In the last 70 years, Israel Palestinian conflict has been one of the most enduring and contentious disputes in the Middle East for decades. Recent events in Gaza, marked by escalating violence and civilian casualties have once again thrust this conflict into the international spotlight.
One of the historical factor was Zionism. A few very brave Jews risked at least their livelihood if not their lives by telling the truth, warning the dangers of Zionism. These men includes Noam Chomsky, Benjamin Freedmen, Alfred Lilienthal, Israel Shabaka, and Norman Finkelstein. Chomsky was an outspoken opponent of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, which he saw as an act of American imperialism, in 1967 Chomsky rose to national attention for his anti-war essay “The Responsibility of Intellectuals“. Becoming associated with the New Left, he was arrested multiple times for his activism and placed on President Richard Nixon‘s list of political opponents. In this program Why Does the U.S. Support Israel, Noam Chomsky traced back into long history of Zionism.
Chomsky said Christian Zionist, long before Jewish Zionist, were very powerful forces among British elites. The Bible said …… that is a big part of western culture, including Britain, USA, Canada and Australia etc. – these are Christian countries where biblical command were take quite literally. President Wilson was a devout Christian, so is President Truman, and one of the high official in Roosevelt administration. Also this is part of colonization, the last phrase of European colonization. These are settler colonial societies, an unusual form of imperialism. Settler Colonial societies is where settler came in, essentially eliminated the native population, also driven by religious principles. Those are the major culture factors.
Chomsky said there are also major geostrategic factors which went back to 1948, there was a split between state departments and Pentagon. The State Department want to help solve refugee problems, whereas Pentagon regard Israel as a offshoot of its military extension. In the 1967 was the time the current relation established when Israel help destroyed secular Arab nationalism. (Notes from Blogger: This is untrue, in the 1967, it was American that saved Israel from Arabs: 1967 war: Six days that changed the Middle East)
In this program of Chomsky speech: USA supported radical Islam. Chomsky said, the radical islam is Saudi Arab. (Note from the blogger: I am not clear about this, sound like Chomsky is self conflicting in his point of view. Is this program truly a speech from Chomsky or it is a fake imitation of sound program made by High Tech AI ? Talking about the danger of AI mind controlling, AI causing confusion and stirring trouble for the mankind, play Frankenstein’s advocate? With Mars square Neptune in the USA chart, and the transit Neptune is also squaring Mars, any of this kind of manifestation is not unlikely, but very unethical!!! This is a violation of the Buddhist teaching of the Precepts of No Lying. People who violate US constitution by abusing of freedom of speech!)
Chomsky said that western media basically take up the position of the government with very little question around the edge.
Another Jewish scholar, Rabbi Dovid Weiss,Talk to Al Jazeera: Zionism has created ‘rivers of blood’ explains why Zionism and Judaism are not necessarily the same thing and why he believes that Israel as a state is not legitimate.
