The Violence of Our Era

The whole world is watching the Hamas and Israel conflicts that has recently escalated to casualty not only of thousands of civilians, but also booming the hospital, schools, mosque, killing hundreds, killing hundreds of, if not thousands of little children and homeless refugees. When we see the blood, and the atrocities is obvious. But there are many things in our era that are just as violent, but is much obscure, not as noticeable.

The unfortunate situation in Gaza is very complex because of globalization, industrialization, historical hangover, religion, and politics tanglings. It is horrendous to learn about the huge suffering of the Middle East, but we do not know enough about the history, religious and culture of that area to make objective comments. The article The Global Consequences of the Israel-Hamas War by Mark Leonard, Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, pointed out that the expectation that Israel could normalize ties with the Arab world without addressing the Palestinian question, was an illusion. Israel may need to possibly rethinking its strategy toward the moribund Middle East peace process entirely. There is urgent need for Muslim speaking nations and Christian nations increase communication and mutual accommodation of each other, through systematical bridging of religion, culture and governmental agency.

Another recent article from Project Syndicate War and Dollars by Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University, sketches a more clear picture of the underneath struggles. Professor James wrote: ” Today, however, the dollar is increasingly vulnerable to financial turbulence, readily apparent in bond markets that scrutinize long-term US public debt. These problems are partly technical, of course; but they are also political. Without uncertainties about America’s long-term fiscal position, markets would remain calm. But President Joe Biden’s administration has deployed large public investments at a time when the US Congress has become completely dysfunctional, casting doubt on its ability even to keep the government running and the debts paid ……. The dollar is also vulnerable because the rest of the world is connecting the dots behind the US strategy to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression; Middle East diplomacy, which Hamas has now derailed; and efforts to preserve the peace in the Taiwan Strait. The dots, of course, are dollars. As Juan Zarate, a former US deputy national security adviser, noted a decade ago, sanctions work extremely well against small and relatively isolated states; but the bigger the target, the more sanctions will hurt those imposing them.”

I want to add that the problem is not just because of Biden, it is the accumulation result of four decades of capitalism running into dead end since Reagan Administration. U.S. Debt By President had specific data.

Industrialization and urbanization post great challenges when the fiat money is used. As the central banks all over the world and the Fed can just print money out of thin air, the create huge wealth gap because of tax reduction as well as the compound effects. For example, during the pandemic covid-19 in 2020, Fed pump trillions of money into the system to help government handle crisis. While the household get some relief check of couple of thousand dollars, The total wealth of the U.S. 1% reached a record $45.9 trillion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021. Their fortunes increased by more than $12 trillion, or more than a third, during the course of the pandemic.

I also want to point out that violence is not just what we observed in human casualty. The nature, the environment, the water, air, earth are all in shabby shape, desperately need for maintenance and protection. Take the example of the space: Space junk is out of control – the directly affect the global air quality and radiation I would assume.  About 25,000 are pieces of obsolete satellites, rocket parts and debris — space junk orbiting out of control and posing a threat to the satellites people need.

Not to mention, the violence of American medical/insurance system, the consequence of weaknesses in fractional reserve lending (The monetary system , Macroeconomics ) of central banks, the dominance in finance as parasite of national economy, the frauds in money creation like scam of crypto currency, and numerous frauds like recent cases in FTX/Bankman Fried, and many other financial fake guru who exploit the loop holes of tax law, bankruptcy laws (such as: How do Rich People File Bankruptcy and Not Lose Anything ), and the lack of accountability in public accounting. There is no blood (except medical system) involved, but the violence is no less pungent.

Our era is marked by chasing after capital/wealth that without pay its due for either social costs or environmental damages. How will the Middle East refugees be settled eventually ?

From Greece, Rome to Reaganomics – Professor Michael Hudson’s Anitiquity into Western Civilization

The power that being like to put great actors, communicators and media personalities on the public arena to play the role of fake guru. Ronald Reagan played a tricky role in the “Making American Great” trickle down economics. In the 1980s, as the United States struggled financially, Ronald Reagan was ushered in. From trickle down Reagonomics, cut social spending, upped the military budget, and reduced the taxes on the wealthy, union busting to decimating the middle class, infiltration of Christian fundamentalism into American government and more, Ronald Reagan is responsible for many of the shifts that occurred at the end of the 20th century that caused the major inequalities we see in America today. We’ve basically been living under four decades of Reaganism, under both parties. The way Clinton expanded it doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. Watch How Reagan Ruined Everything.

It is also interesting that Dr. Helen Caldicott met with Reagan briefly and later said that Reagan was “diagnosable,” i.e. he was already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease long before he left office. What was the real impact of Reganomics? Here are some of the quotes from audience to the youtube program Miserable and Broke in the US? Blame Reagan.

  • Comment from audience: this should be a multi-part series covering Ronald Reagan’s Legacy, because this is just covering Reaganomics and doesn’t touch the AIDS crisis or other events tied to his administration. In short we need a part 2 and probably a part 3.
  • Comment from audience: Don’t forget that Reagan also stopped enforcing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act resulting in almost immediate mergers, acquisitions, leveraged and hostile buy-outs of corporations. Now we have fewer but stronger corporations interfering in our politics, elections and in our lives.
  • Comment from audience: I remembered what Reagan did to unions and how it impacted American families even to this day. When I was a kid in the 70s, every mother in my neighborhood was able to stay home and take care of their children. One income could support a family of seven in a blue-collar neighborhood. Today, everyone on my street has to go to work. Families are smaller, and while all of us are highly skilled, we struggle to make ends meet. We have been screwed for so long, most of us don’t even realize that we are being screwed. There should never be such a large wealth gap as there is today.
  • Comment from audience: Most companies in the 80s that got tax cuts didn’t respond by giving their workers more money, They responded by taking their jobs and businesses overseas.
  • Comment from audience: He said the homeless camped all around D.C. were there because they “preferred” to live outside. NO! They were there because he had axed the budgets of all the mental health hospitals and VA treatment for mentally ill service people. He said that “community-based programs” would care for these folks…only, those programs didn’t exist. And let us never forget that his and Nancy’s answer to the exploding drug addiction problem was “Just Say No.”
  • Comment from audience: When Reagan refused to take AIDS seriously because it was the “Gay Virus” almost 90% of severe Hemophiliacs also contracted AIDS, such as my self, during this time due to lax testing protocols. We were essentially given $100,000 and told to fuck off forever. Fast Forward to today, I’m 42 years old, still an AIDS survivor and incapable of working due to my health conditions. My ‘relief fund’ is entirely exhausted as they never expected any of us to survive this long. I was 2 years old when I was infected with HIV, and when I was 5 I also contracted Hepatitis C due to the same lack of real testing protocols. The Reagan administration completely destroyed my life and I’ll never be able to forgive the Republican party for these crimes against humanity.

