The Spiritual Trap of Abbassy

The recent report of Dalai Lama apologizes for asking a young boy to suck his tongue reflect a long time under spin of public uneasiness about abuse of spiritual power by the teachers who are in the position of doing so. This is valid concerns. There is really a delicate dance in searching for spirituality and avoiding falling into trap of abbassy. For that very reason, the Buddha had taught us for the sake of protection the precepts as they are Protection for Buddhist Practitioners. I personally came from an area in China where Chan Buddhism (禅宗)is the dominant force, so I am not familiar with the Vajira Buddhism tradition.

Chan Buddhism is Chinese version of Buddhism popularized by the the 6th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism Master Huineng. He spent all his life in the south part of China, mainly taught from Nan Hua Temple (南華寺) in GuangDong Province of China. Master XuYun ,  (simplified Chinese: 虚云; traditional Chinese: 虛雲; pinyinXūyún; 5 September 1840? – 13 October 1959), a renowned Chinese Chan Buddhist master and an influential Buddhist teacher of the 19th and 20th centuries, was also came from south east part of China.

What I learned is, the function of Buddhist precepts is not to prohibit us from saying or doing certain things, but, rather, to remind us not to do things that may cause harm, both to ourselves and to others. In other words, the Buddhist precepts function to protect ourselves and others. Therefore, the Five Precepts and the Bodhisattva Precepts are protective shields that allow one to a) feel peaceful in the practice, b) cultivate an appropriate sense of shame, c) repent frequently, and d) regulate behavior at any given time, in order to continually uplift one’s character.    These five precepts are:

  • 1) I undertake the rule to abstain from killing.
  • 2) I undertake the rule to abstain from taking what is not given.
  • 3) I undertake the rule to abstain from sexual misconduct.
  • 4) I undertake the rule to abstain from false speech.
  • 5) I undertake the rule to abstain from taking intoxicants that cloud the mind.

There are no lacking of abuse of power in every religions. Catholic church had notorious coverup for the abuses of public trust. In 2019, the death of Sogyal Rimpoche, author of the best-selling Tibetan Book of Living and Dyin, unleashed a new torrent of victim revelations, accounting questions and legal rulings that further illuminate the trail of injury and insult he left behind. The imposter guru ended his days as a refugee in Thailand, beyond the reach of police and civil investigations in several countries. In 2018, at Longquan monastery in Beijing China, High-profile Chinese monk accused of sexually harassing nuns in China . An article of 1989 about Ösel Tendzin, the first American accepted lineage holder of Kagyu tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism. America’s largest Tibetan Buddhist group, has been thrown into turmoil by allegations that its leader knew he had AIDS and transmitted it to his sexual partners in a report: Buddhists in U.S. Agonize on AIDS Issue. Another report 2012 by Mary Finnagan about Young Kalu Rinpoche’s traumatic revelations highlight the dissonance between Tibetan tradition and 21st-century life. These confessional sending shockwaves through the Buddhist world.

Chris Chandler’s Expose of Shambhala as a Mind Control Cult Is Required Reading The Shambhala organization is in crisis, and Chris Chandler is perhaps the most fearless and best-informed of its critics. Shambhala’s spiritual leader, the “Sakyong Mipham,” has been outed as a sexual assaulter and heavy drinker with a bad habit of assaulting his female followers. Ms. Chandler shares her journey and reveals her understanding of the Tibetan Tantric belief system. As an insider, she was privy to much that is unavailable to newcomers and those who have not progressed sufficiently along the Tantric path. She reveals a hidden agenda, an upending of Western values and democratic governance by stealth. The Dalai Lama and the Sex-Slaver Cult of NXIVM.

These horrable instances show us the dark side of spirituality when fall into the trap, and demands us to seriously consider the implications, to raise important questions practitioners need to ask: such as, if gurus are not all perfect, what measures are you going to apply to determine if you should follow one or not? If other Tibetan Buddhist leaders are not willing to unequivocally and specifically denounce such a clear case of abuse, what does this say about the value of Buddhist practice?

The detail accounts in Sex and Violence in Tibetan Buddhism: The Rise and Fall of Sogyal Rinpoche by Mary Finnigan and Rob Hogendoorn is well worth a read by anyone involved in or interested in any spiritual movement to be aware of such issues. This is a work that everyone connected with Vajrayana should read. It serves as a grave warning to exactly how far people can delude themselves. It shows exactly why people should not trust what is popular or fashionable. When eight students wrote a letter accusing Sogyal Rinpoche of decades of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, Tahlia Newland set up an online support group for abuse victims and students of his Tibetan Buddhist community, Rigpa. Appalled by the lack of ethics, the group undertook a journey of discovery during which they uncovered the depth of the trauma suffered by victims, and the fundamentalism and cult behaviour at the heart of Rigpa. They learned about destructive cults, trauma and recovery, narcissistic abuse, co-dependency, institutional betrayal, and the methods of mind control used by Rigpa, who had covered up and enabled the abuse for decades.

