I have been so keenly into Buddhism because of Chan Buddhism’s history and my growing awareness of the treasured heritages that passed down from the ancient traditions in my hometown. My mind kept on going back to the great monks in the 6th-7th century who went to India at the height of Indian Buddhism development to study Buddhism and brought the many scriptures from Nalanda Temple, an acclaimed Mahavihara Buddhist monastery in the ancient India. Those scriptures became what were left of the high achievements of Indian ancient Buddhism. By adhereing to the true teaching from those scriptures, thousands upon thousands of Buddhist masters in China had demonstrated the truth to the public with the vigirous practices of Dicipline+Meditation + Wisdom. The foundamental teaching is The Five Precepts based on the The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome Ways of Action. (戒定慧三学,十善道业). 学佛之人应 从“闻、思、修”三方面用功. 修学佛法,必须从闻、思、修入三摩地。 Very important to follow the sequence of Learn to Understand the Mechanism; Think and synthsis of the teaching; and then practices meditation and cultivate the The Bodhi Mind with the guideline of Dharma. 修行不是信仰宗教才能做,而是時時刻刻都要思考正道,不要做不利別人社會的事情,而是要做貢獻,思考怎麼貢獻社會,這才是做人的意義。
Generation of the Bodhi Mind is a critical method of Buddhist cultivation that, if not superior is as equally important as any other methods in Tipiṭaka. The Buddha Shakyamuni says: “With the mind tainted, beings are tainted; with the mind purified, beings are purified.” Whether a being is tainted or purified is closely connected with the being’s mind. Therefore, in the practice of the Buddhadharma, “to purify one’s mind” is of the first importance.
In the Shurangama Sutra, this mind is called the Supreme Mindfulness, the mind of the utmost right and perfect enlightenment or anuttarasamyaksambodhi. In short, the Bodhi Mind. Why do you have to bring forth the bohdi mind? Because if you don’t practice Bodhicitta, we will be tempted by many things on earth, and you will be bound by your own desire. All ordinary people because of the discrimination, upside down thought, our daily acitivities have been bound. Because the concept of conceptual thoughts, we are bound. We are bound by the things that we are seeing, hearing, or knowing.
What is Demon? 何谓“魔”《大智度论》中有:“问曰:何以名魔?答曰:夺慧命,坏道法功德善本,是故名为魔”。龙树菩萨说:“除诸法实相,余残一切法,尽名为魔”。因此可以这样理解:从根本上讲,凡障碍我们成佛的,一切都是魔。菩提心是成佛种子,只有在菩提心的摄持下,诸种修行才能成为无上菩提的助道因缘,因此若离菩提心便绝无成佛的可能。从这个角度说,“忘失菩提心修诸善根是为魔业”。所以华严经中的智慧教导我们恒不放逸 舍离魔业( Flower Adornment Sutra -translated by Buddhist Translation Society and with Commentary; or called Avataṃsaka-Sūtra, the Chapter of Transcendental 《华严经》五十八卷(离世间品第三十八之六)中,普贤菩萨告诫诸佛子,即使是已经发起了菩提心的菩萨,还时常会受到种种魔的障碍。普贤菩萨说: “佛子,菩萨摩诃萨,有十种魔。何等为十?“ 《华严经出世间品》所说的几种魔,需要格外警惕。
Grand Master Xuanzang ( 6 April 602 – 5 February 664) played one of the pivital role in the process of diseminating the Buddha’s teaching from India to China. He travelled through one hundred and ten countries in his 19 years journey of fifty thousand miles. 地图看玄奘西行路线. Since then, the Chan Buddhism culture has drastically changed social political landscapes of China Over the last fifteen hundred years.

Here the seven episodes 《The Thousand-Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》documentation gave an account of the far reaching culture changes brought by Grand Master Xuzang. There is English caption you can turn on.
