The Violence of Our Era

The whole world is watching the Hamas and Israel conflicts that has recently escalated to casualty not only of thousands of civilians, but also booming the hospital, schools, mosque, killing hundreds, killing hundreds of, if not thousands of little children and homeless refugees. When we see the blood, and the atrocities is obvious. But there are many things in our era that are just as violent, but is much obscure, not as noticeable.

The unfortunate situation in Gaza is very complex because of globalization, industrialization, historical hangover, religion, and politics tanglings. It is horrendous to learn about the huge suffering of the Middle East, but we do not know enough about the history, religious and culture of that area to make objective comments. The article The Global Consequences of the Israel-Hamas War by Mark Leonard, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, pointed out that the expectation that Israel could normalize ties with the Arab world without addressing the Palestinian question, was an illusion. Israel may need to possibly rethinking its strategy toward the moribund Middle East peace process entirely. There is urgent need for Muslim speaking nations and Christian nations increase communication and mutual accommodation of each other, through systematical bridging of religion, culture and governmental agency.

Another recent article from Project Syndicate War and Dollars by Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University, sketches a more clear picture of the underneath struggles. Professor James wrote: ” Today, however, the dollar is increasingly vulnerable to financial turbulence, readily apparent in bond markets that scrutinize long-term US public debt. These problems are partly technical, of course; but they are also political. Without uncertainties about America’s long-term fiscal position, markets would remain calm. But President Joe Biden’s administration has deployed large public investments at a time when the US Congress has become completely dysfunctional, casting doubt on its ability even to keep the government running and the debts paid ……. The dollar is also vulnerable because the rest of the world is connecting the dots behind the US strategy to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression; Middle East diplomacy, which Hamas has now derailed; and efforts to preserve the peace in the Taiwan Strait. The dots, of course, are dollars. As Juan Zarate, a former US deputy national security adviser, noted a decade ago, sanctions work extremely well against small and relatively isolated states; but the bigger the target, the more sanctions will hurt those imposing them.”

I want to add that the problem is not just because of Biden, it is the accumulation result of four decades of capitalism running into dead end since Reagan Administration. U.S. Debt By President had specific data.

Industrialization and urbanization post great challenges when the fiat money is used. As the central banks all over the world and the Fed can just print money out of thin air, the create huge wealth gap because of tax reduction as well as the compound effects. For example, during the pandemic covid-19 in 2020, Fed pump trillions of money into the system to help government handle crisis. While the household get some relief check of couple of thousand dollars, The total wealth of the U.S. 1% reached a record $45.9 trillion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021. Their fortunes increased by more than $12 trillion, or more than a third, during the course of the pandemic.

I also want to point out that violence is not just what we observed in human casualty. The nature, the environment, the water, air, earth are all in shabby shape, desperately need for maintenance and protection. Take the example of the space: Space junk is out of control – the directly affect the global air quality and radiation I would assume.  About 25,000 are pieces of obsolete satellites, rocket parts and debris — space junk orbiting out of control and posing a threat to the satellites people need.

Not to mention, the violence of American medical/insurance system, the consequence of weaknesses in fractional reserve lending (The monetary system , Macroeconomics ) of central banks, the dominance in finance as parasite of national economy, the frauds in money creation like scam of crypto currency, and numerous frauds like recent cases in FTX/Bankman Fried, and many other financial fake guru who exploit the loop holes of tax law, bankruptcy laws (such as: How do Rich People File Bankruptcy and Not Lose Anything ), and the lack of accountability in public accounting. There is no blood (except medical system) involved, but the violence is no less pungent.

Our era is marked by chasing after capital/wealth that without pay its due for either social costs or environmental damages. How will the Middle East refugees be settled eventually ?

The Violence of Modern Technology Caused Extreme Environmental Pollution and Increased Toxicity in Human Body

In the video Chemical Farming and the Loss of Human Health | Dr. Zach Bush said, We’ve literary built the entire economy of not only the United States but the entire western civilization on health care. That has been a hidden reality for a long time, but for thousand of years the real control of population has been around their food. Now that we have seventy billon soul on this planet, it has become really big business when you start to be able to control food. The political control has been around the food chain and whether it delivers health. Dr. Bush said he is in an reductionist state of understand the world around us after spend 20+ years of his life study medicine, and the field of study had become more and more complicated by the minutes, there is thousands and thousands of diseases found with the current medical model, and ten thousands of drugs to treat those disease came along. Dr. Zach Bush’s work is critical in exposing the truth about our toxic food system or its health impact.

Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large. And he is also the founder of Farmers Footprint, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance — while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

Synthetic, or chemical, fertilizers are quicker than organic fertilizers at getting nutrients into the soil in a form that can be absorbed by plants. They are helpful at first, but the negative impacts can be long term and far-reaching. Though helpful to plants, the chemicals kill beneficial soil organisms.

  • Feedback: Korean natural farming methods which use microbes bacteria and fungi to heal soil and grow incredible nutrient rich food,
  • Audience Feedback: Midwest farmer won’t grow organic crops as he will lose his farm subsidies. He gets 60 percent of his income from growing crops that are sprayed with chemicals. If he grows organic he gets nothing. 85 percent of crops grown in the Midwest are for animal feed. Big corporations run our country including Mayo Clinic and large hospitals.
  • audience feedback: I’m really trying to wake people up to the truth that the chemicals in our environment are affecting us, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I want to know the truth and find a solution to help further heal the world.
  • Feedback: As far as I recall, when I was in school in the 1960s, there were virtually no kids on any medications. Now, in 2023, the number of kids with social anxiety, health problems, and medications is staggering. When I go to the doctor, the first thing he says to me is, ” What medications are you taking” he almost doesn’t believe me when I say no medications at all. I have just turned 60.
  • Feedback: It’s ridiculous and sad that so many people view our species as “separate from nature.”
  • Feedback: A cured patient is a lost customer. The world is waking up to this.
  • feedback: My mom always staunchly refused to take us to the hospital for mild colds/flus/etc. because she said they’d just put us on endless antbiotics. She also refused to give us sweet cereals/poptarts for breakfast like all the other kids did. We only got one soda per week. It seemed unfair/silly at the time to me but in retrospect it was brilliant.

Pesticides have a bad rep, but they have been instrumental in feeding growing populations through history. Feedback: Even pesticide commonly used in organic farms allowed in most contries you will find Copper or Sufur derivates that compounds caused in many parts of Europe soil sterility, both are large spectrum “pesticide” affecting not only the target, but all microbial and insect community. The anti-sparrow campaign led to a pandemic of crop-destroying insects fuuther leading to famines. The fungi toxins are more toxic compared with chemical pesticide, and even harden to remove (search for Mycotoxin and Aflatoxin).

However, an increasing numbers of critics and farmers say they have brought about a new, and bigger challenge – poor health and the decimation of biodiversity. The less healthy the environment, the more difficult it gets to go without chemicals which when used further destroy the environment… Is it realistic, then, to get rid of them and still feed everybody on the planet? We’re destroying our environment at an alarming rate.

To strive for a eco-friendly world , more and more people start to challenge the ideas about what dealing with climate change means. What can we do and how the system needs to change. There are many people in the world working in alternatives for the current problem of Chemical pesticed. Ows, Pigs and Chicken, besides high nutrition value (in protein and essential vitamins) produce fertilizer and if used properly complete a essential cycle of food production. In fact mines of potassium nitrate (essential fertilizer in agriculture), as a gigant site of poop from birds (search for Chile Salitre). And you can use that chicken residue as a high value fertilizer. Nowadays we also have Bacillus (bacteria) that have succefully used to control fungi and some insects in field, Trichogramma galloi(Microwasp) – Insects that parasites other insects. Trichoderma a fungi that compete in the field against phytopathogenic fungis.

A lot of these conversations come back to consumers. What consumers purchase drives how farmers farm, how breeders breed, etc. If people understood that an apple with a small blemish on it is still edible, there would be much less food waste. The standards for producing fruit have gotten out of control and given farmers two options; either use harsher chemistries to try and create a perfect piece of fruit, or go organic, spend a fortune on inputs and hope that you have something to show for at the end of the year.

About 10,000 years ago, humans began to farm. This agricultural revolution was a turning point in our history and enabled the existence of civilization. Today, nearly 40% of our planet is farmland. Spread all over the world, these lands are the pieces to a global puzzle we’re all facing: in the future, how can we feed every member of a growing population a healthy diet? Can we create the “perfect” farm? Brent Loken investigates.

