The Damages of the Modern Mind

The current Ukraine War is a continuation of the mental struggle of the two world wars of last century. United States forces the Russa’s hand with Nato expansion. In Sacred Demise: Walking The Spiritual Path of Industrial Civilization’s Collapse, Carolyn Baker had spoke of the urgent need for transformation of human consciousness and the emergence of a new paradigm as a result discovering our purpose in the collapse process, thereby coming home to our ultimate place in the universe.  Her arugments and illumination is very much in line with Buddhism’s concept of impermance. Of all the phenomenon we observe about the disease of modern society, all come from jungle survival of the fittest mentality, and a mindset of duality lost its connection of spirituality. We face an awesome internal transition that will take us into very unfamiliar territory and will call upon our deeper resources. The Hopi prophecies are coming true — the changing America and here’s why we should pay attention.

Nature has cycle, so does civilization. Recognizing the all-pervading nature of impermanence can trigger anxiety about life’s uncertain and unpredictable nature. Yet, according to Buddhism, accepting impermanence can also be liberating because it opens us up to a world of endless possibilities (SN 36.9). It is beneficial to remember the reality of impermanence during pain, grief, and other trials, understanding that these, too, will change (SN 22.102). The Bible says, “A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:7–9). Accepting that all circumstances are subject to change, both from bad to better and from good to worse, helps us manage life’s ups and downs.

Both collectively and individually, becuase this impermance nature of samsara, life is full of Dukka. That is why Budda teaches us The Five Precepts:

  • Refrain from taking life. Not killing any living being. …
  • Refrain from taking what is not given. Not stealing from anyone.
  • Refrain from the misuse of the senses. Not having too much sensual pleasure. …
  • Refrain from wrong speech. …
  • Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind.

Everything’s Made of Mind articulate the group of of concepts includes the ideas of Original Enlightenment, Tathagatagrabha, One Mind, and Buddha Nature.  Everything is Made of Mind presents this current of philosophically complex and historically contested theory in a little more than two pages. This reminds me of George Floyd’s addiction could change how we talk about drug use and Black Americans. We do not understand Biden Administration had spent tons of budget on so call climate issues etc., but still not doing anything to help the homeless and drug addition issues ? The report The Emerging Role of Toxic Adulterants in Street Drugs in the US Illicit Opioid Crisis is a testamony.

Buddhism scripture had story about ancient India King Prasenajit ‘s daughter who is so ugly that her father felt ashamed to let her out in the public. The Princess was very deeply humiliated and felt much depressed. Then Buddha revealled to her that the karma of her past life’s contemptuous behavior towards sages and Arahat was the cause of the present life’s suffer. The Princess made repenance and she magically transform into a very beautiful lady, even her husband was so pleasantly surprised! 波斯匿王的醜公主:賴提公主自小因貌醜而飽受歧視,深感自卑的她常自怨自艾,甚至藉故對身邊的人大發雷霆。直到有一天,她聆聽佛陀開示後,才明瞭現在遭受的一切,皆是源自於過去世曾對僧人口出惡言而來。 為了化解前世所種下的惡因,她下定決心多做善事;除了勤布施外,更到孤兒院陪伴孩童,成為孩子們口中溫柔又善良的「姑娘阿娘」。不知不覺中,賴提公主講話變得溫柔、行為體貼,在眾人眼裡,她的外貌也開始出現變化…… ( 贤愚经卷,波斯匿王女金刚品). This youtube program present the series of show of this story. You get what you give; Life is what you make of it.  The story of Queen Malika teaches a similar lesson – the law of karma.

The famous Diamond Sutra cut through the illusion and reveal the true nature of our existence: “Because that person is not caught in the idea of a self, a person, a living being, or a life span. They are not caught in the idea of the Dharma or the non-Dharma; a sign or no-sign. Why? If you are caught in the idea of the Dharma, you are also caught in the ideas of a self, a person, a living being, and a life span. If you are caught in the idea that there is no Dharma, you are still caught in the ideas of a self, a person, a living being, and a life span. That is why you should not get caught in the idea that this is the Dharma or that is not the Dharma. This is the hidden meaning when the Tathagata says, ‘Bhikshus, you should know that the Dharma that I teach is like a raft.’ You should let go of the Dharma, let alone what is not the Dharma.”

Slavery IS part of American history, we should not deny that in the school curriculum, but in the context of suffering in human history since eons all over the world, black American is not exception – Slavery is Unique Bad, But not Uniquely American, and not Uniquely Black. For example, According to Forgotten Workers – National Meusem of Amerian History, since 19th century, About 10,000 to 15,000 Chinese workers came to the United States to build the Central Pacific Railroad.  Similarly, by the mid-1800s the first major influx of Japanese immigrants were laborers began working in Hawaii sugarcane fields and California farms.

We bear responsiblity of our own salvation, and God help those who help themselves. Perseverance is important. We rise out of our difficult cirumstance through perseverance. WHEN BLACK AMERICANS PLAY THE BLAME GAME, THEY’RE BOUND TO LOSE, lose the opportunity to transform themselves, lose the freedom to grow spiritual. According to New York Times, The police caused George Floyd’s death, but drugs and heart disease played a role, the medical examiner says. In November of 2020, the voters of the state of Oregon expanded drug policy reform beyond cannabis and decriminalized the personal possession of all drugs when they approved Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act. A new study from Portland State University finds that law enforcement officers across Oregon seem frustrated with Measure 110 and confused about the role they are now expected to play in the interdiction of drugs. 

Having say that, Government has a responsibility. How come when it comes to the homeless we NEVER see a single homeless person actually be interviewed, in person? Let the homeless have a voice for crying out loud.

Buddhism teaches us that we all have Buddha nature. We are equal in spirituality – no superior, no inferior. On the other side of the Black Amerian inferiority complext, was the belief there is a “Aryan race”( master race, German: Herrenrasse) that is deemed the pinnacle of human race hierachy, and this had become a pseudoscientific concept in Nazi ideology. The term Aryan originally meant something completely different. The word was a self-designation and ethnic label that referred to the noble class from the Āryāvarta parts of India.  German Indologist Max Muller popularized the Aryan Invasion theory (AIT) in 1853 CE. The theory propagated by the Westerners postulated that northern India was invaded and conquered by nomadic, light-skinned race of a people called ‘Aryans’ who supposedly descended from some unknown land around 1,500 BCE. These invaders destroyed an earlier Dravidian civilization who lived in the Indus Valley and then imposed upon them their culture (Vedas) and language (Sanskrit)! This ‘Aryan Invasion Theory’ challenges the very basis of Indian nationhood and its Vedic culture. It employed Muller as part of Macaulay’s grand scheme to devalue Indian history. So much so, that today we have large sections of “educated Indians” who undermine their own heritage and consider that the British rule as a great chapter in India’s history.

This article by Gaurang Damani of India systematically analyze archaeological, historical and scriptural evidences to debunk the Aryan Invasion theory. Another article BBC Accepts that the Aryan Invasion theory is flawed from Arise Baharat made the call: The Aryan Invasion – Time To Forget it. It’s Time To Rename INDIA, Sadhguru Made Request To Prime Minister Modi. In the same token, India’s religious cult of prostitution is a slapping to its culture and civilization. Is New Deli the MOST CHAOTIC CITY IN THE WORLD? India is notoriously challenging for foreigners to travel. There’s also a lot of concern from female and solo travellers as to whether safe to go to India. In 2003, India was chosen to host the 19th Commonwealth Games slated for 2010. Inflated contracts and crooked deals ballooned the budget for the Games from around 412 million to an eye-watering estimate of 6 billion dollars. Inside the Commonwealth Games Scandal that Shamed India | The Big Steal is a identity crisis ?

If we lack the wisdom that can discriminate accurately between reality and fantasy, we lack the most important tool for fulfilling our own and other’s worldly and spiritual positive aims. In a state of unawareness and confusion, we can only guess what will be helpful for us or for someone else, and often we’re wrong. Essentially, what Perfection of Wisdom is attempting is a kind of rewiring of a reader’s mind to allow recognition of truths, which have always existed but were unable to be seen because of ignorance, attachment, and fear which result in spiritual blindness. The different sutras present dialogues between interlocutors, often the Buddha and a disciple or between Buddha’s close followers, such as the sages Sariputra and Subhuti, discussing some aspect of perceived reality. The hoped-for result of these exchanges, much like the Greek philosopher Plato’s dialogues, is to engage the reader fully in the discussion and encourage a significant change in one’s perception and spiritual awareness.

The pureland school of Buddhism practices recital of “Nomo Amituofo” under the precondition that you first pratices the 8-fold path (or the five precepts, or the ten wholesome ways of actions). Otherwise your desire is not in resonate with Amituofo’s compassion and protocols. Amituofo’s 48 vows all came out of his resolution to help all santient beings to attain true spiritual liberation.

Today, our school does not teach kids the right view, causing a lot of sufferings of modern society. The school allows pronography, but not the teahings the sages came out of tradition. The U.S. Supreme Court on June 17, 1963, ruled (8–1) that legally or officially mandated Bible reading or prayer in public schools is unconstitutional is a big problem. Gov’t Was AFRAID To Be Honest With Americans On Covid Vaccines: Marianne Williamson On Bill Maher. Eric Adams Earning $250,000 to Sing the Praises of Mayor Adams speaks of the irony of the state affair. Sens. Raphael Warnock, Ted Cruz, and Elizabeth Warren : These 6 senators made more money from selling books than from their day jobs last year. Cornel West slams AOC, Bernie Sanders for refusing to ‘tell the truth’ about Joe Biden. He said, at the core of Democratic party is rot, and the rotteness is corporate greed. All the above problems sometimes raise the question that does government offcial deserve the pay check they get when they made a mess ?

In regard to wealth, the Buddha said:

          “Herein, householder, these four kinds of happiness are appropriate for one who leads the household life and enjoys the pleasures of senses. They are the happiness of ownership (atthisukha), the happiness of enjoyment (bhogasukha), the happiness of freedom from debt (ananasukha) and the happiness of blamelessness (anavajjasukha)”.

