Taoism believes that all evils came from energy imbalance within any entity. Take the example of human health, we get sick because of immunity system deteriorated, as a result, our body/defense system energy level is lower than the average of the environment. Nature law is then automatically kick in to fill out the void. So the forces from outside(in the form of humid, heat, dryness etc. ) will invade and cause malady, in some case even total collapse. With each person regardless of gender, we have both masculine and feminine qualities that need to get in balance for us to thrive. Either too much masculine or too much feminine is off the middle way. 过犹不及。這世界上 是無形在决定有形, 並不是 有形在決定無形 。
We should not complain about others make our body unhealthy, right? we should take our own responsibility for it. Recital Buddhism sutras, such like recitaling Sutra of Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vow can help release those karmic debt. Prayer and sticking to eight-fold path will get our benign energy to counter balance the karmic deficit. Namo Amituofo! 南无阿彌陀佛!
This dynamics when apply to the social behavior, reflect when an entity is not mature enough to have self control, not taking consideration of the bigger world and over emphasize its own entitlement/freedom out of desire of greed, aversion and ignorance, (for example taking precepts as in Buddhism), eventually when situation get very bad, forces from outside( in the form of other people, karmic creditor, ghost from other realm, our unconsciousness etc.) be attracted by nature law to help the entity to take control so as to maintain the balance, most likely not in the form not so desirable for entity. Therefore, the Chinese early education emphasize character training from very start, by forming good habits and knowing what is right thing to do and what is not to do. Chinese parents do not give too much praise, but pay more attention to help the kids improve all kind of personality traits that would lead to long term psychological/spiritual development of the higher good. Confucius famously said, if a kid do not have good character, the fault is caused by the father not playing his role. 子不教,父之过也。
And do you remember, Master Thick Nhat Hanh said you are your father’s continuation. He wrote:
When you look into the son, you see the father, the mother, you see the ancestors. A son cannot exist by himself alone, a son or a daughter can only inter-be with parents, ancestors, and so on. That is not difficult to see. As a biologist, you can look into the body of a person, and you see that person is the continuation of his parents. All the cells and all genes have been transmitted by many generations of ancestors.
If a son got so angry at his parents. They are something wrong in it. There are young men who are so mad at their father, that they declare this: “I don’t want to have anything to do with him: But it is nonsense. Your father is in every cell of your body. You cannot remove your father out of you. the fact is you are the continuation of your father, and you are your father. You can not take him out of you. You have no private, separate existence. That self, the self (atma) does not exist. A separate existence, some permanent, non-changing entity sometimes we call it ‘soul’, is not there.

To the extend that western mind OVER-FOCUS on the Yang type of energy, the ego etc, and under-develop its Yin energy, the instinct/potential of the mind, and thus causing major imbalance and delusions in relate to ultimate reality, oriental mind emphasize the the development of overall balance, thus achieving higher wisdom that align more closely to the truth of reality. Shadow(Yin) in the Taoism symbol does NOT mean it is bad/negative, it just means it is not obvious, it is hidden. The Yin Yang symbol is a representation of holistic non-duality dynamics. It speaks of the interaction of spirit and material within the wholeness. Perfection in Confucianism means the gold mean middle way (中庸). Daisaku Ikeda, Japanese Buddhist philosopher, educator, author, and nuclear disarmament advocate, writes that the Middle Way is a process of “living and making one’s mark on society while constantly interrogating one’s own actions to ensure that they accord with the path of humanity.”
In the same token, Jeffrey Sachs: A Negotiated End to Fighting in Ukraine Is the Only Real Way to End the Bloodshed. With the war in Ukraine now in its 10th month, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden have both expressed openness to peace talks to end the fighting, as have leaders in France, Germany and elsewhere. This comes as millions of Ukrainians brace for a winter without heat or electricity due to Russian strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. “This war needs to end because it’s a disaster for everybody, a threat to the whole world,” says economist and foreign policy scholar Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He says four major issues need to be addressed to end the war: Ukraine’s sovereignty and security, NATO enlargement, the fate of Crimea and the future of the Donbas region.
Christ Hedge Report with Medea Benjamin: Throughout the Ukraine war, Western news outlets have mindlessly parroted the opinions of a ruling elite and overseen a public discourse that is often unhinged from the real world. Time Magazine is misleading the public. Zelenskyy is working for an agenda, not the people of Ukraine: Ex-special ops pilot. According to Tuck Carlson’s report, most people in Zelenskyy’s camp were anti-Christ, Zelenskyy’s cabinet is devising ways to punish Christians.