With a mindset of social darwinism, America has misused its power in its way for dominance. Just the 20th century alone, U.S.A has been through World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War and the War on Terror (which encompasses the War in Afghanistan and Iraq War). Isbel Hickety (1903-1980) is a New Age Sages. She taught meditation and was Director of Boston School of Astrology. Her guidance, classes, retreats and books lifted countless souls. In her book Astrology: a Cosmic Science , she had discussed the atomic bomb to Japan in 1945, and she said something to the effect that United States will suffer from the karmic retribution for that brutal act. Isabel Hickey had some very famous quotes.

Karmic retribution is a powerful force that can’t be ignored. It’s a reminder that our actions have consequences and that we should always strive to do the right thing. Whether it’s in the form of instant retribution or delayed retribution, it’s important to remember that our actions have consequences. This article gave some very powerful examples. Used metaphor of water, How Does Karmic Retribution Exact Itself? describe the complexity of kamic retribution. And if we do not change our behavior of injustice, we will suffer much more.

The Book by Professor Michael Hudson The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization’s Oligarchic Turning Point describes how the dynamics of interest-bearing debt led to the rise of rentier oligarchies in classical Greece and Rome, causing economic polarization, widespread austerity, revolts, wars and ultimately the collapse of Rome into serfdom and feudalism. That collapse bequeathed to subsequent Western civilization a pro-creditor legal philosophy that has led to today’s creditor oligarchies. In telling this story, The Collapse of Antiquity reveals the eerie parallels between the collapsing Roman world and today’s debt-burdened Western economies. In the program Origins of debt: Michael Hudson reveals how financial oligarchies in Greece & Rome shaped our world, Professor gave you more detail account of his thoughts.

…and forgive them their debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption From Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year (1) (Tyranny of Debt) Paperback – October 30, 2018 was Selected “Best Books of 2018: Economics” by The Financial Times. Here was the book review:

In ...and forgive them their debts, renowned economist Michael Hudson – one of the few who could see the 2008 financial crisis coming – takes us on an epic journey through the economies of ancient civilizations and reveals their relevance for us today. For the past 40 years, in conjunction with Harvard’s Peabody Museum, he and his colleagues have documented how interest-bearing debt was invented in Bronze Age Mesopotamia, and then disseminated to the ancient world. What the Bronze Age rulers understood was that avoiding economic instability required regular royal debt cancellations. Professor Hudson documents dozens of these these royal edicts and traces the archeological record and history of debt, and how societies have dealt with (or failed to deal with) the proliferation of debts that cannot be paid – and their consequences. In the pages of …and forgive them their debts, readers will discover how debt played a central role in shaping ancient societies, and how it continues to shape our world – often destructively.

The Big Question: What happens when debts cannot be paid? Will there be a writedown in favor of debtors (as is routinely done for large corporations), or will creditors be allowed to foreclose (as is done to personal debtors and mortgagees), leading to the creditors’ political takeover of the economy’s assets – and ultimately the government itself? Historically, the remedy of record was the royal Clean Slate proclamation, or biblical Jubilee Year of debt forgiveness.

The Real Message of Jesus: Jesus’s first sermon announced that he had come to proclaim a Clean Slate debt cancellation (the Jubilee Year), as was first described in the Bible (Leviticus 25), and had been used in Babylonia since Hammurabi’s dynasty. This message – more than any other religious claim – is what threatened his enemies, and is why he was put to death. This interpretation has been all but expunged from our contemporary understanding of the phrase, “…and forgive them their debts,” in The Lord’s Prayer. It has been changed to “…and forgive them their trespasses (or sins),” depending on the particular Christian tradition that influenced the translation from the Greek opheilēma/opheiletēs (debts/debtors).

Contrary to the message of Jesus, also found in the Old Testament of the Bible and in other ancient texts, debt repayment has become sanctified and mystified as a way of moralizing claims on borrowers, allowing creditor elites and oligarchs the leverage to take over societies and privatize personal and public assets – especially in hard times. Historically, no monarchy or government has survived takeover by creditor elites and oligarchs (viz: Rome). Perhaps most striking is that – according to a nearly complete consensus of Assyriologists and biblical scholars – the Bible is preoccupied with debt forgiveness more than with sin.

In a time of increasing economic and political polarization, and a global economy deeper in debt than at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, …and forgive them their debts documents what individuals, governments and societies can learn from the ancient past for restoring economic and social stability today.

The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism Paperback – May 2, 2022, explains why the U.S. and other Western economies have lost their former momentum: A narrow rentier class has gained control and become the new central planner, using its power to drain income from increasingly indebted and high-cost labor and industry. The American disease of de-industrialization has resulted from the costs of industrial production being inflated by the economic rents extracted by this class under the system of financialized monopoly capitalism that now prevails throughout the West.

The book explains why the U.S.-China conflict cannot simply be regarded as market competition between two industrial rivals. It is a broader conflict between different political economic systems – not only between capitalism and socialism as such, but between the logic of an industrial economy and that of a financialized rentier economy increasingly dependent on foreign subsidy and exploitation as its own domestic economy shrivels. Professor Hudson endeavors to revive classical political economy in order to reverse the neoclassical counter-revolution.


Pitfall of Corporate Power, Structural Fraud in Tax Code, War Economy, Gun Violence and Huge Disparity in the Era of Globalization

In The New Human Rights Movement – Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression, Peter Joseph wrote: “Today the US leads the world in terms of both economic influence and military force, endlessly pushing the neoliberal values of “free trade” as a root priority. The incentives that are at play in the US war economy is like a philosophical crusade, it has been deemed an imperative of Western business-political leaders to ensure that people comply with what is in effect the new global religion – a religion that invariably prioritizes commerce over everything else, with human rights increasingly subordinated to business rights. When one understands how the rules of trade, property, and exchange have become the determining mechanisms of society, decoupling focus from actual life-supporting means and factors of social trust, the dehumanized, conflicted-ridden nature of the modern world begins to make a lot more sense.

Given this ethic, educations is simply another product to be bought and sold and little more. The US government allocates roughly 2 percent of its annual budge to education. This is in stark contrast to the 20 percent of its annual budget to military, suggesting war is more beneficial to the nation’s leaders than an educated population.” New Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz questions the double standard of Republican party: “558 people has been murdered in school, who cared about the cost? What about the kids? No hearings for them! Three hundred thirty thousand kids experience gun violence in this country, the number one killer of school age children in this country is gun violence.”

Just see Who REALLY Won the War in Afghanistan. This list is just a drop on the bucket. The list of who got super rich off the war is longer than any of us can fathom. The incentives are at play in the US war economy – this is a structure issue as well as a moral issue. Edward Snowden says “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals”. What blows our mind is that killing innocent Iraqi civilians can be swept under the rug without any consequences but leaking publishing information about can get you jailed for multiple years, as in the case of Julian Assange who is a hero to expose the corruption. We thankful to these people who take the time to defend society’s true freedom. The fact that the most powerful country of the world feel so threatened by a man like Julian Assange speaks of itself. ‘The object of power is power. The object of torture is torture.’ -1984, Orwell.