Buddha Said There are Ways to End Suffering and Seek Liberation 大乘净土法门 2

《印光大師文鈔菁華錄》白话文是李净通居士于1952年从《印光法师文钞》正编、续编、三编中选出的精粹部分,分为十类,一共有333则。是了解印光大師淨土思想的簡要讀本。印光大師這本書可以說是我們學淨土法門的啟蒙老師,沒有這本書,我們無法下手修念佛法門。净土法门法语:念佛是因果同时,这是不可思议。印光大师文钞三编卷四净土法门谈到 什么是深信因果?

印光大师文钞二编卷二覆郭汉儒居士书中写道: “末世学佛所宜注重者,在「知因果」与「修净土」。以知因果,则不敢自欺欺人,做伤天害理、损人利己之事。修净土,则虽是具缚凡夫,便可仗佛慈力,往生西方

「印光大師嘉言錄」则会集了印光大师对家庭教育的语录和开示。大师苦口婆心地告诉我们: “世有愚人,不知夙生善恶,惟观眼前吉凶。见作善而得祸,便谓善不当为。作恶而得福,便谓恶不足戒。不知善恶之报,非一朝一夕之故,其所由来者渐。譬如三尺之冰,岂一朝之寒所能结。百川之泮,亦岂一日之暖所能消。不可怨天而尤人,切不可犹豫而退悔。宜学俞净意之修身,袁了凡之立命“。 印光大师的愿望是用因果教育拯救世界。

Buddha Radio 油管频道中,由王勇恭诵的《印光法师嘉言录》白话文,精心製作影片与大家分享,对我们入门了解印光法师的思想理念非常有帮助。

  • 《贊淨土超勝 》/佛法/印光法师嘉言录白话文/第一集 印光法师 《印光法师嘉言录》
  • 佛法 一切諸法,無不當學 / 印光法师嘉言录白话文 / 印光大师 / 第二集 印光法师贊淨土超勝 (4,5,6)
  • 佛陀究竟為何出世?你知道嗎? /印光法師嘉言錄/佛法/淨土宗/印光大師/第三集 佛光者,十法界凡、圣、生、佛,即心本具之智体也。
  • 眾生皆具佛相,亦不可藐視淨土 /印光法師嘉言錄白话文/佛法:印光法师 赞净土超胜(12)







顶礼释迦牟尼佛!顶礼西天东土历代祖师!顶礼古今莲社一切宗师!顶礼天下宏宗演教诸大善知识! 頂禮印光大師!


Namo Amituofo! Namo Amituofo! Namo amituofo!


4 月24日是亚非新闻工作者日。近来北京长峰医院:29死惨烈火灾遭遇8小时网络静默, 4个年轻人「約死」跳崖張家界 ,胡鑫宇失踪案牵动广大网友们的心,2023三月份又有116名法轮功学员被非法判刑, 三年的疫情,联想到李文亮医生,任志强先生,铁链女的遭遇,彭帅, 三位学者,旅美经济学者秦伟平先生; 中国经济学者胡星斗教授;北京独立时事评论员吴强博士, 焦点访谈:2017北京市在寒冬驱逐“低端人口”,背后有何秘密? 共产党用酷吏统治中国。据悉,从2019年末开始,中国公安(警方)多地拘留或传讯了十几名律师和公民运动人士,包括著名律师丁家喜、曾任大学老师的张忠顺、戴振亚等。另一名人权行动者,法学博士许志永因担心被捕,已躲藏起来, 警方也已就其下落询问过家人。此次抓捕是四年前“709”事件之后对公民运动最大规模的打压。2015年7月起,当局在中国20多个省份抓捕了上百名律师及维权人士,被称为“709”事件。多位被检控的律师曾经处理过政治敏感案件。4月10日,中国政治活动人士许志永和维权律师丁家喜涉嫌颠覆国家政权案遭重判, 许志永被判有期徒刑14年,丁家喜获刑12年。

我们看到历史在倒退,似乎又回到了封建满清时候的压迫,奴役和文字狱。 不免回想起辛亥革命。

文明起源旧民主主义革命 — 辛亥革命 中, 袁腾飞的观点是,  第一次工业革命以后,整个世界的物质财富突然暴增了大概十倍以上,这个时候仅靠原来的帝王阶级所掌握的知识体系,已经无法管理好这个世界,必须由新的知识体系和阶层来接管。但是法国历史学家亚历克西·德·托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville)的经典名著《旧制度与大革命》(The Old Regime and the French Revolution) 却向人们揭示了改革可以产生红利,但改革本身绝不必然就是红利。怎样使改革之利最大化、改革之弊最小化,无疑是对执政者的执政水平与政治智慧的重大考验。





著名学者辛灏年先生所著的 谁是新中国 – 中国现代史辨 一书对中国现代历史作了极为严谨的辨析之后,指出,辛亥之后中国民主过渡的艰难反复历程,与欧洲前专制国家的民主过渡历程并无二致,为民主过渡的必然历程所使然。这对于提高中华民族的民族自尊心和民族自信心,昭示中国民主统一 的前途究竟何在,及其与中华民国前途的关系,无疑具有重大的意义。一九九四年三月,本书作者怀揣着一个明确但是危险的答案,一个历经十数年不为人所知的痛苦研究才获得的重大成果,和数十万字已经整理好的研究资料,离开了故土,告别了亲友,来到了异国他乡,为的是要在一块自由的土地上,来完成他的著述,来回答历史的种种诘难,来证明 —— 谁,才是真正的新中国。本书高屋建瓴、气势恢宏,但又深入浅出、说理绵密。既具有发人深省的理论魅力,又具有冷峻沉雄的论辩风格。

辛灏年先生以一个学术工作者的身份郑重声明:作者在本书上卷所为之辨析和辩护的中华民国与中国国民党,只能是那个曾作为亚洲第一个民主共和国、并艰难推进了民主建国历程的中华民国,和那个曾创造了、并曾艰辛捍卫过中华民国的中国国民党。即由孙中山先生和蒋介石先生及其真正的继承者们所开创、所捍卫、所建设的中华民国和中国国民党。而不是顶着中华民国的国号,却要抛弃中华民国的国统;承继了中华民国国统,却又要背离整个中国;挂着中国国民党的招牌,却要菲薄孙中山先生的三民主义理念、诋毁中国国民党的基本民主性质、歪曲中华民国民主建国的艰辛历程、否定曾在艰难时代为台湾的繁荣和进步奠定了历史基础的蒋介石先生 – 即一方面企图将中华民国和中国国民党的历史传承予以腰斩,一方面则企图诱导整个台湾走上分裂祖国和割断历史之路的中华民国和中国国民党 —— 如果这样的中华民国和中国国民党已在出现、或有可能出现的话。在书的前言,辛灏年先生把他十数年耗尽心血的研究成果献给了一百年来所有为新中国奉献的人们:

  • 半个世纪以来,用智慧与痛苦、鲜血和生命才凝就了本书主题的 —— 中国大陆人民;
  • 中华民国的缔造者,共和制度的创建者,现代中国的开拓者,和中国民主进程的历史领袖 —— 孙中山先生;
  • 领导了北伐,统一过中国,赢得了伟大卫国战争胜利,奠定了台湾民主繁荣基石的民族英雄 —— 蒋介石先生;
  • 一百年来为推进全中国从专制向民主过渡而前仆后继、万难不辞的 —— 所有先贤和先烈们;

此外,辛灏年先生还u提出了许多很好的观点:什么是中华民族的进步? 那就是我们念兹在兹的先民主,后统一。 辛灝年:中國命運與臺灣前途(上), 中國命運與臺灣前途(下), 辛灝年妙答挑釁提問 : 我愛中国 你愛中共(高清晰版)。辛灏年观点(上):香港应该成为中华民国特区 | 以及 (下):联邦制是要分裂中国


馬前總統最近訪問中國,高喊「國共憲法一中同表」、「九二共識又活了」、已經死去的東西會復活嗎?豈不成了殭屍?!所謂「一個中國、九二共識、反對台獨」其實是中共給藍營政治人物下的緊箍咒!是“一个编造出来的共识,就是一种政治强迫,是专制主义在对待台湾问题上的一种强盗式的表现”。受到輿論關注的「台灣地位未定論」有什麼現實意義?台灣地位和聯合國「公民與政治權利國際公約」有什麼關係?當反戰疑美思潮興起,台灣民眾準備好抵抗中國了嗎?兩岸關係與啟蒙理念:文明和野蛮的界限何在? 訪談节目里, 內容包括了認祖歸宗、啓蒙運動,聯合國「公民與政治權利公約」,民族自決,台灣地位,文明與文化的區分等等議題。曹興誠先生講出了至理名言:要有獨立國格!「中國只是共產黨的地盤,中國人民根本沒有任何領土!」真希望台灣所有的企業家都能像曹興誠先生一樣,腦子清楚,願意放棄一己之私的利益,將精力錢財和時間奉獻給國家。非常值得讚許。

大陆外交部长秦剛提出: ” 只要有台獨台海就沒有和平! ” 他所說的台獨是什麼呢? 只要台灣不被中華人民共和國政府直接管轄就是台獨,這是中方對一個中國的定義。台灣對這種事顯然無法接受,所以中方不會讓台海有和平了! 文化部前部長、作家龍應台18日在《紐約時報》刊登文章指出,中國侵略的威脅以及如何應對這種威脅,正在分裂著台灣社會,指責某人「舔共」或透過發起危險的「反中」行為來煽動緊張局勢,已成常態。對與中國發生衝突的恐懼,正在撕裂寬容、文明以及對民主社會的信心。从另一个角度来说,一个文明的社会应当允许不同观点的表达和公民权利的行使,但绝对不应是简单粗暴的暴力方案。【苑举正】美政客煽动台湾人人持枪!台大教授揭露:美国政治的4大丑恶嘴脸