U.S. House passes Respect for Marriage Act is anti-Divine Principle, anti-humanity. It had no respect for our future generation, no respect for the family, no respect for the country. The House officers put their own ego above the principle of divine’s intention. Repent and correct the wrong doing is of upmost importance. 如何懺悔才能消業障?普賢菩薩教你4個方法. 懺悔罪業是非常重要的修行。懺是發露過去所作的舊惡,悔是知錯以後不會再作。懺悔就是向我們的冤親債主道歉,請求他們原諒。我們的身口意無時無刻不在造作著各種罪業,如果能夠依善知識引導,努力懺盡罪業,就能徹底扭轉墮落惡趣的命運。
道家认为,阴阳有四种关系:阴阳互体,阴阳化育,阴阳对立,阴阳同根。简而言之,阴阳相信所有事物都是相互矛盾的。阴阳两者可能是非常不同的,但他们需要彼此协调并实现平衡。就像白天和黑夜,如果没有黑白交替的一天,极昼和极夜都不能让地球保持长久的平衡。没有白天,地球生物也将无法生存。如果没有夜晚,地球生物也不无法在烈日的长久炙烤下生存。人类社会的善恶两面,也属于阴阳的范畴。说到善与恶,我们会说善是阳,恶是阴。但是,善与恶并不像“夜与日”那么容易定义,因为它们带有如此多的主观性,源于我们的喜欢和不喜欢,或者说是我们害怕和不害怕的东西。善与恶并不像“夜与日”那么容易定义,因为它们带有如此多的主观性,源于我们的喜欢和不喜欢,或者说是我们害怕和不害怕的东西。 比如太阳,对于一个游客来说,晴朗的天空就是善。 而对于一个久旱的农民来说,太阳就是恶。 所以阴阳好断,善恶难辨。因此中国道家相信所有的邪恶都源于阴阳的不平衡。
Five Layers of the Human Energy Field give us the visual view of our human’s energy co-mingles with others, with environment, and with nature.

Psychologically, we meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.” ― Carl Jung speaks of the “shadow” and regards it as an area of the unconscious that is very hard to access, our motivations, repressed complexes and guilt feelings are to be found in it, although usually we are unaware of them and cannot even visualize them, let alone admit them. He compares human consciousness to the tip of an iceberg sticking out of the water – the unconscious he symbolizes as the submerged mass of ice, containing both the collective unconscious and the individual unconscious, the so-called shadow personality. The latter is the shadow side of our being, in which everything we have been and experienced is stored. It contains our secret desires, and resolved and unresolved psychic problems from the past (incarnations). They emerge in our dreams, yet, they do exercise an influence on our lives, although, in the main, we do not connect them wit ourselves but project them on the environment, where they manifest and return to us as fate.

在佛陀教法中,如果某种行为、语言、想法最终会导致苦的形成,那么这种行为、语言、想法被称为恶行;如果某种行为、语言、想法最终会导致苦的灭尽,那么这种行为、语言、想法被称为善行。恶行的根本原因在于无明,即不知苦集灭道之智;在无明的笼罩下,贪爱或嗔会在对境产生感受后集起。因此无明、贪、嗔也被称为恶行的根源;在佛陀教法中,真正意义上的无漏善行是四念处。修行四念处可超越愁与悲,灭没苦与忧,是解脱的方法,最终能够达到涅槃。对于佛、辟支佛、阿罗汉而言,由于无明灭尽的缘故,贪、嗔永远不再会形成,因此永远不会造作恶行,故而苦也绝对不会形成——这也是佛陀教法最终的目的。末法时代人妖难辨,佛与魔的一段对话,揭开了末法时期的真相! 所以守诫,遵从四种清静眀悔 (四种清净明诲全文,附高僧讲解)非常重要。
The Hindu-Buddhism term avidya, ignorance – the basic unconsciousness as a result of which it appears that the universe is a collection of separate things and events. A Buddha or “awakened one” is precisely the man who has overcome this unconsciousness and is no more bewitched by sakaya-drishti, the “vision of separateness.” In other words, he sees each “part” of nature without ignoring its relation to the whole, without being deceived by the illusions of maya which, as we also saw, is based on the idea of “measurement”, the dividing of the world into classes, into countable things and events. So divided, the world appears to be dual (dvaita), but to the unobstructed vision of the sage it is in truth undivided or non-dual (advaita) and in this state identical with Brahman, the immeasurable and infinite reality.
Considered as a collection of separate things, the world is thus a creation of thought. Maya, or measuring and classifying, is an operation of the mind, and as such is the “mother” (mata) of a strictly abstracted conception of nature, illusory in the sense that nature is so divided only one’s mind. Maya is illusory in an evil sense only when the vision of the world as divided is not subordinate to the vision of the world as undivided, when in other words, the cleverness of the measuring mind does not become too much of a good thing and is “unable to see the forest for the trees.”
