Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and Multitude of Lying Liars that Manufactured Them

As it is depicted in the Movie The Matrix, we are living in a web of illusions. There are two types of reality, one is the state of ultimate truth as experiences by Buddha that described in Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra. Another type is secular truth for us standard human being, we should call a spade a spade. In a era of so much confusion, disorientation and drug abuses, speaking truthfully, frankly, and directly about a topic, even to the point of bluntness or rudeness, even if the subject is coarse, impolite or unpleasant, is the only way of keeping our sanity. Yes, John 8:32 says: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In a similar manner Buddha taught his disciples to vividly visualize the interior of a human body, with blood, coarse intestines etc, etc as a way to counter lust, or go to the graveyard to do meditation to get into your senses of the impermanence nature of life.

Contrary to what talk show host George Noory claimed that “Monumental Myths , is a veritable buffet for so-call conspiracy theorists”, when certain themes of phenomenon keep on repeating itself, you find so-called “conspiracy theory” turned out in time to be reality, and the so-called “conspiracy theorists ” are actually conspiracy analysts, who are the courageous heroic whistleblower. These “conspiracy theorists” turned out are the ones that called out the Emperor is naked!

Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying Liars That Manufactured Them Paperback – November 5, 2013 mentioned above is truly a eye opener. The author Ty Bollinger, wrote at the conclusion of the book, “George Orwell couldn’t have been more accurate when he said, ‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’ It reminds me of an old proverb: ‘It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.’

Ty Bollinger continues, ” I told my wife that this book was going to be the one that got me killed, so if you hear about me committing “suicide” by shooting myself in the head twice (like Investigative journalist Gary Webb purportedly did) or committing “suicide” by beating and torturing myself like Officer Terry Yeakey (Oklahoma City Policeman) allegedly did, or committing ‘suicide’ by shooting myself in the head and then wiping off the fingerprints after I’m dead (like deputy White House counsel during the first six months of the Clinton administration Vince Foster allegedly did) … don’t believe it. If I die in suspicious circumstances, then you can rest assured that ‘they’ got to me. Honestly, I’m not worried about it in the least. God is sovereignly controlling all things and I’m his kid, so He’s watching out for me”.

God gives us the power of reason ‘for a reason,’ to discover truth. By definition, monumental myths are not true. They are contrary to reality. They turn truth on its head. they point fingers the wrong way. They’re pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, sickness, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.

Hopefully, this book has helped you understand and appreciate why I said in the introduction that most monumental myths are not really as much of a ‘riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ as they are a ‘furtive foothill of foul-smelling feces wrapped in a fairytale inside a fable of fabrications and falsehoods.’ I hope that this book has inspired you to think for yourself, so that when the next false flag occurs (yes, there will be more false flags), you will not ‘blindly believe’ everything that the bimbo bobble-head bleached blonde on television tells you.”

” …. Since the invention of television, untold billions of people have been relying on a ‘television anchor’ to ‘explain the pictures.’ And even if the official explanations make no plausible sense, most folks believe them because ‘they’ told us so, and we all know that ‘they’ would never lie. As a result, scores of people, like lemmings, following one another right off the proverbial cliff. It is time to end the insanity. And this doesn’t just apply to television. it also applies to the ‘anchors’ in the ‘health’ care (which some folks refer to as ‘sickness perpetuation’) industry. ‘Well, Mr. Smith,’ the M.D. says, as he pins an X-ray to the wall. ‘See this thing? Right here? This lump? We’ll need to start chemo immediately, we’ll follow up with several rounds of radiation, and then, just in case, we might want to remove a large chunk of your brain. Then, as a preventative measure, we may need to remove an eye. If you find yourself in this position, say NO!!!!”


The Violence of Modern Technology Caused Extreme Environmental Pollution and Increased Toxicity in Human Body

In the video Chemical Farming and the Loss of Human Health | Dr. Zach Bush said, We’ve literary built the entire economy of not only the United States but the entire western civilization on health care. That has been a hidden reality for a long time, but for thousand of years the real control of population has been around their food. Now that we have seventy billon soul on this planet, it has become really big business when you start to be able to control food. The political control has been around the food chain and whether it delivers health. Dr. Bush said he is in an reductionist state of understand the world around us after spend 20+ years of his life study medicine, and the field of study had become more and more complicated by the minutes, there is thousands and thousands of diseases found with the current medical model, and ten thousands of drugs to treat those disease came along. Dr. Zach Bush’s work is critical in exposing the truth about our toxic food system or its health impact.

Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large. And he is also the founder of Farmers Footprint, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance — while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

Synthetic, or chemical, fertilizers are quicker than organic fertilizers at getting nutrients into the soil in a form that can be absorbed by plants. They are helpful at first, but the negative impacts can be long term and far-reaching. Though helpful to plants, the chemicals kill beneficial soil organisms.

  • Feedback: Korean natural farming methods which use microbes bacteria and fungi to heal soil and grow incredible nutrient rich food,
  • Audience Feedback: Midwest farmer won’t grow organic crops as he will lose his farm subsidies. He gets 60 percent of his income from growing crops that are sprayed with chemicals. If he grows organic he gets nothing. 85 percent of crops grown in the Midwest are for animal feed. Big corporations run our country including Mayo Clinic and large hospitals.
  • audience feedback: I’m really trying to wake people up to the truth that the chemicals in our environment are affecting us, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I want to know the truth and find a solution to help further heal the world.
  • Feedback: As far as I recall, when I was in school in the 1960s, there were virtually no kids on any medications. Now, in 2023, the number of kids with social anxiety, health problems, and medications is staggering. When I go to the doctor, the first thing he says to me is, ” What medications are you taking” he almost doesn’t believe me when I say no medications at all. I have just turned 60.
  • Feedback: It’s ridiculous and sad that so many people view our species as “separate from nature.”
  • Feedback: A cured patient is a lost customer. The world is waking up to this.
  • feedback: My mom always staunchly refused to take us to the hospital for mild colds/flus/etc. because she said they’d just put us on endless antbiotics. She also refused to give us sweet cereals/poptarts for breakfast like all the other kids did. We only got one soda per week. It seemed unfair/silly at the time to me but in retrospect it was brilliant.

Pesticides have a bad rep, but they have been instrumental in feeding growing populations through history. Feedback: Even pesticide commonly used in organic farms allowed in most contries you will find Copper or Sufur derivates that compounds caused in many parts of Europe soil sterility, both are large spectrum “pesticide” affecting not only the target, but all microbial and insect community. The anti-sparrow campaign led to a pandemic of crop-destroying insects fuuther leading to famines. The fungi toxins are more toxic compared with chemical pesticide, and even harden to remove (search for Mycotoxin and Aflatoxin).

However, an increasing numbers of critics and farmers say they have brought about a new, and bigger challenge – poor health and the decimation of biodiversity. The less healthy the environment, the more difficult it gets to go without chemicals which when used further destroy the environment… Is it realistic, then, to get rid of them and still feed everybody on the planet? We’re destroying our environment at an alarming rate.

To strive for a eco-friendly world , more and more people start to challenge the ideas about what dealing with climate change means. What can we do and how the system needs to change. There are many people in the world working in alternatives for the current problem of Chemical pesticed. Ows, Pigs and Chicken, besides high nutrition value (in protein and essential vitamins) produce fertilizer and if used properly complete a essential cycle of food production. In fact mines of potassium nitrate (essential fertilizer in agriculture), as a gigant site of poop from birds (search for Chile Salitre). And you can use that chicken residue as a high value fertilizer. Nowadays we also have Bacillus (bacteria) that have succefully used to control fungi and some insects in field, Trichogramma galloi(Microwasp) – Insects that parasites other insects. Trichoderma a fungi that compete in the field against phytopathogenic fungis.

A lot of these conversations come back to consumers. What consumers purchase drives how farmers farm, how breeders breed, etc. If people understood that an apple with a small blemish on it is still edible, there would be much less food waste. The standards for producing fruit have gotten out of control and given farmers two options; either use harsher chemistries to try and create a perfect piece of fruit, or go organic, spend a fortune on inputs and hope that you have something to show for at the end of the year.

About 10,000 years ago, humans began to farm. This agricultural revolution was a turning point in our history and enabled the existence of civilization. Today, nearly 40% of our planet is farmland. Spread all over the world, these lands are the pieces to a global puzzle we’re all facing: in the future, how can we feed every member of a growing population a healthy diet? Can we create the “perfect” farm? Brent Loken investigates.

GMO advocates champion genetically modified food as a way to combat climate change, solve environmental issues, and solve world hunger. There are truths and fallacies both of the extremes of the GMO debate, but the reality is, and really the core problem with GMOs is not the technology or the genetically modified food itself, but what GMOs and genetically modified foods are used and controlled. Monsanto’s BT and HT crops are a perfect example of how GMO foods are used to create monopolies of environmental destruction. 转基因 为什么很少关于转基因的争议了?正在改变世界的基因编辑(我们一起聊科学:20230916 第16期)虽然只有二十多年的时间,却引发最大的争议。良心公知名嘴崔永元揭发中国农业农村部滥用转基因农作物,坑害老百姓身体健康。 冒險再大爆猛料,太多乾貨,多個名人紛紛躺槍。

Saving and replanting seeds has been an important part of farming ever since farming was discovered by William Von Farming. There maybe some practical disadvantages to saving crop seeds. but the real reason farmers stopped doing it after thousand years is because a couple of company found out a way to make replanting your own seeds illegal, almost anywhere in the world! But things start to getting complicated when the technology of inventing plant were being introduced. Humans have been cultivating new breeds of plants for as long as we grow them. One problem is no one get filthy rich yet. So in the 1930s, U.S government passed the Plant Patent Act. for the first time in the world, people can legally claim that plant was their intellectual property. Of course this does not apply to natural occurring plants. To claim a patent, you have to at least breed a distinct new variet that are capable of making more of it. And up to the 1990s, there was only 120 patented plants. Farmer did not generally grow or harvest them.

Then there is a company called Mensanto shifted their business model from selling plant poison to plant seeds that could not be killed by their own plant poisons. These “roundup-ready” crops, mostly beans and cottons, quickly took over every farm in the U.S and many more around the world, because it turned out that not dying from weeds or weed killer is an important traits for crops to have. But here is the kicker, growing a patent plants is legally the same thing as manufacturing any other patent products. so these company get to control what product the buyers can have and exactly how much they could make. Mensanto and the likes companies had their customer signed contract to use only their seeds and not allow to give it away to other people.

