Humanity Have to Live According to Cosmic Order 2

The Plague Cycle: The Unending War Between Humanity and Infectious Disease written by Charles Kenny, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, is an astute explication of our species’ battles with microbes since the dawn of human time. For 4,000 years, the size and vitality of cities, economies, and empires were heavily determined by infection. Striking humanity in waves, the cycle of plagues set the tempo of civilization growth and decline, since common response to the threat was exclusion — quarantining the sick or keeping them out. But the unprecedented hygiene and medical revolutions of the past two centuries have allowed humanity to free itself from the hold of epidemic cycles — resulting in an urbanized, globalized, and unimaginably wealthy world.

However, our development has lately become precarious. Climate and population fluctuations and factors such as global trade have left us more vulnerable than ever to newly emerging plagues. Greater global cooperation toward sustainable health is urgently required — such as the international efforts to manufacture and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine — with millions of lives and trillions of dollars at stake.

The book quote the research by infectious Disease Mortality Trends in the United States, 1980-2014 conducted by Victoria Hansen, etc. In 1900, eight out of every one thousand people died from an infectious disease, and that wasn’t an unusual year. And according to the study by Max Roser, Hannah Ritchie, Bernadeta Dadonaite, The global child mortality rate of the 1950s was 22.5%, close to one death every second. five times the level of today.

As we have more understanding of history, The Plague Cycle author draw these conclusion:

The Covid-19 pandemic perhaps is only a forecaster of even worse to come. Perhaps we’ll backslide. If anti-vaccine prophets peddle their deadly disinformation without response, if our last antibiotics are wasted on adding a few ounces of white meat to a chicken breast, if we do nothing to improve global cooperation, surveillance coverage, and rapid response to outbreaks.

Hippocrates Refusing the Gifts of Artaxerxes is a painting describes Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine” who’d treated victims in the plague of Athens, refuses gifts from the Persian king Artaxerxes, who is seeking the same help in dealing with a plague in his country.

Now we know what the world will look like. The world surely recognizes that pestilence may be the more likely source of a millennial global catastrophe – certainly the first horseman rides ahead of terror, climate change, or a collapse in food production. A planet without our most effective tools against infection is one moving back toward Malthusian misery. It is a world where our view of mortality as an increasingly private affair is blown away by mass burial of the young. It is a world that is poorer, more violent, more insular – a bigoted and misogynistic place.

The history of infection teaches a particular lesson to those who want to withdraw from international cooperation: if disease becomes the excuse for closing borders and deploying force, the costs to global progress will be immense. We don’t have to accept a new pathogen as the will of God – nor are flight, fortresses, or imprisonment our only defense against the scourge.

Talking Out Loud – Soliciting Ideas for Drastic Changes 3 – Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s One Spirit Medicine

As scary as COVID-19 is, our short memory is once again rolled back to 1980s when crisis of rampant HIV/AIDS virus spreading in the western world in the 1980s by Thrasher’s Book. Here is an account of the HIV/AIDS timeline and history. Things had became so uncontrollable that on May 26 1988, the American Surgeon General releases the nation’s first coordinated HIV/AIDS education strategy, mailing out 107 million copies of a pamphlet titled Understanding AIDS in an attempt to reach every household in America, the largest public mailing in history. Later that same year, President Reagan signed the first comprehensive federal AIDS bill, the Health Omnibus Programs Extension (HOPE) Act, establishing the Office of AIDS Research and authorizing federal funds for AIDS prevention, research, and testing. With on sign of the disease being under check, President George H.W. Bush signed the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act on July 26 1990, allocating over $220 million in federal funds for care and treatment of people with AIDS in its first year. 

Looking back, that maybe just an rehearsal of what to come in the 2020 and after. According to UNAIDS fact sheet: There were approximately 38.4 million people across the globe with HIV in 2020. Of these, 36.7 million were adults and 1.7 million were children (<15 years old). In addition, 54% were women and girls. An estimated 1.5 million individuals worldwide acquired HIV in 2021, marking a 32% decline in new HIV infections since 2010.

What is the root cause of HIV/AIDS virus and Covid-19 infection? Author Alberto Villoldo shared powerful blend of spiritual philosophy and scientific principles woven into the perfection of a practical formula of healing for everyday life in his book One Spirit MedicineAncient Ways to ultimate Wellness. Brimming with timeless wisdom, Alberto leads us on a journey of discovery that shatters common misconceptions about us, our relationship to our body, and the world. In doing so he reminds us that the key to our healing lies in our ability to embrace ourselves, and the world, as living, conscious, and connected.

