Professor Zeng (曾仕强)is famous for his I-Ching and classical teaching. I am compile some of highlights of his talks comparing Western thoughts and that of Chinese . I am listing here to allow more awareness of these gaps. Fundamentally Chinese believe Heaven, Earth and Humanity are the trilogy of nature design. Human’s activities should follow the Tao, otherwise will eventually be punished.
Humanity are getting more and more ignorance by getting into the trap of science. Allow science to take over as universal law is a tragedy. Technology will ultimately bring deadened to humanity. Technology make the human brain devolve. Scientist can only find close-to-truth, but not the truth. 曾仕强:科学越发达,人类越无知. The science and technology will bring destruction to humanity if the guideline violate the universal law. 任何科学的发展,如果违反自然原则,将来一定是有大祸的。Science and technology are tools, but humanity has used them to self destruction. And this is the one of the reason we have so much mental disorder of our age. If scientist study Lao Zhi’s teaching, they will have more wisdom to integrate into their invention, and have more consideration for the purpose of the invention. 如何理解道可道,非常道?
Why Chinese law is different from Western law. The Chinese law is Tao (the Way). Virtue and art are the two focus are traditional Chinese teaching. 曾仕强:中国人不懂科学、不重视法律?中国人发展的是这两样东西! Do not confuse modernization with westernization or globalization. 现代化不是西方化,不是国际化。
There are benefits from seeing an image of Earth Store Bodhisattva or the Fundamental Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra. Even if we do not see these, but just hear the name Earth Store Bodhisattva or Fundamental Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra, there are benefits. Humanity is actually at the verge of total destruction. Just the last few days, the prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine has escalated with the danger of triggering nuclear war. As Nato expanded several times in the past several years to the border of Russia, The war now has the huge danger of turning into World War Three. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva are the two Bodhisattva we should pray to.
Are we doomed? In this two parts video clip about Hopi and Tibetan prophec, a film by Ken Thornton foretold of three world wars or fights. A Native American Hopi Explains his interpretation of Prophecy rock as passed down through his Clan and also explains the view on the two paths in Life that prophecy rock meanings indicates, the two choices in the context of living in balance with the Earth. The Hopi prophecy, known actually as life plan or paths lay out of two paths that humanity has a choice on, either the materialistic path where people all unified, items that make life easier, people are so used to but that is the description also given, the first three being inventions, advancements and technology. If humanity continue our ways of destruction – taking from the earth, or even the world leader press the buttons for all their atomic missile heads, …..the Earth will be bits of particle dust in the endless space.
Or take another path which certain predictions and provisions tied into, and follow with right manner, even if we do continue to the extent of the end days or judgment days, the leader or Savior that is to come will be leading the exodus of people into the next level or next world. It just depends on how humanity make choices. Teachings are already out there laid out, it’s just that humanity need to pick up those teachings to have a little more thorough understanding. We need to get off the materialism and convert to the right path for the betterment and the good of all humanity.Technology is currently over empowering us. They are the inventions aided by witches or sorcerers who used his magic to help these technology creation.
We are at the reflection point where people are going back to the organic foods, all the traditional ancestral teachings, healing methods, medicinal roots and plants original teachings how to live off the Earth under land, how to respect it give of something back if we are taking , corporations companies are not those changes. Basically individuals want to have a little bit more thorough understanding of American teaching or indigenous teachings, interact with the Earth of how we’ve been doing it for all these for thousands of years. The prophecy describes a purification, where there will be great destruction all over the world. Natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes are said to be warning signs of this coming purification. A Hopi leader, Thomas Banyacya, had the opportunity to speak to the United Nations in 1992.
Part two talked about the prophecies made by Padmasambhava (1136-1204) more than a thousand years ago, when asked by his disciple when is the beginning of Dharma-ending age: “When the iron bird flies and the horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red men”. Guru Rinpoche further prophesied that in that era (or rather now), carriages do not require horses to move, they self-propel . Youngsters in that era step on something that shaped like a bullhorn and there are wheels underneath that allow them to skate everywhere. It is even stranger that people in that era do not need to leave their houses to know things that happen around the world, just by sitting in front of a mirror. Padmasambhava , the precious Guru of Tibetan Buddhism, was Born from a Lotus, also known as Guru Rinpoche (Precious Guru) and the Lotus from Oḍḍiyāna, was from India who have taught Vajrayana in Tibet (circa 8th – 9th centuries).
May the precious bodhicitta
That has not yet arisen, arise and grow,
And may that which has already arisen not diminish,
But increase more and more.