The Precept of not Steal Speaks of Violation of Universal Principle in U.S Government /Federal Reserve Monetary Operation

As U.S.A is having its Pluto is returning, and the transit Saturn is retrograde and trine U.S.A Juipter and Venus – The Law of Responsibility is remind us to rethink about our value system and turning inward for self introspetion on our social political and economic structure that are dyfunctional. Any downfall start first from spiritual decay. Now when I rethink about the The Five Precepts of Buddhism and relate to some of the governmental issues, I want to bring it to public attention.

Christian regards stealing not just as a crime, but it’s a sin. Here’s what the Bible says about stealing: “Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with hishands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need” (Ephesians 4:28 NKJV).

Buddhism is also not about intellectual pursuit, it is actual about putting the wisdom into our speach, action, behavior and ethic code of everyday life. The second precept, Asteya,in practice implies to “not steal”, “not cheat”, nor unethically manipulate other’s property or others for one’s own gain. Asteya as virtue demands not only that one “not steal”, but that one should not encourage cheating through speech or writing, or want to cheat even in one’s thinking.

Now when we take the guideline and relates it to U.S. dollar, there is questions about American’s consience. Backed by the U.S government sovereity power, Federal Reserve print money out of thin air to lend it to U.S Treasury to spend on government budget and issue bonds. Just as former Federal Reserve Chairman of near twenty years, Greenspan said, “No Chance of Default, US Can Print Money“. U.S maybe able to temporary avoid nominal default because of our military dominance, but U.S.A can not avoid spiritual decay. Some have compared the spiritual life to walking upstream; if you are not fighting to move forward, then you are, by default, going backwards. There is a continual inertia drawing us and others towards spiritual decay. Law of Karma says, whatever thoughts or energy you put out, you get back — good or bad. In order to get what you want, you have to embody and be worthy of those things. It’s the concept of what you reap, you sow. Here are the 12 laws of Karma everyone should know about.

The US sovereign debt crisis. Plan to Liquidate its Debt through Financial Repression? Deficit in 2023 resulting in 122% growth.

Almost half of U.S debt will mature within the next two years. Considering the interest rate is much higher than last 10 years, as government borrow new debt to pay off the old debt, their interest expense is going to go through the roof.

As a reserve currency, when Federal Reserve print money, it dilute the purchasing power of the dollars in circulation in rest of the world. By complicit to the Federal Reserve operation, U.S government is in default of its morality. The U.S government does not obtain the proval of the governments in the rest of the world, and it is stealing, by definition above. Such operation has caused U.S.A intense crashes with the rest of the world. In addition, we lose any moral high ground to be the leader of the world, and if we do not make correction to the wrong doing, U.S.A will inevitable crumble under our own weight – how prone we are to fall back into sin and compromise. Maybe we should work with the global community to come up with a commonly accept currency to be more fair to everyone.

American has always been adament about loyalty to its Constitution. The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides that “[n]o person shall be … deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” With all the connectivity of the era of Globalization, shouldn’t this rule apply in our national conduct?

Publicize tax-efficient contributions to good causes, such contributions may be a relatively small price to pay compared with changing fundamental operational practices. Leeja Miller reported from Take back your financial freedom today.

When responsibility for public goods and services rests not with our democratic institutions but with wealthy private individuals. it is a system know as “philanthrocapitalism” which relies on charity of billionaires to support public projects, instead of just regulating and taxing those billionaires to begin with. According to a recent article in The guardian, Philanthropy serves to legitimize capitalism, as well as to extend it further and further into all domains of social cultural and political activity.” The piece goes on to say, “Exploitative labor practices or corporate malpractice are swept under the carpet as companies publicize tax-efficient contributions to good causes. Billionaires and multi-millionaires love to pat themselves on the back for their charitable giving. But what if we just taxed the rich and regulated their business practices instead of letting them get away with theft and atrocity while still getting to pad their reputation by giving away the millions of dollars they stole from their laborers? Even more irony is lawyers and law school are heavily invovled in these philanthropy scheme that is ruining America. The rapidly growing empirical literature on international tax avoidance by multinational corporations is even caught the attention of IMF

A 2021 document Addressing Tax System Failings That Favor Billionaires and Corporations. It revealed bombshell reports from ProPublica have confirmed what tax experts have long known and what many Americans have long suspected: Many of the country’s wealthiest people pay little or no tax because the U.S. system preferences income from wealth and offers the wealthy and corporations avenues to avoid tax that are not available to working people.1 These fundamental flaws in the tax code existed many years before the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) took things from bad to worse by giving massive new tax cuts to the highest-income Americans and largest corporations.2 These flaws have helped fuel the dramatic increase in inequality, leading to a less dynamic and less just economy.

A massive trove of tax information obtained by ProPublica, covering thousands of America’s wealthiest individuals, reveals what’s inside the billionaires’ bag of tricks for minimizing their personal tax bills — sometimes to nothing. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. In June 2021, The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax These IRS Files hold the secrets Inside the Tax Records of the .001% and the absurdity of U.S government. A Novermber 2021 story from IRS records reveal how Gov. Jim Justice, Gov. Jared Polis, former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and other wealthy political figures slashed their taxes using strategies unavailable to most of their constituents.

