I would prefer to be silent if I can. But the chaos we are in keep swirling bigger. Another young man being arrested because of so-called security document leak reminds me of Ruan Xiaohuan who was criminalized for nothing but political reason. On 10 February 2023, the Chinese Snowden was sentenced for 7 years for stating some facts about CCP on his blog Blob ‘ProgramThink’ and Project ‘zhao’, which initially only focused on computer technology and software development. Later, a massive wave of internet blockade was carried out in mainland China around the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen protest, this led Ruan to turn his blog to focus on political and methods to bypass the blockade. One of this is about three years of famine happened in 1961-1963. And Corruption of CCP《太子党关系网络》 .
【周孝正:党内有派系,什么叫反党?逼人说假话,身边全小人】/2020/10/16 #时事大家, 越是极权,越要注意 兼听则明,偏信则暗。要任人为贤 集思广益 。从刘亚洲被判死刑说起-【私藏視頻·首度公映】李肅挑戰周孝正:習近平卸磨殺驢 太子黨覆沒。 锵锵三人行 周孝正:让权力在阳光下运行,中国官员不敢让人民监督。
八股如何毁滅漢語?中共政治話語正在墮落,社會語言數字概念化,算不算一種新時代的黨八股?冠善名以恶行 (老楊到處說 楊錦麟論時政). 一直王志安节目确实比较中性,而且以事实为基础. 听众反映王局是中国最好的调查记者,当年《局面》系列也是之前很少见的让人们感到采访者是纯粹出于探知真相的目的,完全理性且不卑不亢地追问被采访者的好节目。如今再看国内一众采访节目才更怀念王局在的那个互联网时代。Wang Sir’s News Talk on Why he was banned? 周孝正:中国社会问题分析(完整版) 2003 网友评论,在2021年的大学校园里很难想象以前还能有这样的讲座,中国曾经居然有过这个高度的言论自由。要是能碰到周教授这样的老师我不得天天早起占教室第一排,看看现在那些划水的老师大学都失去了意义。
崔永元《东方眼》Eyes on East:小崔揭政协委员两会标配 周孝正畅谈公民参与权力【东方卫视官方高清版】20150302 扒一扒张维为 陈平 金灿荣 胡锡进及其子女的国籍和现状 著名崔永元在最近上传了一段视频:他说很多著名的公共知识分子的活法就是政治正确,挂着 “我热爱国家,我热爱祖国” 这般的 羊头,摆着政治正确的口号,在这个幌子之下,在这个外衣之下包裹着自己无恶不作, 目前网络上的现状就是这个德行。那个正能量简直就是不堪入目。他举了 胡錫進、金燦榮, 張維為, 陈平,司马南, 张召忠,戴旭 这些典型例子和狂热的民碎主义,呼吁如果这些人成了这个社会唯一的正确声音,这个社会就太不正常了。上有好者,下必甚焉,將毀國家前途, 这种声音我们当然要反对。周孝正:2019最新视频怒斥习近平默许王健林马云马化腾盗取中国99%人民财富!
袁腾飞怒怼金灿荣打台湾| 又比如金灿荣作为人民大学的教授,并没有起到教书育人的作用,整天在国内鼓吹战争。忽悠中国老百姓及战狼小粉红。鼓吹几个小时美军所有的东亚军事基地都会被摧毁。鼓吹中国导弹世界第一,没有慎重考虑任何防御,不把老百姓的命不当回事, 说台湾军队是肉长的,仿佛大陆的子弟兵不是肉长的。哪怕对方是真心希望中国变好而指出问题所在。 这些政治正确的公知立刻跳出来指责对方是反贼,汉奸,卖国贼。 这些人只有立场,没有是非。 仿佛只有有爱党爱国这张牌在就可以胡说八道,百毒不侵。 自己一边反美,一边把自己的孩子送美国去读书。反美是工作,赴美是生活。大跃进的教训:有计划的饿死, 三年饿死几千万人,没有自然灾害,全是人祸,大炼钢铁。 非常可恶,忽悠中国老百姓及战狼小粉红,胡说八道,说台湾问题是中国的百年国耻,打着爱国旗号,实际是在为资本运作。
真正的良知不敢随便讲话,否则轻则炸号,重则有大麻烦, 近十年,类似袁腾飞这样的实话实说的声音都被打压,有良知的中国知识分子在中国不断被打压,甚至没有发声的渠道,近十年中国是在进步吗?

