Buddhism and Democracy 1

As July 4th approaching, it is once again the time for celebrating the birth of one of the first democratic countries in the world. In a time of huge disparity between haves and have-nots, high inflation, economic recession, technology dispution/destruction and possibilites of World War III outbreak, my mind kept on wondering from Great Master YinGuang who Nivarnaed on December 2 1940 (1940年农历冬月初四 , 圆瑛法师:印光大师生西事实;又李炳南:印光大师圆寂十周年纪念回忆录 ), then to the President Franklin Roosevlet’s Four Freedoms.

In State of Union Speech on January 6, 1941, 11 months before USA entered into WWII, President Franklin Roosevelt addressing the difficult question, why and if America would join World War II. Roosevelt lay out the principle people “everywhere in the world” ought to enjoy: Freedom of speech; Freedom of worship; Freedom from want; Freedom from fear. The address made a break with the long-held tradition of United States non-interventionism. Roosevlet outlined the U.S. role in helping allies already engaged in warfare, especially Great Britain and China.

American artist Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms illustration collection – Freedom from Want; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Worship; Freedom From Fear 

Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms is very much in line with Buddha’s teaching about dana. Buddhism acknowledges that we exist in a vast network of life, continuously the recipients of the generosity of others. But there’s much more to giving than we think. There are three forms of dana, namely:

  1. Amisa dana (The gift of material things)
  2. Abhaya dana (The gift of life, protection from fear)
  3. Dharma dana (the gift of truth)

The United States 4th and 5th Amendments are a great example of gift of protetion from fear. And Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms goes beyond that listed in the Constitution. Roosevelt clarified his act of compassion with wisdom.

U.S Constintution of 4th and 5th Amendment is a form of Dana – gift for protection from fear.

In Buddhism view, social breakdown cannot be separated from broader questions about the benevolence of the social order. Poverty means lacking the basic material requirements for leading a decent life free from hunger, exposure and disease. The solution to poverty-induced crime is not to punish severely but to enable people to provide for their basic needs. There is a causal relationship between material poverty and social deterioration. Lion’s Roar Sutra tell the story of a monarch who at first relied upon the Buddhist teachings but later began to rule according to his own ideas. He did not give property to the needy, with the result that poverty became widespread. Then, from the not giving of property to the needy, poverty became widespread, from the growth of poverty, the taking of what was not given increased, from the increase of theft, the use of weapons increased, from the increased use of weapons, the taking of life increased . . . (Digha-Nikaya iii 65). A Buddhist Perspective on Poverty written by David Loy, using many real life example to illustrates to us how Buddha integrate wisdom and compassion to go on a middle way in all his teaching.

In other sutras, however, the Buddha teaches that the greatest wealth is contentment (santutthi paramam dhanam). Material well-being has become increasingly important because of our loss of faith in any other possibility of fulfilment — for example, an afterlife in heaven with God, or the secular heaven of socialism, or even (when despairing over the ecological crisis) the future progress of humankind. Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, one of the “poorest” countries in Asia, has been at the forefront of efforts to develop a new index for measuring human well-being:  “gross national happiness.” The corrosive influence of economic globalization and its development institutions on other human values needs to be challenged. 

According to the teaching of The Gradual Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim- stage of the path), we need to have a clear understanding of Worldly generosity versus far-reaching attitude of generosity  In the normal act of generosity a person gives out of compassion and kindness when he realizes that someone else is in need of help, and he is in the position to offer the help. When a person performs dana, he gives as a means of cultivating charity as a virtue and of reducing his own selfishness and craving. He exercises wisdom when he recalls that dana is a very important quality to be practised by every Buddhist, and is the first perfection (paramita)practised by the Buddha in many of His previous births in search for Enlightenment. A person performs dana in appreciation of the great qualities and virtues of the Triple Gem. While the act of giving is purely out of compassion or good will, or the desire for someone else’s well-being, dana is more about how we are than what we do.

Buddha taught us that when giving, a person should not just perform the act, but should with his heart and mind as well. There must be joy in every act of giving. Dana is not meant to be obligatory or done reluctantly. Rather, dana should be performed when the giver is “delighted before, during, and after giving. At its most basic level, dana in the Buddhist tradition means giving freely without expecting anything in return. But giving should be evaluated by your ability and capacity, that is by your good judgement and wisdom.