In the book The Hidden Wealth of Nations, Zucman offers an inventive and sophisticated approach to quantifying how big the problem is, how tax havens work and are organized, and how we can begin to approach a solution. His research reveals that tax havens are a quickly growing danger to the world economy. In the past five years, the amount of wealth in tax havens has increased over 25%—there has never been as much money held offshore as there is today. This hidden wealth accounts for at least $7.6 trillion, equivalent to 8% of the global financial assets of households. Fighting the notion that any attempts to vanquish tax havens are futile, since some countries will always offer more advantageous tax rates than others, as well the counter-argument that since the financial crisis tax havens have disappeared, Zucman shows how both sides are actually very wrong. In The Hidden Wealth of Nations he offers an ambitious agenda for reform, focused on ways in which countries can change the incentives of tax havens. Only by first understanding the enormity of the secret wealth can we begin to estimate the kind of actions that would force tax havens to give up their practices.

U.S had got used to use economic sanction to any government in the rest of the world that does not cooperate with its idiology. But we have to ask ourself where does that power come from? Is it mere force of bully? If we are violate the universal principle, we lose the divine precondition specified in the George Washington’s Thanks Giving Proclamation : “the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” Besides, how can American take so granted that our idiology is better than rest of the world? What gives us the right to enforce rules on others without setting an example ourself? Is not that double standard? Pope Francis laments when ‘ideology replaces faith’ in segment of U.S. Catholics.

Even if we have valid reason to require other countries to cooperate with our rule, weaponize U.S dollar should not be the means to the end. And are should be many other avenues to deploy rather than using economic mean which is a new form of colonization. For example the sanction of nuclear weapon, US government documents admit that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not necessary to end WWII. Japan was on the verge of surrendering. The nuclear attack was the first strike in Washington’s Cold War on the Soviet Union. Ben Norton reviews the historical record. One of the audience commented: “My Dad served in the Far East during WWII. He didn’t come home until May 1946. He was adamant that the US used the Atom Bomb because they were terrified of Russia overrunning Japan. The Red Army crossed Manchuria in 24 hours reaching the coast from which they could launch an invasion. All his friends and my uncles all agreed with my Dad.”

According to the article from, What are signs of spiritual decay in our lives or others and how should we confront it? Misuse of Finances Is a Sign of Spiritual Decay. We must develop a righteous anger that leads us to confront sin. A Decrease in Time Given to Worship Is a Sign of Spiritual Decay. We must be people who truly desire to please God. Certainly, we see this decay in our churches and Christian communities. Why are so many of our churches in disarray? Statistics say that around 75% of youth fall away from the faith in college and never return.4 Seventeen hundred pastors leave the ministry every month in America.5 We have churches making all kinds of moral compromises as they disregard Scripture. We are seeing a very rapid spiritual decay happening in the church. When we compromise with the world, not only does it affect us, but it affects those close to us, like our children. They will grow up speaking and thinking like the world, instead of speaking and thinking like God.

We must be tenacious in seeking to practice a holy life and also fighting for holiness in our national standard as well as that of churches. Maybe behind the government/federal reserve’s compromise, we need to start with raising the conscience from the kindergarden and all the way of schools as well as that of the church community.

For reference, here is a article research on Christian, Buddhism and Muslim, the three religious are all against Usury. 星云大师:佛教对经济的看法 谈到佛教不但重视一时的财富,更重视永久的财富;不但重视现世的财富,更重视来生的财富。非法所得的财富,例如:窃取他物、违法贪污、抵赖债物、吞没寄存、欺罔共财、因便侵占、藉势茍得、经营非法、诈骗投机、赌博淫业、放高利贷等,则为佛教所不许。 … 佛教不但重视狭义的金钱财富,尤其重视广义之财,例如:佛法、信仰、 … 星云法师著述《当代问题座谈纪实》讨论“放高利贷”是否合乎“正业”?佛教过去办有类似今日的“当铺”,只向百姓收取非常微薄的利息,甚至完全不取分厘,以帮助贫苦人士经济上的周转运用,譬如北魏的僧祇粟、南北朝的寺库、唐朝三阶教的无尽藏院,都是佛教为了便民利国的金融事业。只是佛教创典当制度,不同于今日一般当铺的高利放贷,佛教是本着来之于十方,用之于十方的精神,把社会的净财做一个集中,然后再一次发挥其整体的力量,回馈于社会,属于服务大众的慈善事业,而且具有繁荣经济的功能。譬如前面提到的开酒家、赌场、卖钓鱼器具、卖打猎的猎枪,或者是算命、卜卦、看相等都是邪命的经济生活。佛教不提倡看风水、择日期,《佛遗教经》曾指示佛教徒不应去仰观星宿、推算命运,因为这些都不是合乎因缘法则正命的经济生活,都是佛法所不允许的。

Couple months ago, two of the most influential economic thought leaders of our time came together for a fireside chat: Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times, and Raghuram Rajan, the Chicago economic professor. They explored key themes from Wolf’s latest book, The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism (2023). They also reflected on some of today’s most pressing issues—including the rise of inequality, economic turmoil, and political instability—and examined the role of capitalism, democracy, markets, and civil society in shaping a more secure and prosperous future for all.

Richard Wolff on how Europe DESTROYED itself in America’s War on China. He said, for the last 25-30 years, major American Multinational Corporation had a wonderful profitable time trading with and investing in China. China was the capitalist dream, it offered capitalists low wage, disciplined, educated labor and the fastest growing market in the world. Corporations went head over heels making enormous amount of profits. All the major coporations in America want peace, deal and mutual finances between U.S and China. They don’t give a flying what about Taiwan or anything else. They don’t talk about Uyghurs or HongKong. The Chinese policies when provoked by the neocons pretened it didn’t happen. Becuase the Chinese government want what the American business community wants which is the profitable commerce. On the other hand, there is the political ideological sometimes captured neocons or neoconservatives who are out there being the Vanguard to try to stop what is happening which is the decline of USA relative to the rise of China. So they want the tariffs, they want the trade Wars. They got it half way with Trump, and a quarter of the way with Obama, and they got another halfway with Biden. But ti is always a quarter and a half becuase this conflict. Now the militar industrial complex has a particular position, they don’t want war, but they want perpetual trouble so that they can get the funding for defense. Put all these today, the rest of the world acutely aware of U.S.A’s decline and contraditory policy. Chinese state capitalism has sent western capitalist world in shock.

