Ukraine War – BLOOD is on the WESTS HANDS

The Russia Ukraine War has been in our background for the last 14 months. I had been feel very confused by this war initially but had strongly calling for ending this war. Alas too many arguments in the west media try to criminalize Putin. U.S government (Biden Admin) has been in strong support of Ukraine. The western media including editorials in the Washington Post, mostly has been accused Russia as invader.

But according to John Joseph Mearsheimer, Blood is on the Wests HandsRussians have been sayinbg since April 2008 that this is all about NATO expansion. Nato expansion simply is an existential threat to Russia, but Americans simply refuse to believe it. John Joseph Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He has been described as the most influential realist of his generation. Mearsheimer’s books include Conventional Deterrence (1983), which won the Edgar S. Furniss Jr. Book Award; Nuclear Deterrence: Ethics and Strategy (co-editor, 1985); Liddell Hart and the Weight of History (1988); The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (2001), which won the Lepgold Book Prize; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (2007); and Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics (2011). His articles have appeared in academic journals like International Security and popular magazines like the London Review of Books. He has written op-ed pieces for The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune.

A brilliant explanation from J J Mearsheimer. proving there are still some highly intelligent people in the USA. Let’s just looking up some other people who gave similar opinion of Mearsheimer.

In Around the Corner: Reflections on American Wars, Violence, Terrorism, and Hope by John W. Davis, Paperback – January 14, 2021. The author, an American politician, diplomat and lawyer, gave a collection of heart breaking, and insightful essays. Real people and actual events emerge from this collection in ways you won’t forget. Each draws us deeper into the questions we raise when we demand others serve in the secret world for their country. we find more thought provoking true stories from the Cold War, its bloody aftermath, and our own America today. Rain swept streets and dark corners serve not only as background, but also as metaphor. Around dark corners on a rainy street, what seems at first glance clear, might not be so. We see only indistinct outlines, as through a glass darkly; what may be true, could as well be only partly so, or even tragically false. So too with our beliefs about who we are. He observes events, people, laws, chance, and history from the perspective of a soldier, historian, liaison officer, husband and father.

On Western Terrorism – New Edition: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare (Chomsky Perspectives) Paperback – Illustrated, April 15, 2017. A conversation between Chomsky and Vitchek, with a lot of shared knowledge of the issues and conflicts that they are discussing. A sharp and direct to the point sternly criticize of America’s role in the international affair, such as the indiscriminate atom bombing of Hiroshima at Nagasaki, the Cold War and the nuclear blackmail, the military aggression against Korea and Indochina, adventures in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Chile, and Cuba, the rise and downfall of the Marcos dictatorship, the anti-Soviet wars in Angola, Mozambique and Afghanistan, the instigation of the Iraq-Iran War and the military aggression against Iraq, the so-called humanitarian air-festival on Yugoslavia, the 9-11-01 ‘terrorist attacks’ and the so-called Al Qaeda threat, the second military aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan, the continuing provocative attacks against China and North Korea, the “war on terror”, up to the Arab Spring, Libya-Syria fiasco, Guantanamo and the drone warfare. Indeed a must-read book about Western Terrorism.

Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor (U.S. Army Colonel, Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense | 02-09-2023), who had posted in Twitter: “Having failed for at least 20 years to acknowledge Moscow’s legitimate security interests in Ukraine, Washington and its allies will inevitably confront new facts on the ground.” He also came out to say that China is SERIOUS About Peace in Ukraine as Key to Belt and Road.

Scott Ritter, a former Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union, implementing arms control agreements, and on the staff of General Norman Schwartzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraqi SCUD missiles. From 1991 until 1998, Mr. Ritter served as a Chief Inspector for the United Nations in Iraq, leading the search for Iraq’s proscribed weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Ritter was a vocal critic of the American decision to go to war with Iraq. He resides in Upstate New York, where he writes on issues pertaining to arms control, the Middle East and national security. Mr. Rotter’s 10th book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika. His book SCORPION KING: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump is a history of America’s corrosive affair with nuclear weapons, and the failed efforts to curb this radioactive ardor through arms control. The book’s title refers to the allusion by Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the American atomic bomb, to dueling scorpions when discussing the deadly nuclear rivalry between the US and Soviet Union, and signals the dangers inherent in the resumption of the perilous US drive for nuclear supremacy.

Brian Berletic, US geopolitical analyst and debunker; former US marine officer came out to talked about NATO is FAILING in Ukraine, Sets Sights on Taiwan Danny haiphone show/ Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano.

Jimmy Dore is the star of several Comedy Central specials, author of the bestseller “Your Country Is Just Not That Into You”, a writer / performer for the Off-Broadway hit “The Marijuana-Logues”, the host of a weekly radio show in Los Angeles, and on-air host for The Young Turks. “ A crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and free-thinkers in 21st century America. Jimmy will anger you if you’re a conservative and enrage you if you’re a liberal.”

Chris Hedges: NATO to Blame for DANGEROUS Escalations in Ukraine War. and many others.

Filmed on five possible front-lines across Asia and the Pacific over two years, Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. told in chapters that connect a secret and ‘forgotten’ past to the rapacious actions of great power today and to a resistance, of which little is known in the West.The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia. On the other side of the world, the rise of China is viewed in Washington as a threat to American dominance.

Stephen Edward Schmidt is an American political and corporate strategist, media commentator and founder of The Warning. He is founder of The Lincoln Project, a group founded to campaign against former President Trump. Schmidt’s candid, full interview was conducted with FRONTLINE during the making of the two-part January 2020 documentary series “America’s Great Divide: From Obama to Trump.” Watch Part One here: and Part Two here:

Why has U.S. security policy scarcely changed from the Bush to the Obama administration? National Security and Double Government offers a disquieting answer. Michael J. Glennon challenges the myth that U.S. security policy is still forged by America’s visible, “Madisonian institutions” – the President, Congress, and the courts. Their roles, he argues, have become largely illusory. Presidential control is now nominal, congressional oversight is dysfunctional, and judicial review is negligible.

The book details the dramatic shift in power that has occurred from the Madisonian institutions to a concealed “Trumanite network” – the several hundred managers of the military, intelligence, diplomatic, and law enforcement agencies who are responsible for protecting the nation and who have come to operate largely immune from constitutional and electoral restraints. Reform efforts face daunting obstacles. Remedies within this new system of “double government” require the hollowed-out.

