Recently there is an upheaval in Israel, something never happened in Israel’s history since its birth on May 14 1948. Even though I had quote Anne Norton’s book in discussing Jew’s philosophy in conflict with Muslim, but I admit I do not know much about Jew’s life. I am just going to read from the Horoscope of Israel national chart to see if it give us some clue.

This is a national that is destined and strongly desired to play an important role in the international stage. The four planets clustered in the 10th house donates those determination and resolute. Pluto is the subconscious desire, Mars is the energy of dedication, Saturn is the implementation and the Moon, together with the emotional needs and subjective awareness of the Moon which is right on the MC and in conjunction to Pluto, the chart ruler. The prolific Moon in Leo is in a Quintile (72 degree) aspect to the Taurus Sun. The Sun is the depositor of all the planets in 10th house and the MC. This fuses a driven restless energy with intense creativity to organize and manifest something that’s usually tied to earthly reality.
But there is a blockage between the Sun in Taurus and Mars /Saturn in Leo. This denotes difficulties in the holistic integration of its energies/organizing efforts to manifest optimal result. There was a skipped step in the past relating to the ability of Pluto (unconscious desire for transformation) and Saturn (responsibility, regulations, authority, discipline, control, fear and denial). As they are stuck in the past (Scorpio South Node) of attraction to crisis situations, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies, the Native is over concerned with others’ business and has resistance to cooperating with what others what. A sense of setting boundary and self-reliance is in need for further development. Currently transit planet Uranus is in close conjunction to the North node, awaken the native the need for self assurance and the courage/conviction to search for its own identity (Transit Pluto square its Asc.) .
A north node in 7th house in Taurus denotes the needs to develop awareness of its value system to appropriately interaction with others – honoring expressed needs of self and others, and to forge mindset of forgiveness and gratitude. Just a few days before the founding of the country (May 9th 1948) there was a solar eclipse on 19 degree of Taurus, sensitize the 7th house, where the Sun stands as well as the North Node, putting the ruler of 7th house, Venus in focus. Venus, the planet of money and relationship is in early degree of Cancer is in 9th house ruling 7th and the 12th where Neptune in Libra stands. And Venus is deposited by the Moon in Leo at MC.
It seems the native’s value system and the emotional needs for getting social status paralyzed its spirituality. Neptune is often called whisper form the eternal. The 12th house is the house of self-undoing. The Native can easily prone to the trap of the ego and lose its good judgement in its creative projects/endeavors. Deeply merged its psyche with others, the native may not have a clear sense of its own identity/boundary, and can suffer from taking on too much risk in its endeavor for social achievements and thus constantly in a state of crisis mentality .
Remember The stars incline, but do not compel. In this case, Introspection, self-examination, prayers maybe especially important for the native to establish its own value system, find peace and the lost dreams, re-discover the blessings from its heritage (which had always been there), and for its general well-being. With a more clear vision, it can take on the works of service humanity and the betterment of the world using its ingenuity. Purification and giving back to the Mother Earth (not necessary for the so-called climate change) are among some of the transformations this country is well capable of exemplifying. In doing so, fulfill the emotional needs it so inspiriting to. After all, the Star of David national flag was envisioned from the prayer with God.