High Alert for Organ Transplant/Sale Markets and Statistics of Missing Children

Trafficking in persons is modern-day slavery, involving victims who are forced, defrauded, or coerced into labor or sexual exploitation. The International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN agency charged with addressing labor standards, employment, and social protection issues, estimated in 2022 that 27.6 million people worldwide were victims of forced labor, bonded labor, forced child labor, sexual servitude, and involuntary servitude, according to the report from The World Fact Book.

The lack of a common definition of “missing child,” and a common response to the issue, results in few reliable statistics on the scope of the problem around the world. Even with this challenge, the conservative number of global children missing statistics from International Center for Missing and Exploited Children is shockingly sky rocking. United States for instance, based on a 2011 report, a child goes missing every 40 seconds in America – that comes to 765,000 children a year. Worldwide, almost 20% of all trafficking victims are children. However, in some parts of Africa and the Mekong region, children are the majority (up to 100% in parts of West Africa). 

Fewer victims of trafficking in persons are being identified even as the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises are increasing vulnerabilities to exploitation, according to the latest Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched today by UNODC (United Nation Office of Drug and Crime ). Based on data gathered from 155 countries, UNODC offers the first global assessment of the scope of human trafficking.

The global market for organ transplantation estimated to reach $68.5 billion by 2029, expanding at a CAGR of 9.2% over the forecast period, driven by increasing incidences of organ failures, and rising demand for transplant products such as tissue products, immunosuppressants, and organ preservation solutions. For example, One source states that the amount of kidney transplants able to be administered in a year within the US is about 20,000, far less than the 100,000 a year that would be needed in order to meet the demand. Argument were made about whether A Legal Organ Market: Should it Exist?

Buddhism does believe that if a person clings to his body, then he cannot be moved before the last breath to avoid adding to their suffering or affecting their ascension to the pure land or rebirth in a good realm of existence. If a person made a vow to donate his organs or was very compassionate, once death is properly determined, removing his organs to save another won’t cause him any harm or vexation and anger. Master Sheng Yen talked about this topic, the main issue is when the organ was removed from the person, because western medical standard in determine the time of death may not be the true death when all consciousness left the body. So removing organs before the consciousness left the body can be very cruel and caused great pain and hurt the dying person greatly. That can said to be equivalent to killing even though this person is dying. Buddhist perspective on organ donation (GDD-361) DVD

Venerable Guan Cheng talked in English in a Q&A section about this issue: What is Buddhist perspective regarding organ donation before or after death?

Sage Journals published an article in 2015 discussed about this issue: Transplant tourism and organ trafficking: Ethical implications for the nursing profession. Here is the abstract:

Organ availability for transplantation has become an increasingly complex and difficult question in health economics and ethical practice. Advances in technology have seen prolonged life expectancy, and the global push for organs creates an ever-expanding gap between supply and demand, and a significant cost in bridging that gap. This article will examine the ethical implications for the nursing profession in regard to the procurement of organs from an impoverished seller’s market, also known as ‘Transplant Tourism’. This ethical dilemma concerns itself with resource allocation, informed consent and the concepts of egalitarianism and libertarianism. Transplant Tourism is an unacceptable trespass against human dignity and rights from both a nursing and collective viewpoint. Currently, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, the Royal college of Nursing Australia, The Royal College of Nursing (UK) and the American Nurses Association do not have position statements on transplant tourism, and this diminishes us as a force for change. It diminishes our role as advocates for the most marginalised in our world to have access to care and to choice and excludes us from a very contemporary real debate about the mismatch of organ demand and supply in our own communities. As a profession, we must have a voice in health policy and human rights, and according to our Code of Ethics in Australia and around the world, act to promote and protect the fundamental human right to healthcare and dignity.

But beyond the legal and ethical pitfalls, experts say, the health risks are not worth it.


Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and Multitude of Lying Liars that Manufactured Them

As it is depicted in the Movie The Matrix, we are living in a web of illusions. There are two types of reality, one is the state of ultimate truth as experiences by Buddha that described in Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra. Another type is secular truth for us standard human being, we should call a spade a spade. In a era of so much confusion, disorientation and drug abuses, speaking truthfully, frankly, and directly about a topic, even to the point of bluntness or rudeness, even if the subject is coarse, impolite or unpleasant, is the only way of keeping our sanity. Yes, John 8:32 says: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In a similar manner Buddha taught his disciples to vividly visualize the interior of a human body, with blood, coarse intestines etc, etc as a way to counter lust, or go to the graveyard to do meditation to get into your senses of the impermanence nature of life.

Contrary to what talk show host George Noory claimed that “Monumental Myths , is a veritable buffet for so-call conspiracy theorists”, when certain themes of phenomenon keep on repeating itself, you find so-called “conspiracy theory” turned out in time to be reality, and the so-called “conspiracy theorists ” are actually conspiracy analysts, who are the courageous heroic whistleblower. These “conspiracy theorists” turned out are the ones that called out the Emperor is naked!

Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media and the Multitude of Lying Liars That Manufactured Them Paperback – November 5, 2013 mentioned above is truly a eye opener. The author Ty Bollinger, wrote at the conclusion of the book, “George Orwell couldn’t have been more accurate when he said, ‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’ It reminds me of an old proverb: ‘It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.’

Ty Bollinger continues, ” I told my wife that this book was going to be the one that got me killed, so if you hear about me committing “suicide” by shooting myself in the head twice (like Investigative journalist Gary Webb purportedly did) or committing “suicide” by beating and torturing myself like Officer Terry Yeakey (Oklahoma City Policeman) allegedly did, or committing ‘suicide’ by shooting myself in the head and then wiping off the fingerprints after I’m dead (like deputy White House counsel during the first six months of the Clinton administration Vince Foster allegedly did) … don’t believe it. If I die in suspicious circumstances, then you can rest assured that ‘they’ got to me. Honestly, I’m not worried about it in the least. God is sovereignly controlling all things and I’m his kid, so He’s watching out for me”.

God gives us the power of reason ‘for a reason,’ to discover truth. By definition, monumental myths are not true. They are contrary to reality. They turn truth on its head. they point fingers the wrong way. They’re pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, sickness, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.

Hopefully, this book has helped you understand and appreciate why I said in the introduction that most monumental myths are not really as much of a ‘riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ as they are a ‘furtive foothill of foul-smelling feces wrapped in a fairytale inside a fable of fabrications and falsehoods.’ I hope that this book has inspired you to think for yourself, so that when the next false flag occurs (yes, there will be more false flags), you will not ‘blindly believe’ everything that the bimbo bobble-head bleached blonde on television tells you.”

” …. Since the invention of television, untold billions of people have been relying on a ‘television anchor’ to ‘explain the pictures.’ And even if the official explanations make no plausible sense, most folks believe them because ‘they’ told us so, and we all know that ‘they’ would never lie. As a result, scores of people, like lemmings, following one another right off the proverbial cliff. It is time to end the insanity. And this doesn’t just apply to television. it also applies to the ‘anchors’ in the ‘health’ care (which some folks refer to as ‘sickness perpetuation’) industry. ‘Well, Mr. Smith,’ the M.D. says, as he pins an X-ray to the wall. ‘See this thing? Right here? This lump? We’ll need to start chemo immediately, we’ll follow up with several rounds of radiation, and then, just in case, we might want to remove a large chunk of your brain. Then, as a preventative measure, we may need to remove an eye. If you find yourself in this position, say NO!!!!”


The Violence of Modern Technology Caused Extreme Environmental Pollution and Increased Toxicity in Human Body

In the video Chemical Farming and the Loss of Human Health | Dr. Zach Bush said, We’ve literary built the entire economy of not only the United States but the entire western civilization on health care. That has been a hidden reality for a long time, but for thousand of years the real control of population has been around their food. Now that we have seventy billon soul on this planet, it has become really big business when you start to be able to control food. The political control has been around the food chain and whether it delivers health. Dr. Bush said he is in an reductionist state of understand the world around us after spend 20+ years of his life study medicine, and the field of study had become more and more complicated by the minutes, there is thousands and thousands of diseases found with the current medical model, and ten thousands of drugs to treat those disease came along. Dr. Zach Bush’s work is critical in exposing the truth about our toxic food system or its health impact.

Zach Bush, MD is triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is the founder of Seraphic Group, an organization devoted to developing root-cause solutions for human and ecological health in the sectors of big farming, big pharma, and Western Medicine at large. And he is also the founder of Farmers Footprint, a non-profit coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the deleterious human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and pesticide reliance — while simultaneously offering a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

Synthetic, or chemical, fertilizers are quicker than organic fertilizers at getting nutrients into the soil in a form that can be absorbed by plants. They are helpful at first, but the negative impacts can be long term and far-reaching. Though helpful to plants, the chemicals kill beneficial soil organisms.

