Though virtually unknown in mainstream American culture, Li Shizhen (李时珍 1518 -1593 ) is virtually a household name in China. A kind of patron saint of Chinese herbal medicine, widely lauded by historians and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), he is widely represented in popular and scholarly media. His masterpiece which published in 1590 recorded 1095 kind of herbs and its medical usage, together with 11096 pieces of prescription, almost the encyclopedia of herb. 中国明代杰出医药学家。经27年的艰苦劳动,着成《本草纲目》,收录原有诸家《本草》所载方剂11096首, 药物共1095种,新增药物374种。全书总结了16世纪以前我国劳动人民丰富的药物经验,对后世药物学的发展做出了重大贡献。他还着有《濒湖脉学》《奇经八脉考》等。

A look at his Astrology is even amazing. He is very caring doctor who persistently put on solid hard work for 27 years on scientific researching of herbal remedy for the people and recorded them down for the benefits for public in the last 400 years. He is truly a heaven sent bless for the Chinese. We hope the rest of the world can know about him and benefits from his great work.

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