Episode 1《The Thousand-Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第一集【公元627年,玄奘大師遠赴印度取經,回國後全力譯經與著作,奠定了中國佛法文化的堅實基礎,其所開展的文化高度,開啟了中國輝煌璀璨的唐宋禪法,成就了中國此後千年玄奘文化之
Episode 2《The Thousand-Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第二集【由於玄奘大師前往印度受學佛教根本論《瑜伽師地論》,並帶回中國翻譯出來,開顯真義,徹底釐清中土法師們的困惑,解決了中國學人長久以來的諍論。】
Episode 3《The Thousand- Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第三集【玄奘西行路上遭遇許多險阻,有一次他遭遇水賊,被綑綁於祭壇上準備作為祭品,當時的玄奘大師沒有絲毫的畏懼,一心虔誠發願…..】
Episode 4《The Thousand -Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第四集【玄奘大師歷盡了千辛萬苦,終於來到了心中的聖地──印度那爛陀寺,見到了欽仰已久的戒賢論師,以最恭敬的頭面接足禮來禮拜戒賢論師……】
Episode 5《The Thousand- Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第五集【 為期十八天的無遮大會圓滿結束。玄奘受戒日王之請,騎乘大象遊行會場,接受大眾的禮讚。在現場的大乘人稱歎玄奘大師為「大乘天」,二乘人則讚玄奘大師為「解脫天」。 】
Episode 6《The Thousand -Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第六集【公元645年,玄奘大師回到了中國長安。朝廷和外地趕來的官員,以及無數的群眾夾道歡迎,焚香散花,誦佛音聲交織不斷,連綿數十里路,盛況空前。】
Episode 7《The Thousand -Year Path of Xuanzang Culture 》with English Caption; 中文版《玄奘文化千年路》第七集【《成唯識論》是玄奘大師當年在印度時所造,帶回中國後才翻譯成中文,此乃採擷十大論師的觀點,再加上自己抉擇慧所成。】
Another series of 12 episoes of movie with amazing show of the landscapes Grand Master Xuanzang had herioically travelled on foot along the silk road. In his travelog he recorded the people and countires he met along the way to India. It is in Chinese without English caption, but the stunning scenery still amazingly mind blowing. 玄奘之路1【亂世孤旅】 ; 玄奘之路2【絕域求生】玄奘之路3【生死兄弟】玄奘之路4【亡命凌山】; 玄奘之路5【穿越草原】玄奘之路6【踏上聖土】 玄奘之路7【隨風而逝】玄奘之路8【西天取經】玄奘之路9【享譽佛國】玄奘之路10【歸心似箭】玄奘之路11【嘔心瀝血】玄奘之路12【圓滿】
More than one hundred years before Grand Master Xuanzang, another famous monk Faxian (法顯 [fà.ɕjɛ̀n]; 337 CE – c. 422 CE) traveled by foot from China to India to acquire Buddhist texts. Starting his arduous journey about age 60, he visited sacred Buddhist sites in Central, South, and Southeast Asia between 399 and 412 CE, of which 10 years were spent in India. The documentary tells the legendary story.【佛國記-法顯西行】亂世尋法-上集; 【佛國記-法顯西行】攜律東歸-下集.
It is important to note that Great Tang Records on the Western Regions wrote by Grand Master Xuanzhang rcorded many details of the culture, customs and social practices in Middle East and India, but had not one bit mentioning about tantric practices. 另外玄奘大师是公园七世纪初去的印度,在印度十几年,所见所闻详细记载在《大唐西域记》(The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions )里面 ,哪里信小乘,哪里修大乘,甚至还有部分弟子跟着提婆达多学习的都记载得很详细。唯独没写什么密宗,或者金刚乘。甚至都不知道男女双修这种大法。達摩祖師易筋經˙˙中的吸收˙˙日月精華˙˙以期與˙˙宇宙˙˙契合,與天地同寬。而不是所謂的男女共修,切勿誤解為慎。佛祖当年也早就预言过佛教末世的现象:邪师说法,如恒河沙。南懷瑾老師評判“密宗雙修”:說雙修可以即身成就,開悟成佛的,只是想亂搞男女關係罷了! 当代很多宗教亂象是值得深思的,有些不法之徒打着理想信仰的旗号行苟且之事,大家都要接受科学教育,才能看清事物本质,不会被愚弄。教育很重要,不該再有這些侵犯人性尊嚴的作為。 任何建立於他人痛苦上的修行,都不應該存在,都不應該以任何名義合理化。
藏傳佛教男女雙修實為淫樂少女!明妃佛母淪為玩物,藏傳佛教密宗背後的邪惡灌頂儀式!【無有淺談】要突破淫邪的境界是修行中最為困難的。 地獄門前,僧伽多。修行过程中不要牺牲他人。红尘里的财官(名和利)也正是人之所欲,因此红尘是非常好的修行场。摒弃这个天然的红尘道场去单独追求男女大乐而创造这些道场,引子用“官”来诱导女性成为明妃,过程更是采阴补阳,害人性命,这些人前大佛,人后大魔,和吃肉的野兽没有区别!
Likewise, Sermons by Pastor Vlad: Ancient Demons Behind The Gay Movement reminds us that we are at war against spiritual principalities that rule territories (Eph 6vs11-19). This principle apply to not only Christianity but all spiritual maturity. He said, “We are in a time today if you speak the truth, you will be deplatformed. You will be demonized. You will be silence. Or you will be call with names that no Christian ever want to carry those labels, and those names. …….we do not change the Bible to fit our culture, to be accepted by our culture, to be loved by our culture. Jesus says if everybody speaks well of you, it is not good for you. We do not want to be applauded by a culture that is under influence by the demons. And then when stood in front of God, to be rejected by Jesus because we stood with the world instead of stay with him.
The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9vs16. In the beginning, when humanity were spelled by the devil, we did two things in Adam. we rebel against God, and we redefine good and evil. When we rebel against God, God is no longer our authority to decide what is good for us. Every time you get rid of God, you act like you are the God. Then as God, you begin to make rules as you go. This is right, and this is wrong. And culture has been redefine good and evil since then. Israel, a nation that suppose to give birth to the Son of God who will save the world…. That nation constantly was tempted In their worship of idiots, they mixed sex with idolatry. Satan is so interested in your sexuality…..Sexuality is the most sacred and most core thing about you that you only share with your spouse. Satan doesn’t mind if we don’t worship him as long as we join him in pride to oppose God.