[字幕经精确校对] 辛亥革命与中国宪政 _ 张千帆  Xinhai Revolution and China’s Constitutionalism by Prof. Qianfan Zhang 是十几年前的演说,放在今天也一点都不过时,而且似乎更是针对今天。张千帆教授是中华人民共和国法学学者、作家。现任北京大学法学院教授、中国法学会宪法学会理事。1980年,张千帆考上南京大学物理系,1984年赴美国留学。1989年获得卡内基·梅隆大学物理学博士学位。后曾从事物理学博士后研究的工作。1992年,张千帆入读马里兰大学法学院,转攻社会科学。[1]但由于财政问题无法支付法学院第二、三年学费,张千帆最终一边担任学校电脑中心咨询工作一边在法学院旁听。1995年,张千帆入读德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,1999年获政府学博士学位

张千帆教授谈到辛亥革命百年之际,中国正陷入不可自拔的专制及其必然带来的官僚腐败和社会危机。 武昌起义终结了千年的皇权统治。但皇权的结束远非真正意义的共和的开始。 虽然改革开放让中国摆脱了大饥荒和大革命的威胁,并逐步回到世界文明的家庭中,但是共产党的专制结构与清朝帝制并没有发生本质的变化。人民实际上并未做过一天的主人。民权不张,公权必然无限膨胀。乔取豪夺,强征滥拆,欺压百姓,甚至草菅人命之事无所不在。当公权力至高无上,横行无忌, 政府变成掠夺和腐败的总根源。改革的几十年来,人民的劳动成果遭到各级官员和少数既得利益者的攫取与瓜分,人民收入的增长必然跟不上财政收入的增长,社会贫富差距必然不断拉大。

张千帆教授直指弊端:改革一方面彻底瓦解了全体官民对正统意识形态的最后一点谜信,造成不可遏制的腐败,堕落,庸俗和拜金主义。 另一方面极大透支了中国的自然资源并破坏了生态环境。 只要政治体制不变,这个破坏过程就没有止境, 直到威胁每个人的基本生存。承载几千年文明的中国从来没有像今天这样没有信仰,没有是非感,没有道德勇气,没有自我反省和净化的能力。 贪官污吏从来没有像今天这样多如牛毛。空气从来没有如此混浊,食品从来没有如此不安全,草原和湖泊从来没有萎缩如此之快。 如果这一切在国内不可维持下去,那么今日中国也在历史上第一次呈现对外扩张的趋势。这种扩张一方面体现为中国向发达国家输送廉价劳动力和产品, 通过低人权优势压榨国内工资,消耗国内资源以吸引国际投资并维持增长;另一方面则体现为利用欠发达国家和中国同样的体制弊病攫取它们的资源, 借以满足国内维持增长的需要。这种掠夺不仅触发被掳夺国家人民的反抗,而且也 将中国直接卷入和发达国家资源争夺之中。中华民族将沦落到文明废弛,腐败横行,资源耗竭,环境破坏,民不聊生的万劫不复之地。


[字幕经精确校对] 辛亥革命与中国宪政 _ 张千帆 Qianfan Zhang, 内容目录:

  • 0:02:59 前言
  • 0:09:29 第一部分:专制的病症与罪恶
  • 0:11:10 第一部分的第1小部分:专制政权的罪恶
  • 0:18:48 第一部分的第2小部分:专制社会的病症
  • 0:29:21 第二部分:中国道德与政治人格及其缺陷
  • 0:30:14 第二部分的第1小部分:人类的人格类型及其进化(未展开讲)
  • 0:30:34 第二部分的第2小部分:儒家传统人格及其缺陷
  • 0:35:37 第二部分的第3小部分:近代中国的人格变异
  • 0:45:57 第二部分的第4小部分:权力体系下的人格堕落
  • :59:53 第三部分:中国道德人格的复兴与重建
  • 1:02:21 第三部分的第1小部分:传统道德人格的复兴
  • 1:09:52 第三部分的第2小部分:当代道德人格的重建
  • 1:18:16 第四部分:中国政治人格之建构
  • 1:19:36 第四部分的第1小部分:建构公民人格,再造社会契约
  • 1:28:56 第四部分的第2小部分:国家统一与族群和睦的宪政基础
  • 1:35:58 特别谈及台湾问题
  • 1:37:45 第四部分的第3小部分:中国宪政之障碍与国民的历史责任
  • 1:43:36 宣言(献给每个中国人,尤其是有血性的中国青年)
  • 1:45:25 学生提问

The Pros and Cons of Globalization – Huge Problem in Wealth Resources Mis-allocation and Injustice

I would prefer to be silent if I can. But the chaos we are in keep swirling bigger. Another young man being arrested because of so-called security document leak reminds me of Ruan Xiaohuan who was criminalized for nothing but political reason. On 10 February 2023, the Chinese Snowden was sentenced for 7 years for stating some facts about CCP on his blog Blob ‘ProgramThink’ and Project ‘zhao’, which initially only focused on computer technology and software development. Later, a massive wave of internet blockade was carried out in mainland China around the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen protest, this led Ruan to turn his blog to focus on political and methods to bypass the blockade. One of this is about three years of famine happened in 1961-1963. And Corruption of CCP《太子党关系网络》 .

【周孝正:党内有派系,什么叫反党?逼人说假话,身边全小人】/2020/10/16 #时事大家, 越是极权,越要注意 兼听则明,偏信则暗要任人为贤 集思广益 。从刘亚洲被判死刑说起-【私藏視頻·首度公映】李肅挑戰周孝正:習近平卸磨殺驢 太子黨覆沒。 锵锵三人行 周孝正:让权力在阳光下运行,中国官员不敢让人民监督

八股如何毁滅漢語?中共政治話語正在墮落,社會語言數字概念化,算不算一種新時代的黨八股?冠善名以恶行 (老楊到處說 楊錦麟論時政). 一直王志安节目确实比较中性,而且以事实为基础. 听众反映王局是中国最好的调查记者,当年《局面》系列也是之前很少见的让人们感到采访者是纯粹出于探知真相的目的,完全理性且不卑不亢地追问被采访者的好节目。如今再看国内一众采访节目才更怀念王局在的那个互联网时代。Wang Sir’s News Talk on Why he was banned? 周孝正:中国社会问题分析(完整版) 2003 网友评论,在2021年的大学校园里很难想象以前还能有这样的讲座,中国曾经居然有过这个高度的言论自由。要是能碰到周教授这样的老师我不得天天早起占教室第一排,看看现在那些划水的老师大学都失去了意义。

崔永元《东方眼》Eyes on East:小崔揭政协委员两会标配 周孝正畅谈公民参与权力【东方卫视官方高清版】20150302 扒一扒张维为 陈平 金灿荣 胡锡进及其子女的国籍和现状 著名崔永元在最近上传了一段视频:他说很多著名的公共知识分子的活法就是政治正确,挂着 “我热爱国家,我热爱祖国” 这般的 羊头,摆着政治正确的口号,在这个幌子之下,在这个外衣之下包裹着自己无恶不作, 目前网络上的现状就是这个德行。那个正能量简直就是不堪入目。他举了 胡錫進、金燦榮, 張維為, 陈平,司马南, 张召忠,戴旭 这些典型例子和狂热的民碎主义,呼吁如果这些人成了这个社会唯一的正确声音,这个社会就太不正常了。上有好者,下必甚焉,將毀國家前途, 这种声音我们当然要反对。周孝正:2019最新视频怒斥习近平默许王健林马云马化腾盗取中国99%人民财富!

袁腾飞怒怼金灿荣打台湾| 又比如金灿荣作为人民大学的教授,并没有起到教书育人的作用,整天在国内鼓吹战争。忽悠中国老百姓及战狼小粉红。鼓吹几个小时美军所有的东亚军事基地都会被摧毁。鼓吹中国导弹世界第一,没有慎重考虑任何防御,不把老百姓的命不当回事, 说台湾军队是肉长的,仿佛大陆的子弟兵不是肉长的。哪怕对方是真心希望中国变好而指出问题所在。 这些政治正确的公知立刻跳出来指责对方是反贼,汉奸,卖国贼。 这些人只有立场,没有是非。 仿佛只有有爱党爱国这张牌在就可以胡说八道,百毒不侵。 自己一边反美,一边把自己的孩子送美国去读书。反美是工作,赴美是生活。大跃进的教训:有计划的饿死, 三年饿死几千万人,没有自然灾害,全是人祸,大炼钢铁。 非常可恶,忽悠中国老百姓及战狼小粉红,胡说八道,说台湾问题是中国的百年国耻,打着爱国旗号,实际是在为资本运作。

真正的良知不敢随便讲话,否则轻则炸号,重则有大麻烦, 近十年,类似袁腾飞这样的实话实说的声音都被打压,有良知的中国知识分子在中国不断被打压,甚至没有发声的渠道,近十年中国是在进步吗?

Wang Sir’s News Talk | Why was Hu Chenfeng blocked? – The Tragedy of Chinese Peasants and Seniors in the Countryside. On March 14, Hu Chenfeng, a Bilibili blogger, shot a video in Chengdu about helping seniors and retirees to buy things. In the video, the 78-year-old woman only has a monthly pension of 107 RMB. His son is an unemployed engineer affected by last year’s COVID-19 pandemic, and without his support, she couldn’t afford meat for a long time. Touched by her story, Hu Chenfeng bought her 127 RMB worth of rice, eggs, and pork.

网友心酸地反映:我爷爷奶奶也是农民,70多岁了还得靠自己养活自己,辛苦了一辈子,这个国家从来没有给过他们任何一分好处、一分尊重,真的悲哀。所以我现在在努力,尽量让自己的下一代离开这个罪恶的政权之下,再也不要重蹈覆辙。这个话题引起巨大共鸣:另一个说: 我农村的舅舅们辛苦了一辈子,80多岁了, 还得干活养活自己,有病都硬扛着,不敢去医院, 象牲口一样卑微的在社会上活着。每看见身边的人对这些悲痛视而不见,总有种文明生在农耕的感觉,非常难过,甚至有时候让我感慨不知道良心到底应该用在哪里。台湾的农民退休后和公务员享受同等待遇,中国大陆的公务员退休每月几千一万,而农民才130元,这个视频中的老人碰巧也是南充人,是我的老乡,看得我热泪盈眶,我父母同样也是一样!