Ullambana Festival – An Important Day for Prayer

Ullambana Festival (盂兰盆节) is August 30 this year. Ullambana, or the Ghost Festival, is the most popular celebrated Buddhist festival in various countries. The Ullambana Festival, observed in the 7th month of the Lunar calendar, holds deep significance in various East Asian cultures as an important occasion. It aims to bring liberation to all sentient beings, including our ancestors and departed loved ones. Throughout this period, we actively partake in acts of merit by making extensive offerings to the Triple Gem and engaging in mass prayer recitations. At the heart of Ullambana lies the mission of spreading the universal compassion of Buddha and amassing merit for the betterment of both the living and the departed, drawing strength from the power of the Triple Gems.

On this day, it is believed that the “Gates of the Hell” are opened and the dead souls visit their loved ones. During this festival, offerings are made to the spirits of the dead and to the hungry ghosts in order to bring good fortune and luck. The word ‘Ullambana’ is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word meaning ‘deliverance from suffering’, and specifically refers to the salvation that is granted to tormented souls in hell. On this day, Buddhists offer prayers both to their departed forefathers and to their living parents and elders. It is the day for helping those beings who are suffering so that they can obtain liberation.

The Ullambana Festival is also known as the “Buddha’s Joyful Day”; on this day, monks finish their practices and emerge from their retreats. In ancient times, the emperor and his people would make offerings and donations to the great monks and congratulate them on their enlightenment. It is also on this day that the underworld king visits the human world to pay respect to the Buddha and celebrate the enlightenment of the great monks, and sentient beings in hell are allowed to travel to the living world to celebrate the joyous occasion.

Grandmaster JinBodhi once said, “Only when we accumulate merits on this auspicious Buddha’s Joyful Day and think of our parents and ancestors who gave birth to us, wishing for them to receive the blessings and guidance of the Buddha and bodhisattvas can we find peace of mind. If our loved ones are suffering, not to mention in hell or prison, can our hearts be at ease? For example, if your child is living abroad and not doing well, you will not be calm, and you may feel your heart beating irregularly. Why is that? When your child is experiencing afflictions, anger, fear, or being bullied, your heart aches. This is why some people often experience rapid heartbeats. Here, we’re only talking about our loved ones who are still alive; if our parents who gave birth to us are suffering in hell, how much impact would it have on us?”

According to the Story of the Ullambana Sutra, the most important practice on this day is actually to make offerings to the Sangha (ordained monks and nuns), as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha in ‘Ullambana Sutra’. The Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana, one of the great disciples of the Buddha, was foremost in spiritual powers. When he obtained the six spiritual penetrations, he searched for his departed mother. He discovered that she had fallen into the hells. Although the Venerable Maudgalyayana had great spiritual powers, he could not save his mother. Thereupon he knelt before his teacher, the Buddha, and beseeched the World Honored One to help.

The Buddha explained that his mother was suffering in the hells because of her deep offenses and so the Venerable Maudgalyayana must rely on the united strength of the Sangha of the ten directions in order to save his mother. The Buddha said, “On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you should make an offering of the finest vegetarian foods and drinks and offer it to the Buddha and the Sangha. By making this offering, the Way-virtue of the high Sanghans of the ten directions will then be able to save your mother.”

The Venerable Mahamaudgalyayana did as the Buddha had instructed. Due to the strength of the greatly virtuous ones of the ten directions, his mother was reborn in the heavens. Since then, the Ullambana festival has become an annual Buddhist celebration and a day upon which anyone can rescue his or her parents of seven lives past.

There are many ways to celebrate Ullambana Festival. City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Live 萬佛聖城直播 has an online events you can follow. For people who do not have access to temple resources, another popular ways is to Recite Kstigarbha Sutra. The Boddhisattva who is most famous for his filial piety and his great vow- “If the Hell is not empty, I shall not attain Buddhahood”.

In the context of Mahayana Buddhism, Kstigarbha Sutra is the most fundamental sutra when it comes to classical teaching of Mahayana. In all sects of Buddhism, we start learning Buddhism by learning the original teaching of the Buddha Shakyamuni, the 4 Noble Truths, follow by the 8-fold path. From the 8th fold path, it developed into the 37 meritorious avenues. All those are the fundamentals of Shakyamuni’s teaching. After having studied those subjects mentioned, Mahayana Buddhism takes a step further. It progresses further with a higher form of ideology. Generally speaking, the Theravada ancestors are known as the Vibhajyavadin and their ideology is analytical reductionism. As opposed to that ideology is the new school called the Sarvastivadin and their ideology is anabolic holism. A better term for analytical reductionism is reductive analysis. A better term for anabolic holism is holistic synthesis. Curriculum at has offered in-depth Buddhism program, here is a seminar on Ksitigarbha Sutra Commentary Part 1, Part 2.

Regarding the Earth Store Bodhisattva, you can follow the reciting online from this youtube program: Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva. I also had wrote about a whole series of Learning Ksitigarbha Sutra from Buddhist Mastersa while ago.

