As it is depicted in the Movie The Matrix, we are living in a web of illusions. There are two types of reality, one is the state of ultimate truth as experiences by Buddha that described in Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra. Another type is secular truth for us standard human being, we should call a spade a spade. In a era of so much confusion, disorientation and drug abuses, speaking truthfully, frankly, and directly about a topic, even to the point of bluntness or rudeness, even if the subject is coarse, impolite or unpleasant, is the only way of keeping our sanity. Yes, John 8:32 says: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In a similar manner Buddha taught his disciples to vividly visualize the interior of a human body, with blood, coarse intestines etc, etc as a way to counter lust, or go to the graveyard to do meditation to get into your senses of the impermanence nature of life.
Contrary to what talk show host George Noory claimed that “Monumental Myths , is a veritable buffet for so-call conspiracy theorists”, when certain themes of phenomenon keep on repeating itself, you find so-called “conspiracy theory” turned out in time to be reality, and the so-called “conspiracy theorists ” are actually conspiracy analysts, who are the courageous heroic whistleblower. These “conspiracy theorists” turned out are the ones that called out the Emperor is naked!
Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying Liars That Manufactured Them Paperback – November 5, 2013 mentioned above is truly a eye opener. The author Ty Bollinger, wrote at the conclusion of the book, “George Orwell couldn’t have been more accurate when he said, ‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’ It reminds me of an old proverb: ‘It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.’
Ty Bollinger continues, ” I told my wife that this book was going to be the one that got me killed, so if you hear about me committing “suicide” by shooting myself in the head twice (like Investigative journalist Gary Webb purportedly did) or committing “suicide” by beating and torturing myself like Officer Terry Yeakey (Oklahoma City Policeman) allegedly did, or committing ‘suicide’ by shooting myself in the head and then wiping off the fingerprints after I’m dead (like deputy White House counsel during the first six months of the Clinton administration Vince Foster allegedly did) … don’t believe it. If I die in suspicious circumstances, then you can rest assured that ‘they’ got to me. Honestly, I’m not worried about it in the least. God is sovereignly controlling all things and I’m his kid, so He’s watching out for me”.
“God gives us the power of reason ‘for a reason,’ to discover truth. By definition, monumental myths are not true. They are contrary to reality. They turn truth on its head. they point fingers the wrong way. They’re pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, sickness, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.
Hopefully, this book has helped you understand and appreciate why I said in the introduction that most monumental myths are not really as much of a ‘riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ as they are a ‘furtive foothill of foul-smelling feces wrapped in a fairytale inside a fable of fabrications and falsehoods.’ I hope that this book has inspired you to think for yourself, so that when the next false flag occurs (yes, there will be more false flags), you will not ‘blindly believe’ everything that the bimbo bobble-head bleached blonde on television tells you.”
” …. Since the invention of television, untold billions of people have been relying on a ‘television anchor’ to ‘explain the pictures.’ And even if the official explanations make no plausible sense, most folks believe them because ‘they’ told us so, and we all know that ‘they’ would never lie. As a result, scores of people, like lemmings, following one another right off the proverbial cliff. It is time to end the insanity. And this doesn’t just apply to television. it also applies to the ‘anchors’ in the ‘health’ care (which some folks refer to as ‘sickness perpetuation’) industry. ‘Well, Mr. Smith,’ the M.D. says, as he pins an X-ray to the wall. ‘See this thing?Right here? This lump? We’ll need to start chemo immediately, we’ll follow up with several rounds of radiation, and then, just in case, we might want to remove a large chunk of your brain. Then, as a preventative measure, we may need to remove an eye. If you find yourself in this position, say NO!!!!”
子曰:“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动“。本来三界唯心,万法唯识。(指十方三世一切有漏无漏法,皆因八识心王而有而显,八识心王复依第八识及无明而现于三界,无明业种及上烦恼随眠复由各自第八识所持而藉缘变现色身及世界山河,唯依第八识心而有,依第八识心而现,以第八识为根本。 心者:总有八识,唯第八识如来藏恒常坚住不坏,自凡夫位乃至成佛,皆是此识。) 但是如果我们的修行境界还没办法到达那样的高度,那么就要 不符合礼不看,不符合礼不听,不符合礼不说,不符合礼不做; 要符合礼的看,要符合礼的听,要符合礼的说,要符合礼的做。Confucious taught his students do not watch, listen, speak or do anything that does not ahere to the ethical standard. We have to be very vigilant in adhere to the rules. This requires constant introspection and self-reflection. And be alert the sway of the mind. I have to admit this is very hard to achieve in an environment bombard with all the information explosions. The power that be intentionally want to create many disinformation to confuse people, as they are afraid to the correct information that expose their not-so-decent intentions and abusing of power.
This vow indicate to us the importance of culture and environment in influence our mind, body and spirit. That was why Amituofo had worked very hard to create a western paradise for advanced being to further cultivateboosting their practices. So Amituofo and Confucious teach us the same thing about interaction with media.《四种清净明诲》这是修出轮回的基础,是戒律中最高的“摄心为戒”。淫心、杀心、盗心、妄心,都是无量诸佛共同宣说的内容,是放之四海而皆准的恒定准则。 These practices is to help you depart from the four type of attachments. 所谓由戒生定,由定发慧,是为三无漏学。
Grown up in China Fujian Province where there was a general deep culture influence of Chan Buddhism and Confuciounism, I could not understand the widespread corruption and decline of moral standard in America, until I read the reseach paper Eclipse of Rent-Sharing: The Effects of Managers’ Business Education on Wages and the Labor Share in the US and Denmark by Daron Acemoglu (MIT), Alex Xi He (University of Maryland), and Daniel le Maire (University of Copenhagen). Fundamentally, the business degree including MBA education, which posts a huge number of college enrollment and tuition income, has plague the nation with a selfish mind and rent seeking greed, the silent destruction to the world is more violent than that of the neclear weapons.
The elites’ ethic debasement ranges from political arena to business, diplomatic circle to military group, from CEOs to school education, the decay from toxics of the mind is beyond words to describe. The research paper (Eclipse of Rent-Sharing mentioned above) provides evidence from the US and Denmark that managers with a business degree (“business managers”) reduce their employees’wages. Within five years of the appointment of a business manager, wages decline by 6% and the labor share by 5 percentage points in the US, and by 3% and 3 percentage points in Denmark. Firms appointing business managers are not on differential trends and do not enjoy higher output, investment, or employment growth thereafter. Using manager retirements and deaths and an IV strategy based on the diffusion of the practice of appointing business managers within industry, region and size quartile cells, we provide additional evidence that these are causal effects. We establish that the proximate cause of these (relative) wage effects are changes in rent-sharing practices following the appointment of business managers. Exploiting exogenous export demand shocks, we show that non-business managers share profits with their workers, whereas business managers do not. But consistent with our first set of results, these business managers show no greater ability to increase sales or profits in response to exporting opportunities. Finally, we use the influence of role models on college major choice to instrument for the decision to enroll in a business degree in Denmark and show that our estimates correspond to causal effects of practices and values acquired in business education – rather than the differential selection into business education of individuals unlikely to share rents with workers.
Confuciounism is the totall opposition of the Mercantilism. 子曰:“无欲速,无见小利。欲速,则不达;见小利,则大事不成”。为什么不要只关注利益?孟子跟梁惠王讲了一个故事,深有启发。不与民争利;欲望是无止境的,民众得到再多的利益,也是永远不会满足。 只有让大家不要关心利益,而是关心仁义才能得到长治久安。 这里的仁义就是利己和利他。 如果整个国家的人都是自私自利,只有每一个人都能关心他人,整个国家才能得到蓬勃发展。 孟子的思想就是集体主义精神.
於是有讀者和我分享了一篇論文(參見《Eclipse of rent-sharing: The effects of managers business education》),針對美國和丹麥商業主管接受MBA教育後的實際表現做了詳細統計分析,發現他們不但不增加產品銷量,連對利潤都沒有絲毫貢獻,唯一可以測量到的差異,在於他們大幅改變了薪資結構:削減底層而圖利高層。論文作者進一步確定,支付這些薪資的資金來自公司舊有的生意傳承,和他們的“管理”毫無關係。總結來説,資本主義體制是圖利大資本的設計,而商學院教育在其中所扮演的角色,在於通過誘惑鼓勵經理階級參與分贓,來為掠奪勞工生產價值做普及和掩飾;這些MBA別説對國家社會,就是對公司和商場也是毫無正面價值的毒藥,有興趣深究的讀者可以參考聯想的案例。
As July 4th approaching, it is once again the time for celebrating the birth of one of the first democratic countries in the world. In a time of huge disparity between haves and have-nots, high inflation, economic recession, technology dispution/destruction and possibilites of World War III outbreak, my mind kept on wondering from Great Master YinGuang who Nivarnaed on December 2 1940 (1940年农历冬月初四 , 圆瑛法师:印光大师生西事实;又李炳南:印光大师圆寂十周年纪念回忆录 ), then to the President Franklin Roosevlet’s Four Freedoms.
In State of Union Speech on January 6, 1941, 11 months before USA entered into WWII, President Franklin Roosevelt addressing the difficult question, why and if America would join World War II. Roosevelt lay out the principle people “everywhere in the world” ought to enjoy: Freedom of speech; Freedom of worship; Freedom from want; Freedom from fear. The address made a break with the long-held tradition of United States non-interventionism. Roosevlet outlined the U.S. role in helping allies already engaged in warfare, especially Great Britain and China.