Chen Zhilong bristled with anger, China Labor Law Made a Fool of Itself。 Recently, there has been a circulating WeChat group chat record on the internet. The record shows that an employee named Chen Zhilong became angry when his boss demanded that he work overtime during the Qingming Festival. Chen Zhilong had a heated argument with his boss in the WeChat group, which caused his colleagues to cheer him on. Why did this internal company chat record resonate so much in society? Why can’t our labor laws protect the most basic rights of workers? What exactly is the problem here?

网友讨论根本問題不是貧窮,是政治制度,是共產黨對中國人的剝削壓榨。。四十年都實現不了養老醫保,你覺得問題出在哪?中國人還不夠勤勞嗎?窮人剛開始都是「死都不怕,沒有越不過的生的難和檻」,但最後,窮人也都會變成「再窮活,到不如求死得痛快」。那些權貴,每家的財富,都夠自己的子女後代吃喝一萬年,所以,參加人大會議和政協會議的那6千左右的代表們,他們從不會為百姓的利益說話。贫穷只是一种现象,而不是原因。 根据孔子的论断,每一个人的富有的生活和尊贵的地位是上天赋予的,因此人与生俱来地是富有的和尊贵的。当魔鬼或者撒旦把人类变成了统治的对象,贫穷和卑贱才与人类发生了关系。 因此我把贫穷区分为制度造成的制度性的贫穷,其次是作为制度造成的最可怕的结果的制度创伤性的贫穷。 制度造成的制度创作性的贫穷发生在:这种制度已经消亡了,由制度造成的人口已经极端地稀少了,但是人们对于人类本身已经极端地绝望了。这种制度造成的创伤性的贫穷出现在非洲,更出现在过去的美洲。在这种制度造成的创伤性的贫穷之中,人们不再欣赏和利用广大的富饶的大自然为人类提供的巨大无比的财富,而仍然习惯于相互的杀戮,而在杀戮之后就是无所事事——他们不愿意劳动,不愿意思考,整天坐着不动,并成为一种Sedentary的存在。 中国人永远不应该忘记郑永年对中国人犯下的罪行,他是极权暴政的鼓吹者,他是中国的杜金之一。

王志安根据一则非常轰动的微博群聊天记录,从微博到抖音,从快手到B站,就中国很多企业违反劳动法,探讨的是这个事件背后反映出来的可怕的社会现实. 其实这件事的真假已经不重要了,它能引起共鸣就已经能说明一定的问题了. 有网友反映以前很信任中国共产党政府,特别是读书时候。但是随着出来社会打拼并且独立思考,还通过翻墙上网才真正知道,我们的这个政府是多么的假。 这期真的感同身受,每天下班后要求开会,不加班就会被点名说不够努力。节假日有工作信息必须回复。多次996冲上热搜,各种公司裁员不按照要求赔偿,劳动法毫无作用。还有网友朔,国内加班真的非常非常非常严重,我周围很多人都没有双休,一年至少有300天在加班,还没加班费,被强迫被自愿,好多人精神状态都不好了。在私企上班真的太苦太累了,经济下行,工作不好找,根本不敢辞职,只能每天苟着,咬着牙在撑着,不讨厌工作,但是痛恨加班!最遵守中国劳动法的,不是国企,而是外企真的太优越了

In fact the internet presents the leak everywhere in this information age. Let’s work on how we can brainstorm ideas on remedy problems. One reason of this discontent is stated by what Paul Craig Robert put it in the piece “Slavery in America Was Resurrected in 1913“: “The brutal fact is that in “free America” today, the bulk of the population owns less of their labor than did Medieval serfs, and higher earners until Reagan owned less of their labor than 19th century slaves on Southern plantations.”

But I can not totally go along with Robert’s argument. The problem is not just how much we earned, the problem is about how huge a disparity of social resources mis-allocation causing all the injustice, imbalance and the evils derived from there. Where is the no equal power in law, there is no genuine equality and harmony. 没有权利平等,就没有真实的和谐。 And this phenomenon exist everywhere, U.S or China, and most countries. Just look at the Gini coefficient index. And the article: Post-apartheid South Africa is world’s most unequal country. Today China so called “socialist country” is in fact more unequal, more exploitation and suppression than before 1981 when it start the open door policy. Even the middle and upper class who supposedly financially benefits from this change are suffering from a general environment that is deteriorate day by day (唇亡齿寒)because everything is interrelated.

The story of China, as delivered by its statisticians and propagandists, is a sunny tale of a country dispatching extreme poverty, steering the world’s economic growth and, earlier this year, adroitly depositing a rover on Mars. The article Why did the Chinese become less happy during their growth boom? describe a symptom of “paradox of unhappy growth”, not just in China, but a reality every where that materialism’s fail to deliver a healthy society and fairness in social contract. Look at China’s Forgotten Peasants: An Element of Unrest. Look at the tax rules unfairness reflected in One of China’s most debt-ridden provinces 贵州 asks Beijing for help in now. What about the approximately 69 million children in China that are left behind by one or both of their parents due to migration, which is equivalent to thirty percent of the children in rural area.

Can AI and chip industry fill the hole of that inadequacy ? Most of the US is dealing with a teaching shortage, but the data isn’t so simple More than three-quarters of U.S. states are experiencing a teacher shortage, highlighting a growing concern among public education and government officials about issues that were exacerbated during three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. From Kentucky and Idaho’s communications officers’ statements calling the teacher shortage a “crisis” to several Missouri school districts implementing four-day weeks as a recruitment and retention tool, some states, as the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) put it, are still facing “unprecedented” staffing challenges.

Carol Graham from Brook Institute argue in her paper Adaptation amidst Prosperity and Adversity: Insights from Happiness Studies from Around the World that the ability to adapt is indeed a good thing from an individual happiness and psychological perspective. But this same human defense mechanism may shed insights on how some societies stay stuck in bad equilibrium—such as high levels of corruption, bad governance, or bad health—for prolonged periods of time, while much more prosperous ones continue to go from good to better equilibrium. No one is an Island – Howard Thurman’s Meditation of the Heart.

Are we plundering our children’s future ?

Teachers of Buddhism in the West Share Their Wisdom to Liberation – Keeping Alive the Tradition in Our Own Time and Space

From the time of the Buddha’s enlightenment in India twenty-five hundred years ago, the teachings known as Buddhism have spread throughout the world, adapting to the needs of different peoples and cultural settings. Wherever the universal human longing for for spiritual freedom has been felt, the Dharma – the Buddha’s Teaching – has found a home. When the Buddha sent off the first group of his disciples to teach “for the good of the many, for the welfare of the many …. out of compassion for all beings,” he instructed them to teach the people they came upon in an idiom that was most accessible and most meaningful. Meditation on the specific challenges and how the Dharma can help us overcome the difficulties from a specific circumstance is a wonderful and important step in making the Dharma our own. By retelling the ancient allegory of a spiritual journey in our own idiom, we are unfolding a tradition that speaks of our our inquiry, our own triumphs, and our unique lessons. We are discovering new metaphors – in our own time and place, in our own families and communities and institutions – that connect us to a reality and a teaching that is timeless and universal. It is a significant step in the transmission of a living truth. In the end, the crucial understanding is one’s own, while the tradition is kept alive through the awakening of more and more people and the commitment of follow the step of the Buddha by strive to become Bodhisattva.

In the Buddhism tradition, Bodhisattva are those who, aspirating to enlightenment, make a resolve, “I vow to attain full enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings.” This means we recognize our own liberation is intertwined with the liberation of all beings without exception. Rather than seeing other beings as adversaries, we must see them as colleagues in this endeavor of freedom. Rather than viewing others with fear or contempt, which arises form a belief in separation, we see them as part of who we ourselves are. Seeing the truth of this fundamental interconnectedness is what is known in the Eight-fold Path as Right View. The Buddha said, “Just as the dawn is the forerunner and the first indication of the rising sun, so is Right view the forerunner and the first indication of wholesome states.” Seeing the truth of our interconnectedness leads to the mind-state of lovingkindness that characterizes the Bodhisattva.

True, the Bodhisattva aspiration does seem to be up against some insurmountable odds. It may seem impossible to genuinely care about all beings everywhere. But developing the heart of loving kindness is not about straining, not about gritting your teeth and, though seething with anger, somehow covering it over with a positive sentiment. Loving kindness is a capacity we all have. We don’t have to do something unnatural in order to be capable caring. We only have to see things as they actually are.

When we take the time to be quiet, to be still, we begin to see the web of conditions, which is the force of life itself, as it comes together to produce each moment. When we look deeply, we see constant change; we look into the face of impermanence, insubstantiality, lack of solidity. As the Buddha pointed out, given this truth, trying to control that which can never be controlled will not give us security of safety, will not give us final happiness. In fact, trying to control ever-changing and insubstantial phenomena is what gives rise to our sense of isolation and fragmentation. When we try to hold on to something that is crumbling or falling apart, and we see that not only is it crumbling but we are changing in just the same way, then there is fear, terror, separation, and a lot of suffering.

If we re-vision our world and our relationship to it so that we are no longer trying to fruitlessly control but rather are connecting deeply to things as they are, then we see through the insubstantiality of all things to our fundamental interconnectedness. Being fully connected to our own experience, excluding no aspect of it, guides us right through to our connectedness with all beings. There are no barriers; there is no separation. We are not standing apart from anything or anyone. We are never alone in our suffering, and we are not alone in our joy, because all of life is a swirl of conditions, a swirl of mutual influences coming together and coming apart. By going to the heart of any one thing, we see all things. We see the very nature of life.