In The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality Paperback – November 3, 2020 Katharina Pistor, a legal scholar demonstrates how the rights of capital have been entrenched in the international legal system, opening a thoughtful discussion about the treaties on capital flows and privileges that need to be rewritten. The book explains how, behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, capital is created―and why this little-known activity is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else. The book explains the various ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are selectively coded to protect and reproduce private wealth. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it. The author argues that almost everything that we call wealth is ultimately a human construction based in law and subject to review and change. What is the point of endlessly arguing about the ineffable logic of economics if that logic largely emerges from the fabric of law? Much more likely those laws are merely another political landscape upon which the endless struggle between the powerful and the rest plays out. And as such, they are changeable – and with that change, outcomes will be different. Moreover, this discussion is morally necessary because it is ultimately the power of the state – as the representative of the people – which is being used to enforce the claims of wealth among its citizens. A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time.

Today people almost take for granted big corporate money in American politics. Not only can congresspeople trade stocks, they can insider trade without repercussions. It’s absurd. But it started with the Powell memo. The Corporate “Heist” of the United States Government Began With this Memo in 1971. Lewis Powell was a corporate attorney from Virginia who was asked by his friend at the US Chamber of Commerce to write a secret strategy memorandum for the chamber in 1971. Two months later, Richard Nixon nominated him to the Supreme Court of the United States, where he served a number of years. The memo became a rallying cry among corporate executives for how to reassert corporate dominance over the American economy and its government, which it had lost during the era of the New Deal. The memo openly stated that corporations should punish their political enemies and should seek political power through both the law and politics. It encouraged challenges to what it saw as left-wing activities by people such as Ralph Nader and US academics. By 1978, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable defeated pro-labor law reforms through a filibuster by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, which signaled the demise of organized labor as a significant opponent of organized money.

Economist Robert Reich wrote in Worse Memo in American History: Wealthy individuals also accounted for a growing share. In 1980, the richest one-hundredth of 1% of Americans provided 10% of contributions to federal elections. By 2012, they provided 40%. Although Republicans mostly benefited from a few large donors and Democrats from a much larger number of small donors (more on this to come), both political parties transformed themselves from state and local organizations that channeled the views of members upward into giant fundraising machines that sucked in money from the top.

Senator Joe Manchin has been Congress’ largest recipient of money from natural gas pipeline companies. He just reciprocated by gaining Senate support for the Mountain Valley pipeline in West Virginia and expedited approval for pipelines nationwide. Senator Kyrsten Sinema is among Congress’s largest recipients of money from the private-equity industry. She just reciprocated by preserving private-equity’s tax loophole in the Inflation Reduction Act.

In a interview on political economic laws, Mark Karlin, Managing Editor of Buzzflash on Truthout, asked: Playing the role of devil’s advocate, despite the planned evolution of a pro-corporate majority on the Supreme Court, one of their most significant rulings in the past few years, Citizens United, was not able to buy them the 2012 presidential election. Was this a fluke, or are changing demographics starting to counterbalance, at least on some key occasions, the insidious influence of big money?

Thom Hartmann, an political commentator views it this way: “I think it’s both. First, the selection allowed them to calibrate their systems for future elections. I mean, when you think of what an incredibly bad candidate Mitt Romney was – a predatory banker who was born a millionaire and couldn’t even pull decent approval ratings numbers in the state where he had been governor – what should shock and horrify all of us is that he was able to get, ironically, 47 percent of the vote. You have virtually every Republican member of the House of Representatives who voted for Paul Ryan’s budget – which would have decimated the middle class, voucherized Medicare and dropped Mitt Romney’s tax rate to zero – and enough of them, with billionaire support, were able to get elected but they held the House. I see these as very dangerous and, frankly, frightening trends. And not only will they be back, but it’s already begun.”

Look at this group of multi-millionaire and billionaire CEOs who, along with a few shill former politicians, have started this multi-million-dollar AstroTurf “fix the debt” group. We didn’t see the end; we just saw the very beginning. Unless we amend the Constitution to say that corporations are not people and that money is not speech, America will soon become a full-blown oligarchy.

It is interesting how the term philanthropy, defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others,” has become associated almost exclusively with the wealthy; a badge worn to show how they “give back” to the community. Yet, rarely is the question of why there is the need to give back considered from the standpoint of market dynamics itself. While there is indeed growing global concern about increasing inequality, existing poverty, and so on little real effort is being made to counter the problem from the standpoint of altering the social structure to correct what are clearly systemic problems inherent in or society. In fact, philanthropy appears to be the only practice to redistribute wealth that isn’t met head-on with great disdain by the prevailing intelligentsia, especially in America. Even quite basic traditional platforms, such as increased taxation of the rich, are routinely met with contempt by gatekeeper of the capitalist religion. In the words of conservative Forbes contributor Jeffery Dorfman, “Income Redistribution’s Logical Conclusion Is Communism…. once you admit that income redistribution is fair, there is no logical stopping point short of communism.” This kind of anti-social dogma is nothing new, prominently set in motion in the early to mid-twentieth century when the threat of communism was putting capitalist hegemony at risk. The long-term consequence has been a reactionary Western culture that sees any direct government action toward economic equality, especially if it inconveniences the wealthy, as little more than a move toward bureaucratic tyranny.

While all charity is admirable, once it becomes institutionalized and funded to the extent seen by organizations such as the Gates Foundation, it turns into something different, with extended social ramifications. These elite charities are true, large-scale institutions with power, engaging in lobbying, transnational partnerships, political policy alignments, and so on. Where and how the George Soroses and Bill Gateses of the world mobilize money can have powerful effects on industry, politics, culture, academia, scientific research, national policy, and the like. In the case of Gates, his foundation is “undeniably, the most powerful an influential global health charity in history,” in the words of health-law professor Lawrence Gostin. What critics rightfully point out is that, regardless of good intention, unaccountable, singular private power in global health affairs poses serious problems, in the same way autocratic dictatorships pose serious problems for democracy and liberty. Any organization with the power to actually affect the lives of millions of people needs transparency, accountability, and a democratic presence. Thee private institutions have little to non.

What we have is the rise of a new breed of pseudo-egalitarian capitalists. They generate their great wealth by way of often ruthless competitive behavior in the private sector, arguably promoting the very mechanisms that have led to the vast structural violence and extensive poverty existing on Earth to begin with. They then turn around and offer their charity as the solution to the problems created by the very system that rewards them. Once again, this has nothing to do with intent. It is about an underlying hypocrisy that bypasses and obscures the real problem-solving focus desperately needed to further human-rights justice. That focus can only be structural.

At the same time, this institutionalization of philanthropy also serves to placate the public, giving a caring face to those who have often extracted such great wealth at the cost of others’ well-being. In the words of activist Slavoj Zizek, “Charity is the humanitarian mask hiding the face of economic exploitation.” There is a deep psychological need in those of great wealth to feel that their exceptionalism is justified. They naturally wish not only to ensure everyone believes they deserve what they have, but also to justify it to themselves. An example of this is the “Giving Pledge” project it is very difficult not to view the entire project as a PR stunt for the upper 0.1 percent. There is no transparency, so the public might never know whether a person gave or not.