Introduction; Chapter1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6;

Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13;

When all Buddhas throughout time and space achieve enlightenment, their names have the power of all their past cultivation and prayers. That is why reciting their names have so much power to purify our defilements and eons of negative karma. This is also reiterated in The Kstigarbha Sutra Chapter 9. 鬼月最易積陰德!地藏聖誕散功德,這樣做才能接得住!地藏經讀誦2小時18分版本包括回向文,由台湾地藏学会编制非常好。或者拜地藏忏,or practice repentance with Kstigarbha Boddhasattva


南无地藏王菩萨摩诃萨 !

  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我永离三恶道
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我速断贪嗔痴
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我常闻佛法僧
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我勤修戒定慧
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我常闻佛法僧
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我勤修戒定慧
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我恒随诸佛学
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我不退菩提心
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我决定生安养
  • 南无大愿地藏王 愿我摩顶受圣记 !

愿世界和平,人民安乐。 正法久住,法轮常转。 灾障消灭,祸患不生。 法界有情,同生极乐。

Diamond Sutra and Platform Sutra Open Eyes for Our Oneness and Interrelateness with Nature/Cosmos

According to Reuters Reports December 2022, One million species are on the brink of extinction. Researchers Say We’re in a Sixth Mass Extinction. This Time, Humans Are the Culprit。In an 2017 article, professor, Gerardo Ceballos, National Autonomous University of Mexico wrote: “What we’ve lost in 100 years would have been lost in 10,000 years in normal times.” Standford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich said, “Few problems are less recognized, but more important than, the accelerating disappearance of the earth’s biological resources. In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it is perched.”

How humanity related to the nature and to the consciousness of the cosmos has been a myth during and after industralization. This misunderstood was the underneath culprit that caused the two World Wars in the 20th centure. Countries competed on nature resources and markets. Mentality of dominance and life death competition override the rational mind and the deeper intutive wisdom that we are in this all together.

Dr. Alberto Villoldo is a fascinating blend of medical anthropologist and practicing shaman—having explored, practiced and taught these ideas for decades. Alberto walks us the healing wisdom at the nexus of ancient shamanic wisdom and modern science. In an interview on his book One Spirit Medicine, he talked about our gut brain, our second brain and why it is so important. He said, ” … we are dealing with situations today that shamans never had to deal with in the past. We have over seventy thousand toxic chemicals that we’ve produced. We have been exposed to antibiotics, to pesticides. We have been exposed to toxins the indigenous people never had to deal with before. …. so today the first thing we need to do is begin to detoxify. The primary way is first keeping pathogens out which is what out gut does. If you have a balanced gut micro flora, you are 90% way there. This is our gut brain, the second brain. ”

“We have over hundred million neurons that are in the gut that are regulate the entire process of taking the outside world and making it you. When you eat a piece of broccoli, you’ve got to turn that piece into you, and this is what the micro flora does. We are in effect colony organism. Humans have about 25,000 genes, but a grain of rice as over 80,000. A flatworm has 75,000 genes. Natgure experimented with humans by making us a colony organism. We hijacked the genetic machinery of over six hundred species of bacteria that live within us and there are ninety percent of who we are. They turn the outside world into us and they are the ones that eighty-five percent of our immune system which is the gut. Today our gut is so out of balance because of our diet primarily, and because of what we (modern people) have been exposed to.”

Dr. Villoldo also said the DNA of ourside substances out numbers our DNA ten to one. Yes, ten to one is the relationship between kind of what we consider “us” verus foreign substances. Alberto explains that the key to optimum health is to revise the unconscious programming and limited beliefs that have been driving us, thereby updating our neural networks to support healing and transformation. One of the mondern predicament – a disease-care system, and the allopathy medicine model recognizes thousands of ailments and myriad remedies. The shamans of old, on the other hand, discovered One Spirit Medicine—a healthcare system that identifies only one ailment and one cure (our immune system). This same one cure is the paradigram shift required of our modern day mentality to instill a deeply ingrained sense of oneness with Nature and with Cosmic consciousness.

One Spirit Medicine is part of a new wellness model that doesn’t rely on medication to fix physical problems or mood imbalances. Unlike many pharmaceutical and over-the-counter remedies, the medicine of the shamans carries no side effects or warnings written in fine print. It will not cause dependency. You will not have to beg your physician to write a prescription for it, or argue with your pharmacist over whether or not your prescription renewal has been approved. At the heart of One Spirit Medicine is an age-old practice called the vision quest, a carefully choreographed encounter with nature and the invisible world. Through fasting and meditation, a vision quest awakens the body’s self-repair and regeneration systems and reconnects us to Spirit and our own deepest purpose.

This very issed has been expounded clearly in Buddhism Diamond SutraDeep Ecology, Looking Deeply into Our Oneness with Nature. Another sutra on the same emphasis is Platform Sutra which contains the autobiography of a pivotal figure in Zen history and some of the most profound passages of Zen literature. The Grandmaster Hui-Neng (638–713) was the sixth patriarch of Zen in China, but is often regarded as the true father of the Zen tradition. He was a poor, illiterate woodcutter who is said to have attained enlightenment upon hearing a recitation of the Diamond Sutra. Together, these two scriptures present the central teaching of the Zen Buddhist tradition and are essential reading for all students of Buddhism.

The Sixth Patriarch invites us to the Platform Sutra, in both Chapter 4 of the main text (entitled “Stabilization and Insight”) and in his Commentary on the Diamond Sutra《金剛經解義》— 六祖惠能大师), to inquire into the nature of what he calls the “Four Images”, which are: a self (“me”), a personality (“my” traits), a being (“my” body-mind), and a life (“my” life).