You are what you eat, and you can imagine what parasites you introduce into your body. Advantages of GMO foods include added nutrients, fewer pesticides, and cheaper prices. Disadvantages of GMO foods can be allergic reactions or increased antibiotic resistance. Seventy-five percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves—from soda to soup, crackers to condiments—contain genetically engineered ingredients. The long-term effects of these foods on humanity is so far unknown.

The book, The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk Paperback – April 12, 2016 contains 57 articles by over 70 HIGHLY Qualified Authors on this contraversal topic. Collectively, they address such questions as:
Are GM foods safe and healthy for us?
Will GM food really solve world hunger?
Are GM foods ecologically safe and sustainable?
Should animals be genetically modified for food?
Ultimately, this definitive book encourages us to think about the social, environmental, and moral ramifications of where this particular branch of biotechnology is taking us, and what we should do about it.

The real and potentially adverse effects of GMOs have been understated or negated by government and corporations, neglected by the press, and ignored by many in the scientific community who accept uncritically a corporate-crafted message. A fair-minded and unbiased individual looking at all the evidence must reach the conclusion that there is a great deal we do not know and what we do know impels us to be both cautious and concerned, skeptical of an early manufactured consensus, and critical of a framing that fails to recognize the diversity of public objections to GMOS.” Further, What if you consume meat or eggs that come from animals that were fed genetically modified feed materials? Are the unhealthy consequences of consuming that feed passed on?

According to the (USDA) US Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), biotechnology plantings as a percentage of total crop plantings in the United States in 2012 were about 88 percent for corn, 94 percent for cotton, and 93 percent for soybeans. FDA has launched an education initiative called Feed Your Mind to help consumers better understand genetically engineered foods, commonly called GMOs or genetically modified organisms. Most GMO crops are used in food for animals like cows, chickens, and fish. They are also used to make ingredients that are then used in food products like cereal, snack chips, and vegetable oils. Even though you won’t find many GMO fruits or vegetables in the produce section of your grocery store, GMOs are a common part of today’s food supply. In 2017, Congress provided funding for an Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative, which calls upon FDA to work with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and USDA to share science-based educational information about GMOs, beginning with answers to some basic GMO questions.

GMOs, Consumerism and the Global Politics of Biotechnology: Rethinking Food, Bodies and Identities in Africa’s 21st Century Paperback – August 17, 2017 Despite sustained continental and national struggles for autonomy, sovereignty and independence in postcolonial Africa, the continent is increasingly embattled by the forces of globalisation which threaten African identity that is at the core of African struggles for continental and national unity. Situating the debates in the contemporary discourses on decoloniality, global consumerism, global food apartheid and the challenges and prospects of the emergent sharing economies, this book critically examines the importation, use and implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other such non-food products on African bodies, institutions and cultures. The book poses questions about how Africa can be decolonised both politically and in terms of global food apartheid and the dehumanising importation and use of “foreign” non-food products, some of which militate against the ethos of [African] identity, Renaissance and indigeneity.

The independent International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), a not-for-profit organization, estimates that the global area of biotech crops for 2012 was 170.3 million hectares, grown by 17.3 million farmers in 28 countries, with an average annual growth in area cultivated of around 6 percent. More than 90 percent of farmers growing biotech crops are resource-poor farmers in developing countries.

Not only the soil and Earth has seriously polluted. We are increasingly surrounded by toxic air and magnetic radiations. The book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth Paperback – June 10, 2014 This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.”

This book examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska service a full-spectrum dominance. This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth—from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions.

Elana M. Freeland’s startling book sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “Transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.

The Gaia hypothesis, also known as the Gaia theory, Gaia paradigm, or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. The scientists and technocrats like Elon Musk, in their illusory craving for space exploration new discovery for advancement, such as the highly polluted automobile battery, are unwittingly damage the balance of Planet Earth and killing lifes by millions. The tauma in their personal life is exponentially manifested into the whole planet Earth as their ego expands.

How Confucianism Can Lend Political Wisdom to the American Social Decay Plagued by Mercantilism

子曰:“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动“。本来三界唯心,万法唯识。(指十方三世一切有漏无漏,皆因八心王而有而显,八心王复依第八及无明而现于三界,无明业种及上烦恼随眠复由各自第八所持而藉缘变现色身及世界山河,依第八心而有,依第八心而现,以第八为根本。 心者:总有八第八如来藏恒常坚住不坏,自凡夫位乃至成佛,皆是此。) 但是如果我们的修行境界还没办法到达那样的高度,那么就要 不符合礼不看,不符合礼不听,不符合礼不说,不符合礼不做; 要符合礼的看,要符合礼的听,要符合礼的说,要符合礼的做。Confucious taught his students do not watch, listen, speak or do anything that does not ahere to the ethical standard. We have to be very vigilant in adhere to the rules. This requires constant introspection and self-reflection. And be alert the sway of the mind. I have to admit this is very hard to achieve in an environment bombard with all the information explosions. The power that be intentionally want to create many disinformation to confuse people, as they are afraid to the correct information that expose their not-so-decent intentions and abusing of power.

Amitabha Buddha taught something similar in his 48 vows. Amitabha Buddha’s 16th vow (out of 48 total vows) is: [16] If I should attain Buddhahood, yet humans and heavenly beings in my land would even hear the name of any unwholesomeness, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. (Reference to: Categorizing Amitabha’s 48 Vows in the Infinite Life Sutra )

This vow indicate to us the importance of culture and environment in influence our mind, body and spirit. That was why Amituofo had worked very hard to create a western paradise for advanced being to further cultivateboosting their practices. So Amituofo and Confucious teach us the same thing about interaction with media.《四种清净明诲》这是修出轮回的基础,是戒律中最高的“摄心为戒”。淫心、杀心、盗心、妄心,都是无量诸佛共同宣说的内容,是放之四海而皆准的恒定准则。 These practices is to help you depart from the four type of attachments. 所谓由戒生定,由定发慧,是为三无漏学。

Grown up in China Fujian Province where there was a general deep culture influence of Chan Buddhism and Confuciounism, I could not understand the widespread corruption and decline of moral standard in America, until I read the reseach paper Eclipse of Rent-Sharing: The Effects of Managers’ Business Education on Wages and the Labor Share in the US and Denmark by Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Alex Xi He (University of Maryland), and Daniel le Maire (University of Copenhagen). Fundamentally, the business degree including MBA education, which posts a huge number of college enrollment and tuition income, has plague the nation with a selfish mind and rent seeking greed, the silent destruction to the world is more violent than that of the neclear weapons.

When the elites of a country leverage their social status and power for self enrichment, the country has no hope. We see this manifested in sex offender, financier and international sex trafficking criminal Jeffrey Epstein. JPMorgan allegedly processed more than $1bn for Epstein over 16 years. Now four years after his death in prison, still questions swirl as lawsuit draws billionaire investor deeper into Epstein scandal. ‘Rambling’ Emails Reveal CREEPY Correspondence Between Jeffrey Epstein & Bill Gates: Report. “He’s Not Being Honest!” – What’s Elon Musk’s Connection To Jeffrey Epstein? Tara Lee Rodas, She is risking her life literally exposing the Biden Adminstration as ‘Middleman’ In Child Trafficking Operation.. She gives her opening statement on the child migrant crisis to the House Judiciary Committee.

Financial Money had turned into corruption of every cornor of the society. Even the most top power circle can not avoid such downfall. Max Blumenthal Details What Elites Are HIDING At Secretive Bilderberg Meetings.

The elites’ ethic debasement ranges from political arena to business, diplomatic circle to military group, from CEOs to school education, the decay from toxics of the mind is beyond words to describe. The research paper (Eclipse of Rent-Sharing mentioned above) provides evidence from the US and Denmark that managers with a business degree (“business managers”) reduce their employees’ wages. Within five years of the appointment of a business manager, wages decline by 6% and the labor share by 5 percentage points in the US, and by 3% and 3 percentage points in Denmark. Firms appointing business managers are not on differential trends and do not enjoy higher output, investment, or employment growth thereafter. Using manager retirements and deaths and an IV strategy based on the diffusion of the practice of appointing business managers within industry, region and size quartile cells, we provide additional evidence that these are causal effects. We establish that the proximate cause of these (relative) wage effects are changes in rent-sharing practices following the appointment of business managers. Exploiting exogenous export demand shocks, we show that non-business managers share profits with their workers, whereas business managers do not. But consistent with our first set of results, these business managers show no greater ability to increase sales or profits in response to exporting opportunities. Finally, we use the influence of role models on college major choice to instrument for the decision to enroll in a business degree in Denmark and show that our estimates correspond to causal effects of practices and values acquired in business education – rather than the differential selection into business education of individuals unlikely to share rents with workers.

According to AFL-CIO, The average S&P 500 company’s CEO-to-worker pay ratio was 272-to-1 in 2022. The Wikipedia wage ratio revealled that in 2017, the Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn called for an enforced wage ratio for any company awarded a government contract, of 20:1 between the executives and the lowest-paid employee. Switzerland had set a Popular Initiative “1:12 Initiative – For fair wages”  by a referendum in 2013. In Canada, The Wagemark Foundation, a Toronto-based not-for-profit organization is working to create an international wage standard certifying organizations that can prove they operate with a wage ratio of 8:1.

Confuciounism is the totall opposition of the Mercantilism. 子曰:“无欲速,无见小利。欲速,则不达;见小利,则大事不成”。为什么不要只关注利益?孟子跟梁惠王讲了一个故事,深有启发。不与民争利;欲望是无止境的,民众得到再多的利益,也是永远不会满足。 只有让大家不要关心利益,而是关心仁义才能得到长治久安。 这里的仁义就是利己和利他。 如果整个国家的人都是自私自利,只有每一个人都能关心他人,整个国家才能得到蓬勃发展。 孟子的思想就是集体主义精神.

