There are a lot of problem with society, Globalization does make things much complicate and easy to get generalized by name. But as a global citizen, we take a certain stand on issues to support the true democracy and universal value of peace, equality and justice regardless in what countries/region, hopefully to support a environment of minimal code of being human, holding the government officers accountable, treating people equally under the law. Due to the long history, there is a total difference of Modern China which was led by CCP, and the ancient China. Below are some of the recent news we hear from recent China lost children, CCP officers abusing of power.

People missing alarm remind of one assembly line of human organ removal crime by the army doctor. This is more serious than war crime. 《活摘-十年调查 》:中国军医曝光大陆活摘器官一条龙黑幕. Nothing – 5G, computer chips, China 2025 dream can justify this kind of barbarousness. 人在做事天在看,头上三尺有神灵。 Chinese Communist Party is a party of corruption and gangster. In fact, religious concerns are considered by many as an important reason that explains why many individuals decline deceased and live organ donation and/or the willingness to accept a transplant.
All of the issues starting from CCP had an ideology of Marxist’ violence, disregard ethics and basic respect of humanity. CCP are frightened by its own lack of democratic legitimacy, increasingly repressive on religious freedom. During Culture Revolution, they brutally persecuted many religion leaders and broke down temples, burned religion texts. The insanity is based on hatred without any basic conscience restrain. 害人狂魔 中国共产党90年罪恶史。

曾任中国佛教协会会长喜绕嘉措向上反映说:“ 你们共产党毁坏寺院,焚烧经书,欺辱僧尼,滥杀无辜,蒋介石,马步芳没有做作过的事,你们做了。 这些年的毛病,一说假话,二不认错,三乱整人,四无佛心,不讲人道“。 这些直言不讳的良心话,为喜饶嘉措招来了”反党叛国“ 的罪名。 在文革中又被揪斗,于1968年含冤去世。
十世班禅喇嘛也为他那仗义执言的 《七万言书》付出了沉重的代价。 毛泽东把《七万言书》说成是无产阶级敌人的反攻倒算。 在后来的二十多年中,班禅喇嘛经历各种批斗软禁, 以及近十年的铁窗生涯。
The book Nine Commentary about Chinese Communist Party is another public crying for justice based on refugees came out from the persecutions of 1989 June 4th Tian An Men Event. Communist party ruled on the simple reductionist adage of “Cat that can catch mouse is a good cat, regardless white or black”, the lawless for the ruling class and iron fist suppression for the subjects, reveal the true color of this political group.
CCP boasted their virtue of holding socialist policy, they are the second largest economic power but the reports we hear sounds like the high pressure ruling will not work. Can we learn from the past not to create more trauma? 民本、民权、民生是一个为社会服务的政府应有的宗旨。“水能载舟,亦能覆舟”原是魏征“纳谏”的话,唐太宗李世民常用告诫后人。CCP 应该重返以儒家四书五经为本的规范和公务员考试 摈弃所谓的阶级论,摈弃马克思唯物论的偏差。 实事求是,言行一至, 才能获得人们的拥护和支持。