GMO advocates champion genetically modified food as a way to combat climate change, solve environmental issues, and solve world hunger. There are truths and fallacies both of the extremes of the GMO debate, but the reality is, and really the core problem with GMOs is not the technology or the genetically modified food itself, but what GMOs and genetically modified foods are used and controlled. Monsanto’s BT and HT crops are a perfect example of how GMO foods are used to create monopolies of environmental destruction. 转基因 为什么很少关于转基因的争议了?正在改变世界的基因编辑(我们一起聊科学:20230916 第16期)虽然只有二十多年的时间,却引发最大的争议。良心公知名嘴崔永元揭发中国农业农村部滥用转基因农作物,坑害老百姓身体健康。 冒險再大爆猛料,太多乾貨,多個名人紛紛躺槍。

Saving and replanting seeds has been an important part of farming ever since farming was discovered by William Von Farming. There maybe some practical disadvantages to saving crop seeds. but the real reason farmers stopped doing it after thousand years is because a couple of company found out a way to make replanting your own seeds illegal, almost anywhere in the world! But things start to getting complicated when the technology of inventing plant were being introduced. Humans have been cultivating new breeds of plants for as long as we grow them. One problem is no one get filthy rich yet. So in the 1930s, U.S government passed the Plant Patent Act. for the first time in the world, people can legally claim that plant was their intellectual property. Of course this does not apply to natural occurring plants. To claim a patent, you have to at least breed a distinct new variet that are capable of making more of it. And up to the 1990s, there was only 120 patented plants. Farmer did not generally grow or harvest them.

Then there is a company called Mensanto shifted their business model from selling plant poison to plant seeds that could not be killed by their own plant poisons. These “roundup-ready” crops, mostly beans and cottons, quickly took over every farm in the U.S and many more around the world, because it turned out that not dying from weeds or weed killer is an important traits for crops to have. But here is the kicker, growing a patent plants is legally the same thing as manufacturing any other patent products. so these company get to control what product the buyers can have and exactly how much they could make. Mensanto and the likes companies had their customer signed contract to use only their seeds and not allow to give it away to other people.

You are what you eat, and you can imagine what parasites you introduce into your body. Advantages of GMO foods include added nutrients, fewer pesticides, and cheaper prices. Disadvantages of GMO foods can be allergic reactions or increased antibiotic resistance. Seventy-five percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves—from soda to soup, crackers to condiments—contain genetically engineered ingredients. The long-term effects of these foods on humanity is so far unknown.

The book, The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk Paperback – April 12, 2016 contains 57 articles by over 70 HIGHLY Qualified Authors on this contraversal topic. Collectively, they address such questions as:
Are GM foods safe and healthy for us?
Will GM food really solve world hunger?
Are GM foods ecologically safe and sustainable?
Should animals be genetically modified for food?
Ultimately, this definitive book encourages us to think about the social, environmental, and moral ramifications of where this particular branch of biotechnology is taking us, and what we should do about it.

The real and potentially adverse effects of GMOs have been understated or negated by government and corporations, neglected by the press, and ignored by many in the scientific community who accept uncritically a corporate-crafted message. A fair-minded and unbiased individual looking at all the evidence must reach the conclusion that there is a great deal we do not know and what we do know impels us to be both cautious and concerned, skeptical of an early manufactured consensus, and critical of a framing that fails to recognize the diversity of public objections to GMOS.” Further, What if you consume meat or eggs that come from animals that were fed genetically modified feed materials? Are the unhealthy consequences of consuming that feed passed on?

According to the (USDA) US Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), biotechnology plantings as a percentage of total crop plantings in the United States in 2012 were about 88 percent for corn, 94 percent for cotton, and 93 percent for soybeans. FDA has launched an education initiative called Feed Your Mind to help consumers better understand genetically engineered foods, commonly called GMOs or genetically modified organisms. Most GMO crops are used in food for animals like cows, chickens, and fish. They are also used to make ingredients that are then used in food products like cereal, snack chips, and vegetable oils. Even though you won’t find many GMO fruits or vegetables in the produce section of your grocery store, GMOs are a common part of today’s food supply. In 2017, Congress provided funding for an Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative, which calls upon FDA to work with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and USDA to share science-based educational information about GMOs, beginning with answers to some basic GMO questions.

