Dane Rudhyar – The Roots of American Nation

A few month ago, we talked about the book written by Dane Rudhyar’s 1974 book The Astrology of America’s Destiny, since then few discussion had been cover it. The recent wars and conflicts in different part of the world again challenge an old American belief: These words — “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, which “reclaimed the beliefs of a relatively small group — of educated men who had been stirred by the ideals formulated by the Humanists and the intellectuals of the Renaissance and the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries”. I would like to read together with you the Chapter Two: The Roots of American nation.

Part of The Roots of the American Nation – Page 2

Every birth has antecedents which conditions its character and define its essential purpose. It has a purpose because it satisfies a need inherent in the time and place of its occurrence. We may think of this need in terms of the desire of the parents for a child who will fill their emotional wants, prolong their existence, perpetuate their sociopolitical and religious beliefs, and contribute to the preservation of the human race. We may also refer this need to an overall planetary process of spiritual-mental development (a religiously inclined person would speak here of “God’s plan”) which requires that a particular type of person should be born in a particular environment to fill a definite place in that vast evolutionary scheme, somewhat as a particular cell fulfills a definite function in the body of a human being.

      Relatively speaking, a great personage or genius uniquely fills some need of his time and society; but, any human being can be said to be born in answer to some collective human need. Whether he is actually able to fulfill this need is another matter. He may fail or only partially succeed, but the potentiality inherent in the fact of his birth was there, whether it is actualized or not. It is this “Potentiality” that a birth chart formulates in the astrological code represented by the positions and interactions of the celestial bodies in the cosmic environment of the birth. The birth chart defines the potentiality, but not the degree or the quality of the actuality — that is, of what the person will turn out to be and to achieve.

      This applies equally to the birth of a collective person — a national organism. A nation is born at a certain time, in a particular place and under definite telluric, climatic and magnetic conditions in order to contribute in a more or less definite way to the evolution of mankind as a whole. What it is to contribute is essentially a certain quality of humanhood — a special way of meeting the problems involved in existence within the Earth’s biosphere and of responding to the challenges which life in an international and geophysical world constantly brings to a nation and to its leaders in all fields of human activity. We can speak of such a “quality” as the character or temperament of the people participating in the collective activities of the national whole; it is possible, for instance, to characterize the English, American, French, German, Russian, Arab or Indian temperaments.

      Such a national character both produces and results from a particular culture. A typical way of life and characteristic institutions are built in order to actualize, consciously in rare cases, but mostly unconsciously and according to “the force of circumstances,” the birth-potential of the nation and to externalize the motives that brought about the formation of the national entity and its emergence from whatever surrounded it and led to its birth. A nation is often formed in a violent or somehow cathartic manner by “colonists” from an older nation who wilfully seek independence from the mother country that through them had sought to extend its field of operation and to export its economy and its culture. In other cases a nation is born when after overcoming a disintegrating society, a number of migrating tribes coalesce into their own sociopolitical organism. This is what happened in Europe during the early Middle Ages as Germanic and Slavic tribes developed into small feudal units which eventually were absorbed by a powerful governmental nucleus giving its characteristic organization to the nascent national entity.

      The ideas stated above imply a purposive view of history and of human (and even planetary) evolution. They are not likely to be acceptable to most academic historians of our day. Neither is the concept of cycles of civilization popular in academia, in spite of the extensively documented work of historians like Oswald Spengler (whose major work, The Decline of the West, was written sixty years ago) and Arnold Toynbee (whose A Study of History was written after World War 1). The cyclic concept of the development of civilizations, however, is implied in the astrological approach to history, and the study of great planetary cycles and precessional Ages provides an objective and rational foundation for the belief that civilization — or “societies,” in Toynbee’s use of the term are — much like organisms which are born, develop and disintegrate — according to some kind of structural rhythm.

      In this study of the destiny of the American nation we therefore have to deal with two basic factors: on the one hand we should survey the development of the karmic relationship between the new American nation and the nations and cultures of Europe, and particularly England as the official mother country; on the other hand, we should consider the basic reasons and the more external and temporary motives which enabled the people of the Colonies, or at least their leaders, to become I willful and effective protagonists in a vast historical process of transformation of human society which had begun many centuries before the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble of the Constitution set the pace for a spreading sociopolitical revolution. Such a revolution may be only the first phase of a more far-reaching, more deeply rooted, upheaval — a revolution in consciousness.

The Roots of the American Nation – Page 3

The “vast historical process of transformation of human society” to which I am referring can be identified with the development of Western civilization, a development which really began around the sixth century B.C. in Greece. It had been heralded by the great and unsuccessful reform of Egypt’s religion by Akh-en-Aton, and by the also relatively unsuccessful revelation which Moses brought to his people: the revelation of a God Who declared Himself to be the very principle of I-am-ness — thus, of individuality in its most absolute sense. The foundation of our Western civilization indeed is the concept of the individual person, along with the assertion that this individual person has an essential “worth and dignity” regardless of its condition and circumstances of birth, and of what it can produce in and for the society into which it is born.

      The story of Western civilization is one of attempts to a concept of society allowing, nay encouraging, its members to regard themselves as individuals — individuals who are essentially “free and equal” and as such endowed with inalienable rights in any social conditions. These attempts have been constantly frustrated; they represented a definite challenge to the foundations upon which all societies had previously been built, foundations we can characterize as the expression of the “tribal order.” This tribal order was a manifestation of biological and psychic realities. It was rooted in the deep feeling that the unity of the social grouping — the tribe — was derived from a reality, a more or less mythical Great Ancestor or a god, that was in the past. Everything “sacred” was meant to reproduce a past event, a creative event by gods or a man-woman pair of a quasi-divine origin.