Buddhism is beyond religion. If you think it is religion, then it is the one world religion that has no God. Buddhism emphasizes logic and reasoning. In other religions, a leap of faith maybe necessary, but in Buddhism is not required. While Buddhism is a tradition focused on spiritual liberation, it is not a theistic religion. The Buddha himself rejected the idea of a creator god. That God created Himself, cannot be true, for nothing can create itself. If He were created by another creator, He would not be self-existent. Yes, like other religions Buddhism describes a nonmaterial, spiritual reality (perhaps the realer reality) and addresses what happens after we die. Buddhism is a journey beyond religion – a deepening awareness into our own nature relying on reason and direct seeing, free from all forms of clinging – theistic, atheistic or agnostic.
As for the relationship of Buddhism and Science, Dr. Alexander Berzin gave some very good answers. BUDDHISM EMBRACES AND GOES FAR BEYOND MODERN SCIENCE. Buddhism is A Collaboration Between Science and Religion. The dialogues between Buddhist masters such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama and scientists have focused so far primarily on three areas. One is astrophysics, concerning primarily how the universe developed. Does it have a beginning? Was it created or is it part of an eternal process? Another topic is particle physics, regarding the structure of atoms and matter. The third is neurosciences, about how the brain works. These are the main areas.
Spiritual pursuit is a important demension of humanity. But be aware of the danger being misguided by fake gurus. For example, Yiguandao, used the name of Buddhism but is actually cult. 比如一贯道, 就是盗用佛教名义而成立的邪教。 佛教不会逼人进教,不会逼人发毒誓,不会逼人捐钱,不会逼人吃素等等等。 千万莫信邪教:一贯道
Here is an essay discussed about Nichiren Buddhism touches a similar issue: Nichiren’s Activist Heirs.

Nichiren was often controversial and criticized by government authorities because of his prophecies that social problems and natural disasters were based on a failure to adhere to his form of Buddhist practice. Nichiren Buddhism differs from other schools of Buddhism in focusing on this world, and in its view that it is the only correct tradition. 日莲正宗与一贯道也是佛教吗?
Today schools does not teach young people the sages books and right views like 8-fold paths. Instead, ponography is not unusual in the school. School raping is rampant. 教科書上都說 手淫對身體沒有壞處 傷害了無數青少年的身心 造成對國家民族發展 很大的阻礙/正德為何全國開設八家中醫院診所 最後剩下兩家 聽聞後 保證讓你感動掉淚! 腎氣充足的人,精力旺盛,頭腦清晰,做事效率高,行動力強! 學業事業容易成功. 佛說,正見是修行的先導。願大眾聽聞和尚巴利藏真佛經真佛法講座,能修正過去對佛法的錯知錯見,以正見將生命導向正途,迎向光明解脫的人生。 世上很多利用佛法欺騙大眾的團體 如何破邪顯正?正德開山常律老和尚為佛弟子指引學佛迷津,化解生活難題,特開放大眾請法,請把握機緣,踴躍提問。

FIGHT THE NEW DRUG, INC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, It is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts. Girlss sex trafficked by GirlsDoPorn Pt.1 || Consider Before Consuming Podcast was an interview includes frank, explicit, discussions about rape, sex trafficking, and suicide ideation that may be triggering to some. Listener discretion is advised. Jane Doe grew up in Washington state with a loving family, never expecting that she’d be victimized by one of the largest trafficking schemes to date in today’s mainstream porn industry. Twenty-one days after her 22nd birthday, she boarded a flight to San Diego that, unbeknownst to her, would change her life forever. That day, she would become one of the hundreds of young women who had been exploited between 2015 and 2019 by GirlsDoPorn (GDP), a wildly popular “amateur” porn production company that garnered well over a billion views, ranking around the 20th-most popular channel on Pornhub, and reportedly generated an estimated $17 million dollars in revenue.

You may have heard about the infamous GDP case in the last couple of years, but you may not know what exactly happened, let alone the full account of one of the trafficked women. In this exclusive interview, Jane Doe and her emotional support dog, Cozi, sit down with Podcast Host Garrett Jonsson and Fight the New Drug’s Editorial Director Keri to tell the story of how she was sex trafficked and assaulted by GDP porn producers, what it’s been like to pursue legal action against GDP with other survivors, and how she’s found healing in her own life since she was exploited. One of the comment from audience: I wish this would shown in high schools. Hypersexualization of teenagers in particular is so pervasive and most teens don’t have a clue what’s happening. Thank you Jane Doe for sharing yourself with such honesty and authenticity. Another audience feedback: I have a kind of similar story. I never wanted to be a model or famous or anything. In college an acquaintance who was an up and coming rapper asked me to be in a music video he told me it paid $3000 for 2 days. He held me hostage in a hotel room for hours, SA’d me and when it went public because he did it to over 30 girls the media and everyone framed it like we were money hungry and just wanted fame. We had no privacy, stories made up, we were humiliated. It took 6 years to finally get justice. He’s in prison now for 50+ years.
It is obvious the teaching of Buddha is invaluable tools to the healing the traumas of the modern society.