The Four Images are four fundamental bases of identification, which the mind can use to generate a dualistic sense of separate identity, although Hui-Neng uses the term “attachment” instead of identification. The insight that stabilizes and places our perception into righteous orientation. The Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism recommends cultivating disidentification or the relaxation of clinging (“detachment”) with each, because that is the ultimate reality.

  • (1) the image of a self – being an isolated, separate, independent entity, cutoff from the universe and marked by an emphasis on “me” and “my.”
  • (2) the image of a person – the idea of being a certain kind of “someone,” defined by specific personality traits and personal qualities that define, say, “Adam as a person.”
  • (3) the image of a being – the idea of being a separate being, a being among many other separate beings, basically, a body or a body-mind.
  • (4) the image of of a liver of a life – the idea of being defined by “my” life, the lifespan from birth to death of a particular organism. More specifically, it’s the image of being a ‘someone’ who owns this life, who claims it as “mine.”

Master Thick Nhat Hanh’s article: The First Precept: Reverence for Life illustrates in modern terms the important Buddhism teaching: We humans are made entirely of non-human elements, such as plants, minerals, earth, clouds, and sunshine. For our practice to be deep and true, we must include the ecosystem. If the environment is destroyed, humans will be destroyed, too. Protecting human life is not possible without also protecting the lives of animals, plants, and minerals. The Diamond Sutra teaches us that it is impossible to distinguish between sentient and non-sentient beings. This is one of many ancient Buddhist texts that teach deep ecology.

Another long thesis on Engaged Buddhist Practice and Ecological Ethics Challenges and Reformulations written Charles Strain, takes up three challenges and argumens that Buddhism “Eco-constructivists” perform a midrash on the Buddhist tradition that is geared towards praxis; it offers forms of practice that are hardly ethically vacuous.

The Damages of the Modern Mind

The current Ukraine War is a continuation of the mental struggle of the two world wars of last century. United States forces the Russa’s hand with Nato expansion. In Sacred Demise: Walking The Spiritual Path of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse, Carolyn Baker had spoke of the urgent need for transformation of human consciousness and the emergence of a new paradigm as a result discovering our purpose in the collapse process, thereby coming home to our ultimate place in the universe.  Her arugments and illumination is very much in line with Buddhism’s concept of impermance. Of all the phenomenon we observe about the disease of modern society, all come from jungle survival of the fittest mentality, and a mindset of duality lost its connection of spirituality. We face an awesome internal transition that will take us into very unfamiliar territory and will call upon our deeper resources. The Hopi prophecies are coming true — the changing America and here’s why we should pay attention.

Nature has cycle, so does civilization. Recognizing the all-pervading nature of impermanence can trigger anxiety about life’s uncertain and unpredictable nature. Yet, according to Buddhism, accepting impermanence can also be liberating because it opens us up to a world of endless possibilities (SN 36.9). It is beneficial to remember the reality of impermanence during pain, grief, and other trials, understanding that these, too, will change (SN 22.102). The Bible says, “A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:7–9). Accepting that all circumstances are subject to change, both from bad to better and from good to worse, helps us manage life’s ups and downs.

Both collectively and individually, becuase this impermance nature of samsara, life is full of Dukka. That is why Budda teaches us The Five Precepts:

  • Refrain from taking life. Not killing any living being. …
  • Refrain from taking what is not given. Not stealing from anyone.
  • Refrain from the misuse of the senses. Not having too much sensual pleasure. …
  • Refrain from wrong speech. …
  • Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind.

Everything’s Made of Mind articulate the group of of concepts includes the ideas of Original Enlightenment, Tathagatagrabha, One Mind, and Buddha Nature.  Everything is Made of Mind presents this current of philosophically complex and historically contested theory in a little more than two pages. This reminds me of George Floyd’s addiction could change how we talk about drug use and Black Americans. We do not understand Biden Administration had spent tons of budget on so call climate issues etc., but still not doing anything to help the homeless and drug addition issues ? The report The Emerging Role of Toxic Adulterants in Street Drugs in the US Illicit Opioid Crisis is a testamony.

Buddhism scripture had story about ancient India King Prasenajit ‘s daughter who is so ugly that her father felt ashamed to let her out in the public. The Princess was very deeply humiliated and felt much depressed. Then Buddha revealled to her that the karma of her past life’s contemptuous behavior towards sages and Arahat was the cause of the present life’s suffer. The Princess made repenance and she magically transform into a very beautiful lady, even her husband was so pleasantly surprised! 波斯匿王的醜公主:賴提公主自小因貌醜而飽受歧視,深感自卑的她常自怨自艾,甚至藉故對身邊的人大發雷霆。直到有一天,她聆聽佛陀開示後,才明瞭現在遭受的一切,皆是源自於過去世曾對僧人口出惡言而來。 為了化解前世所種下的惡因,她下定決心多做善事;除了勤布施外,更到孤兒院陪伴孩童,成為孩子們口中溫柔又善良的「姑娘阿娘」。不知不覺中,賴提公主講話變得溫柔、行為體貼,在眾人眼裡,她的外貌也開始出現變化…… ( 贤愚经卷,波斯匿王女金刚品). This youtube program present the series of show of this story. You get what you give; Life is what you make of it.  The story of Queen Malika teaches a similar lesson – the law of karma.

The famous Diamond Sutra cut through the illusion and reveal the true nature of our existence: “Because that person is not caught in the idea of a self, a person, a living being, or a life span. They are not caught in the idea of the Dharma or the non-Dharma; a sign or no-sign. Why? If you are caught in the idea of the Dharma, you are also caught in the ideas of a self, a person, a living being, and a life span. If you are caught in the idea that there is no Dharma, you are still caught in the ideas of a self, a person, a living being, and a life span. That is why you should not get caught in the idea that this is the Dharma or that is not the Dharma. This is the hidden meaning when the Tathagata says, ‘Bhikshus, you should know that the Dharma that I teach is like a raft.’ You should let go of the Dharma, let alone what is not the Dharma.”