For those who do follow through, there are prominent tax incentives, specifically in the United States. Since donations to charity and philanthropic foundations allow for reduced tax liability for the rich, giving money away often becomes an act of strategic self-interest. Very often, the rich simply set up their own foundations and move money through them via tax loopholes. Estate taxes are interesting as they relate to the rich only. In the US when wealthy people die, s In 2023, the federal estate tax ranges from rates of 18% to 40% and generally only applies to assets over $12.92 million. The rich work around this tax in various ways, with charitable foundations forming the most common means. A study done by the Tax Policy Center in 2003 found that “the estate tax encourage charitable giving at death by allowing a deduction for charitable bequests” and “also encourages giving during life.” The Congressional Budge Office corroborated this finding and added that during life, this same class would also reduce giving by up to 11 percent.

With globalization wealth inequality explode to a level never seen before. Disparity is not a Democratic or Republican problem. It is a problem challenging our great cities, sprawling suburbs and rural heartland.  Asian Americans are among the fastest growing group in US. But Why income inequality is growing at the fastest rate among Asian Americans. According to Pew Research Center, the median household income for Asian American households was $85,800 in 2019, slightly higher than the total U.S. median household income. Burmese Americans, however, bring in a household income of $44,400, about half of the median income for Asians in the United States. It’s an example of the widening income inequality within the Asian American community. Aggregate economic data often overshadows poverty experienced by many Asian Americans. Even in Taiwan, one of the most well-to-do and democratic politics in Asian regions, the Housing Affordability Crisis is closely related to Government Policy Actions in Taiwan.

In June 2020, US House Speaker Pelosi appointed the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. The Committee was suppose to develop solutions to the key economic issue of our time: the yawning prosperity gap between wealthy Americans and everyone else. America is more unequal today than it has ever been, and far more unequal than other developed nations. Great wealth disparities slow our economy, poison our politics and offend our moral sensibilities. The Committee was dissolved in January 2023 at the start of the 118th Congress, is not fair and justice one of the most pressing issues of our time? With government cutting social welfare, Assisted-living homes are rejecting Medicaid and evicting seniors. How to balance business interest with humanitarian and needs is something our government needs to address.

The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics Paperback – August 23, 2022 by Jerry Bowyer (Author). Jesus definitely wants His followers to be compassionate and generous, He had no problem with those who accumulate wealth honestly, by hard work or even shrewd investments, enjoying the fruits of their efforts. Rather His issue is with those in positions of power who prosper by exploiting the less fortunate. As the author puts it, “What you will see is Jesus confronting the takers of wealth, not the makers of it”. Jesus never said anything negative about wealth or rich people when preaching in Galilee, which was characterized by numerous moderately prosperous tradespeople and small family farms, what today we would call “small businesses.” It was only in Judea, and especially Jerusalem, where a powerful ruling class exploited the people for their own profit, that He had harsh things to say to the rich.

MAGA Slogan Turns Out to be American Publicity of Self-Deception

In the book, Emotional Bullshit: The Hidden Plague that Is Threatening to Destroy Your Relationships-and How to S top It Paperback – December 26, 2008, author, Dr. Carl Alasko, a practicing family therapist, takes apart the emotional poisons that destroys trust and happiness in every area of life, no matter is dating, marriage, parenting, friendship or at work, explain how the toxic trio dynamics of Denial, Delusion and Blame combined to cause stealth disease of mental disorder in individuals as well as in the nation.
*  deny, manipulate and distort essential facts 
*  substitute a delusional and false reality, and then 
*  blame someone or something when things fall apart. 

Many components of this trio are innate behavioral and chemical processes that are necessary for survival. It is when we abuse the properties of the ‘Toxic Trio,’ that problems begin. Dr. Alasko gives you the knowledge and power to understand the forces that come into play when you feel compelled to refuse to accept responsibilities for the choices you make.  These plagues have proven to be the prevalent cause of destructive and even irreparably damaged relationships. The problems of society start with the individual.  Learn how to recognize these toxic and avoid the dark, downward spiral of self-deception and delusion. This type of dynamic is denoted in the Neptune in Virgo square Mars in Gemini in the United States national chart, and manifested as self-undoing behavior such as habitual liar/misrepresentation, compulsive gambling, uncontrollable drug usage, lawless sex addition, incessant wars/proxy war with other countries of last seventy years, are among some of the symptoms of a mind that prone to be clouded by corruption distorted value system . We observed this display darkness in the United States during the crisis of national debt accumulation, government budget ceiling, financial/bank disaster and outrageous claims of the politicians.

Professor Michael Hudson has devoted his career to the study of debt, both domestic debt (loans, mortgages, interest payments), and external debt. In his works, he consistently advocates the idea that loans and exponentially growing debts that outstrip profits from the real economy are disastrous for both the government and the people of the borrowing state as they wash money (payments to usurers and rentiers) from turnover, not leaving them funds to buy goods and services, thus leading to debt deflation. Hudson notes that the existing economic theory, the Chicago School in particular, serves rentiers and financiers and has developed a special language designed to reinforce the impression that there is no alternative to the status quo. In a false theory, the parasitic encumbrances of a real economy, instead of being deducted in accounting, add up as an addition to the gross domestic product and are presented as productive. Hudson sees consumer protection, state support of infrastructure projects, and taxation of rentier sectors of the economy rather than workers, as a continuation of the line of classical economists today.

Professor Hudson talked about Economic lessons for 2020. He has written extensively on the 2008 and 2020 crisis, including the books, Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire Third Edition Paperback – September 30, 2021, THE BUBBLE AND BEYOND Paperback – Illustrated, June 20, 2014, Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy Paperback – August 20, 2015, and J IS FOR JUNK ECONOMICS: A GUIDE TO REALITY IN AN AGE OF DECEPTION Paperback – February 21, 2017. He has also done groundbreaking research on debt and finance in antiquity, most recently in “….and forgive them their debts: Lending, Foreclosure and Redemption From Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year (1) (Tyranny of Debt) Paperback – October 30, 2018,” revealing the long history of lending, foreclosure and redemption, and how “debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.” The only question is on whose backs those debts will be carried.

Dr. Michael HUDSON – De-Dollarization – Toward the End of U.S. Monetary Hegemony? Since the end of World War II, the United States has been the world’s hegemonic power. In economic, military, and cultural spheres, the U.S. has enjoyed nearly unrivaled supremacy. However, unlike past hegemons, which have been net creditors to the rest of the world, the United States is a net debitor; but this is a strength, not a weakness. U.S. debt is an integral feature of its economic dominance, through which the United States receives goods and services from the rest of the world in exchange for dollars it can print and keystroke into existence. Yet cracks are showing in the foundations of dollar hegemony, as countries look to find ways to escape from U.S. economic dominance. In this talk, Prof. HUDSON will discuss the prospects and challenges of global de-dollarization, and how countries like China may forge a way toward a different monetary system free of U.S. control.

