We Need a Peaceful Revolution – an Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr.

While China’s harvesting human organ from falungong members is atrocity, Jeffery Epstein, who affliciated with a huge network of high profile elites, involving in the human trafficling crimes sexually abusing under age children horrifying, we are in another gilded age with big corporations dominate our society and international relations in a globalization setting. The general situation is the corrupt merger of the state and corporate power with revolving door between government politicians, government agencies and corporation power. Politicians entering their career with modest income end up millionaires and billionairs after decades in the position. Executives of big corporations got out of size compensations. The corruption had infiltriated mind, body and spirit of modern world. We need a total purification, we need a peaceful revolution from these toxics.

In an interview with UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers, Robert Kennedy Jr. spoke of the traditional liberal Democratic value passed down from his uncle President John Kennedy and his father Senator Robert Kennedy. His father generation had an antipathy and suspicion of war and the military industrial complex. They did not want corporations running the American government. They were completely against censorship. They were against the use of fear as a governing tool, and they spoke out about it often.

Robert Kennedy Jr. had spent forty years litigating against the regulatory agenies in the United States. He spoke of the domination of democratic governments by corporate power as the center of issues. The government regulation started out not strong enough to protect the public interest. Widespread corruptions take advantage of legalizd bribery, as well as illegalized bribery. The rules supervising conflicts of interest are just ignored, systematicaly ignored. We have what they call honest graft and dishonest graft.

The result is a systematically hollowing out the American middle class, through wars, through bank bailouts, through lockdowns, etc. We are just printing money to make billionaires richer. During the COVID lockdown, there was a $4 Trillion shift in wealth fromt the American middle class to this new oligarchy of billionaires. We created 500 new billionaires with a lockdown and the billionaires we already had increased their wealth by 30%. The total cost of the lockdowns was $16 trillion. That is jus one of the assaults.

Then we got the bailout of the Silicon Valley Bank, the War in Ukraine, which is costing us $113 billion. The war in Iraq, and the wars that followed that have cost us $8 trillion. For all those wars we fought, American people bear all the cost and the consequence. That is $24 trillion in total loss! Is it any wonder that we don’t have a middle class left in the Unived States of America? Unless we rebuild the middle class and rebuild our economy, we can not maintain democracy when there are high concentrations of wealth in the same place with widespread proverty.

The political climate become more polarised than ever with good reason. To some extent co-opted by Bill Gates, by the World Economic Forum, and the billionaires’ boys club in Davos in the same way the COVID crisis was appropriated by them, to make themselves richer, to impose totalitarian controls on society. and to stratify our society with a group of very very powerful and wealthy people at the top, and then the vast majority of human beings with very little power, very little sovereignty over their own lives. Every crisis is an opportunity for those forces to clamp down controls.

In the same token, there is a shift from habitat preservation, regenerative farming. We need to reduce carbon, whether you believe in climate change or not. Anywhere there is carbon, there is also mercury, ozone particulates, aluminium, there is all these other kinds of really horrible toxins that come from burning hydrocarbons. What we see is a shift from those concerns, but more towards carbon capture, which can be monetized by the corporations and exploited without seeing any real benefits on the ground. There are also geo-engineering solutions, which Robert Kennedy Jr. oppose. Look at the kind of geoengineering solutions that are being pushed, tends to be by the same group of people who also have IP(patent rights) rights in a lot of those technologies. There is definitely an optic of self-interest and self-serving.

This combination of corporate and government power, which colluded to get farmers to switch over to heavily nitrate fertiliser dependent for farming and chemical dependent farming is very toxic. That was a deliberate systematic and GMO farming. Once you get all the farmers to switch to carbon-based fertilisers and to monocultures, this is a way of corporate power to destroyig small farmers. We want to have democracy, we need a broad ownership of our land by a wide variety of yeoman farmers, each with a stake in our system. As Thomas Jefferson said, wiping out small farmers and giving control of food production to corporation is not in the interest of humanity, and we need to help those farmers transition off the addiction that we imposed upon them in the first place.

With so many important issues going on, vaccine is a issue that for most American, is not on their top list, but they have far reaching consequence.

Examples most egregious of those issue are like the Environmental Protection Agency effectively run by the oil industry, the coal industry and the pesticide industry. The Big Pharma runs FDA – FDA get 50% of its budget from Big Pharma. The CDC spends half of its budget purchasing vaccines, NIH essentially is a incubator for new pharmacetical products. It doesn’t do the basic research people want them to be doing – where diseases, allergic diseases are coming from, autoimmune disease and neurological diseases, why are we seeing this explosion? Those kinds of studies don’t get done. Studies do get done are studies for the pharmaceutical products, and then NIH collects royalties when pharma company sells those product. You have the regulator that is essentially a partner with the regulated industry. Department of Transport is run by the railroads in our country, by the airlines. The banks have utterly corrupted the SEC. Media has corrupted the FEC. That was how pernicious the systems are, particularly polluting corporations, the military industrial complex, the financial industry.

If you want to achieve peace, you got to put yourself in the other guys’ shoes, you have to understand your opponents’ position. Robert Kennedy Jr. spoke of the end of cuba missle crisis happened because President John Kennedy reached out to Khrushchev directly and said, ‘let’s settle this between us’, and their settlement was secret and remain secret for many years. President Kennedy and Khrushchev were both surrounded by people who DID want to go to war.

We don’t want constant war in our country, we can not afford them. The CIA needs to be regoranised in a way. Most of the people who work at the CIA are very good public servants, and we need them to function. But we really need to separate the espionage functions of that agency and the plans division – the division that actually does dirty tricks, kills people, and makes wars that invovles itself in actions because what happens is, that operations tail begins to wag the espionage dog. The information gathering, analysis, that is the function that the CIA was created to perform. From very early on, Allen Dulles, essentially corrupted the purpose of it by getting the CIA invovled in assassinations and fixing elections. CIA has been invovled now in fixing coup d’etats or attempted coup d’etats in about a third of the countries in the world, most of them democracies. So our national policy as a country is to promote democracy. The CIA’s policy has been the opposite.

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