第二方面是与民同乐而不要独乐,这是仁政思想的另一个体现。 古之人与民同乐,故能乐也。 周文王修建高台灵池,百姓非常喜欢, 因为周文王与民同乐。 夏朝的夏桀是个暴君,他独自享用高台灵池,却得不到快乐。

第三,仁者无敌。 养民教民。 要战胜别人,首先要自强,要能战胜自己。让百姓辛勤劳作, 让人们学习孝悌忠信.

第四,国家领导应该推己及人,把自己的恩惠和仁德推广开来,给人民树立好的榜样, 他的影响力就会越来越大, 保民而王,莫之能御也。


於是有讀者和我分享了一篇論文(參見《Eclipse of rent-sharing: The effects of managers business education》),針對美國和丹麥商業主管接受MBA教育後的實際表現做了詳細統計分析,發現他們不但不增加產品銷量,連對利潤都沒有絲毫貢獻,唯一可以測量到的差異,在於他們大幅改變了薪資結構:削減底層而圖利高層。論文作者進一步確定,支付這些薪資的資金來自公司舊有的生意傳承,和他們的“管理”毫無關係。總結來説,資本主義體制是圖利大資本的設計,而商學院教育在其中所扮演的角色,在於通過誘惑鼓勵經理階級參與分贓,來為掠奪勞工生產價值做普及和掩飾;這些MBA別説對國家社會,就是對公司和商場也是毫無正面價值的毒藥,有興趣深究的讀者可以參考聯想的案例。

Professor Michael Hudson’s Inquisity into World Bank and Debt Development All the Way Back from Catholic Church

The Chinese has a proverb, 天有好生之德,meaning Divine has the virtue of provision. Human’s responsiblity lies in living in harmoney with Heaven and Earth and have a congruency in coexistance everything else in nature, abiding by the great Tao (道)of Divine Principle, as all are the reflection of the diversity of cosmic love.

Like the rivers eventually returning to the ocean, individually we may be on differnt stage of development, different cycle of spiritual evolution, differnt path, but ultimately we are all on the same journey returning back to universal consciousness. In that sense we are one and the same.

As such we all have right to have access to basic necessity and human diginity: like clean air, unpolluted water, basic living condition like healthy food, a roof over your head to stay, and free education from K-12 and basic medical care provision. This is my understanding of the “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. It is injustice for America to control the world’s food supply (more on that by Professor Michael Hudson later of this blog). It is unjustice for a handful of elites to have 90% of the resources of the society while so many live in the street and plagued by drug abused untreated without clean water and food. Because every mental disorder, every drug addicted posts a further debasement/environmental cost of the whole society.

Of course, the popullation growing put a high pressure on the resources. So how to consolidate ways and means to live within budget is the challenge. GDP as a measure of national productivity which is often accompanied by tremendous waste, resources misallocation and huge disparity in distribution, is not a proper index to cover the basics for all. In this aspect we have a lot to learn from Indegenious people for living in community and sharing resources. We may need to have part of society to revive agriculture for organic food, vegetables and medical herbs in paralle to the industrialized plants and office employment. Organic plants grow without chemicals and non genetically modified organis food takes up more labor and produce less quantities. But the food will reduce many modern disease and help boost immunue system for the society, and thus reduce medical cost.

Government has a responsiblity to enforce and implement norms, customers and proper order for a functional society. Government also has the responsiblity to organize and help provide the public good mentioned above. Our time is prevalent with corruption. Different branches of the govenment spend a lot of time fighting on small details rather than work coherently towards a mission to serve the people. Not to mention abusing of the power and blantly violence. We should be ashame of our sin, but we should not ashame of our repenance. While God has patience with us, the Noah’s Ark is building, the flood will come. From the Dust we come, and to the Dust we shall return. There is judgement days awaiting. Day by day what we think, what we do, and what we talk forms files/records for the final judgement when we depart this world.

The government official has accountability not only towards their constituents, but also towards Divine’s order, Tao’s way, or whatever you name it in that sense.  Structurelly, U.S government do not have systematic way to select officials who are both decent and competent for the job.  Chinese has a idiom, 人贵有自知之明,which is similar to Know Thyself, know the strength and weakness of your ability and capacity to take up a certain position to serve.  The lack of a human resoures function in the govenrment open the door to unfair treatment and unjustified favorism.  Another function structurely lacking is the system of Independent Commission Against Corruption to monitor government officals’ conduct and finance, which should be different from the current FBI or CIA.

Professor Michael Hudson had degree in Germanic pilology and History and Linguistics. Most of his studies, apart from that, were at Roosevelt University and Depaul in Music. At early days, It never occurred to him to even tread an economics book. It was just like another world. He was into history of culture, art, music and literature. That explains a lot about his later use of economic history in terms of understanding economic theories. The use of deficit payment in terms of being an imperial state was the one of the three pillars that are very central to his thesis.

Michael Hudson explained Why the US has a unique place in the history of imperialism? Prof. Hudson speaks on the nature of US financial dominance, the role of World Bank in developing countries, USA’s ability to run a huge balance of payment deficit, changes in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union, the problems of US economy with post-industrialization, and the role of neoclassical economics in all this.

Question: Contrary to the understanding of most people that world Bank as a very benevolent institution committed to developing the third world, ………….Actually the World Bank was directly complicit in restructuring the new imperial world order and particularly its effect on the deveoping world was terrible. It suppressed any radical restructuring of the agraian order.

Hudson: the World Bank was always been an arm of the U.S military and very often its president has been the former Defense Department head or a military head. The World Bank, upon its founding, had one basic purpose to make sure that other countries did not produce their own food. The idea was to hav eother countries produce goods, food, and services that United States didn’t produce, such as tropical climate crops or planation crops….. the state department fought any reform….. on the ground tat anywhere that there was a land reform, there was an anti-American policy.

The one heaviest element of America’s balance of payments was its food exports. It realized that here was a way to strangle the global south, Latin America, Africa, and what was called the Third world, by being able to cut off its food supply and starve it if it would decide to pursue any policy that the United States did not approve of. It wanted to use food like it’s using oil today against Europe by blocking access to Russian oil and by invading the Near East to seize the oil of Iraq, seize the oil of Syria, control the pipeliness in Afghanistan, and destroy the oil production in Libya. Agriulture was what the fight was all about in the 1950s and 60s and early 70s. I (Hudson) wrote my master’s dissertation on the World Bank missions to countries. All of the missions said you have to promote domestic agriculture, domestic family farming and food production. The World Bank wrote into its articles of agreement that it couldn’t do this. The World Bank only made foreign currency loans, maily in dollars for projects that would earn foreign exchange.

Well, if a country like India or Pakistan feeds itself, this doesn’t earn foreign exchange. Feeding yourself did not even qualify for loans from the World Bank. Only if you make exporet crops or produce things that America wants to import, low-wage manufacturers will do it. I (Hudson) published an article along those lines in a periodical, the Columbia Journalism Review, the Catholic Church became one of my major supporters in the years leading up to the publication of Super Imperialism in 1972 because their liberation theorlogy came out in favor of land reform. The United States said if there’s land reform, then the American corporations can’t control the bananas in Guatemala and Ecuador.

One of the first regime changes right after iran was the coup d’etat that the CIA overthrew the government in Guatemala, where people wanted to feed themselves. And the United Fruit Company said if they feed themselves, then where are we going to grow our bananas? The World Bank from the beginning was even more destructive of the Global South and Third World countries than the IMF because it just blocked any attempt to be self-sufficient. And it loaded down these countries with debt. The projects that the World Bnak funded with U.S. dollars and U.S. engineering companies was raods to the export facilities, ports. The World Bank funded electricity that would serve the American companies there, lower the cost of producing exports for firms that Americans bought control of. So if the American company would buy into a country, the World Bank wold suppoly all of the external costs so that the American company would not have to build roads, would not have to build port facilities. None of this actually helped the Third World countries develop at that time. But they did help the American investment and it was always looked at that. The idea was to make American investment in foreign countries more profitable, prevent other countries from becoming independent in food. In the 1950s, America tried to starve China by blocking all grain exports to China. Canada broke the blockade and enabled China, fortunately, to obtain its grain elsewhere. but the United States wanted to use that tyhreat against countries.

That’s now coming to be very beneficial for the American military today. The Charles Schwab and the World Economic Foundation says the world population ahs to drop by 20%, wha tthey mean is not the white population, they mean the global south population. The United States is trying to prevent Russian grain, as you’ve seen in Ukraine, from getting to the global south countries. only letting Russian grain be exported to help Europe and the united States, not to anyone outside of NATO. you have the result of warped one-sided development of the World Bank is funded, resulting in today’s crisis throughout the global south countries. While these countries are running a balance of trade deficit for their food and energy, they also are still paying the World Bank and foreign bondholders in dollars, where the dollar is going way up against their own currency. You’re seeing a massive kind of default that the United States is trying to use as a godsend to force countries into dependence on another military agency, the Internatiuonal Monetary Fund, whic will only mkae them loans to be able to import the food and the energy they need, if they agree U.S to control their infrastructure and complete the privatization takeovers that have been taking place for the last 30 years. The world Bank is run essentially with a neoliberal economic philosophy, strongly by the pentagon, by the military and the state Deartment interests, as a tool of American economic neo-colonialism….. the World Bank was structurally in favor of unbanizing projects and that led to a massive unstable immigration to the cities.

Origins of debt: Michael Hudson reveals how financial oligarchies in Greece & Rome shaped our world. Many people think debt and the payment of interest, the fact that all debtors have to pay their debts. It is assumed that the rules of Finance are Universal, they’ve always been this way, and there is no alternative. The political message of modern economic history is there is no alternative, and there has never been one. Therefore there isn’t any alternative in the future, all debt have to be paid.

The common theme that made Western Civilization different from everything that went before was the fact that they didn’t cancel the debts. In the ancient time, the near Eastern counties had a common practice, which was a Jewish religion called the Jubilee or the cancellations of debts in 50th year, that was put at the very center of Mosaic law in Leviticus Chapter 25. Jewish laws were taken word for word from the Babylonian practice. You cancel a personal debts (not the commercial debts) that were due, liberate the bond servants that were pledged and you restore lands to people who lost them. That way you prevented an oligarchy from developing and taking over all of te land. what happend was a very bad climate from 1200 BC -800 BC. Population couldn’t make it on the land that they lived on.

