2022 is definitely a year people will remember for long. There are three times of Planet Pluto return to the U.S natal chart. What has decay, dysfunctional in this country need to be removed before we can get over the stagnation. Astrologist Pam Gregory said, this is a massive spiritual transformation for U.S, is a redefinition of the U.S, a restatement of its complete upturning of its values, its economy, its politics, its legal system, its Constitution, even its geography. What is the U.S going to be as we come out of this major transit. What is going to form versus what’s there before. Professor ZengShiQiang said currently only two types of person control United States: one type is graduates of Harvard law school; another type is graduates of Stanford law school. It is just that simple. 曾仕强:真正了解美国你就知道,美国社会完全是这两种人在控制! But the karma law is reciprocal, if you keep on overthrown other country, you may very well be overthrown one day. 夜路走多了总会遇见鬼。
We start the year with Russia-Ukraine war. For several months I could hardly believe this is something for real. Being in isolation, I had a surreal feeling about the news I saw in the youtube programs. Then the strange magnetic wave surrounding my small manufacture house in the open field day after day in the spring time – I strongly suspect it was the star-link satellite radiation up in the skyline shooting onto my house, but I do not have actual proof.

With so much crisis going on domestically, Biden Administration is inviting Zelensky to USA to further instigate violence. But more and more people had came out to speak of the truth despite western media’s one sided narratives.
Paul Craig Roberts hold the view that Putin should have acted more forcefully from the beginning in order to end the war quickly. Roberts had openly criticize the American military complex and hegemony aboard operation. When he took an objective position on Russian President Putin’s disavowal of US hegemony, he found himself being labeled a “Russian dupe/agent” on a website, “PropOrNot,” which may have been financed by the US Department of State, the National Endowment for Democracy, or the CIA itself, still harboring old resentments against Roberts for helping President Reagan end the Cold War, which had the potential of reducing the CIA’s budget and power.
As Roberts’ position can seem “unAmerican” to the indoctrinated and brainwashed many, those who watch CNN, listen to NPR, and read the New York Times, so he went out of his way to let people know his background: Roberts was involved in the 20th century Cold War in many ways: As a Wall Street Journal editor; as an appointee to an endowed chair in the Center for Strategic and International Studies, part of Georgetown University at the time of my appointment, where my colleagues were Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor, and James Schlesinger, a Secretary of Defense and CIA director who was one of my professors in graduate school at the University of Virginia; as a member of the Cold War Committee on the Present Danger; and as a member of a secret presidential committee with power to investigate the CIA’s opposition to President Reagan’s plan to end the Cold War.
Another public intellectuals who came out to speak of the truth was Professor Jeffery Sachs. He said, “we treat Democratic as the good, but the most violent country in the world in the 19th century by far was perhaps the most democratic or second most democratic , that was Britain. You can be Democratic at home and ruthlessly imperial abroad. The most violent country in the world since 1950 has been the United States. It is a semi-democratic, white dominated, hierarchical racist society that aims to preserve the privilege by the elites. That was how it was born in 1787, it was a slave owning, genocidal country, killing native Americans for a white culture. But amazingly it is still looks that way, although we are much more diverse now than we were. ….throughout the western tradition, Democracy was the last thing on Plato’s mind. He was for a philosopher king. ” (柏拉图在《理想国》一书里推崇的是哲学王统治。 ) Jeffrey Sachs: A Negotiated End to Fighting in Ukraine Is the Only Real Way to End the Bloodshed. 杰弗里·萨克斯:自1950年以来,全世界最残暴的国家是美国……
Even former Japanese PM came out to take a stand. Despite the deliberate propaganda, what Zelensky does is causing his people great suffering. It was NOT Putin’s fault. 日本前首相森喜朗10 月18日讲话:西方不該只批判普京,澤連斯基也犯了一個最大的錯誤, 就是造成乌克兰人民的苦难。 欧美媒体歪曲真相偏袒澤連斯基。Phoenix Finance commentator 何亮亮认为: 2016 是美国的博列日涅夫时代的开始。 American old man politics signals a similar period of former Russia Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev ruling.
Recently Elon Musk’s many twitter file exposed heavy government, FBI and secrete agency’s manipulation of public opinion through controlling of digital medias like twitter -Twitter files: ‘This is the tip of the iceberg‘, the tech giant’s links with FBI , bombshell on ‘breathtaking’ and ‘horrifying Hunter Biden story, INSANE Corruption & Censorship LIES, startle details about FBI’s relationship with social media. we should abolish FBI, CIA and all those secret agencies that abuse their power. Who else was the FBI paying to spy on Americans? it is unbelievable what is happening to America, FBI must be held accountable,

Recently Biden Administration released thousands of documents related to the 1963 assassination of President JFK. But again the most sensitive records were still puts on hold. Major questions emerge from released JFK files. Even after 60 years later, the public can not see all the classified documents. Tucker: What could the government be hiding about the JFK assassination? Mike Pompeo knew this, but he refused to come to response to Tucker’s interview.