Professor Zeng (曾仕强)is famous for his I-Ching and classical teaching. I am compile some of highlights of his talks comparing Western thoughts and that of Chinese . I am listing here to allow more awareness of these gaps. Fundamentally Chinese believe Heaven, Earth and Humanity are the trilogy of nature design. Human’s activities should follow the Tao, otherwise will eventually be punished.
Humanity are getting more and more ignorance by getting into the trap of science. Allow science to take over as universal law is a tragedy. Technology will ultimately bring deadened to humanity. Technology make the human brain devolve. Scientist can only find close-to-truth, but not the truth. 曾仕强:科学越发达,人类越无知. The science and technology will bring destruction to humanity if the guideline violate the universal law. 任何科学的发展,如果违反自然原则,将来一定是有大祸的。Science and technology are tools, but humanity has used them to self destruction. And this is the one of the reason we have so much mental disorder of our age. If scientist study Lao Zhi’s teaching, they will have more wisdom to integrate into their invention, and have more consideration for the purpose of the invention. 如何理解道可道,非常道?
The biggest joke of 20th century is market economy. 二十世纪人类的最大笑话就是市场化。 Farming is the best method for human to revive his wisdom. 种田是恢复智慧的最好办法。
Why Chinese law is different from Western law. The Chinese law is Tao (the Way). Virtue and art are the two focus are traditional Chinese teaching. 曾仕强:中国人不懂科学、不重视法律?中国人发展的是这两样东西! Do not confuse modernization with westernization or globalization. 现代化不是西方化,不是国际化。
What is the difference of Western Medicine vs. Chinese Traditional Medicine? When you get really sick and go to see the doctor, the western doctor will tell you exactly what is the problem and when you will die, the Chinese doctor some how manage to keep you alive, but do not know why.
Cause Effect are the true universal law. That notion is the most scientific. 曾仕强:所有事情都有因果关系,不是迷信,它是最科学的!
Chinese consider the most valuable treasure to left to their decedents are virtue. Because virtue will bring luck to the decedents. 聪明人吃老实人,老天爷吃聪明人,老实人吃老天爷。
Which is more important, Luck or Effort? Chinese believe that luck is more important than effort. What is the happiest thing for Chinese? 人类最大的快乐是什么?
Modern women’s mission and value. 曾仕强 现代女性的价值和使命(一)男女同權卻不同質,男女同校利少而弊多。曾仕强: 男女同校 弊大于利。Boy and girls in the same school, more damage than benefits.