What Does Love Have to Do with Capitalism?

I was really lucky to born in a time of relative equal society, where even though we were all poor, but we were innocent and relatively peaceful by our own. I was lucky to born in a place that has a strong culture that were full of positive role models and the adherence to the teaching of ethical traditions. I am very very grateful. I wish to pass what I learned to the next generation.

While the media all over the places are heated with speculation of former President Donald Trumps’ resident in Florida Mar-a-Largo estate being searched under warrant, there are some other heart reckoning voices that compelled me to recorded this down. I also know the problems that is now prevalent in United States, especially the lower class, is also just as rampant in China – millions of children were left out without care in the countryside(留守儿童)while their parents were forced to taking low pay jobs in the far away cities. The children are too young to have their voices heard. These are urgent and important issues that relate to the future of humanity. Have Mercy! Pastor John MacArthur calling for the the whole society and governments all over the world to take priority to help these children. Time is of essential!

We have a massive massive problem in or society. The subject at hand, the subject of courage is really a vital vital part, first Corinthians 16, 13 – just a series of brief commands – Be on the alert, Stand firm in the faith, Act like men, Be strong and then Verse 14 – Let all you do be done in love. That is no easy recipe. To play the role of leadership, authority, responsibility, protection, to be strong when everybody around you is compromising, and do it all in love, is a challenge that can only be met by a spirit-filled man. We have face the fact that we have to do all those things in the last three years of Grace Church. I [Pastor MacArthur] have to be on the alert, I[Pastor MacArthur have to be sort of General that understood what the enemy was doing and father people, provide for them a kind of protection, a kind of safety, a kind of security that made them feel safe, loved and secure, show strength and do all of that in love. It did not work out so well the last couple of years for a lot of institutions and a lot of churches, they really did none of those things. Or they did some of those things some of the time and some of those things none of the time. The result of that is now beginning to show up as life sort of slowly gets back to normal, and may go a little faster back toward normal with Elon Musk buying Twitter.

But now as these people who didn’t really exhibit those kinds of characteristics face the aftermath of what happened when they did not act that way. They try to put the pieces back together, it is not working out too well. There are seminaries, Christian institutions, are floundering massive budget cuts, staff cuts, faculty cuts, there are churches that may never come back again, they may never be able to recover where they were or even close to that. The evangelical landscape in terms of leadership has shifted significantly once we kind of thought we knew the team and now we’re not too sure who’s on what team. It’s as if there was all of a sudden an open market and everybody could re-draft everybody, and people are winding up with new teams and new groups and new theological definitions and new associations. And the whole thing is chaotic.

People ask me[Pastor MacArthur] what happen to your friend, it was interesting who didn’t say anything for two years about what Grace Church was doing, all kind of various things in the Christian Community, no one ever penned anything about what the lord was doing at Grace Community. It is like we were either an outlier or a threat. Or they didn’t want to be compared. But this was an opportunity where balancing out all these things including doing it in love. We stood where we should have stood. We are continue to do what we have been called by God to do. We are not going to waver, we are going to take whatever comes. You want your people to be willing to put their lives, their children, their resources, their future into your care. Life is not going to get back to what it was in the past. It is going down a pathway where strength is going to be very very important…. all the things about shutting the church had very little to do with Covid, but this was an opportunity for people who resented the church to take aim at the church, and cover it with the supposed pandemic. At the same time it was important for us to take the stand that we took through all of these on the woke issues, we took those stands with love because they were biblical. (note: just a contrarian view for you to see Why some hated Pastor John MacArthur so much)

…This is a very weak culture. The men in this culture are insipid and weak. Men have slipped when they are challenged by the culture, instead of standing up to the culture, they cave to the culture. And if you do that, if you give what the culture want, the culture will pull you down to the very bottom, like a ball and chain dropping you in the ocean. If you follow this culture, you are going to end up in feminism and LGBT and transgender-ism. That is where the culture will take you. …… Last couple of days Good Morning American program had a transgender 11 year old on as a hero – a pathetic tragic little boy dressed like a girl and made a hero out of him. One of the guys clapping for him was Michael Strahan of the NFL…. what is where we (culture) are.

25 Million children(one third of total) in America live without a biological father. … Children between grade 1-12, 40 percent of them live without a biological father. So where is the influence coming on them? And if there is no biological father, there is likely no mother in the home because she’s got a living to support the family. So they are at the mercy of the faculties of their elementary schools and so forth. And with the transgender and sexual identity, what you have is essentially a large core of lesbians who are now the school teachers grooming little children to be homosexuals. Grooming should be a crime, it should be a crime and it is if you are a heterosexual groomer….But it’s not if you’re a homosexual groomer you can join the teachers union, you can get a 35 little five-year-olds ?

50 percent of children in our country are born outside of marriage. 85% of prisoners are grown up in a fatherless home. 85 percent of children have behavior disorder come from father less homes. 90 percent of youth who run away and are homeless come from fatherless home. The majority of homeless come from fatherless homes. Such children are 300 more likely to do drugs and carry weapons. We have a massive, massive problems in our society that has nothing to do with past history. It has to do with the absence of men, strong men. This is a holocaust produced by sexual immortality, the relentless assault of feminism and overexposure to perversion and then just bad fathers. Nothing is more devastating to a society. The only hope for stability in a society, the only hope for peace in a society, the only hope for tranquility is virtuous manhood. And it basically has disappeared. Evil abounds everywhere and how men respond to that will determine society’s parameters.

Masculinity, how would you define that? It is the willingness and the determination to take responsibility to reduce evil and produce good. No culture can rise above the character of its fathers or the lack of it. The feminist lie has been that patriarchy is tyrannical, patriarchy is toxic, it needs to be destroyed. To destroy father/responsibility is to destroy society.

It is disastrous into Exodus 20: I the lord your God, I am visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children. Who is responsible for a generation’s influence on the next generation? It is the fathers. That gets visited on the third and fourth generation of them to hate me. Unconverted people hate God. If you have weak, sinful, iniquitous fathers, who hate God, that is going to be perpetuated into multiple generations. The corruption of any generation produces corruption subsequently. To those who love me and keep my commandments, therein lies the only possible hope for the society. Somebody has to love and keep his commandments….

One thing in synchronicity with all these happening is the huge extreme gaps of inequality produced by a extreme distorted value system – 50 years of trickle down economy fallacy. What a crumble middle class mean? Professor Robert Reich explains why the growing federal debt enriches Wall St. bankers and wealthy Americans. We need strong governments to pool resources to help those budding vulnerable. The American Democracy is falling. For the suppressed and the suppressing class, both are Dukkha.

The Evolution of wealth inequalities over the last two centuries.