Western Civilization let an oligarchy take over, and instead of the basic rule that debts have to be written down to the ability to pay, Rome introduced a pro-creditor law. All the debts have to be paid no matter what the social consequences are. No matter how much Society is injured by families losing their land, and the land being concentrated, the money being concentrated, wealth being concentrated, political power being concentrated in the hands of a creditor oligarchy. Debt is a debt and it has to be paid. Roman law is still the philosophy of modern law, the whole modern legal system is still based on that of Greece and Roman.

Debt in Discussion with Michael Hudson. Professor Hudson said people are trying to compliment him by saying he is an economist, but he said he has not spoken with economists for the last 50 years. Since 1972, he decided call himself a futurist or historian. Professor Hudson said he is NOT an economist who have to get rich by making other people poor, and get richer off them, basically that is why they give Nobel prizes for. We need a name for a new discipline, Professor Hudson said he does not know what to call it, he was at Harvard University’s anthropology department for 25 years doing the five colloqui on ancient economics and det cancellation. Professor Hudson said he could say he is an anthropologist, but then he remember the joke in the 1960 that when governmet suspicious of somebody as a government agent, the jobk is: is he FBI or is he an anthropologist, meaning CIA? that is why Professor Hudson said we need an other terms for Economist.

Professor Hudson worked outside of mainstream, David Graeber was drawn to Michael Hudson’s work, because of its brilliance, and the kind of brilliance that often has to come from outside of mainstream. Hudson was not appease any aprticular trend or try to game the Tanger track game, instead were researching trends that he had been studying for decades. And so he had conviction of the soundness of his arguments. People in the mainstream are unable to see just how complicit they are in the problems that they are supposed to be solving, but are in fact creating through means of capital accumulation.

Based on his decades of work in the area, Professor Hudson take the view that the debts can’t be paid. He argues for debt cancellation. Especially now because of the sanctions against Russia on World War III. Obviously rising energy and food prices forces Global South countries to make a choice, either they pay the U.S dollar debts and impose austerity or they don’t pay the debts and put their own growth first. That is the big political fight, Professor Hudson is working with several European economists to write a book on debt cancellation, and how this can be done from the members of the Shanghai cooperation organizaiton, how the rest of the world can become independent from the dollarized debt.

Professor Hudson had been teaching history of economic thought, and he was using Marx’s theories of surplus value, and that infuriated the marxists, they say you are not a member of any marxist group, only their member can teach Marx……. Hudson’s main concept is focusing on economic rent is unearned income. and extend the concept of economic grant to interest Financial charges to the rentier economy and almost all the work he had been publishing in the last two years have been were not in industrial capitalism, were in a retrogression of Finance capitalism, in a way is rolling back all of the historical tasks of industrial capitalism to free economies from the legacy of fedalism – to free it from Land Run Monoploy rent and privatized banking to go back to the same kind of rentier economy that you ad under the landlors except now rent is for paying interest and landlords paying in the 19th century has been taken over by bankers and the financial sector. Professor Hudson want to integrate his analysis of finance and debt with the concept of economic rent which is basically what the banks in the financial sector Finance. They finance real estate and capital gains, actual asset price gains for Real Estate housing, they finance the oil and gas natural resource mining industries and finance technology monopolies. Hudson wanted to revive classical economics. Hudson said he can say he is a n economist as long as he say he is a classical economist.

Basically that is Adam Smith in the whole 19th century emphasis on Price and Value Theory where price is the excess of market price of economic rent, in excess of the cost value….That was what people like Henry George had no concept of. Paul Krugman was a reader for a book yale University press wanted Hudson to publish. Krugman thought Hudson is a follower of Henry George. Well, Henry Georgedidn’t have a Price and Value Theory. He was against the big government without realizing that the only way you’re ever going to be a le to tax the renties, the only way you’re going to make money and credit a public utility instead of a priate monoply is to have a government strong enough to check the oligarchy and that’s what the classic antiquity is about. That’s really the prolem of western civilizations.

So what David was doing in his book and where he and Hudson both were at the time he was riting it, and afterwards, was to say, well, if you look at anthropology, look at all the damage that does, look through ages how societies cope with debt, either of us made the logical jump to say this is the path that western civiliztion went that become a unique totally new detour around the 8th century BC and ever since we’re still living in the aftermath of Rome’s oligarchy, and the creditor-oriented law that developed.

So Hudson really developed his own ideas quite further when he began to write the book on Antiquity and just to a higher level of abstraction, and then when he began to look at the Crusades and find how awful they were, he forgotten what evil the Vatican had been in the early centuries – the second, third, fourth, fifth all the way down to last week. He forgot the utter evil of the popes and trying to be emperors, and it was a Crusades that brought in the Inquisiition. When Hudson looked at the Wikipedia, people think Crusades were to free holy land Jerusalem from Muslim, that wasn’t it! …. The crusade were against Christians!

The Crusades was to kill the French catheters who said that the rich people are evil. No, that is our constituency to fight the German kings. He said we want to be independent of the Popes. And we don’t want the churches to send all their money to Rome to fund the wars against people that don’t want Roman leadership. The Crusades were to destroy Constantinople and destroy Eastern Orthodox, the real Christianity that had survived. The Crusades were to introduce them, we dont know what call it, but it was not Christianity. That was why the Pope has not invited Hudson to help him write a new encyclical on this topic. But that really is what is needed. Hudson realized that it was The Crusades that led to the Pope saying, well, we’ve got to finance the wars so that we can fight Germany, France, Spain, Sicily,… that doesn’t accept our dictatorship. In order to fund these wars we need Bank to support, so let’s get rid of all the church’s anti-usery law, let’s say credit is good, not bad. Like the animal farm with Orwell.

All of a sudden a total inversion of everything that Christianity western Christianity was about. You get the key to this inversion as Hudson at the end of the Collapse of Antiquity with the Lord’s Praye saying: “Forget our sin, in other word, Lord. Don’t screw around sexually, instead of forgive us our debts they’ve done.” ….. It is just a travesty of mistranslation that Western Christianity suffered for the last thousand years, all that comes from the Crusades.

It hadn’t occurred to Hudson until he actually began to study Saint Augustine and as Peter Brown, the biographer of St. Augustine at 5th century pointed out: it was really Augustine that founded the spirit of the Inquisition, although it didn’t really come through until the Dominicans. The Dominicans realize the genius of the Pope was you can’t have Christianity unless you’re willing to kill everybody who can read the Bible. You have to prevent it from being translated so people can read it, because if people read the Bible, they are going to realize that we (Dominicans) are the opposite of everythg that Jesus was fighting for.

Yet, Hudson was supported by all of the various Christian groups. They were publishing, sending him across the country at a lecture. So there was a kind of thinking in the late 1960s and early 70s that somehow there was some hope for Christianity. But again that was befor ethe Pope from Hell, the Polish Pope came in, and the German Pope from hell that followed him, before the Catholic church was captured by the Spanish fascists. Hudson hope he haven’t offened anybody.

You can’t not have reindustralization with the labor under pay. you can not reindustralize without reversing this whole philosophy of past industrial society as a class war against labor.

In the last chapter of Hudson’s book, he showed the battle isn’t about Democracy and anti-democracy. The battle is really oligarchy and autocracy. In light of post-1970 world, one of the point Graber makes in the last chapter is that now that we’ve gone off the gold standard, and we’re decoupling ourselves from bullion, and are gong to a more virtual credit oriented kind of economy, in Graber’s mind, it allows for the opportunity of volume, so it doesn’t necessarily guarantee it, but if these historical patterns are accurate, it will at least open up a possibility. Graber said there are two conditions to Democracy. One that you’ve got to have people want to act democratically – basically an assumption that Pluralism is better than one person rule. But he also argues that you’ve got to have a strong government in order to bring about the kind of changes that Democratic change implies. Hudson think the concept of democracy and autocracy today has gone way beyond what it was even five years ago. …….. the value of study classical antiquity is that you realize that Aristotle was very clear that democracy evolves into oligarchy.

What the oligarchy wants to do is prevent any kind of central power strong enough to challenge its control of society. They called in Greece that any reformer wanting to have a strong enough ruler to cancel the debts and redistribute the land was called a tyrant. Because that’s what the tyrants did in 7th and 6th century BC. Well, the tyrants were who introduced democracy to Greece. They were the people who got rid of the mafiosi type leaders and cancelled the debts and redistribute the land. Now all of a sudden Tyant became a bad word, sort of like communist. In Rome, anyone wanting to cancel the debts and redistribute the land like Julius Caesar or Catalan were called seeking kingship. The Roman Kings, according to the Roman historians, cancelled the debts and supported access to the land by the people in the Bible. The Jewish rabbinical class, the Pharisees wanted Rome to Crucify Jesus, they said, well Jesus wants to be king. He want to be the king, the king of the Jews. they knew that for Rome saying somebody wanted to be king, is to do what Jesus said, his mission in life was to do to bring about the debt cacellation of the Jubilee year, and to restore the laws of leviticus against the rabbinical school wanting people to sign the prose pool of Rabbi Hillel where you waived all of the rights under the Jubilee.

The internal econonic dynamics is such that democracy leads to oligarchy, and so democracy is essentially ends up leading to what you have in the United States today. It’s led to finance capitalism overpowering the progressive tendencies of industrial capitalism. So when you have community party led China trying to support policies to raise producivity raise living standards provide a health care, education, transportation, alll the basic public utilities, that is called autocracy. American will say, well, under democracy you have to have a free market, meaning you have to let the American oligarchs buy control of transportation, you have to make America Banks create your money at interest, you can’t have public banking, you can’t have a central bank creating money. You need that to be aprivate monoply. That is democracy. That is what the whole term means today.

Webinar with Michael Hudson: a 4000-year perspective on economy, money and debt


From Greece, Rome to Reaganomics – Professor Michael Hudson’s Anitiquity into Western Civilization

The power that being like to put great actors, communicators and media personalities on the public arena to play the role of fake guru. Ronald Reagan played a tricky role in the “Making American Great” trickle down economics. In the 1980s, as the United States struggled financially, Ronald Reagan was ushered in. From trickle down Reagonomics, cut social spending, upped the military budget, and reduced the taxes on the wealthy, union busting to decimating the middle class, infiltration of Christian fundamentalism into American government and more, Ronald Reagan is responsible for many of the shifts that occurred at the end of the 20th century that caused the major inequalities we see in America today. We’ve basically been living under four decades of Reaganism, under both parties. The way Clinton expanded it doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. Watch How Reagan Ruined Everything.