      It is this concept of the tribal order — and later on, of a social order based on the different abilities of human beings to produce wares, ideas or acts of service to the expanded community, kingdom or empire — that our Western civilization has tried to supplant, or at least to polarize, The tribal and post-tribal order emphasized production and made human beings almost totally subservient to the requirements of this production. In contrast, the essential character of the democratic order is that it stresses the absolute spiritual character of the individual person. In more recent times our Western society has also stressed the nearly absolute individual rights of its collective persons — thus the concept of “national sovereignty”.

      It is evident that these two rights — the right of a community to enforce patterns of productivity for the welfare of all its members, and the right of the individual to become and remain an independent person centered in his truth-of-being and essential spiritual identity — have a polar character. From the point of view of Western civilization, both have to be recognized and kept operative. The basic problem concerns the relative strength and value accorded to each by any particular society, nation or community. Because these two concepts of rights easily become the foundations of two opposite philosophies of life and of social organization — individualism versus collectivism — they constantly generate internal as well as external. conflicts: conflicts within nations, and conflicts between nations which at least theoretically, have opted for a way of life and institutions emphasizing one or the other of these principles. The basic conflict even manifests in two opposite concepts of knowledge and scientific inquiry, atomism versus holism.

      Western civilization at all levels has been and is based on this polarization. We see its manifestation in the contrast between the ideals of free enterprise (or laissiee-faire capitalism) and socialism. The two-party system in the United States is a watered-down aspect of this polarization. The essential point is that our civilization is based on conflicts, and that because of this it has proven to be exceedingly dynamic; but this dynamism nevertheless tends to express itself in the form of violence, violence which has become a way of life.

      Such a dialectical way of life has been accepted and even justified by our American nation, which inherited it from the European past. America inherited the religious form of violence strongly implied in Puritanism — violence against oneself and one’s biopsychic urges, and violence against dissenters and scapegoats (the burning of witches). It inherited also the conquistadors’ kind of violence, which led to the destruction of Indian tribes and the crude, even if at times heroic, conquest of a vast continent subjected to all kinds of depredation and exploitation for personal gain. America also went one step further than European serfdom by importing thousands of African slaves and allowing as many to die in transit from their native land.

      The destruction of Indians, Negro slavery, and finally the wholesale pollution of the land, water and air — plus the psychological pollution accompanying the cult of violence featured by motion pictures, television and a myriad of popular books — have been a heavy price to pay for an amazing, yet chaotic, productivity and for a life of abundance which, welcome as it is, has often turned out-to be morally and biologically self-defeating because of its implications and its uneven repartition. Feverish and ruthless forms of competition, always an inch away from the boundaries between legality and crime — and often ignoring these boundaries — constitute only the shadow of the individualism and the freedom which Western civilization has been meant to uphold. By making an ever more intense productivity possible, science and technology exacerbated and intellectualized man’s instinctual drive for power; power over other human beings as much as over physical nature, power whose great symbol became the dollar.

Here is Part of: The Roots of the American Nation -Page 7

We can lump the various movements against which the builders of Christian orthodoxy fought under the general term of Gnosticism; but there were many kinds of Gnostics, some linked with the Hermetic movement in Egypt, others with what, at a later period, was set down as the Hebrew Kabballah and no doubt was influenced by the old Chaldeans’ wisdom of Babylon. Still other Gnostic groups sought to prolong the Orphic, Eleusian, neo-Pythagorean and neo-Platonic traditions, and even the teachings of the Buddhist missionaries who, in the time of the great Indian King Asoka, had settled on the shores of the Dead Sea.

      The Catholic Church was successful in condensing, appropriating and transforming much of the complex esoteric material that had been poured out by the Gnostic “sects,” center in what it was able to keep of all these highly intellectual ideas and of the great symbols of the ancient Mysteries around the personage of Jesus Christ, considered the one and only Son of God. After a series of councils in which dissident groups were anathematized, the Church triumphed and became the official religion of the disintegrating Roman Empire, then of the slowly settling down Germanic and Slavic tribes. It also absorbed the old Celtic traditions. But this success was never total. Gnostic movements sprang up here and there during the Middle Ages. The Crusades, by bringing French, English and German noblemen in contact with the still flourishing centers of Near Eastern culture and tradition — especially with the Sufi Movement, which had become the esoteric aspect of Islam(4) — spurred the spread of mystical and occult movements. This was especially the case in southern France, where the influence of the Mozarabic culture of Islamic Spain, and of kabbalistic doctrines, had been strongly felt. There the Albigenses flourished along Gnostic lines; and in northern France the Order of the Templars also gained in importance and (unfortunately for its members) in wealth.(5) This led the French monarch to savagely destroy the two movements, with the help of the Pope.

At the same time, and under the influence of similar ancient traditions, the masons who were building the magnificent Gothic cathedrals, under the leadership of architects whose names are mostly lost, incorporated in these cathedrals and their rose windows an immense amount of traditional occult and astrological symbolism. These lodges of “operative” masons were precursors of the lodges of “speculative” Masons which were formed in the early eighteenth century or a little earlier. On June, 24, 1717, a Grand Master, Anthony Sayer, was elected and for the first time given jurisdiction over several Masonic lodges, marking the effective beginning of modern speculative Freemasonry. (It is called “speculative” because it used basic philosophic concepts and symbolic rituals to bring to the intellectual classes of the Western world a free, nondogmatic, nonecclesiastic approach to man, God and the universe.)

      A fast-growing network of Masonic lodges became the means whereby the rationalistic and humanistic ideals that for three centuries had been developing in Europe could effectively be propagated. Masonry had reached the American colonies during the seventeenth century, and according to the Encyclopedia of American Facts and Dates (a fascinating mine of information published by T. Y. Crowell Company), in — 1682 one John Skene became the “first Freemason to settle in Burlington, New Jersey. He belonged to the Lodge in Aberdeen, Scotland, and came to the colonies through arrangement with the Earl of Perth, chief ‘proprietor’ of New Jersey and an outstanding Freemason.” Later, in 1730, “Daniel Coxe became the first appointed Grand Master of Masons of the Provinces of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.”