  • Feedback: Korean natural farming methods which use microbes bacteria and fungi to heal soil and grow incredible nutrient rich food,
  • Audience Feedback: Midwest farmer won’t grow organic crops as he will lose his farm subsidies. He gets 60 percent of his income from growing crops that are sprayed with chemicals. If he grows organic he gets nothing. 85 percent of crops grown in the Midwest are for animal feed. Big corporations run our country including Mayo Clinic and large hospitals.
  • audience feedback: I’m really trying to wake people up to the truth that the chemicals in our environment are affecting us, mentally, physically, and spiritually. I want to know the truth and find a solution to help further heal the world.
  • Feedback: As far as I recall, when I was in school in the 1960s, there were virtually no kids on any medications. Now, in 2023, the number of kids with social anxiety, health problems, and medications is staggering. When I go to the doctor, the first thing he says to me is, ” What medications are you taking” he almost doesn’t believe me when I say no medications at all. I have just turned 60.
  • Feedback: It’s ridiculous and sad that so many people view our species as “separate from nature.”
  • Feedback: A cured patient is a lost customer. The world is waking up to this.
  • feedback: My mom always staunchly refused to take us to the hospital for mild colds/flus/etc. because she said they’d just put us on endless antbiotics. She also refused to give us sweet cereals/poptarts for breakfast like all the other kids did. We only got one soda per week. It seemed unfair/silly at the time to me but in retrospect it was brilliant.

Pesticides have a bad rep, but they have been instrumental in feeding growing populations through history. Feedback: Even pesticide commonly used in organic farms allowed in most contries you will find Copper or Sufur derivates that compounds caused in many parts of Europe soil sterility, both are large spectrum “pesticide” affecting not only the target, but all microbial and insect community. The anti-sparrow campaign led to a pandemic of crop-destroying insects fuuther leading to famines. The fungi toxins are more toxic compared with chemical pesticide, and even harden to remove (search for Mycotoxin and Aflatoxin).

However, an increasing numbers of critics and farmers say they have brought about a new, and bigger challenge – poor health and the decimation of biodiversity. The less healthy the environment, the more difficult it gets to go without chemicals which when used further destroy the environment… Is it realistic, then, to get rid of them and still feed everybody on the planet? We’re destroying our environment at an alarming rate.

To strive for a eco-friendly world , more and more people start to challenge the ideas about what dealing with climate change means. What can we do and how the system needs to change. There are many people in the world working in alternatives for the current problem of Chemical pesticed. Ows, Pigs and Chicken, besides high nutrition value (in protein and essential vitamins) produce fertilizer and if used properly complete a essential cycle of food production. In fact mines of potassium nitrate (essential fertilizer in agriculture), as a gigant site of poop from birds (search for Chile Salitre). And you can use that chicken residue as a high value fertilizer. Nowadays we also have Bacillus (bacteria) that have succefully used to control fungi and some insects in field, Trichogramma galloi(Microwasp) – Insects that parasites other insects. Trichoderma a fungi that compete in the field against phytopathogenic fungis.

A lot of these conversations come back to consumers. What consumers purchase drives how farmers farm, how breeders breed, etc. If people understood that an apple with a small blemish on it is still edible, there would be much less food waste. The standards for producing fruit have gotten out of control and given farmers two options; either use harsher chemistries to try and create a perfect piece of fruit, or go organic, spend a fortune on inputs and hope that you have something to show for at the end of the year.

About 10,000 years ago, humans began to farm. This agricultural revolution was a turning point in our history and enabled the existence of civilization. Today, nearly 40% of our planet is farmland. Spread all over the world, these lands are the pieces to a global puzzle we’re all facing: in the future, how can we feed every member of a growing population a healthy diet? Can we create the “perfect” farm? Brent Loken investigates.

GMO advocates champion genetically modified food as a way to combat climate change, solve environmental issues, and solve world hunger. There are truths and fallacies both of the extremes of the GMO debate, but the reality is, and really the core problem with GMOs is not the technology or the genetically modified food itself, but what GMOs and genetically modified foods are used and controlled. Monsanto’s BT and HT crops are a perfect example of how GMO foods are used to create monopolies of environmental destruction. 转基因 为什么很少关于转基因的争议了?正在改变世界的基因编辑(我们一起聊科学:20230916 第16期)虽然只有二十多年的时间,却引发最大的争议。良心公知名嘴崔永元揭发中国农业农村部滥用转基因农作物,坑害老百姓身体健康。 冒險再大爆猛料,太多乾貨,多個名人紛紛躺槍。

Saving and replanting seeds has been an important part of farming ever since farming was discovered by William Von Farming. There maybe some practical disadvantages to saving crop seeds. but the real reason farmers stopped doing it after thousand years is because a couple of company found out a way to make replanting your own seeds illegal, almost anywhere in the world! But things start to getting complicated when the technology of inventing plant were being introduced. Humans have been cultivating new breeds of plants for as long as we grow them. One problem is no one get filthy rich yet. So in the 1930s, U.S government passed the Plant Patent Act. for the first time in the world, people can legally claim that plant was their intellectual property. Of course this does not apply to natural occurring plants. To claim a patent, you have to at least breed a distinct new variet that are capable of making more of it. And up to the 1990s, there was only 120 patented plants. Farmer did not generally grow or harvest them.

Then there is a company called Mensanto shifted their business model from selling plant poison to plant seeds that could not be killed by their own plant poisons. These “roundup-ready” crops, mostly beans and cottons, quickly took over every farm in the U.S and many more around the world, because it turned out that not dying from weeds or weed killer is an important traits for crops to have. But here is the kicker, growing a patent plants is legally the same thing as manufacturing any other patent products. so these company get to control what product the buyers can have and exactly how much they could make. Mensanto and the likes companies had their customer signed contract to use only their seeds and not allow to give it away to other people.

You are what you eat, and you can imagine what parasites you introduce into your body. Advantages of GMO foods include added nutrients, fewer pesticides, and cheaper prices. Disadvantages of GMO foods can be allergic reactions or increased antibiotic resistance. Seventy-five percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves—from soda to soup, crackers to condiments—contain genetically engineered ingredients. The long-term effects of these foods on humanity is so far unknown.

The book, The GMO Deception: What You Need to Know about the Food, Corporations, and Government Agencies Putting Our Families and Our Environment at Risk Paperback – April 12, 2016 contains 57 articles by over 70 HIGHLY Qualified Authors on this contraversal topic. Collectively, they address such questions as:
Are GM foods safe and healthy for us?
Will GM food really solve world hunger?
Are GM foods ecologically safe and sustainable?
Should animals be genetically modified for food?
Ultimately, this definitive book encourages us to think about the social, environmental, and moral ramifications of where this particular branch of biotechnology is taking us, and what we should do about it.

The real and potentially adverse effects of GMOs have been understated or negated by government and corporations, neglected by the press, and ignored by many in the scientific community who accept uncritically a corporate-crafted message. A fair-minded and unbiased individual looking at all the evidence must reach the conclusion that there is a great deal we do not know and what we do know impels us to be both cautious and concerned, skeptical of an early manufactured consensus, and critical of a framing that fails to recognize the diversity of public objections to GMOS.” Further, What if you consume meat or eggs that come from animals that were fed genetically modified feed materials? Are the unhealthy consequences of consuming that feed passed on?

According to the (USDA) US Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), biotechnology plantings as a percentage of total crop plantings in the United States in 2012 were about 88 percent for corn, 94 percent for cotton, and 93 percent for soybeans. FDA has launched an education initiative called Feed Your Mind to help consumers better understand genetically engineered foods, commonly called GMOs or genetically modified organisms. Most GMO crops are used in food for animals like cows, chickens, and fish. They are also used to make ingredients that are then used in food products like cereal, snack chips, and vegetable oils. Even though you won’t find many GMO fruits or vegetables in the produce section of your grocery store, GMOs are a common part of today’s food supply. In 2017, Congress provided funding for an Agricultural Biotechnology Education and Outreach Initiative, which calls upon FDA to work with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and USDA to share science-based educational information about GMOs, beginning with answers to some basic GMO questions.

GMOs, Consumerism and the Global Politics of Biotechnology: Rethinking Food, Bodies and Identities in Africa’s 21st Century Paperback – August 17, 2017 Despite sustained continental and national struggles for autonomy, sovereignty and independence in postcolonial Africa, the continent is increasingly embattled by the forces of globalisation which threaten African identity that is at the core of African struggles for continental and national unity. Situating the debates in the contemporary discourses on decoloniality, global consumerism, global food apartheid and the challenges and prospects of the emergent sharing economies, this book critically examines the importation, use and implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other such non-food products on African bodies, institutions and cultures. The book poses questions about how Africa can be decolonised both politically and in terms of global food apartheid and the dehumanising importation and use of “foreign” non-food products, some of which militate against the ethos of [African] identity, Renaissance and indigeneity.

The independent International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA), a not-for-profit organization, estimates that the global area of biotech crops for 2012 was 170.3 million hectares, grown by 17.3 million farmers in 28 countries, with an average annual growth in area cultivated of around 6 percent. More than 90 percent of farmers growing biotech crops are resource-poor farmers in developing countries.