Alberto first shared his personal experience of fell gravely ill during a trip in Mexico for a conference. Apparently earlier during his years of research in indonesia, Africa, and South America, Villoldo had picked up a long list of nasty microorganisms, including five different kinds of hepatitis virus, three or four varieties of parasites, a host of toxic bacteria, and assorted nasty worms. His heart and liver were close to failure, the brain was riddled with parasites. He had a physical collapse which further confirmed by the doctor of brain disease that need best medical care available and immediately get on a liver transplant list. But where to find a healthy brain?

He had two choice, one is taking the flight to Miami where he would be admitted to a top medical center for treatment, another option is the flight to Lima and the Amazon, where he would be in the land of his spiritual roots, go with his wife to lead one of the expeditions working with jungle shamans who have journeyed beyond death. The irony was he had just published a book entitled Power Up Your Brain: The neuroscience of Enlightenment. Prior to these, he had been a best-selling author with 12 books to his credit, a researcher and medical anthropologist with a Ph.D. in psychology, a teacher and healer with a following worldwide. The light body School and the Four Winds Society that he founded had grown exponentially: more than 5000 students had gone through his training in energy medicine or had accompanied him on journeys to the Amazon and the Andes. Felt like it was the last day of his life, he was overwhelmed by sadness at the thought of leaving this beautiful earth. All the test results indicated he is dying, the doctors had even said, ‘You should already be dead.’ Miami was the logical choice. But in that moment he summoned up the courage to put his future where his mouth was – to live what he had taught to so many. Long story short, Villoldo’s return to Amazon was the beginning of a return to himself.

Drawing on more than 25 years of experience as a medical anthropologist – as well as his own journey back from the edge of death – acclaimed shamanic teacher Alberto Villoldo shows you how to detoxify the brain and gut with superfoods: use techniques for working with our luminous energy fields to heal your body; and follow the ancient path of the medicine wheel to shed disempowering stories from the past and pave the way for rebirth.

Today our minds, our emotions, our relationships, and our bodies are out of kilter. We know it, but we tend to ignore it until something brings us up short – a worrying diagnosis, a broken relationship, or simply an inability to function harmoniously in everyday life. When things are a little off, we read a self-help book. When they’re really bad, we bring in oncologists to address cancer, neurologists to repair the brain, psychologists to help us understand our family of origin. But this fragmented approach to health is merely a stopgap. To truly heal, we need to return to the original recipe for wellness discovered by shamans millennia ago: One-Spirit Medicine.

In the West, we’re accustomed to looking to doctors and experts to guide us in our healing, growth, and learning. Our schools, businesses, religions, and government are hierarchical. In the Amazon, however, there are no levels of management between us and Spirit. The shaman—the wise old man or woman—is honored as a healer but is not regarded as superior to other members of the village. The shaman is simply a skilled facilitator who interacts with both the visible and invisible worlds to help restore balance to body, mind, and soul.

The message of One Spirit Medicine is that you don’t need to track down a shaman to find Spirit, or look outside yourself to find health. You only have to look within. That’s where you will receive One Spirit Medicine. Through One Spirit Medicine, the shamans found that they could grow a new body that allowed them to live in extraordinary health. They learned how to switch off the “death clock” inside every cell, and turn on the “immortality” genes that reside in password-protected regions of our DNA. Cancer, dementia, and heart disease were rare. The shamans of old were truly masters of prevention. Here is one comment from a reader with username PuraVida :

Three months later and I’m down another 15 pounds, but BEST OF ALL, my LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are well within normal ranges and my average blood sugar level has dropped. I do not miss carbs or sugars, but I do not deprive myself on special occasions if I feel like a little cake and ice cream. Frequently, people I have not seen in a while ask me how I did it – I cannot recommend this book enough!

….I don’t often read this genre, but I was strongly motivated after my doctor gave me some pretty depressing news – at 64, I was 30 pounds overweight, pre-diabetic, and my cholesterol was higher than ever, despite being on two kinds of statins. A dear friend listened to my tale of woe and lent me an advance copy of One Spirit Medicine she had just received. That was two months ago.