The author Michael J. Glennon, is Professor of International Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. He has been Legal Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1977-1980); Fulbright Distinguished Professor of International and Constitutional Law, Vytautus Magnus University School of Law, Kaunas, Lithuania (1998); a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC (2001-2002); Thomas Hawkins Johnson Visiting Scholar at the United States Military Academy, West Point (2005); Director of Studies at the Hague Academy of International Law (2006); and professeur invité at the University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas (2006-2013). Professor Glennon has served as a consultant to various congressional committees, the U.S. State Department, and the International Atomic Energy Agency. He is a member of the American Law Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Board of Editors of the American Journal of International Law.

The Pros and Cons of Globalization – High Concentration of Wealth, Hidden Assets and Tax Free Inheritance

An article in the New Yorker a while back described a bunch of millionaires and billionaires building luxury bomb shelters on private islands in anticipation of some sort of apocalyptic scenario – high-end sanctuaries for the end of days. These people are willing to pay millions to live through the collapse of society in comfort, but how many of them have spent millions – or any amount, for that matter – to change the dynamics that caused the threat in the firt place? How many of those millionaires are willing to admit that they helped create or worsen the societal onditons that are cuasing their fear? Do any of them understand that much of – even most of – what is happening today is their fault? You can not continue to sit by and enjoy your riches while the rest of the world falls further into poverty and chaos.

A trend that worth paying attention if the number of young billions below ago 35 is growing. U.S. Net Worth Statistics: The State of Wealth in 2023. According to Economist Robert Reich, America is now on the cusp of the larget intergenerational transfer of wealth in history. As wealthy boomers pass on, somewhere between $30 Trillion to $70 Trillion will go to their children over the next three decades. By the loophole of current tax system, these children will be able to live off this wealth and leave the bulk of it to their children tax free.

The Geographic Distribution of Extreme Wealth in the U.S. dwells into many perspectives of wealth distribtuion by states and offer their insights about tax reform. Another research The Wealth of Households: 2020 by U.S Censor Bureau analysis wealth by household statistics. gave a good account of the situation in an article dated Sept 29, 2022: The bottom half of American families hold just 2% of the country’s wealth — while the top 1% of families have a third.

The collapse of the money supply is said to be one of the four major reasons causing the 1930 great depression. Everyone said nowadays the Fed hiking interest rate will cause recession becuase rate increase monetary policy will reduce the money supply. The argument may have some logic in it. But it ignore another major factor, the highly concentration of wealth. 如果問題是來自印鈔,那解方不是衰退,是QT。衰退一直不來,慢慢QT才是正解。雖然這會讓經濟成長停滯一段時間,但可以讓未來的人負擔減輕。

Tax engineering in Luxembourg explained in four minutes

To go into more detail, Inside the Secret World of Tax Havens: The Multi-Million Businesses in Luxembourg | Documentary investigate the world of tax havens and show how some of the world’s most famous companies are using a tax haven at the heart of Europe to save millions in tax. The small country Luxembourg the size of Wyomin had become one of Europe’s cleverest tax shelters and attracts big corporations from around the world. Secret documents reveal how companies like GlaxoSmithKline have been getting big tax breaks on billion-pound transactions in the tiny country of Luxembourg. By opening offices there, diverting profits overseas and then having their Luxembourg office lend offices in other countries money, they can avoid multi-million euro tax bills in their country of origin. In these austere times, is big business paying its fair share?

This vido dive into how it became a tax haven thanks to quick-thinking civil servants in the 1960s and ’70s who bet big on attracting financial investment from abroad. According to audience who live there, the country still have high tax just for ordinary citizens like in panama, but not for massive companies. That is why companies like amazon headquarters is in luxembourg. Ironically europeans defend that they have the best democracy, law etc. But in the middle of europe everybody acts like those fradualent countries like luxembourg or lienchenstein do not exist at all. But we all know throughout the history no crime schemes or systems etc could continue like that forever. Billionaires safehouse. Why is Luxembourg so insanely rich ? explain why the insane salaries, huge companies and some of the richest people in the world are just some elements that make the entire world why this tiny country is so rich and why it is even on the map. In this video you will find out why and much more. If every government just put a fair tax nobody would hide their money. Does not these count as organized crime?

Mr. Reich explained in clear and easy understandable way about corporate greed. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book I, Chapter IX wrote: “Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people. ” Media had helped corporation to hide their profits. If the media reported on corporate profits then it would be impossible to blame the powerless.

SPOT ON ! We are not against a CEO being wealthy. We are against a CEO taking everyone else’s hard-earned money for themselves. People do the lion’s share of the work, they take more than the lion’s share of the money. These CEOs are like dragons hoarding treasure and need to be dealt with the exact same way. Greed destroys everything.

People get reporting on jobs. We get reporting on wages. You know what we don’t get? Reporting on corporate profits. Corporate America wants to keep it this way. Workers get blamed for inflation. Corporations get cover for their greed. The Truth Behind “Self-Made” Billionaires.

  • The CEO: “I’ll need a multimillion dollar bonus if I succeed, and a multimillion dollar severance package in case I fail.”
  • The executive board: “Let’s spend our profits on stock buybacks and more bonuses for ourselves. If we fail, the government will bail us out.”
  • The workers: “We just want enough to pay our rent/mortgage and take care of our families.”
  • The media: Look at those GREEDY employees!”

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own — nobody. You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police-forces and fire-forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory — and hire someone to protect against this — because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless — keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” — Elizabeth Warren, 2012

The Supreme Court’s War on the People Citizens vs. United really was one of the most disasterous Supreme Court decisions in this country’s history. This 2010 Supreme Court decision, a controversial decision that reversed century-old campaign finance restrictions and enabled corporations and other outside groups to spend unlimited funds on elections, further tilted political influence toward wealthy donors and corporations, with negative repercussions for American democracy and the fight against political corruption. Dark money is election-related spending where the source is secret. Citizens vs. United contributed to a major jump in this type of spending, which often comes from nonprofits that are not required to disclose their donors. In Canada Corporations are not allowed to make any political donations and private citizens donation amounts are capped. In 2008, before the ruling, billionaires contributed $31 million to federal campaigns. In 2020, billionaires contributed $1.2 billion. Corporations should not have the political rights of citizenship, particularly those that operate in more than one sovereignty. And there are at least fifty-one sovereignties in the US.

Corporate greed is off the rails. Then they spend millions or more to fight unions. In a Nov 2021 youtube program How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of Control – Economist Robert Reich explained how prblem baloon into the top 1% holds 15x more wealth than the bottom 50% combined. Professor Reich pointed out: “Billionaires are not made by rugged individuals. They’re made by policy failures. And a system that rewards wealth over work.” The ultra wealth had benefits from American system – from laws that protect their wealth, and our economy that enable them to build their fortune in the first place. “Don’t blame the billionaires, blame the game,” but what if the billionaires own and direct the game? Unlimited wealth = unlimited power, the game itself is an illusion.

