The current Ukraine War is a continuation of the mental struggle of the two world wars of last century. United States forces the Russa’s hand with Nato expansion. In Sacred Demise: Walking The Spiritual Path of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse, Carolyn Baker had spoke of the urgent need for transformation of human consciousness and the emergence of a new paradigm as a result discovering our purpose in the collapse process, thereby coming home to our ultimate place in the universe. Her arugments and illumination is very much in line with Buddhism’s concept of impermance. Of all the phenomenon we observe about the disease of modern society, all come from jungle survival of the fittest mentality, and a mindset of duality lost its connection of spirituality. We face an awesome internal transition that will take us into very unfamiliar territory and will call upon our deeper resources. The Hopi prophecies are coming true — the changing America and here’s why we should pay attention.
Nature has cycle, so does civilization. Recognizing the all-pervading nature of impermanence can trigger anxiety about life’s uncertain and unpredictable nature. Yet, according to Buddhism, accepting impermanence can also be liberating because it opens us up to a world of endless possibilities (SN 36.9). It is beneficial to remember the reality of impermanence during pain, grief, and other trials, understanding that these, too, will change (SN 22.102). The Bible says, “A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:7–9). Accepting that all circumstances are subject to change, both from bad to better and from good to worse, helps us manage life’s ups and downs.
Both collectively and individually, becuase this impermance nature of samsara, life is full of Dukka. That is why Budda teaches us The Five Precepts:
- Refrain from taking life. Not killing any living being. …
- Refrain from taking what is not given. Not stealing from anyone.
- Refrain from the misuse of the senses. Not having too much sensual pleasure. …
- Refrain from wrong speech. …
- Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind.
Everything’s Made of Mind articulate the group of of concepts includes the ideas of Original Enlightenment, Tathagatagrabha, One Mind, and Buddha Nature. Everything is Made of Mind presents this current of philosophically complex and historically contested theory in a little more than two pages. This reminds me of George Floyd’s addiction could change how we talk about drug use and Black Americans. We do not understand Biden Administration had spent tons of budget on so call climate issues etc., but still not doing anything to help the homeless and drug addition issues ? The report The Emerging Role of Toxic Adulterants in Street Drugs in the US Illicit Opioid Crisis is a testamony.
Buddhism scripture had story about ancient India King Prasenajit ‘s daughter who is so ugly that her father felt ashamed to let her out in the public. The Princess was very deeply humiliated and felt much depressed. Then Buddha revealled to her that the karma of her past life’s contemptuous behavior towards sages and Arahat was the cause of the present life’s suffer. The Princess made repenance and she magically transform into a very beautiful lady, even her husband was so pleasantly surprised! 波斯匿王的醜公主:賴提公主自小因貌醜而飽受歧視,深感自卑的她常自怨自艾,甚至藉故對身邊的人大發雷霆。直到有一天,她聆聽佛陀開示後,才明瞭現在遭受的一切,皆是源自於過去世曾對僧人口出惡言而來。 為了化解前世所種下的惡因,她下定決心多做善事;除了勤布施外,更到孤兒院陪伴孩童,成為孩子們口中溫柔又善良的「姑娘阿娘」。不知不覺中,賴提公主講話變得溫柔、行為體貼,在眾人眼裡,她的外貌也開始出現變化…… ( 贤愚经卷,波斯匿王女金刚品). This youtube program present the series of show of this story. You get what you give; Life is what you make of it. The story of Queen Malika teaches a similar lesson – the law of karma.
The famous Diamond Sutra cut through the illusion and reveal the true nature of our existence: “Because that person is not caught in the idea of a self, a person, a living being, or a life span. They are not caught in the idea of the Dharma or the non-Dharma; a sign or no-sign. Why? If you are caught in the idea of the Dharma, you are also caught in the ideas of a self, a person, a living being, and a life span. If you are caught in the idea that there is no Dharma, you are still caught in the ideas of a self, a person, a living being, and a life span. That is why you should not get caught in the idea that this is the Dharma or that is not the Dharma. This is the hidden meaning when the Tathagata says, ‘Bhikshus, you should know that the Dharma that I teach is like a raft.’ You should let go of the Dharma, let alone what is not the Dharma.”
Slavery IS part of American history, we should not deny that in the school curriculum, but in the context of suffering in human history since eons all over the world, black American is not exception – Slavery is Unique Bad, But not Uniquely American, and not Uniquely Black. For example, According to Forgotten Workers – National Meusem of Amerian History, since 19th century, About 10,000 to 15,000 Chinese workers came to the United States to build the Central Pacific Railroad. Similarly, by the mid-1800s the first major influx of Japanese immigrants were laborers began working in Hawaii sugarcane fields and California farms.
We bear responsiblity of our own salvation, and God help those who help themselves. Perseverance is important. We rise out of our difficult cirumstance through perseverance. WHEN BLACK AMERICANS PLAY THE BLAME GAME, THEY’RE BOUND TO LOSE, lose the opportunity to transform themselves, lose the freedom to grow spiritual. According to New York Times, The police caused George Floyd’s death, but drugs and heart disease played a role, the medical examiner says. In November of 2020, the voters of the state of Oregon expanded drug policy reform beyond cannabis and decriminalized the personal possession of all drugs when they approved Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act. A new study from Portland State University finds that law enforcement officers across Oregon seem frustrated with Measure 110 and confused about the role they are now expected to play in the interdiction of drugs.
