Observing American democracy experiment of the last 240 years, and this recent midterm election, again more and more theatrical performance and embarrassment were displayed before the public. Election debate maybe sometimes a good way for the public to see different perspective and get more understanding for issues. But the deterioration of the quality of candidates and lacking of systematic way to select government officers, had make such platforms more like a show business rather than evaluation of true competence.
Thus these elections become a waste of time/resources/energy. Even worse, it actually prove the antithesis of government, and spread distrust of governance, which is what those advocate for small government are seeking for. And with such huge disparage of power and wealth, the general public has no reason and no resource to waste any way when had so much emergency needs that need their immediate attention.
For millenniums, people argue about where the source of power come from. Initially was the theory of Divine Right of Kings, Enlightenment Movement brought along the concept of “social contract theory”, which says that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior, the right to rule come from people. Now with quantumn physics, we also know nature had a right for itself as well – the Divine right of Nature. When human’s activities upset the nature balances, Nature will turn against us, just take the example of the polluted water source and earth penalize human being’s violation of the nature law.

So a civilized society does need good governance. Just like people need traffic light for the smooth operation of clearance. That was why after witness the brutality of war, Thomas Hobbes wrote in Leviathan, to set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments and creating an objective science of morality. Much of the book is occupied which demonstrating the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid the evil of discord and civil war. The destruction of French Revolution proved Thomas Hobbes’ insight has its point. The Great Britain civil war under Oliver Cromwell made England republic only for a very short period known as the Interregnum from 1649 to 1660. The numerous wars and eventually the WWI and WWII proved Rousseau’s argument does not seem to hold.
And contrary to John Locke theory, Human does not have total control of its destiny. He unconsciously dream walk under the influence of karma. However he can defy the gravity of karma to a certain degree by the sheer will of his own effort. We existed in spiritual form before we were born into this physical world to learn spiritual lessons. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Buddhism core value teaches us about THE THREE UNIVERSAL TRUTHS, we each is a miniature of the cosmos Source. Our ultimate path is to return to the Source by attaining spiritual enlightenment :
- Nothing is lost in the universe ( form is Emptiness; Emptiness is form)
- Everything Changes (Impermance)
- The Law of Cause and Effect (Dukka, Karma, Samsara)
Ultimately governance is to establish and maintain orders, macro, meso and micro. It is also a service. Not only the most disadvantaged group really needs the help, but a functional society need social customs and a code of conduct to run smoothly. And those orders bring harmony, balance and peace. When the ruling class does not have the welfare of its people in mind, it disrupt such balance and the status quo will not last long. Because the world belong to the public (天下为公),small group of people can in short time control resources and wealth for their selfish benefits. History had numerous lessons of downfall of dynasties. Good governance requires learning of maturity, wisdom and true service. And those qualities depend on the consciousness development about privilege and obligations.

Confucianism’s Four Book and Five Classics (《四书五经〉) layout a framework of the relationship between people in family, community and government. A set of practices including not only education, but selection of officers through imperial exam at each level of government. This talent selection system had been working well since 6th century to the late 19th century, and provide a foundation of individual character development and social stability. 《儒家政治理论及其现代价值》一书比较了民主思想和民本思想的不同。对儒家政治理论中的宗法精神与鬼神观念、家国理论、君主集权理论、君权运作理论、德政理论、纲常理论、人才思想、臣道观、民本思想等都进行了阐释,提出了有价值的见解 。以孔子为代表的儒家学派是“入世”理念的实践者,他们提倡积极的人生态度,希望对社会发展做出自己的贡献。在这个前提下,民本思想的基本功能则是在肯定君主统治合法性和专制制度合理性的前提下,通过对拥有绝对权力的统治者的道德启发实现官民双方的互利互惠。作者认为民主思想对人类的政治制度建构和政治文明建设做出了巨大贡献, 而从民本思想中发展不出现代社会的民主思想。

