「你可敢信」: 一口氣讀懂「耶穌」還有「以色列千年詛咒」的真相| 劉曉亭牧師 主題:基督徒該挺以色列嗎?從以巴之戰談起 ︱以色列是神的選民,但巴勒斯坦人也是神祝福的民族。舊約時代神雖将迦南地賜給以色列民,但是也得自己打入去趕走迦南人。以色列人勃逆才因此流浪曠野到40年才進入。可惜以色列人不遵守神的導離棄神以至外敵入侵而亡國,不能只怪敵人。今天的以色列是屬神的嗎?有幾多真正愛神的猶太人或跟隨耶稣的基督徒?他們拜偶像的多,有如現今美欧西方基督教國家一樣.。有沒有想過,神沒有阻止巴勒斯坦今次的突襲是神懲罰以、巴人的叛逆?舊約這種例子多的是啊,以外族入侵來教訓以色列民直到他們回轉為止。以色列復國後對代巴勒斯坦人的行為一定不會是神喜悦,硬說是神的應許地就可殘害虐待同胞嗎?巴勒斯坦是遠親,並非亞瑪力人。不摘手段的進入應許地不會得到神的祝福,也不會是公義的神的旨意。

The butterfly effect of globalization has become a daily reality put right on your face – no longer is something just playing on the background. Someone in the far away country do something unknowingly to the public, the impact and be felt right away with the aids of high tech connectivities, camera and media control, making it extremely easy to sway the sentiments of the public. But how much is the truth of those message is a total different matter. The public mostly does not have the resources, nor capacities to distinguish what is real and what is rumor or purposely manipulation for the public attention/opinion.
According to How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves | Whitney Webb | The Glenn Beck Podcast, Journalist Whitney Webb has worked to uncover some of the most dangerous stories of our lifetime, and she joins Glenn to reveal just how eye-opening it’s been. Her new two-volume book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” examines Epstein’s elaborate network of corruption and power, from Bill Clinton to Ghislaine Maxwell and many more. Her research into transhumanism has given her a terrifying perspective on the World Economic Forum and tech elites, including Elon Musk. And she tells Glenn the dark truth about Biden’s push for electric vehicles that she noticed while living in Chile.
In his new book, ‘Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism’, Former Greece Prime Minister Yanis Varoufakis explores how giant tech firms, both in the US and China are expanding their control over the planet. His analysis is that, whilst material resources certainly matter, the real battle ground is over digital real estate. Big tech has replaced capitalism’s twin pillars—markets and profit—with its platforms and rents. With every click and scroll, we labor like serfs to increase its power.
“Smart Cities Exposed: The Convenience Trap That Could Enslave Us!” The technology can easily monitor your activities. Many children missing under day care. The prison is no longer needed, you can be easily lock up in your own home the magnetic field of satellites and network monitors.

We live in a world of great uncertainty. Life is fragile. The first of Four Noble Truth Buddha taught us is Dukkha. 佛陀教导我们,「缘起」是宇宙人生一切万法生灭变异的定律,佛陀因证悟「缘起」而成佛,但因缘起深奥难解,为使尚未起信的众生免于畏怯,所以佛陀在初转法轮时,特以「四圣谛」来说明众生生死流转以及解脱之道的缘起道理,进而激发众生厌苦修道的决心。因此,「缘起」是佛陀自证成佛的「自受用」,「四圣谛」则是「他受用」之始。《地藏经》则是在佛陀80 岁时才讲的法门,佛陀讲完《地藏经》后三个月就涅磐了。
四谛:梵文Catursatya的音译。佛教基本教义之一。指苦、集、灭、道四谛。“谛”为佛经中所指的“真理”。 佛教认为,人世间一切皆苦,叫“ 苦谛 ” (Dukkha);欲望是造成人生多苦的原因,叫“ 集谛 ”(samudaya);断灭一切世俗痛苦的原因后进入理想的境界,即“涅槃”,叫“灭谛”(nirodha);而要达到最高理想“涅槃”境界,必须长期修“道”,叫“道谛” (marga)。
- 生,是指六道中的各种生命的诞生、出生、入胎、再生,还有五蕴中的显现,还有眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意等所感受、获得的内容等,都为“生”。生是许多苦的基础。
- 老,是指六道中的各种生命的年老、衰老、牙齿损坏、头发变白、皮肤变质、六根的成熟等各种现象。由於有情的衰老,死亡已進一步的迫近,由衰老所帶來的種種苦痛也將生起。
- 死,是指六道中的各种生命的死亡、灭亡、五蕴的分离等。
- 愁,是指由于任何不幸和苦法而引起的忧愁、哀愁、悲伤等。因为其身心苦受由自行而生,又被称为苦苦。
- 悲,是指因为任何不幸和苦法而引起的哭泣、悲欢、悲哀、悲痛等。
- 苦,是指身体的疼痛和疾病不适等。
- 憂,是指心身的不愉快。
- 惱,是指不幸或苦法所引起的生气、憔悴、绝望等。
- 怨憎會,是指对不喜欢的、不可爱的色、聲、香、味、觸、法,或者与那些意图不好、无意、不安分的人异同交往聚会而产生的怨憎。
- 愛別離,是指对喜欢的、可爱的色、聲、香、味、觸、法,或者对希望有利、有益的、快乐的、安分的人,家人、朋友或亲戚,却不能和他们在一起、交往、聚会而产生的痛苦,總說為生離死別之苦。
- 求不得,是指六道中的众生,对于以上的各种苦而生的诉求,希望它们不要来到、却无法实现,从此而生的痛苦。
There are three main categories of dukkha. These are:
- Suffering or Pain (Dukkha-dukkha). Ordinary suffering, as defined by the English word, is one form of dukkha. This includes physical, emotional and mental pain.