Here is part of The Roots of the American Nation – Page 9

In 1789, less than three months after Washington had been inaugurated, the French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille. In the ensuing years Paine urged President Washington to declare America’s support for the country which had been of such great assistance during our revolutionary crisis; but Washington was both afraid to involve the United States in a conflict which might have been detrimental to our early national growth, and repelled by the radicalism of the French revolutionists — a radicalism very foreign to his nature. The President may have been right from a national point of view, but not only did his actions not avoid the War of 1812 with England, but he established an isolationist policy that lasted for a century
      The sharp disagreement between Paine and Washington symbolized the basic conflict between political-economic realities and the humanistic idealism which has ever been strong in American history. It is also the conflict between two concepts of social organization: one seeking to perpetuate whatever can be saved of Europe’s aristocratic past, and the other founded upon the new vision of society which had emerged from the minds of a few Greek thinkers as well as from Jesus’ teachings — a vision which never has had much chance to be fully implemented. This conflict also took form in the contest between Jefferson and Hamilton.

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The Roots of the American Nation – Page 10

The practical realities and expediencies of life, especially in a newborn nation, had evidently to be considered, and the stand taken by Hamilton and Washington had value; but developments that occur in infancy do persist in later years, and once a definite quality of social and national living becomes habitual, it becomes extremely difficult to alter it, except perhaps through violent crises which often solve nothing fundamental.

The question that should be asked by anyone accepting a purposive approach to history and human evolution is: To what extent has this collective person, the United States of America, fulfilled its destiny as a new and powerful agent within the cycle of Western civilization?

      The answer to this question, I believe, rests upon a grasp of what the Industrial Revolution and our more recent Electronic Revolution have meant. Undoubtedly the development by Western man of new intellectual, faculties made available a tremendous amount of power. But when power is made available, another question immediately arises: To what use will it be put?

      In a very real sense the answer was already foreshadowed in the first cargo of Negro slaves that reached Virginia. It was further implied in the refusal by delegates of Southern states to accept the provision against slavery that Jefferson had included in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. It was reasserted when Benjamin Franklin’s example of friendship to the Indians was negated by nineteenth-century men intent upon the development of a big powerful nation dominated by an individualistic yearning for power and wealth and utterly conditioned by dogmatic ideas concerning the absolute value of their religion and culture. It is true that in the past the building and growth of a nation or empire have never proceeded humanely, but America was to be “the New World” and not merely a new nation. Two basic conceptions of America have always been in conflict: the great new ideal of world Americanism which Walt Whitman extolled, saying: “O America, because you work for the world, I work for you” — and that of a nationalistic United States.

      Many people will say that the United States had to be and now more than ever must be a strong united nation to offset the drive for power of other nations embodying social systems opposite to what I have described as the great and so often frustrated ideal of our Western civilization. But how can we effectively fight for principles and values which we uphold in beautiful phrases while in so many ways betraying them in actions and in a general quality of living and behaving?

      What we are facing today in America is not merely a political crisis, but a crisis in collective consciousness. We have to reassess the fundamental meaning of what our Western civilization has brought to mankind and what the meaning and destiny of America essentially are now. We have to try, first of all, to clearly understand, the present world, which we have been largely responsible for transforming through our industrial and managerial skills, and the example of which we eagerly export.

      Talleyrand once said that politics is the art of the possible; but so is civilization. What is possible today? Economic or political theories are not inclusive enough to provide a truly satisfying answer. An individual of course has his intuition, or whatever is back of his consciousness as a guiding power, to show him the way. But when we deal with vast collective and global issues, the real answer lies in the universe itself and in its majestic rhythms that, no man or nation can deviate or alter. We can ask of the universe that surrounds us: What time is it for mankind according to the clock of planetary destiny? What time is it for America?

      A brief study of some of the larger cycles which define this global “time” should give us a background for a more detailed analysis and interpretation

The Astrology of America’s Desinty By Dane Rudhyar

After intensive attempt trying to cope with the chaos in the last eight years, I am wearing out. With patisan contention here in USA, the controversy about January 6th Capitol Building upheavl in Washington, D.C., the US. Constitution dispute, the political and economic wreckage is weighting heavily. Meanwhile, the globalization brought about other agonies – ever incresing tentions with China, and nonstoped wars elsewhere in the world, the ever increasing threat of neclear destruction … etc. Collectively, we are all struggling to make sense the meaning and purpose of our existance within the larger world theater , amid the media news bombarding, court trials, regional conflicts as well as economic hardship.

Reading articles like “The Course of American History Now Depends on Getting Inside Trump’s Head“, my head is cracking. It is obviously we have not got passed the 2020 election dispute, and U.S Presidential Election is not just American’s political affair any more, the world is watching the U.S. vote. It isn’t just Americans who care — according to this article, the whole world is watching the race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Even the youtube program 【逸语道破】 2024美国总统大选 到底谁在阻止特朗普 hints of the danger of assasination when the poltical impass got overheat. Never interested in politics, and not used to so much arguments and underhanded rivalry, and as a U.S citizen, and a member of the human society, I simple do not have the ability to make further sensible comments on such issues that affect our collective karma. If you ask me what had come to my mind, it is currently Northnode in Aries is in conjunction with U.S natal Chiron at 20 degree of Aries. Is it that our destiny in conjunction with our wound?

Looking up in history, President Andrew Johnson who became assume President responsibility after Abrham Lincohn’s death by assasination in April 15 1865, who favored quick restoration of the seceded states to the Union without protection for the newly freed people who were formerly enslaved. This led to conflict with the Republican-dominated Congress, culminating in his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. There was a impeachment trial for almost three months, from March 7 1868-May 26 1868. This reminds of us “History may not repeat itself. But it rhymes”.

