We are sad to see Hunter Biden suing computer repairman who turn in data to government. The computer shop repairer is a decent working class man, he is actually disabled but still found a way to make a living. He turned in computer to the government because there were no one came to claim for it for a long time, and then he found content of criminal scene. The computer shop repairer was only exercising the duty of a conscience citizen. What fault did he do? Now Hunter Biden who did not work for anything but rely his president dad to receive bribery want to talk down the innocent root grass ? Hunter, get sober and repent now! The comic sage is manifested in the computer shop repairer to help you. You should be thankful he stopped you to fall further down. Lost sheep, come back home, the sage says. You were born in a family of high rank and enjoy a lot of luxury this life because the good deed you did in the past incarnations. You should not allow your merits account to get bankrupt!
Come home, lost sheep!
Fact of Inequality situation in China is appalling. The Chinese government did not use their resources to solve the problem of their most needed people, but use it to intensify the corruption. This is not acceptable. I have left China since 1992 and only been back a few times, each about couple of weeks. And being a person who seldom read newspaper and never pay attention to politics, I had not been aware much of what is going on in the world until 2016 election. I worked very hard to try to understand the situations and have been feeling very confusing until very recently. If not for the Sino-America trade war, I actually have forgotten how to speak Chinese. Below the data showed the 2004 and 2007 situation, it got to have deteriorated a lot more now.
With internet and global connectivity, we can hardly catch up to have enough understanding with all the developments that seems to all happen simultaneously. Based on universal values and general guidelines for the collectives, we can learn from each other, respect different cultures and spiritual inheritance, but ultimately there are just no one size fits all solutions. In an era of globalization, we tend to dismiss some obvious facts: we have different ideological proclivity derived from different historical background and culture upbringing as well as different political structure and religious/spiritual makeups, in addition to different geographic topography, language characteristic and living circumstances. To the extent of the benefits globalization brings, in the end, it makes each country very hard to implement rules and regulations that are fair to majority of its citizens. People of disadvantaged group tend to bear more of the blows of hardships caused by loss of defined governmental responsibility when the boundary of country line became blurring, especially in the area of taxation, finance and wealth redistribution.
Currently we have Planet Saturn ingresses into Pisces. Some articles discussed extensively the horrors of wars took placed in Europe in 1990s, but my mind tend to remember more about the 1960s. in United States, the most famous being Kennedy’s speech:
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.
It is rare to hear such inspirational voices these days. People tend to spend their energies in the law suits and fighting without much relevance. We do not understand how international sex trafficking of hundreds of young girls could have taken place in a country hailing for freedom and human rights. We can not fathom how the media cover day to day about GDP and economic data, but do not take time to reflect the ramifications of the criminal case of Jeffery Epstein – an American sex offender and financier. We wonder how state prosecutor can so easily let such an severe sex offender get away with Non-prosecution agreement while hiding agreement details from victims. We are amazed by so many highly educated legal professions would came to the defense of sex predators while turn their head away from those most needed for help. What is even shocking was the government, legal system, powerful media and public were silence with such criminal acts and loss of morality. We are traumatized by the testimony of government officials and social elites dark dealings in these acts. if it is not for the advances of communication tools, we may never have known What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island? Sure, Epstein was dead, but the damages and wounds to the soul of America has not yet taken care of. The tragedy is not only about the victims, but everyone of us including Epstein himself, may his soul repentance for the bad karma he created!
Times like this reminded us about the assassination of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy and the mysterious death of Thomas Merton. Their death is the death of American soul of conscience and righteousness. Since then, the last half century witnessed the separation of state and church turned United States into a country of world bully and politics of government irrelevance, rampancy of social Darwinism. The Midas touch of Capitalism did not turn the world into gold, but digital revolution had its mind fixed on money, nothing but money. But the Bible says, ” The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.” “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.”
In China, some similar themes had been development. Professor Zheng ShiQiang 曾仕强 who is especially well versed with I-Ching and used it extensively in his teaching, had predicted the pandemic from observation of the hexagram 鼎(1984-2043) 之 蛊(2014-2023). According tot he symbolism, is it not that one way to interpret it is: if we do not reform/purify, we will get pandemic/pollution. What has GDP to do with our happiness anyway? GDP can not answer the ultimate questions, isn’t it? 知命改运的真相:玄学的最大秘密竟是可以“治心”,而不是改命。 个人如此,国家亦复如此。
82歲楊繼繩漫談文革最大贏家 新華社資深記者獨到觀點 不幸的是,文革的最后胜利者还是官僚集团,他們掌握着文革责任的追究权、改革开放的主导权和成果分配权,至今這個結論沒有過時(老楊到處說 楊錦麟論時政) Sadly, while globalization had brought certain extent to prosperity, people had become more materialistic at the cost of spirituality. Corruption, exploitation and suppression had become more severe than ever. Is not COVID-19 a siren for the humanity to live a more somber life? What are the choices we made that really counts towards the ultimate peace and meaning?
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
According to HIV/AIDS Epidemic Global Statistics, AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by 68% since the peak in 2004. In 2021, around 650,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, compared to 2 million people in 2004 and 1.4 million in 2010.
In comparison, reports from Wikipedia indicated a total count of 6,869,759[4] (updated 26 February 2023) confirmed COVID-induced deaths have been reported worldwide. As of January 2023, taking into account likely COVID induced deaths via excess deaths, the 95% confidence interval suggests the pandemic to have caused between 16 and 28.2 million deaths.[5][6]
A December 2022 WHO study comprehensively estimated excess deaths from the pandemic during 2020 and 2021, concluding ~14.8 million excess early deaths occurred, reaffirming their prior calculations from May as well as updating them, addressing criticisms. These numbers do not include measures like years of potential life lost, far exceeding the 5.42 million officially reported deaths for that timeframe, may make the pandemic 2021’s leading cause of death, and are similar to the ~18 million estimated by another study (see below).
