After intensive attempt trying to cope with the chaos in the last eight years, I am wearing out. With patisan contention here in USA, the controversy about January 6th Capitol Building upheavl in Washington, D.C., the US. Constitution dispute, the political and economic wreckage is weighting heavily. Meanwhile, the globalization brought about other agonies – ever incresing tentions with China, and nonstoped wars elsewhere in the world, the ever increasing threat of neclear destruction … etc. Collectively, we are all struggling to make sense the meaning and purpose of our existance within the larger world theater , amid the media news bombarding, court trials, regional conflicts as well as economic hardship.
Reading articles like “The Course of American History Now Depends on Getting Inside Trump’s Head“, my head is cracking. It is obviously we have not got passed the 2020 election dispute, and U.S Presidential Election is not just American’s political affair any more, the world is watching the U.S. vote. It isn’t just Americans who care — according to this article, the whole world is watching the race between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Even the youtube program 【逸语道破】 2024美国总统大选 到底谁在阻止特朗普 hints of the danger of assasination when the poltical impass got overheat. Never interested in politics, and not used to so much arguments and underhanded rivalry, and as a U.S citizen, and a member of the human society, I simple do not have the ability to make further sensible comments on such issues that affect our collective karma. If you ask me what had come to my mind, it is currently Northnode in Aries is in conjunction with U.S natal Chiron at 20 degree of Aries. Is it that our destiny in conjunction with our wound?
Looking up in history, President Andrew Johnson who became assume President responsibility after Abrham Lincohn’s death by assasination in April 15 1865, who favored quick restoration of the seceded states to the Union without protection for the newly freed people who were formerly enslaved. This led to conflict with the Republican-dominated Congress, culminating in his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. There was a impeachment trial for almost three months, from March 7 1868-May 26 1868. This reminds of us “History may not repeat itself. But it rhymes”.
Inadvertently, I picked up a book by Dane Rudhyar – The Astrology of America’s Destiny. This book deals with the evolution of the USA from its inception through roughly the late 1970’s, getting into the esoteric meanings and processes involved. It also gave the spiritual meanings of the planetary transits. It is a booklet of about 200 pages divided into 8 chapters. I am still reading it, would need to quite sometime to digest the deep meaning Dane Rudhyar discussed. Fortunately, I found a on-line copy of the book from Dane Rudhyar’s Archival Project – The Astrology of American Destiny, saving me a lot of typing, and we can all study it and think about the implication relating to what is going on the world stage right now.
1. The Birth of the United States as a Collective Person
2. The Roots of the American Nation
3. America’s Place in the Cosmic Process
4. A Birth Chart for the United States of America
5. Two Hundred Years of Growth Through Crisis
6. A Chart for the Beginning of the Federal Government
7. America at the Crossroads
8. Prospects for the Last Quarter Century