Not only the soil and Earth has seriously polluted. We are increasingly surrounded by toxic air and magnetic radiations. The book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth Paperback – June 10, 2014 This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a “battlespace” in accordance with the military doctrine of “Full-Spectrum Dominance.”

This book examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska service a full-spectrum dominance. This “Revolution in Military Affairs” needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth—from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a “global village” lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that “eyes in the sky” are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions.

Elana M. Freeland’s startling book sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being “geo-engineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “Transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.

The Gaia hypothesis, also known as the Gaia theory, Gaia paradigm, or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. The scientists and technocrats like Elon Musk, in their illusory craving for space exploration new discovery for advancement, such as the highly polluted automobile battery, are unwittingly damage the balance of Planet Earth and killing lifes by millions. The tauma in their personal life is exponentially manifested into the whole planet Earth as their ego expands.

Covid -19 Exposes Science, Technology, Law and Medicine as Far from the Panacea for Modern Society

The Reuter reported today that Moderna, Pfizer say updated COVID shots generate strong response vs newer variant. As someone who is super sensative to medicine, I was adamant not to take any covid-19 vaccine, although the rest of my family rushed to received shots and several boosts despite of my warnings. Government and big pharma has again and again showed their discrediability. But we also question the role of America Medical Association in protecting the public health. For decades, AMA had stauchly refuse to do any reform. Why do they desevrved the high price charge to intoxicate the public? And why doe the Supreme Court allow such violation of Constitution to continue to exist?

Irrational, unjustified fear is deadlier than the virus. Is it as much about destroying a people as it is about profit? One of the leading thinkers to emerge in the postwar conservative intellectual revival was the sociologist Robert Nisbet. His book The Quest for Community, published in 1953, stands as one of the most persuasive accounts of the dilemmas confronting modern society. Nearly a half century before Robert Putnam documented the atomization of society in Bowling Alone, Nisbet argued that the rise of the powerful modern state had eroded the sources of community—the family, the neighborhood, the church, the guild. Alienation and loneliness inevitably resulted. But as the traditional ties that bind fell away, the human impulse toward community led people to turn even more to the government itself, allowing statism—even totalitarianism—to flourish. Tyranny & Misinformation in the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Naomi Wolf Interviewed by Graham H. Walker. Naomi Wolf – Big Tech’s Stake in COVID Lockdowns. Everybody is writing books, but nobody is bringing these criminals to justice….. Robert Nisbet in “The Quest for Community,” makes a pretty strong case for how the state benefits from human isolation and how the institutions we use to cherish such as family, church, local community are barriers between us and the state. Some of the most totalitarian regimes (USSR, China, etc) had some of the loneliest people.

Based on passive surveillance reporting as of September 30, 2021 in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men. Post-vac syndrome: ‘There is no such thing as a vaccine without side effects‘ | DW News. People are still in denial simply because their egos can’t tolerate how wrong they have been this whole time. And on top of that they feel like they’re the intelligent ones. According to reports on myocardits, the number of myocarditis in young men has risen dramatically after they received their vaccinations, also the excess deaths of around 20% in most countries is worrying. You would think that governments and the WHO should be looking into it. Man with vaccine side-effect has message for unvaccinated. Thousands of people are reporting symptoms of ‘life-altering’ tinnitus after taking the covid-19 vaccine. Pharma DESPERATE To Blame Vaccine Injury On ANYTHING ELSE; 16K+ Report Tinnitus After Jab.

In the youtube program, Dr. John Cambell looked into damage to the brain, and damage to the myocardiyum after covid-19 vaccination, or is it caused by the natural infection? Question, is this damage to the brain and heart caused by the vaccine? Research and study has found out that damage to the brain and the heart was caused by the vaccine because they only found spike protein in the brain and in the heart. It is deeply concerning that these pathologists in Germany are being labeled as conspiracy theorists simply for carrying out their work. The fact that they are being threatened with having their academic titles revoked is completely unjust and unacceptable. It is vital that we support these pathologists in their work, and ensure that they are not unfairly targeted or stigmatized for doing their jobs.

There has been so many issues that distract your attention. With the report on Dr. Fauci’s mask comments, the causes of covid-19 and the damages again float to the top discussion. Any epidemic of this scale got to have invovled with the breakdown of the whole system. According to the book, Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – December 6, 2022 tells it all. the author Dr. Malone is the original inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccination technologies (1989, with nine issued patents); including DNA and RNA vaccination as well as in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection. Dr. Malone is a specialist in clinical research, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, project management, proposal management (large grants and contracts), vaccines and biodefense. . This is given him intimate familiarity with the pharmaceutical industry. Malone emphasizes that he reports events as he sees them. He is not a psychologist. He does not want to delve into people’s motives. He can tell you what they do, not why they did it. In particular, he does not want speculate on the motives of a person such as Bill Gates. Malone barely touches on education, but he does write about a couple of subjects are closely related. One of them is groupthink. There is a great tendency in corporations to seek consensus. After everybody has been heard, there is an attempt to come to a group opinion of what to do.

The historical epidemic outbreak also shows there are people who are honesty and has integrity in America. Dr. Merle Nass, who has a chapter in the book, recounts her own experience being decertified by the medical Board of the state of Maine for prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin off-label, despite the fact that this is a totally standard, long-standing procedure.

Another researcher, Brook Jackson, a Pfizer’s Vaccine Trials whistleblower has broke out to the public that data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. She is the regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson , emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails. was fired in September of 2020.

Has the Western Medical System Turned Murderous ? Paul Craig Roberts asked virologist and doctors invollved in clinical research, clearly majority of scientists toe the line of the official narrative, fearful of being cut off from research grants or fired for “spreading misinformation.”  Once facts were replaced by untrue official narratives, scientists were left without a leg to stand on.  Agendas are being served at the expense of the population. Corporate medicine and insurance companies have turned “health care’ into a murder machine.  Protocols are replacing independent scientific judgment.  The protocols are established by articles written with Big Pharma research grants and distributed through prestigious medical journals such  as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.  In American medicine, which is increasingly corporate, doctors are employees, not independent practitioners, and have no alternative to following protocols. 

Journalist Lee Fang also reported on his new Sustack piece in which he exposes how Pfizer paid organizations that were lobbying for vaccine mandates. Pfizer Quietly Financed Supposedly Independent Groups Lobbying for Covid VACCINE MANDATES. Although the whore media and the whore Medical Establishment continue to deny it, we have known for certain for some time from published articles by the world’s leading medical scientists that Covid-19 was a laboratory creation.  We know from released official documents that NIH’s Tony Fauci financed “gain of function” research both at the University of North Carolina and then at the Wuhan Lab in China.  There is no doubt about this.  It is in the grant records.

American feminist author, journalist, and conspiracy theorist, Naomi Wolf, speaks in an interview: Tyranny & Misinformation in the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis. She has found out why so many people have died. Audience comment that, Meredith Vieira tried to make Naomi look like a fool during a so-called “news show” interview she gave for her book, “Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot,” and Naomi stood her ground like an unshakable female Joe Louis in the ring. She dodged Vieira’s attempts to discredit and ridicule, and when she spoke, Naomi’s calm, assured words were DEVASTATING to her opponent. I have never forgotten that interview, and Meredith? Well, she became a GAME SHOW HOST. Clearly Meredith prefers the “tranquility of servitude” and “wealth” over the “animating contest of FREEDOM.”

The safety and effectiveness of ivermectin (which is very inexpensive) in reducing hospitalizations, intensive care, ventilation, and deaths due to COVID-19 is as well-established as anything in medicine, and yet the courageous doctors working on the front lines of the pandemic saving lives with this drug have been viciously persecuted and deprived of their livelihoods. This must rank as one of the greatest crimes in the history of medicine. Pierre Kory, author of the book War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic Hardcover – June 6, 2023, was in the center of this maelstrom from the beginning, and in this book he tells his personal story, along with the efforts of the drugmakers along with their minions in the health services industry, govt regulatory agencies, and the media to gaslight the public, censor the news, and destroy the careers of doctors dispensing this drug. He also explains how the drugmaker-funded “experts” concocted rigged studies to diminish the apparent effectiveness of ivermectin (although they were never able to erase it completely) and details the spectacular success achieved by Uttar Pradesh (a state in India with more people living in it than most nations) in ending the pandemic there by deploying this drug – a story completely ignored by the mainstream media.

Covid Is Genocide – A Biological Warfare Crime – Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament. Dr. David Martin is a Vice President for the European Parliament. Speaks at European Parliament Summit, he Claims COVID-19 Pandemic Was Pre-Meditated Domestic Terrorism. The speech makes various arguments suggesting US companies (mainly Pfizer) were behind Covid. Dr. Martin,  commenced his speech by asserting that COVID-19 was first isolated in 1965, more than 50 years ago. He highlighted that at the time, the virus was recognized as a pathogen with the potential for modification and utilization in various contexts. Dr. Martin underlined that the virus was identified as a potential tool for biological warfare, characterizing it as a “financial heist” and a “financial fraud” in which the scientific community was manipulated. This presentation took place on May 3, 2023, during the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III held in Brussels.

