Buried in the metaphysical study, I have not been watch any movies for the last several years. However a recent commend about Movie Oppenhenimer from Palki Sharma of Vantage Media in India caught my attention. Sex scenes from the film Oppenheimer have triggered a backlash in India for using the Bhagavad Gita as a prop. The government has reportedly pulled up the censor board for approving the controversial scene. The India Informaion and Broadcasting Minister has good reason to feel upset about certain scene of the Movie. Why did the makers use the Hindu Holy Scripture in a scene involving nudity? Certain scene fits the PG-13 description. Palki Sharma is the Managing Editor and First post of Vantage Media. By breaking stereotypes, Vantage Media aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives. This bring up the question that why would American glammorize profanity and put the nuikty in limelight and thus toxicate the minds of millions of people all over the world? Why would Hollywood insult ancient wisdom of holly scripture to condemn ourself? What does this speak of level of sanity on the mind of Hollywood and American culture as a whole?
Buddhism teaches that arrogance is inherent in our tendency to perceive our own value based on comparisons with others. It is a reflection of a very shallow and limited view of oneself. Impermanence is looking at reality from the point of view of time. No self is looking at reality from the point of view of space. They are two sides of reality. No self is a manifestation of impermanence and impermanence is a manifestation of no self. If things are impermanent they are without a separate self. If things are without a separate self, it means that they are impermanent. Impermanence means being transformed at every moment. This is reality. And since there is nothing unchanging, how can there be a permanent self, a separate self? When we say “self” we mean something that is always itself, unchanging day after day. But nothing is like that. Our body is impermanent, our emotions are impermanent, and our perceptions are impermanent. Our anger, our sadness, our love, our hatred and our consciousness are also impermanent.
Nothing can exist by itself alone. It has to depend on every other thing. That is called inter-being. We think of our body as our self or belonging to our self. We think of our body as me or mine. But if you look deeply, you see that your body is also the body of your ancestors, of your parents, of your children, and of their children. So it is not a “me”; it is not a “mine.” Your body is full of everything else—limitless non-body elements—except one thing: a separate existence. Looking Deeply With the Three Dharma Seals: Impermanence, No-self, and Nirvana. The three seals are the marks to check against for any doctrines if they are in line with fundamental Buddhism teaching. In the Buddhist cosmology, the earth is not the only world, and human are not the only living beings. The 31 realms of existence are divided into three ‘worlds’ (loka); and existence in every realm is temporary. Rebirths take place in any realms according to one’s karma, wholesome and unwholesome actions. To free oneself from the cycle of birth and death, the Buddha recommends the Noble Eightfold Path. Another very intuitive diagrammatic representationof the Buddhist Universe JPG file can be download from here.
Again American’s exceptionalism tend to blindfold ourselves in cloudy head. In our current culture, talk about Jesus calls for courage. And it also calls for love and grace. The arrogrance of Christianity with its limit certainly deluded America in numerous religion/idilogious wars. The most offending thing in Christianity is the idea that Jesus is the only way to heaven. Unfortunately, American can easily come across as arrogant about the truth of Jesus, such as Evangelicals ask themselves “what would Jesus do?” and then do the opposite. According to Leeja Miller, a lawyer and researcher, How The Religious Right Ruined Everything breaked down all the ways the Religious Right and how white Christian nationalism poses an existential threat to our democracy. The religious right, the moral majority, evangelicals, and white Christian nationalists have, throughout the history of the United States, used religion to further personal greed, absolve themselves of guilt for heinous crimes, and force their morals and world view on an entire population, despite being neither particularly moral, nor the majority.
But we can squelch that impression if we listen to the other person’s views. Not arguing, just listening. We earn the right to be heard, and when our turn comes to share our views, we can couch the gospel in a lot of love and grace.
A similar case was the scandla over Netflix Cleopatra show. Egyptians are very upset about the Cleopatra documentary for black washing Cleopatra, falsifying Egyptian history and incorrectly representing Egyptians. The entire country of Egypt was pissed off. An Egyptian lawyer is even suing Netflix over this. They’re just trying to rewrite history. What is problematic is trying to meddle facts or editing real life history. This Egyptian young lady communicate well why they feel so offended. And since she went online to speak about Egyptian culture appropriation, she was heavily attacked by mutiple insults and offense of racism and religious dogmatism. In support of her righteousness, the audience offered three quotes:
- Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. — Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion. — Marilyn vos Savant
- Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. — Gustave Flaubert
According to Candace owens youtube program Netflix Blackwashed Cleopatra, and Egypt Is Mad, black wash is happening a lot now. Used to be white washing is takes something the belons to black people, or it is about back people and you give it to white for treat. Now black washing is essential the same thing where you are blackifying everything. The Disney movie of Little Mermaid is another case in point.