It is also interesting that Dr. Helen Caldicott met with Reagan briefly and later said that Reagan was “diagnosable,” i.e. he was already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease long before he left office. What was the real impact of Reganomics? Here are some of the quotes from audience to the youtube program Miserable and Broke in the US? Blame Reagan.

  • Comment from audience: this should be a multi-part series covering Ronald Reagan’s Legacy, because this is just covering Reaganomics and doesn’t touch the AIDS crisis or other events tied to his administration. In short we need a part 2 and probably a part 3.
  • Comment from audience: Don’t forget that Reagan also stopped enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act resulting in almost immediate mergers, acquisitions, leveraged and hostile buy-outs of corporations. Now we have fewer but stronger corporations interfering in our politics, elections and in our lives.
  • Comment from audience: I remembered what Reagan did to unions and how it impacted American families even to this day. When I was a kid in the 70s, every mother in my neighborhood was able to stay home and take care of their children. One income could support a family of seven in a blue-collar neighborhood. Today, everyone on my street has to go to work. Families are smaller, and while all of us are highly skilled, we struggle to make ends meet. We have been screwed for so long, most of us don’t even realize that we are being screwed. There should never be such a large wealth gap as there is today.
  • Comment from audience: Most companies in the 80s that got tax cuts didn’t respond by giving their workers more money, They responded by taking their jobs and businesses overseas.
  • Comment from audience: He said the homeless camped all around D.C. were there because they “preferred” to live outside. NO! They were there because he had axed the budgets of all the mental health hospitals and VA treatment for mentally ill service people. He said that “community-based programs” would care for these folks…only, those programs didn’t exist. And let us never forget that his and Nancy’s answer to the exploding drug addiction problem was “Just Say No.”
  • Comment from audience: When Reagan refused to take AIDS seriously because it was the “Gay Virus” almost 90% of severe Hemophiliacs also contracted AIDS, such as my self, during this time due to lax testing protocols. We were essentially given $100,000 and told to fuck off forever. Fast Forward to today, I’m 42 years old, still an AIDS survivor and incapable of working due to my health conditions. My ‘relief fund’ is entirely exhausted as they never expected any of us to survive this long. I was 2 years old when I was infected with HIV, and when I was 5 I also contracted Hepatitis C due to the same lack of real testing protocols. The Reagan administration completely destroyed my life and I’ll never be able to forgive the Republican party for these crimes against humanity.

With a mindset of social darwinism, America has misused its power in its way for dominance. Just the 20th century alone, U.S.A has been through World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War and the War on Terror (which encompasses the War in Afghanistan and Iraq War). Isbel Hickety (1903-1980) is a New Age Sages. She taught meditation and was Director of Boston School of Astrology. Her guidance, classes, retreats and books lifted countless souls. In her book Astrology: a Cosmic Science , she had discussed the atomic bomb to Japan in 1945, and she said something to the effect that United States will suffer from the karmic retribution for that brutal act. Isabel Hickey had some very famous quotes.

Karmic retribution is a powerful force that can’t be ignored. It’s a reminder that our actions have consequences and that we should always strive to do the right thing. Whether it’s in the form of instant retribution or delayed retribution, it’s important to remember that our actions have consequences. This article gave some very powerful examples. Used metaphor of water, How Does Karmic Retribution Exact Itself? describe the complexity of kamic retribution. And if we do not change our behavior of injustice, we will suffer much more.

The Book by Professor Michael Hudson The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization’s Oligarchic Turning Point describes how the dynamics of interest-bearing debt led to the rise of rentier oligarchies in classical Greece and Rome, causing economic polarization, widespread austerity, revolts, wars and ultimately the collapse of Rome into serfdom and feudalism. That collapse bequeathed to subsequent Western civilization a pro-creditor legal philosophy that has led to today’s creditor oligarchies. In telling this story, The Collapse of Antiquity reveals the eerie parallels between the collapsing Roman world and today’s debt-burdened Western economies. In the program Origins of debt: Michael Hudson reveals how financial oligarchies in Greece & Rome shaped our world, Professor gave you more detail account of his thoughts.

…and forgive them their debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption From Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year (1) (Tyranny of Debt) Paperback – October 30, 2018 was Selected “Best Books of 2018: Economics” by The Financial Times. Here was the book review:

In ...and forgive them their debts, renowned economist Michael Hudson – one of the few who could see the 2008 financial crisis coming – takes us on an epic journey through the economies of ancient civilizations and reveals their relevance for us today. For the past 40 years, in conjunction with Harvard’s Peabody Museum, he and his colleagues have documented how interest-bearing debt was invented in Bronze Age Mesopotamia, and then disseminated to the ancient world. What the Bronze Age rulers understood was that avoiding economic instability required regular royal debt cancellations. Professor Hudson documents dozens of these these royal edicts and traces the archeological record and history of debt, and how societies have dealt with (or failed to deal with) the proliferation of debts that cannot be paid – and their consequences. In the pages of …and forgive them their debts, readers will discover how debt played a central role in shaping ancient societies, and how it continues to shape our world – often destructively.

The Big Question: What happens when debts cannot be paid? Will there be a writedown in favor of debtors (as is routinely done for large corporations), or will creditors be allowed to foreclose (as is done to personal debtors and mortgagees), leading to the creditors’ political takeover of the economy’s assets – and ultimately the government itself? Historically, the remedy of record was the royal Clean Slate proclamation, or biblical Jubilee Year of debt forgiveness.

The Real Message of Jesus: Jesus’s first sermon announced that he had come to proclaim a Clean Slate debt cancellation (the Jubilee Year), as was first described in the Bible (Leviticus 25), and had been used in Babylonia since Hammurabi’s dynasty. This message – more than any other religious claim – is what threatened his enemies, and is why he was put to death. This interpretation has been all but expunged from our contemporary understanding of the phrase, “…and forgive them their debts,” in The Lord’s Prayer. It has been changed to “…and forgive them their trespasses (or sins),” depending on the particular Christian tradition that influenced the translation from the Greek opheilēma/opheiletēs (debts/debtors).

Contrary to the message of Jesus, also found in the Old Testament of the Bible and in other ancient texts, debt repayment has become sanctified and mystified as a way of moralizing claims on borrowers, allowing creditor elites and oligarchs the leverage to take over societies and privatize personal and public assets – especially in hard times. Historically, no monarchy or government has survived takeover by creditor elites and oligarchs (viz: Rome). Perhaps most striking is that – according to a nearly complete consensus of Assyriologists and biblical scholars – the Bible is preoccupied with debt forgiveness more than with sin.

In a time of increasing economic and political polarization, and a global economy deeper in debt than at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, …and forgive them their debts documents what individuals, governments and societies can learn from the ancient past for restoring economic and social stability today.

The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism Paperback – May 2, 2022, explains why the U.S. and other Western economies have lost their former momentum: A narrow rentier class has gained control and become the new central planner, using its power to drain income from increasingly indebted and high-cost labor and industry. The American disease of de-industrialization has resulted from the costs of industrial production being inflated by the economic rents extracted by this class under the system of financialized monopoly capitalism that now prevails throughout the West.

The book explains why the U.S.-China conflict cannot simply be regarded as market competition between two industrial rivals. It is a broader conflict between different political economic systems – not only between capitalism and socialism as such, but between the logic of an industrial economy and that of a financialized rentier economy increasingly dependent on foreign subsidy and exploitation as its own domestic economy shrivels. Professor Hudson endeavors to revive classical political economy in order to reverse the neoclassical counter-revolution.


Be Vigilant about the Fake Gurus and the Demons

I have been so keenly into Buddhism because of Chan Buddhism’s history and my growing awareness of the treasured heritages that passed down from the ancient traditions in my hometown. My mind kept on going back to the great monks in the 6th-7th century who went to India at the height of Indian Buddhism development to study Buddhism and brought the many scriptures from Nalanda Temple, an acclaimed Mahavihara Buddhist monastery in the ancient India. Those scriptures became what were left of the high achievements of Indian ancient Buddhism. By adhereing to the true teaching from those scriptures, thousands upon thousands of Buddhist masters in China had demonstrated the truth to the public with the vigirous practices of Dicipline+Meditation + Wisdom. The foundamental teaching is The Five Precepts based on the The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome Ways of Action. (戒定慧三学,十善道业). 学佛之人应 从“闻、思、修”三方面用功. 修学佛法,必须从闻、思、修入三摩地。 Very important to follow the sequence of Learn to Understand the Mechanism; Think and synthsis of the teaching; and then practices meditation and cultivate the The Bodhi Mind with the guideline of Dharma. 修行不是信仰宗教才能做,而是時時刻刻都要思考正道,不要做不利別人社會的事情,而是要做貢獻,思考怎麼貢獻社會,這才是做人的意義。

Generation of the Bodhi Mind is a critical method of Buddhist cultivation that, if not superior is as equally important as any other methods in Tipiṭaka. The Buddha Shakyamuni says: “With the mind tainted, beings are tainted; with the mind purified, beings are purified.” Whether a being is tainted or purified is closely connected with the being’s mind. Therefore, in the practice of the Buddhadharma, “to purify one’s mind” is of the first importance.

In the Shurangama Sutra, this mind is called the Supreme Mindfulness, the mind of the utmost right and perfect enlightenment or anuttarasamyaksambodhi. In short, the Bodhi Mind. Why do you have to bring forth the bohdi mind? Because if you don’t practice Bodhicitta, we will be tempted by many things on earth, and you will be bound by your own desire. All ordinary people because of the discrimination, upside down thought, our daily acitivities have been bound. Because the concept of conceptual thoughts, we are bound. We are bound by the things that we are seeing, hearing, or knowing.