People are not mad at the rich for being rich. We’re mad at them and our politicians for the unadulterated corporatism that is now a signature of what used to be capitalism based democracies. They should pay their fair share! Professor Reich suggested many way to do so: closing the stepped up basis of loopholes, raising capital gain tax, fully fund the IRS, so it can properly audit the wealthiest tax, for starters. Beyond those, we need a wealth tax of 2% tax on wealth in excess of $1million. That is hardly a drop in the bucket for the super rich. That would generate plenty of revenue to invest in education, health care, so that millions of American can have a fair share of the system for both risk and rewards. The most important thing is everyone of us need to fully understand how the reality of wealth inequality, and how the system has become rigged in favor of those on the top. And demand your political representative to take action to unrig it.

In the similar token, Tobacco industry has reported a profit and tax revenue of 1.4 trillion yuan in China, Shouldn’t government charge much higher taxes for industries that create hidden damage to the society ? 2023年4月10日,中国著名的异议人士许志永,被判处有期徒刑14年,罪名是煽动颠覆国家政权罪。三大罪状:第一倡导公民权利,践行宪法规定的公民权力,履行公民责任;第二推动教育平权,随迁子女就地高考; 第三呼吁政府官员财产公示。 本片的所有收益,将全部捐给该纪录片的制作团队。制片者希望各位通过这个纪录片,能更多地了解许志永。非常感谢王志安先生利用影响力为许教授发声。墙内对舆论管控严厉至极,99%的百姓都不知道有这么一位北大法学博士为民请愿,为中国公民社会平权请愿!中国民主化,需要这样的殉道者和自我牺牲,如此这个社会才会觉醒。王志安先生的传播,实在太重要了!

关于中国经济的判断,林毅夫很可能是错的!How Can We Improve The Economy? Start By Reining In The Power Of Corporations – Robert Reich on CNN.

The Pros and Cons of Globalization 2 – Taxes, Budget, National Debt

The Inflation Reduction Act signed into law authorized $80 billion in funding for the Internal Revenue Service over the next 10 years. More than $45 billion is earmarked for enforcement — part of an effort to close the estimated $600 billion “tax gap,” the difference between what Americans owe and what they actually pay. In fact, research by the Wharton School of Business concludes that the Inflation Reduction Act “would have no meaningful effect on inflation in the near term but would reduce inflation by around 0.1 percentage points by the middle of the first decade.”

And then it is reported a couple days ago that U.S. IRS to hire nearly 20,000 staff over two years with $80 billion in new funds. We wonder if that will resolve the problem of inequality? While experts generally agree that the legislation will modestly help slow the growth of prices, its benefits to the consumer is unclear.

Our Selfish Tax Laws: Toward Tax Reform That Mirrors Our Better Selves by Anthony Infanti (The MIT Press) Hardcover – October 2, 2018 written by a Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and a Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, explore the topics of Why tax law is not just a pocketbook issue but a reflection of what and whom we, as a society, value. Most of us think of tax as a pocketbook issue: how much we owe, how much we’ll get back, how much we can deduct. In Our Selfish Tax Laws, Anthony Infanti takes a broader view, considering not just how taxes affect us individually but how the tax system reflects our culture and society. He finds that American tax laws validate and benefit those who already possess power and privilege while starkly reflecting the lines of difference and discrimination in American society based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, immigration status, and disability. Infanti argues that instead of focusing our tax reform discussions on which loopholes to close or which deductions to allow, we should consider how to make our tax system reflect American ideals of inclusivity rather than institutionalizing exclusion.

 Infanti offers two comparative case studies, examining the treatment of housing tax expenditures and the unit of taxation in the United States, Canada, France, and Spain to show how tax law reflects its social and cultural context. Then, drawing on his own work and that of other critical tax scholars, Infanti explains how the discourse surrounding tax reform masks the many ways that the American tax system rewards and reifies privilege. To counter this, Infanti urges us to work together to create a society with a tax system that respects and values all Americans.

The recent CPI numbers indicated that The index for shelter was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase. This more than offset a decline in the energy. Housing played a major role in the February CPI all-items index, with shelter accounting for 70 percent of the increase. There is a different argument that The Biggest Driver of Inflation Is a Price That No One Is Actually Paying. Which one is more reflective of reality?

The Book, Only the Rich Can Play: How Washington Works in the New Gilded Age revealed the underbelly of a system tilted in favor of the few, with the many left out in the cold. David Wessel, a senior fellow in Economic Studies at Brookings and director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, unveil incredible tale of how Washington works-and why the rich keep getting richer-starts when a Silicon Valley entrepreneur develops an idea intended as a way to help poor people that will save rich people money on their taxes. He organizes and pays for an effective lobbying effort that pushes his idea into law with little scrutiny or fine-tuning by congressional or Treasury tax experts-and few safeguards against abuse. With an unbeatable pair of high-profile sponsors, bumper-sticker simplicity and deft political marketing, the Opportunity Zone became an unnoticed part of the 2017 Trump tax bill.

In another book, Red Ink: Inside the High-Stakes Politics of the Federal Budget Paperback – July 2, 2013, David Wessel, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter, columnist, and bestselling author of In Fed We Trust, dissects the federal budget in this New York Times bestseller. In a sweeping narrative about the people and the politics behind the budget–a topic that is fiercely debated today in the halls of Congress and the media, and yet is often misunderstood by the American public–Wessel looks at the 2011 fiscal year (which ended September 30) to see where all the money was actually spent, and why the budget process has grown wildly out of control. Through the eyes of key people, including Jacob Lew, White House director of the Office of Management and Budget; Douglas Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office; Blackstone founder and former Commerce Secretary Pete Peterson; and more, Wessel gives readers an inside look at the making of our unsustainable budget.

Red Ink is a sobering look at the 2012 federal budget, including an analysis of the “unsustainable trajectory” of federal borrowing—which has expanded significantly in the seven years since this book was published. The U.S. government will spend $1.28 for every dollar it receives in 2020, and is set to run trillion-dollar yearly deficits as far as the eye can see. And now in 2023, Federal budget deficit hits $1.1 trillion over six months: CBO estimates. U.S. government posts $378 billion deficit in March.

At this rate, by 2049 federal debt will equal 174 percent of U.S. Gross Domestic Product—the value of all goods and services produced in this country in one year. And gone are the days we could console ourselves by saying the national debt is no problem “because we owe it to ourselves.” Today, around half our debt is owed to foreign nationals, over $2 trillion to China and Japan, societies that saved while we borrowed.