Wang Sir’s News Talk | Why was Hu Chenfeng blocked? – The Tragedy of Chinese Peasants and Seniors in the Countryside. On March 14, Hu Chenfeng, a Bilibili blogger, shot a video in Chengdu about helping seniors and retirees to buy things. In the video, the 78-year-old woman only has a monthly pension of 107 RMB. His son is an unemployed engineer affected by last year’s COVID-19 pandemic, and without his support, she couldn’t afford meat for a long time. Touched by her story, Hu Chenfeng bought her 127 RMB worth of rice, eggs, and pork.
网友心酸地反映:我爷爷奶奶也是农民,70多岁了还得靠自己养活自己,辛苦了一辈子,这个国家从来没有给过他们任何一分好处、一分尊重,真的悲哀。所以我现在在努力,尽量让自己的下一代离开这个罪恶的政权之下,再也不要重蹈覆辙。这个话题引起巨大共鸣:另一个说: 我农村的舅舅们辛苦了一辈子,80多岁了, 还得干活养活自己,有病都硬扛着,不敢去医院, 象牲口一样卑微的在社会上活着。每看见身边的人对这些悲痛视而不见,总有种文明生在农耕的感觉,非常难过,甚至有时候让我感慨不知道良心到底应该用在哪里。台湾的农民退休后和公务员享受同等待遇,中国大陆的公务员退休每月几千一万,而农民才130元,这个视频中的老人碰巧也是南充人,是我的老乡,看得我热泪盈眶,我父母同样也是一样!
Chen Zhilong bristled with anger, China Labor Law Made a Fool of Itself。 Recently, there has been a circulating WeChat group chat record on the internet. The record shows that an employee named Chen Zhilong became angry when his boss demanded that he work overtime during the Qingming Festival. Chen Zhilong had a heated argument with his boss in the WeChat group, which caused his colleagues to cheer him on. Why did this internal company chat record resonate so much in society? Why can’t our labor laws protect the most basic rights of workers? What exactly is the problem here?
网友讨论根本問題不是貧窮,是政治制度,是共產黨對中國人的剝削壓榨。。四十年都實現不了養老醫保,你覺得問題出在哪?中國人還不夠勤勞嗎?窮人剛開始都是「死都不怕,沒有越不過的生的難和檻」,但最後,窮人也都會變成「再窮活,到不如求死得痛快」。那些權貴,每家的財富,都夠自己的子女後代吃喝一萬年,所以,參加人大會議和政協會議的那6千左右的代表們,他們從不會為百姓的利益說話。贫穷只是一种现象,而不是原因。 根据孔子的论断,每一个人的富有的生活和尊贵的地位是上天赋予的,因此人与生俱来地是富有的和尊贵的。当魔鬼或者撒旦把人类变成了统治的对象,贫穷和卑贱才与人类发生了关系。 因此我把贫穷区分为制度造成的制度性的贫穷,其次是作为制度造成的最可怕的结果的制度创伤性的贫穷。 制度造成的制度创作性的贫穷发生在:这种制度已经消亡了,由制度造成的人口已经极端地稀少了,但是人们对于人类本身已经极端地绝望了。这种制度造成的创伤性的贫穷出现在非洲,更出现在过去的美洲。在这种制度造成的创伤性的贫穷之中,人们不再欣赏和利用广大的富饶的大自然为人类提供的巨大无比的财富,而仍然习惯于相互的杀戮,而在杀戮之后就是无所事事——他们不愿意劳动,不愿意思考,整天坐着不动,并成为一种Sedentary的存在。 中国人永远不应该忘记郑永年对中国人犯下的罪行,他是极权暴政的鼓吹者,他是中国的杜金之一。
王志安根据一则非常轰动的微博群聊天记录,从微博到抖音,从快手到B站,就中国很多企业违反劳动法,探讨的是这个事件背后反映出来的可怕的社会现实. 其实这件事的真假已经不重要了,它能引起共鸣就已经能说明一定的问题了. 有网友反映以前很信任中国共产党政府,特别是读书时候。但是随着出来社会打拼并且独立思考,还通过翻墙上网才真正知道,我们的这个政府是多么的假。 这期真的感同身受,每天下班后要求开会,不加班就会被点名说不够努力。节假日有工作信息必须回复。多次996冲上热搜,各种公司裁员不按照要求赔偿,劳动法毫无作用。还有网友朔,国内加班真的非常非常非常严重,我周围很多人都没有双休,一年至少有300天在加班,还没加班费,被强迫被自愿,好多人精神状态都不好了。在私企上班真的太苦太累了,经济下行,工作不好找,根本不敢辞职,只能每天苟着,咬着牙在撑着,不讨厌工作,但是痛恨加班!最遵守中国劳动法的,不是国企,而是外企真的太优越了。
In fact the internet presents the leak everywhere in this information age. Let’s work on how we can brainstorm ideas on remedy problems. One reason of this discontent is stated by what Paul Craig Robert put it in the piece “Slavery in America Was Resurrected in 1913“: “The brutal fact is that in “free America” today, the bulk of the population owns less of their labor than did Medieval serfs, and higher earners until Reagan owned less of their labor than 19th century slaves on Southern plantations.”