Some things come into your life at the exact moment you are most receptive. I started Dr. Villoldo’s 14-day detox and eliminated bread, pasta, grains, sugar and other unhealthy foods. I started drinking fresh “green juice” for breakfast (not nearly as bad as it sounds!) and eating nuts, seeds, fresh caught fish (mostly salmon, not a big fan of seafood) and fibrous veggies. I cut back on fruit (that was hard) and root vegetables (high in sugar – who knew?), and increased my water intake.

By the end of the detox, I was amazed to find that my “brain fog” had lifted. I honestly thought it was early onset Alzheimer’s, so the relief was enormous. My clothes felt looser, so I could tell I had dropped some weight.

That motivated me to keep at it. I am not a creative cook, and One Spirit Medicine is not a diet book with lots of recipes, so I googled “no carb, gluten-free recipes” and found a LOT of good ideas on the Internet. Following the broad guidelines in the book, I added quinoa (yum), avocado, coconut oil, and food supplements to my diet. Two months later, I have dropped at least 15 pounds and feel more energetic than I have in years. I have a sense of joy and peace that I realize has been missing from my life for a long time.

I have learned so much from this book about how the body functions, and that has helped a lot as well – I have a better understanding of why I need to stick with the program. I’m also getting back in touch with my long-neglected spiritual side, though this is taking a little more effort than the dietary changes. But the focus on shamanism and energy medicine is interesting, and some of the spiritual exercises have been mind-opening.

I am looking forward to my follow-up visit to the doctor and am certain my blood sugar levels have dropped. Keeping my fingers crossed on the cholesterol as well, despite a genetic predisposition. I feel so much better, I can’t imagine going back to my old eating habits.

So, corny as it sounds, I can honestly say this book has changed my life. And for that I am grateful. I hope this review motives others to make changes in their lifestyle as well.

to be continued …….

Talk Out Loud -Soliciting Ideas for Drastic Changes 2 – Interview Milford PA’s Mayor Sean Strub

Here we continue the Epilogue of The Viral Underclass – The Human Toll When Inequality And Disease Collide by Steven W. Thrasher:

After antiretroviral medications were developed in the 1990s to treat AIDS, many white gay men in New York who had so far survived that plague used the new drugs as a ticket out of the viral underclass in which they’d recently dwelled. While HIV concentrated among people who were poor, Black, and who didn’t get those drugs, a lot of the newly medicated survivors stopped caring much about AIDS. Some of these surviving gay men bought weekend hones within a couple of hours of new York City. Still alive because of loud gay activists, they started spending their weekends in sleepy hamlets, quietly turning the word “antique” into a gerund.

In September 2020, I took my first post-lockdown reporting trip to one of those towns, or so I assumed – Milford, Pennsylvania, population 1172. When I arrived and put on my KN95 mask and face shield before exiting my rental car, I realized I’d parked near an SUV with a rear window completely converted in crudely painted letters that screamed, “Wearing a Mask & Rubber Gloves While You Are Alone in Your Car Is Like Wearing a Condom to Bed While You Are Alone!!!”. Milford was the kind of place where painstakingly restored country houses owned by some of the town’s gay male couples had “TRUMP-PENCE 2020” signs on their perfectly manicured lawns. Meanwhile, seemingly straight white men openly brandished guns at the local diner.

I had traveled to interview Milford’s most famous homosexual, Sean Strub. But even though he was the town’s Democratic mayor, Sean had not become one of those white gays who had abandoned the viral underclass. Far from it. He had not only named the idea into being back in 2011, but he had also committed much of his life to the people who lived in it ever since.

Sean was the executive director of the Sero Project, a nonprofit dedicated to helping people harmed by the criminalization of HIV. Sero had organized the 2018 conference where I first heard the term viral underclass used (though, there, it had mutated a bit into a strain different from Sean’s original usage). Recently, Sero had joined organizing efforts to flatten the rising curve of COVID-19 criminalization happening around the world.

I had connected with Sean six years earlier, when I was commissioned to write about Michael Johnson. Over the years, I had noticed how Sero was unlike many civil rights organizations I had covered in my career, in one respect: it did not demand “respectability” from the people it supported publicly. From legal advocacy to organizing letter-writing campaigns to people in prison, Sero supported anyone who had been incarcerated due to HIV and asked for its help – the kinds of people ignored by almost all advocacy groups and journalists.