Public economics and public policy: The ideas and influence of Martin Feldstein, 1939-2019 spoke of the method Martin Feldstein deployed in institutional data collection and policy making bases. Maybe congressional government need to establish committees to work on these important issues.

Pitfall of Corporate Power, Structural Fraud in Tax Code, War Economy, Gun Violence and Huge Disparity in the Era of Globalization

In The New Human Rights Movement – Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression, Peter Joseph wrote: “Today the US leads the world in terms of both economic influence and military force, endlessly pushing the neoliberal values of “free trade” as a root priority. The incentives that are at play in the US war economy is like a philosophical crusade, it has been deemed an imperative of Western business-political leaders to ensure that people comply with what is in effect the new global religion – a religion that invariably prioritizes commerce over everything else, with human rights increasingly subordinated to business rights. When one understands how the rules of trade, property, and exchange have become the determining mechanisms of society, decoupling focus from actual life-supporting means and factors of social trust, the dehumanized, conflicted-ridden nature of the modern world begins to make a lot more sense.

Given this ethic, educations is simply another product to be bought and sold and little more. The US government allocates roughly 2 percent of its annual budge to education. This is in stark contrast to the 20 percent of its annual budget to military, suggesting war is more beneficial to the nation’s leaders than an educated population.” New Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz questions the double standard of Republican party: “558 people has been murdered in school, who cared about the cost? What about the kids? No hearings for them! Three hundred thirty thousand kids experience gun violence in this country, the number one killer of school age children in this country is gun violence.”

Just see Who REALLY Won the War in Afghanistan. This list is just a drop on the bucket. The list of who got super rich off the war is longer than any of us can fathom. The incentives are at play in the US war economy – this is a structure issue as well as a moral issue. Edward Snowden says “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals”. What blows our mind is that killing innocent Iraqi civilians can be swept under the rug without any consequences but leaking publishing information about can get you jailed for multiple years, as in the case of Julian Assange who is a hero to expose the corruption. We thankful to these people who take the time to defend society’s true freedom. The fact that the most powerful country of the world feel so threatened by a man like Julian Assange speaks of itself. ‘The object of power is power. The object of torture is torture.’ -1984, Orwell.

In The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality Paperback – November 3, 2020 Katharina Pistor, a legal scholar demonstrates how the rights of capital have been entrenched in the international legal system, opening a thoughtful discussion about the treaties on capital flows and privileges that need to be rewritten. The book explains how, behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, capital is created―and why this little-known activity is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else. The book explains the various ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are selectively coded to protect and reproduce private wealth. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it. The author argues that almost everything that we call wealth is ultimately a human construction based in law and subject to review and change. What is the point of endlessly arguing about the ineffable logic of economics if that logic largely emerges from the fabric of law? Much more likely those laws are merely another political landscape upon which the endless struggle between the powerful and the rest plays out. And as such, they are changeable – and with that change, outcomes will be different. Moreover, this discussion is morally necessary because it is ultimately the power of the state – as the representative of the people – which is being used to enforce the claims of wealth among its citizens. A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time.

Today people almost take for granted big corporate money in American politics. Not only can congresspeople trade stocks, they can insider trade without repercussions. It’s absurd. But it started with the Powell memo. The Corporate “Heist” of the United States Government Began With this Memo in 1971. Lewis Powell was a corporate attorney from Virginia who was asked by his friend at the US Chamber of Commerce to write a secret strategy memorandum for the chamber in 1971. Two months later, Richard Nixon nominated him to the Supreme Court of the United States, where he served a number of years. The memo became a rallying cry among corporate executives for how to reassert corporate dominance over the American economy and its government, which it had lost during the era of the New Deal. The memo openly stated that corporations should punish their political enemies and should seek political power through both the law and politics. It encouraged challenges to what it saw as left-wing activities by people such as Ralph Nader and US academics. By 1978, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable defeated pro-labor law reforms through a filibuster by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, which signaled the demise of organized labor as a significant opponent of organized money.

Economist Robert Reich wrote in Worse Memo in American History: Wealthy individuals also accounted for a growing share. In 1980, the richest one-hundredth of 1% of Americans provided 10% of contributions to federal elections. By 2012, they provided 40%. Although Republicans mostly benefited from a few large donors and Democrats from a much larger number of small donors (more on this to come), both political parties transformed themselves from state and local organizations that channeled the views of members upward into giant fundraising machines that sucked in money from the top.

Senator Joe Manchin has been Congress’ largest recipient of money from natural gas pipeline companies. He just reciprocated by gaining Senate support for the Mountain Valley pipeline in West Virginia and expedited approval for pipelines nationwide. Senator Kyrsten Sinema is among Congress’s largest recipients of money from the private-equity industry. She just reciprocated by preserving private-equity’s tax loophole in the Inflation Reduction Act.

In a interview on political economic laws, Mark Karlin, Managing Editor of Buzzflash on Truthout, asked: Playing the role of devil’s advocate, despite the planned evolution of a pro-corporate majority on the Supreme Court, one of their most significant rulings in the past few years, Citizens United, was not able to buy them the 2012 presidential election. Was this a fluke, or are changing demographics starting to counterbalance, at least on some key occasions, the insidious influence of big money?

Thom Hartmann, an political commentator views it this way: “I think it’s both. First, the selection allowed them to calibrate their systems for future elections. I mean, when you think of what an incredibly bad candidate Mitt Romney was – a predatory banker who was born a millionaire and couldn’t even pull decent approval ratings numbers in the state where he had been governor – what should shock and horrify all of us is that he was able to get, ironically, 47 percent of the vote. You have virtually every Republican member of the House of Representatives who voted for Paul Ryan’s budget – which would have decimated the middle class, voucherized Medicare and dropped Mitt Romney’s tax rate to zero – and enough of them, with billionaire support, were able to get elected but they held the House. I see these as very dangerous and, frankly, frightening trends. And not only will they be back, but it’s already begun.”

Look at this group of multi-millionaire and billionaire CEOs who, along with a few shill former politicians, have started this multi-million-dollar AstroTurf “fix the debt” group. We didn’t see the end; we just saw the very beginning. Unless we amend the Constitution to say that corporations are not people and that money is not speech, America will soon become a full-blown oligarchy.