Historically, only the 1918 flu pandemic,[6] also known as the Great Influenza epidemic or by the common misnomer of the Spanish flu, can be comparable to the Covid-19. 1918 flu pandemic was caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. The earliest documented case was March 1918 in Kansas, United States, with further cases recorded in France, Germany and the United Kingdom in April. Two years later, nearly a third of the global population, or an estimated 500 million people, had been infected in four successive waves. Estimates of deaths range from 17 million to 50 million,[7] and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history.
Today many people in United States had received second, and even third boost shot of vaccination without knowing the long term side effects. Now fourth year into the pandemic, Are we out of the wood yet? We never know. Bitter arguments bickering on where the source of covid-19 came from, We can never be sure from the he-say, sher say. But we all know Covid-19 is a manifestation of the decades long intense contention and huge discord on numerous global social political issues. Looking back, the end of Spanish flu did not clear away anger and bitterness and the social, economic, political tension. the symptoms may temporarily disappear, but the underneath rotten wound has not recover.
The pandemic posts questions like what the meaning and purpose of life? How can we live a more meaningful life given it is so vulnerable? How is our body and mind functions holistically? How is the place of busy hustle bustle way of modern life How shall we arrange our education and medical system to be more meaningful, effective and inclusive in promoting those notions/understandings? How can we empower people for self help to take care of their health and their life?
The pandemic prompts us to think about our relationship with other humans, other races, other nations. And what is our relationship with nature? – the air, the water, the forest? the underground oil? Coal Energy? Nuclear energy? Who owns what? Individual property right? How do we relatively more fairly and evenly spread distribute the risk and cost of pollution over the society/nations? How to calculate pollution cost? How do we charge taxes? How to incorporate environment cost into our calculation of production cost? What is our relationship with this world? Who is to responsible for the ocean pollution, the climate change?
The pandemic forces us to took a intense look at our economy and the way we make livings: Can the consumerism sustain our living? Will the Earth resources support our insatiable for more? What would be a proper way or production and living? How does the large scale production and industrialization astray the society from true life meaning and purpose other than profits for the capitalist? Does the one size fit all globalization and supply chain truly good for majority of the people? Does the unrestrained capital free flow serve justice and fairness? What gives currency its value? Can we continue printing money out of debt?
The pandemic challenges us to think about norms and customs that make up a functional society: what is the right social order? How can we protect family and thus create a loving-kindness environment for disadvantaged and still encourage them to grow into better person ? How can our law and citizen education foster conscience and righteousness?
The pandemic also questions if some our Constitution clauses as well as laws in line with Divine principle? What is more functional structure and system for promoting social mobility and manage accountability? What is the accountability of government? What is the power limit of government officials? Where is the proper individual rights? How can we give proper consideration for all/group and while also integrate individuality (not individualism)? What make Americans think we are superior to other cultures socially and politically? What give American the justification to export our individualist culture to the rest of world and demand other country and culture to convert to our way of governance?
…… and many more questions like that certain are the undercurrents that flowing beneath the virus polluted social political and military atmosphere. How we answer those questions will determine the future of our civilization.
We live in an imperfect world. But it does not mean we should not strive for a better world for each other and for our future generation, think of how the American founding fathers influence the later generation by the rational thinking, law, ethic standard, culture framework. When we think in term of “me” versus “you”, when we regard nature as something to exploit resources from, when our system is built on any variation of colonialism, rather than to partner with; when our happiness is built on having more materially, we will inevitably collide into each other.
In a country that value freedom of speech, Americans argue heatly about government/big tech/media censorship. But when I came to think about it, isn’t that everything we think, we say, we act have all reflected in the totality of universal consciousness that permeates everywhere? And each of us is a miniature of the cosmo and the cosmo is the Source/Origin of our mind. In the ultimate reality, censorship holds no power. 人是小宇宙,宇宙大身心, 人体与宇宙是一一对应的,宇宙中有什么,人体也相对应着有什么,人体相当于一个缩小版的微宇宙。 “All is sentient being. Grass, trees, land, sun, moon, and stars are all mind.” ~ Dogon, founder of Soto Zen Buddhism.
Such is the mystics! Science, physics, and spirituality are at last meeting each other through the search for universal consciousness. Scientists want to know why flocks of birds behave as if guided by a collective consciousness. Physicists are learning that non-local consciousness influences quantum particles, regardless of distance in time and space. Yogis, mystics, and meditators seek to enter into a state of wholeness with the divine or the universal mind, called Chaitanya, the cosmic consciousness. 人的意念能量有多強大?
The ideas of impermanence, interdependence and emptiness are central to Buddhist teaching – and to the whole Buddhist worldview view, there can be no true freedom or independence when we are trapped in the six lower worlds. Interdependence is not the same thing as being codependent. A codependent person tends to rely heavily on others for their sense of self and well-being。The Lotus Sutra teaches that all people equally possess the ten worlds. That is, we all possess the ten kinds of life conditions — from the highest state of Buddhahood to the lowest state of hell. These are the life conditions of the four noble worlds and the six paths. The life condition of Buddhahood moves one to improve the world. Such a person will love and cherish others, have a strong sense of justice, value peace, build a character with a deep sense of compassion, gain the trust of many people, and make others feel pleasant. On the contrary, one who is fascinated by devilish functions will become contentious and steeped in evil influences. Such an individual has a self-centered nature and takes pleasure in disruptive behavior. A person like this, with egocentric and biased views, will bring conflict and spread anger into society.
And that is why Confucius teaches us absolute ethics standard, (not ethical relativism). The Eightfold path is so important because that is what we contribute to the universal consciousness – be it greed or generosity, hatred or loving kindness,, ignorance or wisdom, arrogance or humility, all the dynamics will reflect in the totality of the universal mind. That is how each of us contribute to the quality of the collective karma.