American artist Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms illustration collection – Freedom from Want; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Worship; Freedom From Fear
Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms is very much in line with Buddha’s teaching about dana. Buddhism acknowledges that we exist in a vast network of life, continuously the recipients of the generosity of others. But there’s much more to giving than we think. There are three forms of dana, namely:
Amisa dana (The gift of material things)
Abhaya dana (The gift of life, protection from fear)
Dharma dana (the gift of truth)
The United States 4th and 5th Amendments are a great example of gift of protetion from fear. And Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms goes beyond that listed in the Constitution. Roosevelt clarified his act of compassion with wisdom.
U.S Constintution of 4th and 5th Amendment is a form of Dana – gift for protection from fear.
In Buddhism view, social breakdown cannot be separated from broader questions about the benevolence of the social order. Poverty means lacking the basic material requirements for leading a decent life free from hunger, exposure and disease. The solution to poverty-induced crime is not to punish severely but to enable people to provide for their basic needs. There is a causal relationship between material poverty and social deterioration. Lion’s Roar Sutra tell the story of a monarch who at first relied upon the Buddhist teachings but later began to rule according to his own ideas. He did not give property to the needy, with the result that poverty became widespread. Then, from the not giving of property to the needy, poverty became widespread, from the growth of poverty, the taking of what was not given increased, from the increase of theft, the use of weapons increased, from the increased use of weapons, the taking of life increased . . . (Digha-Nikaya iii 65). A Buddhist Perspective on Poverty written by David Loy, using many real life example to illustrates to us how Buddha integrate wisdom and compassion to go on a middle way in all his teaching.
In other sutras, however, the Buddha teaches that the greatest wealth is contentment (santutthi paramam dhanam). Material well-being has become increasingly important because of our loss of faith in any other possibility of fulfilment — for example, an afterlife in heaven with God, or the secular heaven of socialism, or even (when despairing over the ecological crisis) the future progress of humankind. Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, one of the “poorest” countries in Asia, has been at the forefront of efforts to develop a new index for measuring human well-being: “gross national happiness.” The corrosive influence of economic globalization and its development institutions on other human values needs to be challenged.
According to the teaching of The Gradual Path to Enlightenment (Lamrim- stage of the path), we need to have a clear understanding of Worldly generosity versus far-reaching attitude of generosity In the normal act of generosity a person gives out of compassion and kindness when he realizes that someone else is in need of help, and he is in the position to offer the help. When a person performs dana, he gives as a means of cultivating charity as a virtue and of reducing his own selfishness and craving. He exercises wisdom when he recalls that dana is a very important quality to be practised by every Buddhist, and is the first perfection (paramita)practised by the Buddha in many of His previous births in search for Enlightenment. A person performs dana in appreciation of the great qualities and virtues of the Triple Gem. While the act of giving is purely out of compassion or good will, or the desire for someone else’s well-being, dana is more about how we are than what we do.
Buddha taught us that when giving, a person should not just perform the act, but should with his heart and mind as well. There must be joy in every act of giving. Dana is not meant to be obligatory or done reluctantly. Rather, dana should be performed when the giver is “delighted before, during, and after giving.” At its most basic level, dana in the Buddhist tradition means giving freely without expecting anything in return. But giving should be evaluated by your ability and capacity, that is by your good judgement and wisdom.
Eugene Luther Gore Vidal, one of our greatest intellectual treasures, was an American writer and public intellectual known for his epigrammatic wit. His novels and essays interrogated the social and cultural sexual norms he perceived as driving American life. Beyond literature, Vidal was heavily involved in politics. He is boasted John F. Kennedy, Eleanor Roosevelt, amonst others his best friends. He had always said USA is a country founded by rich white wealthy men, FOR rich white wealthy men, the country they wanted was a nirvana for the small percentage of the wealthy, it was never built for majority of the poor. The United States of Amnesia-Gore Vidal (2013) [Documentary] What an amazing, brilliant man who lived life fully; and saw the whole picture.
Written by 55 of the richest white men of early America, and signed by only 39 of them, the constitution is the sacred text of American nationalism. Many Americans have opinions on the constitution but have no idea what’s in it. The book We the Elites: Why the US Constitution Serves the Few – a class analysis of the US Constitution, (Pluto Press, 2022) is an adroit collection of essays exposing the constitution for what it really is – a rulebook to protect capitalism for the elites. Author Robert Ovetz’s reading of the constitution shows that the system isn’t broken. Far from it. It works as it was designed. The misplaced faith of social movements in the constitution as a framework for achieving justice actually obstructs social change – incessant lengthy election cycles, staggered terms, and legislative sessions have kept social movements trapped in a redundant loop. This stymies progress on issues like labor rights, public health, and climate change, projecting the American people and the rest of the world towards destruction.
In this Democracy At Work program – Economic Update: Why The US Constitution Is An Obstacle To Change, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the US banking crisis, plant closing injustice, growing child labor in the US, Biden’s budget’s tax “proposals,” and a new book that shows US homelessness is an economic problem. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Prof. Robert Ovetz on how and why the US Constitution blocks social change.
One of the premises within the US political parties is that private capital is to be left to those who are entrepreneurs, and not to go after the profit making. If businesses start being created under a democratic process brought on by the labor that produces the goods and services that creates those profits, the only response to stop would be outright fascism (we already operate under that in way already). Power that be always talk about free enterprise, until that freedom goes from the few to the masses.
The Homelessness is a Housing Problem discussion a very pressing issue offering a case in point about the homeless is an economic issue. Gregg Colburn, an assistant professor of real estate in the University of Washington’s College of Built Environments. Ph.D. in Public Affairs, … and Clayton Page Aldern, a writer and data scientist. They team up to seek to explain the substantial regional variation in rates of homelessness in cities across the United States. In a departure from many analytical approaches, Colburn and Aldern shift their focus from the individual experiencing homelessness to the metropolitan area. Using accessible statistical analysis, they test a range of conventional beliefs about what drives the prevalence of homelessness in a given city—including mental illness, drug use, poverty, weather, generosity of public assistance, and low-income mobility—and find that none explain the regional variation observed across the country. Instead, housing market conditions, such as the cost and availability of rental housing, offer a far more convincing account. With rigor and clarity, Homelessness Is a Housing Problem explores U.S. cities’ diverse experiences with housing precarity and offers policy solutions for unique regional contexts.
In the book Rough Sleepers: Dr. Jim O’Connell’s urgent mission to bring healing to homeless people Hardcover – January 17, 2023, the non-fiction, award winning author, Tracy Kidder has given new insight into a difficult and disturbing feature of contemporary America: an ever increasing homeless population. Kidder shadowed Dr. James O’Connell as he treated the homeless of Boston in clinics and from a mobile unit on the streets at night. The powerful story of an inspiring doctor who made a difference, by helping to create a program to care for Boston’s homeless community. Tracy Kidder spent five years following Dr. O’Connell and his colleagues as they served their thousands of homeless patients. It all started when Jim O’Connell graduated from Harvard Medical School and was nearing the end of his residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, the chief of medicine made a proposal: Would he defer a prestigious fellowship and spend a year helping to create an organization to bring health care to homeless citizens? Jim took the job because he felt he couldn’t refuse. But that year turned into his life’s calling.
Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor Paperback – Illustrated, August 6, 2019 is written by Virginia Eubanks is an American political scientist, professor, and author studying technology and social justice. Eubanks launched a powerful investigative look at data-based discrimination and how technology affects civil and human rights and economic equity. The State of Indiana denies one million applications for healthcare, foodstamps and cash benefits in three years―because a new computer system interprets any mistake as “failure to cooperate.” In Los Angeles, an algorithm calculates the comparative vulnerability of tens of thousands of homeless people in order to prioritize them for an inadequate pool of housing resources. In Pittsburgh, a child welfare agency uses a statistical model to try to predict which children might be future victims of abuse or neglect.
Author aruges that since the dawn of the digital age, decision-making in finance, employment, politics, health and human services has undergone revolutionary change. Today, automated systems―rather than humans―control which neighborhoods get policed, which families attain needed resources, and who is investigated for fraud. While we all live under this new regime of data, the most invasive and punitive systems are aimed at the poor. The U.S. has always used its most cutting-edge science and technology to contain, investigate, discipline and punish the destitute. Like the county poorhouse and scientific charity before them, digital tracking and automated decision-making hide poverty from the middle-class public and give the nation the ethical distance it needs to make inhumane choices: which families get food and which starve, who has housing and who remains homeless, and which families are broken up by the state. In the process, they weaken democracy and betray our most cherished national values.
Eubanks offers historical context about the role of the poorhouse in earlier American societies to explain how, through technology, we’ve built a digital poorhouse that is just as abusive and stigmatizing. This is a critical read for anyone who is trying to understand poverty in America and why well-intended technology is only going to be used to exacerbate existing social inequities. “Automating Inequality” is ethnography at its best, on par with Barbara Ehrenreich’s “Nickel and Dimed” or Matt Desmond’s “Evicted.” This book details how algorithmic technologies are upending basic government programs supporting the unhoused in accessing shelter, providing access to welfare, and managing child services programs.