It is interesting how the term philanthropy, defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others,” has become associated almost exclusively with the wealthy; a badge worn to show how they “give back” to the community. Yet, rarely is the question of why there is the need to give back considered from the standpoint of market dynamics itself. While there is indeed growing global concern about increasing inequality, existing poverty, and so on little real effort is being made to counter the problem from the standpoint of altering the social structure to correct what are clearly systemic problems inherent in or society. In fact, philanthropy appears to be the only practice to redistribute wealth that isn’t met head-on with great disdain by the prevailing intelligentsia, especially in America. Even quite basic traditional platforms, such as increased taxation of the rich, are routinely met with contempt by gatekeeper of the capitalist religion. In the words of conservative Forbes contributor Jeffery Dorfman, “Income Redistribution’s Logical Conclusion Is Communism…. once you admit that income redistribution is fair, there is no logical stopping point short of communism.” This kind of anti-social dogma is nothing new, prominently set in motion in the early to mid-twentieth century when the threat of communism was putting capitalist hegemony at risk. The long-term consequence has been a reactionary Western culture that sees any direct government action toward economic equality, especially if it inconveniences the wealthy, as little more than a move toward bureaucratic tyranny.

While all charity is admirable, once it becomes institutionalized and funded to the extent seen by organizations such as the Gates Foundation, it turns into something different, with extended social ramifications. These elite charities are true, large-scale institutions with power, engaging in lobbying, transnational partnerships, political policy alignments, and so on. Where and how the George Soroses and Bill Gateses of the world mobilize money can have powerful effects on industry, politics, culture, academia, scientific research, national policy, and the like. In the case of Gates, his foundation is “undeniably, the most powerful an influential global health charity in history,” in the words of health-law professor Lawrence Gostin. What critics rightfully point out is that, regardless of good intention, unaccountable, singular private power in global health affairs poses serious problems, in the same way autocratic dictatorships pose serious problems for democracy and liberty. Any organization with the power to actually affect the lives of millions of people needs transparency, accountability, and a democratic presence. Thee private institutions have little to non.

What we have is the rise of a new breed of pseudo-egalitarian capitalists. They generate their great wealth by way of often ruthless competitive behavior in the private sector, arguably promoting the very mechanisms that have led to the vast structural violence and extensive poverty existing on Earth to begin with. They then turn around and offer their charity as the solution to the problems created by the very system that rewards them. Once again, this has nothing to do with intent. It is about an underlying hypocrisy that bypasses and obscures the real problem-solving focus desperately needed to further human-rights justice. That focus can only be structural.

At the same time, this institutionalization of philanthropy also serves to placate the public, giving a caring face to those who have often extracted such great wealth at the cost of others’ well-being. In the words of activist Slavoj Zizek, “Charity is the humanitarian mask hiding the face of economic exploitation.” There is a deep psychological need in those of great wealth to feel that their exceptionalism is justified. They naturally wish not only to ensure everyone believes they deserve what they have, but also to justify it to themselves. An example of this is the “Giving Pledge” project it is very difficult not to view the entire project as a PR stunt for the upper 0.1 percent. There is no transparency, so the public might never know whether a person gave or not.

For those who do follow through, there are prominent tax incentives, specifically in the United States. Since donations to charity and philanthropic foundations allow for reduced tax liability for the rich, giving money away often becomes an act of strategic self-interest. Very often, the rich simply set up their own foundations and move money through them via tax loopholes. Estate taxes are interesting as they relate to the rich only. In the US when wealthy people die, s In 2023, the federal estate tax ranges from rates of 18% to 40% and generally only applies to assets over $12.92 million. The rich work around this tax in various ways, with charitable foundations forming the most common means. A study done by the Tax Policy Center in 2003 found that “the estate tax encourage charitable giving at death by allowing a deduction for charitable bequests” and “also encourages giving during life.” The Congressional Budge Office corroborated this finding and added that during life, this same class would also reduce giving by up to 11 percent.

With globalization wealth inequality explode to a level never seen before. Disparity is not a Democratic or Republican problem. It is a problem challenging our great cities, sprawling suburbs and rural heartland.  Asian Americans are among the fastest growing group in US. But Why income inequality is growing at the fastest rate among Asian Americans. According to Pew Research Center, the median household income for Asian American households was $85,800 in 2019, slightly higher than the total U.S. median household income. Burmese Americans, however, bring in a household income of $44,400, about half of the median income for Asians in the United States. It’s an example of the widening income inequality within the Asian American community. Aggregate economic data often overshadows poverty experienced by many Asian Americans. Even in Taiwan, one of the most well-to-do and democratic politics in Asian regions, the Housing Affordability Crisis is closely related to Government Policy Actions in Taiwan.

In June 2020, US House Speaker Pelosi appointed the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. The Committee was suppose to develop solutions to the key economic issue of our time: the yawning prosperity gap between wealthy Americans and everyone else. America is more unequal today than it has ever been, and far more unequal than other developed nations. Great wealth disparities slow our economy, poison our politics and offend our moral sensibilities. The Committee was dissolved in January 2023 at the start of the 118th Congress, is not fair and justice one of the most pressing issues of our time? With government cutting social welfare, Assisted-living homes are rejecting Medicaid and evicting seniors. How to balance business interest with humanitarian and needs is something our government needs to address.

The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics Paperback – August 23, 2022 by Jerry Bowyer (Author). Jesus definitely wants His followers to be compassionate and generous, He had no problem with those who accumulate wealth honestly, by hard work or even shrewd investments, enjoying the fruits of their efforts. Rather His issue is with those in positions of power who prosper by exploiting the less fortunate. As the author puts it, “What you will see is Jesus confronting the takers of wealth, not the makers of it”. Jesus never said anything negative about wealth or rich people when preaching in Galilee, which was characterized by numerous moderately prosperous tradespeople and small family farms, what today we would call “small businesses.” It was only in Judea, and especially Jerusalem, where a powerful ruling class exploited the people for their own profit, that He had harsh things to say to the rich.

Financial Crisis and Its Tie with U.S. Government Irresponsibility

The sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank was met by an equally swift response from US regulators. But the crisis is far from over, and the nature of the authorities’ response introduces problems of its own….. time inconsistency in policy making (coming up with new tools and rules after the fact) does present a difficult problem. In this case, a bank run suddenly rendered an optimal policy – limited deposit guarantees – suboptimal. But by breaking their own rule, regulators jeopardize their own credibility. Rescuing all SVB depositors – including those with deposits above the FDIC ceiling – is not without controversy, says Takatoshi Ito, a former Japanese deputy vice minister of finance, a professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a senior professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.

However, there are ways to mitigate moral hazard. First, depositors should be guaranteed for their principal, but not for interest payments (or at least for above-average payments). Second, bank executives’ salaries for the period leading up to the crisis – say, the previous three years – should be clawed back, and any pending bonuses should be denied. One reason why the 2008 bank bailouts were so unpopular was that executives still received bonuses. This must not be repeated in the current crisis.