李秉信 先生是台灣屏東人, 臨濟正宗第四十三世法嗣慧圓 ,曹洞正宗第四十九世法嗣騰覺,號圓覺老人, 畢業於台灣新竹清華大學核工-工程與系統科學材料組,清華大學核工-工程與系統科學研究所碩士,美國達特茅斯大學塔克商學院企管研究班,美國南灣中醫大學針灸及東方醫學碩士,加州五系中醫藥大學中醫及針灸博士,現任中華民國僑務委員會僑務諮詢委員,曾任中華民國僑務委員,全美台灣同鄉聯誼會第三十一屆總會會長,全美台灣同鄉聯誼會顧問會總召集人,南加州清華大學校友會會長及理事長,中國國民黨第十七屆全國代表大會黨代表,中美論壇社理事及執筆。現為江味農金剛經講堂金剛經講師,洛杉磯道家學術基金會紫微斗數命理哲學講師,子平八字命理哲學講師,易經心法講師,易經卜筮講師,易經人相學講師,台灣時報洛城藍調論壇撰稿人,國際日報週末下午茶論壇撰稿人,台灣時報及中國日報掬水聞香主編及主筆。洛杉磯華人資訊網 〔信不信由你〕嘉賓,洛杉磯華人資訊網 〔熱門話題大家談〕時事評論員,洛杉磯華人資訊網〔焦點觀察〕時事評論員,世界日報〔 U視頻〕時事評論員,AM 1300 〔尖峯時刻〕時事評論員,著作有〔心想事成〕,〔醫道易以貫之〕。 Master Li Bingxin is adept with Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese Traditional Medicine. He talked in this program about the thousand years of conflicts between Israel and Palestinians, the Biblical stories and the implication for Israel’s belief system. As God’s Chosen people, does Israel withstand to God’s test of higher consciousness or it is still wrestling with God? Like what currently the AI is doing? 李秉信先生谈神的选民的应有精神状态,耶路沙冷作为应许之地。 全世界再掀反犹风潮 以色列的宿命?《信不信由你》2023年11月9日 第215期
Adding in the factor of AI, Armageddon is a high risk with AI stirring distrust and confusions.

Famous host Medhi Hasan interviews this week and spoke to Netanyahu’s advisor Mark Regev. Medhi Hasan GRILLS Netanyahu’s Adviser. This episode show the key moments of the interview. Mark Regev said the Gaza health Ministry;s death toll figures shouldn’t be trusted.
Formerly the United States’ ambassador to Israel, assistant secretary of state for Near East Affairs, and US special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in 2013-2014, Martin Indyk has been at the heart of US-Israel relations for several decades. He worked as adviser to US President Bill Clinton and was a member of his negotiating team at the Camp David talks in 2000. In this episode of Head to Head 2016, host Mehdi Hasan challenges Martin Indyk on the US-Israel relationship. Joining with them also was a panel of experts in this issue giving different perspectives. The discussion revealed a set of contexts within which the dilemma has always been a huge challenges for peace settlement.
Jamal Elshayyal is a British journalist, senior correspondent, and producer for Al Jazeera English. His focus is on countries within the MENA and Gulf Cooperation Council. Recently, Jamal Elshayyal interviews Zionist historian Daniel Pipes and questions him on his view if the only solution to the decades long occupation is an Israeli victory.
This other program by The Thinking Muslim is working on elevate the causes of Islam and amplify the voices of Muslim. Israel has finally moved its ground operations into Gaza, and their Western backers have set down their intention to provide diplomatic cover to their settler offshoot and shield it from criticism. Western leaders have had to defend the indefensible as Israel’s punitive and indiscriminate action continues. Calls for a ceasefire have been vetoed at the UN, and the West accepts no liability for the thousands murdered in cold blood. It is truly astonishing to see how liberals on both sides of the Atlantic have confirmed what most of us have known for a long time: that their so-called rules-based international order is set up to cover their brutality. It is not that they kill civilians without any recourse to humanity. It’s that they openly declare their mass murder with knowledge of impunity. The West has given them diplomatic cover to engage in slaughter without red lines. This is truly an age of impunity.
Professor Reuven is an ordained rabbi who teach in a jewish seminary for rabbis and also in a private university in Los Angles. He has a PHD in Arabic and Islamic studies and had lived in Egypt and other parts of the Muslim world as well as in Israel for many years. He is familiar with both traditions and the languages that involved in the traditions. Is Islam Judaism? Mind Blowing Interview With Professor Reuven Fireston. This episode in August 2022 is to spell out what Islam is and how it may have developed in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century. Arabia, Pre-islamic Arabia and Judaism and Christianity’s influence. This provide a lot of background context of what is going on in the Middle East.
Geopolitical factors also underscore the significance of energy security and the vulnerabilities faced by nations that rely largely on oil. The energy environment is changing as the world shifts to renewable energy sources, and countries need to adjust to these changes.