How can we Make American Great Again? First of all, we have to address these compulsive spending of military complex, politicians and ruling classes in draining the world economy by rent-seeking 90 percent of the world. As United States is so deep entrenched into the debt, both Republican and Democratic party blame on China as the country that take away American’ job. One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. How will his policy of cutting taxes for the corporation and 1% contribute to the MAGA? According to the fact checking site Snopes and U.S. Treasury data, 25% of the United States’ total national debt was accrued during the Trump administration. The surge in debt was largely due to the $3.7 trillion in pandemic relief offered to Americans, Snopes reported. And that definitely contribute to a good degree of high inflation we are suffering now.

Financial Crisis and Its Tie with U.S. Government Irresponsibility

The sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank was met by an equally swift response from US regulators. But the crisis is far from over, and the nature of the authorities’ response introduces problems of its own….. time inconsistency in policy making (coming up with new tools and rules after the fact) does present a difficult problem. In this case, a bank run suddenly rendered an optimal policy – limited deposit guarantees – suboptimal. But by breaking their own rule, regulators jeopardize their own credibility. Rescuing all SVB depositors – including those with deposits above the FDIC ceiling – is not without controversy, says Takatoshi Ito, a former Japanese deputy vice minister of finance, a professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a senior professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.

However, there are ways to mitigate moral hazard. First, depositors should be guaranteed for their principal, but not for interest payments (or at least for above-average payments). Second, bank executives’ salaries for the period leading up to the crisis – say, the previous three years – should be clawed back, and any pending bonuses should be denied. One reason why the 2008 bank bailouts were so unpopular was that executives still received bonuses. This must not be repeated in the current crisis.

In a piece with Project Syndicate, An Insolvency Iceberg, Ito detail analyze the logic, assuming the media’s reporting tells the whole story:

This is where moral hazard comes in. Now that US authorities have issued an ex post blanket guarantee, all depositors will expect that any and all deposits will be protected. They will duly pour deposits into institutions offering higher interest rates; but such competitive rates tend to be offered on large deposits by weak banks with tight liquidity constraints. These weak institutions’ depositors can now anticipate being made whole if the institution fails. Accordingly, they will cease to play any monitoring role within the financial system.

And make no mistake: bank executives will be motivated to take on a lot more risk. On one hand, if their risky loans do not become non-performing, their institutions will reap large profits, and they will be compensated handsomely. On the other hand, if their loans go south, they will just leave the bank and move on to the next thing (recall that SVB paid out bonuses on the very day that it was failing).

…..In Japan, where the inflation rate is much lower than in the US and Europe …… and the Bank of Japan is still intervening in the market to cap the ten-year bond rate at 50 basis points. But if the inflation rate in Japan continues to rise for the rest of the year, some regional Japanese banks may confront liquidity crises, which could trigger bank runs. Though this is far from the baseline scenario, it cannot be ruled out.

Over the last few months, a G7 economy (the United Kingdom), a midsize US bank (Silicon Valley Bank), a small African economy (Ghana), a lower-middle-income South Asian economy (Pakistan), and the fastest-growing global services sector (technology) have all faced short-term cash constraints. Monetary-policy tightening in the United States – where the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 475 basis points in the space of a year – has produced knock-on effects around the world. But the stark disparities in how these effects are being treated speak volumes about current global financial arrangements. As in past systemic crises, this one is revealing major flaws in the international financial system. Vera Songwe, Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility, is a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote in Where Is the Global South’s Rescue Brigade?

In another article The Fed’s Role in the Bank Failures by Raghuram G. Rajan, former governor of the Reserve Bank of India, and Viral V. Acharya, a former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, pointed out There are four reasons to worry that the latest banking crisis could be systemic. The article re-examines bank behavior and supervision, reminds the Fed that it cannot afford to ignore the role that its own monetary policies (especially QE) played in creating today’s difficult conditions.

The two authors called attention to a under-appreciated fact in a paper presented at the Fed’s annual Jackson Hole conference in August 2022. As the Fed resumed QE during the pandemic, uninsured bank deposits rose from about $5.5 trillion at the end of 2019 to over $8 trillion by the first quarter of 2022.

Yanis Varoufakis, a former finance minister of Greece, is leader of the MeRA25 party and Professor of Economics at the University of Athens, suggest in Let the Banks Burn, ” In fact, regulators and central banks knew everything. They enjoyed full access to banks’ business models. They could see vividly that these models would not survive the combination of significant increases in long-term interest rates and a sudden withdrawal of deposits. Even so, they did nothing. “

How Can We Prevent Another Financial Crisis Worse than that in 2008?

The recent SVB, Signature Bank, First Republic Bank as well as one of world’s top 30 bank – Credit Sussie are experiencing huge crisis, triggering panics. And it is said the German bank has turn on red light as well. And so Paul Craig Robert’s article The US Has the World Setup for a Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008 caught my attention. Here are the main points:

  • Such a crisis, because of US financial dominance and because of the interconnections of globalism, which was a huge mistake for humanity, would be international.
  • One way that cause the crisis is the shrinking asset side of banks’ balance sheets but not the liabilities side caused by decades of low interest rate and the current rate hikes not seen since 2006.
  • Second avenue to crisis is the $188 trillions of dollars exposure in derivatives held by the five large U.S banks, this dollar amount is much higher than in 2008, so the potential for a worse crisis exists.
  • The derivative crisis that occurred in 2008 resulted from the repeal in 1999 of the Glass Steagall Act which had prevented financial crisis for 66 years since its passage in 1933. The Glass-Steagall Act separated commercial from investment banking.

Since back in the 1980s, $50 trillion has been transferred from the bottom 90% of Americans… to the richest 1%. That’s more money than the GDP of China, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, India, and Italy… combined. All going into the pockets of a short list of Americans.

Wall Street crushed our housing and financial markets in 2008… and came out $39 trillion richer in just 24 months. In 2020, as the world panicked at the start of the pandemic, Wall Street took every advantage they could to make more. And do you know what happened? The top 1% ended up with two-thirds of the wealth created from the global meltdown. Listen to this folks… For every ONE DOLLAR of new global wealth earned by the bottom 90%, the ultra-rich gained roughly $1.7 million…

Households without a college degree saw their share of the nation’s net worth shrink in 2020. Holders of a degree held 71.8% of the national total at the end of last year. The Wealth Gains That Made 2020 a Banner Year for the Richest 1%. There’s a reason the 1% has average gains TWICE as big as the ordinary investor over the span of three decades. And if you’ve ever wondered how… it’s by playing this twisted game only they know the rules to. And maybe the next round of the game has already begun. And if that take place, what’s happening now could be even worse. Are our governments continue to let the situation worse by allowing policies like low/no taxes on the super rich and high tax on the middle class?

