In my search of myself, I have make many mistakes, lost many times. Each time is my prayer and mind yoga with the Divine that saved me. Astrology also serve as a very useful tool for me to stay in the path. There are Exoteric Astrology (about personality based), and Esoteric Astrology (soul based).
Exoteric Astrology is like a light turned on in a dark room. Turning the light on does not change anything in the room but it does help you to see what is in the room more clearly. Exoteric astrology relates to the roadmap of the personality, and the archetypal traits, and talents of the individual. It’s psychological astrology.
Esoteric Astrology turns the light on and you see your own Soul. The Soul is always there but now you are aware of its presence. Esoteric astrology is an exploration of the inner unconscious and discipleship.
Planet Neptune is the higher octave of Venus. It is a transpersonal (collective) planet. It is the expression in the solar system of the heart of the spiritual Sun. It is the planet most closely linked with the work of the Soul in manifestation and is thus the vehicle for the Christ consciousness, which is indeed at the Heart of Divinity. At personal level, its higher manifestation is compassion, connecting to the oneness of the cosmos, practice non-duality, introspection/meditation, chanting mantras, pay tributes to our divinity, observe sacredness of mind-body-spirit, finding peace from within, loving kindness. When we do not practice the positive side of the energy, we can easily slip into negative traits of escapism, drug addiction, alcoholic, delusion, illusion, fraud, deception, dishonest, deceiving, hypocrisy, treachery, immoral etc. misguided guru, or victimized others and thus creating karma to pay back in the future. Collectively, Neptune is the indwelling Christ Principle in humanity which, when evoked, brings forth these healing properties from mankind.
The sign of Cancer represents the foundation of creation. Cancer represents the spark of consciousness that is brought forth as the spirit. In Cancer, the influence of spirit begins to make its presence felt and man becomes a conscious personality. Cancer is the fusion of the physical body and the soul. Esoterically speaking, Neptune rule the sign of Cancer and fourth nature house (home and foundations). The US natal Sun, Jupiter, Venus stands. Cancer rules the mass consciousness, and as such, this is ruled by feeling rather than reason. Symbolizing the will of the masses, Cancer provides the experience necessary to awaken compassion and a deeper sense-perception. It is in Cancer that sense-perception is cultivated and fine-tuned. Cancer is concerned primarily with the world of causes where we discover an urge to wake up from the illusion of the outer world. The Moon in Cancer rules our past and past conditioning which represents major negative emotional response patterns inherited from the past. It represents the Prison of the Soul which has us cling to our past. Cancer is a sign of maternal instincts and feelings, and partakes in a nurturing nature.

Esoterically, Uranus rules Libra and the 7th nature house. On this level, Uranus is the spark of ideas that ignite relation, keeps relation evolving, or dooms the relation. The later case is because ideas are not shared or are antagonistic among the partners. Planets in the 7th house are instrumental in relation, partnerships, and interactions that either have or create structure. Uranus is the mental component of this spark. It ignites newness or change in partnerships or relationships.
Globally and personally, this level of Uranus points to the mind as the creative thinking and insight process. “As the slayer of the real,” mind rationalizes, negates, dismisses that which is real and important. Wars, genocide, occupation, abuse, sources of profit that cause disease or impoverishment of others, and such are examples of this. Then there are the personal manifestations of the same. Yet, Uranus is the sky – it is vast, empty of clutter, and thus unobstructed. When human beings understand that “me” “my” “I deserve” “I won’t give” are based in selfish desire and not in clear-mindedness, then the power of clarity is released and can produce new forms of society, politics, business, and relations.
Libra represents the balance within creation. This sign forces everything into equilibrium. All the experience humanity has collected is laid in the scales of balance and weighed. What’s valuable is kept; what’s worthless is thrown away. The effect of this balance is harmony, developing our powers of discrimination, and bringing into equilibrium the two-sided forces of duality. Libra radiates the law of balance and justice into the three-dimensional world. Libra is the sign of justice – it governs law, sex and money, representing life in the lower three worlds, the playing field of the personality. These three areas represent humanity’s greatest battlefields. The first aspect of will or power expresses itself in this sign as law~as legislation, legality and justice. The second aspect manifests as the relation between the pairs of opposites~sex on the physical plane of which Libra is the symbol. The astral plane shows itself as money; this is the third aspect and demonstrates as concrete energy. It is literally gold, this the externalized symbol of that which is created by the bringing together of spirit and matter upon the physical plane.