After I arrived, Sean and I went for a hike in the Pocono Mountains. the pandemic had kept me cooped up for months in the city by then, and I was grateful for the chance to interview someone not on Zoom, but safely outside while walking together among trees in a glorious forest.

In COVID-19 times, some people knew a bit about ACT UP, which had directed its power externally. Its targets were organizations like the Food and Drug Administration, and its success with that agency was a reason that drug trials were already happening that summer for potential COVID-19 vaccines.

But Sean had been an activist even before that – since a time when “there was no distinction between AIDS activism and a gay activism,” as he put it. “What I think of as real AIDS activism,” he told me, “really began when people with AIDS started finding each other and organizing and came out in support groups and out of anger at the gay organizations for not listening to us.” That work was internal, and could also be called a kind of mutual aid, a concept new to many in 2020.

Sean was a part of the gays who did this decades ago. when governments around the world left us to fend for ourselves in the COVID-19 pandemic, many people looked to the example of activists like Sean as they set up Google Docs to schedule regular check-ins on their elderly neighbors, shopped for groceries for immunocompromised friends, pooled resources in their communities, and learned together about viruses in teach-ins.

Why, I asked Sean, did he keep doing this work after he got the good drugs, when so many people of his standing had stopped slumming in the viral underclass?

Saying he didn’t “begrudge people who got better and went on with their lives and other things,” he told me, “It never felt like an option for me. for one, I was so wrapped up in it.” he ran a magazine about people living with HIV, and he was close to so many people harmed not just by the AIDS virus, but by the conditions that caused it. (After Lorena Borjas died of COVID-19 in the spring, the next two people I read about online in my social circle who died were both African American HIV activist friends of Sean’s – Deloris Dockrey and Ed Shaw.)

Sean wouldn’t say it about himself, but i will say it about him: unlike many people, he didn’t allow a viral divide to develop in his life, where he saw himself as deserving and those afflicted by the social vectors that cause HIV/AIDS as suddenly undeserving. He is the rare person with privilege who leverages that privilege on behalf of people with the least – and I mean the least -social standing. he doesn’t even let prison bars keep him from trying to create an intact sense of community with other people living with HIV. When the Human Rights Campaign, ACLU, and NAACP wouldn’t even take my calls about Michael Johnson in 2014, Sean had been actively building up support for him for months. And unlike many who got the drugs and ran, Sean saw that people with viruses should not be carted off to jail; they are still part of the body politic and deserve care.

When we discussed this, it was a spectacularly sunny day, and our hike took us up a bluff high above the expanse of the Delaware Valley, to look down upon a bend in the mighty, muddy Delaware River. It’s the same river George Washington crossed on Christmas night in 1776, mythologized by Emanuel Leutze’s 1851 oil painting Washington Crossing the Delaware (which includes an enslaved Black man, Prince Whipple, whom Washington owned). But on that day, it reminded me of the mighty, muddy Missouri River, which snaked downhill from the jail in St. Charles where I would visit Michael Johnson. Unlike when I’d interview Michael, though, Sean and I were free to talk under the sun and enjoy the bounty of natural beauty around us.

Though his work had begun around viruses, his journey, Sean told me, had led him ‘deeper into understanding the systemic flaws in our society and our system. And the most satisfying work that we do is the prison work. That is, in some ways, where I feel we are being least effective at changing anything systemically, but most effective at influencing individual lives.”

Some of the people the Sero Project corresponds with (imprisoned for failing to disclose that they have a virus thirty million people live with) may never get out of prison, and there’s nothing they can do about it. While the one person I covered who was imprisoned for transmitting HIV got out – albeit, after Herculean efforts over six years – i, too, write about and work with people who will likely never escape being in the underclass, viral or otherwise.

How did Sean cope with this?

You start, he told me, by “simply acknowledging it, letting them know somebody heard them and sympathized. That’s all you can do. You need to do that. You can’t just ignore it.”

Even if it feels like there is no way to solve their crisis, “if all you can do is witness, you need to be doing that. And not to diminish the value of that.”

The novel coronavirus has made millions, if not billions, of humans consider for the first time how living with a common virus can make a person feel like a pariah.

I did not acquire SARS-CoV-2 prior to being vaccinated. And yet, before I got jabbed, even though I would never lob such a stigmatizing label at others, I deeply feared being a vector myself – even though I preach that it is societal structures and not people that are vectors. I so feared infecting others that I even had suicidal ideation, under the warped logic of thinking that if someone has to die, it might as well be me before i am a vector and accidentally kill others.

