Where Did the American True Spirit of Democracy Come from?

Pastor John MacArthur said in one of this sermons: ” You do’nt need information about the disappointments in our culture, the disappointments in our world, you don’t need to know that everything is upside down, as in Isaiah Chapter 5, bitter has been swapped with sweet, good has been swapped with bad, and we are living in an inverted and upside down world. But I want to give you a perspective biblically, so you can understand what is going on. The first thing I want to say is, you have to understand this, what is happening in our country and largely in our world, is a Divine Judgement. Mark that in your mind. It is a Divine Judgement. Joe Biden is not in charge of this, God is. “

Pastor MacAuthur continues to say, ” This is the wrath of Abandonment. This is historical as God allow all the nations to go their own way. The history of the world is the history of Nations going their own way and consequently experiencing the wrath of Divine Abandonment. This is what is the view in Romans 1:18. The wrath of God revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrightenousness. “

Spiritual leader Marianne Williamson spoke of Consciousness, Spirituality and Politics in America on in a presentation with Harvard Divinity School. She reminded people that William Penn, an English writer, religious thinker, and influential Quaker who founded the Province of Pennsylvania during the British colonial era, was an advocate of democracy and religious freedom known for his amicable relations and successful treaties with the Lenape Native Americans who had resided in present-day Pennsylvania prior to European settlements inthe state.