王守仁(心学集大成者)与孔子(儒学创始人)、孟子(儒学集大成者)、朱熹(理学集大成者)并称为孔、孟、朱、王。王守仁的学说思想王学(阳明学),是明代影响最大的哲学思想。他是明代著名的思想家、文学家、哲学家和军事家,精通儒家、道家、佛家, 是心学集大成者。他一生文治武功俱称于世,集立德、立功、立言于一身,被誉为“真三不朽”者,他的心学对明后期哲学与文艺影响巨大,其影响一直延续到近代而且传播中外。在中国历史上,称为“两个半圣人”,即孔子、王阳明和曾国藩,孔子和王阳明各占其一,曾国藩只算半个(曾国藩:靠山山倒,靠人人跑,人生只有两件事靠得住…)。王阳明的心学与佛教异曲同工,对现代社会的诟病将有巨大的启示。

Modern society is showing the many signs of demise of the predatory, outdated system that is capitalism which the theory of democracy is based on. According to new polling, just half of young Americans hold a favorable view of capitalism. This tracks with other, similar polls, but why is it happening? What is it about capitalism that is so unappealing to young people? Some statistics give some insight. At the end of 2022’s first quarter, Americans age 70 and above had a net worth of nearly $35 trillion, according to Federal Reserve data. That amounts to 27% of all U.S. wealth, up from 20% three decades ago. Americans at retirement age had a median wealth 19 times that of those in the under-35 age group. The median American net worth picks up after age 35. Americans between 35 and 44 years old had a median net worth of $91,110, six-and-a-half times that of those under 35. How the Baby Boomers Ruined Society in America explain some of the reasons.

The modern education focus on skill rather than character cultivation, secularization total mislead human about the ultimate purpose of life. Individualism take over as the guiding principles. Anne Ryan’s objectivism replace Bible as this modern mentality dominate the mindset of society, especially the elite class. Computer information revolution turned out strengthen the western reductionist way to thinking. Break down of social relationships at level of family, community pull the rug out from under the very foundation of society, leading the civilization into dead end. That is how urgency we need to return to classical teaching of truth – Confucius and Buddhism, and Bible.

Meanwhile the middle class has seen modest growth of 7 percent in their net worth since 1995, it has not yet recovered to its previous peak in 2007. This tepid recovery is driven by declines in home-ownership and stock market participation since 2007—if you do not hold assets, you cannot benefit from recovery in asset prices. Michael Hudson discussed in his book The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism: The world economy is fracturing into two powerful groups of nations, with very different philosophies and objectives. Hudson answers our questions about the repercussions. “Globalization is on its deathbed,” says economist Mike O’Sullivan.。 In The end of globalization, The question now is: What’s next? Tracing the historical successes and failures of globalization, O’Sullivan forecasts a new world order where countries come together over shared values rather than geography. Learn how big regional powers like the United States and China will be driven by distinct ways of governing trade, technology and people — while smaller nations will forge new alliances to solve problems.
After industrial capitalism, financial capitalism, is civilization heading into state capitalism? Globalization causing extreme unbalanced wealth distribution. Everybody desire for the benefits of globalization, but thug away the responsibility of maintenance. All want to transfer the cost to other. And thus war is a constant result of dispute. The war in Ukrainian for example, is another indication that the implication can be including nuclear destruction. According to Professor Jeffery Sach, U.S government had agreement with USSR in 1990 to not expand NATO to Russia’s border. Alas just in 30 years, NATO had expanded five times to put pressure on Russia, causing Putin to threat the usage of nuclear weapon. Similar situation happened with Iran, North Korea.
U.S had weaponize the dollar and economic sanctions to these countries, causing tensions of relationship and constant threat of outbreak of war. The Hopi prophecies are coming true — here’s why we should pay attention. The prophecies’ warnings about Western man’s way of life is out of balance with the Creator’s Law. An indigenous group has disappeared every year since 1900. What unique and immemorial relationship with existence has humanity expunged in the name of progress? The answers are starting to haunt civilization in ways we cannot measure.