It is unfortunate Medical Conspiracy Theory turned out can be true. America Medical Association has no reason to stay on business. AMA is a huge violation of US. Constitution. WATCH: Rand Paul DEMANDS Unanimous Consent To RESCIND Covid Vax, Mask MANDATE For U.S. Senate. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a resolution seeking unanimous consent to eliminate a COVID-19 vaccine mandate required for all high schoolers participating in The United States Senate Page Program. The resolution also would have prevented masking and most testing requirements for the pages. The resolution was blocked by Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) who said the decision “should be left to medical professionals.” He went on to say that a ban on masking and testing could create issues down the road if another public health emergency were to arise.

The US drug abuse epidemic is killing 300 Americans a day | The Bottom Line. Purdue Pharma introduced the opioid painkiller OxyContin in the 1990s and promoted it aggressively as non-addictive. United States government lawyers argued that the company’s owners, the Sacklers, knew how their medication was being abused widely, but doubled down on production – and profits. Recently a lawsuit was settled for $6bn. Barry Meier, the author of Pain Killer (soon to be a Netflix series), started writing about the opioid epidemic 20 years ago when it was killing about 20,000 people yearly. He tells host Steve Clemons how corporate greed and government dithering have led that number to exceed 100,000 deaths last year alone.

A society based upon peace, harmony, wisdom and compassion is possible, says Venerable Khandro Rinpoche—but we must all begin with ourselves: Compassion and Wisdom.

Teachers of Buddhism In the West Share Their Wisdom to Liberation – How Government can Deploy these Resources to Remedy Suffering

After attaining the great enlightenment, the Buddha expressed this verse in his heart (Dhammapada, verses 153-54):

"I wondered through the rounds of countless births,
Seeking but not finding the builder of this house.
Sorrowful indeed is birth again and again.
O house builder! you have now been seen.
You shall build the house no longer.
All Your rafters have been broken,
Your ridgepole shattered.
My mind has attained to unconditioned freedom.
Achieved is the end of craving."

All beings need a refuge, a place where they can find ease or peace. In our day-to-day existence, we are constantly trying to find relief form the torments of the heart – refuge from fear, loneliness, anger, boredom, etc. However, we tend to seek this refuge in outer things which ultimately prove unreliable. This yearning for relief takes many different forms. At times, we try to find refuge in accumulating possessions or through success in our career. Or we try to find refuge in memories or fantasies. Some of us try in alcohol, drugs, entertainment or in sleeping and eating. Without awareness, we blindly seek solace where it cannot be found. And over and over again, we find ourselves disappointed because we are trying to find happiness in that which is impermanent. Through the power of awareness, we begin to realize that a lasting source of ease and comfort can only be found within.

Dr. Gabor Maté, Canadian physician and author with background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development, trauma and potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health, argues in Modern Culture Is Traumatizing and NOT Normal!, that trying to draw conclusion of human nature from how we live in this society is like to understand a wild animal inside a cage. What we consider to be normal culture that we have here, there is nothing normal in terms of human needs and human potential. In fact, it’s that gap between human needs and human potential and the conditions under which we live now that create so much illness of mind and body, not to mention so much tension, strain, hostility and division in society in general.

Historically, the Buddha’s teachings have been preserved by the monastic tradition, and the term sangha has referred to the community of monks and nuns. Sangha can, as well, be seen in a much more inclusive way to mean all like-minded spiritual seekers. The Buddha, when asked whether anyone who had not ordained as a monk had become fully awakened, replied, “there has not been just one persons. There have been many people who have awakened, who have lived a householder life.” In the original discourses of the Buddha, we see that there all kids of people who practiced and realized the deepest freedom – people with different levels of education, diverse socioeconomic classes, practitioners with big families, both men and women, and even some seven-year-olds. There is a whole group of children who were said to have been enlightened at the age of seven in the Buddha’s time!

The support and encouragement that we receive from the Sangha are invaluable, given the nature and depth of our inquiry. Cultural conditioning, with its obsession with the external, keeps us searching for happiness outside of ourselves. The spiritual path has nothing to do with achievement or attainment or becoming someone special. Because we live in such a competitive culture, we need to be especially mindful of feelings of competition when we practice together. When we compete with one another, we reinforce the discontent that comes form feelings of separateness and in-completion.

Another more expansive way of looking at taking refuge in the Sangha is taking refuge in or interconnection with all beings – whether they are engaged in a spiritual practice or not. We can be aware of our deep sense of a common bond to one another, and can take refuge in being intimate with all beings, if we see through the apparent separation of self and other. The Indian sage Neem Karoli Baba said, “Don’t throw anyone out of your heart.” This means not only seeing our interconnection but living it. Not to throw anyone out means to continue to practice opening our hearts to all beings, even those beings that engage in harmful actions. This doesn’t mean that we approve or condone unskillful actions, or that we can’t say no and set protective boundaries. Boundaries are important if we want to be able to keep everyone in our hearts. There are times when we need to protect ourselves, Situations of oppression or abuse may require throwing someone our of your house to avoid throwing them out of your heart.

Relationship is essential on our path because it strips away our ideas about ourselves. We can be very loving while sitting alone and then become totally angry when we come into contact with someone else. We can have great ideas about being more generous, for example, but then, when we find ourselves in a position to give, we don’t. Thinking about giving can be a lot easier than the actuality, if it means that we have to extend ourselves beyond the range of what we have determined as comfortable. Practice in relationship requires us to examine ourselves with a commitment to honesty, recognizing our limitations and then gently stretching beyond them. it is important to remember that some conflict is a natural part of being in relationship with anyone. Trying to avoid conflict with others out of fear, ironically, prevents intimacy and ultimately leads to greater discontent. We need to learn how to take conflict that arises and work with it skillfully, using the conflict to be more aware of our reactivity and attachment to views and opinions. if our hearts and minds can regain balance in the midst of reactivity and conflict, faith in our practice grow is and we discover a more reliable refuge than avoidance or withdrawal.

In the Book Voices of Insight edited by Sharon Salzberg, cofounder and guiding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society and a cofounder of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, introduces to us many great resources to cope with the turbulence and anxiety of our time. The Insight Meditation Society (IMS) is a non-profit organization for study of Buddhism founded in Barre, MA in 1975, by Sharon SalzbergJack Kornfield, and Joseph Goldstein and is rooted in the Theravada tradition.

In the transition of the Buddhist teachings from Asia to the West, there is an understanding that doesn’t come easily into our culture – the importance of confidence on oneself. Traditional Asian teachings emphasize Right Effort, one of the elements of the Eight-fold Path as reflected in the very last thing the Buddha said to his disciples: “Strive on with diligence.” Meant to be empowering and personally liberating, that message is somehow not understood in the same way in the West. Effort seems burdensome, or even terrifying. We might disdain or dismiss the whole idea that the path demands effort. At the heart of many of these reactions is, I believe, a feeling of helplessness. We might subtly think, “I can’t do it. I don’t have what it takes to ‘strive with diligence; or to bring about a change in my actions.” Sharon Salzbert spoke of her transformation from self-deprecation to self-confidence. Sharon wrote extensively about her teacher Dipa Ma, a Vipassana Buddhist Master Teacher, whose amazing influence to her students on the Right Effort, was always coupled with mirroring to each of her students a powerful sense of their own ability.

Meditation is nothing new. But for many years in the West only monastics, mystics, poets, and Asian Americans practiced it. Now this path of observing life simply and directly has made its way into the mainstream. Partly because of the technological advance of internet make it possible to have wise and direct words of teachers heard, an American meditation tradition has taken root. Buddhism has brought its jewel, the practice of learning by looking within, to a society in need of wisdom to navigate the turmoil of modern world with globalization as background.

In the Buddhist literature, the word kalyannamitta is usually translated as a good, honest or spiritual friend. But is means more than just that. The words “sacred friendship” come closest to describing the depth of connection and commitment, the pure and unconditional relationship, that can exist between a student and a spiritual teacher, as well as between friends. within the wide embrace of sacred friendship, acceptance and forgiveness are what make real intimacy possible. Intimacy rests in the simplicity of being fully present, responsive to what is there in the moment, with no agenda or anticipation. By fully being in the moment we are there in just the right way. We rediscover the mystery of who we are through this interchange of opening and surrender. Such friendships create heaven on earth.

Anchored in the Theravadan Buddhist Burmese lineage of Mahasi Sayadaw since 1974, Steven Smith’s Dharma Talks answer people’s question about how they can integrate the path of self-liberation with the path of paying attention to the welfare of others. His focus is guiding practitioners to do both. The dharmic brilliance is that liberation, the core teaching, creates a deep, transformative experience of who we are, which, in turn, transforms our care for the state of all beings everywhere. Steven Smith also had album MeditationOfTheHeart on Spotify to share for free.