Candace owen also mentioned the book The Rules , which put feminism into proper perspective, helpping women to have healthy relationship in the dating age. The five books series was published first in 1995, and now 2023 got an update with supplement. One of the author Sherrie Schneider was interviewed, she said, ” If you want to be happy in marriage, think about your husband’s needs like what does he want, meet with his mother more often. Too many women this days are all about themselves, they are me, me, me. ” Men are biologically programmed to like extreme sports like bunge jumping, courting was one of those games they don’t want to be deprived of the exicitment. Candace was also very fiery outspoken about Black Life Matter Movement. People this day are deluded and lied to by big medias.
Similarly, Hollywood has a very narrow view of Arabs. Why Hollywood misrepresents Muslim communities. The U.S. Department of Defense has a lot of influence over Hollywood — and that’s led to some damaging portrayals of Arab and Muslim communities. The audience feedback with the folk story “Frogs in the well” , where the elder frogs tells to the younger how cruel the outside world is while they enjoys the outside world… Another audience who was an malaysian said he agree on the point of view. “Pakistan been touted as terrorist country and that is what the media been telling all this while. One day, I got an opportunity to visit Pakistan due to work trip (it was an easy process because I’m a malaysian) . It’s an heaven on earth. Pakistan is surely an heaven on earth. The people all kind and angels. They treat me well. I went to islamabad and Karachi. Omg, surely I will visit again. Humanity exist in Islam and I observed it Pakistan. If anyone got chance to visit Pakistan, without hesitate, please visit Pakistan. Waiting for covid to end.” Accoring to this clip, another movie the Dictator is an insult to the Islam. Take the Netflix show Elite as an example, the way they portrayed a hijabi, Nadia, is disgusting and causes Islamophobia to spread even more. So the stereotyping is a reflection of our narrowness. Americans have much to learn about our Arab sisters and brothers.
All over the world, cultures reflect different dimension of human history and experience. Together the multi-culture combined into totality of human realm. There are many Near Death Experience research and reports PROOF OF THE AFTERLIFE. The Incredible REINCARNATION STORY of Sunny Ray | The Indian Rebirth Story that shocked the World | just a couple of the Reincarnation reveallations.
Buddhism told us that we have been rebirth millions and millions of times since eons. According to Buddhist teaching, all beings cycle continually through one lifetime after another before developing to the point where they can reach enlightenment. The Buddha was no different, although the stories of his past lives, known as the According to Buddhist teaching, all beings cycle continually through one lifetime after another before developing to the point where they can reach enlightenment. The Buddha was no different, although the stories of his past lives, known as the Jataka tales, indicate a pretty remarkable being. In the 547 story-poems about his past lives that are collected in the Pali canon, which includes some of the earliest Buddhist scriptures we know, the Buddha takes birth as various kinds of humans (ranging from murderers to sages to a princess), myriad animals (elephants, deer, monkeys, birds—you name it), and numerous deities and metaphysical beings (a tree sprite and the lord of gods, for starters). The tales are chock-full of wily criminals, evil seducers, and magnanimous kings.
The Jataka tales go back to the 3rd century B.C. Because of the limited literacy of the times, travelling storytellers known as Jataka bhanakas were selected and given the task of reaching the stories to every corner of the land and beyond. The Jataka Tales carried strong and inspiring messages of kindness, compassion, generosity, non-violence, self-sacrifice, charity and the need to abjure greed. The Jataka stories explain the concepts of karma and rebirth, and teach moral values. Though the Jataka Tales are more than two thousand years old, they carry a message for us even today. This is the reason for their popularity, especially as stories for children. Their interesting stories and moral teachings are a positive source of inspiration for the young people of today JATAKA TALES OF BUDDHA –1, JATAKA TALES 2A, JATAKA TALES 2B.