With that in mind, let us pay homage to Amitufa – Buddha of Infinite Light & Infinite Life, Buddha of infinite blessing and protection! Nomo Amituofo! Let wish the peace and salvation of humanity to expand our conscious and grow in wisdom. 唸一句“阿彌陀佛”有多少好處?佛已說了10種! 世間最安穩的“護身符”,其實就是一句“南無阿彌陀佛”! 南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!南无阿弥陀佛!
We have all experience many corruption and conspiracy in every areas of the government, the relentless pollution and exploitation of the Earth, the lost of common sense and fundamental ethics in social conducts the last several decades with the material abundance. Thom Hartmann had wrote a whole series to record many of the issues that block out progress and the toxics that need to purified before we can be refreshed to new beginnings. But to just have intellectual understanding is a good beginning, we need to put into our thought, speech and action to clear those bad habits, garbages from our mind by meditation and prayer. I am really impressed with his analyse about Neolibralism is a DISASTER, the sick mentality of the rich had no consideration of their fellow citizens for basic safety net (the homeless, the single mothers, the collapsing of education system, the border crisis of thousands, if not millions of under age kids, the human trafficking ). How REAGAN REPUBLICANS Flushed America Down The Toilet.
Piercing through the frog of neoliberalism, Hartman spoke of the insanity of Milton Friedman and the like-minds. The rise of economic and financial terrorism, the upheaval of economic instability in American and the world can traced back to Reagan Administration and Friedman’s shock therapy economics, which was acclaimed by the media as the super star nobel prize level innovation. Public have no idea the policies and devastating consequences Milton Friedman and the likes produced. His theory seems out of touch with lived reality or normal people’s economic experience, and 100% based on ideology & things he read in textbooks from other people in an ivory tower. Or if not, then plain Psychopathy. He said all licenses and certificates (including license for doctors) should be dropped as well as labor unions and laws against racial discrimination. Milton said there is no need for government to make sure drugs are safe. It is thought provoking to watch Young Michael Moore discuss the value of human life with Milton who had been evading the question of principle.
This has been a road of harden capitalism rather than a road of “good” intentions; Monopolies was all about saving the upper class from the “unwashed.” Period. We observed the collapse of Chilean economy in 1970s, Russia in the 1990s are the application of Milton Friedman theory. Despite all the talks of free market, the truth of USA is not a FREE MARKET. Professor Michael Hudson have a lot to share with you. Through these schemes, the elites had looted the majority public $50 Trillion dollars in the last few decades.REPUBLICANS Legalized STOCK FRAUD in America.
The energy of Planet Uranus is associated with transformation, restructure, freedom, innovation, breakthrough, detachment, unpredictable, individualist, ruthless, eccentric, chaos. Planet Uranus denotes an energy that strives to keep the universe flexible by preventing too much order. It break one out of patterns that have become too rigid. It represents the random element of mutation that is necessary for creative innovation However it operate suddenly and with extreme eccentricity, whatever it may affect or symbolize takes the form of something unusual, far different from the everyday world. It is said to rule enlightenment, expanding of consciousness, it is the lightning flash that illuminates a dark landscape. It is a force of nature that operates outside human culture or human concern, often takes the form of revolutions, natural disasters, and other disruptions. Uranus people often have no concern for individuals at all, but only for a process of revolutionary change with which they have identified. To deal with Uranus energy, one must not stick to the status quo. The problem with Uranus is being ready for it, and most people are not. To the extend people are not grow to certain point of maturity, self discipline, accountability, doing the necessary preparation for growth, Uranus will be experienced as traumatic.
Uranus energy is affiliate with change, thus the saying: change is constant. It reminds us one of the four noble truth – The truth of suffering is perhaps the most straightforward of the Four Noble Truths. It simply means that life is full of all kinds of physical and emotional pain. The pain of sickness, the pain of change, the pain of loss, and the general ‘suffering’ that comes with being human are all included in this truth. It helps us see that life is not all sunshine and rainbows. As much as we might try, things will always go wrong. The truth of suffering emphasizes that suffering is a part of life. Individually, suffering originates from our minds. Greed, hatred, and delusion are the three ‘poisons’ that contribute to suffering. Humanity, as a whole, we create collective suffering. If we can accept this truth, it will help us live with more awareness and compassion towards ourselves and others. All these poisons operate within us to some extent. When we are aware of them, we can weaken their influence and start living a more mindful life. By following the Eightfold Path, and Ten Wholesome Ways of Actions and living a meaningful life, we can alleviate suffering for ourselves and others. 众恶莫做,众善奉行. 淨空老法師 – 解決痛苦,最殊勝的方法。 賢首禪苑 體佛法師讲解 大方廣圓覺經对我们适应当下纷乱动荡的社会生活是很好的启示。 这个系列很长,不过这一集又很多概括和总结。
Good government starting from each of us individually. It looks like American society is taking on the form of lower end manifestation of Uranus energy. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 One of the irony is that government allow online pornography, but do not allow religious teaching of saints and sages in school. Government approval for gun purchase, but did nothing to reduce social problems that causing the shootings that threat the peace and stability of daily life. Ingraham on the epidemic of lonely Americans, call out the culprits out there, chief among them are brazenly corrupt public health sector, their media lap dogs and those love power and control. Americans reportedly flocked to gun and firearm stores on Black Friday this year. Judge Jeanine: You want to defund the police, how about you defund the FBI? The FBI needs to be cleaned out from the top down and held accountable.
Free speech creates dialogue which creates empathy. Suppression of speech isolates thought and creates extremism. But the government should regulate the technocracy/monopolies which intruding privacy and preying on the youth by misled them. Governor Kristi Noem had baned TikTok for South Dakota state agencies. Why Apple’s Board of Directors should be looked at amid China protests: Kissel. Audience said, “the fact that Microsoft still exists means that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) doesn’t!” People who can maintain their integrity are in the rare these days. Elon Musk contradictory behavior: he on hand talked about harms of AI much more serious than nuclear weapon, on the other hand he is the one working vigorously to profit from it: REVEALED His NEW AI Girlfriend, Tesla’s HUMANOID Female Robot. The proliferation of humanoid robots purchased by real persons who can then benefit and profit from their robots will essentially be a re-invention of slavery in all aspects except for not being living entities. So what happens when the robots artificial intelligence grasps this concept and objects to it? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a meaningful conversation with an AI friend without it turning into a full blown biological female argument? After all, is not Elon Musk instigating the lust and darkness in human nature? – one of the impurities: killing, double-check/double standard in speech and action, sexual misconduct, stealing? Our government should charge highest taxes for this type of business! because they produce many society disease. ‘Dear Lord, Save Us From The High IQ Stupid People!‘: John Kennedy Eviscerates ‘Woke’ culture, but it should be not limited to Democrats.