One the great spiritual teacher of our time, Jack Kornfield, spoke of tradition of Ajahn Chah – one of Theravada school of Buddhism. The teachings of Ajahn Chan described two levels of spiritual practice. On the first level, you use Dharma to become comfortable. You become virtuous and a little kinder. you sit and quiet your mind, and you help make a harmonious community. Then the second kind of Dharma, is to discover real freedom of mind, heart, and spirit. This level of practice has nothing whatsoever to do with comfort. here you take every circumstance of life and work with it to learn to be free. Ajahn Chan’s way of teaching combines the ultimate level of Dharma with the practical level. To help us find freedom, Ajahn Chan taught about selflessness, the essential realization of the Buddha’s liberation, in simple and remarkable ways.

Mirabai Bush, Cofounder of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society in Massachusetts, discussed with contemporary thought leaders in Walking Each Other Home: Conversations on Loving and Dying Paperback – June 21, 2022, on social justice, radical self-love, devotional ecology, public and spiritual health and more — framed within the context of the work with Ram Dass. Another book coauthored by Mirabai Bush Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Powerful Methods to Transform Teaching and Learning  presents background information and ideas for the practical application of contemplative practices across the academic curriculum from the physical sciences to the humanities and arts. It is an inspiring report from the frontlines of academe by two quiet revolutionaries. A must-read for anyone who cares about the future of college teaching and who seeks a vision of what it could be. The other author Daniel p. Barbezat, is professor of economics at Amherst College and a former director of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society.

In Bryn Mawr College classroom, students meditate before studying the Holocaust, slavery, and apartheid, according to their professor, it helps them “keep the encounter with shared human horror from becoming a kind of vicarious intellectual voyeurism.” Its Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research offers program to Learn mindful self-care strategies and discerning when meditative practices can be  used as prevention vs intervention. Contemplative Arts at the White Lotus Center in Bryn Mawr PA, also teaches meditation and mindfulness-based stress management to individuals and groups, and support people living with cancer or other serious illnesses to integrate a variety of mind body methods into their healing journey. 

Writer Joseph Goldstein who is a prolific writer on meditation and creating life of integrity. He even answers law student’s questions about readiness to learn mindfulness practice. He has several guided meditation programs in youtube including How to Stay Calm while Anxious, Nature of the Mind, and Doorway to Freedom , Conversation on mindfully facing climate change etc.

These are deep and nurturing wellspring of Dharma teachings on sacred journey, sacred friendship, right effort, suffering and the end of suffering, unconditional acceptance, the power of silence and stillness. May they inspire many to deepens their wisdom and compassion and work to relieve the suffering of all being. These resources may very well be taken into consideration in governmental, institutional and school’ reform for detoxification.

Humanity Have to Live According to Cosmic Order 2

The Plague Cycle: The Unending War Between Humanity and Infectious Disease written by Charles Kenny, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, is an astute explication of our species’ battles with microbes since the dawn of human time. For 4,000 years, the size and vitality of cities, economies, and empires were heavily determined by infection. Striking humanity in waves, the cycle of plagues set the tempo of civilization growth and decline, since common response to the threat was exclusion — quarantining the sick or keeping them out. But the unprecedented hygiene and medical revolutions of the past two centuries have allowed humanity to free itself from the hold of epidemic cycles — resulting in an urbanized, globalized, and unimaginably wealthy world.

However, our development has lately become precarious. Climate and population fluctuations and factors such as global trade have left us more vulnerable than ever to newly emerging plagues. Greater global cooperation toward sustainable health is urgently required — such as the international efforts to manufacture and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine — with millions of lives and trillions of dollars at stake.

The book quote the research by infectious Disease Mortality Trends in the United States, 1980-2014 conducted by Victoria Hansen, etc. In 1900, eight out of every one thousand people died from an infectious disease, and that wasn’t an unusual year. And according to the study by Max Roser, Hannah Ritchie, Bernadeta Dadonaite, The global child mortality rate of the 1950s was 22.5%, close to one death every second. five times the level of today.

As we have more understanding of history, The Plague Cycle author draw these conclusion:

The Covid-19 pandemic perhaps is only a forecaster of even worse to come. Perhaps we’ll backslide. If anti-vaccine prophets peddle their deadly disinformation without response, if our last antibiotics are wasted on adding a few ounces of white meat to a chicken breast, if we do nothing to improve global cooperation, surveillance coverage, and rapid response to outbreaks.

Hippocrates Refusing the Gifts of Artaxerxes is a painting describes Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” who’d treated victims in the plague of Athens, refuses gifts from the Persian king Artaxerxes, who is seeking the same help in dealing with a plague in his country.

Now we know what the world will look like. The world surely recognizes that pestilence may be the more likely source of a millennial global catastrophe – certainly the first horseman rides ahead of terror, climate change, or a collapse in food production. A planet without our most effective tools against infection is one moving back toward Malthusian misery. It is a world where our view of mortality as an increasingly private affair is blown away by mass burial of the young. It is a world that is poorer, more violent, more insular – a bigoted and misogynistic place.

The history of infection teaches a particular lesson to those who want to withdraw from international cooperation: if disease becomes the excuse for closing borders and deploying force, the costs to global progress will be immense. We don’t have to accept a new pathogen as the will of God – nor are flight, fortresses, or imprisonment our only defense against the scourge.

Humanity Have to Live According to Cosmic Order

Today there is an article talked about AI Develops Cancer Treatment In 30 Days, Predicts Survival Rate. This paper try to persuade readers the evidence of the capacity for AI to transform the drug discovery process with enhanced speed, efficiency, and accuracy, and Michael Levitt, a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry is an enthusiastic supporter of this, as well as big corporations. In my not so humbled opinion, this is allopathy model scare the heck out of me. After the covid-19 vaccination development and still the virus mutate all the time, AI methods is just going to create more virus rather than healing. AI model is one that of arrogant 简单粗暴, deviate from cosmic wisdom. What a pity AI can not treat itself of cancer! What confidence you put on people who do NOT follow the maxim of “do it to others as you would like to do it onto yourself”?

My sucepticle come from my understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine mechanism, which does not relate so well with chemistry because TCM used organic herbal compounds rather than single non-organic chemical abstracts. Western chemical is based on quantifiable 109 table of elements of the world. This model of worldview separates matter(Yang) and spirit (Yin), causing biased understanding of the human body function. The characteristic of TCM diagnoses is based on balance of Yin Yang and Five Xin (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal). I believe other holistic treatment like India’s Ayveda and Native Americans energy medicine all follow this kind of approach.

中国著名中医学家、国医大师周仲瑛教授临证六十余载,擅长恶性肿瘤诊治,从“癌毒”辨治恶性肿瘤取得了突出的疗效。周老根据他60年临证经验, 认为癌毒是恶性肿瘤的病机关键,恶性肿瘤的治疗务必以“消癌解毒”为首要。肿瘤病机虽有多端,但概而言之,不外“虚、毒、痰、瘀”四端,四者之间常相互夹杂、相兼为患。 临证根据邪正虚实、标本缓急,或以攻毒祛邪为主,或以补虚扶正为主,或攻补兼施。根据癌毒与痰、瘀、湿、热等病理因素兼夹主次情况,配合化痰、祛瘀、利湿、清热等治法。初期,正虚不显时,以消癌解毒配合化痰软坚、逐瘀散结为主;中期,兼有脏腑功能失调时,可适当伍入调理脏腑功能之品;晚期,正虚明显者,则以补益气血阴阳为主,兼顾消癌解毒、化痰软坚、逐瘀散结等法。

Continue with the idea of cancer derived from toxic not expelled out from body and accumulate over the time causing the Yin Yang out of balance (cell mutation), we notice this phenomenon is manifested in social political economic sphere as well. Human ego’s crave for perpetuate growth, desire with having more, which is not in align with how universe operate. Just observe the four seasons with each season contribute to the development of next one. People have observed when there are no obvious winter season, the plants does not bloom in spring and summer. Before the globalization, different regions lived different life style and pace of growth, allowing complementary space. After Columbus discover the new continent, all the development is exploited on the idea of colonization or expanding territory. The last five hundred plus year witnessed the process of exploitation to Earth resources now verged on exhaustion. That western philosophy was winner takes it all, which build in human’s fight and flight response to life, had now spread to rest of the world with globalization as norm. Human’s insatiable desire keep on taking from the nature without any giving back. But the covid-19 is the siren waking us to our self-destructive behavior. Russia Ukraine war is another loud alarm for impending nuclear war! Humanity HAVE to live their life according to cosmic order, divine principle, or face the danger of extinction, similar to the 9-11 disaster symbolism of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The recent bank insolvency of Credit Suisse and potential many others accidents waiting to happen. Living on the doctrine of survival of the fittest, the Western mindset is based on that of dominance and predatory, so there no moral condom of either colonization or other similar aggression behavior as organized crime. Industrial revolution, science revolution and now digital revolution are all build on a mentality of dominance for power and control. That is the root cause of WWI and WWII. Weaponize the currency and structured exploitation using finance scheme is evidence of such strategic of state craft. Then eye for an eye response triggers potential of war violence and nuclear war. Confrontation rather than inter-dependence overtake our rational mind.