With so many school shooting, another topic at the center of debates is Gun control. As a Buddhist, I am strongly against the use of weapon for the danger of violating the precepts of not killing – one of the very important precepts in the Buddha’s teaching. But after these several years of research into American social political and economic system, I can understand why there are also strong arguments about keeping the gun for self protection. Just like Marijuana, Fentanyl and many other additictive drugs, the government did not spend any resources to prevent the usage in the first place – another case of resources misallocation.
One of these arguments came from John R. Lott, Jr., an American economist, political commentator, and gun rights advocate, on his battle with disinformation over gun control! In this book, Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched “studies” have twisted the facts on gun control Paperback – July 3, 2020 John brings together an impressive array of data and statistical analysis to argue that much of what we hear in the mainstream media — and from politicians — about gun violence and gun control is incorrect and biased. He has a point – well, several actually. This book should be read by anyone concerned about gun violence and, most importantly, by anyone who writes about gun violence. The book might not change many opinions, as positions in the gun violence and control argument are set pretty hard…but perhaps even those with the firmest-held beliefs will be forced to reflect and think carefully about some of John’s data, analysis and conclusions. They should, if they are truly interested in the truth.
Another book The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America Hardcover – June 1, 2021 Carol Anderson powerfully illuminates the history and impact of the Second Amendment, how it was designed, and how it has consistently been constructed to keep African Americans powerless and vulnerable. The Second is neither a “pro-gun” nor an “anti-gun” book; the lens is the citizenship rights and human rights of African Americans.
The recent instance of a young African teen were shot when knocking someone’s door is an reflection of the deep anxiety of America. Talking to Strangers: Anxieties of Citizenship since Brown v. Board of Education Paperback – November 1, 2006 The author Danielle Allen, a professor of public policy, politics, and ethics at Harvard University, brought focus back to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954 and to the famous photograph of Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine, being cursed by fellow “citizen” Hazel Bryan, Allen argues that we have yet to complete the transition to political friendship that this moment offered. By combining brief readings of philosophers and political theorists with personal reflections on race politics in Chicago, Allen proposes strikingly practical techniques of citizenship. These tools of political friendship, Allen contends, can help us become more trustworthy to others and overcome the fossilized distrust among us. Sacrifice is the key concept that bridges citizenship and trust, according to Allen. She uncovers the ordinary, daily sacrifices citizens make to keep democracy working—and offers methods for recognizing and reciprocating those sacrifices. Trenchant, incisive, and ultimately hopeful, Talking to Strangers is nothing less than a manifesto for a revitalized democratic citizenry.
Why Trust Matters: Declining Political Trust and the Demise of American Liberalism Hardcover Using both individual and aggregate level survey data, Marc Hetherington, an American political scientist, shows that the rapid decline in Americans’ political trust since the 1960s is critical to explaining this puzzle. As people lost faith in the federal government, the delivery system for most progressive policies, they supported progressive ideas much less. The 9/11 attacks increased such trust as public attention focused on security, but the effect was temporary. Specifically, Hetherington shows that, as political trust declined, so too did support for redistributive programs, such as welfare and food stamps, and race-targeted programs. While the presence of race in a policy area tends to make political trust important for whites, trust affects policy preferences in other, non-race-related policy areas as well. In the mid-1990s the public was easily swayed against comprehensive health care reform because those who felt they could afford coverage worried that a large new federal bureaucracy would make things worse for them. In demonstrating a strong link between public opinion and policy outcomes, this engagingly written book represents a substantial contribution to the study of public opinion and voting behavior, policy, and American politics generally.
Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism Hardcover – November 24, 2020. takes on the media’s misreporting on Black Lives Matter, coronavirus, Joe Biden, Silicon Valley censorship, and more. For the past four years, five-time Emmy Award–winning investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author Sharyl Attkisson has been collecting and dissecting alarming incidents tracing the shocking devolution of what used to be the most respected news organizations on the planet. For the first time, top news executives and reporters representing every major national television news outlet—from ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN to FOX and MSNBC—speak frankly, confiding in Attkisson about the death of the news as they once knew it. Their concern transcends partisan divides. We have reached a state of utter absurdity, where journalism schools teach students that their own, personal truth or chosen narratives matter more than reality. In Slanted, Attkisson digs into the language of propagandists, the persistence of false media narratives, the driving forces behind today’s dangerous blend of facts and opinion, the abandonment of journalism ethics, and the new, Orwellian definition of what it means to report the news.
With loving kindness taught by the Buddha, with divine principle as our guideline, with a sincre notion that we are all equal at the soul level, everyone of us all can strive to make this World Be A Better Place ! Because in uplifting others, we uplifting our own spirit.
Buddha once said, “Develop a mind so filled with love that it resembles space, which cannot be painted, cannot be marred, cannot be ruined.” When we relax the divisions that we usually make, the mind becomes like space. This is not something that a fortunate few have the capacity to experience; it is the nature of the mind, which every one of us has the ability to know. In talking about practice, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, a Tibetan teacher, said we practice in order to learn to trust ourselves more, to get confidence in what we know, to have faith rather than doubt. Loving kindness and compassion are innate capacities that we all have. This capacity to care, to be at one with, to connect, is something that isn’t destroyed, no matter what we may go through. No matter what our life experience may have been, no matter how many scars we bear, that ability remains intact. And so we practice meditation in order to return to that spaciousness and to learn to trust our ability to love.
As the Buddha said, “All beings everywhere want to be happy.” It is only due to ignorance that we do the things that create suffering or sorrow for ourselves and for others. If we take the time to slow down and see all the different forces coming together in any action, we will see this desire for happiness even in the midst of some terrible harmful action. That is why we use our mindfulness practice to notice our feelings and to understand them. Through that we can see very clearly that if we are immersed in tremendous anger, it is great suffering, it is a state of burning, of contraction and isolation, of separation and fear. We don’t have to reject the anger or reject or condemn ourselves for it, but rather we can feel compassion for the pain of it. This quality of empathy is also the basis of modern psychological thought on the development of morality. We learn not to hurt others because we understand how it feels to be hurt.
Howard Washington Thurman (November 18, 1899 – April 10, 1981) was an American author, philosopher, theologian, mystic, educator, and civil right leader. As a prominent religious figure, he played a leading role in many social justice movements and organizations of the twentieth century. Joseph John Campbell(March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American writer and professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human experience.
One of the social psychology is the desire to fit in, one of the most powerful, least understood forces in society. Author Todd Rose dwell into examples psychological distortions from toilet paper shortages to kidneys that get thrown away rather than used for transplants; from racial segregation to the perceived “electability” of women in politics; from bottled water to “cancel culture,” , we routinely copy others, lie about what we believe, cling to tribes, and silence people, author bring to light some new perspective about the root cause of collective wounds in Collective Illusions: Conformity, Complicity, and the Science of Why We Make Bad Decisions Hardcover – February 1, 2022 . Draw on cutting-edge neuroscience and social psychology research, this acclaimed author demonstrates how so much of our thinking is informed by false assumptions—making us dangerously mistrustful as a society and needlessly unhappy as individuals.
Path of Parenting, Path of Education, Path of Awakening
Our country’s postindustrial culture has left us to raise our children apart from a community of neighbors and elders. There aren’t many grandparents around – they all live someplace else or they’re off, like most fathers and many mothers, at the office or the factory. There aren’t many uncles or aunts around to take care of the kids when parents become overwhelmed, or to initiate the teenagers (so that they don’t have to seek initiation on the streets), to help them discover what it is to be a man or a woman and a productive member of the community. there isn’t a community of elders from whom we can hear stories and learn practices that will keep us connected with our human heritage, with our instincts and our hearts.
Instead of village elders, American parents have turned to various “experts” and whatever fad or theory they have come up with. In the 1920s an influential school of child psychology actually taught parents that it was bad to touch their children. Several decades later, parents all across America read books that insisted we bottle-feed (not breast-feed) an infant every four hours and that we should not pick up a crying baby but just let it “cry itself out.”
Every wise culture in the world knows that when babies cry, they cry for a reason, and that you pick them up and feed them, or hold them and comfort them. You have to really fight against yourself not to pick up a sobbing infant. Among the less technologically developed cultures of Asia or Africa or Latin America, children are always being held, always in someone’s lap. Children are valued, are included in all family activities – in work, in ceremonies, in celebrations, there is always a place for them.
When children are valued in this way, the whole society benefits. In this spirit, there is a tribe in Africa that counts the birthday of a child from the day the child is a thought in its mother’s mind…. What a beautiful way for human beings to listen to and to comfort other human beings. This is the spirit of conscious parenting, to listen to the song of the child in front of you and to sing that child’s song to him or her. When a child is crying, we need to ask why this child is singing the crying song, what pain or frustration this child is feeling.
Yet the western culture seems to be telling people ignore their instincts, to distrust our intuition. The result is that many children growing up in our society are not bonded to an adult. One of the more painful statements about what we are collectively doing to our children came one year form a teacher named John Gattowho was voted New York City Teacher of the year. At the awards ceremony 1990 January 31, in front of the mayor and the school board and thousands of parents, he castigated his listeners for the “soul murder” of a million black and Latino children- Why School Don’t Education. He challenged the audience to consider the effects of American culture on our children: “Think of the things that are killing us as a nation: drugs and alcohol, brainless competition, recreational sex, the pornography of violence, gambling – and the worst pornography of all: lives devoted to buying things, accumulation as a philosophy, all addictions of dependent personalities, and that is what our brand of schooling will inevitably produce in the next generation.”
