President Andrew Jackson created Democratic Party, which is regarded as the oldest political party in the world. At his time there was a massive problem of corruption in the government and on every action taken by the administrations. Jackson established the party along with numerous other supporters with the objective of economic equality, the welfare state, fair government regulation in the economy, environmental protection, and support of labour and the unions. And he made good use of the Veto power based on the political grounds instead of the constitutional grounds.
Today there is a total systematic corruptions on both parties in American politics. From numerous situations and cases, people began to recognize the deceptive nature of the political elites and system. The democrats are using their self-imposed status as the party of the people to manipulate us because they feel they have the moral high ground to do so. We watched how those who were elected to serve the people enter the political sphere with modest means and good intentions and exit multi-millionaires with a closet full of skeletons. The culture of corruption is on a roll.
Even worse Democratic party are leading some dark and horrifying development. For example, a lawmaker in Virginia called Elizabeth Guzmani is introducing a bill that will charge parents who are not wholeheartedly endorse their minor children’s sex change whims, if you object to the kid’s request to have a mastectomy, send you to jail. Another example is the recent liberals’ use of Fetterman in Philadelphia midterm election – one of the most famous politicians in the country merging with computer(it is said he had brain damage) – this is the future technocratic have imagined, the most cynical political move in US history. Where exactly is the software end and the John Fetterman’s consciousness begin? Pennsylvania could very well be sending one of the computer program to the senate which will inevitably be hacked. What is more irony is, for a long stretch lasting well into his 40s, Fetterman’s main source of income came from his parents. Alas the New York Times told its reader, who did not know better, that Fetterman turned his a blasted town into national symbol of hope, hard work, and authentic blue jeans.

One more issue – we lost a hundred thousand Americans in drug abuse, just last year, mostly are young people, and many hundreds of thousands over the past five years. And yet when was the last time we see politicians mention about fighting for people with drug additions and their families ? We have just a reversal of Roe vs. Wade, yet there is no mention of protection or supporting of the single moms and their baby, in the media or politician’s speech. The left has created a breakdown in law and order and fail to do things that improve American life, as a result many social disadvantaged groups are put under stress and deranged by the dysfunctional system which the left has turn a blank eye to. Then in 2016, the liberals can no longer say “Give us 50 years, we will turn Baltimore into Geneva!” Many liberals’ wild ideas which were based on delusions fall flat face. Every single liberal enthusiasm failed, from money illusion of Friedman monetary policy to market economy, from radical feminism to urban renewal, from out-sourcing to shared economy, each and every one turned out to be disaster. After all these, are they now going to jump on board of AI and planting computer chip to human as the next fad? One reader commented that there is more sheep in this country than people who love this country and love the Lord !!
Richard D. Wolff | America’s Major Tax SCAM , reminds people that President Roosevelt in the state of union speech in 1944, a time of war, had proposed the top income tax bracket to the richest people he was in favor was 100%. What that meant was every dollar over $25K (that was the cut off amount then, would be about $380K-$390K now) will sent government. Eventually it was settled at 94% with the support from both Republican and Democratic. After Roosevelt passed away, the top bracket remained above 90% for the next 20 years. Even in 1970s, it was at 70%. In 1945, for every dollar tax from individuals, government also get $1.5 from corporations. The total from corporations was 50% more than from individuals.
Today for every dollar tax from individuals, corporations turn in 25 cents. And we have a top personal tax bracket at 37%, and many corporations evade taxes by hiring top accountants to take advantage of loop holes. 60 Top Corporations Paid $0 Federal Taxes Under Trump Tax Law. And we know many corporations use the cash to buy back stock to boost their executives compensation packages and reward investors who benefits tremendously from loosing Federal Reserve Bank monetary policies since the Green Span, Bernanke years. As a result the last 50 years witnessed the rolling back the tax on corporate and shift on individuals, and rolling back the tax on wealthy individuals and put it instead to all the less advantaged.

The Chris Hedges Report interviewed with Richard Wolff on the issue of Inflation, Europe’s energy crisis, and the Fed. Professor Wolff said, price went up because the people who had the power raise them, and our government had not protected the consumers. A tiny minority of American, a less than one percent who are employers, that is the corporate employers, one after another, raised the prices, and imposed the inflation on the rest of us. It is of course reasonably to ask why employers raise price, they raise price to make profit. The problem is, the employers are very tiny minority, and we the consumers are the majority. They make up excuses like supply chain disruption issues, the Chinese delayed because of COVID-19 related concerns, or just because other people are raising the price. The American media overwhelmingly service the employer class by giving enormous attention and exaggeration to all the excuses they claimed, with minimal investigative scrutiny, and almost never point out to Americans, that what you grumbled about supermarket or department store are the decisions made by a small unaccountable minority looking to make more profits. There are a lot of providential support that inflation are going together with nice corporate profitability improvements.
The Europeans are paying a heavy financial price for the war in Ukraine, but here in American, the power that be are leading the charge to the sanction of Russia for oil and gas export. The Russians might very well come up with counter sanctions of their own, which together with sanctions from the west, drive up the total cost of energy, especially for the Europe. The discriminatory impact of the sanction program on Europe, as well as the subsidize program on industry here in United States put Europe in jeopardy. In addition, the Ukraine are suffering from proliferation of winter weather and the energy facilities damage from war.
…. more to come ….