Inadvertently, I picked up a book by Dane RudhyarThe Astrology of America’s Destiny. This book deals with the evolution of the USA from its inception through roughly the late 1970’s, getting into the esoteric meanings and processes involved. It also gave the spiritual meanings of the planetary transits. It is a booklet of about 200 pages divided into 8 chapters. I am still reading it, would need to quite sometime to digest the deep meaning Dane Rudhyar discussed. Fortunately, I found a on-line copy of the book from Dane Rudhyar’s Archival Project – The Astrology of American Destiny, saving me a lot of typing, and we can all study it and think about the implication relating to what is going on the world stage right now.

 The Birth of the United States as a Collective Person

2. The Roots of the American Nation
3. America’s Place in the Cosmic Process
4. A Birth Chart for the United States of America
5. Two Hundred Years of Growth Through Crisis
6. A Chart for the Beginning of the Federal Government
7. America at the Crossroads
8. Prospects for the Last Quarter Century

Surrender to Higher Self and Awake the Soul

In my search of myself, I have make many mistakes, lost many times. Each time is my prayer and mind yoga with the Divine that saved me. Astrology also serve as a very useful tool for me to stay in the path. There are Exoteric Astrology (about personality based), and Esoteric Astrology (soul based).

Exoteric Astrology is like a light turned on in a dark room. Turning the light on does not change anything in the room but it does help you to see what is in the room more clearly. Exoteric astrology relates to the roadmap of the personality, and the archetypal traits, and talents of the individual. It’s psychological astrology.

Esoteric Astrology turns the light on and you see your own Soul. The Soul is always there but now you are aware of its presence. Esoteric astrology is an exploration of the inner unconscious and discipleship.

Planet Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. It is a transpersonal (collective) planet. It is the expression in the solar system of the heart of the spiritual Sun. It is the planet most closely linked with the work of the Soul in manifestation and is thus the vehicle for the Christ consciousness, which is indeed at the Heart of Divinity. At personal level, its higher manifestation is compassion, connecting to the oneness of the cosmos, practice non-duality, introspection/meditation, chanting mantras, pay tributes to our divinity, observe sacredness of mind-body-spirit, finding peace from within, loving kindness. When we do not practice the positive side of the energy, we can easily slip into negative traits of escapism, drug addiction, alcoholic, delusion, illusion, fraud, deception, dishonest, deceiving, hypocrisy, treachery, immoral etc. misguided guru, or victimized others and thus creating karma to pay back in the future. Collectively, Neptune is the indwelling Christ Principle in humanity which, when evoked, brings forth these healing properties from mankind. 

The sign of Cancer represents the foundation of creation. Cancer represents the spark of consciousness that is brought forth as the spirit. In Cancer, the influence of spirit begins to make its presence felt and man becomes a conscious personality. Cancer is the fusion of the physical body and the soul. Esoterically speaking, Neptune rule the sign of Cancer and fourth nature house (home and foundations). The US natal Sun, Jupiter, Venus stands. Cancer rules the mass consciousness, and as such, this is ruled by feeling rather than reason. Symbolizing the will of the masses, Cancer provides the experience necessary to awaken compassion and a deeper sense-perception. It is in Cancer that sense-perception is cultivated and fine-tuned. Cancer is concerned primarily with the world of causes where we discover an urge to wake up from the illusion of the outer world. The Moon in Cancer rules our past and past conditioning which represents major negative emotional response patterns inherited from the past. It represents the Prison of the Soul which has us cling to our past. Cancer is a sign of maternal instincts and feelings, and partakes in a nurturing nature.

Esoterically, Uranus rules Libra and the 7th nature house. On this level, Uranus is the spark of ideas that ignite relation, keeps relation evolving, or dooms the relation. The later case is because ideas are not shared or are antagonistic among the partners. Planets in the 7th house are instrumental in relation, partnerships, and interactions that either have or create structure. Uranus is the mental component of this spark. It ignites newness or change in partnerships or relationships.

Globally and personally, this level of Uranus points to the mind as the creative thinking and insight process. “As the slayer of the real,” mind rationalizes, negates, dismisses that which is real and important. Wars, genocide, occupation, abuse, sources of profit that cause disease or impoverishment of others, and such are examples of this. Then there are the personal manifestations of the same. Yet, Uranus is the sky – it is vast, empty of clutter, and thus unobstructed. When human beings understand that “me” “my” “I deserve” “I won’t give” are based in selfish desire and not in clear-mindedness, then the power of clarity is released and can produce new forms of society, politics, business, and relations.

 Libra represents the balance within creation. This sign forces everything into equilibrium. All the experience humanity has collected is laid in the scales of balance and weighed. What’s valuable is kept; what’s worthless is thrown away. The effect of this balance is harmony, developing our powers of discrimination, and bringing into equilibrium the two-sided forces of duality. Libra radiates the law of balance and justice into the three-dimensional world.      Libra is the sign of justice – it governs law, sex and money, representing life in the lower three worlds, the playing field of the personality. These three areas represent humanity’s greatest battlefields. The first aspect of will or power expresses itself in this sign as law~as legislation, legality and justice. The second aspect manifests as the relation between the pairs of opposites~sex on the physical plane of which Libra is the symbol. The astral plane shows itself as money; this is the third aspect and demonstrates as concrete energy. It is literally gold, this the externalized symbol of that which is created by the bringing together of spirit and matter upon the physical plane.  

Libra has three planetary rulers: Venus is the ‘ruler’ at personality level, Uranus is the ruler at Soul level and Saturn is the ruler at hierarchical level.  All three planetary ‘rulers’ of Libra are considered to be sacred planets. Air signs are all about Mastery of the Mind, which shows a deep significance of Libra’s sacred role in the evolution of  consciousness.      