In a piece with Project Syndicate, An Insolvency Iceberg, Ito detail analyze the logic, assuming the media’s reporting tells the whole story:

This is where moral hazard comes in. Now that US authorities have issued an ex post blanket guarantee, all depositors will expect that any and all deposits will be protected. They will duly pour deposits into institutions offering higher interest rates; but such competitive rates tend to be offered on large deposits by weak banks with tight liquidity constraints. These weak institutions’ depositors can now anticipate being made whole if the institution fails. Accordingly, they will cease to play any monitoring role within the financial system.

And make no mistake: bank executives will be motivated to take on a lot more risk. On one hand, if their risky loans do not become non-performing, their institutions will reap large profits, and they will be compensated handsomely. On the other hand, if their loans go south, they will just leave the bank and move on to the next thing (recall that SVB paid out bonuses on the very day that it was failing).

…..In Japan, where the inflation rate is much lower than in the US and Europe …… and the Bank of Japan is still intervening in the market to cap the ten-year bond rate at 50 basis points. But if the inflation rate in Japan continues to rise for the rest of the year, some regional Japanese banks may confront liquidity crises, which could trigger bank runs. Though this is far from the baseline scenario, it cannot be ruled out.

Over the last few months, a G7 economy (the United Kingdom), a midsize US bank (Silicon Valley Bank), a small African economy (Ghana), a lower-middle-income South Asian economy (Pakistan), and the fastest-growing global services sector (technology) have all faced short-term cash constraints. Monetary-policy tightening in the United States – where the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 475 basis points in the space of a year – has produced knock-on effects around the world. But the stark disparities in how these effects are being treated speak volumes about current global financial arrangements. As in past systemic crises, this one is revealing major flaws in the international financial system. Vera Songwe, Chair of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility, is a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote in Where Is the Global South’s Rescue Brigade?

In another article The Fed’s Role in the Bank Failures by Raghuram G. Rajan, former governor of the Reserve Bank of India, and Viral V. Acharya, a former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, pointed out There are four reasons to worry that the latest banking crisis could be systemic. The article re-examines bank behavior and supervision, reminds the Fed that it cannot afford to ignore the role that its own monetary policies (especially QE) played in creating today’s difficult conditions.

The two authors called attention to a under-appreciated fact in a paper presented at the Fed’s annual Jackson Hole conference in August 2022. As the Fed resumed QE during the pandemic, uninsured bank deposits rose from about $5.5 trillion at the end of 2019 to over $8 trillion by the first quarter of 2022.

Yanis Varoufakis, a former finance minister of Greece, is leader of the MeRA25 party and Professor of Economics at the University of Athens, suggest in Let the Banks Burn, ” In fact, regulators and central banks knew everything. They enjoyed full access to banks’ business models. They could see vividly that these models would not survive the combination of significant increases in long-term interest rates and a sudden withdrawal of deposits. Even so, they did nothing. “

Dag Hammarskjold: The Man Who Built the United Nations

When we looked back at 1960s, there are so many events that had far reaching influence even to the international affairs today. One of the outstanding mysteries of the twentieth century, and one with huge political resonance, is the death of Dag Hammarskjöld and his UN team in a plane crash in central Africa in 1961.

After the WWII, the British Empire was gradually dismantled and so does many European dominance. Decolonisation and self-governance were granted to many former colonies. Alas minimal preparations had been made and many issues, such as federalism, tribalism, and ethnic nationalism, remained unresolved.  Against this backdrop, United Nation was established in 1945 with the aim of preventing future world wars, succeeding the League of Nations, which was characterized as ineffective. It had 51 member countries initially, has now evolved into 193 member countries, the largest international organization.

Dag Hammarskjold, the Swedish economist and statesman who served as the second secretary-general of the United Nations (1953–61) and enhanced the prestige and effectiveness of the UN, were widely regarded as the man who built the United Nations. Hammarskjöld’s tenure was characterized by efforts to strengthen the newly formed UN both internally and externally. He led initiatives to improve morale and organisational efficiency while seeking to make the UN more responsive to global issues. He began his term by establishing his own secretariat of 4,000 administrators and setting up regulations that defined their responsibilities. He was also actively engaged in smaller projects relating to the UN working environment; for example, he spearheaded the building of a meditation room at the UN headquarters, where people can withdraw into themselves in silence, regardless of their faith, creed, or religion. He said, “Our work for peace must begin within the private world of each of us. To build for a man without fear, we must be without fear. To build a world of justice, we must be just“.

He presided over the creation of the first UN peacekeeping forces in Egypt and the Congo and personally intervened to defuse or resolve diplomatic crises. Hammarskjöld’s second term was cut short when he died in a plane crash while en route to cease-fire negotiations during the Congo Crisis. Hammarskjold’s Death Shocks The World (1961). Susan Williams, Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study from University of London investigate the case and presented in Who Killed Hammarskjold?: The UN, the Cold War and White Supremacy in Africa. Another author who hold a similar view is Ravi Somaiya, a correspondent for the New York Times, who has covered Islamic extremist terrorism, disinformation, mass shootings, Anonymous, and Wikileaks, among other long-running stories, Ravi Somaiya unwrapped the mystery surrounding Hammarskjold’s death in his book Golden Thread:The Cold War and the Mysterious Death of Dag Hammarskjöld Hardcover – Illustrated, July 7, 2020. The book is an excellent synthesis of events and Congolese politics leading up to the fatal crash. It is an eye-opening account that could lead to renewed public interest in this tragedy. Russia Ukraine war had ignited the potential of world war three. With even more lethal nuclear weapons, Humanity is once again left our life in balance, reminds all of us the impermanence nature of life.

Dag Hammarskjold’s personal diary was published in the book Marking – the Enduring Spiritual Classics. A book of meditations. A revealing spiritual self-portrait by one of the great peacmakers of our times. This book tells almost nothing of his daily work, or of his thoughts about world events. Instead, it focuses on his struggle and changing relationship with God. It reveal the inner world of the man who struggled with making his every-day life fit with his spiritual beliefs. What a privilege to have been allowed to come so close to his thoughts, his soul, his own experiential experience of the Divine. It is not intended to provoke thoughts and philosophical wonderings within the mind of the reader, but instead to offer a view of someone who is connecting their soul rather than their mind, with God. Dag Hammersjold was a mystic – not a new agey kind of a guy, but a Christian mystic of the 20th century.

Maybe what Africa needs is not money – they are rich in nature resources, no need to be patronized by fiat money of digital currency or printing machine, after gaining hard-won independence from WWII. What Africa needs are the genuine spiritual support and empowerment of their independence. The Africans are in one the same as us, no more no less, close to God as us. The idea of colonization was never a moral achievement of the West in the past, nor will it be in the future.