Readers feedbak on this book was: The most serious omission in this book is the lack of depth in discussing the Dalai Lama’s motivations providing Sogyal validation and the Dalai Lama’s motivations for not specifically condemning Sogyal until after after the scandal blew wide open. The same could be asked of many other gurus. It is an important discussion, because it cuts right to the heart of the matter: Is it acceptable in Tibetan Buddhism for lamas to behave like Sogyal? If not, what are the barriers to critically discussing and identifying specific instances of abuse by gurus in TB?

The book includes an almost forensic – yet very readable – dissection of how a sexually voracious and ultimately abusive, untrained and unqualified opportunist, Sogyal Lakar, seized the opportunity offered by a constellation of factors: Westerners’ spiritual hunger and the gullibility that thrives in the needy; an unwillingness to probe; a simple inability to ask the right questions, because of our ignorance; a willingness to indulge the sexual and culinary gluttony of someone believed to be extraordinary; the patriarchal, even misogynistic culture of old Tibet, along with its class-ridden unwillingness to be seen to criticise; the only-too-understandable urge of the Tibetan community – a community that has been slaughtered and tortured out of its own land – to pull together and look after its own, trying to sweep the appalling behaviour of one of its best-known representatives under the sofa. These are some of the ingredients of this ghastly cocktail.

After having heard about and researched into the abuse of Sogyal Rinpoche, one question was left open. How could anyone who was part of this group and witnessed the abuse, just have let this happen? Why was this allowed to grow to these extents and all involved seemingly just swooning about the abuser? The book Fallout: Recovering from Abuse in Tibetan Buddhism Paperback – July 20, 2019 gives exactly the answer to this question. It’s an honest and personal account about the process involved for people to wake up from the delusion that supporting hellish behavior would bring them to enlightenment or would set them apart and above others as exceptional beings with special insight, wisdom or realization.

Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism Paperback – June 17, 2017 The author Chandler spent nearly three decades in the center of the hierarchy of Tibetan Lamas’ inner circles by taking care of the son of notorious Lama, Chogyam Trungpa, whose Crazy Wisdom has destroyed a significant mass of three generations’ reasoning minds.

Trungpa paved the way for the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Lamas to ‘colonize’ the United States and the West to spread out their Guru Occult Tantra to slowly undermine foundations of a liberal education and its Judea-Christian Western Civilization roots. Tantra is about chaos; i.e. creating chaos to turn social mores upside down. It changed a critical mass of three generation’s views about ‘right and wrong’; good and bad; and an ability to tell lies from the truth. Chandler has both and intimate and a bird’s eye view of how these Lamas work their western groups, together, and in collusion with the Progressive Left, the Green New Deal, and China. Once Chandler realized she had been made a pawn on a geopolitical chessboard to perpetuate a deeply misogynistic, totalitarian worldview for the future, she broke free, determined to warn others about what lies beneath the smile of the Dalai Lama and a guru-worshipping cult that goes by the name of Buddhism.

Surrender to Higher Self and Awake the Soul

In my search of myself, I have make many mistakes, lost many times. Each time is my prayer and mind yoga with the Divine that saved me. Astrology also serve as a very useful tool for me to stay in the path. There are Exoteric Astrology (about personality based), and Esoteric Astrology (soul based).

Exoteric Astrology is like a light turned on in a dark room. Turning the light on does not change anything in the room but it does help you to see what is in the room more clearly. Exoteric astrology relates to the roadmap of the personality, and the archetypal traits, and talents of the individual. It’s psychological astrology.

Esoteric Astrology turns the light on and you see your own Soul. The Soul is always there but now you are aware of its presence. Esoteric astrology is an exploration of the inner unconscious and discipleship.

Planet Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. It is a transpersonal (collective) planet. It is the expression in the solar system of the heart of the spiritual Sun. It is the planet most closely linked with the work of the Soul in manifestation and is thus the vehicle for the Christ consciousness, which is indeed at the Heart of Divinity. At personal level, its higher manifestation is compassion, connecting to the oneness of the cosmos, practice non-duality, introspection/meditation, chanting mantras, pay tributes to our divinity, observe sacredness of mind-body-spirit, finding peace from within, loving kindness. When we do not practice the positive side of the energy, we can easily slip into negative traits of escapism, drug addiction, alcoholic, delusion, illusion, fraud, deception, dishonest, deceiving, hypocrisy, treachery, immoral etc. misguided guru, or victimized others and thus creating karma to pay back in the future. Collectively, Neptune is the indwelling Christ Principle in humanity which, when evoked, brings forth these healing properties from mankind. 

