南无本师释迦牟尼佛(三称) Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha !(three times)
南无大愿地藏王菩萨(三称) Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! (three times)

Chapter 13: The Entrustment of People and Gods (嘱累人天品) English sound recording with captions, Online Chinese Earth Store Sutra text; English Earth Store Sutra text, A commentary by Master Hsuan Hua at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas;

其实还有第七品的大辩长者的提问,但是这一品十分的有针对性,仅针对众生中阴身这一阶段的情况发问,所以地藏菩萨针对性的单独回答是能理解的。但是普广菩萨,观音菩萨,虚空藏菩萨三位菩萨所问的问题都是普遍性的,为什么三位菩萨类似的问题要连续问三遍?为什么佛不在一开始普广菩萨问的时候一次性全都说完? 《地藏经》里,普广菩萨、观世音菩萨、虚空藏菩萨,这三位菩萨发问,其深义不同:

Talking about benefits of expand our understanding Dharma, so we can have faith in Buddha’s teaching, the following materials to good ones to check out.
Aggañña Sutta is the 27th Sutta of the Digha Nikaya collection (Pāli version). The sutta describes a discourse imparted by the Buddha to two brahmans, Bharadvaja and Vasettha, who left their family and vanna to become monks. The two brahmans are insulted and maligned by their own caste for their intention to become members of the Sangha. The Buddha explains that vanna(class) and lineage cannot be compared to the achievement of morality practice and the Dhamma, as anyone from the four vannas can become a monk and reach the state of Arahant. Then, he explains about the beginning of the Earth and the birth of social order and its structure, including the vannas. The Buddha emphasizes the message of universality in the Dhamma and how the Dhamma is the best of all things.
The Jātakas (meaning “Birth Story“, “related to a birth”) are another voluminous body of literature people can check out to understand the previous births of Gautama Buddha in both human and animal form. According to Peter Skilling, this genre is “one of the oldest classes of Buddhist literature.” We can get first and second Volumes of the Jātaka Verses and their Word Commentaries on ordained Theravada Buddhist practitioner, Bhante Anandajoti‘s publication work site. It has tons of resources there. Check them out.
In the youtube program Devolution and Evolution, based on two discourses in the Dīghanikāya, Aggaññasutta (DN 27) and Cakkavattisīhanādasutta (DN 26), Bhante Anandajoti’ describes the various ways the universe comes to destruction, and how it re-evolves. It also talks about the moral devolution of humans, before a reversal happens.
The self luminous beings, just pure light when they were reborn, then got attracted by the sensuality in the matter, they become more gross in their own bodies after eating those matters. when beings were attracted by sensual matters, their minds become gross even though their mind was so far refined that they were up at the 2nd Jhana level. But when they were attracted by sensuality, they come back down into the body. What is true in the psychological world in Buddhism, is true in the cosmological world. The kind of things that happen in the psychological world also happen in the cosmological world. This describe how the world devolved, and also it describes how the mind devolves. Attracted by very refined sensual objects when you are in something like 2nd Jhana, you go down a level and then attracted again to objects at that level, you devolve to another level.
Buddha said, “Why did you get a human body?” The Balapandita Sutta compares the human birth in the metaphor of Golden Yoke and Blind Turtle. It is like a wooden cattle-yoke floating on the waves of the sea, tossed this way and that by the winds and Buddha illustrates this by giving the following analogy. He asks his disciples; ‘Suppose there existed a vast and deep ocean the size of this world, and on its surface there floated a golden yoke, and at the bottom of the ocean there lived a blind turtle who surfaced only once in every one hundred thousand years. How often would that turtle raise its head through the middle of the yoke?’ His disciple, Ananda, answers that, indeed, it would be extremely rare.

In this context, the vast and deep ocean refers to samsara – the cycle of impure life that we have experienced since beginningless time, continually in life after life without end – the golden yoke refers to Buddha dharma, and the blind turtle refers to us. Although we are not physically a turtle, mentally we are not much different; and although our physical eyes may not be blind, our wisdom eyes are.
To be continued ……
Dedicate Merits:
May the precious bodhicitta That has not yet arisen, arise and grow, And may that which has already arisen not diminish, But increase more and more. 回向偈: 愿以此功德,庄严佛净土。 上报四重恩,下济三涂苦。 若有见闻者,悉发菩提心。 尽此一报身,同生极乐国。