By November 2022, more than 634 million people had contracted Covid-19. Over 6.61 million had died. Here comes several whistleblowers reveal to the public what is going on.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Part 1): The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process. and (Part 2) Tools of Tyrants. Robert Kennedy Jr. understands so much and has experience to share. He knows it takes people to run a world and they got to be paid and treated most of all fair by the systems and each other. 

According to Aaron Siri, managing partner of Siri & Glimstad LLP, the vaccine manufacturer had secure unprocedent protections from liabilities three decades ago. If they prevail , then in 5-10 years, it will reset the normal health baseline in America for heart issues, cardiovascular disease. That would be the new normal. “I was always told that vaccines are safe. And if a product is safe, why do you need to give the manufacturer … essentially immunity to liability for the injuries that that product causes? Because if it’s safe, certainly in the way that our public health authorities project it safe to the public, there shouldn’t be any injuries, or there should be one in a million, as you often hear.” Aaron Siri reveals to the public in detail (Part 1): Why are Vaccine Manufacturers the most protected, and (Part 2): the dark secret of vaccine business model.

When we finally had that data, you got a sense of why they didn’t want the public to have it, because it showed that 7.7 percent of the over 10 million V-safe users reported needing medical care after a COVID-19 vaccine.

Among all these chao, Victor Davis Hanson spoke of what underspin is The top-down revolution engulfing America. And as the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus—commonly known as the novel coronavirus. Joshua Philipp hosted the documentary expose the Wuhan Lab Leak: Tracking down covid’s origin.

Victor Davis Hanson, a classicist, military historian, and author of a number of best-selling books, including most recently “The Dying Citizen.”

Humanity Have to Live According to Cosmic Order

Today there is an article talked about AI Develops Cancer Treatment In 30 Days, Predicts Survival Rate. This paper try to persuade readers the evidence of the capacity for AI to transform the drug discovery process with enhanced speed, efficiency, and accuracy, and Michael Levitt, a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry is an enthusiastic supporter of this, as well as big corporations. In my not so humbled opinion, this is allopathy model scare the heck out of me. After the covid-19 vaccination development and still the virus mutate all the time, AI methods is just going to create more virus rather than healing. AI model is one that of arrogant 简单粗暴, deviate from cosmic wisdom. What a pity AI can not treat itself of cancer! What confidence you put on people who do NOT follow the maxim of “do it to others as you would like to do it onto yourself”?

My sucepticle come from my understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine mechanism, which does not relate so well with chemistry because TCM used organic herbal compounds rather than single non-organic chemical abstracts. Western chemical is based on quantifiable 109 table of elements of the world. This model of worldview separates matter(Yang) and spirit (Yin), causing biased understanding of the human body function. The characteristic of TCM diagnoses is based on balance of Yin Yang and Five Xin (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal). I believe other holistic treatment like India’s Ayveda and Native Americans energy medicine all follow this kind of approach.

中国著名中医学家、国医大师周仲瑛教授临证六十余载,擅长恶性肿瘤诊治,从“癌毒”辨治恶性肿瘤取得了突出的疗效。周老根据他60年临证经验, 认为癌毒是恶性肿瘤的病机关键,恶性肿瘤的治疗务必以“消癌解毒”为首要。肿瘤病机虽有多端,但概而言之,不外“虚、毒、痰、瘀”四端,四者之间常相互夹杂、相兼为患。 临证根据邪正虚实、标本缓急,或以攻毒祛邪为主,或以补虚扶正为主,或攻补兼施。根据癌毒与痰、瘀、湿、热等病理因素兼夹主次情况,配合化痰、祛瘀、利湿、清热等治法。初期,正虚不显时,以消癌解毒配合化痰软坚、逐瘀散结为主;中期,兼有脏腑功能失调时,可适当伍入调理脏腑功能之品;晚期,正虚明显者,则以补益气血阴阳为主,兼顾消癌解毒、化痰软坚、逐瘀散结等法。

Continue with the idea of cancer derived from toxic not expelled out from body and accumulate over the time causing the Yin Yang out of balance (cell mutation), we notice this phenomenon is manifested in social political economic sphere as well. Human ego’s crave for perpetuate growth, desire with having more, which is not in align with how universe operate. Just observe the four seasons with each season contribute to the development of next one. People have observed when there are no obvious winter season, the plants does not bloom in spring and summer. Before the globalization, different regions lived different life style and pace of growth, allowing complementary space. After Columbus discover the new continent, all the development is exploited on the idea of colonization or expanding territory. The last five hundred plus year witnessed the process of exploitation to Earth resources now verged on exhaustion. That western philosophy was winner takes it all, which build in human’s fight and flight response to life, had now spread to rest of the world with globalization as norm. Human’s insatiable desire keep on taking from the nature without any giving back. But the covid-19 is the siren waking us to our self-destructive behavior. Russia Ukraine war is another loud alarm for impending nuclear war! Humanity HAVE to live their life according to cosmic order, divine principle, or face the danger of extinction, similar to the 9-11 disaster symbolism of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The recent bank insolvency of Credit Suisse and potential many others accidents waiting to happen. Living on the doctrine of survival of the fittest, the Western mindset is based on that of dominance and predatory, so there no moral condom of either colonization or other similar aggression behavior as organized crime. Industrial revolution, science revolution and now digital revolution are all build on a mentality of dominance for power and control. That is the root cause of WWI and WWII. Weaponize the currency and structured exploitation using finance scheme is evidence of such strategic of state craft. Then eye for an eye response triggers potential of war violence and nuclear war. Confrontation rather than inter-dependence overtake our rational mind.

Iraq war and Middle East wars certain is the manifestation of the American empire’s military power. But American has lost a lot for what it hope to gain. There is no winner in the war. 【苑举正】俄乌战争已进入决战期! 台大教授解密:未来世界格局如何发展?

I still feel the decade of 1960s is the start of current decay we are undergoing. One way of evidence is planet Pluto and Uranus conjunct on 18 Virgo, which is a 127 year cycle. Virgo is the sign of huge shift from individual psychology to social interactions. Coming from Leo of creative, dramatic, complacency and self-center, Virgo is a adjustment before entering into Liberal which is a relationship sign. Virgo promote detoxification, improvement, analysis, methodology, introspection. The 1960s Pluto and Uranus conjunction is close to U.S. Neptune of 22 degree Virgo in the natal chart. And all these three is square to U.S Mars (symbolic of aggression) in Gemini at natal chart. And we can recall beatles, flower love, psychedelic drug usage, Vietnam war, Cuber Missile contention, space exploration… all the confusion, disorientation of high octave planets is long terms effects on collective psyches. Another way is Professor Zheng ShiQiang talking about 《皇極經世》, which indicate 巽 (1924-1983)之蛊(1964-1973)。 Now we have 鼎 (1984-2043)之蛊 (2014-2023)is further decay from the 1960s。

中國最嚴重的問題上不了兩會,習近平真的沒把民眾當回事; 李克強為何漏掉關鍵一段?是故意的還是出狀況? Compare to France, where the union workers can protest, China’s retirement account has eleven provinces already exhausted their funds. The communist party led government has money to bribe corruptions, throwing money on one belt projects. The peasants were robbed of their lands and force to work in the factories, and now they do not have money for the retirees, because central government had drew all taxes from all provinces, leaving each provinces hang in despair. 专制与时代精神不合拍. 在黑暗的时代不反抗,就意味着同谋。——萨特

If we do not correct our problem, purify ourselves from the toxics, the cancer will take over the body.