Sharon Salzberg talked about balance in the mind being like walking on a tightrope. She described what a relief it was for her to discover ( after having permanent balance as a goal) the ease that comes with realizing that we stumble all the time, lose our balance and fall, and find there is another tightrope waiting – that mind based in equanimity has space enough to allow for a full range of emotions and space enough to see around them, or through them, so that everything becomes workable.

One the central teachings of the Buddha is that of a lawful cosmos, the truth that all conditioned things have causes and all actions have seqelae. Everything is happening for a reason. This understanding can be both calming and energizing. We are sustained, when things are difficult, by the awareness that whatever is happening is lawful and cannot be otherwise, and although our previous actions surely conditioned part of the current experience, everything in the past is part of current experience. No one is ever guilty and everyone is always responsible. What we do now matters, that our actions now condition the outcome of current circumstance. Even nonaction is an action. Everything and everyone matters.

Perfecting the Heart

In America, people tend to feel free to invent ‘salad’ religions, by mixing and matching. The first reason being it is a very American trait (at least Erik Erikson thought so) to be a ‘lone cowboy’ pioneering a new frontier. We can’t think of an other culture with such emphasis on Do-It-yourself.) The second reason is these private and singular attempts are part of a growing, widespread recognition of spiritual need. Consumerism and materialism doesn’t work as religions. When people don’t get a meaningful spirituality from their family or community – either no spirituality or one that doesn’t work – they need to invent a new one. This is have one possible pitfall and one potential shortcoming. In a solo practice, there is no one available for feedback, no one who can encourage us and no one to tell us that we’re deluding ourselves or that nothing is happening (no progress at all).

The practice of consciously cultivating character – of having morality as a goal – is fundamental to what the Buddha taught. The Ten Perfections in the Buddhist tradition are The ten qualities (paramis, the word parami is related to paramam which means “something of foremost importance.”  ) to help us focus on as inspiration for transformation. These ten qualities, the paramis, are our birthright, present in all of us at least in seed potential. The karma of our birth circumstance, physical and mental, social and cultural, is where we start. The parmis are listed sequentially below, although they are all reflections of each other and grow, simultaneously through practice.

  • Generosity;
  • Morality
  • Renunciation,
  • Wisdom,
  • Energy,
  • Patience,
  • Truthfulness,
  • Determination,
  • Loving kindness,
  • Equanimity

The transformation is the goal of our spiritual practice, is the purification of the heart, our conversion to benevolence and altruism. It is not enough to feel good or more relaxed, or even more connected to the experience. All of that is great, but it is only half the job. We relax, we connect deeply with our experience – then we see clearly and understand deeply the truth of suffering – universal suffering – and we are transformed by our wisdom from self-serving, trapped and limited by our own stories, to having compassion and kindness toward all beings.

The Five Precepts Supporting Our Relationship

When we bring a deeply caring and respectful awareness to the way we interact with one another we change our social relationships from a source of confusion and pain to a vehicle for personal and social transformation. Spiritual awakening, in every tradition, brings this transformation of our actions from limited self-interest to a joyful, open response to all of life, an inclusive love and appreciation. In the Buddhist tradition, this move is described as the Five Precepts. these precepts involve training our speech and action in order to serve our inner and outer harmony. The precepts speak to areas of life that are the source of our greatest pleasure, joy, and happiness as well as our greatest fear, pain, and confusion.

By paying careful attention to how we speak and act, we notice the effect such behavior has on ourselves as well as others. If we notice that our behavior causes pain, can we gracefully give it up, or will we remain caught in an old habitual way of reacting? This is the challenge of practicing the precepts.

We are not asked to submit to an authority or any “one ” of behavior, but rather we are asked to look as carefully as we can and see for ourselves. The workhorse of this practice is attentive awareness, or mindfulness. when we notice that pain results form something we have said or done, there is no threat of punishment or condemnation, but rather we acknowledge the unhappiness we have caused. it is then seen to be in our larger, more authentic self-interest to adjust our behavior so as to minimize the pain, confusion, or insecurity. This is not a grudging submission to an imagined authority. The restraint of our behavior is undertaken willingly, our of interest in the happiness of all.


Refraining from killing is an obvious place to start caring for other beings. The First precept asks us to look at how our behavior harms others. Can we acknowledge that we play a part in the chain of causation that leads to the death of other beings, animal as well as human? If we do not take an active interest in seek the truth, we may live our lives believing that this suffering is just someone else’s problem.

Do the war in the Middle East have anything to do with the miles per gallon of the car you prefer to drive? does the massive use of pesticides and herbicides now polluting our environment have anything to do with what you prefer on your table for dinner? Can we live our lives with care and consideration for the life around us. To the extent we do awaken to the vast web of life, we have the opportunity to contribute to less suffering in the world.

In some parts of United States, to learn how to use gun and enjoy the fun of hunting is the culture norm people raised in. In the Buddha’s teaching, there is a quality called hiri, defined as modesty or fear of doing wrong by causing harm to oneself or another. The Buddha identified this as a wholesome quality of heart to be developed on the path of awakening and as one of the necessary foundations for a harmonious communal life. Cultural conditioning may obscure hiri but cannot remove it from the heart. Modesty is refined attainment to what makes our heart contract and tighten, or remain open and aware. This quality of heart is innate within ourselves. We need not attribute the fear of doing wrong to some omniscient deity standing in judgment over us.


We live in a culture and time awash in material goods promising to make us happy. the pressure to acquire the many items we are told we need is incessant. often we may be tempted to resort to less than noble or honest means to acquire them. This precept involves refraining from taking what is not freely offered. in its most elemental form it means not stealing or taking another person’s property without his or her informed consent. In order to break this precept, we must scheme to get something by deception, strength, or stealth. in the traditional texts of Buddhism this is called “having a thievish intent.”

Our legal system makes a distinction between petty theft and grand larceny. The sole distinction is the magnitude of the resultant loss or harm. However, when we look carefully, we see that the thievish intent to acquire something improperly is the same in both cases. Acquiring material goods in such a way causes harm to others and creates disharmony in our neighborhood whether it is local, national , or international.

Though we may not personally act on thievish intent, we may discover that we are the beneficiary of other’s use of stealth, force, or deception. with the widespread reports of slave labor throughout the world, should we inquire if we are the recipients of any benefit from this forced labor? Was the Persian carpet in our home made by child labor in India? Did force labor in China contribute in any way to the silk clothing we now wear?when we ask thee questions, we awaken the quality of heart that the Buddha called ottappa, which means conscience, or the shame of acting in such a way that bring harm to another. This conscience is the quality that respect others’ sensitivities, vulnerabilities, and limits.

A commitment to this precept doesn’t necessarily mean going without; it means knowing what is enough. Can we look at our busy and full lives to discover what we have in excess? Can we allow ourselves to feel the pain of those who must go without? Can we awaken to the wisdom of renouncing possession of more than enough? Can we be content with what we now have?


Undertaking the third precept involves practicing restrain from acting our sexual energy in a way that cause harm to another. This is not a moralistic injunction against mature, adults living a full, enjoyable, sensual life Rather, we develop sensitivity to that personal behavior which, obviously or subtly, causes insecurity, fear, same, humiliation, dis-empowerment, jealously, or other painful feelings to arise within our own heart or the hear of another.

Undertaking this precept is not a capitulation to a moral or spiritual authority, nor is it an ego-investing, self-imposed spiritual ideal. it is a commitment of interest and energy to awaken to our choices and what conditions them. Whether we are aware of it or not, we choose the nature of our relationships with each other. We make commitments based upon shared understandings and expectations. We affirm our connection with all others by honoring our individual commitments.


When we undertake to train our speech in order to create harmony, trust, and safety in our communal relationships,we also examine the resultant effect of what we say and how we say it. to help us in our exploration, the Buddha enumerated five conditions of speaking to attend to, five ways that we can awaken to the power of our words to cause pain or condition happiness.

  • By taking a moment before speaking, we can evaluate our intention so that we may choose to speak as a peacemaker rather than carelessly encouraging further agitation, tension, or division between individuals. Choosing sides in interpersonal conflicts is a habit that rarely helps to resolve the conflict. By speaking of reconciliation, resolution, and harmony, we encourage and support letting go of strong opinions and judgment. Renunciation of opinions brings immediate relief.
  • Words spoken gently are more likely to be heard and their true value felt. it is especially important that we speak in a nonthreatening, non-aggressive way when what we need to say will be difficult for another person to hear. speaking gently allows our words to be received even in difficult circumstances.
  • The third element of wise speech that preserves the harmony of community is truthfulness. when we speak the truth, we come to be known as one who can be relied on, one who is dependable, believable, and honest.It is unfortunate that we cannot look to our contemporary social or political mores to guides us in this arena of life. All around us we see deception in advertising, politics, and personal lives. This lack of integrity in speech conditions cynicism, disrespect, confusion, and disbelief. Though the truth is elusive and difficult to discover, or situation is as the Zen monk Ryokan says:
If you speak delsion, everything becomes a delusion;
if you spek the truth, everything becomes the truth ...
why do you so earnestly seek the truth in distant places?
Look for delusion and truth in the bottom of your own hearts.
  • Even if what we say is true, a fourth condition of wise speech is whether it will be beneficial and useful to another person. Useless, frivolous, foolish, or nonsensical chatter is called samphappalapavada in Pali. Included in this category is gossip, which for the st part is useless potentially harmful, and not of benefit to anyone.
  • The fifth element of wise speech is speaking at the proper time. It is essential that one be prepared for the impact of one’s own words, sensitive to the other’s state of mind, and aware of any other attendant conditions. Buddhist teacher often says, “Nothing is accomplished without patience.” with practice we learn that wisdom is not the manipulation of conditions to get what we want – not “being in control,” but rather the alert waiting for conditions to favor and support what we have to do. in this way the restraint imposed by patience supports wise speech.