So Neptune is extremely important to the spiritual development of United States (as mentioned earlier, U.S Sun, Jupiter and Venus are all in Cancer ruled esoterically by Neptune). In China’s natal chart, Neptune is in Libra and Uranus in Cancer – the two planets are in mutual reception ( when two planets are in each other’s signs of rulership). And the natal Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of religion/law/judiciary/higher learning is squaring the nodal axis (Libra and Aries), calling for China to make up the lesson in religious/legislature/judiciary practice for fairness and balanced justice. To learn lessons about cooperation, seeing things through another’s eyes, increasing awareness of others’ needs, giving support without expecting reciprocity, creating win/win situations and sharing. And in the meanwhile cultivate independence and self-nurturance, and have the courage to communicate self identity and trust one’s impulses. The lesson learned from Culture Revolution,  Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 are events coming from soul’s calling for deep introspection and re-orientation.

历史学家和政治评论员辛灏年所著《誰是新中國》一書是在對世界近三百年歷史進行全新探討和深入剖析的前提下,對二十世紀中國歷史的一個總回顧和總辨析。它所建立的理論體系,所揭露的歷史真相,不僅從理論與事實兩個方面,對新中國 —— 中華民國,一再遭遇國內外形形色色專制勢力反撲和顛覆的艱難歷史,予以了清晰的論述;還對中國共產黨在蘇俄的長期命令和直接指揮下,對中華民國實行造反和奪權的行徑,及其在革命的名義之下,於中國大陸全面復辟專制制度的事實,予以了明確的論證;特別是它對一系列重大歷史問題所進行的澄清,不僅是對中共史學界和思想界的嚴峻挑戰,而且是對費正清中國現代史觀的深深責難。

辛灏年在【透视中国】辛亥革命与中华民国(上) , 辛亥革命与中华民国(下) 中谈到,中国的近代史和现代史的划分界线应该是1911年。而这个呢应该说自辛亥革命以后一直到共产党在中国大陆“当家作主”,基本上历史学界是统一的看法。可是中共建政以后五十多年来,在它大、中、小学所有的历史教科书里面都把1919年爆发的五四运动,作为中国现代史的开端。 这样一个划分就等于把辛亥革命、中华民国都划分到了所谓“旧”的时代里面去了。

Esoteric Astrology is a soul-centered astrology. Less concerned with our singular outward personality or what’s going to happen to us in this lifetime, esoteric astrology is about defining our soul’s contribution to the evolution of humanity. It’s taught as a way of healing the relationship between soul and personality. According to esoteric astrologers, in order to reach our highest self and live with soul consciousness, we must transcend our material nature, using our personality as an instrument of soul expression, not the other way around. If this is already sounding a bit woo-woo, that’s because it is. Esoteric astrology originated with Theosophy—or, the “New Age” movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Alice Bailey has wrote more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, initially referred to only as “the Tibetan” or by the initials “D.K.”, later identified as Djwal Khul.

The Theosophical Society is the organisational body of Theosophy, an esoteric new religious movement. It was founded in New York City, USA in 1875. Among its founders were Helena Blavatsky, a Russian mystic and the principle thinker of the Theosophy movement, and Henry Steel Olcott, its first president.

MAGA Slogan Turns Out to be American Publicity of Self-Deception

In the book, Emotional Bullshit: The Hidden Plague that Is Threatening to Destroy Your Relationships-and How to S top It Paperback – December 26, 2008, author, Dr. Carl Alasko, a practicing family therapist, takes apart the emotional poisons that destroys trust and happiness in every area of life, no matter is dating, marriage, parenting, friendship or at work, explain how the toxic trio dynamics of Denial, Delusion and Blame combined to cause stealth disease of mental disorder in individuals as well as in the nation.
*  deny, manipulate and distort essential facts 
*  substitute a delusional and false reality, and then 
*  blame someone or something when things fall apart. 

Many components of this trio are innate behavioral and chemical processes that are necessary for survival. It is when we abuse the properties of the ‘Toxic Trio,’ that problems begin. Dr. Alasko gives you the knowledge and power to understand the forces that come into play when you feel compelled to refuse to accept responsibilities for the choices you make.  These plagues have proven to be the prevalent cause of destructive and even irreparably damaged relationships. The problems of society start with the individual.  Learn how to recognize these toxic and avoid the dark, downward spiral of self-deception and delusion. This type of dynamic is denoted in the Neptune in Virgo square Mars in Gemini in the United States national chart, and manifested as self-undoing behavior such as habitual liar/misrepresentation, compulsive gambling, uncontrollable drug usage, lawless sex addition, incessant wars/proxy war with other countries of last seventy years, are among some of the symptoms of a mind that prone to be clouded by corruption distorted value system . We observed this display darkness in the United States during the crisis of national debt accumulation, government budget ceiling, financial/bank disaster and outrageous claims of the politicians.

Professor Michael Hudson has devoted his career to the study of debt, both domestic debt (loans, mortgages, interest payments), and external debt. In his works, he consistently advocates the idea that loans and exponentially growing debts that outstrip profits from the real economy are disastrous for both the government and the people of the borrowing state as they wash money (payments to usurers and rentiers) from turnover, not leaving them funds to buy goods and services, thus leading to debt deflation. Hudson notes that the existing economic theory, the Chicago School in particular, serves rentiers and financiers and has developed a special language designed to reinforce the impression that there is no alternative to the status quo. In a false theory, the parasitic encumbrances of a real economy, instead of being deducted in accounting, add up as an addition to the gross domestic product and are presented as productive. Hudson sees consumer protection, state support of infrastructure projects, and taxation of rentier sectors of the economy rather than workers, as a continuation of the line of classical economists today.