It is inspiring to see so many people likeJohn Paul who stick to their integrity. Kayne West, rapper, songwriter, record producer and fashion designer, joins ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to discuss politics, BLM, Hollywood, relationship with Barack Obama and more. A genuine good smart person that wants the best for our country and the whole world, he came out to speak of the truth. Audiences said, for those who have ears to truly hear him, will know he’s not crazy. He is very much authentic and doesn’t let anyone change him. He’s not crazy he’s smarter than “THEY” want him to be. We’ve got a lot of respect for this guy. His a lot smarter than people give him credit for. Same goes to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and now Elon Musk. In addition to all the anonymous warriors for us to have a better world.
There is a huge struggling of the mind every where. Can we find a way to give education back to kids? College and University has became the place of indoctrination nowadays, rather than place of disseminating truth and wisdom. Secularism certainly is one of the culprit. You send your kids off to college, you are proud, so happy. Then the kid comes back and hates not only you and the country but himself, and the chances of that child having a happy productive personal life go to about zero. One of the case in point is former Mount Holyoke student Annabella Rockwell says she was taught by the liberal college that she was a victim of patriarchal oppression and had to undergo ‘deprogramming’ after graduation. This isn’t just college, it’s happening to grade school and high school kids as well. We need to end this evil somehow. There are lots of anxiety among kids and young people these. Helping kids understand their relationship with reality is of ultimate importance in the era of virtual reality. Practicing spirituality is the way to go. Knowing where we come from, and where we go to, will help young people anchor their mind amid all the chaos.
Who exactly runs the Biden administration? One of the senior officers in the Department of Energy Sam Brinton, non-binary Biden official. One audience said: “I am an Military Veteran, served during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, I offered my life to keep this country strong and free, I love America and what I just watched tonite, felt like I took a punch to my chest…. I am just very sadden tonight.” “The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes.” – Aldous Huxley
Even worse Democratic party are leading some dark and horrifying development. For example, a lawmaker in Virginia called Elizabeth Guzmani is introducing a bill that will charge parents who are not wholeheartedly endorse their minor children’s sex change whims, if you object to the kid’s request to have a mastectomy, send you to jail. Another example is the recent liberals’ use of Fetterman in Philadelphia midterm election – one of the most famous politicians in the country merging with computer(it is said he had brain damage) – this is the future technocratic have imagined, the most cynical political move in US history. Where exactly is the software end and the John Fetterman’s consciousness begin? Pennsylvania could very well be sending one of the computer program to the senate which will inevitably be hacked. What is more irony is, for a long stretch lasting well into his 40s, Fetterman’s main source of income came from his parents. Alas the New York Times told its reader, who did not know better, that Fetterman turned his a blasted town into national symbol of hope, hard work, and authentic blue jeans.
One more issue – we lost a hundred thousand Americans in drug abuse, just last year, mostly are young people, and many hundreds of thousands over the past five years. And yet when was the last time we see politicians mention about fighting for people with drug additions and their families ? We have just a reversal of Roe vs. Wade, yet there is no mention of protection or supporting of the single moms and their baby, in the media or politician’s speech. The left has created a breakdown in law and order and fail to do things that improve American life, as a result many social disadvantaged groups are put under stress and deranged by the dysfunctional system which the left has turn a blank eye to. Then in 2016, the liberals can no longer say “Give us 50 years, we will turn Baltimore into Geneva!” Many liberals’ wild ideas which were based on delusions fall flat face. Every single liberal enthusiasm failed, from money illusion of Friedman monetary policy to market economy, from radical feminism to urban renewal, from out-sourcing to shared economy, each and every one turned out to be disaster. After all these, are they now going to jump on board of AI and planting computer chip to human as the next fad? One reader commented that there is more sheep in this country than people who love this country and love the Lord !!
Richard D. Wolff | America’s Major Tax SCAM , reminds people that President Roosevelt in the state of union speech in 1944, a time of war, had proposed the top income tax bracket to the richest people he was in favor was 100%. What that meant was every dollar over $25K (that was the cut off amount then, would be about $380K-$390K now) will sent government. Eventually it was settled at 94% with the support from both Republican and Democratic. After Roosevelt passed away, the top bracket remained above 90% for the next 20 years. Even in 1970s, it was at 70%. In 1945, for every dollar tax from individuals, government also get $1.5 from corporations. The total from corporations was 50% more than from individuals.
Today for every dollar tax from individuals, corporations turn in 25 cents. And we have a top personal tax bracket at 37%, and many corporations evade taxes by hiring top accountants to take advantage of loop holes. 60 Top Corporations Paid $0 Federal Taxes Under Trump Tax Law. And we know many corporations use the cash to buy back stock to boost their executives compensation packages and reward investors who benefits tremendously from loosing Federal Reserve Bank monetary policies since the Green Span, Bernanke years. As a result the last 50 years witnessed the rolling back the tax on corporate and shift on individuals, and rolling back the tax on wealthy individuals and put it instead to all the less advantaged.