We all have deeply rooted habits that can manifest as compulsive behavior. Perhaps we have an addiction to excitement, pleasure, numbness, thrills, or any other compelling experience. When not seen clearly, thee habits then become obsessions. we often feel powerless in the face of our addictions as we struggle to escape their debilitating effects. By undertaking the fifth precept to abstain from using intoxicants, we confront the tenacious and obsessive addictions of the mind. This precept traditionally refers to the use of physical drugs and alcohol that cloud our awareness. some substances are determined to be physically addictive and harmful, such as alcohol, drugs and nicotine. when we look carefully at what affects our judgment, we can then broaden our understanding of the domain of the fifth precept to include our attempts to free the mind from all compelling, obsessive behavior, whatever the source.

To the degree we act obsessively, we are not free. The joy of freedom is undeniable. it is also fragile. Therefore, it is important to see that a broader application of this precept includes confronting all obsessively addictive behaviors. We limit ourselves through addictive behaviors and thought patterns. we can change. A commitment to grow, rooted in knowledge, sincerity and repeatedly remembered, gets real when we arouse confidence and energy. Acting the body and mind to at least try is the first step. you will never know what can be accomplished if you never try. A considered decision to abstain from some harmful behavior has tremendous power when made with awareness so the consequences and with a sincere commitment. it steadies the mind when the opportunity to indulge is presented. The commitment allows a moment’s pause in which alternatives can be considered. it is a turning away not out of fear or spiritual guilt, but from a decision that we reaffirm each time conditions present the choice.

Integrate the Dharma into our Daily Life

There was a monk in the Buddha’s time, it is said, who originally came from an extremely wealthy aristocratic family. Because he had lived a very pampered life, he was ignorant about some of the simplest things, which made him the object of much teasing by the other monks. One day they asked him, “Where does rice come from, brother?” he replied, “it comes from a golden bowl.” And when they asked him, “Where does milk come from, brother?” he answered, “it comes from a silver bowl.”

In some ways, our own perceptions about the nature of existence may be a bit like those of that monk. When we attempt to understand how our lives work, if we do not look closely, we may see only superficial connections and relationships forming our world. Upon closer examination, we come to understand that each aspect of our present reality arises not from “golden and silver bowls” but rather from a vast ocean of conditions that come together and come apart at every moment. Seeing this is the root of compassion and loving kindness. All things, when seen clearly, are not independent but rather are interdependent with all other things, with the universe, with life itself.

行走在缺陷处处的人生道上 – 圣严法师《活在当下》的片段摘要

一 人生的现实面

我们生而为人,生而为生死不已而又不能解脱生死,无从得大自在的众生之一,这一人境界的存在,其本身的现象及其所能产生的种种思想言行,就是一大虚妄和一大缺陷。 所以在我人类历史文化的演进上,在现实的社会活动和社会组织上,随时随处,只要有着人类生存的所在,不论群居还是独处,人们都会存有一种 “冲破现状” 的冒进意念, 以及从事于冒进的努力。虽然由于冒进的意念和冒进的努力,有着善,恶,美,丑,积极创造和消极颓废(如不满现状或现实不能满足他/她的要求而变成疯癫,乃至自杀的人们) 的种种差别,然而人们之想冲破现状的基本观念,却是一样的。 可是不幸得很,人类自有生民以来,经过不知多少努力。。。奈何人类的希望或理想。。。 使得生活于现实中的人们,永远追赶不上。。。这种。。。境界。

人生乃至万物的存在,就是一大虚妄和一大欠缺。我们以虚妄不实的人生和缺陷处处的身心去追求理想,创造理想,理想也就成了虚妄和缺陷。 这种虚妄和缺陷的理想,即或有其完全变成事实的一天,但因它是虚妄而不是究竟,是缺陷而不是圆成,人类的生存也就永远站在各个历史的立足点上,看理想之山的远景,却永远是停留在 “站在此山看彼山高” 的 现实之中。。。。。。。我们虽自觉实实在在,清清楚楚,明明白白地生存各自的现实之中, 但是,试问:我们的存在是存在于什么之上或什么之下? 我们到底抓住了一些什么东西作为人类努力的最终目标? 。。。。。。庄子要说:“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯,以有涯随无涯,殆已。已而为知者,殆而已矣。” 用我们短短而有限的生命,要懂得一切的事物,根本是不可能的事, 否则的话只有强不知以为知的病害而已。 。。。。。。所以圣人而如孔子,还要 “入太庙每事问” , 以为 “三人行必有我师” 而主张 ”不耻下问“ , 正因自知无知,才能虚怀若谷地去 ”敏而好学“ 。 可是,人总是人,所谓学到老学不了,人之学与不学,只是小无知与大无知,小缺陷与大缺陷之别,缺陷终究还是缺陷。

二 佛教的人生观

然而,人生之可贵与人生之庄严, 竟又全部表现在这一自知无知的自知缺陷而来力求充实和弥补的精神之上。由此,人类的历史才有进化。由渐次的进化而形成人类文明和文化。 …. 因为自知缺陷,而来力求弥补缺陷,总比不来弥补的好。 不过有的人的弥补方法是自我安慰的自圆其说,好像掩耳盗铃或鸵鸟的心理一样,只要把耳朵塞起来,将脑袋闷下去,就觉得安全自在了。 有的人的弥补方法是以缺陷的本身去弥补缺陷(如世间的大思想家和大科学家)。 有的人却是叫人以摆脱缺陷而来弥补缺陷。 实际上,也只有完全摆脱了缺陷,才是真正的没有缺陷, 因为人生就是一大缺陷,所以只有超出了生死界限,才有达到真正圆满的希望。 那么,释迦世尊说法四十余年,就是说的教人超出人生生死界限的种种方法。同时,正因为佛教的思想是叫我们超脱人生生死的大缺陷网或大虚妄海,所以就引起了许多思想家的非难和指责, 以为佛教要人摆脱人生生死的现实状态,而去追求一个不生不死的涅磐境界,无疑表明了佛教的人生观是厌世消极而逃脱现实不敢面对现实的一种思想。 例如近代的实验主义哲学家威廉。詹姆士(William James, 1842-1910),…. 因为他是19世纪末叶,20 世纪初期的美国人,他对于佛教的陌生,是因为佛教的思想文化在西方世界中的穿播尚在萌芽期间。。。。。。我们要成佛,要得大自在,大解脱,大究竟,大圆满 — 大实在和大满足, 并不是一朝一夕的事。。。。。。一般人之不能对于佛教作深入的研究,只在表面上以各自的见解和心量来看佛教,曲解与误解实属难免!即连一些自命为学佛修行的佛教徒们,也难免没有这一可能。

三 救世的思想家

人类的现实问题层出不穷地困扰着整个的人类生活,故在 “冲破现状”的意念之下,我们人类的历史,激出了许多杰出的思想家– 宗教家,哲学家,科学家,政治家。。。。。。他们都能本着扶倾济危,解困救厄的心意,为人类的病痛和人类社会的病态,开出了各自所以为对症下药的方案。这一种心怀,站在人生求出路求落实的观点上说,都是值得赞美,也值得庆幸的。如果不是这样的话,我们当今的社会情状能不能和其它类别的动物世界有些什么两样,或是高尚,实在是个很大的问题!可是,历史慢慢久远了,思想家渐渐增多了,。。。。。。这些种种的方案和出路,摆在人类大众的面前, 正像将一大盘质量,色彩,大小,形状各各不同的糖果摆在一群初进幼儿园的小朋友面前,琳琅满目,蔚为壮观的镜头。 使得绝大多数的人们,真不知道何去何从,看起来样样都有它的道理,好像每一粒糖都会使得小朋友产生出来甜的感觉,即使是裹着糖衣的毒药,然在没有中毒死亡之前,根本分辨不出它会叫人中毒。。。。。。即使被历史公认先知先觉的人物,。。。。。。(如孔子,孙中山)又何尝超出了这一“不知所从”的心理现象。 任便他们已经为人生问题开出了若干个是似而非的出路,但是更多更多的问题,他们仍然觉得摸莫名其妙! 因为人的本身就是一个大的缺陷,要从大的缺陷中觅取大满足,根本是不可能的事!

。。。。。。人类的意志总是不会放弃了觅取一个大满足的希望和努力。。。所以中山先生的历史观,是着重在“生”的一个意义之上,而被称为 “唯生史观” 或 “民生史观”。 可是不幸得很, 在这一个要求生存而又要求满足的情形之下,人类的文化固然在逐渐升华了,同时人类的安全问题也越来越严重了,因为“求满足”的欲望迫使人们发狂,引起一些丧心病狂者的侵略和奴役。直到目前为止,在每一个国家政府或社会体系之中,虽各有其法律制度,维护着该单元中的每一份子的权益和安全。 然而,放眼看去,如今国际社会的激烈竞争,岂不正在准备随时拿出原子武器来,毁灭我们的人类世界吗? 这一战争的威胁,比起洪水猛兽对于我们原始祖先的威胁,岂不更为严重!更为可怕!

这一空前的威胁固然可怕,但其威胁的原始意识或原动力之产生的当初,又何尝不是为了增进人类的幸福和挽救人类的苦难,比如基督教的产生,是因为以色列的民族英雄摩西,为了要使他的民族脱离埃及的奴役,才假借一个叫做 耶和华的民族保护神作为民族动员的号召,而使流亡在埃及的以色列人民团结起来,逃出了埃及王的权利统治。这个出发点,未始不是可歌可泣的壮举,然而他y3宗教的迷信而大肆屠杀埃及的臣民(如《旧约。出埃及记》所载),却是这一壮举的反动了。 及至耶稣出世,根据犹太教而创立基督教以后,耶稣本人固为犹太教所迫害,而在基督教抬头之后,竟又反过来数次狠狠地屠杀了犹太教徒。同信一个上帝,同是一个上帝(是基督教的说法)所创造的儿女,彼此残杀,竟会如此之惨!