But I can not totally go along with Robert’s argument. The problem is not just how much we earned, the problem is about how huge a disparity of social resources mis-allocation causing all the injustice, imbalance and the evils derived from there. Where is the no equal power in law, there is no genuine equality and harmony. 没有权利平等,就没有真实的和谐。 And this phenomenon exist everywhere, U.S or China, and most countries. Just look at the Gini coefficient index. And the article: Post-apartheid South Africa is world’s most unequal country. Today China so called “socialist country” is in fact more unequal, more exploitation and suppression than before 1981 when it start the open door policy. Even the middle and upper class who supposedly financially benefits from this change are suffering from a general environment that is deteriorate day by day (唇亡齿寒)because everything is interrelated.
The story of China, as delivered by its statisticians and propagandists, is a sunny tale of a country dispatching extreme poverty, steering the world’s economic growth and, earlier this year, adroitly depositing a rover on Mars. The article Why did the Chinese become less happy during their growth boom? describe a symptom of “paradox of unhappy growth”, not just in China, but a reality every where that materialism’s fail to deliver a healthy society and fairness in social contract. Look at China’s Forgotten Peasants: An Element of Unrest. Look at the tax rules unfairness reflected in One of China’s most debt-ridden provinces 贵州 asks Beijing for help in now. What about the approximately 69 million children in China that are left behind by one or both of their parents due to migration, which is equivalent to thirty percent of the children in rural area.
Can AI and chip industry fill the hole of that inadequacy ? Most of the US is dealing with a teaching shortage, but the data isn’t so simple More than three-quarters of U.S. states are experiencing a teacher shortage, highlighting a growing concern among public education and government officials about issues that were exacerbated during three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. From Kentucky and Idaho’s communications officers’ statements calling the teacher shortage a “crisis” to several Missouri school districts implementing four-day weeks as a recruitment and retention tool, some states, as the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) put it, are still facing “unprecedented” staffing challenges.
Carol Graham from Brook Institute argue in her paper Adaptation amidst Prosperity and Adversity: Insights from Happiness Studies from Around the World that the ability to adapt is indeed a good thing from an individual happiness and psychological perspective. But this same human defense mechanism may shed insights on how some societies stay stuck in bad equilibrium—such as high levels of corruption, bad governance, or bad health—for prolonged periods of time, while much more prosperous ones continue to go from good to better equilibrium. No one is an Island – Howard Thurman’s Meditation of the Heart.
Are we plundering our children’s future ?