John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018): Remembering America’s Most Courageous Teacher. In a collection of essays and articles A Different Kind of Teacher: Solving the Crisis of American Schooling Paperback – January 1, 2002 John Gatto exposes a system designed to promote economic and business interests and advocates a greater emphasis on teaching critical thinking skills. Gatto leaves behind a legacy that inspired thousands of people to challenge the premise on which our education system was built. Gatto’s writing, teaching, and approach to not just education but human flourishing in general inspired us to think critically about our own life and education. He’s one of the most important thinkers in American history—that’s becoming more obvious every day. He’ll be missed dearly.
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong Paperback – July 17, 2018 Since its first publication in 1995, Lies My Teacher Told Me has become one of the most important―and successful―history books of our time. Having sold nearly two million copies, the book also won an American Book Award and the Oliver Cromwell Cox Award for Distinguished Anti-Racist Scholarship and was heralded on the front page of the New York Times. Every teacher, every student of history, every citizen should read this book. It is both a refreshing antidote to what has passed for history in our educational system and a one-volume education in itself.
The author of Teaching with the HEART in Mind: A Complete Educator’s Guide to Social Emotional Learning , Dr. Lorea Martínez Pérez is the award-winning Founder of HEART in Mind Consulting, a company dedicated to helping schools and organizations integrate social emotional learning in their practices, products, and learning communities. An educator who has worked with children and adults internationally, Dr. Martínez is a faculty member at Columbia University Teachers College, educating aspiring principals in Emotional Intelligence. Previously, she was a special education teacher and administrator. Learn more at Dr. Perez argues that creating better outcomes for your students sometimes means you have to challenge the odds. Academics and standardized assessments aren’t the solution. You need to educate both their hearts and minds. Strengthen your students’ resilience, spark their curiosity for learning, and encourage future success in college, career, and life. Be the best teacher you can be and infuse social-emotional skills into your teaching of any subject.
The average American child watches eighteen thousand murders and violent acts and half a million advertisements. Violence and materialism. We are feeding the next generation of children the very suffering we’re trying to undo in our spiritual practice. with the highest rate of infant mortality of any industrialized nation and millions of “latch key kids,” we have given up caring for our children. An increasing number are raised by day care and TV and smart phones. We end up with a new generation of Americans more connected to TV or video games (often violent ones) than to other people. We will have more Gulf-style wars and violent crimes than successful marriages. Because these children were not held enough when they were young, were not valued enough and respect enough, were not listened to or sung to, they grow up with a hole inside, with no real sense of what it means to love, with no rel capacity for intimacy.
When the Dalai Lama spoke with a group of Western psychologists, he couldn’t understand why there was so much talk about self-hatred and unworthiness. he didn’t understand, because in Tibetan culture children are loved and held. he was so astonished that he went around the room and asked everyone, “Do you feel unworthiness and self-hatred sometimes?’ “Yes.” “Do you feel it?” “Yes.” Everyone in the room nodded yes. He couldn’t believe that this was a culture where people primarily talk about their difficulty with their parents instead of honoring them. Contrast this with the healthy childhoods of the Buddha’s time. The Buddha himself was raised by his mother’s sister (after his mother died) and given all the nurturance, natural respect, care, and attention that every child needs. later, when he left home to practice as a yogi, he had the inner strength and integrity to undertake six years of intensely ascetic practice. The Buddha had this vision of well-being from his childhood to draw upon in his practice.
Parenting is a labor of love. it is a path of service and surrender, and link the practice of a Buddha or a bodhisattva, it demands patience and understanding and tremendous sacrifice. it is also a way to reconnect with the mystery of life and to reconnect with ourselves. Along withe practice of mindfulness there are four other principles of conscious parenting; attentive listening, respect, integrity, and lovingkindness.
The principle of attentive listening means listening to the Tao of the seasons, to our human intuition and our instincts, to our children. do we hear what our children are trying to tell us? it’s like listening to the Tao. How long should we nurse our babies? how late should we allow our teenagers to stay out on dates? To answer those questions, we have to listen and pay attention to the rhythms of life. Just as we learn to be aware of breathing in and breathing out, we can learn to sense how deeply children want to grow.
A measure of respect comes in the setting of boundaries and limits appropriate to our child. As parents, we can set limits in a respectful way, with a compassionate “no” and an explanation of why something is out of bounds. Children learn by example, by who we are and what we do. They watch us what we communicate y the way we drive, the way we talk about others, and how we treat people on the street.v We teach them by our being.
Just as we learn in meditation to let go and trust, we can learn to develop a trust in our children so they can trust themselves. And we shall respect our children’s need for both dependency and independence. Most often instead of listening to them, we impatiently hurry them along. Dependency, insecurity and weakness are natural states for a child. They’re the natural states of all of us at times, but for children, especially young ones, they are predominant conditions and they are outgrown. In an article on dependency in Mothering magazine, Peggy O’Mara wrote:
We have a cultural bias against dependency, against any emotion of behavior that indicates weakness. This is nowhere more tragically evident than in the way we push our children beyond their limits an d timetables. We establish outside standards as more important than inner experience when we wean our children rather than trusting that they will wean themselves, when we insist that our children sit at the table and finish their meals rather than trusting that they will eat well if healthful food is provided on a regular basis, and when we toilet-train them at an early age rather than trusting that they will learn to use the toilet when they are ready to do so.
In the similar vein, Dorothy Law Nolte has written a poem, “Children learn What They Live”:
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship.
He learns to find love in the world.
Service – Expressing Our Practice
Many people tend to think practicing spirituality is about going to a house of worship, a meditation hall, or a quiet spot in nature, and engaging in prayer, meditation, solitude and self-reflection. These spiritual pursuits seem to foster a simpler, more peaceful life in which we might experience greater intimacy and self-worth. But with the many responsibilities of life in the world, we often have precious little time to devote to such practice. When time does permit them, our spiritual yearning is momentarily satisfied and we feel aligned with the needs of our hearts; but generally our spiritual practice remains secondary to our more pressing daily activities.
Is it possible that we are defining our spiritual practice in too narrow a way? Perhaps we have become too attached to a particular form of spirituality – to a specific practice or set of circumstances. If we return to the intention behind our practices rather than adhering strictly to a form that supports the intention, we may discover a new approach to spirituality, one that truly feeds our hearts. Service work is a form that seems to be common to all the sacred traditions of the world. It cuts through all artificial divisions between “spirituality” and “life”.
Elisabeth Kubeler-Ross once said that she never meditated and never wanted to – she found it too dry. but when working with the dying, being intimately present with that person, listening fully and learning constantly, she was as focused as any mediator sitting on the floor and attending to the breath. She was in fact meditating, but her meditation arose naturally from her concern for the dying, not through formal sitting practice. For her, meditation was an expression of her service to the dying.
Spiritual teach Rodney Smith spent eight years in Buddhist monastic settings, both at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Massachusetts and several years as a Buddhist monk in Asia. He ordained with Mahasi Sayadaw in Burma then practiced for three years with Ajahn Buddhadassa in Thailand. He disrobed as a monk in 1983 and, after returning to the West, started working in hospice care and teaching vipassana meditation throughout the U.S. Smith’s many years as a monk in Asia, hospice worker, partnered householder and longtime vipassana teacher inform what he considers pivotal: that without Wise View, our pursuit of awakening will go nowhere. He openhandedly shares his own struggle in Stepping Out of Self-Deception: The Buddha’s Liberating Teaching of No-Self.
After spending several years on retreat, including a few years in Asia as a forest monk, Rodney Smith began feeling that his practice was becoming dry. Then he discovered that service has a way of transforming our daily life into a spiritual practice. And that discovery has led to serving others as a practice of the heart. Often the shift from helping to serving is only an attitude deep. Service can actually be an expression of prayer, an ongoing engaged meditation. If service work is defined as breaking through the artificial barriers that seem to isolate us form the rest of life, then washing the dishes, dressing, cooking, eating, and showering are not separate from our prayer or meditation. When our daily activities teach us about our relationship to all things, our life becomes an unceasing prayer of the heart.We become less dependent upon specific practices because we are more aware of the interrelationship between who we are and the activity we are involved in. We may participate in prayer or meditation, but we no longer find that these are the only ways to access a spiritual dimension. Your heart becomes as available through a variety of contacts and relationships as it does through sitting meditation. We start being fed from life itself.
Rodney Smith further talked about service in light of waking up and becoming alive. Aliveness is our birthright. To come alive, we must align ourselves with our heart’s desire. We just have to rediscover how to do that. This observation solves the problem of how to practice and fully participate in our lives at the same time. It says that service is not a burden; rather, it defines service asthat which feeds our aliveness. The word aliveness implies wakefulness, awareness, and a connected passion for life. We may notice that the essence of aliveness is a pure quality distinct from the actions that spring from it, such as following our desire or avoiding our fears. No matter where we start with our understanding of aliveness, however, through investigation we penetrate to new and deeper meanings of this word. We need to keep redefining the idea, allowing it to evolve beyond what we think it means. in this way, it will always be fresh and new, as our aliveness itself.
