Our Faith to the Unknown

As the Palestine civilian death increase drastically, 70% of the death are the women and childrenWHO says a child is killed every 10 minutes in Gaza. Unprecedented’ death toll among Gaza’s journalists. As the Gaza’s largest hospital being bombarded, the Red Cross said medical facilities and workers in Gaza needed to be protected, warning the health system in the territory had “reached a point of no return”. U. S House Rep. Angie Nixon, D-Jacksonville, was making her closing arguments on a resolution she sponsored (HB 31C) calling for a ceasefire in the war “Israel and occupied Palestine.” “We are at 10,000 dead Palestinians,” Nixon said during the debate. “How many will be enough?”

This program that just came out made by Middle East Eye – Why American Politicians are ‘lying’ about Gaza, shares with the western public on a big picture about the how we are miseducated and misinformed all these years by the American political media class. Are there Hamas tunnels under hospitals? Did Israel give up Gaza in 2005? Why fire cease had not been success since 1960s. Did the Palestinians reject their own state? This program examine a widely shared interview with Hillary Clinton which was praised as informative and illuminating, and postulated that the reason that many political medias mislead the public because of financial ties to Israel, and influential Israeli lobbies in the United States. With the scale of destruction of Gaza spiralling, with its people trapped and helpless, with American politicians just passed 14 billion aids to Israel, if they are not willing to pull their allies from the brink, with no political solution on the table, what then is the logical end point?

This other program from Novara Media look into the political makeup in the USA that causing lopsided blindly support of Israel. It argues that many American politicians are not fit for their jobs – a fact that has getting more and more blatant obvious when the American political is causing more and more damages and pain to the world. This further brings up the very question of American political structure and the process of election selections. The news media as an important pillar of U.S. democracy is decay by the money and monopoly. Huge wealth gaps in the United States and the large amount of money required to buy votes will tend to select the representatives for the minority wealthy, thus causing the American political life very unhealthy. Why Americans are losing trust in elections and the media interviewed two researchers from pew research center and discussed the implication. In the 2016 presidential election, almost 42% of the American electorate didn’t vote. The percentage was lower in 2020—33%, doubts About Election Fairness Affect Voting—and Democracy.

So much pain made life almost unbearable, how can we still experience joy of life in the midst of all the suffering and sorrow?

Sunday morning Nov 11, I find this old video – Journalist Gideon Levy’s 2015 speech on Israel’s occupation of Palestine goes viral, which gave more insight into the nature of Israel-Hamas war. An award winning Israel journalist, Gideon Levy’s discussion of the long-standing Israel-Palestine conflict has gone viral on social media. The journalist Gideon Levy’s insights on the situation have proven to be prophetic, given the current state of affairs in the region. Levy talked about the Israel’s illusory notion that they are the God’s chosen people.

This remind me of the four Leo planets in Israel’s national chart: Moon, Pluto, Saturn, and Mars all in the sign of Leo close to MC. In our endless samsara, there lives we are in the the realm of heaven, human, and there are lives in the realm of Hell, Ghost, and animals. It is just a cycle of different evolutionary stages. People who have too many Leo elements tend to nassitistic, self centered, and blind to the truth that we are all of the creation of Divine, and we are all blessed with “specialness” of some kind. Take the example of vegetables, which can not move, but also possess different nutritious qualities.

There has been heated debates as to USA’s support of Israel. Here is a survey result. Some people pointed out that the reason Elite class unconditionally supports Israel and Ukraine with US Taxpayer Money is because there is a huge amount of money to be siphoned off and profit from in these backdoor deals. The more tax money that gets sent overseas with minimal transparency is just an opportunity for the rich and powerful to gain more wealth and control. So this is a scam and U.S taxpayers are the victim. A case in point, billionaire Bill Ackman cut secrete back door deals with Zelenski, there are other ten people there which was organized by JP Morgan. These ultra wealthy have invested heavily in Ukraine’s infrastructure and financial services etc. before the war. To protect their investment they push on destroying Putin with Nato expansion to the Ukraine-Russia border which was violating the previous treaty signed in the early 1990 with Gorbachev.

America’s involvement into Middle East War from start of the century has caused millions and millions of refugees all over the world. In helping Israel, USA has indirectly caused many sufferings. This program air an section of BBC Question Time when an audience brought up all the facts of Israel double standard in Palestine issue. The program then argues that the western countries’ skewed framing of Palestine, and the reason Palestinian felt no hope and Hamas became popular because Israel had completely undermined Palestinian authority, the Israeli made it impossible to have any kind of solutions. Palestinian became desperate because of Israeli actions. A similar situation happened to Libya’s Gaddafi as shown in this video clip. , Called in western countries as dictator, he gave a speech in one of the UN assemblies 2009, “We are 192 nations and countries, and we are like Speakers Corner in London’s Hyde Park, we just speak and nobody implements our decisions. We are mere decoration without any substance. We are speaker corner, no more no less, we just make speeches and then disappear. This is who you are right now.”

On the other hand, the Hamas attacked of the civilians are war criminals regardless how much animosity you have towards Israel. This type of Unrestricted Warfare terrorism should be condemned.

‘Enough of this’: Hamas co-founder’s son speaks out. Mosab Hassan Yousef is the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef. “Since I was a child, I asked my father many questions about Hamas delusions, about their brutality, about their abuse of power, and he always justified their position,” Mosab Hassan Yousef said. “Then I was imprisoned with Hamas. I spent about 27 months in Israeli prisons where Hamas was torturing their own members … within Israel prisons. They killed and tortured hundreds of prisoners. “This is when I started asking myself the question: what if Hamas becomes the ruler at some point, what will they do to our people?”

新一輪以巴衝突爆發近一個月,以色列軍隊聲稱要殲滅哈馬斯,持續空襲並封鎖加沙近一個月,加沙死亡人數已經突破1萬,戰火蔓延當地已造成人道危機。文化名人.易經專家岑逸飛就此事问卜得师卦。(Cantonese program)【易經看世界】師卦看以巴衝突:速戰速決為上策,丈人有望化危機!丈人是誰?


Yijing Expert Mr. Cen asked for Yijing Oracle the case of Hama and Israel conflict, and he got Yijing Hexagram #7 – Leading/Discipline. He explained the divination for the Hexagram and hold the opinion that the conflict should be resolved as soon as possible. An elder will be the key for the resolution of the issue. He talked about Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA),who is 88 year old now, and is a perfect edler to help steering away the situation from further complication and deterioration.

The Guardian has Israel-Hamas war live reported. More than 720,000 displaced people across the Gaza Strip were sheltering at 150 facilities run by UNRWA, as of Thursday Nov 9th. At shelters, the lack of water makes it hard to maintain even basic hygiene. Families are packed into a school building in Deir al-Balah, in central Gaza, with tents set up in the playground, washing hung up to dry in corridors and children sleeping on mats next to their worried parents.

Suzan Wahidi, from Gaza City, says as many as seven people might share a mattress – if they can find one. Our children are now suffering from an epidemic. They suffer from all the diseases that you can imagine, diarrhea, vomiting, fever. There are no medicines, there is no food to provide us.

.Prayer is extreme important at this time. As we keep in mind what God instruct St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi:


Nomo Amituofo ! Namo Avalokiteshvara !