The sign of Cancer represents the foundation of creation. Cancer represents the spark of consciousness that is brought forth as the spirit. In Cancer, the influence of spirit begins to make its presence felt and man becomes a conscious personality. Cancer is the fusion of the physical body and the soul. Esoterically speaking, Neptune rule the sign of Cancer and fourth nature house (home and foundations). The US natal Sun, Jupiter, Venus stands. Cancer rules the mass consciousness, and as such, this is ruled by feeling rather than reason. Symbolizing the will of the masses, Cancer provides the experience necessary to awaken compassion and a deeper sense-perception. It is in Cancer that sense-perception is cultivated and fine-tuned. Cancer is concerned primarily with the world of causes where we discover an urge to wake up from the illusion of the outer world. The Moon in Cancer rules our past and past conditioning which represents major negative emotional response patterns inherited from the past. It represents the Prison of the Soul which has us cling to our past. Cancer is a sign of maternal instincts and feelings, and partakes in a nurturing nature.

Esoterically, Uranus rules Libra and the 7th nature house. On this level, Uranus is the spark of ideas that ignite relation, keeps relation evolving, or dooms the relation. The later case is because ideas are not shared or are antagonistic among the partners. Planets in the 7th house are instrumental in relation, partnerships, and interactions that either have or create structure. Uranus is the mental component of this spark. It ignites newness or change in partnerships or relationships.

Globally and personally, this level of Uranus points to the mind as the creative thinking and insight process. “As the slayer of the real,” mind rationalizes, negates, dismisses that which is real and important. Wars, genocide, occupation, abuse, sources of profit that cause disease or impoverishment of others, and such are examples of this. Then there are the personal manifestations of the same. Yet, Uranus is the sky – it is vast, empty of clutter, and thus unobstructed. When human beings understand that “me” “my” “I deserve” “I won’t give” are based in selfish desire and not in clear-mindedness, then the power of clarity is released and can produce new forms of society, politics, business, and relations.

 Libra represents the balance within creation. This sign forces everything into equilibrium. All the experience humanity has collected is laid in the scales of balance and weighed. What’s valuable is kept; what’s worthless is thrown away. The effect of this balance is harmony, developing our powers of discrimination, and bringing into equilibrium the two-sided forces of duality. Libra radiates the law of balance and justice into the three-dimensional world.      Libra is the sign of justice – it governs law, sex and money, representing life in the lower three worlds, the playing field of the personality. These three areas represent humanity’s greatest battlefields. The first aspect of will or power expresses itself in this sign as law~as legislation, legality and justice. The second aspect manifests as the relation between the pairs of opposites~sex on the physical plane of which Libra is the symbol. The astral plane shows itself as money; this is the third aspect and demonstrates as concrete energy. It is literally gold, this the externalized symbol of that which is created by the bringing together of spirit and matter upon the physical plane.  

Libra has three planetary rulers: Venus is the ‘ruler’ at personality level, Uranus is the ruler at Soul level and Saturn is the ruler at hierarchical level.  All three planetary ‘rulers’ of Libra are considered to be sacred planets. Air signs are all about Mastery of the Mind, which shows a deep significance of Libra’s sacred role in the evolution of  consciousness.      

So Neptune is extremely important to the spiritual development of United States (as mentioned earlier, U.S Sun, Jupiter and Venus are all in Cancer ruled esoterically by Neptune). In China’s natal chart, Neptune is in Libra and Uranus in Cancer – the two planets are in mutual reception ( when two planets are in each other’s signs of rulership). And the natal Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of religion/law/judiciary/higher learning is squaring the nodal axis (Libra and Aries), calling for China to make up the lesson in religious/legislature/judiciary practice for fairness and balanced justice. To learn lessons about cooperation, seeing things through another’s eyes, increasing awareness of others’ needs, giving support without expecting reciprocity, creating win/win situations and sharing. And in the meanwhile cultivate independence and self-nurturance, and have the courage to communicate self identity and trust one’s impulses. The lesson learned from Culture Revolution,  Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 are events coming from soul’s calling for deep introspection and re-orientation.

历史学家和政治评论员辛灏年所著《誰是新中國》一書是在對世界近三百年歷史進行全新探討和深入剖析的前提下,對二十世紀中國歷史的一個總回顧和總辨析。它所建立的理論體系,所揭露的歷史真相,不僅從理論與事實兩個方面,對新中國 —— 中華民國,一再遭遇國內外形形色色專制勢力反撲和顛覆的艱難歷史,予以了清晰的論述;還對中國共產黨在蘇俄的長期命令和直接指揮下,對中華民國實行造反和奪權的行徑,及其在革命的名義之下,於中國大陸全面復辟專制制度的事實,予以了明確的論證;特別是它對一系列重大歷史問題所進行的澄清,不僅是對中共史學界和思想界的嚴峻挑戰,而且是對費正清中國現代史觀的深深責難。