What is Demon? 何谓“魔”《大智度论》中有:“问曰:何以名魔?答曰:夺慧命,坏道法功德善本,是故名为魔”。龙树菩萨说:“除诸法实相,余残一切法,尽名为魔”。因此可以这样理解:从根本上讲,凡障碍我们成佛的,一切都是魔。菩提心是成佛种子,只有在菩提心的摄持下,诸种修行才能成为无上菩提的助道因缘,因此若离菩提心便绝无成佛的可能。从这个角度说,“忘失菩提心修诸善根是为魔业”。所以华严经中的智慧教导我们恒不放逸 舍离魔业( Flower Adornment Sutra -translated by Buddhist Translation Society and with Commentary; or called Avataṃsaka-Sūtra, the Chapter of Transcendental 《华严经》五十八卷(离世间品第三十八之六)中,普贤菩萨告诫诸佛子,即使是已经发起了菩提心的菩萨,还时常会受到种种魔的障碍。普贤菩萨说: “佛子,菩萨摩诃萨,有十种魔。何等为十?“ 《华严经出世间品》所说的几种魔,需要格外警惕。 

Grand Master Xuanzang ( 6 April 602 – 5 February 664) played one of the pivital role in the process of diseminating the Buddha’s teaching from India to China. He travelled through one hundred and ten countries in his 19 years journey of fifty thousand miles. 地图看玄奘西行路线. Since then, the Chan Buddhism culture has drastically changed social political landscapes of China Over the last fifteen hundred years.

Here the seven episodes 《The Thousand-Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》documentation gave an account of the far reaching culture changes brought by Grand Master Xuzang. There is English caption you can turn on.

Episode 1The Thousand-Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第一集【公元627年,玄奘大師遠赴印度取經,回國後全力譯經與著作,奠定了中國佛法文化的堅實基礎,其所開展的文化高度,開啟了中國輝煌璀璨的唐宋禪法,成就了中國此後千年玄奘文化之

Episode 2The Thousand-Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第二集【由於玄奘大師前往印度受學佛教根本論《瑜伽師地論》,並帶回中國翻譯出來,開顯真義,徹底釐清中土法師們的困惑,解決了中國學人長久以來的諍論。】

Episode 3The Thousand- Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第三集【玄奘西行路上遭遇許多險阻,有一次他遭遇水賊,被綑綁於祭壇上準備作為祭品,當時的玄奘大師沒有絲毫的畏懼,一心虔誠發願…..】

Episode 4The Thousand -Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第四集玄奘大師歷盡了千辛萬苦,終於來到了心中的聖地──印度那爛陀寺,見到了欽仰已久的戒賢論師,以最恭敬的頭面接足禮來禮拜戒賢論師……】

Episode 5The Thousand- Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第五集【 為期十八天的無遮大會圓滿結束。玄奘受戒日王之請,騎乘大象遊行會場,接受大眾的禮讚。在現場的大乘人稱歎玄奘大師為「大乘天」,二乘人則讚玄奘大師為「解脫天」。 】

Episode 6The Thousand -Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第六集【公元645年,玄奘大師回到了中國長安。朝廷和外地趕來的官員,以及無數的群眾夾道歡迎,焚香散花,誦佛音聲交織不斷,連綿數十里路,盛況空前。】

Episode 7The Thousand -Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第七集【《成唯識論》是玄奘大師當年在印度時所造,帶回中國後才翻譯成中文,此乃採擷十大論師的觀點,再加上自己抉擇慧所成。】

Another series of 12 episoes of movie with amazing show of the landscapes Grand Master Xuanzang had herioically travelled on foot along the silk road. In his travelog he recorded the people and countires he met along the way to India. It is in Chinese without English caption, but the stunning scenery still amazingly mind blowing. 玄奘之路1【亂世孤旅】 ; 玄奘之路2【絕域求生】玄奘之路3【生死兄弟】玄奘之路4【亡命凌山】; 玄奘之路5【穿越草原】玄奘之路6【踏上聖土】 玄奘之路7【隨風而逝】玄奘之路8【西天取經】玄奘之路9【享譽佛國】玄奘之路10【歸心似箭】玄奘之路11【嘔心瀝血】玄奘之路12【圓滿】

More than one hundred years before Grand Master Xuanzang, another famous monk Faxian (法顯 [fà.ɕjɛ̀n]; 337 CE – c. 422 CE) traveled by foot from China to India to acquire Buddhist texts. Starting his arduous journey about age 60, he visited sacred Buddhist sites in Central, South, and Southeast Asia between 399 and 412 CE, of which 10 years were spent in India. The documentary tells the legendary story.【佛國記-法顯西行】亂世尋法-上集; 【佛國記-法顯西行】攜律東歸-下集.

It is important to note that Great Tang Records on the Western Regions wrote by Grand Master Xuanzhang rcorded many details of the culture, customs and social practices in Middle East and India, but had not one bit mentioning about tantric practices. 另外玄奘大师是公园七世纪初去的印度,在印度十几年,所见所闻详细记载在《大唐西域记》(The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions )里面 ,哪里信小乘,哪里修大乘,甚至还有部分弟子跟着提婆达多学习的都记载得很详细。唯独没写什么密宗,或者金刚乘。甚至都不知道男女双修这种大法。達摩祖師易筋經˙˙中的吸收˙˙日月精華˙˙以期與˙˙宇宙˙˙契合,與天地同寬。而不是所謂的男女共修,切勿誤解為慎。佛祖当年也早就预言过佛教末世的现象:邪师说法,如恒河沙。南懷瑾老師評判“密宗雙修”:說雙修可以即身成就,開悟成佛的,只是想亂搞男女關係罷了! 当代很多宗教亂象是值得深思的,有些不法之徒打着理想信仰的旗号行苟且之事,大家都要接受科学教育,才能看清事物本质,不会被愚弄。教育很重要,不該再有這些侵犯人性尊嚴的作為。 任何建立於他人痛苦上的修行,都不應該存在,都不應該以任何名義合理化。

藏傳佛教男女雙修實為淫樂少女!明妃佛母淪為玩物,藏傳佛教密宗背後的邪惡灌頂儀式!【無有淺談】要突破淫邪的境界是修行中最為困難的。 地獄門前,僧伽多。修行过程中不要牺牲他人。红尘里的财官(名和利)也正是人之所欲,因此红尘是非常好的修行场。摒弃这个天然的红尘道场去单独追求男女大乐而创造这些道场,引子用“官”来诱导女性成为明妃,过程更是采阴补阳,害人性命,这些人前大佛,人后大魔,和吃肉的野兽没有区别!

Likewise, Sermons by Pastor Vlad: Ancient Demons Behind The Gay Movement reminds us that we are at war against spiritual principalities that rule territories (Eph 6vs11-19). This principle apply to not only Christianity but all spiritual maturity. He said, “We are in a time today if you speak the truth, you will be deplatformed. You will be demonized. You will be silence. Or you will be call with names that no Christian ever want to carry those labels, and those names. …….we do not change the Bible to fit our culture, to be accepted by our culture, to be loved by our culture. Jesus says if everybody speaks well of you, it is not good for you. We do not want to be applauded by a culture that is under influence by the demons. And then when stood in front of God, to be rejected by Jesus because we stood with the world instead of stay with him.

The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9vs16. In the beginning, when humanity were spelled by the devil, we did two things in Adam. we rebel against God, and we redefine good and evil. When we rebel against God, God is no longer our authority to decide what is good for us. Every time you get rid of God, you act like you are the God. Then as God, you begin to make rules as you go. This is right, and this is wrong. And culture has been redefine good and evil since then. Israel, a nation that suppose to give birth to the Son of God who will save the world…. That nation constantly was tempted In their worship of idiots, they mixed sex with idolatry. Satan is so interested in your sexuality…..Sexuality is the most sacred and most core thing about you that you only share with your spouse. Satan doesn’t mind if we don’t worship him as long as we join him in pride to oppose God.

Buddhism is beyond religion. If you think it is religion, then it is the one world religion that has no God. Buddhism emphasizes logic and reasoning. In other religions, a leap of faith maybe necessary, but in Buddhism is not required. While Buddhism is a tradition focused on spiritual liberation, it is not a theistic religion. The Buddha himself rejected the idea of a creator god. That God created Himself, cannot be true, for nothing can create itself. If He were created by another creator, He would not be self-existent. Yes, like other religions Buddhism describes a nonmaterial, spiritual reality (perhaps the realer reality) and addresses what happens after we die. Buddhism is a journey beyond religion – a deepening awareness into our own nature relying on reason and direct seeing, free from all forms of clinging – theistic, atheistic or agnostic.

As for the relationship of Buddhism and Science, Dr. Alexander Berzin gave some very good answers. BUDDHISM EMBRACES AND GOES FAR BEYOND MODERN SCIENCE. Buddhism is A Collaboration Between Science and Religion. The dialogues between Buddhist masters such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama and scientists have focused so far primarily on three areas. One is astrophysics, concerning primarily how the universe developed. Does it have a beginning? Was it created or is it part of an eternal process? Another topic is particle physics, regarding the structure of atoms and matter. The third is neurosciences, about how the brain works. These are the main areas.

Spiritual pursuit is a important demension of humanity. But be aware of the danger being misguided by fake gurus. For example, Yiguandao, used the name of Buddhism but is actually cult. 比如一贯道, 就是盗用佛教名义而成立的邪教。 佛教不会逼人进教,不会逼人发毒誓,不会逼人捐钱,不会逼人吃素等等等。 千万莫信邪教:一贯道

Here is an essay discussed about Nichiren Buddhism touches a similar issue: Nichiren’s Activist Heirs.

Nichiren was often controversial and criticized by government authorities because of his prophecies that social problems and natural disasters were based on a failure to adhere to his form of Buddhist practice. Nichiren Buddhism differs from other schools of Buddhism in focusing on this world, and in its view that it is the only correct tradition日莲正宗与一贯道也是佛教吗?