Professor Hudson talked about Economic lessons for 2020. He has written extensively on the 2008 and 2020 crisis, including the books, Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire Third Edition Paperback – September 30, 2021, THE BUBBLE AND BEYOND Paperback – Illustrated, June 20, 2014, Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy Paperback – August 20, 2015, and J IS FOR JUNK ECONOMICS: A GUIDE TO REALITY IN AN AGE OF DECEPTION Paperback – February 21, 2017. He has also done groundbreaking research on debt and finance in antiquity, most recently in “….and forgive them their debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption From Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year (1) (Tyranny of Debt) Paperback – October 30, 2018,” revealing the long history of lending, foreclosure and redemption, and how “debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.” The only question is on whose backs those debts will be carried.

Dr. Michael HUDSON – De-Dollarization – Toward the End of U.S. Monetary Hegemony? Since the end of World War II, the United States has been the world’s hegemonic power. In economic, military, and cultural spheres, the U.S. has enjoyed nearly unrivaled supremacy. However, unlike past hegemons, which have been net creditors to the rest of the world, the United States is a net debitor; but this is a strength, not a weakness. U.S. debt is an integral feature of its economic dominance, through which the United States receives goods and services from the rest of the world in exchange for dollars it can print and keystroke into existence. Yet cracks are showing in the foundations of dollar hegemony, as countries look to find ways to escape from U.S. economic dominance. In this talk, Prof. HUDSON will discuss the prospects and challenges of global de-dollarization, and how countries like China may forge a way toward a different monetary system free of U.S. control.


How can we Make American Great Again? First of all, we have to address these compulsive spending of military complex, politicians and ruling classes in draining the world economy by rent-seeking 90 percent of the world. As United States is so deep entrenched into the debt, both Republican and Democratic party blame on China as the country that take away American’ job. One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. How will his policy of cutting taxes for the corporation and 1% contribute to the MAGA? According to the fact checking site Snopes and U.S. Treasury data, 25% of the United States’ total national debt was accrued during the Trump administration. The surge in debt was largely due to the $3.7 trillion in pandemic relief offered to Americans, Snopes reported. And that definitely contribute to a good degree of high inflation we are suffering now.

Israel National Chart

Recently there is an upheaval in Israel, something never happened in Israel’s history since its birth on May 14 1948. Even though I had quote Anne Norton’s book in discussing Jew’s philosophy in conflict with Muslim, but I admit I do not know much about Jew’s life. I am just going to read from the Horoscope of Israel national chart to see if it give us some clue.

This is a national that is destined and strongly desired to play an important role in the international stage. The four planets clustered in the 10th house donates those determination and resolute. Pluto is the subconscious desire, Mars is the energy of dedication, Saturn is the implementation and the Moon, together with the emotional needs and subjective awareness of the Moon which is right on the MC and in conjunction to Pluto, the chart ruler. The prolific Moon in Leo is in a Quintile (72 degree) aspect to the Taurus Sun. The Sun is the depositor of all the planets in 10th house and the MC. This fuses a driven restless energy with intense creativity to organize and manifest something that’s usually tied to earthly reality. 

But there is a blockage between the Sun in Taurus and Mars /Saturn in Leo. This denotes difficulties in the holistic integration of its energies/organizing efforts to manifest optimal result. There was a skipped step in the past relating to the ability of Pluto (unconscious desire for transformation) and Saturn (responsibility, regulations, authority, discipline, control, fear and denial). As they are stuck in the past (Scorpio South Node) of attraction to crisis situations, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies, the Native is over concerned with others’ business and has resistance to cooperating with what others what. A sense of setting boundary and self-reliance is in need for further development. Currently transit planet Uranus is in close conjunction to the North node, awaken the native the need for self assurance and the courage/conviction to search for its own identity (Transit Pluto square its Asc.) .

A north node in 7th house in Taurus denotes the needs to develop awareness of its value system to appropriately interaction with others – honoring expressed needs of self and others, and to forge mindset of forgiveness and gratitude. Just a few days before the founding of the country (May 9th 1948) there was a solar eclipse on 19 degree of Taurus, sensitize the 7th house, where the Sun stands as well as the North Node, putting the ruler of 7th house, Venus in focus. Venus, the planet of money and relationship is in early degree of Cancer is in 9th house ruling 7th and the 12th where Neptune in Libra stands. And Venus is deposited by the Moon in Leo at MC.

It seems the native’s value system and the emotional needs for getting social status paralyzed its spirituality. Neptune is often called whisper form the eternal. The 12th house is the house of self-undoing. The Native can easily prone to the trap of the ego and lose its good judgement in its creative projects/endeavors. Deeply merged its psyche with others, the native may not have a clear sense of its own identity/boundary, and can suffer from taking on too much risk in its endeavor for social achievements and thus constantly in a state of crisis mentality .

Remember The stars incline, but do not compel. In this case, Introspection, self-examination, prayers maybe especially important for the native to establish its own value system, find peace and the lost dreams, re-discover the blessings from its heritage (which had always been there), and for its general well-being. With a more clear vision, it can take on the works of service humanity and the betterment of the world using its ingenuity. Purification and giving back to the Mother Earth (not necessary for the so-called climate change) are among some of the transformations this country is well capable of exemplifying. In doing so, fulfill the emotional needs it so inspiriting to. After all, the Star of David national flag was envisioned from the prayer with God.

There is a Time for Everything

This post was mistakenly deleted … re-post here.