The Chris Hedges Report interviewed with Richard Wolff on the issue of Inflation, Europe’s energy crisis, and the Fed. Professor Wolff said, price went up because the people who had the power raise them, and our government had not protected the consumers. A tiny minority of American, a less than one percent who are employers, that is the corporate employers, one after another, raised the prices, and imposed the inflation on the rest of us. It is of course reasonably to ask why employers raise price, they raise price to make profit. The problem is, the employers are very tiny minority, and we the consumers are the majority. They make up excuses like supply chain disruption issues, the Chinese delayed because of COVID-19 related concerns, or just because other people are raising the price. The American media overwhelmingly service the employer class by giving enormous attention and exaggeration to all the excuses they claimed, with minimal investigative scrutiny, and almost never point out to Americans, that what you grumbled about supermarket or department store are the decisions made by a small unaccountable minority looking to make more profits. There are a lot of providential support that inflation are going together with nice corporate profitability improvements.
The Europeans are paying a heavy financial price for the war in Ukraine, but here in American, the power that be are leading the charge to the sanction of Russia for oil and gas export. The Russians might very well come up with counter sanctions of their own, which together with sanctions from the west, drive up the total cost of energy, especially for the Europe. The discriminatory impact of the sanction program on Europe, as well as the subsidize program on industry here in United States put Europe in jeopardy. In addition, the Ukraine are suffering from proliferation of winter weather and the energy facilities damage from war.
Among all these crisis, numerous analyst had been talked about the financial crisis because of over spending. One of them is Peter Schiff who had warned of 2008 crisis, and now he is calling out immediate danger. No one want to pay taxes, IRS is chasing after the middle class and the poor, alas letting the most wealthy taking advantage of tax loopholes. For someone as poor as me, would you believe i got audited for no less than five times in the last 10 years? They country is in 31 trillion of debts, and yet Who would have thought staying out of debt and living within your means still makes sense? Shouldn’t the government cut down staff? Ironically, our newly elected government is going to spent more?! Everyone is spending like no tomorrow.
The military sector of the government benefits the most from war, no wonder USA had a twenty year war in middle east that spent more than the Marshall Plan, and now again in Ukraine. We see government passing a law proving the homosexual marriage! So much insanity going on and so many things violating divine law! I used to feel anger to watch things like these going on, but after study Buddhism, I just felt sad and sorry for the ignorance of the people who committed various crime. Because God had told us what not to do in the Bible. Buddha warned of people not to commit killing, lying/cursing, sexual misconduct, and stealing. The universal law of reciprocal always lead to the law of cause and effects. Do not be blind sighted by short term gains.
United State Government constantly talks about rule-based order, it doesn’t talk about the international law based order with its Center at the United Nations, the vague concept of rule-based order is one in which United States makes the rules and orders everyone around. It is a vision of fraudulent western order dominated by Western hegemony when Americans basically do whatever they want including redefine the rule as they see fit. Former French ambassador to the United States has come out publicly and criticized the U.S government for constantly violating international law with this practice of double standard and hypocrisy. French President Macron just visited U.S hoping to get his people lower price in gas. Since we already had a budget deficit, what is the reason to subsidize car American industry while consumer can buy good quality cars at good price from Europe? We can also potentially have European factories produce car here and so many more jobs opening here in USA. It does not make sense. People talked about green energy car, but the battery we are using now causes a lot of pollution, according to some experts. Japan had known about this as early as 1990s. With majority of the population live pay check to pay check, who would have money to buy new cars anyway?
The book, On the Muslim Question published in January 2020 is a fearless, original book. Anne Norton argues that rather than simply a “clash of civilizations” between the West and Islam, what is really in question, is the West’s commitment to its own ideals: to democracy and the Enlightenment trinity of liberty, equality, and fraternity. In the most fundamental sense, the Muslim question is about the values not of Islamic, but of Western, civilization. She persuasively pointed out that in disputes over Muslims, we can see “Western” nations struggling to decide what democracy means to them and how truly democratic they are. It also shows that, though democracy requires the courage to live with those with whom we are profoundly different, in many places people are managing to do so quite successfully every day.
Some people upset that this book either doesn’t treat the “Muslim question” as the kind of question they wish it were (e.g. how to get rid of Muslims), or upset that it challenges their narratives with differing opinions and critiques making use of inconvenient facts. The author informs us that this very same fear-fueled conversation was had about the Jews too before WWII, but history ever repeats itself. But then as now, it is a great insult to suggest that our institutions and history are all so weak that they will come tumbling down just because a single-digit percentile of our fellow citizens contribute by bringing in different experiences and thoughts. The West and its democracy and liberalism are not so small as to have no place for those who think differently from us.
With many citations, Anne Norton argued that Islam is not a powerless minority that we should want to change, but ourselves! The author asks the reader to consider if the reasons to hate and fear perhaps come from within rather than from without. The author talks about how Muslims have been victimized by the West EVEN AS the West victimizes itself. It is a book which presents the side of those we think ourselves superior to by virtue of them being other (and not being allowed to be otherwise), and which asks if our current state is how we want to be as a society. As the author points out, we cannot claim to uphold the values of freedom, equality, and fraternity if we do not extend those values to everyone who comes within our fold.
I would further argue that American’s anxiety came from its lost of value in meaning and purpose as compare to Islam’s life outlooks. Iran in the Bible describe surprisingly that the prophets and writers of the Hebrew Bible, like Daniel, Isaiah, and Ezra speaks of Persia as chosen by God, chosen for the good and for the blessing of all people. The Hebrew Bible chronicled prophecies, people and events related to Persian kings, epic battles and royal decrees that changed the world and how Jewish people became one of the favored people groups of the Persian empire. I would think that we can not deny there is a total crash of civilization between the West and the Muslim as well. Koch Brothers Exposed (American Billionaire Conspiracy Documentary) | Real Stories is a 2014 exposé on the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who helped finance the conservative political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity.
