Science is Organized Knowledge; Wisdom is Organized Life

I was someone who had never paid much attention to politics, to this day I highly dislike it. People spent lots of energy arguing instead of doing anything of substance or something benefiting their soul’s evolution. I was influenced initially in 2016 by an article from veteran astrolgist Robert Hands’ about the Great Mutation of Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction Cycle starting in 2020. Later came the Trade War, and I was trying to explain to the American people about China’s history and culture. Then Covid-19 came along – so much chaos. It is very unfortunate, but if our collective karma is fruiting, all these sufferings and catastrophes are to remind humanity to return to our ORIGINS, to return to meaning and purpose in life.

All these are happening in synchronicity when the United States is having its Pluto return to 27 Degree of Capricorn. If I understand it right, the United States is the first democratic republican government in the world since the 1688 Glory Revolution in Britain. But Democracy as a government form is certainly not the first time in history. That precursor was Athen Greece.

Democracy, liberty, and the freedom of speech are trumpeted as the bedrock of western civilization, but what was Athens really like? In this documentary – Athens: The Truth about Democracy, famous historian Bettany Hughes searches for the truth about the Golden Age of Ancient Athens, investigating how a barren rock wedged between the East and West became the first democracy 2,500 years ago. This was a democratic city built on slave labor, manipulated by aristocrats, where women wore the veil and men pursued a bloody foreign policy, slaughtering thousands in the pursuit of the world’s first democratic empire. Athens followed a policy of aggressive overseas expansion and persecuted some of its leading intellectuals. Despite its recent popularity in the West, democracy in ancient Athens did not flourish but quickly died.

To me, it was very strange that someone like Donald Trump, who was a shabby character, declared that if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue in New York, would still be elected as President. But I was too busy on my mind looking into many other things/topics of discussion all happening at the same time to make further sense of it. Further research, I found so many clashes and feuds happened in the last 20-40 years: the outsourcing of jobs to China, the decades of Middle East wars, the 2008 financial crisis, the unfair tax schemes of crony capitalism, the heated arguments about Socialism and Capitalism, the LGBT and transgender issues, the disorientation brought by manipulation of institutions and social media. The tremendous confrontation between eastern and western civilizations.

Where are the rule and order? To the western world, their mindset was fixed on Roman Empire and Greece experience. For Whites, with the development of Capitalism over the last few hundred years, philosophy they have been related to was Herbert Spencer’s social Darwinism, and a mentality of White Supremacy established by their ancestors conquering the Amerian indigenous Natives by mere force of violence and suppression. With this line of thought, it is logical that someone like Trump can be pushed onto the stage, to play the role of fooling the public.

I had to admit that although I study astrology to understand psychology, it had never occurred to me that Trump had a mental illness – how could it be possible government put someone who had a mental disorder to take charge of the U.S.A – the most powerful country of the world?

But I was duly surprised to see this program today. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee, had warned the public about Trump’s potential violence as early as March 2017, Dr. Bandy Lee assesses Donald Trump’s mental health and inability to be President. Of course, under U.S law, people who had mental disabilities probably do not need to even invoke the 5th Amendment or answer to the law for any wrongdoings. That was an easy arragnement for those putting Trump in the dramas for the last few years. These were unthinkable to me even a day ago!

The three Delphic maxims inscribed in the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi were: “know thyself”, “nothing to excess” and “certainty brings insanity” (or “Do not Over-Commit yourself”). Insanity such as war. Insanity such as theocracy. Insanity such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. All sorts of insanity. German philosopher Emanuel Kant used to say, “Science is organized knowledge; wisdom is organized life”. How can we get back to organized life?