Iraq war and Middle East wars certain is the manifestation of the American empire’s military power. But American has lost a lot for what it hope to gain. There is no winner in the war. 【苑举正】俄乌战争已进入决战期! 台大教授解密:未来世界格局如何发展?

I still feel the decade of 1960s is the start of current decay we are undergoing. One way of evidence is planet Pluto and Uranus conjunct on 18 Virgo, which is a 127 year cycle. Virgo is the sign of huge shift from individual psychology to social interactions. Coming from Leo of creative, dramatic, complacency and self-center, Virgo is a adjustment before entering into Liberal which is a relationship sign. Virgo promote detoxification, improvement, analysis, methodology, introspection. The 1960s Pluto and Uranus conjunction is close to U.S. Neptune of 22 degree Virgo in the natal chart. And all these three is square to U.S Mars (symbolic of aggression) in Gemini at natal chart. And we can recall beatles, flower love, psychedelic drug usage, Vietnam war, Cuber Missile contention, space exploration… all the confusion, disorientation of high octave planets is long terms effects on collective psyches. Another way is Professor Zheng ShiQiang talking about 《皇極經世》, which indicate 巽 (1924-1983)之蛊(1964-1973)。 Now we have 鼎 (1984-2043)之蛊 (2014-2023)is further decay from the 1960s。

中國最嚴重的問題上不了兩會,習近平真的沒把民眾當回事; 李克強為何漏掉關鍵一段?是故意的還是出狀況? Compare to France, where the union workers can protest, China’s retirement account has eleven provinces already exhausted their funds. The communist party led government has money to bribe corruptions, throwing money on one belt projects. The peasants were robbed of their lands and force to work in the factories, and now they do not have money for the retirees, because central government had drew all taxes from all provinces, leaving each provinces hang in despair. 专制与时代精神不合拍. 在黑暗的时代不反抗,就意味着同谋。——萨特

If we do not correct our problem, purify ourselves from the toxics, the cancer will take over the body.

Talk Out Loud – –  Soliciting Ideas for Drastic Changes 5 – Covid Virus and Side Effects of Vaccines

According to HIV/AIDS Epidemic Global Statistics, AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by 68% since the peak in 2004. In 2021, around 650,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, compared to 2 million people in 2004 and 1.4 million in 2010.

In comparison, reports from Wikipedia indicated a total count of 6,869,759[4] (updated 26 February 2023) confirmed COVID-induced deaths have been reported worldwide. As of January 2023, taking into account likely COVID induced deaths via excess deaths, the 95% confidence interval suggests the pandemic to have caused between 16 and 28.2 million deaths.[5][6]

A December 2022 WHO study comprehensively estimated excess deaths from the pandemic during 2020 and 2021, concluding ~14.8 million excess early deaths occurred, reaffirming their prior calculations from May as well as updating them, addressing criticisms. These numbers do not include measures like years of potential life lost, far exceeding the 5.42 million officially reported deaths for that timeframe, may make the pandemic 2021’s leading cause of death, and are similar to the ~18 million estimated by another study (see below).

Historically, only the 1918 flu pandemic,[6] also known as the Great Influenza epidemic or by the common misnomer of the Spanish flu, can be comparable to the Covid-19. 1918 flu pandemic was caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. The earliest documented case was March 1918 in Kansas, United States, with further cases recorded in France, Germany and the United Kingdom in April. Two years later, nearly a third of the global population, or an estimated 500 million people, had been infected in four successive waves. Estimates of deaths range from 17 million to 50 million,[7] and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history.

Other similar events in history was the Black Death (also known as the Pestilence, the Great Mortality or the Plague)[a] was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa from 1346 to 1353. It is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, causing the deaths of 75–200 million people,[1] peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.[2][3] Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis spread by fleas, but during the Black Death it probably also took a secondary form, spread by person-to-person contact via aerosols causing septicaemic or pneumonic plagues.[4][5]

Today many people in United States had received second, and even third boost shot of vaccination without knowing the long term side effects. Now fourth year into the pandemic, Are we out of the wood yet? We never know. Bitter arguments bickering on where the source of covid-19 came from, We can never be sure from the he-say, sher say. But we all know Covid-19 is a manifestation of the decades long intense contention and huge discord on numerous global social political issues. Looking back, the end of Spanish flu did not clear away anger and bitterness and the social, economic, political tension. the symptoms may temporarily disappear, but the underneath rotten wound has not recover.

The pandemic posts questions like what the meaning and purpose of life? How can we live a more meaningful life given it is so vulnerable? How is our body and mind functions holistically? How is the place of busy hustle bustle way of modern life How shall we arrange our education and medical system to be more meaningful, effective and inclusive in promoting those notions/understandings? How can we empower people for self help to take care of their health and their life?

The pandemic prompts us to think about our relationship with other humans, other races, other nations. And what is our relationship with nature? – the air, the water, the forest? the underground oil? Coal Energy? Nuclear energy? Who owns what? Individual property right? How do we relatively more fairly and evenly spread distribute the risk and cost of pollution over the society/nations? How to calculate pollution cost? How do we charge taxes? How to incorporate environment cost into our calculation of production cost? What is our relationship with this world? Who is to responsible for the ocean pollution, the climate change?

The pandemic forces us to took a intense look at our economy and the way we make livings: Can the consumerism sustain our living? Will the Earth resources support our insatiable for more? What would be a proper way or production and living? How does the large scale production and industrialization astray the society from true life meaning and purpose other than profits for the capitalist? Does the one size fit all globalization and supply chain truly good for majority of the people? Does the unrestrained capital free flow serve justice and fairness? What gives currency its value? Can we continue printing money out of debt?

The pandemic challenges us to think about norms and customs that make up a functional society: what is the right social order? How can we protect family and thus create a loving-kindness environment for disadvantaged and still encourage them to grow into better person ? How can our law and citizen education foster conscience and righteousness?

The pandemic also questions if some our Constitution clauses as well as laws in line with Divine principle? What is more functional structure and system for promoting social mobility and manage accountability? What is the accountability of government? What is the power limit of government officials? Where is the proper individual rights? How can we give proper consideration for all/group and while also integrate individuality (not individualism)? What make Americans think we are superior to other cultures socially and politically? What give American the justification to export our individualist culture to the rest of world and demand other country and culture to convert to our way of governance?

…… and many more questions like that certain are the undercurrents that flowing beneath the virus polluted social political and military atmosphere. How we answer those questions will determine the future of our civilization.

We live in an imperfect world. But it does not mean we should not strive for a better world for each other and for our future generation, think of how the American founding fathers influence the later generation by the rational thinking, law, ethic standard, culture framework. When we think in term of “me” versus “you”, when we regard nature as something to exploit resources from, when our system is built on any variation of colonialism, rather than to partner with; when our happiness is built on having more materially, we will inevitably collide into each other.

…. To be continued

Talking Out Loud – Soliciting Ideas for Drastic Changes 4 – Dr. Villoldo Retreat to Amazon for Recover

This blog writer have strong confidence with Dr. Villoldo’s methods. For several years I used to have chronic fatigue and low energym with my mind felt clogging all the time. My blood test had indicated very low red cell counts which supposedly a sign of anemia. But I know my situation is more complex than that. Because since a kid, I had always have high ASO indicator in my blood system caused by some sort of chronic inflammation of Rheumatic fever. After I took a handful of over-the-counter nutrients suggested by Dr. Villoldo during a weekend California group workshop, and I gradually felt much better and my mind started to have more clarity.

So let’s continue to follow Dr. Alberto Villoldo on his battle for his very own life (and in a broad sense, all of ours)! Alberto described his body was a road map of the jungles and mountains where he had worked as an anthropologist, picking up the lethal critters that had taken up residence inside him. The jungle is a living biology laboratory, and anyone spend enough time there become part of the experiment. There had anthropologist who had died from the same diseases Alberto harbored. Actually the virgin rainforest of the Amazon is free of most diseases, but to get to it you have to go through filth-ridden outposts of Western civilization. The indios knew better than to foul their nests and their drinking water. Meanwhile, the white man surrounded himself with a sea of garbage and sewage.

The spiritual medicine Alberto Villoldo received from the shamans was powerful, but he had to complement it with Western medicine. The doctors put him on a worm medication – the same type people give dogs – and on antibiotics to kill other parasites. The problem was that the worms themselves harbored parasites, so when the pill killed the worms, they released their parasites into Alberto’s brain, which became very toxic. The situation was dire. Alberto’s brain was on fire with inflammatory agents and free radicals produced by the medication and the dead and dying parasites. He need to detox his brain to avoid going completely mad. The following is his account of the process:

In the Amazon, the shamans welcomed me lovingly. These men and women were friends who had known me for decades. And who knew me better than Mother Earth? She received me as only a mother can. As I pressed my body to hers, she spoke to me: “Welcome Home, my son.”