Buddhism many case study recorded by highly respectable Buddhist practitioners thought out the history about incarnation, back and forth of human, animals born into different realms. 轮回为人的狗, (previous dog incarnated into human), 闻鲁直(黄庭坚)前世为妇人,诵《法华经》,以诵经功德故,今世聪明,有官职。戒禅师后身苏东坡. 国际知名的刑侦鉴识专家,李昌钰 在2006年4月2日北大演讲的一番话。他前世是和尚。此随业缘来者也。若生西方,岂如是而已哉! 印光大师修订的《清凉山志》讲述真实的轮回故事,薄荷猪原来是为了度化众生,乘大悲愿力,倒驾慈航的“潜伏”菩萨。菩萨们“应以猪身得度者,即现猪身而为说法”,以启发众生心中的如意宝珠藏。《印祖文钞》: 一位清朝探花的前世今生. 蕅益大师见闻的投胎转世事件。 还有一个前世欠债,今生做驴也要还 的。 Those true records told us a lesson that we better return our karmic debt this life, otherwise the debt will accumulate with interest and get more heavier in future life. We do not know if we can return to become human form the next life.
So whenever we cannot bear the idiosyncrasies, habits, or characteristics of others, but are sorely tried and irritated by them, we may be sure that part of our own shadow is involved. This means that we have repressed these peculiarities within ourselves. Many an external situation to which we are unavoidably exposed is no more than a reflection of what is within us. We cannot deal with it as long as we regard it as exterior and nothing to do with us. Whatever is not being lived will continue to be projected on others for as long as it is not being deal with. Consciously dealing with it, which helps to integrate the shadow, can be made considerably easier. Acceptance of the fact that external events mirror internal events produces great changes. If one recognizes oneself as the instigating “I,” one will realize one’s creative potential, and one’s inner ability to improve one’s life and fate. Then one will no longer wait for assistance from outside, but will rely on self-help and will unremittingly pursue further development though creative consciousness. 净空法师: 为什么要积阴德 标清. 曾仕强:你的小孩将来是不是个有福气的人,从小就要在这些方面开始教育让他们惜福。 孩子不知什么叫习惯,所以大人要做给他看。 西方人是个没有福气的民族。 美国人是全世界最浪费的国家。 Westerns do not understand what manifested as material abundance was the work of many previous incarnations of merits. When we waste, we lost our hard earned credits accumulated over many life times. It is a terrible thing to waste!
Usually the consequences of these shadow functions are beyond our control. In a measure, they represent deterministic tendencies, things that are done automatically, or psychic compulsion mechanisms, and are at their mercy. If we regard the shadow as evil, we can hardly love it, but will treat it as infernal and blame it all over again, possibly it is hard to accept that we ought to learn to love our shadow. We love only what appeals to us as worth loving. what helps us on our way, what does us good. But let us remember how much always depends on our awareness. As the saying goes: “What You Shout Into The Woods Echoes Back”. We ourselves are called upon to rescue our shadow by giving it its true significance. Released from guilt, we can accept the forces, the experiences, and the essences of the shadow as an integral part of ourselves. but before we reach this stage, we must be capable of thinking through the consequences of our actions, and must also be prepared to bear the total responsibility for whatever we do. It is for this reason, the Eastern philosophy also emphasize on self reflection, learn from the time-tested teaching of the sages, hold precepts, and work on self cultivation to transform those bad habits, unwholesome personalities. 戒定慧;吾日当三省吾身。 Hence the golden rule of Confucius: “Do unto others what you would want to be done to you.” and “to do what is right, not what is easy.”
The Yin Yang dynamics also apply to thing we can not see/hear. Such as abortion. We are actually killing a life, even though we did not hear the baby crying, nor seeing its suffering, and thus does not have the awareness and empathy. But we have own the life karmic debt that will need to repay in the future time together plus with interest. That was the reason Buddhism advice against abortion. We have to honor the fetus. When abortion, not only the mother commit crime, also the father and the doctors, hospital, medical facilities that perform such act all had karmic debt need to pay in the future. 堕胎的罪业很严重 怎样做才能帮到堕胎的孩子 .