Libra has three planetary rulers: Venus is the ‘ruler’ at personality level, Uranus is the ruler at Soul level and Saturn is the ruler at hierarchical level. All three planetary ‘rulers’ of Libra are considered to be sacred planets. Air signs are all about Mastery of the Mind, which shows a deep significance of Libra’s sacred role in the evolution of consciousness.
So Neptune is extremely important to the spiritual development of United States (as mentioned earlier, U.S Sun, Jupiter and Venus are all in Cancer ruled esoterically by Neptune). In China’s natal chart, Neptune is in Libra and Uranus in Cancer – the two planets are in mutual reception ( when two planets are in each other’s signs of rulership). And the natal Jupiter, the exoteric ruler of religion/law/judiciary/higher learning is squaring the nodal axis (Libra and Aries), calling for China to make up the lesson in religious/legislature/judiciary practice for fairness and balanced justice. To learn lessons about cooperation, seeing things through another’s eyes, increasing awareness of others’ needs, giving support without expecting reciprocity, creating win/win situations and sharing. And in the meanwhile cultivate independence and self-nurturance, and have the courage to communicate self identity and trust one’s impulses. The lesson learned from Culture Revolution, Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 are events coming from soul’s calling for deep introspection and re-orientation.
历史学家和政治评论员辛灏年所著《誰是新中國》一書是在對世界近三百年歷史進行全新探討和深入剖析的前提下,對二十世紀中國歷史的一個總回顧和總辨析。它所建立的理論體系,所揭露的歷史真相,不僅從理論與事實兩個方面,對新中國 —— 中華民國,一再遭遇國內外形形色色專制勢力反撲和顛覆的艱難歷史,予以了清晰的論述;還對中國共產黨在蘇俄的長期命令和直接指揮下,對中華民國實行造反和奪權的行徑,及其在革命的名義之下,於中國大陸全面復辟專制制度的事實,予以了明確的論證;特別是它對一系列重大歷史問題所進行的澄清,不僅是對中共史學界和思想界的嚴峻挑戰,而且是對費正清中國現代史觀的深深責難。
辛灏年在【透视中国】辛亥革命与中华民国(上) , 辛亥革命与中华民国(下) 中谈到,中国的近代史和现代史的划分界线应该是1911年。而这个呢应该说自辛亥革命以后一直到共产党在中国大陆“当家作主”,基本上历史学界是统一的看法。可是中共建政以后五十多年来,在它大、中、小学所有的历史教科书里面都把1919年爆发的五四运动,作为中国现代史的开端。 这样一个划分就等于把辛亥革命、中华民国都划分到了所谓“旧”的时代里面去了。
Esoteric Astrology is a soul-centered astrology. Less concerned with our singular outward personality or what’s going to happen to us in this lifetime, esoteric astrology is about defining our soul’s contribution to the evolution of humanity. It’s taught as a way of healing the relationship between soul and personality. According to esoteric astrologers, in order to reach our highest self and live with soul consciousness, we must transcend our material nature, using our personality as an instrument of soul expression, not the other way around. If this is already sounding a bit woo-woo, that’s because it is. Esoteric astrology originated with Theosophy—or, the “New Age” movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Alice Bailey has wrote more than twenty-four books on theosophical subjects telepathically dictated to her by a Master of Wisdom, initially referred to only as “the Tibetan” or by the initials “D.K.”, later identified as Djwal Khul.
The Theosophical Society is the organisational body of Theosophy, an esoteric new religious movement. It was founded in New York City, USA in 1875. Among its founders were Helena Blavatsky, a Russian mystic and the principle thinker of the Theosophy movement, and Henry Steel Olcott, its first president.