Slavery IS part of American history, we should not deny that in the school curriculum, but in the context of suffering in human history since eons all over the world, black American is not exception – Slavery is Unique Bad, But not Uniquely American, and not Uniquely Black. For example, According to Forgotten Workers – National Meusem of Amerian History, since 19th century, About 10,000 to 15,000 Chinese workers came to the United States to build the Central Pacific Railroad.  Similarly, by the mid-1800s the first major influx of Japanese immigrants were laborers began working in Hawaii sugarcane fields and California farms.

We bear responsiblity of our own salvation, and God help those who help themselves. Perseverance is important. We rise out of our difficult cirumstance through perseverance. WHEN BLACK AMERICANS PLAY THE BLAME GAME, THEY’RE BOUND TO LOSE, lose the opportunity to transform themselves, lose the freedom to grow spiritual. According to New York Times, The police caused George Floyd’s death, but drugs and heart disease played a role, the medical examiner says. In November of 2020, the voters of the state of Oregon expanded drug policy reform beyond cannabis and decriminalized the personal possession of all drugs when they approved Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act. A new study from Portland State University finds that law enforcement officers across Oregon seem frustrated with Measure 110 and confused about the role they are now expected to play in the interdiction of drugs. 

Having say that, Government has a responsibility. How come when it comes to the homeless we NEVER see a single homeless person actually be interviewed, in person? Let the homeless have a voice for crying out loud.

Buddhism teaches us that we all have Buddha nature. We are equal in spirituality – no superior, no inferior. On the other side of the Black Amerian inferiority complext, was the belief there is a “Aryan race”( master race, German: Herrenrasse) that is deemed the pinnacle of human race hierachy, and this had become a pseudoscientific concept in Nazi ideology. The term Aryan originally meant something completely different. The word was a self-designation and ethnic label that referred to the noble class from the Āryāvarta parts of India.  German Indologist Max Muller popularized the Aryan Invasion theory (AIT) in 1853 CE. The theory propagated by the Westerners postulated that northern India was invaded and conquered by nomadic, light-skinned race of a people called ‘Aryans’ who supposedly descended from some unknown land around 1,500 BCE. These invaders destroyed an earlier Dravidian civilization who lived in the Indus Valley and then imposed upon them their culture (Vedas) and language (Sanskrit)! This ‘Aryan Invasion Theory’ challenges the very basis of Indian nationhood and its Vedic culture. It employed Muller as part of Macaulay’s grand scheme to devalue Indian history. So much so, that today we have large sections of “educated Indians” who undermine their own heritage and consider that the British rule as a great chapter in India’s history.

This article by Gaurang Damani of India systematically analyze archaeological, historical and scriptural evidences to debunk the Aryan Invasion theory. Another article BBC Accepts that the Aryan Invasion theory is flawed from Arise Baharat made the call: The Aryan Invasion – Time To Forget it. It’s Time To Rename INDIA, Sadhguru Made Request To Prime Minister Modi. In the same token, India’s religious cult of prostitution is a slapping to its culture and civilization. Is New Deli the MOST CHAOTIC CITY IN THE WORLD? India is notoriously challenging for foreigners to travel. There’s also a lot of concern from female and solo travellers as to whether safe to go to India. In 2003, India was chosen to host the 19th Commonwealth Games slated for 2010. Inflated contracts and crooked deals ballooned the budget for the Games from around 412 million to an eye-watering estimate of 6 billion dollars. Inside the Commonwealth Games Scandal that Shamed India | The Big Steal is a identity crisis ?

If we lack the wisdom that can discriminate accurately between reality and fantasy, we lack the most important tool for fulfilling our own and other’s worldly and spiritual positive aims. In a state of unawareness and confusion, we can only guess what will be helpful for us or for someone else, and often we’re wrong. Essentially, what Perfection of Wisdom is attempting is a kind of rewiring of a reader’s mind to allow recognition of truths, which have always existed but were unable to be seen because of ignorance, attachment, and fear which result in spiritual blindness. The different sutras present dialogues between interlocutors, often the Buddha and a disciple or between Buddha’s close followers, such as the sages Sariputra and Subhuti, discussing some aspect of perceived reality. The hoped-for result of these exchanges, much like the Greek philosopher Plato’s dialogues, is to engage the reader fully in the discussion and encourage a significant change in one’s perception and spiritual awareness.

The pureland school of Buddhism practices recital of “Nomo Amituofo” under the precondition that you first pratices the 8-fold path (or the five precepts, or the ten wholesome ways of actions). Otherwise your desire is not in resonate with Amituofo’s compassion and protocols. Amituofo’s 48 vows all came out of his resolution to help all santient beings to attain true spiritual liberation.

Today, our school does not teach kids the right view, causing a lot of sufferings of modern society. The school allows pronography, but not the teahings the sages came out of tradition. The U.S. Supreme Court on June 17, 1963, ruled (8–1) that legally or officially mandated Bible reading or prayer in public schools is unconstitutional is a big problem. Gov’t Was AFRAID To Be Honest With Americans On Covid Vaccines: Marianne Williamson On Bill Maher. Eric Adams Earning $250,000 to Sing the Praises of Mayor Adams speaks of the irony of the state affair. Sens. Raphael Warnock, Ted Cruz, and Elizabeth Warren : These 6 senators made more money from selling books than from their day jobs last year. Cornel West slams AOC, Bernie Sanders for refusing to ‘tell the truth’ about Joe Biden. He said, at the core of Democratic party is rot, and the rotteness is corporate greed. All the above problems sometimes raise the question that does government offcial deserve the pay check they get when they made a mess ?