Tucker Carlson Show is bold enough to point out many horrible things that are being done to our Nation’s children. The fact that this is not a crime to Surgically alter or remove the reproductive glands of children is almost as disturbing as the act itself. And the fact that anyone would be OK with this. Tells me how deranged our society is becoming. These judges, lawyers, media, advertisements all need to be held accountable. One audience testified, “I know PERSONALLY what happens to the entire life of a child who is violated ~ it screws you up on so many levels it’s horrifying! It’s still effects my DAILY life, and I’m now 50 years old! Unbelievable! UNBELIEVABLE!” It’s sad that we have lawless people in offices that are supposed to protect us from lawless people. Another said, “If you have ever seen the destruction of a perfectly healthy young child up close as I have with a neighbour’s daughter who has been through this outrageous medical intervention. It is a crime, to see this lovely young person with obvious mental issues being allowed by their freaks of parents to be ruined instead of helped is beyond belief. Yes it is a crime and a very serious one.”

US News Express美國時事通 报道美国的变态的酷儿教育:戀童癖, 變性人, 亂性, 種族衝突, 等等. 這些在西方世界的墮落, 在1920年代的德國上演過一模一樣的事情, 如同翻版. 家长一定要多施行在家教育,或是找看當地有沒有Classical Christian School, 現在正在美國各地興起。這種教育方式就是當年美國立國先賢所受的教育。融合古希臘與基督教傳統,培育thinker, not worker. 老中們,別再迷戀名校,全部淪陷為左派的馬克斯主義製造工廠。請參看Battle for the American Mind by Pete Hegseth.

Recital Buddhism sutras, such like recitaling Sutra of Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vow can help release those karmic debt. Prayer and sticking to eight-fold path will get our benign energy to counter balance the karmic loss.
净空法师:阿拉伯国家为什么富有?做生意发财的原理 新加坡有个同修告诉我,他是个做生意的人,他说现在生意很难做,伙计不听话。他来问我,我就告诉他:你相不相信佛法?他说:我相信。那相信就很容易。他说:那到底怎么回事情?你没有福报!你从前做的生意小,伙计都听话,你的福报小,你只有那么大的福报。现在你生意做大,做大了要大福报,你的福报没有那么大,所以底下人不听话,就这么个道理。那怎么办?修福! 怎么个修福?佛教给我们三种布施:财布施、法布施、无畏布施。你真正能修三种布施,你是与众生结善缘,你对众生有恩惠。众生与你有恩惠,他就是报恩来的,这个报恩来的,哪有不听话?他不听话的,你跟他没有恩惠。所以人与人的关系,不但是家庭里面父子兄弟,你在这商店里面,老板跟伙计也是这四种关系,报恩、报怨、讨债、还债。你的伙计都听话,都尽心尽力替你做,那报恩来的;你对他没有恩,他来拆你台,来给你捣蛋,把你生意搞垮,报怨来的。唯独佛法把这个道理分析得是真的清楚、真的明了,你要你的生意发达,将来能发大财,赶紧大布施。 还有一个同修告诉我,他说奇怪,有一天我坐车,车上告诉我。因为我们走到文莱大使馆,文莱是很小的国家,人口只有二十五万人,比我们台北市差远了。二十五万人这么一个小国家是世界上首富,最有钱的国家,回教国家,他富有从哪来的?石油太丰富,产油。他就给我讲:全世界凡是回教国家都产油,都有钱,都富有。他问我:这是什么原因?我说:什么原因?佛讲的布施。回教的教义是硬性规定,回教徒每年的收入一定要拿出十分之一来布施。他全国都布施,整个教徒们都布施,他怎么没有福报?当然有福报!但是他们的布施只有财布施,他没有法布施,没有无畏布施,所以他虽然很富,他生活还不是很快乐、很圆满,还有很多麻烦在。佛教给我们究竟圆满幸福的生活,是要三种布施统统要修。
他听我这个话听懂了,他明白了,他发心真正要做。他说:那我要从哪里下手?他经营的是电子工业。我说:就用你自己经营的这个项目。你可以把佛经,可以把这些《讲记》做成计算机磁盘,可以把这个录音的、录像的做成CD片,你不要收钱,送给你的顾客。除了送给你顾客之外,你能送给全世界学佛的团体机构或者是个人。你尽量的送,不要怕送光,你今天送光,明天连本带利都加上,决定有的,自自然然源源不断而来,你决定不要害怕。我们常讲舍得,你能舍后头才得;你不舍,后头就不得,就完了。财源要像水一样会流,这流出去,那就流进来,不要叫它成为死水,死水就完了。何况要知道财五家共有,不是你的,你为什么不拿来做好事?不拿来普遍利益众生?你能这样做,你将来的商品在世界任何地方,你开展览作秀的时候,人家来看一定欢喜你的。你的东西不如人家,人家也欢喜你的、买你的,为什么?他跟你有缘。就这么个道理。这个道理多少人想不通,冤枉不冤枉。 他这一次跟我去旅行,到马来西亚看到每个地方的同修们非常热烈的欢迎,布施的!我们的经书、录音带免费,哪个地方要,哪个地方赶快送去。所以无论到什么地方,欢迎的人非常之多,热烈亲切来招待。我说:你做生意像我这样多好,你的生意就发达,你就发大财。俗话说:不怕货比货,只怕不识货。这个话还不太可靠,缘分最重要。一定要与广大众生有缘,有善缘、有好缘,不要结恶缘。
淨土大經科註精華節錄, 淨空老法師主講: 十万警察不能维持的社会治安` 儘早恢復祠堂、孔廟、城隍廟,有利於中國社會安定!
