One of the dark sides of a democratic republican is the dominance of big corporation to sway legislation to pass laws that negatively affects the well beings of the people. One of this obvious dysfunction can be seen in the American medical /insurance system. Our medical system failed; It’s a corrupt system, a financial scam, designed for profit, not care. Health insurers implement secretive practices that stop people from accurately knowing what they’re being charged. Companies like TeamHealth (owned by Blackstone) have such an influence over the business of the medical industry, that chances are your doctor or nurse is employed by them. And investment firms like Vanguard and Blackrock own at least a part in almost every single major publicly-traded hospital or healthcare system in the entire nation.
For more than a hundred years, the American medical system is hijacked by big corporations. In the early 1900s, Rockefeller Foundation used campaign donations and lobbyists to promote its own agenda. In exchange for large campaign contributions, legislation put the American Medical Association (AMA), a private institution, in charge of overseeing medical training and practice in the U.S.A. Unfortunately, the AMA was heavily influenced by the Rockefeller Foundation which was looking for a way to promote their patented drugs. Consequently, the AMA promoted allopathic medicine to the point that it became the only approved form of medicine taught in the U.S. And doctors began prescribing Rockefeller Foundations’ patented medicines to manage, not cure illnesses and diseases. This short video helps to explain how the American Medical Association took over medicine and changed the landscape of health forever.

Here is a long full medical documentary of Big Secret that explores the truth behind some of today’s most widely-accepted medical practices, and seeks to expose how the focus on corporate profits influences traditional medical treatment in the United States. Under financial pressure, alternative medicine education was shut down from the American medical system. When asked whether medical schools could teach students how to be “more efficient and effective” with the EHR, American Medical Association deleted its original tweet. The discussion from doctors highlighted just how out-of-touch this AMA organization has become.

Having taken many medicines since my teenage years, I have in the process self-educated myself on many Chinese Alternative Medicine principles, while also growing increasingly mistrust of allopathy medicine. I truly believe alternative medicine and herbal medicine can hugely cut down costs and provide American people with better medical coverage. It is said, Prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death in the USA. You can see why in China most people distrust western medicine. Even the most modern hospital in China will still have large TCM departments.

I am one of the millions of Americans who do not have medical insurance. The Health Insurance Cost Has Risen 55% in the last 10 years. The Annual Health Insurance Cost for Family Coverage is Now $21,000 Per Year. The Employee Premium Contribution has Increased 40% in the Last 10 Years to $5,600 Per Year. That is More Than What the Average US Household Spends on Food, which is $4,600 Per Year. The Health Insurance Deductible Has Increased 110% in the Last 10 Years to $1,364 Per Year. The Problem is that Only 39% of Americans Can Afford a $1,000 Unexpected Healthcare Cost… Therefore, the Vast Majority of Americans Cannot Afford Their Health Insurance Deductible. Health Insurance Companies are Incentivized by the Market for healthcare costs to rise. A Study by Stanford Researchers Found that a 4% Annual Increase in Healthcare Costs Leads to a 48% Increase in Health Insurance companies’ Stock Price Over 10 Years. However, a 2% Annual Increase in Healthcare Costs Only Leads to a 22% Increase in Health Insurance Company Stock Price. Researchers Propose that the US Department of Labor clarify the fiduciary responsibility of employer health plan sponsors to keep employee healthcare costs down.

Former health care CEO argues America’s medical system rewards bad outcomes. Lacking a good medical education, the American people are falling prey to many lies of modern medicine. When it comes to the fear of newly identified diseases, lies often substitute for data, and for those afflicted, stigma supplants compassion. The treatment of illnesses such as cancer, HIV, influenza, and tuberculosis, are often rooted in the falsehoods of their first portrayal. Dr. Nathalia Holt is the author of Cured: The People who Defeated HIV (Dutton 2014), looks at the precision of our cultural and scientific understanding of disease and considers the influence of perception in medicine, and asks, what is the truth about the treatment of our most deadly diseases? A case in point is the treatment of Covid-19 using traditional Chinese medicine – low cost and effective.

Finally, here is an excellent discussion by an Indian medical scientist, educationist, and author about Ayurveda over Western medicines. Recipient of Dr. B. C. Roy Award in 1999, and the Padma Bhushan Award in 2010, one of India’s highest civilian awards, Dr.BM Hegde speaks on the idea of how ayurvedic medicines are far better for the human body than western medicines. He talks about important theories on how the human body actually functions in a given environment and how Ayurveda blends itself with the human body. Dr.Hegde speaks about the importance of meta medicines which would eventually decide the health factor of humans on earth.
Can you actually make a disease disappear? Dr Rangan Chatterjee thinks you can. Often referred to as the doctor of the future, Rangan is changing the way that we look at illness and how medicine will be practiced in years to come. He highlighted his methods in the groundbreaking BBC TV show, Doctor In The House, gaining him much acclaim from patients, his contemporaries and the media.