In Search for Functional Government in the Era of Modern Globalization 4 Sickness as Symptom of Western Culture Mental Collapse

President Andrew Jackson created Democratic Party, which is regarded as the oldest political party in the world. At his time there was a massive problem of corruption in the government and on every action taken by the administrations. Jackson established the party along with numerous other supporters with the objective of economic equality, the welfare state, fair government regulation in the economy, environmental protection, and support of labour and the unions. And he made good use of the Veto power based on the political grounds instead of the constitutional grounds.

Today there is a total systematic corruptions on both parties in American politics. From numerous situations and cases, people began to recognize the deceptive nature of the political elites and system. The democrats are using their self-imposed status as the party of the people to manipulate us because they feel they have the moral high ground to do so. We watched how those who were elected to serve the people enter the political sphere with modest means and good intentions and exit multi-millionaires with a closet full of skeletons. The culture of corruption is on a roll.

Even worse Democratic party are leading some dark and horrifying development. For example, a lawmaker in Virginia called Elizabeth Guzmani is introducing a bill that will charge parents who are not wholeheartedly endorse their minor children’s sex change whims, if you object to the kid’s request to have a mastectomy, send you to jail. Another example is the recent liberals’ use of Fetterman in Philadelphia midterm election – one of the most famous politicians in the country merging with computer(it is said he had brain damage) – this is the future technocratic have imagined, the most cynical political move in US history. Where exactly is the software end and the John Fetterman’s consciousness begin? Pennsylvania could very well be sending one of the computer program to the senate which will inevitably be hacked. What is more irony is, for a long stretch lasting well into his 40s, Fetterman’s main source of income came from his parents. Alas the New York Times told its reader, who did not know better, that Fetterman turned his a blasted town into national symbol of hope, hard work, and authentic blue jeans.

One more issue – we lost a hundred thousand Americans in drug abuse, just last year, mostly are young people, and many hundreds of thousands over the past five years. And yet when was the last time we see politicians mention about fighting for people with drug additions and their families ? We have just a reversal of Roe vs. Wade, yet there is no mention of protection or supporting of the single moms and their baby, in the media or politician’s speech. The left has created a breakdown in law and order and fail to do things that improve American life, as a result many social disadvantaged groups are put under stress and deranged by the dysfunctional system which the left has turn a blank eye to. Then in 2016, the liberals can no longer say “Give us 50 years, we will turn Baltimore into Geneva!” Many liberals’ wild ideas which were based on delusions fall flat face. Every single liberal enthusiasm failed, from money illusion of Friedman monetary policy to market economy, from radical feminism to urban renewal, from out-sourcing to shared economy, each and every one turned out to be disaster. After all these, are they now going to jump on board of AI and planting computer chip to human as the next fad? One reader commented that there is more sheep in this country than people who love this country and love the Lord !!

Richard D. Wolff | America’s Major Tax SCAM , reminds people that President Roosevelt in the state of union speech in 1944, a time of war, had proposed the top income tax bracket to the richest people he was in favor was 100%. What that meant was every dollar over $25K (that was the cut off amount then, would be about $380K-$390K now) will sent government. Eventually it was settled at 94% with the support from both Republican and Democratic. After Roosevelt passed away, the top bracket remained above 90% for the next 20 years. Even in 1970s, it was at 70%. In 1945, for every dollar tax from individuals, government also get $1.5 from corporations. The total from corporations was 50% more than from individuals.

Today for every dollar tax from individuals, corporations turn in 25 cents. And we have a top personal tax bracket at 37%, and many corporations evade taxes by hiring top accountants to take advantage of loop holes. 60 Top Corporations Paid $0 Federal Taxes Under Trump Tax Law. And we know many corporations use the cash to buy back stock to boost their executives compensation packages and reward investors who benefits tremendously from loosing Federal Reserve Bank monetary policies since the Green Span, Bernanke years. As a result the last 50 years witnessed the rolling back the tax on corporate and shift on individuals, and rolling back the tax on wealthy individuals and put it instead to all the less advantaged.

The Chris Hedges Report interviewed with Richard Wolff on the issue of Inflation, Europe’s energy crisis, and the Fed. Professor Wolff said, price went up because the people who had the power raise them, and our government had not protected the consumers. A tiny minority of American, a less than one percent who are employers, that is the corporate employers, one after another, raised the prices, and imposed the inflation on the rest of us. It is of course reasonably to ask why employers raise price, they raise price to make profit. The problem is, the employers are very tiny minority, and we the consumers are the majority. They make up excuses like supply chain disruption issues, the Chinese delayed because of COVID-19 related concerns, or just because other people are raising the price. The American media overwhelmingly service the employer class by giving enormous attention and exaggeration to all the excuses they claimed, with minimal investigative scrutiny, and almost never point out to Americans, that what you grumbled about supermarket or department store are the decisions made by a small unaccountable minority looking to make more profits. There are a lot of providential support that inflation are going together with nice corporate profitability improvements.

The Europeans are paying a heavy financial price for the war in Ukraine, but here in American, the power that be are leading the charge to the sanction of Russia for oil and gas export. The Russians might very well come up with counter sanctions of their own, which together with sanctions from the west, drive up the total cost of energy, especially for the Europe. The discriminatory impact of the sanction program on Europe, as well as the subsidize program on industry here in United States put Europe in jeopardy. In addition, the Ukraine are suffering from proliferation of winter weather and the energy facilities damage from war.

…. more to come ….

An American Government Put on By the Oligarchy and Serve the Autocracy

Now that mid-term election is just over, there seems campaign is kicking off for the 2024 election already. American power that being enjoy the dazzling shows that confusing everyone: The government do not govern, but on the election all the time. According to election commission data, Presidential candidates raised and spent $4.1 billion in the 24 months of the 2019-2020 election cycle, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission that cover activity from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020. It is said that elected officials earn anywhere from $193,400-to -$400,000 per year. But what had they do for people? Now FTX a Ponzi Scheme Scam by SBF With HUGE TIES to US Government? If so, Democrats are in the middle of the ‘biggest financial fraud case in US history’.

