Now that mid-term election is just over, there seems campaign is kicking off for the 2024 election already. American power that being enjoy the dazzling shows that confusing everyone: The government do not govern, but on the election all the time. According to election commission data, Presidential candidates raised and spent $4.1 billion in the 24 months of the 2019-2020 election cycle, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission that cover activity from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020. It is said that elected officials earn anywhere from $193,400-to -$400,000 per year. But what had they do for people? Now FTX a Ponzi Scheme Scam by SBF With HUGE TIES to US Government? If so, Democrats are in the middle of the ‘biggest financial fraud case in US history’.
So much that has occurred in the last 3 or 4 years is so wrong. Dr. Robert Malone is one of the clear headed, as early as in March/April 2020, Robert Malone & the dark horse podcast was one of the few voices speaking logic, questioning why there was so much fear spreading propaganda behind Covid. Every move made was calculated and designed to stop society having freedom of choice. We are thankful that there are still people of conscience like Dr. Malone putting himself and his reputation on the line so many times to help humanity see through the propaganda. A lot of people who made a lot of money on Covid-19 are good friends of Mr. Bill Gates. Dr. Malone has traveled quite extensively, but every time he turn around, there he found the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who refuse to take it. Dr. Malone spoke of we are dealing with the multi-factoria condition in which we have some absolutely nefarious actors that have exploited what has occurred here, and this includes various players involved in the Global Financial system. They are the ones behind this and triggered all these. Robert Malone Reveals Bill Gates played a key role in advancing a lot of the mistakes that happened here.
The working class and the poor did not have a say. But You won’t believe who is going after Bill Gates now! In this video, not only Russell Brand, but we take a look at the 50 groups that are targeting him for his global domination in the agricultural and technological sector. This may be surprising to you, but they all have one goal in mind- to stop Gates from controlling the world food supply. With great power comes great responsibility. It is time for Bill Gates to use his resources and platform to find solution for supporting people’s right and dignity, rather than promoting initiatives that benefits himself and his corporate cronies. Some comment: This is what happens when a software thief actually believes that he is a farmer and a scientist. Another damage he did was on education. Some audience suggests: Bill Gates should be the first person to be responsible for to lost of teachers job. Next should be Klaus Schwab followed by Alejandro Mayorkas then Merrick Garland then John Kerry, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Chuck Schumer, take your pick.
Dr. Malone think of Bill Gate’s logic had been there was just not enough data or not enough tools to process all the data. And now we’ve got these cool new things like machine learning and deep learning artificial intelligence etc, now if we just had enough data from everybody in the world, we could run that into our massive metaphorical spreadsheet, really figure out how to make the world on Rails. What we see in the last three years has just been a chronic bungling. The banishment of this affair has demonstrated a profound level of incompetence and what blow people’s mind is that WHO and CDC, a lot of these other actors have been involved in these. That does not work in Dr. Malone’s deep learning algorithms. We should stop defining Humanity by using the computer language of economics, we should stop defining human beings as economic entities as numbers on the spreadsheet. Humans are so much more than that. The art has turned dead, all it about is how rich you are, how much money you can make. You can make your jet, your boat, fancy cars, what you got at the bank, how much power you have, What happen to the communities, what happen to spiritualism, what happen to commitment to our children, commitment to education, commitment to Future Generations? All these talk about Green living int he Green world, there is a whole lot of talk and exploitation of Nitrogen loads in Dutch Farmers as ways to justify other agendas. The folks that has been advancing these agendas have been doing so for so long and they have amassed such massive amounts of capital, that they are going to have their way with us. Senator Rand Paul Has A Message For Biden About COVID-19.
Michael Hudson | Economy is one big PONZI SCHEME. A financial network connects to a political network that connects to a corporate network, and then even a philanthropic and even cultural network – and what you get is a very strong entrenched power and amplified power. Scary stuff that appears to amplify at a global level the insights of C. Wright Mills ( The Power Elite ) and G. William Domhoff ( Who Rules America? ). In the second quarter of 2022, 68 percent of the total wealth in the United States was owned by the top 10 percent of earners. In comparison, the lowest 50 percent of earners only owned 3.2 percent of the total wealth. The 1% own 57% of private companies, according to the Federal Reserve. Jeffrey Sachs Explains Why America Is Entering A Horrific Financial Crisis… The 1% own more than 50% of the equity shares in both private and public companies. Much of their wealth comes from soaring stock prices. Professor Sach had worked extensively in Russia, Central Europe, in China and other parts of the world. He said America has three decades of militarization of American foreign policy, data showed that there have been more than 100 military interventions by the United States since 1991. USA is a country of 4.2% of the population in a big, diverse world, the West, meaning the US and European Union, and G7 together is a small part of world Population, perhaps roughly 10%. We should learn to get along. Instead, we are using weaponry – a military first approach to any problems. U.S called for Nato enlargement, no matter what other countries say may be armful to their security interests. We brush aside other countries’ interest. That not only make the world more danger, it also put American in more danger.

Another public figure with a great historical context and practical insight is Professor Hudson. Michael Hudson: A New Bipolar World. US finance capitalism vs. China’s mixed public/ private economy spoke of Western and U.S financial oligarchies’s aim is to shift economic planning out of the hands of elected governments to Wall street and other Financial Centers that are under U.S control . A U.S policy use the international monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to demand privatization of the world’s infrastructure for countries to be dependent on U.S technology, oil and food exports. So what does it mean by autocracy? Government that seek to govern their own economy and avoid that kind of fictionalization and privatization, (Thatcherism and Reaganomics). Germany and Europe are now being forced into a depression and de-industrialization as a result of the sanctions that the Americans have told them to impose on Russia.