辛灏年在【透视中国】辛亥革命与中华民国(上) , 辛亥革命与中华民国(下) 中谈到,中国的近代史和现代史的划分界线应该是1911年。而这个呢应该说自辛亥革命以后一直到共产党在中国大陆“当家作主”,基本上历史学界是统一的看法。可是中共建政以后五十多年来,在它大、中、小学所有的历史教科书里面都把1919年爆发的五四运动,作为中国现代史的开端。 这样一个划分就等于把辛亥革命、中华民国都划分到了所谓“旧”的时代里面去了。

Esoteric Astrology is a soul-centered astrology. Less concerned with our singular outward personality or what’s going to happen to us in this lifetime, esoteric astrology is about defining our soul’s contribution to the evolution of humanity. It’s taught as a way of healing the relationship between soul and personality. According to esoteric astrologers, in order to reach our highest self and live with soul consciousness, we must transcend our material nature, using our personality as an instrument of soul expression, not the other way around. If this is already sounding a bit woo-woo, that’s because it is. Esoteric astrology originated with Theosophy—or, the “New Age” movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Alice Bailey has wrote more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, initially referred to only as “the Tibetan” or by the initials “D.K.”, later identified as Djwal Khul.

The Theosophical Society is the organisational body of Theosophy, an esoteric new religious movement. It was founded in New York City, USA in 1875. Among its founders were Helena Blavatsky, a Russian mystic and the principle thinker of the Theosophy movement, and Henry Steel Olcott, its first president.

Israel National Chart

Recently there is an upheaval in Israel, something never happened in Israel’s history since its birth on May 14 1948. Even though I had quote Anne Norton’s book in discussing Jew’s philosophy in conflict with Muslim, but I admit I do not know much about Jew’s life. I am just going to read from the Horoscope of Israel national chart to see if it give us some clue.

This is a national that is destined and strongly desired to play an important role in the international stage. The four planets clustered in the 10th house donates those determination and resolute. Pluto is the subconscious desire, Mars is the energy of dedication, Saturn is the implementation and the Moon, together with the emotional needs and subjective awareness of the Moon which is right on the MC and in conjunction to Pluto, the chart ruler. The prolific Moon in Leo is in a Quintile (72 degree) aspect to the Taurus Sun. The Sun is the depositor of all the planets in 10th house and the MC. This fuses a driven restless energy with intense creativity to organize and manifest something that’s usually tied to earthly reality. 

But there is a blockage between the Sun in Taurus and Mars /Saturn in Leo. This denotes difficulties in the holistic integration of its energies/organizing efforts to manifest optimal result. There was a skipped step in the past relating to the ability of Pluto (unconscious desire for transformation) and Saturn (responsibility, regulations, authority, discipline, control, fear and denial). As they are stuck in the past (Scorpio South Node) of attraction to crisis situations, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies, the Native is over concerned with others’ business and has resistance to cooperating with what others what. A sense of setting boundary and self-reliance is in need for further development. Currently transit planet Uranus is in close conjunction to the North node, awaken the native the need for self assurance and the courage/conviction to search for its own identity (Transit Pluto square its Asc.) .

A north node in 7th house in Taurus denotes the needs to develop awareness of its value system to appropriately interaction with others – honoring expressed needs of self and others, and to forge mindset of forgiveness and gratitude. Just a few days before the founding of the country (May 9th 1948) there was a solar eclipse on 19 degree of Taurus, sensitize the 7th house, where the Sun stands as well as the North Node, putting the ruler of 7th house, Venus in focus. Venus, the planet of money and relationship is in early degree of Cancer is in 9th house ruling 7th and the 12th where Neptune in Libra stands. And Venus is deposited by the Moon in Leo at MC.

It seems the native’s value system and the emotional needs for getting social status paralyzed its spirituality. Neptune is often called whisper form the eternal. The 12th house is the house of self-undoing. The Native can easily prone to the trap of the ego and lose its good judgement in its creative projects/endeavors. Deeply merged its psyche with others, the native may not have a clear sense of its own identity/boundary, and can suffer from taking on too much risk in its endeavor for social achievements and thus constantly in a state of crisis mentality .

Remember The stars incline, but do not compel. In this case, Introspection, self-examination, prayers maybe especially important for the native to establish its own value system, find peace and the lost dreams, re-discover the blessings from its heritage (which had always been there), and for its general well-being. With a more clear vision, it can take on the works of service humanity and the betterment of the world using its ingenuity. Purification and giving back to the Mother Earth (not necessary for the so-called climate change) are among some of the transformations this country is well capable of exemplifying. In doing so, fulfill the emotional needs it so inspiriting to. After all, the Star of David national flag was envisioned from the prayer with God.