American Empire Military Complex & Ukraine Russia Wars

Shakyamuni Buddha taught people the importance about right livinghood with 8-fold paths.

Right livelihood (samyag-ājīva / sammā-ājīva) precept is mentioned in many early Buddhist texts, such as the Mahācattārīsaka Sutta in Majjhima Nikaya as follows:[27]

And what is right livelihood? Right livelihood, I tell you, is of two sorts: There is right livelihood with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in acquisitions; there is right livelihood that is noble, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path.

And what is the right livelihood with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in acquisitions? There is the case where a disciple of the noble ones abandons wrong livelihood and maintains his life with right livelihood. This is the right livelihood with effluents, siding with merit, resulting in acquisitions.

And what is the right livelihood that is noble, without effluents, transcendent, a factor of the path? The abstaining, desisting, abstinence, avoidance of wrong livelihood in one developing the noble path whose mind is noble, whose mind is without effluents, who is fully possessed of the noble path. (…)

Paul Craiglist Roberts says that for decades he had explained that Water Gate was a CIA scheme to remove Nixon,

And that Carlson is correct that Nixon was an enemy of the Deep State, but the plot against Nixon originated prior to Nixon’s meeting with CIA Director Richard Helms.  Nixon was removed because he was normalizing US relations with the Soviet Union and China.  This was seen as taking away the needed enemies for the military/security complex’s budget and power.  This was also the main reason the CIA murdered President Kennedy.  Kennedy, having come face to face with nuclear war in the Cuban Missile Crisis, was working with Khrushchev to normalize US-Soviet relations.  President Trump’s intention to normalize US relations with Russia was the reason Trump was removed from office. Note that Biden has learned the lesson and does everything possible to raise tensions with Russia.  After the CIA’s removal of three US presidents, what future president will dare to move against the CIA?

Is 2022-2023 Ukraine Russia war another plot of the same symptom ? Here appears many books are covering more and more of this topics.

  • The Great American Delusion: The Myths Deceiving America and Putting the West at Risk Paperback – October 27, 2020 Something has been going badly wrong in America. But what is really happening, why, and what does it mean? Could the US itself now be the greatest threat to the future of the West? What does Joe Biden need to do to get America back on track? In this fascinating account of America today, Patrick Davies, former British Deputy Ambassador to the US, sets out to understand how America, blinded by myths of its own exceptionalism, has failed to tackle serious political, social and economic problems which are exacerbating divisions in its society, poisoning its politics and ultimately fuelling America’s decline.
  • Other Men Will Come: How the Military Industrial Complex Gain Control of U.S Government, Jan 15 2015
  • The Complex: How the Military Invades Our Everyday Lives (American Empire Project) Paperback – March 3, 2009: From iPods to Starbucks to Oakley sunglasses, historian Nick Turse explores the Pentagon’s little-noticed contacts (and contracts) with the products and companies that now form the fabric of America. He investigates the remarkable range of military incursions into the civilian world: the Pentagon’s collaborations with Hollywood filmmakers; its outlandish schemes to weaponize the wild kingdom; its joint ventures with Marvel Comics and NASCAR. Similarly disturbing is the way in which the military, desperate for fresh recruits, has tapped into the “culture of cool” by making “friends” on MySpace.
  • The Real Reasons for the Wars in Ukraine, Syria: The U.S. Military Industrial Complex Wants To Control Ukrainian and Syrian Ports and Oil (Russia-Syria-Ukraine Series Book 9) The real reason for the wars in Ukraine and Syria are to take control of these nations oil and ports using Wall Street controlled U.S. intelligence agencies, mercenaries and military industrial complex occupying soldiers to prevent Russia from having any kind of integration that is not beneficial to the NATO western war agenda.
  • Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy (American Empire Project) Hardcover – April 4, 2006 The United States has repeatedly asserted its right to intervene against “failed states” around the globe. In this much anticipated sequel to his international bestseller Hegemony or Survival, Noam Chomsky turns the tables, charging the United States with being a “failed state,” and thus a danger to its own people and the world.

We shall negotiate with Russia right away to stop a losing war!

Humanity Have to Live According to Cosmic Order 2

The Plague Cycle: The Unending War Between Humanity and Infectious Disease written by Charles Kenny, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, is an astute explication of our species’ battles with microbes since the dawn of human time. For 4,000 years, the size and vitality of cities, economies, and empires were heavily determined by infection. Striking humanity in waves, the cycle of plagues set the tempo of civilization growth and decline, since common response to the threat was exclusion — quarantining the sick or keeping them out. But the unprecedented hygiene and medical revolutions of the past two centuries have allowed humanity to free itself from the hold of epidemic cycles — resulting in an urbanized, globalized, and unimaginably wealthy world.

However, our development has lately become precarious. Climate and population fluctuations and factors such as global trade have left us more vulnerable than ever to newly emerging plagues. Greater global cooperation toward sustainable health is urgently required — such as the international efforts to manufacture and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine — with millions of lives and trillions of dollars at stake.

The book quote the research by infectious Disease Mortality Trends in the United States, 1980-2014 conducted by Victoria Hansen, etc. In 1900, eight out of every one thousand people died from an infectious disease, and that wasn’t an unusual year. And according to the study by Max Roser, Hannah Ritchie, Bernadeta Dadonaite, The global child mortality rate of the 1950s was 22.5%, close to one death every second. five times the level of today.

As we have more understanding of history, The Plague Cycle author draw these conclusion:

The Covid-19 pandemic perhaps is only a forecaster of even worse to come. Perhaps we’ll backslide. If anti-vaccine prophets peddle their deadly disinformation without response, if our last antibiotics are wasted on adding a few ounces of white meat to a chicken breast, if we do nothing to improve global cooperation, surveillance coverage, and rapid response to outbreaks.

Hippocrates Refusing the Gifts of Artaxerxes is a painting describes Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” who’d treated victims in the plague of Athens, refuses gifts from the Persian king Artaxerxes, who is seeking the same help in dealing with a plague in his country.

Now we know what the world will look like. The world surely recognizes that pestilence may be the more likely source of a millennial global catastrophe – certainly the first horseman rides ahead of terror, climate change, or a collapse in food production. A planet without our most effective tools against infection is one moving back toward Malthusian misery. It is a world where our view of mortality as an increasingly private affair is blown away by mass burial of the young. It is a world that is poorer, more violent, more insular – a bigoted and misogynistic place.

The history of infection teaches a particular lesson to those who want to withdraw from international cooperation: if disease becomes the excuse for closing borders and deploying force, the costs to global progress will be immense. We don’t have to accept a new pathogen as the will of God – nor are flight, fortresses, or imprisonment our only defense against the scourge.