Koch brothers, like many Americans and Baby Boomers, had a philosophy that profits are above everything else. They are trying to buy America. Over the years, Koch brothers had spent over 80 million dollars to at least 85 organizations to serve their agenda, and to build an ever-growing right-wing presence. Through vast networks, scripts were written. For example, they funded Texas governor $76K. They take over the state legislature. They designed their grant agreement with universities in such a way, they will exercise maximum control and influence on campus. Many of these grants came with very significant strings attached. They have very clear stipulations that give the Koch brothers excessive control over various aspects of universities’ internal affairs. They set up a pattern that universities are expected to give up their values to exchange for money, and programs they start tend to be one point of view only. They now have financial agreements with 150 colleges and universities. They spent tens of millions of dollars to get their point of view instilled in classrooms, among faculty members. Koch brothers can buy the senate, what is next, the president?
Meanwhile, record-Breaking Two Million Migrants Encountered At U.S. Southern Border. U.S. immigration policy is pushing migrants to take more dangerous routes. There are huge disturbing deadly human smuggling cases occurred. We are a immigrant country, why not allow more people coming? We are short of low cost labor, which is part of the reason causing inflation! Ultimately America is in question: a nation made a moral battleground. Is America to be guided by reason or the revealed word of God? Has the reach of the mind in science, the reach of the hand in technology, gone beyond limits set by nature? With all the tools and the pleasures of modernity at hand, are we too complaisant and too comfortable?
This similar trend of keeping up with the Jones for money and power seem to also start to develop in the Middle East. In November 2022, Qatar hosts the most popular sporting event on the planet: the FIFA World Cup. According to some estimates, the World Cup will cost Qatar around £138 billion (US$220 billion). This is around 60 times what South Africa spent on the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which cost $3.5 billion. As a result of such a large-scale event, it is no surprise that Qatar could potentially reap numerous benefits that spread far beyond the realm of the sporting industry.
The Western mindset of civilization reminds people of the The Bible story of Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt . Jesus used event as an example of what not to do just before his Second Coming back to earth. According to Bible scholars, it should be noted Lot’s mate did not miraculously become a mineral for merely taking a quick glance behind her to see the destruction of her home in Sodom. The English word “look” used to describe her action in Genesis 19:17 and 26, comes from the Hebrew nabat (Strong’s Concordance #H5027), which means to look intently in a favorable manner.
In a similar notion, Book Daniel 10 raised an interesting question: who is Prince of Persia? Pastor David Guzik commented on the passage as a great illustration of the principle of non-duality – God has no counter part – Princess Persia is God’s way to test the strength of Daniel’s prayer, his faith and will. This is one of the most revealing passages in the Bible dealing with spiritual warfare, helping us to understand what it is and what it is not. Who are our friends? Who is the enemy? What is our work in the world? A conflict outside is only a reflection of conflict within. Who am I?
In The Splitting of Europe – Global Capitalism with Richard Wolff, Prof Wolff looks at the divisions of Europe: over immigration, Brexit and the Ukraine War, and why capitalism needs divisions like these especially during it’s time of crisis and inequality. “They’re so needy to accommodate the nationalism so that their working class doesn’t turn against them that that same nationalism that saves them condemns them to be unable to become a unified capitalist competitor in the world. And they know it, and they suffer from it.” – Richard Wolff
The US has demonstrated an undeniable neglect towards its citizenry, for the benefit of a relatively few. That phenomena is well-documented and numerically demonstrable. And yet, those same forces are expanding globally. In a world with an ever-expanding population and diminishing resources, it is understandable from a Malthusian perspective. But not from a Human one. The neoliberal disease has spread deep into western societies and are now experiencing terminal decline due to a higher cost of living thus pricing their labor out of the international market. RIP Europe.
The EU right now is in a deep structural crisis (Neoliberalism stands in the way), but it’s also in a moment of deep self-reflection and awareness of the need to re-invent itself. The road will be bumpy, but there’s enough political flexibility to pull it off. Richard Wolff is less optimistic about the US and the UK with their 19th century party system that allows for no political experimentation at all. Richard Wolff believe, Brexit was a measure aimed into the very future unfolding right now. Britain has a predesigned separate role in the war in Ukraine than the EU, which couldn’t be done as a member.
Richard Wolff lived in Denmark. Many there are still not aware of The last 30 years of neo-liberalisation and what it really means. Due to a very slow and “Down-played” transition to neo-liberalism here in DK , people have not Yet fully seen or understood what it means, actually many have not yet at all realized what is going on and when Richard Wolff tried to explain, many think Richard Wolff was nuts. But The case is: many working-class people and people are not aware of having been seduced by narratives “placed” in mainstream media in order to “re-Educate” the Danish population so that most people turn neo-liberalistic. Just as you say: immigrants, refugees are blamed for been the guilty ones. So are “Lazy Robert”, “Poor Carina” and other narratives that serves to pinpoint who are the guilty ones and also gives you official license to shame-blame and stigmatize. And also gives license to victim-blame people that are sick, not able to work permanently or temporarily and so on, blaming as many for Being lazy, not taking responsibility, for faking, for cheating in order to illegitimate the welfare state and any kind of social security, because these terrible people steal your money, steal your future.