正因为大家都有缺陷,所以大家都想求满足,求发展,而又不能沟通彼此的愿望共同协力来向一个目标迈进,所以才有人与人间的纷争,才无法求得一个永久的和平。人类的思想太多了,每一种思想都代表着一种渴望求其实践(不一定就能实现)的主义,同时也可能潜在着一种带给人类的危机。。。。。。譬如美国独立之后而影响成功的法国大革命,是欧洲史上一件值得大书特书的壮举,争自由,争平等,讲博爱,可是因误用自由平等,而死在自由平等之中的人又不知有多少。。。。。。!因此,任便世间代代有人歌颂完人圣人和追求那些完人和圣人的境界, 但是人人只能自许为向往圣贤之徒 。。。。。。 因此而有儒家所说 “虽不能至,心向往之” 的安慰话来。

如果要把现有的一切思想( 包括宗教思想),摆在 “圆成” 或 “圆满” 的天平上衡量一下,依照笔者(圣严法师)的看法,除了佛教的思想能够胜任之外,实在没有一个撑得起来。虽然佛教的思想,在时代的眼光中,仍然需要做一番凝聚和开发工作,亦如在佛灭之后约五百年的光景,印度之有龙树,马鸣及天亲,无著等对于佛教思想的再肯定与再发明。但是佛教基本思想的稳固性质和研究价值,是历久常新的。佛教不必乞灵于任何的神秘和权力,仍能解答任何一切的问题,犹可圆融无碍。佛法是从佛的大觉智海之中流露出来,所以能够圆融无碍。对宇宙的自然现象,对人生界的伦理关系,不偏不废,也不执不著。最大的发现是“缘起论”的物理观和生命观,一切的一切,在佛法的眼中看来,毫无神秘可言,无论什么事物,只要它的因缘够了,便会形成它的结果,那是必然的而非偶然的。同时,佛教的最后境界是圆成,圆成的毕竟观念,却是无形无相而又如《圆觉经》所说 “圆裹三世,一切平等,清净不动” 的。 实际上,我们也惟有完全放弃了现有的身心境界和身心所处的境界,才是彻头彻尾抛开了人生的缺陷而迈入圆融无碍的境界。 这一境界在人们粗看起来,似乎是逃世的,然而笔者在前面说过: “唯有入世最深,而且是作纵横面的一往深入,才会穿过世间冒出世间的界限,而进入出世的境界。” 由此可见,为了真正的满足,就不得不设法 抛掉现实的缺陷:抛掉缺陷,便即抛掉人生; 要抛掉人生,又不得不先来肯定了人生,深入人生而期通过人生,再超出人生。所以佛法的宗旨在教人出世,而出世的方法则在教人更为积极地入世了。


In The Infinite Mirror, Master Sheng-yen also said: ”One dharma (phenomenon ) is connected, through causes and conditions, to all other dharmas.(phenomenon)Therefore, if you hold one dharma(phenomenon), you are in direct contact with all other dharmas.”

to be continued …….

Buddhism Sutra is a Great Antidote to Anxiety

A lot of strange things happened this year, many famous people passed away, but still I am surprised to hear former Pope Benedict passed away at age 95 today. I had not know much about Catholic church. But reports said former Pope Benedict was the one who jump start the process to discipline or defrock predator priests after a more lax attitude under John Paul II. Pope Francis said the Church and the world had lost a noble, gentle person.

With 2023 coming, with Ukraine war continued, anxiety about energy and food shortage, concerns about inflation and economic recessions, concerns about the need for basic necessity for survival just loom over the air. Many prediction talked about calamity coming for 2023. I do not know what to say, but I remember Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s Our Appointment with Life: Sutra on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone, which is a short translation and commentary on the Bhaddekaratta (“an auspicious day”) Sutta—about the importance of living in the present moment—to encourage transformation which relieves suffering. The Sutra is the earliest teaching of the Buddha on living fully in the present moment. “To live alone” doesn’t mean to isolate oneself from society. It means to live in mindfulness: to let go of the past and the future, and to look deeply and discover the true nature of all that is taking place in the present moment. To fully realize this is to meet our appointment with life and to experience peace, joy, and happiness this realization brings, no matter what happens in life.

The Diamond Sutra has a famous verse, “Neither the past, the present nor the future mind can be found.”《金剛經》云:過去心不可得 現在心不可得 未來心不可得。過去心不可得 未來心不可得,让我们 把現的心投入在修行,投入在念佛,投入在拜佛,投入在听经闻法上。

Reciting Sutra can bring our on the work of the present, thus help us obtain tranquility and peace of mind. Reading Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra is especially beneficial in this tumultuous time. 末法時期.

I had talked about the many benefits of recital Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra. This sutra is especially great in removing many bad karmas and purifu our soul. Diamond Sutra is another great sutra teaching us to see through the illusory nature of this world. Our mind can create certain magnetic field. When we tune in to Amituofo, or great Bodhisattvas like Earth Store and Avalokiteshvara, we will connect with pure auspicious energy to purity the negativities and retain our clarity and strength. Let’s keep praying !

Yin Yang Symbol, Shadow Unconsciousness and Paying Karmic Deficits 5 – American Abuse of Military, Judiciary, Technology Power

2022 is definitely a year people will remember for long. There are three times of Planet Pluto return to the U.S natal chart. What has decay, dysfunctional in this country need to be removed before we can get over the stagnation. Astrologist Pam Gregory said, this is a massive spiritual transformation for U.S, is a redefinition of the U.S, a restatement of its complete upturning of its values, its economy, its politics, its legal system, its Constitution, even its geography. What is the U.S going to be as we come out of this major transit. What is going to form versus what’s there before. Professor ZengShiQiang said currently only two types of person control United States: one type is graduates of Harvard law school; another type is graduates of Stanford law school. It is just that simple. 曾仕强:真正了解美国你就知道,美国社会完全是这两种人在控制! But the karma law is reciprocal, if you keep on overthrown other country, you may very well be overthrown one day.  夜路走多了总会遇见鬼。

We start the year with Russia-Ukraine war. For several months I could hardly believe this is something for real. Being in isolation, I had a surreal feeling about the news I saw in the youtube programs. Then the strange magnetic wave surrounding my small manufacture house in the open field day after day in the spring time – I strongly suspect it was the star-link satellite radiation up in the skyline shooting onto my house, but I do not have actual proof.

Biden’s policies are the definition of radical

With so much crisis going on domestically, Biden Administration is inviting Zelensky to USA to further instigate violence. But more and more people had came out to speak of the truth despite western media’s one sided narratives.

Paul Craig Roberts hold the view that Putin should have acted more forcefully from the beginning in order to end the war quickly. Roberts had openly criticize the American military complex and hegemony aboard operation. When he took an objective position on Russian President Putin’s disavowal of US hegemony, he found himself being labeled a “Russian dupe/agent” on a website, “PropOrNot,” which may have been financed by the US Department of State, the National Endowment for Democracy, or the CIA itself, still harboring old resentments against Roberts for helping President Reagan end the Cold War, which had the potential of reducing the CIA’s budget and power.

As Roberts’ position can seem “unAmerican” to the indoctrinated and brainwashed many, those who watch CNN, listen to NPR, and read the New York Times, so he went out of his way to let people know his background: Roberts was involved in the 20th century Cold War in many ways: As a Wall Street Journal editor; as an appointee to an endowed chair in the Center for Strategic and International Studies, part of Georgetown University at the time of my appointment, where my colleagues were Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor, and James Schlesinger, a Secretary of Defense and CIA director who was one of my professors in graduate school at the University of Virginia; as a member of the Cold War Committee on the Present Danger; and as a member of a secret presidential committee with power to investigate the CIA’s opposition to President Reagan’s plan to end the Cold War.

Another public intellectuals who came out to speak of the truth was Professor Jeffery Sachs. He said, “we treat Democratic as the good, but the most violent country in the world in the 19th century by far was perhaps the most democratic or second most democratic , that was Britain. You can be Democratic at home and ruthlessly imperial abroad. The most violent country in the world since 1950 has been the United States. It is a semi-democratic, white dominated, hierarchical racist society that aims to preserve the privilege by the elites. That was how it was born in 1787, it was a slave owning, genocidal country, killing native Americans for a white culture. But amazingly it is still looks that way, although we are much more diverse now than we were. ….throughout the western tradition, Democracy was the last thing on Plato’s mind. He was for a philosopher king. ” (柏拉图在《理想国》一书里推崇的是哲学王统治。 ) Jeffrey Sachs: A Negotiated End to Fighting in Ukraine Is the Only Real Way to End the Bloodshed. 杰弗里·萨克斯:自1950年以来,全世界最残暴的国家是美国……

Even former Japanese PM came out to take a stand. Despite the deliberate propaganda, what Zelensky does is causing his people great suffering. It was NOT Putin’s fault. 日本前首相森喜朗10 月18日讲话:西方不該只批判普京,澤連斯基也犯了一個最大的錯誤, 就是造成乌克兰人民的苦难。 欧美媒体歪曲真相偏袒澤連斯基。Phoenix Finance commentator 何亮亮认为: 2016 是美国的博列日涅夫时代的开始。 American old man politics signals a similar period of former Russia Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev ruling.

Recently Elon Musk’s many twitter file exposed heavy government, FBI and secrete agency’s manipulation of public opinion through controlling of digital medias like twitter -Twitter files: ‘This is the tip of the iceberg‘,  the tech giant’s links with FBI , bombshell on ‘breathtaking’ and ‘horrifying Hunter Biden story, INSANE Corruption & Censorship LIES, startle details about FBI’s relationship with social media. we should abolish FBI, CIA and all those secret agencies that abuse their power. Who else was the FBI paying to spy on Americans? it is unbelievable what is happening to America, FBI must be held accountable,

Recently Biden Administration released thousands of documents related to the 1963 assassination of President JFK. But again the most sensitive records were still puts on hold. Major questions emerge from released JFK files. Even after 60 years later, the public can not see all the classified documents. Tucker: What could the government be hiding about the JFK assassination? Mike Pompeo knew this, but he refused to come to response to Tucker’s interview.