Buddhists also argue that the reason one doesn’t hear so much about Buddhist charity is that Buddhism doesn’t seek publicity for charity. English translation of Letters From Patriarch Yin Kuang will show us much more about the THOUGHTS FROM GREAT MASTER YIN GUANG. 中国佛教协会:大德风范 高山仰止

Buddha Said There are Ways to End Suffering and Seek Liberation 大乘净土法门 3

《佛说阿弥陀经》原文和全文完整版仪轨 都可以在 https://www.amituojing.com/ 找到。 难能可贵的是这个网站还将经文进行详细图解,以图文并茂的形式直观地呈现。图画气势壮观,非常震撼, 细致维妙地展现了阿弥陀佛在极乐世界美丽景象,令人印象深刻。因为图解的链接转载需授权, 敬请读者点击原版。每一幅图都配搭原经文和白话翻译。感谢莲社道友的发心精工细作的绘画,图解演绎。




但无论如何闻,思,修的次第和相辅相成还是需要的。 所以我们必须要把佛陀的教法有所理解。然后思维,分析,以后进行有针对性的自我纠正和修行。 修行就是从根本上改变自己的行为,思想和知见。

佛所说的一切法门,都能了生死,证菩提,法法平等,无有高下。但是,由于时节因缘不同,众生根机各异。如同治病,心须对症用药,方能获得疗效。从这个意义讲,当前提倡修习净业,更具有适时契机的特殊意义。释昌臻法师谈 净土法门 是末法众生的对症良药。

淨空老法師專集網, 净空法师在谈到《印光大師文鈔菁華錄》时说,祖师的这些著作是真正学佛的大根大本。他是过来人,了解年轻人的心理, 他年轻时喜欢大乘经典,特别是在《华严经》,《楞严经》,《法华经》用了很长时间,对于祖师的经论著述就看轻了, 没有在意。 虽然对于古人清凉贤首非常羡慕,殊不知那些人的境界我们学不到,太高了,反而是老老实实跟印光大师学到了东西。

胡小林老师根据净空大师的开示,结合自己的修行经验来讲解 《印光大師文鈔菁華錄》,他的分享非常切中要害,对我们入门者极其有助益。

Buddha Said There are Ways to End Suffering and Seek Liberation 大乘净土法门 2

《印光大師文鈔菁華錄》白话文是李净通居士于1952年从《印光法师文钞》正编、续编、三编中选出的精粹部分,分为十类,一共有333则。是了解印光大師淨土思想的簡要讀本。印光大師這本書可以說是我們學淨土法門的啟蒙老師,沒有這本書,我們無法下手修念佛法門。净土法门法语:念佛是因果同时,这是不可思议。印光大师文钞三编卷四净土法门谈到 什么是深信因果?

印光大师文钞二编卷二覆郭汉儒居士书中写道: “末世学佛所宜注重者,在「知因果」与「修净土」。以知因果,则不敢自欺欺人,做伤天害理、损人利己之事。修净土,则虽是具缚凡夫,便可仗佛慈力,往生西方

「印光大師嘉言錄」则会集了印光大师对家庭教育的语录和开示。大师苦口婆心地告诉我们: “世有愚人,不知夙生善恶,惟观眼前吉凶。见作善而得祸,便谓善不当为。作恶而得福,便谓恶不足戒。不知善恶之报,非一朝一夕之故,其所由来者渐。譬如三尺之冰,岂一朝之寒所能结。百川之泮,亦岂一日之暖所能消。不可怨天而尤人,切不可犹豫而退悔。宜学俞净意之修身,袁了凡之立命“。 印光大师的愿望是用因果教育拯救世界。

Buddha Radio 油管频道中,由王勇恭诵的《印光法师嘉言录》白话文,精心製作影片与大家分享,对我们入门了解印光法师的思想理念非常有帮助。

  • 《贊淨土超勝 》/佛法/印光法师嘉言录白话文/第一集 印光法师 《印光法师嘉言录》
  • 佛法 一切諸法,無不當學 / 印光法师嘉言录白话文 / 印光大师 / 第二集 印光法师贊淨土超勝 (4,5,6)
  • 佛陀究竟為何出世?你知道嗎? /印光法師嘉言錄/佛法/淨土宗/印光大師/第三集 佛光者,十法界凡、圣、生、佛,即心本具之智体也。
  • 眾生皆具佛相,亦不可藐視淨土 /印光法師嘉言錄白话文/佛法:印光法师 赞净土超胜(12)







顶礼释迦牟尼佛!顶礼西天东土历代祖师!顶礼古今莲社一切宗师!顶礼天下宏宗演教诸大善知识! 頂禮印光大師!


Namo Amituofo! Namo Amituofo! Namo amituofo!

Buddha Said There are Ways to End the Suffering and Seek Liberation 大乘念佛法门- 1

The Three Sages of the Western Pure Land.