Master Chanlu from Taiwan has very insightful observation of the democratic election and politics in general. The bottom line of all these election is not to help the help the general citizens, rather it is just shows to cover the hidden agendas. Although he is talking about Taiwan, it is generally enough to apply to human nature and society with such underpins. I wrote down the excepts here. 常律老和尚精湛開示錄 常律老和尚谈到三纲五常,长幼有序,要长治久安不是靠政府,而是靠佛弟子。 从蒋经国之后,李登辉,阿扁,马英九,蔡英文四任总统,我们可以确定一个真相,台湾谁来当总统都已经一样了。民进党,国民党,执政党,在野党来当都一样。都是以政党利益为优先考量。 他们绝对不会去考虑人民的福祉。 所以以后选总统都不要去选了。 浪费时间。 选谁都没有用了。这是可以确定的。台湾总统一代不如一代了, 越来越糟糕。 我们不要梦想未来会出明君,常律老和尚说他可以铁定预言台湾不可能再有明君出现。 只要有两党存在就不可能。
因为台湾的民主政治不成熟。不成熟的民主, 你却去采取美国几百年的政治的那一种模式,套用在台湾,行不通。 你要像新加坡这样,李光耀总理看到民主政治不成熟, 他不敢大胆的改变那么快速。 台湾的民主才有几年,却拿美国,英国那种自由民主来套用在台湾政治,一定失败。 李光耀总理知道一个未成熟的民主国家,一定要半威权,半民主。 不能完全彻底的开放,自由。否则就会失去国家的命脉。总统三番两次请和尚到总统府去讲话,因为长期的,总统了解和尚对政治有超越的观察力。为什么这么多历届的总统,在野党也好,执政党也好,各县市长,立委经常来请教常律老和尚, 难道他们头脑是那么肤浅, 会请教一个出家师父,老和尚吗? 因为常律老和尚会给他们idea。 比如马英九总统就是采用常律老和尚建议的四个政策和很多建议。 但是当时的在野党民进党以党派利益至上,多方阻扰马英九的行政令, 为抵制而抵制。 政党的恶斗,结仇太深。 还有统独的问题,也在互相斗争。 所以台湾谁来当总统都一样。
而新加坡的政府很强势,所以他们没有游行,政府说了算。 但是政府的霸权是霸的有道理。 他们的公务员薪水很高,但没有贪污。 常律老和尚跟马英九总统谈国防,监察院的问题,法院如何改变, 司法的弊端,还有孔龙法官,司法,检察体系都有谈到,但是都被当时的在野党打枪。同样,当民进党有好的政策,国民党也全力抵制。 互相较劲。 所以这个国家没有前途了。 常律老和尚再次提出菩萨一直指示要改变这个国家,就是应该在台湾的地理中心(心脏),埔里,集结更多男众出家人,用男众出家人强而有力的功德力来改造这个国家。 可是好像没有人能听得懂和尚的话。 男众你们听只是这样听。 没有那种要牺牲自己来救国家,纵使出家是牺牲也好,就像当兵要打仗,男人要牺牲生命才能保卫国家。 没有人要来。 菩萨再怎么指示也没有用。 这就是我们的业力太重了。
常律老和尚根据他弟弟开世界工厂大企业的经验,已经正德团体中很多开大工厂的志工,大家看法都一样。 还引香港为例,香港人家家请外劳作保姆,帮助带孩子,做饭,整理房间,外劳作保姆费用合理,香港人每家都出得起,夫妇都在外面上班, 拼经济。 这样才对呀。 这个道理所有企业家,大家都知道。工厂请不到工人。 台湾的政府订的对外劳工人的福利很好,增加了企业的成本。 工厂的成本,生产的成本。 很多企业家都请常律老和尚跟总统建议,老和尚尽了力,大家听都听得懂,但是政府没有接纳。国家的政府实在是头脑坏了。办公人员没有生活常识,没有社会经验,整天都坐办公桌,死办公,不会去外面听听民间人家的反应。 台湾政府请技术经验的专家是按照其本国的薪金水平来参考的,但是请泰劳,菲佣,竟然是比照台湾本地的薪资水平给外佣。 结果增加了工厂的成本。 非常笨。 这种政府实在是没有用。