Some of this was a familiar sensation for me. As a single, gay Black man, I’ve long internalized a fear of being an undiagnosed “one in two” who could unwittingly transmit HIV to someone else; I fear this more than becoming HIV-positive myself. And as I began to overhear straight white people discussing community positively rates, trying to understand viral testing windows, and even asking each other questions like “So, when did you last get tested?” – things gay men have talked about for decades – I could tell that many people in the pandemic were suddenly struggling to process the kinds of fears that have long plagued queer folks like me.

There is tremendous power in how, for the first time in human history, all humans on the planet have been going through some version of the same thing, at nearly the same time, with the ability to communicate globally about it. “Some of us have lived here for years: that place to which others confine you when you are a ‘disease vector.’ (Even when you are not.) It’s a place where people don’t touch you or talk to you,” anthropologist and HIV activist Thomas Strong has observed. Now that billions may be having this sensation, Thomas has asked, “Will the ‘general public’ now experience this form of abjection, and therefore reject it? How will we come to terms with this? A fantasy of immunity? More walls? or careful, reflexive dialogue about the fact that we are all already polluted by each other, our bodies connected and permeable, energised and endangered by the life (vitality, livingness, flourishing, decay, dehiscence) that that connection engenders?”

What is SARS-CoV-2 finally allows us to drop “patient zero” scapegoat narratives? To release the morality plays of “Tiger Mandingo” and “COVID parties” that the extracnews media has foisted upon us? To let go of the languages of “superspreaders,” “personal responsibility,: and declaring “war” on everything? And to finally embrace notions of communal responsibility and collective care?

COVID-19 demanded that we pause and reconsider why we saw ourselves as different beings in the first place, and to ask ourselves different questions without that assumption.

Perhaps then, the most fundamental question viruses probe us to ask ourselves is: Why am I “me’ and you are “you”? if we believe that “you” and “I” are not separate, but that we face common challenges, then our hierarchies might melt away.

Racism would be gone.

Ableism would cease to exist.

Sexism, homeophobia, and cisgender superiority would all perish.

American exceptionalism wouldn’t need to exist, either, in its modern, jingoistic sennor as the insult Joseph Stalin originally meant it to mean – because the U.S. empire would be irrelevant.

The hoarding of resources through capitalism? Totally unnecessary; austerity would be replaced by anarchy and abundance.

If we accepted, as Alice Wong put it, that the world is “one big petri dish,” even speciesism would disappear, granting us perhaps our greatest chance of success at addressing the climate crisis.

In encouraging me to learn and unlearn these lessons, despite all the trauma they have caused, viruses have been among my greatest teachers. Or, rather they have the possibility to be our greatest teachers. And they offer us perhaps the best possibility of a new ethic of care – one not steeped in me getting mine first, but in us taking care of one another and of our very planet.

In this way, viruses have the potential to help us make a world predicated upon love and mutual respect for all living things, not just in the here and now, but across time and space.

To be continued ……

An American Government Put on By the Oligarchy and Serve the Autocracy

Now that mid-term election is just over, there seems campaign is kicking off for the 2024 election already. American power that being enjoy the dazzling shows that confusing everyone: The government do not govern, but on the election all the time. According to election commission data, Presidential candidates raised and spent $4.1 billion in the 24 months of the 2019-2020 election cycle, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission that cover activity from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020. It is said that elected officials earn anywhere from $193,400-to -$400,000 per year. But what had they do for people? Now FTX a Ponzi Scheme Scam by SBF With HUGE TIES to US Government? If so, Democrats are in the middle of the ‘biggest financial fraud case in US history’.

So much that has occurred in the last 3 or 4 years is so wrong. Dr. Robert Malone is one of the clear headed, as early as in March/April 2020, Robert Malone & the dark horse podcast was one of the few voices speaking logic, questioning why there was so much fear spreading propaganda behind Covid. Every move made was calculated and designed to stop society having freedom of choice. We are thankful that there are still people of conscience like Dr. Malone putting himself and his reputation on the line so many times to help humanity see through the propaganda. A lot of people who made a lot of money on Covid-19 are good friends of Mr. Bill Gates. Dr. Malone has traveled quite extensively, but every time he turn around, there he found the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who refuse to take it. Dr. Malone spoke of we are dealing with the multi-factoria condition in which we have some absolutely nefarious actors that have exploited what has occurred here, and this includes various players involved in the Global Financial system. They are the ones behind this and triggered all these. Robert Malone Reveals Bill Gates played a key role in advancing a lot of the mistakes that happened here.

