuries).

莲花生大师 (Padmasambhava 1136-1204) )是印度的一位高僧,他去世前留下了很多神迹,还在书中被称为释迦牟尼佛,观音菩萨,以及阿弥陀佛身口意的三密化身。也是藏传佛教中神通法力最强的一位大师。 而他在世之际,就曾预言看到世界末日。 佛陀在涅磐前预示了莲花师的降世,公元前489年,据说乌金国的人民都沉沦于水深火热之中。遭遇了多年的天灾,庄稼全部旱死,百姓因缺粮缺水而饿死。 面对大自然带来的灾害,乌金国的国王都无能为力,只能和臣民每天祈祷天神的怜悯,当时的观音菩萨,不忍心看到众生的苦难,于是请求阿弥陀佛帮忙,阿弥陀佛心中射字,投射到了古印度的乌金国,达那郭夏海的莲花上,奇异的怪象发生了,一个已经是八岁模样的小孩,从莲花花蕾中走出来,当乌金国国王看到后,原本一直未愈的眼睛好了,他高兴地把小孩带回宫中。赐名海生金刚。 又因为是莲花中出生的孩子,大家也叫他莲花生。 自此,灾难不断的乌金国变得风调雨顺。 国王给莲花生请了最好的老师,希望把他培养成接班人。 莲花生展现了超凡的天赋和能力,但他心中并没有任何杂念,对于国家大事, 权利欲望,金钱美色,都毫无兴趣。 只想着如何放弃王位, 去宫外继续修行。 后来由于宫中人陷害他,他顺利被放逐宫外。 于是他云游四海,拜师求学。 学习了佛法,天文,风水等知识,终于在佛教中有所成就。 他后来就踏上了度人,消魔,传教的旅程。應 寂護 論師與 吐蕃 贊普 赤松德贊 迎請入藏弘法,創設僧團,建立了西藏第一座佛、法、僧三寶齊全的佛教寺院— 桑耶寺 ,确定了佛教的制度和规划,為 藏傳佛教 的奠基者。
莲花生大师在世时就给弟子留下预言末日的征兆:“铁鸟升空,铁马蹦腾。。。人们不需要出门,对着镜子就可以看天下事。“,他说末法时代魔道将会盛行于世。灾难,疾病,人祸接踵而至。那个时代,人们没有了责任和担当,父亲不像父亲, 儿子不像儿子,男人女人都各取所需, 没有道德底线,社会乱象层出不穷。很多人已经麻木,不再遵从本心改变社会。 而是被社会的欲望淹没在洪流之中。 直道弥勒佛降世人间方可解开。 当时没有人可以理解。 现在回顾莲花生大师的遗教,似乎他的预言正在一一应验。 莲花生大师说,面对末法时代,人们必须注意这四件事。
- 第一,惜福,殊不知福报功德越大,始终都会在享用时慢慢减少。 同时懂得培植福报。否则乐极生悲。 惜福也是传统文化中勤俭节约的一种美德。 并非是佛教文化中才有的。它是儒释道传统思想。 很多大德高僧并非不是没有享用的福气,而是他们都惜福。弘一法师说,我们如果有十分福气,也只好享受三分。所余的留到以后去用。或者能发大心,愿以我的福气,布施一切众生,共同享受。 现代人越来越浪费,不懂惜福了。 资本主义的经济哲学更是鼓励大众消费来刺激经济和GDP的提高,这些都是非常折福的。
- 第二,习劳。著名作家和政治家高尔基说,时间给勤劳者留下串串的果实,给懒汉留下白发和空空的双手。 佛陀在世时,据经论记载中他经常亲自动手做事, 就连扫地都亲自动手。
- 第三,持戒。 佛陀教育49年,除了说缘起性空,其它教导众生最多的就是“戒”。 佛家说以戒为首。 《佛说遗教经》就有记载,以戒来强调。 即使你不是佛弟子,遵守戒律也有功德福报。
- 第四,尊重,就是自己尊重自己。 要想得到别人尊重,必须从我自己尊重自己做起。向高僧大德学习看齐。自尊不是贡高,贡高是妄自尊大, 目空一切的胡乱行为。 自尊是自己增进自己的德业。 其中没有一丝一毫看不起人的意思。 要学会为自己积福,控制自己的贪欲。有自己的原则,这样才会一步一步的提升。
to be continued ……
Dedicate Merits:
May the precious bodhicitta That has not yet arisen, arise and grow, And may that which has already arisen not diminish, But increase more and more. 回向偈: 愿以此功德,庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩,下济三涂苦。 若有见闻者,悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。