When we help someone, subliminally we pass on a message of inequality. In doing so, we diminish that person as a human being. We hold those we help in a fixed perspective and often refuse to allow them to grow. This is because if they grew out of their role, we would lose the contact we need to help. So the difference between serving and “helping” is the difference between being alive and being depleted. Helping is based on sacrifice, not strength. It is giving something to someone for a particular reason. Its intention is self-enhancement at the expense of someone whom we regard as underprivileged. The helper is rewarded by knowing that he or she is better off than the person being helped. We become as dependent upon them as they are on us. Our minds can force another into an unequal relationship, but not our hearts. Genuine warmth cannot exist unless there is equality. Within this profound connection, there is mutual appreciation. Our hearts naturally open in service work. A long time meditation teacher, Rodney Smith teaches program on “uprooting our false identity within our encased narrative and aligned ego structures.” His approach is built on the The Buddha’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness:
First Foundation: Contemplation of the Body. …
Second Foundation: Contemplation of Feeling. …
Third Foundation: Contemplation of Mind. …
Fourth Foundation: Contemplation of Dhammas.
Sometimes at crucial moments in our lives we are presented with new paths, opportunities to grow in ways we never expected. If we have courage to take these new directions, we expand, becoming more than we ever dreamed we might become, discovering ways to live and to die with dignity, with grace. That is the story of Rodney Smith’s life journey. In an interview, Rodney spoke of how Buddhist working with the dying.
Urgency, Contentment, and the Edges of Love
Drawing from many spiritual paths including the Muslim-Sufi and Christian mystical traditions as well as Buddhism, Veteran Meditation teacher Gavein Harrison about transformation through suffering. In a detail personal account of his uphill battle with HIV virus and searching for truth: “What truly is the meaning of death?” “Is there an end to suffering?” He described his commitment to facing and standing up for truth—even when confronting abuse, AIDs and death, in Beyond the Grip of Fear.
In The New Human Rights Movement – Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression, Peter Joseph wrote: “Today the US leads the world in terms of both economic influence and military force, endlessly pushing the neoliberal values of “free trade” as a root priority. The incentives that are at play in the US war economy is like a philosophical crusade, it has been deemed an imperative of Western business-political leaders to ensure that people comply with what is in effect the new global religion – a religion that invariably prioritizes commerce over everything else, with human rights increasingly subordinated to business rights. When one understands how the rules of trade, property, and exchange have become the determining mechanisms of society, decoupling focus from actual life-supporting means and factors of social trust, the dehumanized, conflicted-ridden nature of the modern world begins to make a lot more sense.
Given this ethic, educations is simply another product to be bought and sold and little more. The US government allocates roughly 2 percent of its annual budge to education. This is in stark contrast to the 20 percent of its annual budget to military, suggesting war is more beneficial to the nation’s leaders than an educated population.” New Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz questions the double standard of Republican party: “558 people has been murdered in school, who cared about the cost? What about the kids? No hearings for them! Three hundred thirty thousand kids experience gun violence in this country, the number one killer of school age children in this country is gun violence.”
Just see Who REALLY Won the War in Afghanistan. This list is just a drop on the bucket. The list of who got super rich off the war is longer than any of us can fathom. The incentives are at play in the US war economy – this is a structure issue as well as a moral issue. Edward Snowden says “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals”. What blows our mind is that killing innocent Iraqi civilians can be swept under the rug without any consequences but leaking publishing information about can get you jailed for multiple years, as in the case of Julian Assange who is a hero to expose the corruption. We thankful to these people who take the time to defend society’s true freedom. The fact that the most powerful country of the world feel so threatened by a man like Julian Assange speaks of itself. ‘The object of power is power. The object of torture is torture.’ -1984, Orwell.
In The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality Paperback – November 3, 2020 Katharina Pistor, a legal scholar demonstrates how the rights of capital have been entrenched in the international legal system, opening a thoughtful discussion about the treaties on capital flows and privileges that need to be rewritten. The book explains how, behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, capital is created―and why this little-known activity is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else. The book explains the various ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are selectively coded to protect and reproduce private wealth. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it. The author argues that almost everything that we call wealth is ultimately a human construction based in law and subject to review and change. What is the point of endlessly arguing about the ineffable logic of economics if that logic largely emerges from the fabric of law? Much more likely those laws are merely another political landscape upon which the endless struggle between the powerful and the rest plays out. And as such, they are changeable – and with that change, outcomes will be different. Moreover, this discussion is morally necessary because it is ultimately the power of the state – as the representative of the people – which is being used to enforce the claims of wealth among its citizens. A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time.
Today people almost take for granted big corporate money in American politics. Not only can congresspeople trade stocks, they can insider trade without repercussions. It’s absurd. But it started with the Powell memo. The Corporate “Heist” of the United States Government Began With this Memo in 1971. Lewis Powell was a corporate attorney from Virginia who was asked by his friend at the US Chamber of Commerce to write a secret strategy memorandum for the chamber in 1971. Two months later, Richard Nixon nominated him to the Supreme Court of the United States, where he served a number of years. The memo became a rallying cry among corporate executives for how to reassert corporate dominance over the American economy and its government, which it had lost during the era of the New Deal. The memo openly stated that corporations should punish their political enemies and should seek political power through both the law and politics. It encouraged challenges to what it saw as left-wing activities by people such as Ralph Nader and US academics. By 1978, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable defeated pro-labor law reforms through a filibuster by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, which signaled the demise of organized labor as a significant opponent of organized money.
Economist Robert Reich wrote in Worse Memo in American History: Wealthy individuals also accounted for a growing share. In 1980, the richest one-hundredth of 1% of Americans provided 10% of contributions to federal elections. By 2012, they provided 40%. Although Republicans mostly benefited from a few large donors and Democrats from a much larger number of small donors (more on this to come), both political parties transformed themselves from state and local organizations that channeled the views of members upward into giant fundraising machines that sucked in money from the top.
Senator Joe Manchin has been Congress’ largest recipient of money from natural gas pipeline companies. He just reciprocated by gaining Senate support for the Mountain Valley pipeline in West Virginia and expedited approval for pipelines nationwide. Senator Kyrsten Sinema is among Congress’s largest recipients of money from the private-equity industry. She just reciprocated by preserving private-equity’s tax loophole in the Inflation Reduction Act.
In a interview on political economic laws, Mark Karlin, Managing Editor of Buzzflash on Truthout, asked: Playing the role of devil’s advocate, despite the planned evolution of a pro-corporate majority on the Supreme Court, one of their most significant rulings in the past few years, Citizens United, was not able to buy them the 2012 presidential election. Was this a fluke, or are changing demographics starting to counterbalance, at least on some key occasions, the insidious influence of big money?
Thom Hartmann, an political commentator views it this way: “I think it’s both. First, the selection allowed them to calibrate their systems for future elections. I mean, when you think of what an incredibly bad candidate Mitt Romney was – a predatory banker who was born a millionaire and couldn’t even pull decent approval ratings numbers in the state where he had been governor – what should shock and horrify all of us is that he was able to get, ironically, 47 percent of the vote. You have virtually every Republican member of the House of Representatives who voted for Paul Ryan’s budget – which would have decimated the middle class, voucherized Medicare and dropped Mitt Romney’s tax rate to zero – and enough of them, with billionaire support, were able to get elected but they held the House. I see these as very dangerous and, frankly, frightening trends. And not only will they be back, but it’s already begun.”
Look at this group of multi-millionaire and billionaire CEOs who, along with a few shill former politicians, have started this multi-million-dollar AstroTurf “fix the debt” group. We didn’t see the end; we just saw the very beginning. Unless we amend the Constitution to say that corporations are not people and that money is not speech, America will soon become a full-blown oligarchy.
It is interesting how the term philanthropy, defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others,” has become associated almost exclusively with the wealthy; a badge worn to show how they “give back” to the community. Yet, rarely is the question of why there is the need to give back considered from the standpoint of market dynamics itself. While there is indeed growing global concern about increasing inequality, existing poverty, and so on little real effort is being made to counter the problem from the standpoint of altering the social structure to correct what are clearly systemic problems inherent in or society. In fact, philanthropy appears to be the only practice to redistribute wealth that isn’t met head-on with great disdain by the prevailing intelligentsia, especially in America. Even quite basic traditional platforms, such as increased taxation of the rich, are routinely met with contempt by gatekeeper of the capitalist religion. In the words of conservative Forbes contributor Jeffery Dorfman, “Income Redistribution’s Logical Conclusion Is Communism…. once you admit that income redistribution is fair, there is no logical stopping point short of communism.” This kind of anti-social dogma is nothing new, prominently set in motion in the early to mid-twentieth century when the threat of communism was putting capitalist hegemony at risk. The long-term consequence has been a reactionary Western culture that sees any direct government action toward economic equality, especially if it inconveniences the wealthy, as little more than a move toward bureaucratic tyranny.
While all charity is admirable, once it becomes institutionalized and funded to the extent seen by organizations such as the Gates Foundation, it turns into something different, with extended social ramifications. These elite charities are true, large-scale institutions with power, engaging in lobbying, transnational partnerships, political policy alignments, and so on. Where and how the George Soroses and Bill Gateses of the world mobilize money can have powerful effects on industry, politics, culture, academia, scientific research, national policy, and the like. In the case of Gates, his foundation is “undeniably, the most powerful an influential global health charity in history,” in the words of health-law professor Lawrence Gostin. What critics rightfully point out is that, regardless of good intention, unaccountable, singular private power in global health affairs poses serious problems, in the same way autocratic dictatorships pose serious problems for democracy and liberty. Any organization with the power to actually affect the lives of millions of people needs transparency, accountability, and a democratic presence. Thee private institutions have little to non.