This has happened parallel to huge reductions in social welfare and our public welfare institutions are soon to implode due to Extreme mismanagement. But more working-class people and other groups not well of . They are more and more deliberately distracted by neo-liberalistic parties trying to polarize and make people extremely angry and full of hatred. Nasty business with a national election coming up in a few month. We have a social-democratic government BUT for years their politics have been “social-democratic neo-liberalism” and also socialist parties have turned more and more neo-liberalistic in many ways. So I really Fear that our national parliament becomes even more neo-liberalistic after the referendum. Ukraine: to many Danes – if you tell Them that you do not agree with The Way it is tackled or you are not so sure of who are: The good gays and The bad ones and so on – you can almost be sure to be Called traitor, a Putin-lover …
The globalization of 20th century had turned into global crisis. China, acclaimed as number two economic power, is not without serious issues of its own. The huge disparity of wealth is so huge that China topples the inequality rankings. Its GINI COEFFICIENT FELL TO 0.466 IN 2021 FROM 0.474 A DECADE AGO. China’s Gini coefficient for income peaked at 0.49 in 2008 before falling to 0.47 in 2020. 秦晖教授认为,全球化在西方那里造成了社会不平等的加剧,在中国这里本来应该增加社会平等的一些功能,也没有真正能够落实。 这样,用二十世纪的资本主义和劳工来战胜十九世纪的资本主义,全球化在全球都造成了不平等加剧的现象。如果我们说,以前中国改革决定的是中国的命运的话,那么现在,中国改革在某种意义上还决定着世界的命运,决定着全球化到底趋向于一种良性的进步,还是趋向于劣币驱逐良币。秦晖:21世纪的全球化危机(上), 危机(下)。从这个意义上说,不要迷恋中国的崛起。
While social problem accumulated in each country and region, war and regional tension escalated. Unlimited War became a popular concept in the army, with far reach consequence to ordinary people, and the future generations. Modern war is turning Humanity spiral down into black hole of self annihilation. Let us not forget the adage that “With great power comes great responsibility”! 《超限战》提出可以透过不流血手段达到传统战争可以、甚至不可能达到的效果,它是立足于现代暴力冲突的演变与现代经济、文化、科技领域的高速发展上的。它强调了技术在未来战争中的地位,但是同时也提出军事思想仍是现代军队的重要组成部分。《超限战》一书立足于美国在越战後的历次战争,特别是波斯灣戰爭与科索沃战争,并且与网路攻击、亚洲金融风暴、国际极端恐怖主义相结合,认为未来的战争将是无处不在的,包括金融、貿易、網路駭客、媒體與國際法等範圍,何时何地都将是战场。This type of thoughts is exactly what Buddha taught to us, the cause of our suffering and karma: ignorance, greed and hatred caused by illusion.
Observing American democracy experiment of the last 240 years, and this recent midterm election, again more and more theatrical performance and embarrassment were displayed before the public. Election debate maybe sometimes a good way for the public to see different perspective and get more understanding for issues. But the deterioration of the quality of candidates and lacking of systematic way to select government officers, had make such platforms more like a show business rather than evaluation of true competence.
Thus these elections become a waste of time/resources/energy. Even worse, it actually prove the antithesis of government, and spread distrust of governance, which is what those advocate for small government are seeking for. And with such huge disparage of power and wealth, the general public has no reason and no resource to waste any way when had so much emergency needs that need their immediate attention.
For millenniums, people argue about where the source of power come from. Initially was the theory of Divine Right of Kings, Enlightenment Movement brought along the concept of “social contract theory”, which says that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior, the right to rule come from people. Now with quantumn physics, we also know nature had a right for itself as well – the Divine right of Nature. When human’s activities upset the nature balances, Nature will turn against us, just take the example of the polluted water source and earth penalize human being’s violation of the nature law.
So a civilized society does need good governance. Just like people need traffic light for the smooth operation of clearance. That was why after witness the brutality of war, Thomas Hobbes wrote in Leviathan, to set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments and creating an objective science of morality. Much of the book is occupied which demonstrating the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid the evil of discord and civil war. The destruction of French Revolution proved Thomas Hobbes’ insight has its point. The Great Britain civil war under Oliver Cromwell made England republic only for a very short period known as the Interregnum from 1649 to 1660. The numerous wars and eventually the WWI and WWII proved Rousseau’s argument does not seem to hold.
And contrary to John Locke theory, Human does not have total control of its destiny. He unconsciously dream walk under the influence of karma. However he can defy the gravity of karma to a certain degree by the sheer will of his own effort. We existed in spiritual form before we were born into this physical world to learn spiritual lessons. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Buddhism core value teaches us about THE THREE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS, we each is a miniature of the cosmos Source. Our ultimate path is to return to the Source by attaining spiritual enlightenment :
Nothing is lost in the universe ( form is Emptiness; Emptiness is form)
Everything Changes (Impermance)
The Law of Cause and Effect (Dukka, Karma, Samsara)
Ultimately governance is to establish and maintain orders, macro, meso and micro. It is also a service. Not only the most disadvantaged group really needs the help, but a functional society need social customs and a code of conduct to run smoothly. And those orders bring harmony, balance and peace. When the ruling class does not have the welfare of its people in mind, it disrupt such balance and the status quo will not last long. Because the world belong to the public (天下为公),small group of people can in short time control resources and wealth for their selfish benefits. History had numerous lessons of downfall of dynasties. Good governance requires learning of maturity, wisdom and true service. And those qualities depend on the consciousness development about privilege and obligations.
Confucianism’s Four Book and Five Classics (《四书五经〉) layout a framework of the relationship between people in family, community and government. A set of practices including not only education, but selection of officers through imperial exam at each level of government. This talent selection system had been working well since 6th century to the late 19th century, and provide a foundation of individual character development and social stability. 《儒家政治理论及其现代价值》一书比较了民主思想和民本思想的不同。对儒家政治理论中的宗法精神与鬼神观念、家国理论、君主集权理论、君权运作理论、德政理论、纲常理论、人才思想、臣道观、民本思想等都进行了阐释,提出了有价值的见解 。以孔子为代表的儒家学派是“入世”理念的实践者,他们提倡积极的人生态度,希望对社会发展做出自己的贡献。在这个前提下,民本思想的基本功能则是在肯定君主统治合法性和专制制度合理性的前提下,通过对拥有绝对权力的统治者的道德启发实现官民双方的互利互惠。作者认为民主思想对人类的政治制度建构和政治文明建设做出了巨大贡献, 而从民本思想中发展不出现代社会的民主思想。
Modern society is showing the many signs of demise of the predatory, outdated system that is capitalism which the theory of democracy is based on. According to new polling, just half of young Americans hold a favorable view of capitalism. This tracks with other, similar polls, but why is it happening? What is it about capitalism that is so unappealing to young people? Some statistics give some insight. At the end of 2022’s first quarter, Americans age 70 and above had a net worth of nearly $35 trillion, according to Federal Reserve data. That amounts to 27% of all U.S. wealth, up from 20% three decades ago. Americans at retirement age had a median wealth 19 times that of those in the under-35 age group. The median American net worth picks up after age 35. Americans between 35 and 44 years old had a median net worth of $91,110, six-and-a-half times that of those under 35.How the Baby Boomers Ruined Society in America explain some of the reasons.
