Master Chin Kung’s commemoration continues. More clips of videos here. Master Chin Kung often said the modern propaganda tools, the media – Internet, TV and smartphones nowadays bombard people with killings, misinformation, disinformation, stealing, and sexual misconduct. With technological advancement, media are corrupting the mind of people, resulting in the degradation of morals of the whole society, from children to adults in the modern world. Such a situation is similar to a computer’s operating system constantly being attacked by viruses. When people are physically killed, they are only hurt for one life cycle, but when people’s minds are damaged, you take away their good karma accumulated from unaccountable life cycles. Master Chin Kung warned about the far-reaching consequence relating to humanity’s evolution.
Trumping to the same tune, India’s spiritual teacher Sadhguru spoke of the greatest evil on this planet. what really matters at the end of our life is whether we lived an enhanced life. This is why it is important that we invest the time to know and live a life beyond thought and emotion. The picture below illustrates how our consciousness interacts with the environment through the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

To remove that pollution from our minds, and to reduce our dukkha, we have to reverse the flow in the direction shown below.

There is a famous story about Buddha and a farmer that illustrate the point of carefully directing our energy to create a future we desire. There was once Buddha came across a farmer on his way to collect a meal, the farmer complained about why Buddha do not grow his own food. Here is what Buddha reason to the farmer:
"My seed is faith, My rain is austerity, My yoke and plough are wisdom, My plough's pole is modesty, My strap is the mind, My ploughshare and goad are mindfulness. Restrained in speech and conduct, Self-controlled in food, With truth I cut the weeds. My liberation is compassion. My beast of burden is exertion. Without turning back, it carries me to Nirvana Where one does not suffer. Thus ploughed, the fruit of Immortality is produced And one is free of pain of all kind."
As they say, where focus goes, energy flows. Make sure our energy is contributing to creating the future we desire. We all want to have liberation, but true liberation takes courage, and discernment of wisdom to overcome our ignorance, greed, and hatred. The famous Hong Kong movie star Chow Yun Fat ( 周潤發) took Master Chin Kung’s teaching to the heart, he recently Donated all his fortunes to Buddhism work is a case in point. We may not be as rich as Chow Yun Fat, but we can all be capable of pursuing the level of consciousness he arrived at.