GMOs, Consumerism and the Global Politics of Biotechnology: Rethinking Food, Bodies and Identities in Africa’s 21st Century Paperback – August 17, 2017 Despite sustained continental and national struggles for autonomy, sovereignty and independence in postcolonial Africa, the continent is increasingly embattled by the forces of globalisation which threaten African identity that is at the core of African struggles for continental and national unity. Situating the debates in the contemporary discourses on decoloniality, global consumerism, global food apartheid and the challenges and prospects of the emergent sharing economies, this book critically examines the importation, use and implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other such non-food products on African bodies, institutions and cultures. The book poses questions about how Africa can be decolonised both politically and in terms of global food apartheid and the dehumanising importation and use of “foreign” non-food products, some of which militate against the ethos of [African] identity, Renaissance and indigeneity.

The independent International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), a not-for-profit organization, estimates that the global area of biotech crops for 2012 was 170.3 million hectares, grown by 17.3 million farmers in 28 countries, with an average annual growth in area cultivated of around 6 percent. More than 90 percent of farmers growing biotech crops are resource-poor farmers in developing countries.

Not only the soil and Earth has seriously polluted. We are increasingly surrounded by toxic air and magnetic radiations. The book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth Paperback – June 10, 2014 This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.”

This book examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska service a full-spectrum dominance. This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth—from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions.

Elana M. Freeland’s startling book sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “Transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.

The Gaia hypothesis, also known as the Gaia theory, Gaia paradigm, or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. The scientists and technocrats like Elon Musk, in their illusory craving for space exploration new discovery for advancement, such as the highly polluted automobile battery, are unwittingly damage the balance of Planet Earth and killing lifes by millions. The tauma in their personal life is exponentially manifested into the whole planet Earth as their ego expands.

Diamond Sutra and Platform Sutra Open Eyes for Our Oneness and Interrelateness with Nature/Cosmos

According to Reuters Reports December 2022, One million species are on the brink of extinction. Researchers Say We’re in a Sixth Mass Extinction. This Time, Humans Are the Culprit。In an 2017 article, professor, Gerardo Ceballos, National Autonomous University of Mexico wrote: “What we’ve lost in 100 years would have been lost in 10,000 years in normal times.” Standford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich said, “Few problems are less recognized, but more important than, the accelerating disappearance of the earth’s biological resources. In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it is perched.”

How humanity related to the nature and to the consciousness of the cosmos has been a myth during and after industralization. This misunderstood was the underneath culprit that caused the two World Wars in the 20th centure. Countries competed on nature resources and markets. Mentality of dominance and life death competition override the rational mind and the deeper intutive wisdom that we are in this all together.

Dr. Alberto Villoldo is a fascinating blend of medical anthropologist and practicing shaman—having explored, practiced and taught these ideas for decades. Alberto walks us the healing wisdom at the nexus of ancient shamanic wisdom and modern science. In an interview on his book One Spirit Medicine, he talked about our gut brain, our second brain and why it is so important. He said, ” … we are dealing with situations today that shamans never had to deal with in the past. We have over seventy thousand toxic chemicals that we’ve produced. We have been exposed to antibiotics, to pesticides. We have been exposed to toxins the indigenous people never had to deal with before. …. so today the first thing we need to do is begin to detoxify. The primary way is first keeping pathogens out which is what out gut does. If you have a balanced gut micro flora, you are 90% way there. This is our gut brain, the second brain. ”

“We have over hundred million neurons that are in the gut that are regulate the entire process of taking the outside world and making it you. When you eat a piece of broccoli, you’ve got to turn that piece into you, and this is what the micro flora does. We are in effect colony organism. Humans have about 25,000 genes, but a grain of rice as over 80,000. A flatworm has 75,000 genes. Natgure experimented with humans by making us a colony organism. We hijacked the genetic machinery of over six hundred species of bacteria that live within us and there are ninety percent of who we are. They turn the outside world into us and they are the ones that eighty-five percent of our immune system which is the gut. Today our gut is so out of balance because of our diet primarily, and because of what we (modern people) have been exposed to.”

