How The Ancient Chinese Philosophy Can Lend Wisdom to Modern Predicament 中国古代哲学智慧对现代社会的启发 2 儒家政治伦理思想面临的生存困境

Modern people tend to believe in the notion of end justify the means. As long as they can get what they want, they do not care so much about the process. This approach can be traced back to Machiavelli’s The Prince《君主论》which published in 1532, the period of early European Renaissance. An early version of the manuscript was written in 1513 initially as an offering to the Medici family. Machiavellianism characterizes in pragmatism, a cold-blooded human relations and a totally dismiss of the ethical value in human conducts.

In the last five hundred years, Renaissance Man have been acclaimed as specifically the rebirth of reason, the liberation of man’s mind, the triumph of rationality over mysticism—a faltering, incomplete, but impassioned triumph that led to the birth of science, of individualism, of freedom. Finally even the birth of United States of America is a direct result of Renaissance development . The side effect of the Renaissance as we can all observe today are far reaching, among them are the separation of mind and body, the separation of spirit and material, the separation of nature and human, the exploitation and pollution of nature to fulfill Man’s desire, the beaten of human spirit, the rise of evil, the debasement of social bonding and ethics , and the extreme misuse of resources, etc.

The Renaissance represented a rebirth of the Aristotelian spirit. The great corollary of these results, the product of men who were armed with the knowledge of the scientists and who were free at last to act, was the Industrial Revolution, which turned poverty into abundance and transformed the face of the West. The Aristotelianism released by Aquinas and the Renaissance was sweeping away the dogmas and the shackles of the past. Reason, freedom, and production were replacing faith, force, and poverty. The age-old foundations of statism were being challenged and undercut.

In terms of its morality, the Renaissance was split in two: it was part-Aristotelian, part-Christian. As Aristotelians, the men of the Renaissance displayed the virtues of intelligence and pride, and pursued the value of happiness on earth. As Christians, they upheld the virtues of humility, renunciation and self-sacrifice, and the value of rewards in Heaven. Thus the existentially brilliant era of the Renaissance was marred, spiritually, by a profound moral conflict.

In the sphere of political philosophy, to this day, the market places are mainly occupied by the view of “separation of church and state”, the historic progress doctrine and moral relativism. Confucianism is the square opposite of Machiavellian-ism. It is main content is based on “courtesy”, “people-oriented”, “golden mean middle-way”, “harmony”, and last but not all “loyalty and filial piety”. Confucianism is ethics standard at the absolute sense.

The modern value systems had caused a total disorientation in the mind of modern people as the striking number of mental disorder drastically jumps up as #1 modern disease. At the same time, the prevailing mentality also poses a dilemma to the revival of the Confucian political ethics. It is thus of practical necessity to deconstruct the modern consciousness and restore the dialogue and reconciliation between the classical and the modern thoughts to recover the benefits of Confucian political ethics. This assessment was strongly emphasized in Leo Strauss’ book History of Political Philosophy, which can be looked upon as a survey of the best of western thought.  Leo Strauss was one of the preeminent political philosophers of the twentieth century. He was known for his close careful deep reading of classic Western Civilization philosophic texts. Combining Leo Strauss’ philosophical view with that of Confucianism can give the modern people a more holistic understanding of what is truth.

武汉大学学报刊登的徐红林的文章《儒家政治伦理思想架构及其现代价值》对当代人重新恢复古典人文教育做了提纲挈领的总结。 很值得反思。提要如下:







现代民主政治的弊端正在于宗教和道德彻底地退出了政治生活领域,从而带来了现代人的双重丧失:意义丧失—人生价值的丧失和自由的丧失——道德和宗教信仰的缺乏和异化而失去了内在的精神自由 。 儒家政治伦理是一种古典政治伦理,是一元化和绝对化的伦理思想,即作为整个封建国家和社会所有的阶级和阶层都必须遵循的唯一的形而上学标准和道德规制。



文章提出了一个重要的问题:五四运动和新文化运动是西方文化与中国传统文化发生激烈碰撞与冲突碰撞的典型表现,传统政治伦理与西方政治伦理之间的矛盾与张力日益凸显。最终导致了中华文明和伦理思想发展中的文化断层。在历史上,当儒学在魏晋南北朝时期面临佛教和道教思想的侵蚀时,儒学不但没有走向式微,而是最终融合了道教和佛教的思想从而形成了宋明理学。而近代儒学面临西方基督教文化侵蚀时,为什么却迟迟难以做到对西方文化进行融合而再次复兴呢?究其原因,不得不考虑到以上所提到的现代道德相对主义对中国儒家政治伦理的发展构成的钳制和解构。因为导致儒家政治伦理式微的三个公设: 政教分离、历史进步主义和道德相对主义未必能经受详密的论证和考验。当然儒家政治伦理也存在不足。儒家政治伦理思想没有西方文化中的自由、平等、人权、权利等这些形式概念,没有形成自由的概念和自由的制度架构。

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