That night there was a ceremony with ayahuasca, a brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine that shamans use for visioning and healing. I was too weak to participate and stayed in our hut near the river. Marcela( Alberto’s wife) went for us both. ……. Hours later Marcela returned smiling. Pachamama – Mother Earth – had spoken to her throughout the night: “I make everything on the earth grow. I am giving Alberto a new liver. He knows how to heal everything else.” The next day I wrote in my journal: “After morning yoga a luminous bein appeared to me in road daylight. She walked out of the river, and I saw her as if in a dream – a feminine spirit who touched my chest and told me that I was a child of the Pachamama and would live many more years, and that she would look after me, as my work on the earth is not yet done.”

…… My return to the Amazon was the beginning of a return to myself. But first there was an enormous amount of work to do. I had to remind himself: “There are no guarantees here. There is a difference between curing and healing. You may not be cured; you may die. But regardless of what happens, you will be healed. you will not walk out of the jungle into your old way of being.” I could feel the life force draining out of me….. I wiped his day planner clean, cancelling every talk, every lecture, every class. The first speaking engagement I cancelled was in Switzerland, where the renowned Brazilian healer John of God was on the program. I had never met John, but I knew the head of his organization. A few days later I got a call offering me a distant-healing session.

Afterward, I wrote in my journal: “John worked on me with his entities, and I sensed a great spirit at the head of my bed. I could feel a tangle of ropes being removed from my liver, thick fibers being pulled out. Other entities worked on my heart, while still others performed a spiritual ‘surgery’ on my brain. It knocked me out. i could not get out of bed for the next 24 hours.”

From the Amazon, Marcela and I flew to Chile and our Center for Energy medicine, where we conduct intensive workshops. The monastery/retreat is in the Andes, near Mount Aconcagua, the highest peak in the Americas. The mountain is the reason we settled here.It was time for the meeting I had been postponing for so long. I had only one focus now – healing – and I had to be wholehearted about it.

My brain fog and confusion were glaringly evident when I tried to play Scrabble with Marcela. That game became the barometer of my mental health. I could not access words. And then I started losing my sense of self. I panicked: What if I forget who I am? What if I lose my consciousness of self? Madness stared at me from the horizon – I saw it, felt it, breathed it. it sent naked fear into every part of my being.

Ironically, it was fear of losing myself that saved me. over the next three months, I simply observed the madness I was experiencing. the shamans (and Buddhists) have a powerful practice of self-inquiry that starts with asking, Who am I? Then, after a while, you begin to inquire, Who is it who is asking the question? So I began to ask, Who is it who’s going mad?

There was no place to hide. I saw the madness; others saw it. But, as always, there was another side to the pain. The fathomless depths to which my spirit sank were matched by the flight of my soul. I began to understand who I had been since the beginning of time and who I would e after I died. The gnawing fear was matched by divine love. I dwelt in both worlds, belonging to neither. I wrote in my journals: “Buddha left the palace of his childhood after he saw death, disease, and old age. I have lived with these three grim reapers and have struggled to leave the palace of ignorance and arrogance that I built. I have surrendered to the pain and the ecstasy.”

There is no way to adequately describe the place of darkness I reached, but the 16th century mystic John of the Cross must have understood it. From his prison cell he wrote: “There in the lucky dark,/… darkness far and wide; /no sign for me to mark,/no other light, no guide/except for my heart – the fire, the first inside!” I too, was in a prison, with my soul on fire. I had a dream: “I am in our cottage, in a kind of cloister. i am waiting for a spiritual treatment. The healing by water is already done, but the one I am waiting for, the initiation by fire, is not ready yet.”

I was the patient who should have died and now I would have to look death straight in the eye if I wanted to live. i would have to draw on everything I had learned walking the shamanic path: all the healing practices, all the techniques for growing a new body by awakening stem cell production in the brain, heart, and liver.

I called my friend David Perlmutter, a renowned neurologist who was my co-author on Power Up Your Brain. Together we crafted a strategy using potent antioxidants to trigger the production of neural stem cells to repair my brain. What followed over the next months were countless Illuminations to clear the imprints of disease from my luminous energy field, along with intravenous infusions of the antioxidant glutathione to detoxifying ly liver, soul retrievals to recover parts of myself I had lost to trauma, and out-of-body experiences in which my spirit took flight into the buddha fields, the bardos, the heavens. Energy moved, flowed, met obstacles, and flowed again. i was caught up in the highs and lows of fighting for my life. time drifted by like a sluggish river, and I stepped out of it, knowing I had to make friends with eternity.

In my journal I described one soul retrieval: “I strike the drum softly and journey to the lower world to attempt to do a soul retrieval for myself. i know it’s not a good idea. the shaman who treats himself has a fool for a patient. But I know the Guardian, the Inca Huascar, and he leads me to the chamber of wounds, where there is a pool of blood that triggers memories from my childhood of bloodshed in cuba during the revolution. ”

“I find a little boy who tells me his agreement with God is that he will never die, and that is why he cannot leave the hell he is in. i tear up that soul agreement and draft a new one that says, ‘Life and death and rebirth live within me. ‘ the child is happy and joins me. We then discover a ten-year-old body, somber and serious, who explains that he must stay behind to look after the little one. the little one had received lifesaving blood transfusions at the age of two, when he got hepatitis C from a contaminated needle. i tell the ten-year-old that the little one is with me now, and the older boy smiles.”

That night, I had another dream: “I am with friends looking at a grave full of flowers. I am buried there. My friends say I can stay there if I like. But I tell them I won’t need this piece of earth. I see my soul rise from the ground.”

I found solace in my dreams. But in spite of all the spiritual gifts I was receiving, my body still felt wretched. I feared I was exhausting all the life force that remained. This is the energy meant to be used at the end of life, in order to die consciously. As the Bhagavad Gita sys, “Whatever the state of being/that a man may focus upon/at the end, when he leaves his body,/ to that state of being he will go.”

I continually asked myself, Where is my focus? I could feel my mind teetering on the edge of the precipice. A journal entry reads: “Suffering is greatest when you believe you are at the end of your existence and face your annihilation. I have discovered the spiritual world, the continuation of life, and embraced it. Today I told myself, ‘ I’m just going back home. it might be hard – birth was not easy – but I’m going back home.’ I am blessed, for I know the road. I have been shown the way so many times. in shamanic ceremonies I have died a dozen deaths, have seen my body rot and wither, and have gone to the stars. Heaven and hell are both familiar. But just as the spirits did when I was two years old, they’re saying that my time is not yet.”

This time, however, I knew I had a choice. I could choose to remain in the world of Spirit. But the spirits were telling me that my work was not done. I would have to return to ordinary life. My mind led my body deeper into a state of collapse, and then into my ultimate surrender. That’s when I knew that something big was about to happen. But first I had to visit the realm of the dead: ” Marcela and I are at a ferry terminal. There are many people waiting to board. We have a small boat just for us, one that belonged to my father. People help us launch our oat, which I know how to pilot because my father taught me. Not my human father, but the heavenly Father. I am preparing to cross the great water to the land of the ancestors in my own craft, not with all the others taking the ferry. I am making my journey to the land of the dead but not with the dying. i am going with my shaman wife.”

There it was: I had a new mission life – to be a shaman. But wait! hadn’t I answered the call to be a shaman a long time ago? I’d even written a book about it: Shaman, Healer, Sage. But writing a book doesn’t make you a shaman, any more than writing a cookbook makes you a chef or having a spiritual library makes you a spiritual adept. for years I had been a spiritual guide but not a master. i was like the wilderness scout who can find his way through the forest but knows little of the destination. I wrote in my journal: “for years I was like Moses, helping others to the Promised Land but not being allowed to enter myself. Now that has changed. i am already in the Promised Land. I have been allowed entry. And I discovered that the door has always been open, that it was my pride and anger and fear that had kept me out.”

Now Spirit was offering me another lifetime within this one. I was being called to step fully into my destiny, this time without self-importance, without the subtle seduction of worldly accomplishment. The externals of my life might not change, but my attitude had to. A new contract with Spirit was required. I felt liberated. I was free. That night, I dreamed: “I am inside a breathing machine and friends are saying good-bye. i am unable to move or speak, but I am in bliss. they turn off life support. I have to pull myself out of the breathing apparatus to come back to life. i realize I can find eternity without dying. i rip the tube out of my mouth and breathe. I am alive. I understand that miracles organize space-time for healing to happen.”

That was followed by another dram: “I am leading a group on a tour bus. We come to a monastery with many empty rooms. In one room, there are some altars with candles on them. I light a candle, leaving some coins, and then walk down a spiral staircase carved out of rock. As it descends, the staircase narrows. I reach the ground, and as I squeeze through the exit, I realize that the group won’t be able to fit through the opening. The meaning seems clear: I must find another, less traveled path. I need to go alone.”

Again, I was at a choice point. I did not have to stay on earth; I could return home. the last time I had been offered this choice, I was just a child, scared and in pain, but now my fear of the Great Journey had passed.

And then I realized that I did not have to die literally. I could die symbolically. i could stay and heal myself so I could help and heal others. once I made that choice, I began reinhabiting my ordinary senses. I felt my spirit sinking roots into my body once again. Awe and wonder returned, as my brain fog began to clear and i saw that stewardship of all life and the earth was my path.