What we have is the rise of a new breed of pseudo-egalitarian capitalists. They generate their great wealth by way of often ruthless competitive behavior in the private sector, arguably promoting the very mechanisms that have led to the vast structural violence and extensive poverty existing on Earth to begin with. They then turn around and offer their charity as the solution to the problems created by the very system that rewards them. Once again, this has nothing to do with intent. It is about an underlying hypocrisy that bypasses and obscures the real problem-solving focus desperately needed to further human-rights justice. That focus can only be structural.
At the same time, this institutionalization of philanthropy also serves to placate the public, giving a caring face to those who have often extracted such great wealth at the cost of others’ well-being. In the words of activist Slavoj Zizek, “Charity is the humanitarian mask hiding the face of economic exploitation.” There is a deep psychological need in those of great wealth to feel that their exceptionalism is justified. They naturally wish not only to ensure everyone believes they deserve what they have, but also to justify it to themselves. An example of this is the “Giving Pledge” project it is very difficult not to view the entire project as a PR stunt for the upper 0.1 percent. There is no transparency, so the public might never know whether a person gave or not.
For those who do follow through, there are prominent tax incentives, specifically in the United States. Since donations to charity and philanthropic foundations allow for reduced tax liability for the rich, giving money away often becomes an act of strategic self-interest. Very often, the rich simply set up their own foundations and move money through them via tax loopholes. Estate taxes are interesting as they relate to the rich only. In the US when wealthy people die, s In 2023, the federal estate tax ranges from rates of 18% to 40% and generally only applies to assets over $12.92 million. The rich work around this tax in various ways, with charitable foundations forming the most common means. A study done by the Tax Policy Center in 2003 found that “the estate tax encourage charitable giving at death by allowing a deduction for charitable bequests” and “also encourages giving during life.” The Congressional Budge Office corroborated this finding and added that during life, this same class would also reduce giving by up to 11 percent.
With globalization wealth inequality explode to a level never seen before. Disparity is not a Democratic or Republican problem. It is a problem challenging our great cities, sprawling suburbs and rural heartland. Asian Americans are among the fastest growing group in US. But Why income inequality is growing at the fastest rate among Asian Americans. According to Pew Research Center, the median household income for Asian American households was $85,800 in 2019, slightly higher than the total U.S. median household income. Burmese Americans, however, bring in a household income of $44,400, about half of the median income for Asians in the United States. It’s an example of the widening income inequality within the Asian American community. Aggregate economic data often overshadows poverty experienced by many Asian Americans. Even in Taiwan, one of the most well-to-do and democratic politics in Asian regions, the Housing Affordability Crisis is closely related to Government Policy Actions in Taiwan.
In June 2020, US House Speaker Pelosi appointed the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. The Committee was suppose to develop solutions to the key economic issue of our time: the yawning prosperity gap between wealthy Americans and everyone else. America is more unequal today than it has ever been, and far more unequal than other developed nations. Great wealth disparities slow our economy, poison our politics and offend our moral sensibilities. The Committee was dissolved in January 2023 at the start of the 118th Congress, is not fair and justice one of the most pressing issues of our time? With government cutting social welfare, Assisted-living homes are rejecting Medicaid and evicting seniors. How to balance business interest with humanitarian and needs is something our government needs to address.
The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics Paperback – August 23, 2022 by Jerry Bowyer (Author). Jesus definitely wants His followers to be compassionate and generous, He had no problem with those who accumulate wealth honestly, by hard work or even shrewd investments, enjoying the fruits of their efforts. Rather His issue is with those in positions of power who prosper by exploiting the less fortunate. As the author puts it, “What you will see is Jesus confronting the takers of wealth, not the makers of it”. Jesus never said anything negative about wealth or rich people when preaching in Galilee, which was characterized by numerous moderately prosperous tradespeople and small family farms, what today we would call “small businesses.” It was only in Judea, and especially Jerusalem, where a powerful ruling class exploited the people for their own profit, that He had harsh things to say to the rich.
In a country that value freedom of speech, Americans argue heatly about government/big tech/media censorship. But when I came to think about it, isn’t that everything we think, we say, we act have all reflected in the totality of universal consciousness that permeates everywhere? And each of us is a miniature of the cosmo and the cosmo is the Source/Origin of our mind. In the ultimate reality, censorship holds no power. 人是小宇宙,宇宙大身心, 人体与宇宙是一一对应的,宇宙中有什么,人体也相对应着有什么,人体相当于一个缩小版的微宇宙。 “All is sentient being. Grass, trees, land, sun, moon, and stars are all mind.” ~ Dogon, founder of Soto Zen Buddhism.
Such is the mystics! Science, physics, and spirituality are at last meeting each other through the search for universal consciousness. Scientists want to know why flocks of birds behave as if guided by a collective consciousness. Physicists are learning that non-local consciousness influences quantum particles, regardless of distance in time and space. Yogis, mystics, and meditators seek to enter into a state of wholeness with the divine or the universal mind, called Chaitanya, the cosmic consciousness. 人的意念能量有多強大?
The ideas of impermanence, interdependence and emptiness are central to Buddhist teaching – and to the whole Buddhist worldview view, there can be no true freedom or independence when we are trapped in the six lower worlds. Interdependence is not the same thing as being codependent. A codependent person tends to rely heavily on others for their sense of self and well-being。The Lotus Sutra teaches that all people equally possess the ten worlds. That is, we all possess the ten kinds of life conditions — from the highest state of Buddhahood to the lowest state of hell. These are the life conditions of the four noble worlds and the six paths. The life condition of Buddhahood moves one to improve the world. Such a person will love and cherish others, have a strong sense of justice, value peace, build a character with a deep sense of compassion, gain the trust of many people, and make others feel pleasant. On the contrary, one who is fascinated by devilish functions will become contentious and steeped in evil influences. Such an individual has a self-centered nature and takes pleasure in disruptive behavior. A person like this, with egocentric and biased views, will bring conflict and spread anger into society.
And that is why Confucius teaches us absolute ethics standard, (not ethical relativism). The Eightfold path is so important because that is what we contribute to the universal consciousness – be it greed or generosity, hatred or loving kindness,, ignorance or wisdom, arrogance or humility, all the dynamics will reflect in the totality of the universal mind. That is how each of us contribute to the quality of the collective karma.
With that in mind, let us pay homage to Amitufa – Buddha of Infinite Light & Infinite Life, Buddha of infinite blessing and protection! Nomo Amituofo! Let wish the peace and salvation of humanity to expand our conscious and grow in wisdom. 唸一句“阿彌陀佛”有多少好處?佛已說了10種! 世間最安穩的“護身符”,其實就是一句“南無阿彌陀佛”! 南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!
We have all experience many corruption and conspiracy in every areas of the government, the relentless pollution and exploitation of the Earth, the lost of common sense and fundamental ethics in social conducts the last several decades with the material abundance. Thom Hartmann had wrote a whole series to record many of the issues that block out progress and the toxics that need to purified before we can be refreshed to new beginnings. But to just have intellectual understanding is a good beginning, we need to put into our thought, speech and action to clear those bad habits, garbages from our mind by meditation and prayer. I am really impressed with his analyse about Neolibralism is a DISASTER, the sick mentality of the rich had no consideration of their fellow citizens for basic safety net (the homeless, the single mothers, the collapsing of education system, the border crisis of thousands, if not millions of under age kids, the human trafficking ). How REAGAN REPUBLICANS Flushed America Down The Toilet.
Piercing through the frog of neoliberalism, Hartman spoke of the insanity of Milton Friedman and the like-minds. The rise of economic and financial terrorism, the upheaval of economic instability in American and the world can traced back to Reagan Administration and Friedman’s shock therapy economics, which was acclaimed by the media as the super star nobel prize level innovation. Public have no idea the policies and devastating consequences Milton Friedman and the likes produced. His theory seems out of touch with lived reality or normal people’s economic experience, and 100% based on ideology & things he read in textbooks from other people in an ivory tower. Or if not, then plain Psychopathy. He said all licenses and certificates (including license for doctors) should be dropped as well as labor unions and laws against racial discrimination. Milton said there is no need for government to make sure drugs are safe. It is thought provoking to watch Young Michael Moore discuss the value of human life with Milton who had been evading the question of principle.
This has been a road of harden capitalism rather than a road of “good” intentions; Monopolies was all about saving the upper class from the “unwashed.” Period. We observed the collapse of Chilean economy in 1970s, Russia in the 1990s are the application of Milton Friedman theory. Despite all the talks of free market, the truth of USA is not a FREE MARKET. Professor Michael Hudson have a lot to share with you. Through these schemes, the elites had looted the majority public $50 Trillion dollars in the last few decades.REPUBLICANS Legalized STOCK FRAUD in America.
Taoism believes that all evils came from energy imbalance within any entity. Take the example of human health, we get sick because of immunity system deteriorated, as a result, our body/defense system energy level is lower than the average of the environment. Nature law is then automatically kick in to fill out the void. So the forces from outside(in the form of humid, heat, dryness etc. ) will invade and cause malady, in some case even total collapse. With each person regardless of gender, we have both masculine and feminine qualities that need to get in balance for us to thrive. Either too much masculine or too much feminine is off the middle way. 过犹不及。這世界上 是無形在决定有形, 並不是 有形在決定無形 。
We should not complain about others make our body unhealthy, right? we should take our own responsibility for it. Recital Buddhism sutras, such like recitaling Sutra of Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vow can help release those karmic debt. Prayer and sticking to eight-fold path will get our benign energy to counter balance the karmic deficit. Namo Amituofo! 南无阿彌陀佛!