影片來源經文上有這麼一段話,「將付琰魔王,隨業而受報,勝因生善道,惡業墮泥犁」,泥犁是地獄。這就是人命終之後,到哪裡去?到閻羅王那去了。為什麼你會去?你的業報。通常有小鬼,人要是造作不善業,有小鬼來抓這個人,把這個人帶去見閻羅王。如果造的是大惡,小鬼還不敢去抓他,則有無常大鬼。無常出現都是一對的,沒有單個的,黑白無常。受報,閻羅王來判斷。勝因,你這個人在世斷惡修善,心行殊勝,閻羅王把你送到善道,人道、天道;如果你造的是惡業,那就把你送到地獄。「又譯雙王」,焰摩羅王也翻譯為雙王,為什麼?「兄及妹」,兄妹都是地獄王,「兄治男事,妹理女事」,所以叫雙王。男眾死了以後見閻羅王是男的,女眾死了以後見閻羅王是女的。 「焰摩羅界」,就是焰摩羅王他所管的世界。《俱舍論》裡面說,「琰魔王國,於此贍部洲下,過五百踰繕那」,踰繕那就是由旬,「有琰魔王國,縱廣量亦爾。從此展轉,散居餘處」。這是《俱舍論》裡頭所說的。在我們地球地下面五百由旬,那個地方是琰魔王所管轄的地區。縱廣量亦爾,那個量就是五百由旬,焰摩羅王管的地方不小。從此輾轉,散居餘處,地獄有在地下的,有在海邊的,有在山林的,還有在空中的,罪愈來愈輕,可是我們要記住,時間很長很長。又《長阿含經.地獄品》這裡頭說:「閻浮提南」,這說我們地球,閻浮提是我們地球,「大金剛山內,有閻羅王宮,王所治處,縱廣六千由旬」。有焰摩羅王的宮殿,他在那個地方管轄一切眾生善惡的賞罰。
「三惡道,又名三惡趣,又名三塗」,這都是佛經上常常看到的。「為一切眾生造惡所生之處,故名惡道。地獄、餓鬼、畜生三道,名三惡道。《法華經.方便品》曰:以諸欲因緣,墜墮三惡道。蓋謂眾生如內有貪求欲樂之念,是為因;外攀緣欲境,是為緣;以此因緣,起念造惡,終墮惡道」。《法華經》裡講得很清楚。所以三惡道是以一切欲望因緣而變現出這三道,這三道都不是真的,整個六道,甚至於十法界,都不是真的。海賢老和尚說得好,「好好念佛,成佛是真的」,往生到極樂世界就是成佛,這是真的,「其他全是假的」,六道輪迴是假的,十法界是假的。迷了,像作夢一樣,夢中,他沒醒過來,醒不過來。痴迷了,把夢境當作真實,大錯特錯,在裡面造無量業。不管你造善業惡業,統統出不來,怎樣才能出來?不造業就出來了。有方法不造業?有,佛菩薩教給我們,而且做給我們看了,斷惡修善,不把它放在心上就不造業,放在心上就造業。 佛法就這麼簡單,所謂大道至簡,不複雜,不難。只要你能夠日常生活當中,什麼都不要放在心上,心上只有阿彌陀佛,除阿彌陀佛之外什麼都沒有,你這一生決定往生成佛。海賢老和尚告訴我們這真的,這個不假。身體在這個世間,還沒有離開,那就要懂得隨緣,不攀緣。隨緣,恆順眾生,隨喜功德,永遠隨順眾生。我們表演給他看,隨順眾生裡面斷惡修善,斷惡不放在心上,放在心上那是三善道;行善也不放在心上,放在心上也是三善道,出不了六道輪迴。不放在心上,你就往生極樂世界去了,這就對了。這個道理、這個事實真相不能不清楚,清楚之後,我們在這一生這一世就終結了,下一世不再搞輪迴,不再搞十法界,永遠超越。這是正道,這是正法。達不到這個目的,那都是邪道,不是正法。