My return to health lasted more than a year. My good friend Mark Hyman, a physician who wrote The blood Sugar Solution and 10-Day Detox Diet, helped me put together a nutritional plan for healing. it included green juices in the morning and superfoods and supplements that boost the body’s self-healing systems and detox the liver and brain. i completely changed the way i eat.

Today, i am fully recovered. More accurately, i’m beyond recovered. i am a new person. …. My health crisis was more extreme than most. But the fact is, we’re all in a life-and-death struggle with the toxic forces of modern life that throw our health and well-being out of balance. Many of us feel stressed-out physically and emotionally, and wonder why, with all the antianxiety and antidepressant medications and relaxation techniques available, we don’t seem to be able to fix the problem.

Meanwhile, obesity, diabetes, ADHD, autism, and Alzheimer’s’ disease are increasing at an alarming rate. Close to 70 percent of Americans are overweight, and one in three children born in America today will develop type 2 diabetes by the age of 15. Fifty percent of otherwise healthy 85-year-olds are at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is being called type 3 diabetes, linked to a gluten-rich, wheat-based diet and a stressed-out brain. And these are just a few of the diseases that are killing us prematurely and compromising our quality of life.

Our ancestors in the Paleolithic era, as well as many of the tribal cultures I have lived with in the amazon and the Andes, did not, as we often assume, lead short and brutish lives. they enjoyed healthier life spans, fewer incidences of warfare and violent crime, and less stress than the people who came after them, including us. What accounted for their health and well-being? A primarily plant-based diet and One Spirit Medicine.

Talking Out Loud – Soliciting Ideas for Drastic Changes 3 – Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s One Spirit Medicine

As scary as COVID-19 is, our short memory is once again rolled back to 1980s when crisis of rampant HIV/AIDS virus spreading in the western world in the 1980s by Thrasher’s Book. Here is an account of the HIV/AIDS timeline and history. Things had became so uncontrollable that on May 26 1988, the American Surgeon General releases the nation’s first coordinated HIV/AIDS education strategy, mailing out 107 million copies of a pamphlet titled Understanding AIDS in an attempt to reach every household in America, the largest public mailing in history. Later that same year, President Reagan signed the first comprehensive federal AIDS bill, the Health Omnibus Programs Extension (HOPE) Act, establishing the Office of AIDS Research and authorizing federal funds for AIDS prevention, research, and testing. With on sign of the disease being under check, President George H.W. Bush signed the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act on July 26 1990, allocating over $220 million in federal funds for care and treatment of people with AIDS in its first year. 

Looking back, that maybe just an rehearsal of what to come in the 2020 and after. According to UNAIDS fact sheet: There were approximately 38.4 million people across the globe with HIV in 2020. Of these, 36.7 million were adults and 1.7 million were children (<15 years old). In addition, 54% were women and girls. An estimated 1.5 million individuals worldwide acquired HIV in 2021, marking a 32% decline in new HIV infections since 2010.

What is the root cause of HIV/AIDS virus and Covid-19 infection? Author Alberto Villoldo shared powerful blend of spiritual philosophy and scientific principles woven into the perfection of a practical formula of healing for everyday life in his book One Spirit MedicineAncient Ways to ultimate Wellness. Brimming with timeless wisdom, Alberto leads us on a journey of discovery that shatters common misconceptions about us, our relationship to our body, and the world. In doing so he reminds us that the key to our healing lies in our ability to embrace ourselves, and the world, as living, conscious, and connected.

Alberto first shared his personal experience of fell gravely ill during a trip in Mexico for a conference. Apparently earlier during his years of research in indonesia, Africa, and South America, Villoldo had picked up a long list of nasty microorganisms, including five different kinds of hepatitis virus, three or four varieties of parasites, a host of toxic bacteria, and assorted nasty worms. His heart and liver were close to failure, the brain was riddled with parasites. He had a physical collapse which further confirmed by the doctor of brain disease that need best medical care available and immediately get on a liver transplant list. But where to find a healthy brain?

He had two choice, one is taking the flight to Miami where he would be admitted to a top medical center for treatment, another option is the flight to Lima and the Amazon, where he would be in the land of his spiritual roots, go with his wife to lead one of the expeditions working with jungle shamans who have journeyed beyond death. The irony was he had just published a book entitled Power Up Your Brain: The neuroscience of Enlightenment. Prior to these, he had been a best-selling author with 12 books to his credit, a researcher and medical anthropologist with a Ph.D. in psychology, a teacher and healer with a following worldwide. The light body School and the Four Winds Society that he founded had grown exponentially: more than 5000 students had gone through his training in energy medicine or had accompanied him on journeys to the Amazon and the Andes. Felt like it was the last day of his life, he was overwhelmed by sadness at the thought of leaving this beautiful earth. All the test results indicated he is dying, the doctors had even said, ‘You should already be dead.’ Miami was the logical choice. But in that moment he summoned up the courage to put his future where his mouth was – to live what he had taught to so many. Long story short, Villoldo’s return to Amazon was the beginning of a return to himself.

Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist – as well as his own journey back from the edge of death – acclaimed shamanic teacher Alberto Villoldo shows you how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods: use techniques for working with our luminous energy fields to heal your body; and follow the ancient path of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories from the past and pave the way for rebirth.

Today our minds, our emotions, our relationships, and our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to ignore it until something brings us up short – a worrying diagnosis, a broken relationship, or simply an inability to function harmoniously in everyday life. When things are a little off, we read a self-help book. When they’re really bad, we bring in oncologists to address cancer, neurologists to repair the brain, psychologists to help us understand our family of origin. But this fragmented approach to health is merely a stopgap. To truly heal, we need to return to the original recipe for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago: One-Spirit Medicine.

In the West, we’re accustomed to looking to doctors and experts to guide us in our healing, growth, and learning. Our schools, businesses, religions, and government are hierarchical. In the Amazon, however, there are no levels of management between us and Spirit. The shaman—the wise old man or woman—is honored as a healer but is not regarded as superior to other members of the village. The shaman is simply a skilled facilitator who interacts with both the visible and invisible worlds to help restore balance to body, mind, and soul.

The message of One Spirit Medicine is that you don’t need to track down a shaman to find Spirit, or look outside yourself to find health. You only have to look within. That’s where you will receive One Spirit Medicine. Through One Spirit Medicine, the shamans found that they could grow a new body that allowed them to live in extraordinary health. They learned how to switch off the “death clock” inside every cell, and turn on the “immortality” genes that reside in password-protected regions of our DNA. Cancer, dementia, and heart disease were rare. The shamans of old were truly masters of prevention. Here is one comment from a reader with username PuraVida :

Three months later and I’m down another 15 pounds, but BEST OF ALL, my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are well within normal ranges and my average blood sugar level has dropped. I do not miss carbs or sugars, but I do not deprive myself on special occasions if I feel like a little cake and ice cream. Frequently, people I have not seen in a while ask me how I did it – I cannot recommend this book enough!

….I don’t often read this genre, but I was strongly motivated after my doctor gave me some pretty depressing news – at 64, I was 30 pounds overweight, pre-diabetic, and my cholesterol was higher than ever, despite being on two kinds of statins. A dear friend listened to my tale of woe and lent me an advance copy of One Spirit Medicine she had just received. That was two months ago.

Some things come into your life at the exact moment you are most receptive. I started Dr. Villoldo’s 14-day detox and eliminated bread, pasta, grains, sugar and other unhealthy foods. I started drinking fresh “green juice” for breakfast (not nearly as bad as it sounds!) and eating nuts, seeds, fresh caught fish (mostly salmon, not a big fan of seafood) and fibrous veggies. I cut back on fruit (that was hard) and root vegetables (high in sugar – who knew?), and increased my water intake.

By the end of the detox, I was amazed to find that my “brain fog” had lifted. I honestly thought it was early onset Alzheimer’s, so the relief was enormous. My clothes felt looser, so I could tell I had dropped some weight.

That motivated me to keep at it. I am not a creative cook, and One Spirit Medicine is not a diet book with lots of recipes, so I googled “no carb, gluten-free recipes” and found a LOT of good ideas on the Internet. Following the broad guidelines in the book, I added quinoa (yum), avocado, coconut oil, and food supplements to my diet. Two months later, I have dropped at least 15 pounds and feel more energetic than I have in years. I have a sense of joy and peace that I realize has been missing from my life for a long time.

I have learned so much from this book about how the body functions, and that has helped a lot as well – I have a better understanding of why I need to stick with the program. I’m also getting back in touch with my long-neglected spiritual side, though this is taking a little more effort than the dietary changes. But the focus on shamanism and energy medicine is interesting, and some of the spiritual exercises have been mind-opening.

I am looking forward to my follow-up visit to the doctor and am certain my blood sugar levels have dropped. Keeping my fingers crossed on the cholesterol as well, despite a genetic predisposition. I feel so much better, I can’t imagine going back to my old eating habits.

So, corny as it sounds, I can honestly say this book has changed my life. And for that I am grateful. I hope this review motives others to make changes in their lifestyle as well.

to be continued …….