In a country that value freedom of speech, Americans argue heatly about government/big tech/media censorship. But when I came to think about it, isn’t that everything we think, we say, we act have all reflected in the totality of universal consciousness that permeates everywhere? And each of us is a miniature of the cosmo and the cosmo is the Source/Origin of our mind. In the ultimate reality, censorship holds no power. 人是小宇宙,宇宙大身心, 人体与宇宙是一一对应的,宇宙中有什么,人体也相对应着有什么,人体相当于一个缩小版的微宇宙。 “All is sentient being. Grass, trees, land, sun, moon, and stars are all mind.” ~ Dogon, founder of Soto Zen Buddhism.
Such is the mystics! Science, physics, and spirituality are at last meeting each other through the search for universal consciousness. Scientists want to know why flocks of birds behave as if guided by a collective consciousness. Physicists are learning that non-local consciousness influences quantum particles, regardless of distance in time and space. Yogis, mystics, and meditators seek to enter into a state of wholeness with the divine or the universal mind, called Chaitanya, the cosmic consciousness. 人的意念能量有多強大?
The ideas of impermanence, interdependence and emptiness are central to Buddhist teaching – and to the whole Buddhist worldview view, there can be no true freedom or independence when we are trapped in the six lower worlds. Interdependence is not the same thing as being codependent. A codependent person tends to rely heavily on others for their sense of self and well-being。The Lotus Sutra teaches that all people equally possess the ten worlds. That is, we all possess the ten kinds of life conditions — from the highest state of Buddhahood to the lowest state of hell. These are the life conditions of the four noble worlds and the six paths. The life condition of Buddhahood moves one to improve the world. Such a person will love and cherish others, have a strong sense of justice, value peace, build a character with a deep sense of compassion, gain the trust of many people, and make others feel pleasant. On the contrary, one who is fascinated by devilish functions will become contentious and steeped in evil influences. Such an individual has a self-centered nature and takes pleasure in disruptive behavior. A person like this, with egocentric and biased views, will bring conflict and spread anger into society.
常说:君子要自强不息,又说,人要顺其自然,那到底是要努力还是不努力呢? 其实这句话的意思是:人要顺应自然规律,才能自强不息,丝毫没有矛盾。 自然规律就是人即是个体,必须学会自给自足 (自我精神的成长),又同时是整体的一部分,又必须 与外在环境相依相存。恶行的根本原因在于无明,即不知苦集灭道之智;在无明的笼罩下,贪爱或嗔会在对境产生感受后集起。因此无明、贪、嗔也被称为恶行的根源;在佛陀教法中,真正意义上的无漏善行是四念处。修行四念处可超越愁与悲,灭没苦与忧,是解脱的方法,最终能够达到涅槃 – 止息无明灭尽的缘故,贪、嗔永远不再会形成,因此永远不会造作恶行,故而苦也绝对不会形成——这也是佛陀教法最终的目的。电视连续剧【百年虛雲】片断:不戒貪嗔癡 煩惱何時休!西方極樂丹。
And that is why Confucius teaches us absolute ethics standard, (not ethical relativism). The Eightfold path is so important because that is what we contribute to the universal consciousness – be it greed or generosity, hatred or loving kindness,, ignorance or wisdom, arrogance or humility, all the dynamics will reflect in the totality of the universal mind. That is how each of us contribute to the quality of the collective karma.

With that in mind, let us pay homage to Amitufa – Buddha of Infinite Light & Infinite Life, Buddha of infinite blessing and protection! Nomo Amituofo! Let wish the peace and salvation of humanity to expand our conscious and grow in wisdom. 唸一句“阿彌陀佛”有多少好處?佛已說了10種! 世間最安穩的“護身符”,其實就是一句“南無阿彌陀佛”! 南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!
We have all experience many corruption and conspiracy in every areas of the government, the relentless pollution and exploitation of the Earth, the lost of common sense and fundamental ethics in social conducts the last several decades with the material abundance. Thom Hartmann had wrote a whole series to record many of the issues that block out progress and the toxics that need to purified before we can be refreshed to new beginnings. But to just have intellectual understanding is a good beginning, we need to put into our thought, speech and action to clear those bad habits, garbages from our mind by meditation and prayer. I am really impressed with his analyse about Neolibralism is a DISASTER, the sick mentality of the rich had no consideration of their fellow citizens for basic safety net (the homeless, the single mothers, the collapsing of education system, the border crisis of thousands, if not millions of under age kids, the human trafficking ). How REAGAN REPUBLICANS Flushed America Down The Toilet.
Piercing through the frog of neoliberalism, Hartman spoke of the insanity of Milton Friedman and the like-minds. The rise of economic and financial terrorism, the upheaval of economic instability in American and the world can traced back to Reagan Administration and Friedman’s shock therapy economics, which was acclaimed by the media as the super star nobel prize level innovation. Public have no idea the policies and devastating consequences Milton Friedman and the likes produced. His theory seems out of touch with lived reality or normal people’s economic experience, and 100% based on ideology & things he read in textbooks from other people in an ivory tower. Or if not, then plain Psychopathy. He said all licenses and certificates (including license for doctors) should be dropped as well as labor unions and laws against racial discrimination. Milton said there is no need for government to make sure drugs are safe. It is thought provoking to watch Young Michael Moore discuss the value of human life with Milton who had been evading the question of principle.
This has been a road of harden capitalism rather than a road of “good” intentions; Monopolies was all about saving the upper class from the “unwashed.” Period. We observed the collapse of Chilean economy in 1970s, Russia in the 1990s are the application of Milton Friedman theory. Despite all the talks of free market, the truth of USA is not a FREE MARKET. Professor Michael Hudson have a lot to share with you. Through these schemes, the elites had looted the majority public $50 Trillion dollars in the last few decades. REPUBLICANS Legalized STOCK FRAUD in America.

斷貪瞋痴,從哪裡下手? 佛教講的“五毒心”有多毒,為什麼“毒”!怎樣對治?为什么是排除贪嗔痴,而非与这些情绪和平相处呢?它们也是生命的一部分,为何不是不排斥,不抗拒,更不沉溺?海涛法师佛学问答。【秒懂楞嚴 #280日】色塵圓通–日常生活舉例 (優波尼沙陀即從座起。…色因為上。) 贪心- 修不净观;愚痴- 修因缘观; 嗔心- 修慈悲观。 見輝法師讲解【秒懂楞嚴 #219日】 地水火風的糾纏、五濁的惑亂…為視為聽。為覺為察。如何破妄識非心 見輝法師。 How to Deal With Inner Aversion in Buddhism Practices。
Wish you peace and wise this holiday season! 南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!