- Impermanence or Change (Viparinama-dukkha). Anything that is not permanent, that is subject to change, is dukkha. Thus, happiness is dukkha, because it is not permanent. Great success, which fades with the passing of time, is dukkha. Even the purest state of bliss experienced in spiritual practice is dukkha. This doesn’t mean that happiness, success, and bliss are bad, or that it’s wrong to enjoy them. If you feel happy, then enjoy feeling happy. Just don’t cling to it.
- Conditioned States (Samkhara-dukkha). To be conditioned is to be dependent on or affected by something else. According to the teaching of dependent origination, all phenomena are conditioned. Everything affects everything else. This is the most difficult part of the teachings on dukkha to understand, but it is critical to understanding Buddhism.
Buddha taught us that Hardship and Good Luck both can be opportunity to foster our spiritual growth and awaken to the truth of reality. If you stuck in the mindset of Dukka, according to the 12-links of dependent arising, this emotion and perception will become our next life’s retribution because that is what we keep on programming our mind. We should make us of the high tech to learn things of worthy as much as possible and discard the garbages.
The book Without Buddha I Could Not be a Christian Paperback – February 1, 2013, narrates how esteemed theologian, Paul F. Knitter overcame a crisis of faith by looking to Buddhism for inspiration. From prayer to how Christianity views life after death, Knitter argues that a Buddhist standpoint can encourage a more person-centred conception of Christianity, where individual religious experience comes first, and liturgy and tradition second. Moving and revolutionary, this book will inspire Christians everywhere.
I want to introduce you Standardized Version of Śūraṅgama Dhāraṇī – 2小時首楞嚴咒(統一梵文版)2-hour Sanskrit Shurangama Mantra (Original Chanter) for Meditation 대불정능엄신주 산스크리트 화. It is the mantra from the Shurangama Sutra. (you can turn on transcript from the bottom of the program) 世界最強,最有效,最有力量的咒經,楞嚴咒,吾等弟子持誦奉行,終生不悔,感恩各位師父!隨喜功德,普皆迴向,祈願人心安住,身體健康,社會安定,阿彌陀佛!中文早課版【大佛頂首楞嚴咒】[注音]易背诵 | 共七遍 1h | Shurangama Mantra | (台灣靈巖山寺唱頌)-不思議BSYi
- Translated under the imperial decree by His Holiness Amogha Vajra, Royal-titled Daiguangzhi, Tripitaka Master of the Royal Religious Bureau of Daxingshansi, T’ang Dynasty
- Extracted from Jun-zi-zhi, Stone Scriptures of Fangshan, inscribed during Liao Dynasty Da-an 10th year.
- Compiled by His Holiness Xinglin, Royal-titled Purple-robed, Surpass Enlightenment Tripitaka Master in Propagating Esoteric Buddhism of the Royal Religious Bureau of the Great An-guo-si, Capital City of the Great T’ang, T’ang Dynasty
- Reconstructed to ancient Sanskrit pronunciation with romanised Sanskrit – a joint project by Venerable Ᾱcārya Hong Bok, Venerable Shi Yan Du and Bodhisattva-preceptee Upāsaka Guo Bin, in early 2016.
- In ancient China, dhāraṇī-s were transliterated from Sanskrit based on the Chinese spoken at the time, i.e. during the Tang and Song periods. When these dhāraṇī-s are read using modern-day spoken Mandarin (Putong hua), the sound produced is different from the original intended sound due to the fact that modern-day spoken Mandarin is derived from the Northern Chinese dialect spoken in the imperial courts of the Qing Dynasty and not from ancient Chinese of the Tang and Song periods. The outcome would have been inconsistent with the objective of transliteration and is not in accord with Great Master Xuan Zhuang’s guidelines on translation。