Today schools does not teach young people the sages books and right views like 8-fold paths. Instead, ponography is not unusual in the school. School raping is rampant. 教科書上都說 手淫對身體沒有壞處 傷害了無數青少年的身心 造成對國家民族發展 很大的阻礙/正德為何全國開設八家中醫院診所 最後剩下兩家 聽聞後 保證讓你感動掉淚! 腎氣充足的人,精力旺盛,頭腦清晰,做事效率高,行動力強! 學業事業容易成功. 佛說,正見是修行的先導。願大眾聽聞和尚巴利藏真佛經真佛法講座,能修正過去對佛法的錯知錯見,以正見將生命導向正途,迎向光明解脫的人生。 世上很多利用佛法欺騙大眾的團體 如何破邪顯正?正德開山常律老和尚為佛弟子指引學佛迷津,化解生活難題,特開放大眾請法,請把握機緣,踴躍提問。

FIGHT THE NEW DRUG, INC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, It is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts. Girlss sex trafficked by GirlsDoPorn Pt.1 || Consider Before Consuming Podcast was an interview includes frank, explicit, discussions about rape, sex trafficking, and suicide ideation that may be triggering to some. Listener discretion is advised. Jane Doe grew up in Washington state with a loving family, never expecting that she’d be victimized by one of the largest trafficking schemes to date in today’s mainstream porn industry. Twenty-one days after her 22nd birthday, she boarded a flight to San Diego that, unbeknownst to her, would change her life forever. That day, she would become one of the hundreds of young women who had been exploited between 2015 and 2019 by GirlsDoPorn (GDP), a wildly popular “amateur” porn production company that garnered well over a billion views, ranking around the 20th-most popular channel on Pornhub, and reportedly generated an estimated $17 million dollars in revenue.

You may have heard about the infamous GDP case in the last couple of years, but you may not know what exactly happened, let alone the full account of one of the trafficked women. In this exclusive interview, Jane Doe and her emotional support dog, Cozi, sit down with Podcast Host Garrett Jonsson and Fight the New Drug’s Editorial Director Keri to tell the story of how she was sex trafficked and assaulted by GDP porn producers, what it’s been like to pursue legal action against GDP with other survivors, and how she’s found healing in her own life since she was exploited. One of the comment from audience: I wish this would shown in high schools. Hypersexualization of teenagers in particular is so pervasive and most teens don’t have a clue what’s happening. Thank you Jane Doe for sharing yourself with such honesty and authenticity. Another audience feedback: I have a kind of similar story. I never wanted to be a model or famous or anything. In college an acquaintance who was an up and coming rapper asked me to be in a music video he told me it paid $3000 for 2 days. He held me hostage in a hotel room for hours, SA’d me and when it went public because he did it to over 30 girls the media and everyone framed it like we were money hungry and just wanted fame. We had no privacy, stories made up, we were humiliated. It took 6 years to finally get justice. He’s in prison now for 50+ years.

It is obvious the teaching of Buddha is invaluable tools to the healing the traumas of the modern society.

Covid -19 Exposes Science, Technology, Law and Medicine as Far from the Panacea for Modern Society

The Reuter reported today that Moderna, Pfizer say updated COVID shots generate strong response vs newer variant. As someone who is super sensative to medicine, I was adamant not to take any covid-19 vaccine, although the rest of my family rushed to received shots and several boosts despite of my warnings. Government and big pharma has again and again showed their discrediability. But we also question the role of America Medical Association in protecting the public health. For decades, AMA had stauchly refuse to do any reform. Why do they desevrved the high price charge to intoxicate the public? And why doe the Supreme Court allow such violation of Constitution to continue to exist?

Irrational, unjustified fear is deadlier than the virus. Is it as much about destroying a people as it is about profit? One of the leading thinkers to emerge in the postwar conservative intellectual revival was the sociologist Robert Nisbet. His book The Quest for Community, published in 1953, stands as one of the most persuasive accounts of the dilemmas confronting modern society. Nearly a half century before Robert Putnam documented the atomization of society in Bowling Alone, Nisbet argued that the rise of the powerful modern state had eroded the sources of community—the family, the neighborhood, the church, the guild. Alienation and loneliness inevitably resulted. But as the traditional ties that bind fell away, the human impulse toward community led people to turn even more to the government itself, allowing statism—even totalitarianism—to flourish. Tyranny & Misinformation in the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Naomi Wolf Interviewed by Graham H. Walker. Naomi Wolf – Big Tech’s Stake in COVID Lockdowns. Everybody is writing books, but nobody is bringing these criminals to justice….. Robert Nisbet in “The Quest for Community,” makes a pretty strong case for how the state benefits from human isolation and how the institutions we use to cherish such as family, church, local community are barriers between us and the state. Some of the most totalitarian regimes (USSR, China, etc) had some of the loneliest people.

Based on passive surveillance reporting as of September 30, 2021 in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men. Post-vac syndrome: ‘There is no such thing as a vaccine without side effects‘ | DW News. People are still in denial simply because their egos can’t tolerate how wrong they have been this whole time. And on top of that they feel like they’re the intelligent ones. According to reports on myocardits, the number of myocarditis in young men has risen dramatically after they received their vaccinations, also the excess deaths of around 20% in most countries is worrying. You would think that governments and the WHO should be looking into it. Man with vaccine side-effect has message for unvaccinated. Thousands of people are reporting symptoms of ‘life-altering’ tinnitus after taking the covid-19 vaccine. Pharma DESPERATE To Blame Vaccine Injury On ANYTHING ELSE; 16K+ Report Tinnitus After Jab.

In the youtube program, Dr. John Cambell looked into damage to the brain, and damage to the myocardiyum after covid-19 vaccination, or is it caused by the natural infection? Question, is this damage to the brain and heart caused by the vaccine? Research and study has found out that damage to the brain and the heart was caused by the vaccine because they only found spike protein in the brain and in the heart. It is deeply concerning that these pathologists in Germany are being labeled as conspiracy theorists simply for carrying out their work. The fact that they are being threatened with having their academic titles revoked is completely unjust and unacceptable. It is vital that we support these pathologists in their work, and ensure that they are not unfairly targeted or stigmatized for doing their jobs.

There has been so many issues that distract your attention. With the report on Dr. Fauci’s mask comments, the causes of covid-19 and the damages again float to the top discussion. Any epidemic of this scale got to have invovled with the breakdown of the whole system. According to the book, Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – December 6, 2022 tells it all. the author Dr. Malone is the original inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccination technologies (1989, with nine issued patents); including DNA and RNA vaccination as well as in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection. Dr. Malone is a specialist in clinical research, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, project management, proposal management (large grants and contracts), vaccines and biodefense. . This is given him intimate familiarity with the pharmaceutical industry. Malone emphasizes that he reports events as he sees them. He is not a psychologist. He does not want to delve into people’s motives. He can tell you what they do, not why they did it. In particular, he does not want speculate on the motives of a person such as Bill Gates. Malone barely touches on education, but he does write about a couple of subjects are closely related. One of them is groupthink. There is a great tendency in corporations to seek consensus. After everybody has been heard, there is an attempt to come to a group opinion of what to do.

The historical epidemic outbreak also shows there are people who are honesty and has integrity in America. Dr. Merle Nass, who has a chapter in the book, recounts her own experience being decertified by the medical Board of the state of Maine for prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin off-label, despite the fact that this is a totally standard, long-standing procedure.

Another researcher, Brook Jackson, a Pfizer’s Vaccine Trials whistleblower has broke out to the public that data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. She is the regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson , emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails. was fired in September of 2020.

Has the Western Medical System Turned Murderous ? Paul Craig Roberts asked virologist and doctors invollved in clinical research, clearly majority of scientists toe the line of the official narrative, fearful of being cut off from research grants or fired for “spreading misinformation.”  Once facts were replaced by untrue official narratives, scientists were left without a leg to stand on.  Agendas are being served at the expense of the population. Corporate medicine and insurance companies have turned “health care’ into a murder machine.  Protocols are replacing independent scientific judgment.  The protocols are established by articles written with Big Pharma research grants and distributed through prestigious medical journals such  as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.  In American medicine, which is increasingly corporate, doctors are employees, not independent practitioners, and have no alternative to following protocols. 

Journalist Lee Fang also reported on his new Sustack piece in which he exposes how Pfizer paid organizations that were lobbying for vaccine mandates. Pfizer Quietly Financed Supposedly Independent Groups Lobbying for Covid VACCINE MANDATES. Although the whore media and the whore Medical Establishment continue to deny it, we have known for certain for some time from published articles by the world’s leading medical scientists that Covid-19 was a laboratory creation.  We know from released official documents that NIH’s Tony Fauci financed “gain of function” research both at the University of North Carolina and then at the Wuhan Lab in China.  There is no doubt about this.  It is in the grant records.

American feminist author, journalist, and conspiracy theorist, Naomi Wolf, speaks in an interview: Tyranny & Misinformation in the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis. She has found out why so many people have died. Audience comment that, Meredith Vieira tried to make Naomi look like a fool during a so-called “news show” interview she gave for her book, “Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot,” and Naomi stood her ground like an unshakable female Joe Louis in the ring. She dodged Vieira’s attempts to discredit and ridicule, and when she spoke, Naomi’s calm, assured words were DEVASTATING to her opponent. I have never forgotten that interview, and Meredith? Well, she became a GAME SHOW HOST. Clearly Meredith prefers the “tranquility of servitude” and “wealth” over the “animating contest of FREEDOM.”

The safety and effectiveness of ivermectin (which is very inexpensive) in reducing hospitalizations, intensive care, ventilation, and deaths due to COVID-19 is as well-established as anything in medicine, and yet the courageous doctors working on the front lines of the pandemic saving lives with this drug have been viciously persecuted and deprived of their livelihoods. This must rank as one of the greatest crimes in the history of medicine. Pierre Kory, author of the book War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic Hardcover – June 6, 2023, was in the center of this maelstrom from the beginning, and in this book he tells his personal story, along with the efforts of the drugmakers along with their minions in the health services industry, govt regulatory agencies, and the media to gaslight the public, censor the news, and destroy the careers of doctors dispensing this drug. He also explains how the drugmaker-funded “experts” concocted rigged studies to diminish the apparent effectiveness of ivermectin (although they were never able to erase it completely) and details the spectacular success achieved by Uttar Pradesh (a state in India with more people living in it than most nations) in ending the pandemic there by deploying this drug – a story completely ignored by the mainstream media.