In regard to wealth, the Buddha said:

          “Herein, householder, these four kinds of happiness are appropriate for one who leads the household life and enjoys the pleasures of senses. They are the happiness of ownership (atthisukha), the happiness of enjoyment (bhogasukha), the happiness of freedom from debt (ananasukha) and the happiness of blamelessness (anavajjasukha)”.

Freedom of Speech has Limit – Pope Francis

In August 11, 1966, the Beatles icon John Lennon, who had wrote a song about God, made an off-handed remarks before a huge crowd as cameras rolled from each of the three major American TV networks. Eventually his remark that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus” set off a wave of hysterical – and even threatening – protests against the group. “Christianity will go,” Lennon had said. “It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue about that; I know I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now. I don’t know which will go first – rock & roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It’s them twisting it that ruins it for me.” Lenon may be expressed an personal opinion about religion, but karma on his arrogance manifested its effect strongly the way his life was end in December 8th 1980.

Explained the issue on a similar situation, Pope Francis said, “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith,” he said. “There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.” Under the name of Freedom of Speech, people are abusing their liberty, and thus underlime the very foundation of democracy. Pastor John McArthur summons on what does God want from us.

In 2016, Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, that “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” “It’s, like, incredible.” Economist Robert Reich further renounced that Trump said he could kill and win – Covid and cheating may prove it. And after January 2021, ‘No regrets’: Evangelicals and other faith leaders still support Trump after deadly US Capitol attack.

Bellieving Donald Trump Is on the Wrong Side of the Religious Right, former Vice President Mike Pence step forward to tell the Hillsdale audience, “I came today to Christ Chapel simply to tell all of you that, even when it doesn’t look like it, be confident that God is still working, in your life, and in mine, and in the life of this nation.”

In the modern culture, there is a fallacy that runs rampant in popular culture including WSJ that “Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. ” For the purpose of propaganda, communication pundits from advertisers to politicians are taking advantage of this foible of human psychology. But voices of conscience like this article from The Times of India speaks from objective middle ground- Lies Repeated Hundred Times Will Not Become Truth. In the world’s oldest and most populous liberal democracies, the United States and India respectively, a populist, majoritarian vigilantism is slowly but steadily snuffing out the promise of multi-religious, multi-ethnic societies enjoying constitutional protections of civil liberties and equality before the law. White Christian nationalists in the United States and their Hindu counterparts in India are tearing apart the secular and democratic fabric of their societies. The difference, of course, is that in India, it is the state itself that supplies a steady diet of Hindu-First nationalism, while Christian nationalism (“take America back for Jesus”) is still mostly an underground current that dares not say its name openly.

Fake data is another problem with AI and computer technology dominance of our cognition and learning process. Why is academia so toxic? Six insider bombshells on Academia. The feedback from audience is, there is a rampant academia malaysis. Academia is toxic because the people at the top are not the thoughtful ones. The lying, conniving, treacherous ones climb over them. The system rewards bad behavior. Others commented that we tend to have fantasy of the most logical, mature, the most ‘scientific’ unbiased people in academia arena, but on the contrary, if anything it became far more toxic with more petty career jealousy than ever before. The only difference is that it was more sophisticated, clever, more elaborate.

Katy Milkman is one of the world’s leading behavioral scientists. In this youtube video by Pete Judo interviewing Katy milkman on the shocking event of Harvard Fake Data Scandal involving Francesca Gino, and also we talk about Megastudies which are a really exciting way to do better research. What the video trying to convey is that: Academia has HOPE! Behavioral Science has Hope! and the way research is published has hope.

Arguments over media bias, while a constant feature of politics, have recently burst into the limelight following Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and his erratic policy-making and -unmaking regarding media labels, which blended, separated, then re-blended disparate outlets like the BBC, NPR, RT, Xinhua, and others. Confusion abounds and one question seems especially common – “who can we really trust?” Besides, media do not have to tell lies in order for it to be propaganda: selective reporting of one side/type of the story in line with its ideological values is enough to sway the popular opinion. This is ever more prevalent (and alarming) in an AI-driven algorithmic world, where you don’t get to dictate what you see anymore.

And I would add that I was heavily indoctrinated by the greatness of CCP and Chinese nationalism ideology, causing me to look at things with bias. If it is not with the helpping voices from many different culture and perspectives, I would still be in very froggy mind by all the media machines. Another event was Januay 6th Capital Hill storm, these experience taught me a good lesson that a healthy society can not just have one type of voice. We absolute need responsible journalsts and media outlets for the democracy and for keeping the standard of conducts. Of course, under the rips of the dualism, people can be over emphasize their view of an elephant as a tail or as a ear etc. A healthy society should allow for presentation of different perspective. That practice is totally different from purposely mispresentation or fraud in communication.

Underlying the Big and the Deep Lies is a shared political impulse, namely, to bend reality to fit political agendas and religious dogmas, and to feed the populist passions that these agendas arouse. If the spectre of Trump’s Big Lie haunts the United States, India is in the grip of the Deep Lie of myths turned into certified facts of history and science. It is twilight time for democracy.

One of the rare find this day is Spectacles News Project , which was established with the intention to uphold democracy, its values, its caretakers, and its ideas. It provides the transparency of source notes, citations and corrections, and the look of us series.