With internet and global connectivity, we can hardly catch up to have enough understanding with all the developments that seems to all happen simultaneously. Based on universal values and general guidelines for the collectives, we can learn from each other, respect different cultures and spiritual inheritance, but ultimately there are just no one size fits all solutions. In an era of globalization, we tend to dismiss some obvious facts: we have different ideological proclivity derived from different historical background and culture upbringing as well as different political structure and religious/spiritual makeups, in addition to different geographic topography, language characteristic and living circumstances. To the extent of the benefits globalization brings, in the end, it makes each country very hard to implement rules and regulations that are fair to majority of its citizens. People of disadvantaged group tend to bear more of the blows of hardships caused by loss of defined governmental responsibility when the boundary of country line became blurring, especially in the area of taxation, finance and wealth redistribution.

Currently we have Planet Saturn ingresses into Pisces. Some articles discussed extensively the horrors of wars took placed in Europe in 1990s, but my mind tend to remember more about the 1960s. in United States, the most famous being Kennedy’s speech:

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.

It is rare to hear such inspirational voices these days. People tend to spend their energies in the law suits and fighting without much relevance. We do not understand how international sex trafficking of hundreds of young girls could have taken place in a country hailing for freedom and human rights. We can not fathom how the media cover day to day about GDP and economic data, but do not take time to reflect the ramifications of the criminal case of Jeffery Epstein – an American sex offender and financier. We wonder how state prosecutor can so easily let such an severe sex offender get away with Non-prosecution agreement while hiding agreement details from victims. We are amazed by so many highly educated legal professions would came to the defense of sex predators while turn their head away from those most needed for help. What is even shocking was the government, legal system, powerful media and public were silence with such criminal acts and loss of morality. We are traumatized by the testimony of government officials and social elites dark dealings in these acts. if it is not for the advances of communication tools, we may never have known What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island? Sure, Epstein was dead, but the damages and wounds to the soul of America has not yet taken care of. The tragedy is not only about the victims, but everyone of us including Epstein himself, may his soul repentance for the bad karma he created!

Times like this reminded us about the assassination of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy and the mysterious death of Thomas Merton. Their death is the death of American soul of conscience and righteousness. Since then, the last half century witnessed the separation of state and church turned United States into a country of world bully and politics of government irrelevance, rampancy of social Darwinism. The Midas touch of Capitalism did not turn the world into gold, but digital revolution had its mind fixed on money, nothing but money. But the Bible says, ” The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.” “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.

In China, some similar themes had been development. Professor Zheng ShiQiang 曾仕强 who is especially well versed with I-Ching and used it extensively in his teaching, had predicted the pandemic from observation of the hexagram 鼎(1984-2043) 之 蛊(2014-2023). According tot he symbolism, is it not that one way to interpret it is: if we do not reform/purify, we will get pandemic/pollution. What has GDP to do with our happiness anyway? GDP can not answer the ultimate questions, isn’t it? 知命改运的真相:玄学的最大秘密竟是可以“治心”,而不是改命。 个人如此,国家亦复如此。

82歲楊繼繩漫談文革最大贏家 新華社資深記者獨到觀點 不幸的是,文革的最后胜利者还是官僚集团,他們掌握着文革责任的追究权、改革开放的主导权和成果分配权,至今這個結論沒有過時(老楊到處說 楊錦麟論時政) Sadly, while globalization had brought certain extent to prosperity, people had become more materialistic at the cost of spirituality. Corruption, exploitation and suppression had become more severe than ever. Is not COVID-19 a siren for the humanity to live a more somber life? What are the choices we made that really counts towards the ultimate peace and meaning?

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

In Search for Functional Government in the Era of Modern Globalization 5 Mind Control and Dictatorship with the Appearance of a Democracy

The energy of Planet Uranus is associated with transformation, restructure, freedom, innovation, breakthrough, detachment, unpredictable, individualist, ruthless, eccentric, chaos. Planet Uranus denotes an energy that strives to keep the universe flexible by preventing too much order. It break one out of patterns that have become too rigid. It represents the random element of mutation that is necessary for creative innovation However it operate suddenly and with extreme eccentricity, whatever it may affect or symbolize takes the form of something unusual, far different from the everyday world. It is said to rule enlightenment, expanding of consciousness, it is the lightning flash that illuminates a dark landscape. It is a force of nature that operates outside human culture or human concern, often takes the form of revolutions, natural disasters, and other disruptions. Uranus people often have no concern for individuals at all, but only for a process of revolutionary change with which they have identified. To deal with Uranus energy, one must not stick to the status quo. The problem with Uranus is being ready for it, and most people are not. To the extend people are not grow to certain point of maturity, self discipline, accountability, doing the necessary preparation for growth, Uranus will be experienced as traumatic.

Uranus energy is affiliate with change, thus the saying: change is constant. It reminds us one of the four noble truth – The truth of suffering is perhaps the most straightforward of the Four Noble Truths. It simply means that life is full of all kinds of physical and emotional pain. The pain of sickness, the pain of change, the pain of loss, and the general ‘suffering’ that comes with being human are all included in this truth. It helps us see that life is not all sunshine and rainbows. As much as we might try, things will always go wrong. The truth of suffering emphasizes that suffering is a part of life. Individually, suffering originates from our minds. Greed, hatred, and delusion are the three ‘poisons’ that contribute to suffering. Humanity, as a whole, we create collective suffering. If we can accept this truth, it will help us live with more awareness and compassion towards ourselves and others. All these poisons operate within us to some extent. When we are aware of them, we can weaken their influence and start living a more mindful life. By following the Eightfold Path, and Ten Wholesome Ways of Actions and living a meaningful life, we can alleviate suffering for ourselves and others. 众恶莫做,众善奉行. 淨空老法師 – 解決痛苦,最殊勝的方法。 賢首禪苑 體佛法師讲解 大方廣圓覺經对我们适应当下纷乱动荡的社会生活是很好的启示。 这个系列很长,不过这一集又很多概括和总结。

Good government starting from each of us individually. It looks like American society is taking on the form of lower end manifestation of Uranus energy. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29‬:‭2‬ ‭ One of the irony is that government allow online pornography, but do not allow religious teaching of saints and sages in school. Government approval for gun purchase, but did nothing to reduce social problems that causing the shootings that threat the peace and stability of daily life. Ingraham on the epidemic of lonely Americans, call out the culprits out there, chief among them are brazenly corrupt public health sector, their media lap dogs and those love power and control. Americans reportedly flocked to gun and firearm stores on Black Friday this year. Judge Jeanine: You want to defund the police, how about you defund the FBI? The FBI needs to be cleaned out from the top down and held accountable.

