What in American Dream that Delude the People? 4 The Epic of America and the Ksudrapanthaka’s Story of Sweep and Clean

The term “American Dream” was coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931 book The Epic of America, saying that “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. Since then it become a national ethos, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. Civil Right activist Martin Luther King famously said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” So both Adams and King stress the cultivation of character as the essence of American Dream.

I have not been following much about economy. But seems like we are heading towards devastation. Just from election campaign I heard one of the big issues now confronting the majority Americans are inflation. Financial Analyst Peter Schiff has been warning about “USA Collapse Will Be Far WORSE Than You Think…” Economist Paul Craig Roberts asked: ” Is the Federal Reserve Merely Incompetent or Is There a Dark Agenda?”

This is another irony/contradiction that while globalization has been a popular trend for decades, why American’s competitive ability lagging so far behind the international level? We have everything very expensive here but do not receive good service. University charge a lot of tuition without much elevating the character or skill level for the youth; American pay the highest medical bill/insurance, alas national longevity is among some third world countries; Banks employed so many mathematics, economic PhDs, but average American’s living qualities are declining. It seems that from CPI data, service category takes up a high percentage of the expenses. On the whole, American job holders seems to asking more pay without doing as good a job as international competitors. American Dream should be an inspiration for cultivation of character rather than as security hub for laying back or laziness complainers.

And if we are lacking of skills, we may need to do some serious study and contemplation. I used to have inferiority complex when I was a kid. I was actually a little bit stammer. But I love reading books, and study gave me the peace of mind. Little by little I start to gain confidence in school when I put in effort in study. Now I am in my mid-50th, and I am still study new things. I gain self assurance and sufficiency over the time by continuously study to keep up with development.

Let me tell you a Buddhism story about Ksudrapanthaka. He was one of the 25 sages in the Surangame Sutra. But can you believe that he used to be thought of as stupid by everyone because he could not recital any verses. He had such a bad memory and did so poorly in the Sangha that he was almost expelled out by his brother. Buddha happen to pass by and saw Ksudrapanthaka weeping. So Buddha compassionately taught him just try remember two words 「掃帚」- “sweep and clean” while sweeping the floor. 由於資質魯鈍,常受到別人的嘲笑,所以佛陀教他於掃地時背誦「掃帚」二字。Starting from two words, Ksudrapanthaka persevered for years, and gradually he can remember longer verses. Progressive he thought, desire are like dust, a wise man must remove all desire. To know more detail about how eventually he got enlighten, read the story about Sweeping the Floor of the Mind in Monastic Life.

Ksitigarbha Sutra also teaches how to become more wise and smarter on Chapter 12.

“Moreover, Contemplator of the World’s Sounds Bodhisattva, in the future, good men and women may have high regard for the Great Vehicle sutras and make the inconceivable resolve to read them and to recite them from memory. They may then encounter a bright master who instructs them so that they can become familiar with the texts. But as soon as they learn them, they forget them. They may try for months or years and yet still be unable to read or recite them from memory. Because those good men and women have karmic obstructions from past lives that have not yet been dissolved, they  are unable to read and memorize sutras of the Great Vehicle. Upon hearing Earth Store Bodhisattva’s name or seeing his image, such people should, with deep respect and honesty, state their situation to the Bodhisattva.

“In addition, they should use incense, flowers, clothing, food, and drink, and other beloved material objects to make offerings to the Bodhisattva. They should place a bowl of pure water before the Bodhisattva for one day and one night. Afterwards, joining their palms together, they should state their request and then, while facing south, prepare to drink the water. As the water is about to enter their mouths, they should be particularly sincere and solemn. After drinking the water, they should abstain from the five pungent plants, wine, meat, improper sexual activity, false speech, and all killing and harming for one to three weeks. In dreams, those good men and women may then see Earth Store Bodhisattva manifesting a boundless body and anointing the crowns of their heads with water. When they awaken, they may be endowed with keen intelligence. Upon hearing this sutra but one time, they will eternally remember it and never forget or lose a single sentence or verse.



Of course how to be more effective is another important skills to master. Here someone talk about method of efficiency in study. But we all need to find our own style. Keep trying, do not give up.

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