This dynamics when apply to the social behavior, reflect when an entity is not mature enough to have self control, not taking consideration of the bigger world and over emphasize its own entitlement/freedom out of desire of greed, aversion and ignorance, (for example taking precepts as in Buddhism), eventually when situation get very bad, forces from outside( in the form of other people, karmic creditor, ghost from other realm, our unconsciousness etc.) be attracted by nature law to help the entity to take control so as to maintain the balance, most likely not in the form not so desirable for entity. Therefore, the Chinese early education emphasize character training from very start, by forming good habits and knowing what is right thing to do and what is not to do. Chinese parents do not give too much praise, but pay more attention to help the kids improve all kind of personality traits that would lead to long term psychological/spiritual development of the higher good. Confucius famously said, if a kid do not have good character, the fault is caused by the father not playing his role. 子不教,父之过也。
When you look into the son, you see the father, the mother, you see the ancestors. A son cannot exist by himself alone, a son or a daughter can only inter-be with parents, ancestors, and so on. That is not difficult to see. As a biologist, you can look into the body of a person, and you see that person is the continuation of his parents. All the cells and all genes have been transmitted by many generations of ancestors.
If a son got so angry at his parents. They are something wrong in it. There are young men who are so mad at their father, that they declare this: “I don’t want to have anything to do with him: But it is nonsense. Your father is in every cell of your body. You cannot remove your father out of you. the fact is you are the continuation of your father, and you are your father. You can not take him out of you. You have no private, separate existence. That self, the self (atma) does not exist. A separate existence, some permanent, non-changing entity sometimes we call it ‘soul’, is not there.
To the extend that western mind OVER-FOCUS on the Yang type of energy, the ego etc, and under-develop its Yin energy, the instinct/potential of the mind, and thus causing major imbalance and delusions in relate to ultimate reality, oriental mind emphasize the the development of overall balance, thus achieving higher wisdom that align more closely to the truth of reality. Shadow(Yin) in the Taoism symbol does NOT mean it is bad/negative, it just means it is not obvious, it is hidden. The Yin Yang symbol is a representation of holistic non-duality dynamics. It speaks of the interaction of spirit and material within the wholeness. Perfection in Confucianism means the gold mean middle way (中庸). Daisaku Ikeda, Japanese Buddhist philosopher, educator, author, and nuclear disarmament advocate, writes that the Middle Way is a process of “living and making one’s mark on society while constantly interrogating one’s own actions to ensure that they accord with the path of humanity.”
In the same token, Jeffrey Sachs: A Negotiated End to Fighting in Ukraine Is the Only Real Way to End the Bloodshed. With the war in Ukraine now in its 10th month, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden have both expressed openness to peace talks to end the fighting, as have leaders in France, Germany and elsewhere. This comes as millions of Ukrainians brace for a winter without heat or electricity due to Russian strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. “This war needs to end because it’s a disaster for everybody, a threat to the whole world,” says economist and foreign policy scholar Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He says four major issues need to be addressed to end the war: Ukraine’s sovereignty and security, NATO enlargement, the fate of Crimea and the future of the Donbas region.
U.S. House passes Respect for Marriage Act is anti-Divine Principle, anti-humanity. It had no respect for our future generation, no respect for the family, no respect for the country. The House officers put their own ego above the principle of divine’s intention. Repent and correct the wrong doing is of upmost importance. 如何懺悔才能消業障?普賢菩薩教你4個方法. 懺悔罪業是非常重要的修行。懺是發露過去所作的舊惡,悔是知錯以後不會再作。懺悔就是向我們的冤親債主道歉,請求他們原諒。我們的身口意無時無刻不在造作著各種罪業,如果能夠依善知識引導,努力懺盡罪業,就能徹底扭轉墮落惡趣的命運。
Psychologically, we meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.” ― CarlJung speaks of the “shadow” and regards it as an area of the unconscious that is very hard to access, our motivations, repressed complexes and guilt feelings are to be found in it, although usually we are unaware of them and cannot even visualize them, let alone admit them. He compares human consciousness to the tip of an iceberg sticking out of the water – the unconscious he symbolizes as the submerged mass of ice, containing both the collective unconscious and the individual unconscious, the so-called shadow personality. The latter is the shadow side of our being, in which everything we have been and experienced is stored. It contains our secret desires, and resolved and unresolved psychic problems from the past (incarnations). They emerge in our dreams, yet, they do exercise an influence on our lives, although, in the main, we do not connect them wit ourselves but project them on the environment, where they manifest and return to us as fate.
The Hindu-Buddhism term avidya, ignorance – the basic unconsciousness as a result of which it appears that the universe is a collection of separate things and events. A Buddha or “awakened one” is precisely the man who has overcome this unconsciousness and is no more bewitched by sakaya-drishti, the “vision of separateness.” In other words, he sees each “part” of nature without ignoring its relation to the whole, without being deceived by the illusions of maya which, as we also saw, is based on the idea of “measurement”, the dividing of the world into classes, into countable things and events. So divided, the world appears to be dual (dvaita), but to the unobstructed vision of the sage it is in truth undivided or non-dual (advaita) and in this state identical with Brahman, the immeasurable and infinite reality.
Considered as a collection of separate things, the world is thus a creation of thought. Maya, or measuring and classifying, is an operation of the mind, and as such is the “mother” (mata) of a strictly abstracted conception of nature, illusory in the sense that nature is so divided only one’s mind. Maya is illusory in an evil sense only when the vision of the world as divided is not subordinate to the vision of the world as undivided, when in other words, the cleverness of the measuring mind does not become too much of a good thing and is “unable to see the forest for the trees.”
Buddhism many case study recorded by highly respectable Buddhist practitioners thought out the history about incarnation, back and forth of human, animals born into different realms. 轮回为人的狗, (previous dog incarnated into human), 闻鲁直(黄庭坚)前世为妇人,诵《法华经》,以诵经功德故,今世聪明,有官职。戒禅师后身苏东坡. 国际知名的刑侦鉴识专家,李昌钰 在2006年4月2日北大演讲的一番话。他前世是和尚。此随业缘来者也。若生西方,岂如是而已哉! 印光大师修订的《清凉山志》讲述真实的轮回故事,薄荷猪原来是为了度化众生,乘大悲愿力,倒驾慈航的“潜伏”菩萨。菩萨们“应以猪身得度者,即现猪身而为说法”,以启发众生心中的如意宝珠藏。《印祖文钞》: 一位清朝探花的前世今生. 蕅益大师见闻的投胎转世事件。 还有一个前世欠债,今生做驴也要还 的。 Those true records told us a lesson that we better return our karmic debt this life, otherwise the debt will accumulate with interest and get more heavier in future life. We do not know if we can return to become human form the next life.
So whenever we cannot bear the idiosyncrasies, habits, or characteristics of others, but are sorely tried and irritated by them, we may be sure that part of our own shadow is involved. This means that we have repressed these peculiarities within ourselves. Many an external situation to which we are unavoidably exposed is no more than a reflection of what is within us. We cannot deal with it as long as we regard it as exterior and nothing to do with us. Whatever is not being lived will continue to be projected on others for as long as it is not being deal with. Consciously dealing with it, which helps to integrate the shadow, can be made considerably easier. Acceptance of the fact that external events mirror internal events produces great changes. If one recognizes oneself as the instigating “I,” one will realize one’s creative potential, and one’s inner ability to improve one’s life and fate. Then one will no longer wait for assistance from outside, but will rely on self-help and will unremittingly pursue further development though creative consciousness. 净空法师: 为什么要积阴德 标清. 曾仕强:你的小孩将来是不是个有福气的人,从小就要在这些方面开始教育让他们惜福。 孩子不知什么叫习惯,所以大人要做给他看。 西方人是个没有福气的民族。 美国人是全世界最浪费的国家。 Westerns do not understand what manifested as material abundance was the work of many previous incarnations of merits. When we waste, we lost our hard earned credits accumulated over many life times. It is a terrible thing to waste!
Usually the consequences of these shadow functions are beyond our control. In a measure, they represent deterministic tendencies, things that are done automatically, or psychic compulsion mechanisms, and are at their mercy. If we regard the shadow as evil, we can hardly love it, but will treat it as infernal and blame it all over again, possibly it is hard to accept that we ought to learn to love our shadow. We love only what appeals to us as worth loving. what helps us on our way, what does us good. But let us remember how much always depends on our awareness. As the saying goes: “What You Shout Into The Woods Echoes Back”. We ourselves are called upon to rescue our shadow by giving it its true significance. Released from guilt, we can accept the forces, the experiences, and the essences of the shadow as an integral part of ourselves. but before we reach this stage, we must be capable of thinking through the consequences of our actions, and must also be prepared to bear the total responsibility for whatever we do. It is for this reason, the Eastern philosophy also emphasize on self reflection, learn from the time-tested teaching of the sages, hold precepts, and work on self cultivation to transform those bad habits, unwholesome personalities. 戒定慧;吾日当三省吾身。 Hence the golden rule of Confucius: “Do unto others what you would want to be done to you.” and “to do what is right, not what is easy.”