Covid Is Genocide – A Biological Warfare Crime – Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament. Dr. David Martin is a Vice President for the European Parliament. Speaks at European Parliament Summit, he Claims COVID-19 Pandemic Was Pre-Meditated Domestic Terrorism. The speech makes various arguments suggesting US companies (mainly Pfizer) were behind Covid. Dr. Martin,  commenced his speech by asserting that COVID-19 was first isolated in 1965, more than 50 years ago. He highlighted that at the time, the virus was recognized as a pathogen with the potential for modification and utilization in various contexts. Dr. Martin underlined that the virus was identified as a potential tool for biological warfare, characterizing it as a “financial heist” and a “financial fraud” in which the scientific community was manipulated. This presentation took place on May 3, 2023, during the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III held in Brussels.

It is unfortunate Medical Conspiracy Theory turned out can be true. America Medical Association has no reason to stay on business. AMA is a huge violation of US. Constitution. WATCH: Rand Paul DEMANDS Unanimous Consent To RESCIND Covid Vax, Mask MANDATE For U.S. Senate. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a resolution seeking unanimous consent to eliminate a COVID-19 vaccine mandate required for all high schoolers participating in The United States Senate Page Program. The resolution also would have prevented masking and most testing requirements for the pages. The resolution was blocked by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) who said the decision “should be left to medical professionals.” He went on to say that a ban on masking and testing could create issues down the road if another public health emergency were to arise.

The US drug abuse epidemic is killing 300 Americans a day | The Bottom Line. Purdue Pharma introduced the opioid painkiller OxyContin in the 1990s and promoted it aggressively as non-addictive. United States government lawyers argued that the company’s owners, the Sacklers, knew how their medication was being abused widely, but doubled down on production – and profits. Recently a lawsuit was settled for $6bn. Barry Meier, the author of Pain Killer (soon to be a Netflix series), started writing about the opioid epidemic 20 years ago when it was killing about 20,000 people yearly. He tells host Steve Clemons how corporate greed and government dithering have led that number to exceed 100,000 deaths last year alone.

A society based upon peace, harmony, wisdom and compassion is possible, says Venerable Khandro Rinpoche—but we must all begin with ourselves: Compassion and Wisdom.

Among Culture and Religious Arguments, What Buddha Teaches us

Buried in the metaphysical study, I have not been watch any movies for the last several years. However a recent commend about Movie Oppenhenimer from Palki Sharma of Vantage Media in India caught my attention. Sex scenes from the film Oppenheimer have triggered a backlash in India for using the Bhagavad Gita as a prop. The government has reportedly pulled up the censor board for approving the controversial scene. The India Informaion and Broadcasting Minister has good reason to feel upset about certain scene of the Movie. Why did the makers use the Hindu Holy Scripture in a scene involving nudity? Certain scene fits the PG-13 description. Palki Sharma is the Managing Editor and First post of Vantage Media. By breaking stereotypes, Vantage Media aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives. This bring up the question that why would American glammorize profanity and put the nuikty in limelight and thus toxicate the minds of millions of people all over the world? Why would Hollywood insult ancient wisdom of holly scripture to condemn ourself? What does this speak of level of sanity on the mind of Hollywood and American culture as a whole?

Buddhism teaches that arrogance is inherent in our tendency to perceive our own value based on comparisons with others. It is a reflection of a very shallow and limited view of oneself. Impermanence is looking at reality from the point of view of time. No self is looking at reality from the point of view of space. They are two sides of reality. No self is a manifestation of impermanence and impermanence is a manifestation of no self. If things are impermanent they are without a separate self. If things are without a separate self, it means that they are impermanent. Impermanence means being transformed at every moment. This is reality. And since there is nothing unchanging, how can there be a permanent self, a separate self? When we say “self” we mean something that is always itself, unchanging day after day. But nothing is like that. Our body is impermanent, our emotions are impermanent, and our perceptions are impermanent. Our anger, our sadness, our love, our hatred and our consciousness are also impermanent.

Nothing can exist by itself alone. It has to depend on every other thing. That is called inter-being.  We think of our body as our self or belonging to our self. We think of our body as me or mine. But if you look deeply, you see that your body is also the body of your ancestors, of your parents, of your children, and of their children. So it is not a “me”; it is not a “mine.” Your body is full of everything else—limitless non-body elements—except one thing: a separate existence. Looking Deeply With the Three Dharma Seals: Impermanence, No-self, and Nirvana. The three seals are the marks to check against for any doctrines if they are in line with fundamental Buddhism teaching. In the Buddhist cosmology, the earth is not the only world, and human are not the only living beings. The 31 realms of existence are divided into three ‘worlds’ (loka); and existence in every realm is temporary. Rebirths take place in any realms according to one’s karma, wholesome and unwholesome actions. To free oneself from the cycle of birth and death, the Buddha recommends the Noble Eightfold Path. Another very intuitive diagrammatic representationof the Buddhist Universe JPG file can be download from here.

Again American’s exceptionalism tend to blindfold ourselves in cloudy head. In our current culture, talk about Jesus calls for courage. And it also calls for love and grace. The arrogrance of Christianity with its limit certainly deluded America in numerous religion/idilogious wars. The most offending thing in Christianity is the idea that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Unfortunately, American can easily come across as arrogant about the truth of Jesus, such as Evangelicals ask themselves “what would Jesus do?” and then do the opposite. According to Leeja Miller, a lawyer and researcher, How The Religious Right Ruined Everything breaked down all the ways the Religious Right and how white Christian nationalism poses an existential threat to our democracy. The religious right, the moral majority, evangelicals, and white Christian nationalists have, throughout the history of the United States, used religion to further personal greed, absolve themselves of guilt for heinous crimes, and force their morals and world view on an entire population, despite being neither particularly moral, nor the majority.

But we can squelch that impression if we listen to the other person’s views. Not arguing, just listening. We earn the right to be heard, and when our turn comes to share our views, we can couch the gospel in a lot of love and grace.

A similar case was the scandla over Netflix Cleopatra show. Egyptians are very upset about the Cleopatra documentary for black washing Cleopatra, falsifying Egyptian history and incorrectly representing Egyptians. The entire country of Egypt was pissed off. An Egyptian lawyer is even suing Netflix over this. They’re just trying to rewrite history. What is problematic is trying to meddle facts or editing real life history. This Egyptian young lady communicate well why they feel so offended. And since she went online to speak about Egyptian culture appropriation, she was heavily attacked by mutiple insults and offense of racism and religious dogmatism. In support of her righteousness, the audience offered three quotes:

  • Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion. — Marilyn vos Savant
  • Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. — Gustave Flaubert

According to Candace owens youtube program Netflix Blackwashed Cleopatra, and Egypt Is Mad, black wash is happening a lot now. Used to be white washing is takes something the belons to black people, or it is about back people and you give it to white for treat. Now black washing is essential the same thing where you are blackifying everything. The Disney movie of Little Mermaid is another case in point.

Candace owen also mentioned the book The Rules , which put feminism into proper perspective, helpping women to have healthy relationship in the dating age. The five books series was published first in 1995, and now 2023 got an update with supplement. One of the author Sherrie Schneider was interviewed, she said, ” If you want to be happy in marriage, think about your husband’s needs like what does he want, meet with his mother more often. Too many women this days are all about themselves, they are me, me, me. ” Men are biologically programmed to like extreme sports like bunge jumping, courting was one of those games they don’t want to be deprived of the exicitment. Candace was also very fiery outspoken about Black Life Matter Movement. People this day are deluded and lied to by big medias.

Similarly, Hollywood has a very narrow view of Arabs. Why Hollywood misrepresents Muslim communities. The U.S. Department of Defense has a lot of influence over Hollywood — and that’s led to some damaging portrayals of Arab and Muslim communities. The audience feedback with the folk story “Frogs in the well” , where the elder frogs tells to the younger how cruel the outside world is while they enjoys the outside world… Another audience who was an malaysian said he agree on the point of view. “Pakistan been touted as terrorist country and that is what the media been telling all this while. One day, I got an opportunity to visit Pakistan due to work trip (it was an easy process because I’m a malaysian) . It’s an heaven on earth. Pakistan is surely an heaven on earth. The people all kind and angels. They treat me well. I went to islamabad and Karachi. Omg, surely I will visit again. Humanity exist in Islam and I observed it Pakistan. If anyone got chance to visit Pakistan, without hesitate, please visit Pakistan. Waiting for covid to end.” Accoring to this clip, another movie the Dictator is an insult to the Islam. Take the Netflix show Elite as an example, the way they portrayed a hijabi, Nadia, is disgusting and causes Islamophobia to spread even more. So the stereotyping is a reflection of our narrowness. Americans have much to learn about our Arab sisters and brothers.

All over the world, cultures reflect different dimension of human history and experience. Together the multi-culture combined into totality of human realm. There are many Near Death Experience research and reports PROOF OF THE AFTERLIFE. The Incredible REINCARNATION STORY of Sunny Ray | The Indian Rebirth Story that shocked the World | just a couple of the Reincarnation reveallations.

Buddhism told us that we have been rebirth millions and millions of times since eons. According to Buddhist teaching, all beings cycle continually through one lifetime after another before developing to the point where they can reach enlightenment. The Buddha was no different, although the stories of his past lives, known as the According to Buddhist teaching, all beings cycle continually through one lifetime after another before developing to the point where they can reach enlightenment. The Buddha was no different, although the stories of his past lives, known as the Jataka tales, indicate a pretty remarkable being. In the 547 story-poems about his past lives that are collected in the Pali canon, which includes some of the earliest Buddhist scriptures we know, the Buddha takes birth as various kinds of humans (ranging from murderers to sages to a princess), myriad animals (elephants, deer, monkeys, birds—you name it), and numerous deities and metaphysical beings (a tree sprite and the lord of gods, for starters). The tales are chock-full of wily criminals, evil seducers, and magnanimous kings.

The Jataka tales go back to the 3rd century B.C. Because of the limited literacy of the times, travelling storytellers known as Jataka bhanakas were selected and given the task of reaching the stories to every corner of the land and beyond. The Jataka Tales carried strong and inspiring messages of kindness, compassion, generosity, non-violence, self-sacrifice, charity and the need to abjure greed. The Jataka stories explain the concepts of karma and rebirth, and teach moral values. Though the Jataka Tales are more than two thousand years old, they carry a message for us even today. This is the reason for their popularity, especially as stories for children. Their interesting stories and moral teachings are a positive source of inspiration for the young people of today JATAKA TALES OF BUDDHA –1, JATAKA TALES 2A, JATAKA TALES 2B.