The modern education focus on skill rather than character cultivation, secularization total mislead human about the ultimate purpose of life. Individualism take over as the guiding principles. Anne Ryan’s objectivism replace Bible as this modern mentality dominate the mindset of society, especially the elite class. Computer information revolution turned out strengthen the western reductionist way to thinking. Break down of social relationships at level of family, community pull the rug out from under the very foundation of society, leading the civilization into dead end. That is how urgency we need to return to classical teaching of truth – Confucius and Buddhism, and Bible.
Meanwhile the middle class has seen modest growth of 7 percent in their net worth since 1995, it has not yet recovered to its previous peak in 2007. This tepid recovery is driven by declines in home-ownership and stock market participation since 2007—if you do not hold assets, you cannot benefit from recovery in asset prices. Michael Hudson discussed in his book The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism: The world economy is fracturing into two powerful groups of nations, with very different philosophies and objectives. Hudson answers our questions about the repercussions. “Globalization is on its deathbed,” says economist Mike O’Sullivan.。 In The end of globalization, The question now is: What’s next? Tracing the historical successes and failures of globalization, O’Sullivan forecasts a new world order where countries come together over shared values rather than geography. Learn how big regional powers like the United States and China will be driven by distinct ways of governing trade, technology and people — while smaller nations will forge new alliances to solve problems.
After industrial capitalism, financial capitalism, is civilization heading into state capitalism? Globalization causing extreme unbalanced wealth distribution. Everybody desire for the benefits of globalization, but thug away the responsibility of maintenance. All want to transfer the cost to other. And thus war is a constant result of dispute. The war in Ukrainian for example, is another indication that the implication can be including nuclear destruction. According to Professor Jeffery Sach, U.S government had agreement with USSR in 1990 to not expand NATO to Russia’s border. Alas just in 30 years, NATO had expanded five times to put pressure on Russia, causing Putin to threat the usage of nuclear weapon. Similar situation happened with Iran, North Korea.
U.S had weaponize the dollar and economic sanctions to these countries, causing tensions of relationship and constant threat of outbreak of war. The Hopi prophecies are coming true — here’s why we should pay attention. The prophecies’ warnings about Western man’s way of life is out of balance with the Creator’s Law. An indigenous group has disappeared every year since 1900. What unique and immemorial relationship with existence has humanity expunged in the name of progress? The answers are starting to haunt civilization in ways we cannot measure.
Master Chanlu from Taiwan has very insightful observation of the democratic election and politics in general. The bottom line of all these election is not to help the help the general citizens, rather it is just shows to cover the hidden agendas. Although he is talking about Taiwan, it is generally enough to apply to human nature and society with such underpins. I wrote down the excepts here. 常律老和尚精湛開示錄 常律老和尚谈到三纲五常,长幼有序,要长治久安不是靠政府,而是靠佛弟子。 从蒋经国之后,李登辉,阿扁,马英九,蔡英文四任总统,我们可以确定一个真相,台湾谁来当总统都已经一样了。民进党,国民党,执政党,在野党来当都一样。都是以政党利益为优先考量。 他们绝对不会去考虑人民的福祉。 所以以后选总统都不要去选了。 浪费时间。 选谁都没有用了。这是可以确定的。台湾总统一代不如一代了, 越来越糟糕。 我们不要梦想未来会出明君,常律老和尚说他可以铁定预言台湾不可能再有明君出现。 只要有两党存在就不可能。
There are a lot of problem with society, Globalization does make things much complicate and easy to get generalized by name. But as a global citizen, we take a certain stand on issues to support the true democracy and universal value of peace, equality and justice regardless in what countries/region, hopefully to support a environment of minimal code of being human, holding the government officers accountable, treating people equally under the law. Due to the long history, there is a total difference of Modern China which was led by CCP, and the ancient China. Below are some of the recent news we hear from recent China lost children, CCP officers abusing of power.
People missing alarm remind of one assembly line of human organ removal crime by the army doctor. This is more serious than war crime. 《活摘-十年调查 》:中国军医曝光大陆活摘器官一条龙黑幕. Nothing – 5G, computer chips, China 2025 dream can justify this kind of barbarousness. 人在做事天在看,头上三尺有神灵。 Chinese Communist Party is a party of corruption and gangster. In fact, religious concerns are considered by many as an important reason that explains why many individuals decline deceased and live organ donation and/or the willingness to accept a transplant.
All of the issues starting from CCP had an ideology of Marxist’ violence, disregard ethics and basic respect of humanity. CCP are frightened by its own lack of democratic legitimacy, increasingly repressive on religious freedom. During Culture Revolution, they brutally persecuted many religion leaders and broke down temples, burned religion texts. The insanity is based on hatred without any basic conscience restrain. 害人狂魔 中国共产党90年罪恶史。
The book Nine Commentary about Chinese Communist Party is another public crying for justice based on refugees came out from the persecutions of 1989 June 4th Tian An Men Event. Communist party ruled on the simple reductionist adage of “Cat that can catch mouse is a good cat, regardless white or black”, the lawless for the ruling class and iron fist suppression for the subjects, reveal the true color of this political group.
CCP boasted their virtue of holding socialist policy, they are the second largest economic power but the reports we hear sounds like the high pressure ruling will not work. Can we learn from the past not to create more trauma? 民本、民权、民生是一个为社会服务的政府应有的宗旨。“水能载舟,亦能覆舟”原是魏征“纳谏”的话,唐太宗李世民常用告诫后人。CCP 应该重返以儒家四书五经为本的规范和公务员考试 摈弃所谓的阶级论,摈弃马克思唯物论的偏差。 实事求是,言行一至, 才能获得人们的拥护和支持。