The pure land school of Buddhism provide the most popular and easily learned way to end our suffering which is recite “Namo Amituofo“. ‘Namo Amituofo’, may be the shortest text among the whole collection of Mahayana scriptures. Yet, it contains the most profound and subtle teachings of the Buddha. The mere few words of Buddha’s name, embodies all the doctrines of the sutras, incorporates the essence of all the Buddha’s teachings, clearly defines the fundamental and functionality of the teachings.

Reciting ‘Namo Amituofo’ not only brings us merits and wisdom in this life but also the attainment of Buddhahood in our next life. It is the core teachings of all Mahayana scriptures and the essence of Buddha’s Dharma. Here Dharma Master Huijing from Pure Land Buddhism Australia shows us the methods and benefits of reciting “Namo Amituofo”.

Envision that Amitabha Buddha positions himself above our heads, protecting and embracing us with his light. The recitation helps us overcome our restless and inattentive minds. We will feel peaceful and calm, our body and mind will also become calm and composed. As the vital energy fills our body, we will feel warm and cozy as well. When karmic obstructions surface, we are bound to feel perturbed and bad luck typically follows. Amitabha-recitation subdues our minds, eradicates negative karma, increases our meritorious blessings and enhances our wisdom, thereby bringing us good fortune and fulfilling our aspirations.

Even if one does not intentionally work towards great success, good interpersonal relationships and favourable circumstances will conspire to make good things happen as a matter of course. Problems that we encounter in our daily life can be resolved through Amitabha-recitation too. It’s relatively simple, produces tremendous results and is highly effective. The efficacy of which is affirmed by those who experienced it. So please recite ‘Namo Amituofo’ to experience it, be inspired and be filled with gratification.

In this video Jiawen shares the story of Bodhisattva Mahathamaprapta (Great Strength Bodhisattva, Dashizhi Pusa 大勢至菩薩) & how the 13th Patriarch of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism Master Yinguang is the incarnation of Dashizhi Pusa. Jiawen also introduced the famous Ten Recitation of Nianfo method by Master Yinguang to help us overcome our monkey mind, especially negative thoughts. This is considered by many practitioners as one of the most effective way of meditation due to its simplicity that anyone can practice it easily. The program from (馬來西亞淨宗學會) Amitabha Buddhist Society recall The Teachings of Great Master Yin Guang which is very much relevent today.

公认为净土十三世祖师的 印光大师 (1862-1940)一生提倡念佛法门, 大师指出,“所云念佛仪轨,须分同众、独修两种。若同众修,当依日诵中念佛起止仪,庶可通途无碍,彼此攸宜。至于独修,虽可随人自立,然其念诵次 第,不可错乱。所云放下身心,闭目凝神,念净法界护身咒,及默想《赞佛偈》,礼佛及三菩萨毕。若诵经,则诵《弥陀经》一遍,《往生咒》三遍毕,然后朗念 《赞佛偈》毕,即接"南无西方极乐世界大慈大悲接引导师阿弥陀佛"。即唯念"南无阿弥陀佛",宜围绕念,或数百声或一千声。末念观音势至清净大海众三菩 萨,然后念《发愿文》。文毕念三自归。是为一期起止。若欲多诵经,多持咒者,当另立一诵经时。若一时并行,当先诵经,次诵咒,次赞佛念佛,次发愿三归。此 决定不易之次序也。“ 印光大师文钞全集有声书系统地介绍了印光大师的事迹和修行成就

《印光大师文钞》中还详细地介绍了 十念一法,“乃慈云忏主为国王大臣政事多端,无暇专修者设。又欲令其净心一心,故立尽一口气为一念之法。俾其心随气摄,无从散乱。其法之妙,非智莫知。然只可晨朝一用,或朝暮并日中三用,再不可多,多则伤气受病。切不可谓此法最能摄 心,令其常用,则为害不小。念佛声默,须视其地其境何如耳。若朗念无碍者,宜于特行念佛仪轨时朗念。然只可听其自然,不可过为大声。过为大声,或致伤气受 病。倘所处之境地不宜朗念,则只可小声念,及金刚持。其功德唯在专心致志,音声犹属小焉者耳。除特行念佛外,若终日常念,固宜小声念,金刚念,默念。以朗 声常念,必至于伤气。未证法身,必须调停得中,方可唯益无损耳。朗念费力,默持易昏。散持虽亦功德难思,较之摄心净念,何啻天渊。光于此数则,曾颇费研 穷。去岁得一巧方便法,书示知己,皆同赞叹。若已成片,固不须此。若未成片,及一切初机用之,皆无不宜,唯益无损。阁下即无须此法,亦当为修净宗不得其门 者试之,以普告来哲云“。其法在《印光文钞》第四十五纸第八行下,祈检之。