Dr. Villoldo also said the DNA of ourside substances out numbers our DNA ten to one. Yes, ten to one is the relationship between kind of what we consider “us” verus foreign substances. Alberto explains that the key to optimum health is to revise the unconscious programming and limited beliefs that have been driving us, thereby updating our neural networks to support healing and transformation. One of the mondern predicament – a disease-care system, and the allopathy medicine model recognizes thousands of ailments and myriad remedies. The shamans of old, on the other hand, discovered One Spirit Medicine—a healthcare system that identifies only one ailment and one cure (our immune system). This same one cure is the paradigram shift required of our modern day mentality to instill a deeply ingrained sense of oneness with Nature and with Cosmic consciousness.

One Spirit Medicine is part of a new wellness model that doesn’t rely on medication to fix physical problems or mood imbalances. Unlike many pharmaceutical and over-the-counter remedies, the medicine of the shamans carries no side effects or warnings written in fine print. It will not cause dependency. You will not have to beg your physician to write a prescription for it, or argue with your pharmacist over whether or not your prescription renewal has been approved. At the heart of One Spirit Medicine is an age-old practice called the vision quest, a carefully choreographed encounter with nature and the invisible world. Through fasting and meditation, a vision quest awakens the body’s self-repair and regeneration systems and reconnects us to Spirit and our own deepest purpose.

This very issed has been expounded clearly in Buddhism Diamond SutraDeep Ecology, Looking Deeply into Our Oneness with Nature. Another sutra on the same emphasis is Platform Sutra which contains the autobiography of a pivotal figure in Zen history and some of the most profound passages of Zen literature. The Grandmaster Hui-Neng (638–713) was the sixth patriarch of Zen in China, but is often regarded as the true father of the Zen tradition. He was a poor, illiterate woodcutter who is said to have attained enlightenment upon hearing a recitation of the Diamond Sutra. Together, these two scriptures present the central teaching of the Zen Buddhist tradition and are essential reading for all students of Buddhism.

The Sixth Patriarch invites us to the Platform Sutra, in both Chapter 4 of the main text (entitled “Stabilization and Insight”) and in his Commentary on the Diamond Sutra《金剛經解義》— 六祖惠能大师), to inquire into the nature of what he calls the “Four Images”, which are: a self (“me”), a personality (“my” traits), a being (“my” body-mind), and a life (“my” life).

The Four Images are four fundamental bases of identification, which the mind can use to generate a dualistic sense of separate identity, although Hui-Neng uses the term “attachment” instead of identification. The insight that stabilizes and places our perception into righteous orientation. The Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism recommends cultivating disidentification or the relaxation of clinging (“detachment”) with each, because that is the ultimate reality.

  • (1) the image of a self – being an isolated, separate, independent entity, cutoff from the universe and marked by an emphasis on “me” and “my.”
  • (2) the image of a person – the idea of being a certain kind of “someone,” defined by specific personality traits and personal qualities that define, say, “Adam as a person.”
  • (3) the image of a being – the idea of being a separate being, a being among many other separate beings, basically, a body or a body-mind.
  • (4) the image of of a liver of a life – the idea of being defined by “my” life, the lifespan from birth to death of a particular organism. More specifically, it’s the image of being a ‘someone’ who owns this life, who claims it as “mine.”

Master Thick Nhat Hanh’s article: The First Precept: Reverence for Life illustrates in modern terms the important Buddhism teaching: We humans are made entirely of non-human elements, such as plants, minerals, earth, clouds, and sunshine. For our practice to be deep and true, we must include the ecosystem. If the environment is destroyed, humans will be destroyed, too. Protecting human life is not possible without also protecting the lives of animals, plants, and minerals. The Diamond Sutra teaches us that it is impossible to distinguish between sentient and non-sentient beings. This is one of many ancient Buddhist texts that teach deep ecology.

Another long thesis on Engaged Buddhist Practice and Ecological Ethics Challenges and Reformulations written Charles Strain, takes up three challenges and argumens that Buddhism “Eco-constructivists” perform a midrash on the Buddhist tradition that is geared towards praxis; it offers forms of practice that are hardly ethically vacuous.