Having say that, Government has a responsibility. How come when it comes to the homeless we NEVER see a single homeless person actually be interviewed, in person? Let the homeless have a voice for crying out loud.
Buddhism teaches us that we all have Buddha nature. We are equal in spirituality – no superior, no inferior. On the other side of the Black Amerian inferiority complext, was the belief there is a “Aryan race”( master race, German: Herrenrasse) that is deemed the pinnacle of human race hierachy, and this had become a pseudoscientific concept in Nazi ideology. The term Aryan originally meant something completely different. The word was a self-designation and ethnic label that referred to the noble class from the Āryāvarta parts of India. German Indologist Max Muller popularized the Aryan Invasion theory (AIT) in 1853 CE. The theory propagated by the Westerners postulated that northern India was invaded and conquered by nomadic, light-skinned race of a people called ‘Aryans’ who supposedly descended from some unknown land around 1,500 BCE. These invaders destroyed an earlier Dravidian civilization who lived in the Indus Valley and then imposed upon them their culture (Vedas) and language (Sanskrit)! This ‘Aryan Invasion Theory’ challenges the very basis of Indian nationhood and its Vedic culture. It employed Muller as part of Macaulay’s grand scheme to devalue Indian history. So much so, that today we have large sections of “educated Indians” who undermine their own heritage and consider that the British rule as a great chapter in India’s history.
This article by Gaurang Damani of India systematically analyze archaeological, historical and scriptural evidences to debunk the Aryan Invasion theory. Another article BBC Accepts that the Aryan Invasion theory is flawed from Arise Baharat made the call: The Aryan Invasion – Time To Forget it. It’s Time To Rename INDIA, Sadhguru Made Request To Prime Minister Modi. In the same token, India’s religious cult of prostitution is a slapping to its culture and civilization. Is New Deli the MOST CHAOTIC CITY IN THE WORLD? India is notoriously challenging for foreigners to travel. There’s also a lot of concern from female and solo travellers as to whether safe to go to India. In 2003, India was chosen to host the 19th Commonwealth Games slated for 2010. Inflated contracts and crooked deals ballooned the budget for the Games from around 412 million to an eye-watering estimate of 6 billion dollars. Inside the Commonwealth Games Scandal that Shamed India | The Big Steal is a identity crisis ?
If we lack the wisdom that can discriminate accurately between reality and fantasy, we lack the most important tool for fulfilling our own and other’s worldly and spiritual positive aims. In a state of unawareness and confusion, we can only guess what will be helpful for us or for someone else, and often we’re wrong. Essentially, what Perfection of Wisdom is attempting is a kind of rewiring of a reader’s mind to allow recognition of truths, which have always existed but were unable to be seen because of ignorance, attachment, and fear which result in spiritual blindness. The different sutras present dialogues between interlocutors, often the Buddha and a disciple or between Buddha’s close followers, such as the sages Sariputra and Subhuti, discussing some aspect of perceived reality. The hoped-for result of these exchanges, much like the Greek philosopher Plato’s dialogues, is to engage the reader fully in the discussion and encourage a significant change in one’s perception and spiritual awareness.
The pureland school of Buddhism practices recital of “Nomo Amituofo” under the precondition that you first pratices the 8-fold path (or the five precepts, or the ten wholesome ways of actions). Otherwise your desire is not in resonate with Amituofo’s compassion and protocols. Amituofo’s 48 vows all came out of his resolution to help all santient beings to attain true spiritual liberation.

Today, our school does not teach kids the right view, causing a lot of sufferings of modern society. The school allows pronography, but not the teahings the sages came out of tradition. The U.S. Supreme Court on June 17, 1963, ruled (8–1) that legally or officially mandated Bible reading or prayer in public schools is unconstitutional is a big problem. Gov’t Was AFRAID To Be Honest With Americans On Covid Vaccines: Marianne Williamson On Bill Maher. Eric Adams Earning $250,000 to Sing the Praises of Mayor Adams speaks of the irony of the state affair. Sens. Raphael Warnock, Ted Cruz, and Elizabeth Warren : These 6 senators made more money from selling books than from their day jobs last year. Cornel West slams AOC, Bernie Sanders for refusing to ‘tell the truth’ about Joe Biden. He said, at the core of Democratic party is rot, and the rotteness is corporate greed. All the above problems sometimes raise the question that does government offcial deserve the pay check they get when they made a mess ?
In regard to wealth, the Buddha said:
“Herein, householder, these four kinds of happiness are appropriate for one who leads the household life and enjoys the pleasures of senses. They are the happiness of ownership (atthisukha), the happiness of enjoyment (bhogasukha), the happiness of freedom from debt (ananasukha) and the happiness of blamelessness (anavajjasukha)”.