The working class and the poor did not have a say. But You won’t believe who is going after Bill Gates now! In this video, not only Russell Brand, but we take a look at the 50 groups that are targeting him for his global domination in the agricultural and technological sector. This may be surprising to you, but they all have one goal in mind- to stop Gates from controlling the world food supply. With great power comes great responsibility. It is time for Bill Gates to use his resources and platform to find solution for supporting people’s right and dignity, rather than promoting initiatives that benefits himself and his corporate cronies. Some comment: This is what happens when a software thief actually believes that he is a farmer and a scientist. Another damage he did was on education. Some audience suggests: Bill Gates should be the first person to be responsible for to lost of teachers job. Next should be Klaus Schwab followed by Alejandro Mayorkas then Merrick Garland then John Kerry, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Chuck Schumer, take your pick.

Dr. Malone think of Bill Gate’s logic had been there was just not enough data or not enough tools to process all the data. And now we’ve got these cool new things like machine learning and deep learning artificial intelligence etc, now if we just had enough data from everybody in the world, we could run that into our massive metaphorical spreadsheet, really figure out how to make the world on Rails. What we see in the last three years has just been a chronic bungling. The banishment of this affair has demonstrated a profound level of incompetence and what blow people’s mind is that WHO and CDC, a lot of these other actors have been involved in these. That does not work in Dr. Malone’s deep learning algorithms. We should stop defining Humanity by using the computer language of economics, we should stop defining human beings as economic entities as numbers on the spreadsheet. Humans are so much more than that. The art has turned dead, all it about is how rich you are, how much money you can make. You can make your jet, your boat, fancy cars, what you got at the bank, how much power you have, What happen to the communities, what happen to spiritualism, what happen to commitment to our children, commitment to education, commitment to Future Generations? All these talk about Green living int he Green world, there is a whole lot of talk and exploitation of Nitrogen loads in Dutch Farmers as ways to justify other agendas. The folks that has been advancing these agendas have been doing so for so long and they have amassed such massive amounts of capital, that they are going to have their way with us. Senator Rand Paul Has A Message For Biden About COVID-19.

Michael Hudson | Economy is one big PONZI SCHEME. A financial network connects to a political network that connects to a corporate network, and then even a philanthropic and even cultural network – and what you get is a very strong entrenched power and amplified power. Scary stuff that appears to amplify at a global level the insights of C. Wright Mills ( The Power Elite ) and G. William Domhoff ( Who Rules America? ). In the second quarter of 2022, 68 percent of the total wealth in the United States was owned by the top 10 percent of earners. In comparison, the lowest 50 percent of earners only owned 3.2 percent of the total wealth. The 1% own 57% of private companies, according to the Federal Reserve.  Jeffrey Sachs Explains Why America Is Entering A Horrific Financial Crisis… The 1% own more than 50% of the equity shares in both private and public companies. Much of their wealth comes from soaring stock prices. Professor Sach had worked extensively in Russia, Central Europe, in China and other parts of the world. He said America has three decades of militarization of American foreign policy, data showed that there have been more than 100 military interventions by the United States since 1991. USA is a country of 4.2% of the population in a big, diverse world, the West, meaning the US and European Union, and G7 together is a small part of world Population, perhaps roughly 10%. We should learn to get along. Instead, we are using weaponry – a military first approach to any problems. U.S called for Nato enlargement, no matter what other countries say may be armful to their security interests. We brush aside other countries’ interest. That not only make the world more danger, it also put American in more danger. data

Another public figure with a great historical context and practical insight is Professor Hudson. Michael Hudson: A New Bipolar World. US finance capitalism vs. China’s mixed public/ private economy spoke of Western and U.S financial oligarchies’s aim is to shift economic planning out of the hands of elected governments to Wall street and other Financial Centers that are under U.S control . A U.S policy use the international monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to demand privatization of the world’s infrastructure for countries to be dependent on U.S technology, oil and food exports. So what does it mean by autocracy? Government that seek to govern their own economy and avoid that kind of fictionalization and privatization, (Thatcherism and Reaganomics). Germany and Europe are now being forced into a depression and de-industrialization as a result of the sanctions that the Americans have told them to impose on Russia.