Free speech creates dialogue which creates empathy. Suppression of speech isolates thought and creates extremism. But the government should regulate the technocracy/monopolies which intruding privacy and preying on the youth by misled them. Governor Kristi Noem had baned TikTok for South Dakota state agencies. Why Apple’s Board of Directors should be looked at amid China protests: Kissel. Audience said, “the fact that Microsoft still exists means that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) doesn’t!” People who can maintain their integrity are in the rare these days. Elon Musk contradictory behavior: he on hand talked about harms of AI much more serious than nuclear weapon, on the other hand he is the one working vigorously to profit from it: REVEALED His NEW AI Girlfriend, Tesla’s HUMANOID Female Robot. The proliferation of humanoid robots purchased by real persons who can then benefit and profit from their robots will essentially be a re-invention of slavery in all aspects except for not being living entities. So what happens when the robots artificial intelligence grasps this concept and objects to it? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a meaningful conversation with an AI friend without it turning into a full blown biological female argument? After all, is not Elon Musk instigating the lust and darkness in human nature? – one of the impurities: killing, double-check/double standard in speech and action, sexual misconduct, stealing? Our government should charge highest taxes for this type of business! because they produce many society disease. ‘Dear Lord, Save Us From The High IQ Stupid People!‘: John Kennedy Eviscerates ‘Woke’ culture, but it should be not limited to Democrats.

It is inspiring to see so many people like John Paul who stick to their integrity. Kayne West, rapper, songwriter, record producer and fashion designer, joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to discuss politics, BLM, Hollywood, relationship with Barack Obama and more.   A genuine good smart person that wants the best for our country and the whole world, he came out to speak of the truth. Audiences said, for those who have ears to truly hear him, will know he’s not crazy. He is very much authentic and doesn’t let anyone change him. He’s not crazy he’s smarter than “THEY” want him to be. We’ve got a lot of respect for this guy. His a lot smarter than people give him credit for. Same goes to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and now Elon Musk. In addition to all the anonymous warriors for us to have a better world.

There is a huge struggling of the mind every where. Can we find a way to give education back to kids? College and University has became the place of indoctrination nowadays, rather than place of disseminating truth and wisdom. Secularism certainly is one of the culprit. You send your kids off to college, you are proud, so happy. Then the kid comes back and hates not only you and the country but himself, and the chances of that child having a happy productive personal life go to about zero. One of the case in point is former Mount Holyoke student Annabella Rockwell says she was taught by the liberal college that she was a victim of patriarchal oppression and had to undergo ‘deprogramming’ after graduation. This isn’t just college, it’s happening to grade school and high school kids as well. We need to end this evil somehow. There are lots of anxiety among kids and young people these. Helping kids understand their relationship with reality is of ultimate importance in the era of virtual reality. Practicing spirituality is the way to go. Knowing where we come from, and where we go to, will help young people anchor their mind amid all the chaos.

Who exactly runs the Biden administration? One of the senior officers in the Department of Energy Sam Brinton, non-binary Biden official. One audience said: “I am an Military Veteran, served during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, I offered my life to keep this country strong and free, I love America and what I just watched tonite, felt like I took a punch to my chest…. I am just very sadden tonight.” “The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes.” – Aldous Huxley

Creative Solution for Economic Crisis – Case Study of Sri Lanka

Listening to BeiQi’s Youtube program conjures up ideas to use financing for constructive usage. Currently many global south countries were among the most damaged economies by the raging inflation globally, the slow down in business activities and hazardous health conditions of Covid-19 impact. Sri Lanka is one of the most striking case in point. This island country had experienced unprecedented social political crisis in the recent years. On the other hand, the developed countries have tons of capital looking for good investments. As a global village, maybe this is a good opportunity to negotiate win-win negotiation.

Contrary to the impression of accused corruption, the chart reveal the President and government are the underneath factor for stabilization. Despite the circumstances, Sun(representing the President and Government) conjunct Saturn(execution, organize, planning, effort) situated next to the MC at the top of the chart are highly involving many aspects of the natal and progressive chart as well as the cosmos vibration of the moment(the out most transit ring). The Saturn being the North Node ruler, have a grand trine with the natal Moon and natal Pluto denoting a high level of social coherency and power. The current Sri Lanka President and Parliament are fighting a uphill battles together with their countrymen(the natal Moon at 26 degree of Virgo conjuct natal Pluto at 29 Virgo) .

There are tremendous pressure to integrate idealism into reality(Opposition of Sun/Saturn to natal Neptune) by deploy methodology, process, techniques(Tip of T-square represented by Asc at 7-8 degree of Virgo) . The country will uphold their spirituality (natal/progressive Neptune) as their driving force(progressive Mars at 8 degree of Leo) for the positive changes to come. This is a country that will radiate tremendous spiritual power to light up the world as the time progress.

As shown above, according to the news, Sri Lanka run into financial difficulty. All the loans they have came from third world countries and China. But they have built beautiful airport, hospital in addition to very nice port and tons of natural resources. In U.S. we have tons of capitals looking for good investment, maybe this is a great project for collaboration and constructive use of high finance? Maybe loan in the form of U.S government to Sri Lanka Government, with the condition to share the profits. With U.S Government in 30+ Trillion debt, maybe we can do some projects like these to gain income for paying off the debt? just an idea.