What could Buddhism shed the light on this situation? The fourth of the five precepts—Buddhist guidelines for an ethical life—is to refrain from false and harmful speech, often simplified as not lying. However, the fourth precept is more than a simple directive to tell the truth. It is often viewed in the context of the foundational Buddhist practice of Right Speech, a more thorough framework, contained in the eightfold path, for how best to thoughtfully and compassionately speak and listen.

Specifically in regard to communication, the Right speech, explained in negative terms, means avoiding four types of harmful speech: lies (words spoken with the intent of misrepresenting the truth); divisive speech (spoken with the intent of creating rifts between people); harsh speech (spoken with the intent of hurting another person’s feelings); and idle chatter (spoken with no purposeful intent at all). The Buddha also gave us five things to consider before speaking: Is what we’re about to say factual, helpful, kind (spoken with good-will), pleasant (“endearing”), and timely?

False speech includes any untrue statement as well as some factual ones. Straightforward lies clearly violate the precept but so do common behaviors like self-inflation, exaggeration, lying by omission, pretending to know something, and even some forms of humor, such as sarcasm, that may be hurtful. Gossip, true or not, is considered false speech, as is anything divisive or malicious, as well as idle chatter. 

The fourth precept covers all forms of communication—speaking, writing, even body language. As with the other precepts, violations are not evenly weighted. Telling a lie as part of a joke is not as serious as, say, lying to get a job or spreading harmful rumors. In Theravada Buddhism, there are four factors that lead to an infringement of the fourth precept. Intent is one, so saying something false that you believe to be true is not considered a violation. Whether or not the listener believes the falsehood is not a factor. 

Among all the contributions of Indian culture, the Buddha Dharma shines very brightly.  What is the Buddha Dharma: a religion, a spiritual path, a philosophy or a scientific method? It is all and none of these. Buddha Dharma has been influenced to many many countries for the last two thousand years, China, Japan, Vietname, Korea, Lao, Tailand, etc. It is so precious and powerful. But Indians have forgotten Buddhism a lot. And especially in the Himalaya region, Buddhism is being forgotten. This may not bother you right now, becuase you may be busy making money, just surviving. But down the road in 50 years, in 100 years, this will bother you. If you are really really care about your grandchildren, you should really preserve this heritage. The Perfection of Wisdom by Arya Nagarijuna, which are among the oldest sutras of the Mahāyāna Buddhist canon. For Mahayana practitioners, this sutra is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings.  Relating back to this article topic about freedom of speech, the sutra had many vivid stories on the effects of false communiction.



Secularlism made modern people disconnect their speech with responsibility. Part of guarding against this illusion is the obligation it puts on us to stop repeating falsehoods. We live in a world where the facts matter, and should matter. If you repeat things without bothering to check if they are true, you are helping to make a world where lies and truth are easier to confuse. So, please, think before you speak.

The Astrology of America’s Desinty By Dane Rudhyar

After intensive attempt trying to cope with the chaos in the last eight years, I am wearing out. With patisan contention here in USA, the controversy about January 6th Capitol Building upheavl in Washington, D.C., the US. Constitution dispute, the political and economic wreckage is weighting heavily. Meanwhile, the globalization brought about other agonies – ever incresing tentions with China, and nonstoped wars elsewhere in the world, the ever increasing threat of neclear destruction … etc. Collectively, we are all struggling to make sense the meaning and purpose of our existance within the larger world theater , amid the media news bombarding, court trials, regional conflicts as well as economic hardship.

Reading articles like “The Course of American History Now Depends on Getting Inside Trump’s Head“, my head is cracking. It is obviously we have not got passed the 2020 election dispute, and U.S Presidential Election is not just American’s political affair any more, the world is watching the U.S. vote. It isn’t just Americans who care — according to this article, the whole world is watching the race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Even the youtube program 【逸语道破】 2024美国总统大选 到底谁在阻止特朗普 hints of the danger of assasination when the poltical impass got overheat. Never interested in politics, and not used to so much arguments and underhanded rivalry, and as a U.S citizen, and a member of the human society, I simple do not have the ability to make further sensible comments on such issues that affect our collective karma. If you ask me what had come to my mind, it is currently Northnode in Aries is in conjunction with U.S natal Chiron at 20 degree of Aries. Is it that our destiny in conjunction with our wound?

Looking up in history, President Andrew Johnson who became assume President responsibility after Abrham Lincohn’s death by assasination in April 15 1865, who favored quick restoration of the seceded states to the Union without protection for the newly freed people who were formerly enslaved. This led to conflict with the Republican-dominated Congress, culminating in his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. There was a impeachment trial for almost three months, from March 7 1868-May 26 1868. This reminds of us “History may not repeat itself. But it rhymes”.

Inadvertently, I picked up a book by Dane RudhyarThe Astrology of America’s Destiny. This book deals with the evolution of the USA from its inception through roughly the late 1970’s, getting into the esoteric meanings and processes involved. It also gave the spiritual meanings of the planetary transits. It is a booklet of about 200 pages divided into 8 chapters. I am still reading it, would need to quite sometime to digest the deep meaning Dane Rudhyar discussed. Fortunately, I found a on-line copy of the book from Dane Rudhyar’s Archival Project – The Astrology of American Destiny, saving me a lot of typing, and we can all study it and think about the implication relating to what is going on the world stage right now.

 The Birth of the United States as a Collective Person

2. The Roots of the American Nation
3. America’s Place in the Cosmic Process
4. A Birth Chart for the United States of America
5. Two Hundred Years of Growth Through Crisis
6. A Chart for the Beginning of the Federal Government
7. America at the Crossroads
8. Prospects for the Last Quarter Century