念佛,什麼都不管,只管專心一意的念就是了,若得一心不乱,也就是念佛三昧。 不过,念佛法门的重点,是念佛的身相与功德,旧称观相或观想念佛。 浅一些的,念佛有忏业障、集善根的功能;深一些的,就缘相成定,更进而趣入证悟。 念佛法门,是由浅入深,贯彻一切的。印顺法师谈如何“念佛”,非常精辟! 净界法师谈念佛法门的重点在于感应道交

Master YinGuang (印光大师 1862-1940) is regarded by Chinese Buddhism society as the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Mahathamaprapta (Dashizhi Pusa, 大勢至菩薩)

There are a lot of legends about Great Master YinGuang. He had predicted the breakout of the WWII in China, and by the end of October 1940, he arranged his own Nirvana day on December 2, 1940. He show by example the feasibility of the Buddha Recital methods and the importance of determination in the faith. This video with English caption detailed how Master YinGuang rebirth into Elysium.

江苏省佛教协会的副会长兼秘书长释秋爽在采访中指出,《印光法师文钞》通过书信的模式,把全部经,律,论三藏融入里面,后人称它为小藏经, 一点都不过分。

二十世纪初,正处中国延续了几千年的秩序正在分崩离析的时代,面对各个阶层在剧烈频繁动荡中的自我迷失,印光大师(1862-1940)融会儒学与佛教智慧,在从人伦本分的角度,对人们生活中碰到的种种困惑,提出了自己的见解。《印光大师文钞》开示有缘人敦伦尽份, 闲邪存诚,诸恶莫做,种善奉行。 无论在家在庵,必须敬上和下,忍人所不能忍,行人所不能行,代人之劳,成人之美。 静坐常思己过,闲谈不论人非。 《印光大师文钞》里许多这样的开示不仅暗合佛理,同时又都浅显易懂, 直指人心, 成为当时最广为人知的警世格言, 并深深影响着此后中国人立身处世的精神。

Amitabha Buddhist Society from Malaysia presented the Teaching of Master YinGuang. 印光大師開示(), 印光大師開示(), 印光大師開示(); 印光大師開示()。Amituofo channel collected 印光大师净土语录100则.

《印光法师嘉言录 》前言:封面題詞 原文: 因果報應者, 儒釋聖人, 平治天下, 度脫眾生之大權也。家庭教育者, 匹夫匹婦, 敦本盡分, 培植賢才之天職也。信願念佛者, 具縛凡夫, 了生脫死, 超凡入聖之妙法也。此書文雖拙樸, 義甚切要, 似特為修淨土者說, 實寓提倡因果報應、家庭教育之道。祈得是書者, 常與父母兄弟妻子、鄉黨親戚朋友, 講說而開導之。俾彼諸人, 同皆敦倫盡分, 克己復禮, 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 信願念佛, 求生西方。必至生入聖賢之域, 沒歸極樂之邦, 何幸如之。願讀誦者, 恭敬信受, 勿致褻瀆。展轉流通, 毋或棄置。將見賢才蔚起, 劫運頓消, 天下太平, 人民安樂矣。此不慧所馨香禱祝者。 淨土法門, 諦理甚深, 唯佛與佛, 乃能究盡。由其大小不二, 權實一如, 以故上自等覺菩薩, 下至逆惡凡夫, 皆須修持, 皆得成辦也。末世眾生, 善根淺薄, 匪仗佛力, 將何所恃。倘能仰信佛言, 生信發願, 持佛名號, 求生西方。加以諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 敦倫盡分, 閒邪存誠, 果能如是, 萬無有一不往生者。淨土經論, 文義顯明。淨土修持, 隨機自立。既無幽深莫測之悶, 亦無艱難困苦之煩。且又不費錢財氣力, 不礙職業營生。若能隨分隨力, 常時憶念, 則神凝意淨, 業消智朗, 自然身心安樂, 諸緣順適, 其為樂也, 何能名焉。願見聞者, 悉皆修持, 各懷自利利他之心, 共發己立立人之願。恭敬受持, 隨緣倡導, 展轉流通, 令遍國界, 俾一切同倫, 同沐佛恩, 同生淨土, 實為大幸。

民国十六年丁卯仲春常惭愧僧释印光谨撰 —— 淨土宗

顶礼释迦牟尼佛!顶礼西天东土历代祖师!顶礼古今莲社一切宗师!顶礼天下宏宗演教诸大善知识! 頂禮印光大師!


Nomo Amituofo! Nomo Amituofo! NamoAmituofo!

Always Remember to do the Merit Dedication Verse ! Namo Amituofo!