Yin Yang Symbol, Shadow Unconsciousness and Paying Karmic Deficits 4 Capital Misallocation/ Under-the-Table Wealth Transfer

中国式管理:曾仕强教授告诉你人生最重要的三件事 -人生只做三件事,揭开迷雾,透析人生真相,让很多人茅塞顿开,开悟人生管理之道。 。Every single one of us was born with his/her mission coming to the Earth Realm. Our life is not just a passing, where you were born, who your parents were, how you grew up, and how you finally died are all your own arrangements. We are our own life’s master, and there is no other master. Western man could not find himself, he found another master. Westerners say that God made man because he can’t find out where he came from. Then westerner said that people are animals evolved. But ancient Chinese do not believe in these things. Ancient Chinese say you have made yourself look like this. You have to take full responsibility for yourself, and that is the Chinese philosophy. So a wise person speaks from the standpoint of not speaking. 太多人读书读错了。中国人用“自作自受“ 四个字来总结生命过程的规律。由此孔子说,不怨天,不尤人。后来传承发展为“上不怨天,下不尤人”(《中庸》)以及“自知者不怨人,知命者不怨天”(《荀子·荣辱》)的价值观念。 Professor ZenShiQiang: Chinese Way of Management: All we do in life is three things: 1),(2), (3 are highly recommended by many audiences of Professor Zen’s seminars. Once we got the framework, people will not get lost in so many other trivials. 听众反应,曾教授让我家人和孩子的人生翻了几个层次,以前会怕头怕尾 ,杞人忧天,三年之内 听完 蔡礼旭老师的 幸福人生讲座,陈大惠的论坛,净空法师的大乘佛法,周泳杉老师的 祭祖的意义 ,最后有缘分听到 曾教授的易经全集 ,夫妻相处之道 。。等等。。,恍然大悟,生活变得轻松自在,度量变大了,之前看不清错误的大大小小的事 现在像似长了火眼金睛 一眼看通 。自然就看得远, 那么 家庭 儿女 财运 就自然而然上了几层楼。

人生如此,一个文明有序的社会也应该是如此。当我们了悟此生为何而来,就应当在我们的社会生活中维护落实这些价值观。邪恶之所以横行,乃善良之沉默所至。罪孽之所以嚣张,乃司法之无为因果。 当下的社会极端的私有化破坏社会稳定,必须把资本关入笼子里。 当资本可以主宰一切的时候,金钱就会流向不缺钱的人,关爱就会给了不缺爱的人,而苦难却全部给了能吃苦的人,当金钱可以兴风作浪的时候,钱已经不叫钱,而叫做资本,无论古今还是中外,钱多了都可以让鬼推磨,小钱让小鬼推磨,大钱让大鬼推磨,当资本露出獠牙,开始呼风唤语,可以一手遮天操控一切的时候,混浊就会成为一种常态,良知就会成为过错,化学添加剂会被论证成为营养,农药灭草剂也会被论证成为一日三餐的必须,可连母乳血管里流淌的那些微塑料,也会给你一万个理由证明它的合理,当资本嚣张跋扈的时候,正本清源就是匡扶正义,当资本开始混淆黑白的时候,锁住它的黑手就是老百姓的呼吁!如何有人不允许展现真实,那必然有人在推销假象,看一个国度是否真正强大,不是看资本家的楼房的高度,而`是看对弱势群体的态度,不是看富人有多么风光,而是看穷人有多少机会,不是看资本有多么横行,而是看社会有多么平衡。

学者:国家资本主义是中国腐败的根源。 自从70年代末以来,在“不管白猫黑猫,只要能抓老鼠就是好猫“ 的思想路线导向下,由于所谓世界的经济一体化,使得资本可以成为无冕之王,主宰社会的方方面面,腐败猖獗,钱权交易,导致资源的错配,社会的贫富差距加大,世风气日下。 另一方面自然环境污染严重恶化,人类赖以生存的关键资源在快速减少,消失。 我们不得不静下来反思这四十年来走过的道路如何迷失了方向? 以下是微信公众号白云先生  红友大基地  2021-01-12的一篇文章:给邓之女的一封信!,启发深思,转引如下:



































一个是美籍华人陈香梅。历史上,陈香梅是比较亲国民党反共产党的,尤其是不喜欢毛泽东。但说到中国出现的腐败现象,陈香梅说,中国腐败带头人就是邓小平家族。她指出,邓琳到香港搞画展,香港资本家变相的送钱给邓琳,高价买下她的画,500 万一幅, 600万一幅,她的画那里值那个钱。同时,陈香梅也提到了邓朴方办康华公司的事。陈香梅还说:毛泽东治贪官,杀了刘青山,张子善,就基本杜绝了贪污。为什么邓小平以后反贪,杀人远远超过毛泽东,中国的贪官却前赴后继,越演越烈?原因就在于,上梁不正下梁歪,贪官自然管不了贪官,根子就是邓小平。

再一个是革命老人史良于2004年写文章 (史良:邓小平的真实面目和理论实质),说:邓小平理论决不能称之为什么当代的马克思主义,而是彻底背叛了马列主义、毛泽东思想的机会主义。由这种理论构成的政治路线,是一条地地道道的复辟资本主义的路线。这条路线在***变本加厉地推动下,用半是欺骗半是强迫的手段,实行了一场名副其实的和平演变。把一个好端端的社会主义中国变成了资本主义的天下,使中国倒退了整个一个历史时代,使千百万英烈奋斗牺牲所洒的热血白流了!



Yin Yang Symbol, Shadow Unconsciousness and Paying Karmic Deficits 3 – Savage Fractional Banking Rules

In modern time, money is the lifeblood of society, as such central bank which control the money of a society, if not owned by nominal government, is actuality our shadow government. This is especially true in United States, Federal Reserve, which although has a name with “Federal” (thus misunderstood by many people thinking FED is an agency of the U>S Government, legally is is NOT), is privately owned. United States government (the three branches) get its funding from public taxes and by issuing treasury bonds. The fact is: our government borrows from bankers to be repaid by an unwitting third party called “we the people”. This money borrowed by government is then sliced an diced and sold as Treasury Bonds and Bills. – Yes, ALL our money – currency and credit – has been borrowed from the banks of the Federal Reserve, privatized central bank. And because U.S dollar is the reserved currency, Federal Reserve thus control all the money of the world.

Federal Reserve is root cause of inflation, because of its printing money policies. And because US dollar’s reserve currency’s function in world economy, Federal Reserve cause the inflation of the whole world. Food shortage is another side effect of Fed inflation inducing behavior. The world is facing the largest crisis of food shortages. We all have noticed higher food price in grocery stores, not to mention many countries around the world, who does not have control of planting seed, and having have to importing rice, have to pay higher price of the food imports, and thus is threaten by starvation. Not to mention the ever dragging wars making food more scarce – Ukraine, which is a major agriculture exporter is now deep entrenched in war and thus not able to provide food productions. Russia, another agriculture exporter, is being sanctioned. South Africa, yet another agriculture exporter, had record flooding, ensuring less agriculture outputs. Extremely weather condition had made less agriculture output in India and United States as well.

The constant war and economic sanctions of Russia making energy even more expensive. Many oil fields are exhausting its deposits. Federal Reserve’s helicopter money supply did not went into productivity producing and long term well-being of the world, rather it cause mammoth income disparity and social unrest. All the symptom of imbalance and evil producing.

The problem with Federal Reserve operation is rent seeking – trying to get money without giving in return. Trying to get people to pay you money without you having to do anything for them. Tremendous Power and entitlements without obligation. So many resources mis-managment, so many mis-allocation of capital and assets.

Professor Michael Sandel from Harvard University argues that, the super riches are wrong in believing that their success is the doing of the successful, and therefore they deserve that material rewards that flow their way. Their delusion that their success is their own doing it, they their successful are self-made and self-sufficient, therefore they own little if anything to those who struggle, because those who struggle have no one to blame but themselves. Part of what makes this a kind of tyranny is that meritocracy is corrosive of the common good, it is corrosive of any sense of mutual responsibility for our fellow citizens and that include the responsibility of those who have flourished in the global economy to share their wealth and good fortune with those who have struggle, who struggled in large part because of the configuration of the economy, and so the redistribution of the winnings or rather the sharing of the winnings with everyone, with the entire society, is precisely a part of the politics of the common good. Resources of solidarity and shared citizenship, and mutual responsibility that are obstructed in so far as we are in the grip of the self-image that is is all our own doing.

Buddhist teaching of interdependence can further illuminate to those delusion: just like flower need fertilizer, sun light, water, ect. conditions to flourish, same of those who claimed they are self-made successful.

War as a way to change volatility of money supply. Fraud and Bankrupts are the syndromes of fiats money.

FED banking mechanism of fractional banking is a huge problem that need to address now, the fiat monetary system is stealing money from those who lived within their means, steal money from in the real sense from the world. If U.S does not have the ability to take care of the world, it is illegal (does not have the entitlement ) to print money to loot the world. Or put it in anyway, U.S dollar does not have the entitlement to be world currency. We should go back to gold standard. Gold payment will never have the risk of default, you either have it or not, can not be inflate by fiat currency。Savage banking should be removed. “野蛮的遗迹”仍受全球央行追捧?! Jeffrey Sachs Last WARNING.

Professor Wolf is one of the conscience intellectual who devote his service and dedication to teaching people of the truth. Dr. Richard Wolff On The Top Lies Propping Up Capitalism. Isn’t it a discouraging thought that in America, of all places, there are many little potential Einsteins, Picassos, Sagans, and Mozarts that are falling by the wayside because of economic inequities CREATED by the “Land of the free and the home of the brave”? Compare those economic orphans to the trust fund babies that now occupy Wall street and Capitol Hill! We are almost half-way to the Palace of Versailles. Anyone who could afford – or who had to borrow their asses off to get an “education” – will understand that comment. If we, as a nation, were truly as wonderful as we SAY we are, wouldn’t WE be a special thing? What America actually HAS become is another beast altogether. We know the right things to think. We know the right things to say. We know the right things to do. We just don’t do them. America is NOT the land of the free. America is NOT the home of the brave. America has become the land of the rich and powerful.