So much that has occurred in the last 3 or 4 years is so wrong. Dr. Robert Malone is one of the clear headed, as early as in March/April 2020, Robert Malone & the dark horse podcast was one of the few voices speaking logic, questioning why there was so much fear spreading propaganda behind Covid. Every move made was calculated and designed to stop society having freedom of choice. We are thankful that there are still people of conscience like Dr. Malone putting himself and his reputation on the line so many times to help humanity see through the propaganda. A lot of people who made a lot of money on Covid-19 are good friends of Mr. Bill Gates. Dr. Malone has traveled quite extensively, but every time he turn around, there he found the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who refuse to take it. Dr. Malone spoke of we are dealing with the multi-factoria condition in which we have some absolutely nefarious actors that have exploited what has occurred here, and this includes various players involved in the Global Financial system. They are the ones behind this and triggered all these. Robert Malone Reveals Bill Gates played a key role in advancing a lot of the mistakes that happened here.

The working class and the poor did not have a say. But You won’t believe who is going after Bill Gates now! In this video, not only Russell Brand, but we take a look at the 50 groups that are targeting him for his global domination in the agricultural and technological sector. This may be surprising to you, but they all have one goal in mind- to stop Gates from controlling the world food supply. With great power comes great responsibility. It is time for Bill Gates to use his resources and platform to find solution for supporting people’s right and dignity, rather than promoting initiatives that benefits himself and his corporate cronies. Some comment: This is what happens when a software thief actually believes that he is a farmer and a scientist. Another damage he did was on education. Some audience suggests: Bill Gates should be the first person to be responsible for to lost of teachers job. Next should be Klaus Schwab followed by Alejandro Mayorkas then Merrick Garland then John Kerry, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Chuck Schumer, take your pick.

Dr. Malone think of Bill Gate’s logic had been there was just not enough data or not enough tools to process all the data. And now we’ve got these cool new things like machine learning and deep learning artificial intelligence etc, now if we just had enough data from everybody in the world, we could run that into our massive metaphorical spreadsheet, really figure out how to make the world on Rails. What we see in the last three years has just been a chronic bungling. The banishment of this affair has demonstrated a profound level of incompetence and what blow people’s mind is that WHO and CDC, a lot of these other actors have been involved in these. That does not work in Dr. Malone’s deep learning algorithms. We should stop defining Humanity by using the computer language of economics, we should stop defining human beings as economic entities as numbers on the spreadsheet. Humans are so much more than that. The art has turned dead, all it about is how rich you are, how much money you can make. You can make your jet, your boat, fancy cars, what you got at the bank, how much power you have, What happen to the communities, what happen to spiritualism, what happen to commitment to our children, commitment to education, commitment to Future Generations? All these talk about Green living int he Green world, there is a whole lot of talk and exploitation of Nitrogen loads in Dutch Farmers as ways to justify other agendas. The folks that has been advancing these agendas have been doing so for so long and they have amassed such massive amounts of capital, that they are going to have their way with us. Senator Rand Paul Has A Message For Biden About COVID-19.

Michael Hudson | Economy is one big PONZI SCHEME. A financial network connects to a political network that connects to a corporate network, and then even a philanthropic and even cultural network – and what you get is a very strong entrenched power and amplified power. Scary stuff that appears to amplify at a global level the insights of C. Wright Mills ( The Power Elite ) and G. William Domhoff ( Who Rules America? ). In the second quarter of 2022, 68 percent of the total wealth in the United States was owned by the top 10 percent of earners. In comparison, the lowest 50 percent of earners only owned 3.2 percent of the total wealth. The 1% own 57% of private companies, according to the Federal Reserve.  Jeffrey Sachs Explains Why America Is Entering A Horrific Financial Crisis… The 1% own more than 50% of the equity shares in both private and public companies. Much of their wealth comes from soaring stock prices. Professor Sach had worked extensively in Russia, Central Europe, in China and other parts of the world. He said America has three decades of militarization of American foreign policy, data showed that there have been more than 100 military interventions by the United States since 1991. USA is a country of 4.2% of the population in a big, diverse world, the West, meaning the US and European Union, and G7 together is a small part of world Population, perhaps roughly 10%. We should learn to get along. Instead, we are using weaponry – a military first approach to any problems. U.S called for Nato enlargement, no matter what other countries say may be armful to their security interests. We brush aside other countries’ interest. That not only make the world more danger, it also put American in more danger. data

Another public figure with a great historical context and practical insight is Professor Hudson. Michael Hudson: A New Bipolar World. US finance capitalism vs. China’s mixed public/ private economy spoke of Western and U.S financial oligarchies’s aim is to shift economic planning out of the hands of elected governments to Wall street and other Financial Centers that are under U.S control . A U.S policy use the international monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to demand privatization of the world’s infrastructure for countries to be dependent on U.S technology, oil and food exports. So what does it mean by autocracy? Government that seek to govern their own economy and avoid that kind of fictionalization and privatization, (Thatcherism and Reaganomics). Germany and Europe are now being forced into a depression and de-industrialization as a result of the sanctions that the Americans have told them to impose on Russia.

Creative Solution for Economic Crisis – Case Study of Sri Lanka

Listening to BeiQi’s Youtube program conjures up ideas to use financing for constructive usage. Currently many global south countries were among the most damaged economies by the raging inflation globally, the slow down in business activities and hazardous health conditions of Covid-19 impact. Sri Lanka is one of the most striking case in point. This island country had experienced unprecedented social political crisis in the recent years. On the other hand, the developed countries have tons of capital looking for good investments. As a global village, maybe this is a good opportunity to negotiate win-win negotiation.

Contrary to the impression of accused corruption, the chart reveal the President and government are the underneath factor for stabilization. Despite the circumstances, Sun(representing the President and Government) conjunct Saturn(execution, organize, planning, effort) situated next to the MC at the top of the chart are highly involving many aspects of the natal and progressive chart as well as the cosmos vibration of the moment(the out most transit ring). The Saturn being the North Node ruler, have a grand trine with the natal Moon and natal Pluto denoting a high level of social coherency and power. The current Sri Lanka President and Parliament are fighting a uphill battles together with their countrymen(the natal Moon at 26 degree of Virgo conjuct natal Pluto at 29 Virgo) .

There are tremendous pressure to integrate idealism into reality(Opposition of Sun/Saturn to natal Neptune) by deploy methodology, process, techniques(Tip of T-square represented by Asc at 7-8 degree of Virgo) . The country will uphold their spirituality (natal/progressive Neptune) as their driving force(progressive Mars at 8 degree of Leo) for the positive changes to come. This is a country that will radiate tremendous spiritual power to light up the world as the time progress.

As shown above, according to the news, Sri Lanka run into financial difficulty. All the loans they have came from third world countries and China. But they have built beautiful airport, hospital in addition to very nice port and tons of natural resources. In U.S. we have tons of capitals looking for good investment, maybe this is a great project for collaboration and constructive use of high finance? Maybe loan in the form of U.S government to Sri Lanka Government, with the condition to share the profits. With U.S Government in 30+ Trillion debt, maybe we can do some projects like these to gain income for paying off the debt? just an idea.