The Yin Yang dynamics also apply to thing we can not see/hear. Such as abortion. We are actually killing a life, even though we did not hear the baby crying, nor seeing its suffering, and thus does not have the awareness and empathy. But we have own the life karmic debt that will need to repay in the future time together plus with interest. That was the reason Buddhism advice against abortion. We have to honor the fetus. When abortion, not only the mother commit crime, also the father and the doctors, hospital, medical facilities that perform such act all had karmic debt need to pay in the future. 堕胎的罪业很严重 怎样做才能帮到堕胎的孩子 .
Tucker Carlson Show is bold enough to point out many horrible things that are being done to our Nation’s children. The fact that this is not a crime to Surgically alter or remove the reproductive glands of children is almost as disturbing as the act itself. And the fact that anyone would be OK with this. Tells me how deranged our society is becoming. These judges, lawyers, media, advertisements all need to be held accountable. One audience testified, “I know PERSONALLY what happens to the entire life of a child who is violated ~ it screws you up on so many levels it’s horrifying! It’s still effects my DAILY life, and I’m now 50 years old! Unbelievable! UNBELIEVABLE!” It’s sad that we have lawless people in offices that are supposed to protect us from lawless people. Another said, “If you have ever seen the destruction of a perfectly healthy young child up close as I have with a neighbour’s daughter who has been through this outrageous medical intervention. It is a crime, to see this lovely young person with obvious mental issues being allowed by their freaks of parents to be ruined instead of helped is beyond belief. Yes it is a crime and a very serious one.”
Mattel is becoming a gender cult. The toy company is promoting transgenderism and hormone blockers to little kids, and instructing on ways to keep the information from parents.
US News Express美國時事通 报道美国的变态的酷儿教育:戀童癖, 變性人, 亂性, 種族衝突, 等等. 這些在西方世界的墮落, 在1920年代的德國上演過一模一樣的事情, 如同翻版. 家长一定要多施行在家教育,或是找看當地有沒有Classical Christian School, 現在正在美國各地興起。這種教育方式就是當年美國立國先賢所受的教育。融合古希臘與基督教傳統,培育thinker, not worker. 老中們,別再迷戀名校,全部淪陷為左派的馬克斯主義製造工廠。請參看Battle for the American Mind by Pete Hegseth.
Don’t Indulge the Wild Mind: The Buddha said, “Be careful not to believe your own mind; your mind is not to be believed. Be careful not to get involved with sex; involvement with sex leads to disaster. After you have attained Arhatship, you can believe your own mind.” – Sutra of Forty-Two Sections, Section 28 第二十八章.意马莫纵 佛言。慎勿信汝意。汝意不可信。慎勿与色会。色会即祸生。得阿罗汉已。乃可信汝意。
Staying Mindful of Moral Precepts Brings Us Close to the Way: The Buddha said, “My disciples may be several thousand miles away from me, but if they remember my moral precepts, they will certainly attain the fruition of the Way. If those who are by my side do not follow my moral precepts, they may see me constantly, but in the end they will not attain the Way.” – Sutra of Forty-Two Sections, Section 37 第三十七章.念戒近道 佛言。佛子离吾数千里。忆念吾戒。必得道果。在吾左右。虽常见吾。不顺吾戒。终不得道。
“You were invigorated by mindfulness of God, migration from oneself to God—which is the greatest migration—migration from ego to the truth, and from this world to the unseen world.” ― Ruhollah Khomeini
“If you have divine motives, material benefits will follow suit but they are no longer material; they have become divine.” ― Ruhollah Khomeini
Desire is the tie that binds us from lifetime to lifetime. Desire and will are twins. The use of our will, good or ill, in past lives turn into our rewards/reparation for this time life. 佛经说:“欲知前世因,今生受者是;欲知来世果,今生作者是。”说的今生所受的善恶性果报,都是自己所种的业因,是自种因,自受果。请看32 个详细图解佛教因果定律, 点击每个图可以看到高清。
Each of us are ultimately answer to ourselves. Self governance start from each individual responsible for self cultivation in thoughts, speech and actions. Confucius Great Learning said to us: Cultivate the self, regulate the family, govern the state, then lead the world to peace. 物格而后知至;知至而后意诚;意诚而后心正;心正而后身修;身修而后家齐;家齐而后国治;国治而后天下平。
While the whole United States’ media is broadcasting the search warrant into Trump’s residence, arguing Republic party or Democratic party control the Congress, speculation on either Trump or Biden will become the next President, there are very few concerning about the underneath lacking of responsibilities on the part of government for school shooting, the school teacher shortage, and the increasing number of teens depression, and the issue of teens drug abuse. Corporate American is over their head anxiety about communism taking over their wealth, which they will not be able to bring with them when they die, alas not at a bit worried the karma they may brought with them in the next life. How sad the degradation of human conscious!
Below is a recording of Robert Hutchins, former President of Chicago University, Last message for future Schools/Universities (1959) about his view on the status quo of education in the United States. When asked about in this post-Sputnik era, this they versus us concept of education, they are outstripping us, particularly in the field of sciences, what we must do something about this? Here is Robert Hutchins answer:
Well I think this is irrelevant and immaterial, incompetent wouldn’t pay the slightest attention to it. What we need is a good educational system for ourselves and if the Russians were to sink into the sea tomorrow, we still need a good educational system for ourselves. The real trouble I think the basic problem is the decay of the American University, a university is supposed to be a center of independent thought and this is its only excuse for existence. The American university is becoming more and more a folk institution that is responsive to the whims of hysteria fancies of the public or of any organized group of the public that is powerful enough to seduce it into taking an interest in the subject in which it ought not to be interested, or a group of the public that is sufficiently solvent to make it attractive to university administrators who want to raise money.
Now if you have a folk institution substituted for a center of independent thought, what you have is eventually a kind of thing which is almost indistinguishable from a country club on the one hand a trade school on the other. A group of well-tubbed young American cavorting on the green grass so it comes to be the symbol of what a university ought to be. But the essential point, the center of independent thought, the center of intellectual illumination, this is what is gone. Now it happened this is taking place this decay deterioration of the university into a folk institution at the very moment when we need centers of independent thought more than ever in our history, It seems to me that there are only two courses open to us, one is to enter upon a drastic reform of American universities, and the other is to establish some new institutions that will do for the country and for the world what the universities ought to do, but which they cannot do if they insist on being responsive to the passing whims of those members of the population who have money or who are able to exert political pressure.
University has to meet the needs of society every social institution has to meet the needs of society, the question is what is the meaning of needs? The universities in this country were established for the purpose of advancing learning and passing it on to our posterity. This was a need but the question of today for example there is a school of Mortuary Science and Wayne University in Detroit, and when I spoke to a great industrialist in that city about this fact, he said well we need morticians, don’t we? Well we do, the question is whether the production of morticians, whether we must look to the university for the production of morticians, and whether if we do look to the university for the production of morticians, something is going to happen to the university that will prevent it from meeting the real needs that the university is qualified to meet.
The other day he(Hitchins) was being driven across the bridge from San Francisco to Berkeley, by a very competent driver. The driver told him(Hitchins) that he had just go a degree of doctor of philosophy, when asked about what field of philosophy, the driver told him that in the driver education of philosophy. And where? In the University of California.
This Teen Was Prescribed 10 Psychiatric Drugss . She’s Not Alone. Increasingly, anxious and depressed teens are using multiple, powerful psychiatric drugs, many of them untested in adolescents or for use in tandem. Renae Smith exemplified a medical practice common among her generation: the simultaneous use of multiple heavy-duty psychiatric drugs. “I should have been happy,” she later wrote. “But I cried, screamed and begged the universe or whatever godly power to take away the pain of a thousand men that was trapped inside my head.” Intervention for her depression and anxiety came not from the divine but from the pharmaceutical industry. The following spring, a psychiatrist prescribed Prozac. The medication offered a reprieve from her suffering, but the effect dissipated, so she was prescribed an additional antidepressant, Effexor.
Express Scripts, a mail-order pharmacy, recently reported that prescriptions of antidepressants for teenagers rose 38 percent from 2015 to 2019, compared with 12 percent for adults. Prozac and Lexapro are the only medicines approved for teens with depression, according to the Food and Drug Administration, while antidepressants in general carry a “black box warning” about increased risk of suicide for adolescents.
A nationwide study published in 2006 examined records of visits to doctors’ offices by people younger than 20 and found a sharp rise in office visits involving the prescription of antipsychotic drugs — to 1.2 million in 2002 from 200,000 in 1993. The drugs increasingly were prescribed in combinations, particularly among low-income children. Between 2004 and 2008, a national study of children enrolled in Medicaid found that 85 percent of patients on an antipsychotic drug were also prescribed a second medication, with the highest rates among disabled youngsters and those in foster care.
Ms. Smith’s handwritten description of a period of despair. “I felt like my mind was going to explode,” she wrote.
From medical system to education system, from United States to Chinese children left out by their poor parents(留守儿童), we see a common theme. The capitalism is taking over human life. The world is turned into a barbarous jungle by the Capitalists, who is put on a war to eliminate the potential of the future of humanity. This is a sad development for both the capitalists and the suppressed – but espeically karmic for the Capitalist who are fooled by the maya to think the money/wealthy they clinging to is going to help them after life.
Robert Hutchins believe that one aspect of change can be done by introducing Perennial education to schools. Why is Perennial education relevant today? Another influential scholar of religious studies in the United States, Professor Huston Smith(1919-2016), author of Forgotten Truth: The Common Vision of the World’s Religions, a book sold over three million copies up to 2017, a good reminder for the capitalists in United States, that they probably only know about this life, they forget about eternal truth.