So many Earthquake happen everywhere, first most serious one in New Zealand, then in XianJiang and Sichuan China, and in the recent days in two deadly quake that hit Turkey and Syria, 7.4 and 7.8 Magnitude. Thousands of homeless in the cold weather, and death toll reached 20000, I felt totally overwhelmed. So Much Upheavels, What Shall We Do? What came to my mind first is recite Amituofo and pray.
Today, I just heard that Venerable Hsing Yun, the founding patriarch of Fo Kung Shan (Buddha’s Light Mountain), passed away Sunday afternoon February 5th at the age of 97. Years ago, I had learned the story of Venerable Hsing Yun visiting prison cells for decades using Buddhist teaching to help transform the prisoners. And I also know Venerable Hsing Yun through many publications from Fo Guang Shan International Translation Society. But I did not know what make him so success. 生于忧患,长于困难,喜悦一生, 星云大师终生为佛教贡献。 他出家修行80 余年, 一生执持不愿成为佛教负担的“佛教靠我”弘法大愿,做一个能够给人、为世间增添美好、肯牺牲奉献的报恩人。他弘法足迹遍布五大洲,著述3000万字影响亿万人。在他的努力下,除了佛法的弘扬取得了举世瞩目的成就,佛光山在医疗、教育等方面也帮助了数不尽的民众。他的影响力也远远超出了佛教界,受到了无数非佛教信众的爱戴和尊敬。
Master Hsing Yun summarize the secret of his success is forbearance. He said forbearance is ultimately his only method and his only strength. I am dumbfounded to hear that。 Maybe intellectually I kind of understand it, I understand cognitively the six paramitas, but psychologically I still have not cultivated in my character the qualities Master Hsing Yun talked about. I have so much repentance need to do. 让我觉得很震撼的是,星云大师总结他一生能够有这样的成就的原因,教导我们说这一切是靠“忍“而得以成就。有弟子对他说:「师父!你只叫我们忍耐,难道除了忍耐,就没有其余的办法了吗?」星云大师说,”确实,我一生唯一的办法、唯一的力量,就是忍耐。” 他说,“所谓「忍」,忍寒忍热,这是很容易的,甚至忍饥忍渴,也算不难,忍苦忍恼,还能勉力通过,然而忍受冤屈,忍一口气,就大为不易。但是,无论如何,想到自己既已学佛,深知相互缘起的真理,明白「忍」是一生的修行,为什么不能依教奉行呢?“

Comparing the harsh environment Venerable Hsing Yun had gone through in his life, my circumstances is a luxury, my complains are actually whining. I had been blinded by ignorance and anger. 大师从小生长在乱世里,先是军阀割据,外强环伺;继之中日抗战,后来国共对立,家乡的经济本来就很落后,加上这些人为的祸患,生计更是困难重重。条件的艰难养成他能忍的习惯。一九四九年,刚来到台湾时,他四处飘泊,无人收容,真正遇到难以度日的苦楚。不过,忍是一种力量,他开始与生活搏斗,与命运挑战。后来法师辗转来到宜兰,生活才逐渐安定下来,当时正信佛教不发达,为了接引更多的人学习佛法,他不惜将些微稿费、嚫钱拿来购买佛教书籍,送给来寺的青年;他甚至经常忍饥耐饿,徒步行走一、两个钟点以上的路程,到各处讲经说法,将饭钱、车费节省下来,添置布教所需的用具。佛教第一次传教用幻灯机、录音机、扩音器,就是那时购买的。随着弘化区域的逐渐拓展,闻法信徒的日益增多,星云大师发现到人生的问题无穷无尽,心中益发体会佛陀示教利喜的悲心宏愿,因而更加激励自己以弘法利生为己志,所以凡有人前来请法,无论路途远近,他都欣然答应;凡信徒有所请求,不管事情难易,他也尽量化解其忧。
What I did not know is Master Hsing Yun has been fighting Diabetes for more than 50 years. He said every single one of us shall learn to be our own doctor. Learn self-reliance and overcome the obstacles of each of our circumstances. The crisis is also an opportunity for cultivation and practice for improvement. 多年以来,星云大师在自身与疾病的和平相处中寻找到了养生之道的真谛,那就是“慢”。星云大师说,人生不能一味地求速成,所谓“饭未煮熟,不能妄自一开;蛋未孵成,不能妄自一啄”,人间万事都有其平衡之道。“面对各种疾病,大家要有一个态度,就是自己要做自己的医生。所谓‘兵来将挡,水来土掩’,身体有病,最重要的是自我治疗,自己做自己的医师。自己心理健全,就可以克服困难;自己的毅力坚定,就可以克服一切的病苦。”
我们惟愿星云大师不舍众生,乘愿再来 !