Humanity Have to Live According to Cosmic Order

Today there is an article talked about AI Develops Cancer Treatment In 30 Days, Predicts Survival Rate. This paper try to persuade readers the evidence of the capacity for AI to transform the drug discovery process with enhanced speed, efficiency, and accuracy, and Michael Levitt, a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry is an enthusiastic supporter of this, as well as big corporations. In my not so humbled opinion, this is allopathy model scare the heck out of me. After the covid-19 vaccination development and still the virus mutate all the time, AI methods is just going to create more virus rather than healing. AI model is one that of arrogant 简单粗暴, deviate from cosmic wisdom. What a pity AI can not treat itself of cancer! What confidence you put on people who do NOT follow the maxim of “do it to others as you would like to do it onto yourself”?

My sucepticle come from my understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine mechanism, which does not relate so well with chemistry because TCM used organic herbal compounds rather than single non-organic chemical abstracts. Western chemical is based on quantifiable 109 table of elements of the world. This model of worldview separates matter(Yang) and spirit (Yin), causing biased understanding of the human body function. The characteristic of TCM diagnoses is based on balance of Yin Yang and Five Xin (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal). I believe other holistic treatment like India’s Ayveda and Native Americans energy medicine all follow this kind of approach.

中国著名中医学家、国医大师周仲瑛教授临证六十余载,擅长恶性肿瘤诊治,从“癌毒”辨治恶性肿瘤取得了突出的疗效。周老根据他60年临证经验, 认为癌毒是恶性肿瘤的病机关键,恶性肿瘤的治疗务必以“消癌解毒”为首要。肿瘤病机虽有多端,但概而言之,不外“虚、毒、痰、瘀”四端,四者之间常相互夹杂、相兼为患。 临证根据邪正虚实、标本缓急,或以攻毒祛邪为主,或以补虚扶正为主,或攻补兼施。根据癌毒与痰、瘀、湿、热等病理因素兼夹主次情况,配合化痰、祛瘀、利湿、清热等治法。初期,正虚不显时,以消癌解毒配合化痰软坚、逐瘀散结为主;中期,兼有脏腑功能失调时,可适当伍入调理脏腑功能之品;晚期,正虚明显者,则以补益气血阴阳为主,兼顾消癌解毒、化痰软坚、逐瘀散结等法。

Continue with the idea of cancer derived from toxic not expelled out from body and accumulate over the time causing the Yin Yang out of balance (cell mutation), we notice this phenomenon is manifested in social political economic sphere as well. Human ego’s crave for perpetuate growth, desire with having more, which is not in align with how universe operate. Just observe the four seasons with each season contribute to the development of next one. People have observed when there are no obvious winter season, the plants does not bloom in spring and summer. Before the globalization, different regions lived different life style and pace of growth, allowing complementary space. After Columbus discover the new continent, all the development is exploited on the idea of colonization or expanding territory. The last five hundred plus year witnessed the process of exploitation to Earth resources now verged on exhaustion. That western philosophy was winner takes it all, which build in human’s fight and flight response to life, had now spread to rest of the world with globalization as norm. Human’s insatiable desire keep on taking from the nature without any giving back. But the covid-19 is the siren waking us to our self-destructive behavior. Russia Ukraine war is another loud alarm for impending nuclear war! Humanity HAVE to live their life according to cosmic order, divine principle, or face the danger of extinction, similar to the 9-11 disaster symbolism of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The recent bank insolvency of Credit Suisse and potential many others accidents waiting to happen. Living on the doctrine of survival of the fittest, the Western mindset is based on that of dominance and predatory, so there no moral condom of either colonization or other similar aggression behavior as organized crime. Industrial revolution, science revolution and now digital revolution are all build on a mentality of dominance for power and control. That is the root cause of WWI and WWII. Weaponize the currency and structured exploitation using finance scheme is evidence of such strategic of state craft. Then eye for an eye response triggers potential of war violence and nuclear war. Confrontation rather than inter-dependence overtake our rational mind.

Iraq war and Middle East wars certain is the manifestation of the American empire’s military power. But American has lost a lot for what it hope to gain. There is no winner in the war. 【苑举正】俄乌战争已进入决战期! 台大教授解密:未来世界格局如何发展?

I still feel the decade of 1960s is the start of current decay we are undergoing. One way of evidence is planet Pluto and Uranus conjunct on 18 Virgo, which is a 127 year cycle. Virgo is the sign of huge shift from individual psychology to social interactions. Coming from Leo of creative, dramatic, complacency and self-center, Virgo is a adjustment before entering into Liberal which is a relationship sign. Virgo promote detoxification, improvement, analysis, methodology, introspection. The 1960s Pluto and Uranus conjunction is close to U.S. Neptune of 22 degree Virgo in the natal chart. And all these three is square to U.S Mars (symbolic of aggression) in Gemini at natal chart. And we can recall beatles, flower love, psychedelic drug usage, Vietnam war, Cuber Missile contention, space exploration… all the confusion, disorientation of high octave planets is long terms effects on collective psyches. Another way is Professor Zheng ShiQiang talking about 《皇極經世》, which indicate 巽 (1924-1983)之蛊(1964-1973)。 Now we have 鼎 (1984-2043)之蛊 (2014-2023)is further decay from the 1960s。

中國最嚴重的問題上不了兩會,習近平真的沒把民眾當回事; 李克強為何漏掉關鍵一段?是故意的還是出狀況? Compare to France, where the union workers can protest, China’s retirement account has eleven provinces already exhausted their funds. The communist party led government has money to bribe corruptions, throwing money on one belt projects. The peasants were robbed of their lands and force to work in the factories, and now they do not have money for the retirees, because central government had drew all taxes from all provinces, leaving each provinces hang in despair. 专制与时代精神不合拍. 在黑暗的时代不反抗,就意味着同谋。——萨特

If we do not correct our problem, purify ourselves from the toxics, the cancer will take over the body.

What Orwell’s ‘1984’ Tells us About Today’s World

Buddhism and ancient Chinese philosophy had always emphasize on middle way. Too much individualism, and too much authorzlian are the too extremes of civilization. Today the monstrous profits are motivate the big corporations and big capitals to use control with the advance of high tech. The AI is watch you from high above! No kidding, that is what happen in my house the last whole year!

Satellite links Easily Control Households is no Kidding!

Now I know what has been humming on top of my house! Is This behind the Global Climate Change schemes to control the world? That is why Modern Monetary Theory proclaim deficit spending is good? So the big techs can easily dominate the rest of earth dwells? What Orwell’s 1984 tells us about today’s world is no doubt a foreshadow of what would be coming to the world if we do not put a stop to it!